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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Retrospective: Stardust Crusaders image

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Retrospective: Stardust Crusaders

S1 E32 ยท Chatsunami
282 Plays3 years ago

In this episode, Satsunami seeks the help of his friend BlowfishmanTV to begin diving into the weird and wonderful world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, this time focusing on part three: Stardust Crusaders. What is a Stand? Where is the Hamon? What is even going on? All this and more in this episode!

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Welcome and Episode Introduction

Welcome to Chat Tsunami. Hello everyone and welcome to another special episode of Chat Tsunami. I'm Sat Tsunami and joining me today is my fellow starters crusader, Blowfish Man TV. Blowfish, welcome back. Thank you for having me man. It's always good to be helping out a friend and talking Jojo, you know me.
Oh yeah, absolutely. Especially when it comes to JoJo. That is the meeting point. Fun fact for the guys in the comments, we were a little late because we were talking about JoJo when we were recording this episode. Well we're talking more about our favourite part than we were about this part, so that's kind of a spoiler into what's to come about.

Discussion on Stardust Crusaders' Impact

As you can see, today we are going to be talking about the third part of Juru's Bizarre Adventures, that of course being Stardust Crusaders. And all I'm going to say is, what a part of us. Where do we even begin?
There was when part three hit it just changed a lot about you know Jojo itself in a sense that like hey the main character is just a pretty much a brooding edgelord no offense to Jotaro fans and there's no more hamon other than one person but yeah like big changes big storyline changes too and yeah it picks up right where the end of part two left off when you know old Joseph ends up going to an airport in Japan to see his daughter I believe
Thank you. And him blaming the Japanese or hating on the Japanese even though he likes their gadgets. So that's where it starts off, part three. And honestly, with an ending like that, I remember when I was watching it, I was really hyped to see what was coming next. And I remember seeing the protagonist. So at the end, as you said, of part two, they have that where Joseph is flying over to Japan.
to see his daughter and grandson. But the only problem is they also show you like a kind of teaser of

Introduction of Jotaro Kujo and Stands

what's to come. So they show you Jotaro Kujo, who will be like the new protagonist and also Joseph's grandson. And they also show you a coffin that has been dug up out of the ocean with the, of course, the name Dio on it to kind of basically foreshadow about who the main villain's gonna be for part three.
And I remember, like, texting my friend at the time being like, oh this is cool, I can't wait to see what Jotaro's gonna do with Hamon. And I got a very rude awakening when I actually watched this part to realise not only does Jotaro not know a damn thing about Hamon, but the fact that this is when Araki, he basically changed the whole system of how this world worked, didn't he? He did a hundred percent.
Yeah, so he introduces, so you might have heard in the previous parts when we were talking about parts one and two, we were talking about Hamon quite a lot, and then we basically referred to something called Stans, which are, how to describe it, like, I don't want to say spiritual Pokรฉmon.
I mean, kinda? Kinda, just kinda. I like to put it as, like, special battle spirits that sorta are like Rock'em Sock'em Robots, in Part 3 only. Yeah. In Part 3 only, but the rest of the part onwards gets a lot more, like, creative with the Sans.

Transition to Stands and New Villains

Yeah, because I feel as if for this part, this is a part, as we were saying, where Iraqi changes everything about the world. So before in parts one and two, it was basically vampires and ghouls and, you know, kind of like mythical creatures and oiled up gods, which we won't refer to too much in this part.
like those were the villains, I can't believe I'm saying that, but those were the villains and then all of a sudden we get to part three and technically part three is a oiled up vampire, but we will come to that. Yes. But also...
just combining both the two parts of the first two parts of the first two first two billion parts yeah yeah it's like you know I know we bring up D&D a lot when we talk about JoJo but you know it's like what do you call it like multi-classing is that what you call it? 100% what it is just like building on being like okay this guy's got hamon but he's also got you know a special spirit power and he's also got this and you're just like what
What is going on in your life? Funny enough that you mentioned that, Tatsu, because there's a guy I watch on YouTube, and he actually got so many requests. He's like, oh, could you build Jotaro as a D&D character? Or could you build Dio as a D&D character? And I watched it. I'm like, both of those builds are pretty solid, but it probably wouldn't be super viable. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And maybe he sent me that through a while ago. Yeah. Oh, they were so good. They are good. They're good.
I don't know, it's just, I don't know if it was because his editor had said to him at the time, well, Iraqi, I mean, I don't know if it's because they had said to him that, oh, Hamon's getting stale, so you need to kind of jazz it up.

Critique on Stands' Abrupt Introduction

And his, like, response to that was, okay, I'm gonna jazz it up by getting spirits, or rock and sock and spirits, as you said. Pretty much.
yeah it's just don't get me wrong it's not a bad choice but i feel as if it gets off to a very rocky start like they just throw you in and they're just like oh this is a stand this is it so sorry let me backtrack because
I suppose the beginning kind of explains it when Joseph arrives and then he realizes that his grandson is in jail but in jail out of his own kind of choice because he believes that an evil spirit's haunting him and then his grandfather comes and Joseph is just like oh no it's him
It's a stand.

Plot Development: Dio's Return and Global Stand Manifestation

It's a baby stand and you're like, what the hell was a stand? Pretty much, yeah, right? Yeah. It's like, you know that meme where it's the person crying saying, a bloody misser, I want her back? That was like me with a mon when I was here and I'm talking about this. I was like, I miss a mon, I want her back. Why would you return my calls?
Oh that's good. Yeah he eventually gets him out of the jail cell. There's kind of a back and forth between Joseph Jotaro and another new character called Muhammad Avdo who has basically a Kentucky Fried Stand, isn't it? Oh my god, that's a good one. I never would have thought about that. It's a giant like flaming bird just in case anyone's wondering why he's summoning like
you know chicken that's like no no that is like a massive flame but yeah fire chicken essentially. Spicy wings essentially. Yes yes we'll call it spicy wings. Spicy wings. So we summoned spicy wings and ended up dragging a jotaro out and they eventually kind of explain what stands out. So as we said they're like a kind of mental manifestation of like the user's
I don't know, not a physical, sorry, a mental manifestation of the user. Something like that. Which makes me wonder why Jotaro's is a big purple muscly man.
I'm not even gonna question that, but I'm not either. I'm looking like genie looking ass, you know? Yeah, he comes out like, yeah it is, isn't it? It just looks like a huge genie, like a buff genie. A huge Jack triple genie. It's like, imagine if you were watching Aladdin and Aladdin didn't find the genie, so the genie decided just to do like, you know, like a lot of exercise and then came out absolutely jacked a thousand years later. That's what it would be like.
you know, minus Robin Williams voicing them, but you know what? It's just like this jacked genie, which is a phrase I never thought I'd say tonight, so yeah. I'm keeping count of, like, things I thought I'd never say tonight. There's gonna be a lot. So the basic premise that's set up after they get Jotaro out of jail is Jotaro's mother and Jotaro's daughter.
falls ill. Him, after Joseph, and a, well, a rival, an enemy turned friend, which we'll all come on to later, end up joining forces to stop the evil, you know, drum roll please, the evil Dio, who is the same Dio from part one, who somehow survived like getting blown up and
This is kind of my first gripe with the series. Like I had to pause it and be like... I'm like, hold on a minute. I was texting my friends like, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. He got blown up. He was ahead. How did...
So how did he survive? He should be dead and it's technically his. FK Remember from our part one retrospective at the end of part one spoilers, Dio and Jonathan end up fighting to the death and Jonathan ends up dying with Dio's head in his arms as
Dio starts kind of, trust me in context this makes a whole lot of sense, but Dio like... It sounds weird but trust me. Yeah trust us, yeah it's JoJo trust us. But yeah he's holding his head and you know he passes away peacefully and you know it's all sad and everything and you think okay that's the end of Dio and Jonathan. Only for this to work apparently Dio took Jonathan's body, saw Arena and the baby she was holding
snuck into a secret compartment underneath, which God knows how that didn't weigh the coffin down, because Jonathan was jacked to shit, wasn't he? He was like, as I've said before, he's built like a shit brick house, but he really is, he is massive. So that would have sunk it, first and foremost. But yeah, putting that aside, how did he sneak into the coffin with this huge body?
or I don't think like what the hell yeah like it's the only kind of like major plothole and usually like I can wave plotholes aside and be like oh a wizard did it or sorry a stan did it wizard did it yeah yeah exactly
Necromancer. Exactly. But in this case it's just like, okay, the premise, first of all, the premise makes absolute zero sense. Like, how? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's good to have Dio back in the kind of leading villain role, but why? Or how?
Did he have a second coffin? Because that's the official explanation, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure he ends up sneaking into the hidden compartment of the coffin to which I'm thinking, why is there a hidden compartment?
Yeah, Castlevania probably, logic. It's a very weird explanation and I've heard a lot of fans, you know the conspiracy boards would have got them on the walls and they're like, okay, Dio would have done this, he would have done that, and it's like, no, just stop, please. Please, please. Please, pretty much. So I don't know those thoughts, just stop.
But, like, please. It's honestly the first problem, but, yeah, if you put that aside and be like, oh yeah, yeah, he's a ninja vampire now. Then, yeah, so because Dio's alive now and kind of resurrected, he's basically infected the world with these things called stands, which, as we said, are the mental manifest- or the physical manifestations of, like, the user.
and for some reason, I think it's just random, except for the Jostar family. They are first in line, where they're just like, okay, Joseph gets to stand, Jotaro gets his stand, but then the problem comes in when Jotaro's mother gets to stand, and for some reason, she can't really keep up with the stand, so she falls deathly ill, and for some reason they conclude that the only way to stop it is to punch this.
this like 100 year old vampire today that's like okay fair enough I'm on board with this let's go yeah that's the basic premise that the Stardust Crusaders which why are they called the Stardust Crusaders? Did they ever explain? I don't think they ever did I think it because um I might have had something to do with the their Stan's names and how they're all named after like um tarot cards I believe right something like that
And then, you know, like, tarot cards, constellations, stars, stars, I don't know, like, something like that, right? Because I'm just thinking, is it not the same like in Dragon Ball Z where they're just like referred to as the Z fighters? Yeah. And it's like, but why though? Other than the fact it's called Dragon Ball Z. Yeah, it's like, but why though? It's like, imagine if you were watching Hunter to Hunter and they were referred to as like the X-Files. It's like, but why though?
Why would you do that? Maybe there is. If there's an explanation, then please feel free to comment below and just tell us why. Because I might just be missing it. In all seriousness, maybe it's in the manga, or maybe it's just like, let's just call them the star discursators. That's the basic premise of it.
Yeah, I've just got to ask you, like, before we get into the characters and things, how did you feel? Like, see you getting to that point where you get introduced to Stans, you get introduced to the Stardust Crusaders themselves, and then they set off to stop Dio? What were you feeling, like, at that point? How did you feel about how the series was gonna go? Honestly, the moment that they dropped this whole new power system and just completely rolled off heaven, I'm like, huh?
That's really like my first might like first things first, like the power, the new power, which is called stands. I'm like, what happened to that? Did it come from him? What? Okay. That was literally like what I thought of that first, right? Secondly, it felt like, um, I think you, you said it on the, on the live version of your podcast on Twitch, where.
Part three literally felt like, you know, souped up Saturday morning cartoon where the superheroes are going to go take down the villain of the week, right? So I was kind of getting that vibe from the jump, right? And it's like, and then eventually going to lead up to the big bad, which is Dio in this case, right? And yeah, so like I got that vibe, started to feel like, yeah, Saturday, souped up Saturday morning cartoon with, you know, muscly spirits or as I like to put them, you know,
Rock em sock em spirits, right? Yeah, and I was just like, okay, you know, we'll see where this goes You know, I think part three is like another start where you have to be like, okay If I could get through this, you know, I could get on with the rest of the parts and see how it all makes sense, right?

Cultural Impact and Internet Memes

From part three onwards. So I did it because I'm like, okay and that and like even before all this I already knew about the memes and a lot of the memes that I knew about from Jojo before I even watched it were from part three So I was super curious about the context behind all these memes. I've seen on the internet I'm like, I'm pretty sure this is the part where like
all the all the popular memes are from so i'm like that's what i was also excited about when watching it that's how i i generally felt i had like a bingo card of like memes waiting there because it's like okay okay we've had the power band we've had conno dioda we've had pluck you know it's like okay what's gonna be next what's gonna be next i was like what does the world mean because like you know i remember there was a video for um i don't know if you ever saw this one but it was one for
when Pokemon Sword and Shield came out and apparently there's this like weird bug in the game and I don't think I've patched it but it's basically whenever you go up a ladder in the game the ladder just freezes around you like everybody just stops in motion so I remember watching like a meme video for it and someone had just edited as soon as he touches like the bars of the ladder all you just hear in the background is ZA WARDO!
And it's just like, this is sound effect. And then everyone just freezes. And that was like before I'd gotten to Jojo. So it was one of those things where I was like, OK, I know it's a Jojo reference, but I have no idea what it's referring to. I just know it's something to do with stopping time

Criticism on Filler Episodes

or something. I was just like, I have no idea what was going on. Yeah. I'm like, what is this dubstep noise that I'm hearing whenever this golden man yells the world? Yeah, exactly.
That's the thing though, kind of going back to what you were saying before, in part one and two, there was always this kind of continuous story, wasn't there? In part one, there was this, you start off with the brothers, with the rivalry, the brother turns himself into a vampire, tries to take over a small village, brother stops on tables all this time.
Whereas part two is training for the angle of stopping the power men. And there was always this kind of continual thread of building up to the end goal for each of them. So even with Jonathan, Jonathan got so close to Dio and then he just missed him.
when they had to fight someone else or one of these, you know, goons. For Joseph, you know, he had his sight plots and everything, but they all kind of, like, laid up to the end. With Stardust Crusaders, I was really surprised with the format they went for. Like, I know I do say it a lot that, oh, it just feels like a Jump Top Saturday morning cartoon, but it feels as if, like, every single episode
there was just a random person with a different, you know, standability. I mean, the first person that Jotaro fights is someone who eventually becomes an ally called Kakuen, and he, I mean, he, like, was criminally underdeveloped. I feel as if he had more screen time. See, this is the thing that annoys me, because there's a lot of episodes in this. There's like, what, over 40 odds, I think?
I'm trying to remember, I can't remember but there's over 40 episodes of this but they don't develop in the right areas I feel and don't get me wrong that's not me like pushing up my glasses being like oh if I wrote Stardust Crusaders because I can't imagine like how hard it must be to like throw out a completely different power system and then try and introduce this new one and try and make it all fit in like I can imagine that was really difficult but at the same time
At the same time, it's like, there is a lot of filler in this. A ton, too much. I mean, this is coming from someone who watched Dragon Ball back in the day. It is very filler in some bits. Basically, every week they try to get closer to Egypt, but they're foiled by one of Dio's minions. So it's like, in the first one, oh, let's just take a plane straight to Egypt. Oh no, there's a guy with a fly on board who destroys the plane. Oh, let's walk.
Oh no, there's a guy who's like turned himself into a car or something that's like, what? Or doesn't turn himself, but like mad at this. I forgot about him the moment you were like, oh my god. There's like a guy. Oh my god. Yeah, exactly. There's a guy who like turns himself, not turns himself into the sun, but like has like an ability to generate a massive sun. Which I thought, Dio, come here. That's OP. Yeah, it's like, Dio, you're a vampire.
You literally son is your crip tonight. Why the hell would you hire this guy? What if he turns on you, you know, you never know. I feel as if it's like a rat hiring the pied piper, you know, to like do these windows or something. It's like, sooner or later this is gonna go wrong.
not gonna end though. And eventually they just like... this is the thing though, there's like nine times out... or not nine times out of ten that's a bit too harsh but you know like maybe seven times out of ten they always go out in very anticlimactic ways. It's like oh Jotaro just punches him really hard or you know another character like stabs them or you know it's like there's no real... I don't know it's like you know how in part one and two it's like when something happened to a character
it felt as if there was consequences whereas in part 3 it's like you sit there kind of watching thinking alright well they have to survive at least like three quarters of the series yeah so surely surely nothing's nothing majorly bad is gonna happen well technically there is but spoilers we'll get to that oh yeah
but yeah it's like it just honestly feels like a very violent version of Scooby-Doo at times because the amount of times it's like there must be an enemy stand user here and you're like oh honestly you might as well get that printed on a t-shirt because the amount of times you hear it is just ridiculous or like another another meme that i see is just like see sees random object is that a stand yeah exactly
See, this is the

Exploring Stand Powers and Unusual Battles

thing though. It's like, I feel as if like, and again, we'll talk about it next time, but in part four with, well, part four and part five, I think they're acting like they finally knew what to do with the stands, whereas in this one, they are just like OP as hell. Like, as I said, you've got the guy who's like literally the sun, and it's not even like a tiny sun or a bit of light. I mean like a full-on, like eclipse of a sun that's like, what?
the actual hail. There's a car guy which, to be fair, that must save a hell of a lot in petrol. So good on him. There's the baby stand which I... I don't get it. I didn't get that one. So yeah, basically the way they introduce it is that anybody can have a stand, including babies and animals, which again, we'll get onto that as well, believe you may. But
Yeah, there's one enemy stand user who has, like, if you fall asleep, then they can invade your dreams. Which is a cool idea, but not when the baby, or sorry, not when the stand user is a literal baby. I don't know, like, it just felt uncomfortable when you see them looming over this baby and you're just like, oh god, are they gonna beat this shit in the baby? It's like, I am not prepared for this adventure.
quite uh okay but it just it honestly felt as if it was just like a different just a rinse and repeat rinse and repeat there was only a couple of like standout users uh standout users no intention at all by the way i'm just going to point out
like a whole lot of users like for example you've got whole horse who is Araki's token cowboy of the series who literally his power is just to summon a gun that's it he just summons a gun
Yeah, that's right. You can control the bullets, mind you, but it's just like, yeah, you've just got a gun. You've got another guy who can hide in reflections, which I have to admit, I thought that was pretty cool. I can't remember his name, but yeah, he was cool. And you've also got Ongo Bongo, who, I honestly, like, I do have a soft spot for them.
Yeah, I was like, yeah, I don't know. I didn't really see much of a point to them. I'm not gonna lie I was like, I mean like cuz the thing is when I was watching all these random stand assassin users try to kill the Stardust Crusaders You just get these two random dudes like yeah, they're strong. It's just that I don't know It's just like cuz I was so used to running into like the super serious guys in series at this point, right? And they randomly just throw in these two like these two like idiots and I'm like, I
but they're also very strong and I'm like I don't know I wasn't really like I guess it just put me in a mood I'm like okay this is actually getting kind of serious right yeah and then they just drop that on this and I'm like oh that's really me I don't know yeah I wasn't a gigantic fan I feel as if there is like a lot of tonal whiplash in this part there's some bits where they try to do like the comedy
and then immediately it's followed by an episode that's super serious. It reminds me of the episode where Kakuen, one of the Stardust Crusaders, gets duplicated by a body double. If you've been on the internet long enough and you see a red-haired anime man wearing a green jacket licking a cherry,
Yeah, this is who I'm talking about, by the way, just in case you've seen that gift. Yeah, exactly. And be like, I wonder what that's from. You know what, I'm saving you the time. It's part three, Joseph and our adventure. But it's like, yeah, it's like you go from that scene. So basically he like walks around this duplicate, like walks around pretending to be him.
purposely aggravate Stroetero to like fight him and it goes from that where he's kind of just like messing around and kind of getting into his head to where he just straight up kills a dog which again this is Araki's famous, oh we gotta kill a dog in this part it's like for god's sake. I was like okay we get it you're a cat person stop pretty much. Please Araki stop. We get it. I don't know why he hates dogs so much I know that's kind of like off tangent
No, I don't get it. But anyway, Kylo Queen aside, that'll be for next time. Yeah, there is a massive whiplash where sometimes it's alright and then sometimes it's just weird. I think this might be a very broad statement to make, but I feel as if part 3 is what either makes or breaks someone getting into JoJo. I feel as if part 1 and 2, part 1 is alright.
it's like a very good start and then part two just builds upon that and it's great and then to kind of like start off again in part three and build your way up but with all these as I said like Scooby-Doo nonsensical like side tracks it's like ah because the only reason I say this is because and I think I said this before when I said I actually nearly gave up the series
and um i think it's episode eight or nine i can't remember the exact one but it's the one with the aragatang if you remember that one oh the ship right yep that's the one yeah yeah yeah the ship oh my god i forgot about that oh like this is the episode that genuinely like nearly like i think i took a bit of a break after i watched that episode because i'm like i don't know if i want to continue with this show because i don't blame you son because i was very confused by that episode too it's like wait
why is there's a ship and there's an orangutan? What does it mean? Yeah, so basically this is the first episode where they reveal that animals can use stands as well. Why do you hire an orangutan? I don't know. Don't ask us.
Yeah, he's an orangutan in a captain's outfit, but he doesn't speak. I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't understand. I really don't. It's like, I've seen Warsh the Anime. I'm like, okay, fair enough. I've seen Warsh. So, you know what, Rocky? What have you got in store for us? So at this point, I can't remember
how they get on. Oh that's it, they're, I think they take like a boat from, I can't even remember, it's like from one, from one place to the other they're taking a boat and because the captain turns out to be an evil fish stand user and Jotaro basically obliterates the hell out of him, I think that's why they end up in the ocean and they're kind of like sailing along thinking how the hell are we gonna get to dry land
they come across this massive freight ship to which they go on thinking oh thank goodness we're saved and it's this kind of like really eerie isn't it it's like an eerie like ghostly feel you're like oh what's happening here and you're quite intrigued because you're like people like some of the crew members who survive you know the extra characters who are just meat shields let's face it yeah like they're getting killed off if you don't have candy color to your enduro
or you're not like a Joestar, then you've got no chance. Yeah, you've got no chance. Sorry guys, that's how it is, you know? Or if you don't have hair that's like just out of the ordinary, you know? Yeah, if you're basic with your hairstyles, you're not going to survive in Jojo. I think that's the license. But they all get killed off and you think, oh, what's going on? And then you see this orangutan, like, locked up underneath and you're like, huh, okay. And then there's this scene, and let me paint you a picture. So,
And apologies, apologies for this, mofish apologies for me like going off on a rant for this, but this is like, this is honestly the moment I nearly just flung out the series for good. It was basically, trying to remember what happened, but anyway.
they eventually, they realise they have a stowaway in the form of, I wanna say a young girl, but at the same time it's hard to tell like ages because Jotaro's supposed to be 17 years old and much like he's granddad.

Plot Critique: Unnecessary Characters and Events

He's bigger than both of us. He's bigger than both of us. Much like he's granddad again at the age of 17, he's built like, he's massive, he's absolutely huge. So it's like, there's no way he can stand. So I don't know what age he's supposed to be. She's a child anyway.
yeah like the random little girl i forgot her name but like she decides to tag along at one point like what yes it's so it's such a weird addition because it never amounts to anything like i wouldn't mind if it's like because she sticks around for like a good couple of episodes and then a lot yeah then one day she just waves off it's like okay bye and that's up and you're like was that it yeah right it's like a rocket explained it's like please yeah did you did you forget
I'm like, oh my god, of course you forgot. Oh, I don't understand. But anyway, sorry, that's a separate issue. The issue I'm coming up to is, yeah, for some reason, in this ghost ship where people are getting skewered and sucked into the floorboards and everything, yeah, this girl decides to go for a shower.
And, yeah, of course the creepy orangutan just comes out of his cage, starts to kind of face through the walls and it's like, that's the moment where I was just like, okay, what the hell, right, stop, stop, stop. It's like, I've seen some shit in my time, but this, this really takes the cake.
Pretty much. I think I just fast-forwarded through it, because I'm like, right, okay, Jotaro beats him up, turns out the whole boat's a stand. I'm like, where does it end? Like, oh. Yeah, I don't know. And then at one point, I think it's the same. Episode Satsu, like, two episodes down the line, you know, they defeat the orangutan. Oh yeah. And then at one point they have like an underwater battle.
do you remember that oh yeah yeah i don't know it was so it's like it was like kind of all over the place right yeah because that was one of the things like i know we're kind of skipping back and forth like for the story but let's face it seeing till we get to egypt like when the characters get to egypt really we can take us in any
We can take this in any order because it is. It's like you can watch these episodes in any order. Honestly, everyone watching this, the moment you get to the Egypt arc, that's when it actually starts feeling like an actual story. I don't know if that just means nothing. No, I totally agree with that because at least it's building up to something.
whereas for part, or sorry, the first part of part three is just all over the place. Because this is the thing, I don't know if we were talking about it last time when we did the whole retrospective, but it was when it was like we were talking about how the stands were named. So all the stands are named after a tarot card. So it's like Jotaro's stand is called Star Platinum, which as we said, buff genie that punches art, you know, no difference there. Yeah, purple.
No difference there. We have Avdoe, who is Magician Red, I think his is called. Or Spicy Wings. Spicy Wings, yeah. I have to admit, I panicked a little bit earlier because I was going to say his stand name and I was like, oh god, now I can't wait to cover his Spicy Wings! Like, I mean, yeah, I'd love to have Spicy Wings as a stand, you know?
Spicy. I would love to call that out. Yeah, you've got, I think it's Hermit Purple for Joseph, and then for Kakuin, he's just got a kind of, I don't know what, Hierophant Green is? Hierophant Green, yeah. I think the card is literally just called the Hierophant, and then that was it.
I don't know much about tarot cards. Yeah, it's just like, yeah, me neither. I was lost when they're like, oh yes, it's death, it's the tower, it's just that. The devil and all that. Yeah, and they're like, all right, okay. But that's the thing though, it's like, they get through the tarot cards, and thank God that Joseph, or not Joseph, sorry, thank God that Jotaro got his stand when he did, because otherwise he would have ran out of tarot cards.
You know, it's like, what would you have done then? Would you have just called a friend like me or something like that? What's he going to call it? So thank God. Exactly. Yeah, it's like eventually, like once they get to Egypt, they've defeated all of the tarot cards people and then they're like, okay, now we're doing the Egyptian god themes and it's like, you are just the worst.
Yeah Because there's like I think there's like 12 Egyptian gods. Yeah, there's like 12 generals. They had to face something like that, right? Yeah Just so weird just how they choose the name but the title card thing is interesting but it's like it is well Like the limits who's gonna have a stand in who isn't and then after that it's like, okay. What now? What do we do?
egyptian god exactly yeah egyptian god and i think i sent this to you last time but it's like well what if they didn't what they didn't end up in egypt what if they ended up in like i don't know scotland like would would they have named it after like different jippies or yeah right i'm like oh you know it was like yeah what if it was like oh what if dio was in america the whole time would they name it after different hamburgers i don't know yeah exactly like
Because I think later on in the series, like 4 and 5, he names it after musicians and songs, which is cool, but it's like a legal nightmare for him. It is. 100%, which is why they sort of change up the names, you know? Yeah, it's like, yeah, my god, just keep it to the tarot cards, Jesus.
yeah pretty much at least just come up with like original names oh yeah exactly of course throughout the story they eventually pick up like more friends so i've actually been thinking about this character just as we're talking and i'm like when to actually slot him in to talk about me
Which character? Polnareff. Yes. Oh my god, I forgot about our friend Shimbo, yes. He is. I have to admit, the first time I saw him, so basically they're at a restaurant, and I can't even remember where it is, but it's like along the way, and in fact I think it's Hong Kong. I think it was in Hong Kong. Yeah, they get to Hong Kong and they're having like a just a normal dinner, and then they get like
they not invaded but they get like confronted by this Frenchman who is obviously an anime so it's the most Japanese sounding Frenchman in the history. I feel as if, I don't know if this is just like a general anime thing or it's just like Jojo but it's like you know when you have a character from another country in an anime and it's like how can you tell they're from another country and it's like the reason is because the paper they're like vocabulary with
They do. It's like broken Japanese or something. Something like that. Or they have an accent that doesn't sound super Japanese, right? Yeah, because it's like from Polnarev. And don't get me wrong, it's the same in the English dub as well. I'm not going to be like, oh, it's just the Japanese. It's the same in the English. But it's like when he turned round and he's speaking normally, and then he'll say something like, ah, Tribian!
And you're like... Yeah, exactly. And it's like, come on. It's like, oh for god's sake. But I don't like his stando. No, I like Silver Chariot. It's probably my favourite one out of the five, to be honest. Silver Chariot is essentially just like a suit of armour that faints us, isn't it?
And then he could also take off the suit of armour to make him faster, right? Which is pretty interesting. That's an interesting mechanic, which is what I like. And it sounds a bit right for Jojo. You know, the less clothes, the stronger you become. The stronger you are. Look at the Pillar Men, right? These guys had, like, no clothes. And then, like, loincloths and, like, a few piercings and headdresses. I don't know. Yeah, they would kick their asses. I know.
yeah right like jesus christ so what you're saying is if dio had taken off his shirt and not fight no battle he probably probably would have won yeah no like i feel like time also probably would go off long like would stay stopped for longer periods of time you know he'll definitely be stronger he'll be faster definitely but yeah like i don't know yeah
No shirt Gio versus Jotaro would it would have been it would have been a wrap in like a few minutes Fix a part three, you know Satsu and blowfish just just spam that and like something in Iraqis like Twitter or something
yeah exactly it's just such a weird like collection of characters although half the time they did warm up i did warm up to the characters i did like honestly to begin with i was kind of like you're not the same you're not zeppoli or you're not this or that but the more i watched it the more i kind of thought okay uh this is growing on me this is different yeah it's like i'm gonna make a reference about the zeppoli comment you made it's like how dare you stand where you stood yeah exactly
Because it's like, there's no zeppole in this art. Yeah, there is. That's true. There is no zeppole in part, which is so weird. Yeah. Like I kind of miss that whole idea of like a zeppole being there every part. But then it also makes you sad because I'm like, they're probably going to die somehow and you're going to get attached to this game. And that's it. Right. And I'm like, yeah.
I was like, I think they're like, oh, well, we broke the fans hearts by killing off Caesar. So I think we're going to stop doing that for a while, pretty much. Speaking of going into spoilers, well, more spoilers than usual, but can we talk about one particular death in this scene? Sure. So throughout the journey, as we were saying before, there is a scene or rather an episode where they come face to face with
two particular characters who I think we've established we actually don't mind them and that of course being whole horse and the mirror stand user or the reflective one oh oh that one yeah yeah oh my gosh forgot about that one and
Basically, Polnareff ends up confronting whole horse thinking he can deflect a bullet with his rapier, and it's like, huh, grrr. Okay, and then, I have to admit, I personally think it's as bullshit as Dio's laser eyes, when it's like, he goes to cut the bullet, but then it's like, oh no, the bullet swerved out the way, and then went on its normal course, and it's like, okay, even for magic, this is bull.
this is you're clearly not getting the system it's like there is no way it's just it's so i don't know it's just it was weird but eventually avdol comes to save him and he ends up like dying because he ends up getting stabbed and shot in the head and i've never been alive like i felt really bad i was like oh god yeah i like to have doll like as much as we like to meme on his um
Our magician's red. I didn't mind him too much as a character. He was kind of cool. He's kind of cool, you know? Yeah, because he's like one of the only characters who's stuck with them throughout the entire thing. And it's like such a sad death because there's a scene where Cacouen and Polnareff are driving away trying to escape. And Polnareff like tries to be the bigger man, you know, and Jojo saying something.
He tries to be the bigger man to be like, oh, I'm going to, you know, like, you know, who needs help? Why did he come? He was a fool for, you know, you know, he was a fool for helping me. And then you can see him like just break down into tears and that got me because I was like,
Yeah, that was sad like I remember that scene he's like he's turned around and he's like going off about like oh He's a dumbass for helping me this and that you know and then like yeah They saw it zoom up on his face and like he's like breaking down into chairs like why did he do that? And I'm like, oh, that's so sad
I was like, oh, I actually did feel really bad. Like that made me feel even worse about it. That's like, Oh, cause Polnareff even feels bad. Cause at first I remember when I first heard those words, I was like, Oh, he's a dumbass. I'm like, dude, don't say that. And I'm like, Oh, Oh, or the moment you turned around, right? Like, okay, I get it now. Cause it's almost like the Lisa Lisa light scene.
yeah kind of when she reacts to it and she's like you know we should keep moving on and everything and then you know it's clear that she's affected by it so it's kind of a parallel to that and it's it's sad but then flash forward a couple of episodes later and i don't know how you felt about this when you first saw it but i thought this was the dumbest thing ever the
I can't remember where it was said, but I think Araki wanted Holhorse to be the next Crusader, which I don't know how well that would have worked, honestly. Because he keeps popping up, like his comic relief almost. I mean, speaking of as we were saying earlier with Ongo Bongo, who are probably the goofiest characters, Holhorse comes back as well, and he is just, by the end of it, he's just a meme, isn't he?
the Avdo resurrection arc, let's call it.
just like pop it up as like the meme in cowboy and you're like okay fair enough and yeah there's an episode where they go to Avdol's father's house a wink and throughout that for some reason Polnareff finds another genie stand which is so weird like an actual genie stand yeah like a literal genie
In fact, did they ever establish it as a stand? Because they established it like a weird genie thing. Yeah, I don't know if they... I think they did. Yeah. Because then I think at that point in the story, Satsu, and I think they also reused this idea again in later parts, was there can be stands without users, which is interesting. Oh, yeah. Something like that. Like it was like that sort of idea. And then I think they did it again in part four somewhere, right?
yeah with um i'm not going to say anything i think we'll we'll talk about it when we get there but i think i know which scene you know i'm talking i don't know yeah i get you i think i think that's what they established i was like it's a stand but where is its user that's how you defeat it right and they're like there is no user when i'm like what pretty much and then how do you defeat it right
it's just like it's basically just a giant like it doesn't look like a giant monkey paw but it's like a monkey paw stand where it's like oh i wish for wealth or i wish for my sister back and it's like oh plot twist yeah because your sister's dead um
Yeah, enjoy this corpse. He pretty much. Yeah, so sorry, that's the reason why Polnareff actually joins the Crusaders, because he's looking for the man who killed his sister, which eventually finds the guy and kills him, which then leads on to a whole other thing. But he still sticks around with them, and I think he is quite a cool character overall. But in that episode, it's like he's asking for really stupid stuff, like he's wanting to Polnareff land and things like that.
I can't remember if he wishes for Avdol back or what happens, but he's getting his ass kicked, essentially. And then Avdol appears and he thinks it's like... I think that's the other meme, like the popular meme from this video. He goes, Mahamadavdol! And Mahamadavdol turned round and goes, Yes! I am! I am!
But he says that the Japanese dub and the English dub, I think he goes, yes, that is correct or something like that. It's like, yes, I am still works in English. Yeah, absolutely. And eventually it's revealed that
he faked his death so he could get a submarine and everybody knew about it except the propeller. I honestly thought that was just so dumb. I was just like, wait, what? This is so stupid. This is just so dumb.
It's funny you mentioned that, Satsu, because I think my brother Smasher walked in and watched a little bit of that with you. Yeah. He watched where his first episode was where Avdol ended up dying, right? He's like, oh shit, that's kind of sad, right? Yeah. And then when he sees that Avdol is alive a week later, he's like, wait, didn't he just die? And I'm like, yeah. He's like, how the hell did he survive? He got shot in the head. I'm like, yeah. That was literally me to smash him the whole time. I just shrugged my shoulders at this point.
yeah like it just it makes no sense whatsoever yeah yeah just i think the thing that annoys me more about it is like later on he genuinely does get killed off which made them just it made that whole scene like i watched it and i was just like all right like there was no emotion i was just like okay he's dead
there wasn't. He just, it was, he literally got that and was snapped on. All that was left of him was an arm from what I remember. Oh, it's like a horrible, like fate to go or horrible way to go. But I didn't care at that point. I was just like, okay, you voted to kill him. But then of course, by the time you get to Egypt is again, it's kind of similar
to like what's come before because as soon as you get to Egypt you are just like
okay, when are we gonna get to Dio? It's like, I know I bring this up a lot, but it's that same Samson scene where Mel House is watching at you and scratching, he's crying, and he's going, when are they gonna get to the fireworks factory? Like, that was me with Dio. I was like, when are we gonna get to Dio? Because it's like, just spent like over 30 episodes just getting to eat jumped, and now you're only jumped, and you have to fight 12 more of these, like, chuckle foxes. Like, what? No! It's like,
pretty much right and then they introduced like a new stand user called Iggy who is uh i don't even know like an ugly ass dog excuse me he is he is an ugly dog but still oh Iggy that's all i'm gonna say i honestly like i feel as if like i feel as if we probably disagree in this bit but like i don't know how to feel about Iggy like i feel as if he was just kind of it just feels as if he comes out of nowhere
Yeah, like the thing is, how did they write it in the story? It was just like, oh, another one's. Yeah. This new person on our team. Yeah. Uh, they're pretty strong and they're going to help us with Dio. And I'm like, what? I'm like, okay. So there's going to be a six crusader. Interesting. Right. And then they drop off this dog, like the spoiled brat dog. And I'm like, um, what?
And, like, I don't know, he sort of grew on me as time went on. But other than that, I was just taken, like, I was so, like, taken aback the moment that, you know, he just first came into the show. I'm like, this dog is going to help us defeat Dio. Is he, like, their low-key, like, secret weapon? Like, what's going on? Like, what's his stand? What can it do and all that, right? And, like, from what I remember, they never really went into what the fool could 100% do. It could do a lot of things from what I know. Yeah. That's the thing, right? It was like one of those, like, Swiss army knife stands from what I could understand. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I'm even trying to remember what it did. It just looked cool. It did look really cool. Oh yeah, yeah. I love that. Yeah. No, it definitely looked cool. Yeah. But I don't know. It feels like going back to the kind of total whiplash again, like you would have like a scene where it's like a blind man trying to like stab them in the face with water.
And it's like, on the other hand, this happens in the same episode, just for anyone listening. But in the same episode, or later on, it's like a gaze farting and pulling the rough's face. And it's like, okay, okay. It's one of those characters. They're trying to build the thing where it's like, oh, their friendship's very antagonising, but they still care for each other.
What is this, Naruto and Sasuke? You know? I'm like, except, you know, a dog and a Frenchman? I don't know. Yeah, it's like, Iggy, what are you doing? What have you done? I had to test my power.
much right yeah it's like oh my god but yeah you get like a whole mix of like i can't even remember if this guy was in Egypt or not but you know the guy who basically he nearly kills off Joseph yeah because he gets like a stand inside of him i can't remember if that's Joseph
or like oh no at the top of his lungs yeah and like he was looking at a tv yeah that's the famous oh my god like the whole time he was like freaking out yeah it's already i just realized we didn't address that like what um joseph standards the fact that
Well, it's literally just a bunch of thorn blinds that come out of his forearm, you know what I mean? And he kind of uses it to be like Spider-Man at some point. But I mean, not even that. I'm thinking of his secondary ability where he has to get an expensive camera and punch it to see where people are, which I have to admit sounds like it's goofy enough where I'm like, okay, I'll let it slide.
I was like okay you broke like an a thousand dollar camera what's up pretty much yeah he just does it yeah see a naked picture a deal or technically a picture technically a photoshopped naked picture of his grandfather who is still jacked yeah yeah yeah you're right which is a bit disturbing if you think about it too much oh yeah
So yeah, well let's move on from that quickly. Yeah, just, you know, naked Jonathan with a different head, yeah. Yeah, pretty much. Just like Mr. Potato Head, but Cthulhu, like, anything. I'm just thinking back to another episode where he had like a parasite in him.
and there was like so there was one episode where someone uses their stand to infect Joseph with this like parasite that grows and starts killing people around him and Joseph does use his hamon to try and get rid of it and I'm not gonna lie I was just like yes hamon whoo and then and then he used it and it had no effect and I was like this show sucks
but yeah there's just so many, oh god we honestly could be here for an agent like going through like each one but like i mean there's the magnet girl there's the one i was just talking about there i have to admit the guy who has like this stand um like in jose's brain like he gets like one hell of a beat down and that is just so satisfying
Yeah, that guy was a, he was an asshole. I'm like, okay, yeah, this, I kind of want to see this come up in some like, okay, you know, I know you're a filler enemy, but still, right? It's just like, see that arc where, or not the arc, but like when the music builds up and he's like, you can't repay your debt with money. And then it fades to black and it just cuts back to him, pummel with him, and it's like, oh, chef, guys, just brilliant. It was great. It was fantastic.
But I mean, you've got that, you've got... I'm gonna be your... Like, I'll reference one more. I'm thinking more of the Shadow Benjamin button man. Oh, him! I... That was an interesting stand. Like, actually, I'm like, this thing is powerful, what the hell? And then, oh, like... Pulling her ass to the girl. Like, what happened with her? I'm just like, Jesus Christ. It felt like a horror movie, you know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Like, it was... I loved it, though.
It was terrifying like I thought the idea was good But it was like gonna cover up pulling it off because this is making me uncomfortable
Yeah, yeah. Some bits where it's just like, it was more when Polnarev gets taken in by the women, and the women's like, oh, like, sorry, just to reiterate, like, when you stand in this guy's shadow, he de-ages you. So I think Polnarev stands in it for about a couple of seconds by accident, and he ends up getting turned into a child. So he runs away and he gets the help of this, like,
just this random woman and she like takes him in and starts bathing him and he's like oh this is great and things and I'm like stop stop please stop and
yeah there is so many I mean there's that there's the sword as well that's a stand that drives people crazy and can phase through things but there's just so many like there's a lot but there's honestly such a mix that either you're gonna love them or you're just going to be mentally and physically drained yeah but I'm saving the second best of last and I'll let you like describe these guys the Darcy brothers of course
Oh, the Darby brothers. Oh, Darby brothers, sorry. That's okay. I like both of them. I like them. Are we going to describe them now? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Go for it. So there are these two, are they twins? Were they twins or just ones older and ones younger? I think one's older and one's younger. They've got the same outfits and things, but yeah.
So, um, the Darby brothers, uh, to sum up both of their powers, essentially pro gamer, both of them are pro gamers in different ways. So older Darby, as they would call him, they run into him in a bar while they're frantically searching for Dio. Cause they just got to Egypt, right? So they're literally going to every place like, do you know where this mansion is? Do you know where this mansion is? They're getting nowhere, right? Yeah.
So they go into this bar, order a few drinks, drink it, show the picture. Bartender has no fucking idea where the mansion is, right? And I thought the part where they all simultaneously drink was kind of funny. Was that just me? No, that was great. It's because, no sorry, I was just going to say it's the way that he darkens the eyes of them. That would convey this seriously. And I think it's like iced tea, is it not, the order? Yeah, it wasn't even an alcoholic drink. It was like, I don't have alcohol, but I have iced tea. Yeah, I'll take that pretty much.
And they all drink it at once, like, waiting to hear back. And he's just like, yeah, no, I don't know this place. He's like, Jesus Christ. Oh my god. And then all of a sudden, they see basically someone out of Las Vegas with a poker table playing with a bunch of cards. And they're like, oh, I can give you some information if you beat me in poker, pretty much, right? And they're like, oh? OK, so if you could give us information, we need to confirm that you know what this place is. Though they show them Dio's mansion. They're like, yeah.
I know that place. I know where it is. Right. And like, Oh, okay. So we have to beat this guy in poker. Um, turns out it's one of Dio's top generals. Um, so older Darby's power is that if you basically his stand is tied to just a winning in games of poker. Uh, if you lose to him, he gets your soul essentially and puts it in a chip, like a poker chip, right guys? And then, you know, basically I think it was Joe, no, not Joseph was second. The first guy who got his soul taken was Polnareff. I believe, I believe. Right. I think it was Polnareff.
I think it is. Sorry, can I just point something out in that scene? Sorry to kind of cut in. No worries. This is going back to my hatred of the fact that Hamon isn't a thing in this. I was talking to some of my friend Sades, who I think I've mentioned in the past, was the one who was getting me into the series. And this is a person I've been like texting, being like, where's Hamon? Where's this? Where's that? But in that scene,
basically like before the poker game there's this like game where they have to put like I think coins in like a glass of water and to they basically have to make sure that it doesn't overflow so it's like they can choose how many coins are gonna put in they're gonna put in like a couple or whatever and what I was thinking because for some reason Joseph said he was gonna cheat or like he was like okay I've got this I can swindle him and
I assumed, like I genuinely assumed he was just going to use his hammer on to keep the law turned in because that's what he's done in the past and then it was some like weird thing about chocolate melting under the cup or something it was like something like that yeah it got kind of ridiculous yeah but anyway sorry
Yeah, and I should probably correct how, uh, older Darby's power works. It doesn't have to be poker. It just has to be a bet of some sort. Like if you lose a bet to him, he gets your soul. Like, um, it's not, it could be in poker. It could be like, Hey, will this person go? Will this person turn left or turn right? Right. He could bet on that and then you could lose. And then that was it. Right. So yeah, basically long story short. Um, first Polnareff loses because he takes a stupid bet. I think the bet was like, do you think the kid's going to take the ball or do you think he's not? And Polnareff's like, Oh, easy. He's going to take the ball. He's a kid. He's going to fucking play with it.
Yeah. And the kid doesn't take the ball. So that's how Polnareff loses his soul, gets put into a chip. And then, yeah, as Satu explained earlier, Joseph loses because he tries to cheat. But then, I don't know, something happens with like chocolate around the rim of the, I don't know, around the rim of the cup with like water. It wasn't even water, it was like chocolate milk or something. No, no, no, I think it was water, but it was like, I think it was like a piece of chocolate or something that was under the glass. No, it was coins. It was coins. No, but I mean, underneath the glass.
was it not like it was like a glass of water and they were putting the coins in but underneath the glass of water for some reason there was like a bit of chocolate underneath it that was tipping it over to make it look as if it was like more full than it actually was and for some reason the heat like this is the most convoluted explanation ever but it's like yeah it's like the heat like melted the chocolate so the glass like returned to a normal level it's like
Just use Hamon. Just keep going up there. And basically how we end up defeating older Darby is that Jotaro goes in and is like, okay, we're gonna play poker, right? I think they're playing Blackjack, I believe. Something like that, right?
say the thing is like okay yeah i wager everything and he's just like and he basically just bluffs him so hard to the point that you know he has like legitimately sweating guys um you know he's just like how can you keep betting more i i literally bet all my all the souls that i have in my book and what are you gonna bet what are you gonna bet that's equal value he's like i bet my mom's soul and like everyone's just like are you serious have you heard of like um you know he starts panicking because he has no nothing to bet and then he that's how they end up defeating him i was just gonna say have you seen the um or heard to the japanese stuff of that
when he says he's gonna raise and then he like takes a break down there he goes he's like you can't even say it oh my god that whole thing is so funny uh a little bit of a side note when i was playing eyes of heaven that game mode was the most fun trying to cheat your way out of older derby because i found that shit so fun oh really like
yeah it was actually a ton of fun like i was like oh it's not trying to pummel literally everything that moves for once yeah we get to play poker and like kind of cheat at it this is actually fun right yeah like uh the game would like give you subtle clues like okay this is a good time to cheat okay uh don't cheat just yet right like it's it's really cool yeah like i feel like if you ever pick it up sotsu like you'll probably have the most fun at that game mode
is honestly on the backlog. I've got it waiting. It's like waiting and ready, but yeah. And if you'd like to describe what Younger Darby can do, Satsu, as if I covered older. Yeah, well, Younger Darby, as you said, is indeed a pro gamer as well, but in the literal sense of he literally plays video games to steal people's souls. It gives me a bit of, I don't know, have you ever seen the Season Zero of Yu-Gi-Oh before?
No, I haven't. No. Like, I would totally recommend it, like, off topic, but, like, basically the premise of that is the main character, like, plays all these, like, different death games. It gets very intense, like, for things about, like, yo-yos and, like, chasing things. It gets very dark, very fast, but it's great. But that's what kind of reminded me of with The Younger Derby, where it's got, like, a collection of all these, like, dolls around them. And it's like, if you lose, then you get turned into a doll.
And this scene, like the scene where they confront, so basically it's Jotaro, Joseph and Kakyoin that confront him. And this scene has been like memed to death where it's like Jotaro plays and then insert any game here. Smash alternate ball guys, those are my favourite renditions. Or Minecraft or things like that. Minecraft, yeah.
and he can basically tell as well like he's kind of secondary ability as he can tell when people are lying so that's another meme where it's like Jotaro's face and it's got like the yes yes yes like around him or the no no no
And I do, I do, I do. So he can basically predict yes, no questions as well, which is kinda neat, I have to say. But he ends up challenging Cacuan, first of all, to basically a F-Zero knockoff, which they call F-Mega. F-Mega? F-Mega? Which is a brilliant name. It's a great name, I need to find that game, you know, it's rare. I heard it's rare. Oh yeah, absolutely.
And what's the game that, is it strikeout or something? No, oh, that's a baseball. That's a baseball, yeah. That's a baseball. I was like, what? Oh, that's a baseball. And they play this game where they're stunned.
are in the TV but it's like Jotaro's characters are star platinum and I have been told by the way that whoever was in charge of drawing had a very keen interest in the behinds of said characters in this. It's caused a lot of screenshots to surface on the internet, that's all I'm saying. It's very, very concerning.
Think platinum, yeah. Think platinum, exactly. Star thick, thick number, something like that, yeah. Going supernova with that bitty. You know, that kind of thing. It's like, oh, damn. But yeah, it's like, eventually, I can't remember how they defeat them, but they end up beating them in this game. I can't remember, is it Joseph that plays instead of him?
Yes, that's what it was, right? Joseph had a Hermit Purple connected to the actual controller that was plugged in somewhere. And Jotaro was punking him in a sense that he picked up another controller that was never plugged in. Of course, yeah. Yeah, something like that. And then he took off his hat because he asked him to. He's like, oh, you're hiding something under your hat. Take it off. He's like, sure. Take off his hat. Nothing. He's like, the hell? And all that. He's like, so you're not lying. He's like, no.
I was like, but you are cheating. Yes, yes, yes, pretty much. Like after that, I thought that was really interesting the way they go around. I thought that was quite clever. Yeah. Like, cause even now it was just like, how the hell are they doing this? Then they reveal it and you're like, oh, okay, that makes sense. Yeah. And then they get Kakyoin's soul and then, uh, you know, Joe Taro does his, uh, you know, he just beats the shit out of him.
That's pretty much how every interaction with Jotaro ends. Just he beats the shit out of everybody. Pretty much. It's a sight to behold. I have to admit that is like... It's a great sight to behold. It is worth the build up for some of the cases where you're just like, okay Jotaro's gonna beat him up and they do. And you're like, yay.
of course then leads us to basically the finale episode really isn't it where Bonnarath Avdol and
Ege tried to stop Dio, or they tried to confront Dio, but only Polnarev survives because one of his other minions isn't Vinil Ice. He ends up stopping him and nearly killing him, but Ege defeats him at the cost of his own life.
and then a hilarious moment where Polnareff finally comes face to face with Dio, the man who manipulated him in all of this, and he runs up the stairs and then he blinks and all of a sudden he's back at the bottom of the stairs and the reason is like is because Dio's like stopping time to push him down the stairs and I think that is just hilarious.
He's climbing up the stairs, he freezes time, he grabs him, puts him down on the wall. One of my favourite edited images is seeing Super Mario 64 when you climb up the stairs but they're never ending. Someone edited that so instead of Mario it was pulled her off. And it's all the deal, pictures on the wall and I thought, that is incredible.
10 out of 10 to whoever did that. It was so good but of course eventually they all kind of regroup and yeah they they have at it really to try and figure out what deal stand is which i feel as if it's kind of obvious well not kind of obvious but you know it's like they're all kind of being like oh how can they do this and that and teleport and it's like did you ever think maybe time like did you ever think that uh
That's the thing, nobody thinks of it until Kakyoin points it out.

Climactic Battle: Jotaro vs. Dio

I'll go, the way he points it out. See, this is the thing. So later on, so you're two crusaders now and Kakyoin basically tries to take Dio one-on-one and you're like, oh god, oh, this is gonna be great. And then he gets donut rolled and you're like, oh. He just gets punched.
And I feel the death is sad, but I just feel as if they could have developed more, and it would have been sadder. I'm not saying he's a worse developed character, but it's just it's a shame they didn't get more time to shine, because I think I'd rather have more of Kakyoin rather than Avdol twice.
Yeah, pretty much. Oh yeah, I found a somebody that's like, nobody cares I've no nobody cares. I thought you died, bro. I did. I do. I do. I do. I do. I do. But yeah, all the fights with like Dio are just, he is so over the top though, isn't he? Just like such an extra villain, but yeah.
that's what makes him great though oh absolutely no he's a lot of fun to watch because as we said before like the kind of villains beforehand have just standard fear really i mean literally see before they end up going into the like his manner or whatever you call it like the house he's in i mean they literally fight a falcon and it's like yeah okay which i this is my kind of confession
I may or may not have skipped that episode because I was just like, I just want to see Dio. Why won't they let me see Dio? Pretty much, right? Iggy was the one who took care of the Falcon and almost died. Because I kind of skipped to the end and I'm like, all right, that's okay, he's alive. Right, okay, next episode. Because I was like, at that point I was just getting, because I was binging it, I wasn't like taking it at a normal human pace like I should have.
I was like, I've had enough. I just want to go home and watch Neil. But yeah, there's a lot of really cool fighting. As I said, Cacuan tries to take him on, but he ends up getting punched through the stomach and he fires on a clock tower to say it's all about time. To which, I feel as if they were smart enough to be like, of course, time! You know, you're like, ehh. I don't know, did you feel like that?
when just more when the characters were like I wonder what his stand is and it seemed a bit obvious I don't get me wrong like I didn't know entirely what his stand was all about but it did seem kind of obvious like it was obvious that it was a powerful stand for one oh yeah um I don't know like when I first saw it like the whole stair scene which was still pretty comical in my opinion uh
I was like, like, the thing is, sadly, I watched the memes before I even watched part three, right? So I kind of knew at the back of my mind, it's like, hey, he's stopping time to fuck with him, right? But, you know, say if I didn't watch the memes, if I didn't even know what Stardust Crusaders was, and I were to watch the anime, I'd be like, the fuck is this guy doing? Like, the guy's clearly going up the stairs. And I honestly thought, so here's what I would think if I didn't know about the memes.
I just would think that there was a trick to the stairs that, you know, Kakyoin wasn't aware of, that Dio's stand is doing, right? Not necessarily that it was stopping time, but Dio's stand is clearly doing something. He just hasn't figured it out, right? So that's how I would have felt if I didn't know about the memes.
So I guess, no, I don't think, I don't think I would have think it was like, I didn't think it was super obvious, you know? So I'm just laughing. It's like as soon as you said steer, so just thought of steer platinum being a stand.
That would be either the most useless or the most interesting stand in the world. It's like, oh god. But the whole fight between Jotaro and... I mean, because Joseph tries to bravely run away, which he does, he definitely runs away. But I suppose in a justified way, because he covers himself with Hermit Purple
and Hamon and Dio's just like yeah I don't care about Hamon anymore and I'm like don't you start it's like don't you start saying you don't care about Hamon pretty much right yeah eventually Jotaro's turn which again another another two in one memes here we've got Zawardo which I think it's just a delivery of it it's just fantastic followed by the just the same defect here
yeah like the way the voice actor just like delivers two words which is the world and how he like yells it at the top of his lungs it's just there's something about it like as meme-y as it is it's just so well delivered you know what i mean oh expect like a very extra melodramatic Shakespearean villain with a very powerful ability like that like he sold it in my opinion oh it's fantastic whoever yeah whoever the voice actor is obviously oh yeah the um ho are you approaching me which is yeah so there's a scene where joseph like
Sorry, let me backtrack. Dio ends up, when he uses the word though, he ends up stabbing quite a few people, including Joseph. So, Joseph is basically telling Jotaro to run, and Jotaro starts walking towards him. And Dio has the whole extra, oh, are you approaching me instead of running away? And then, of course, Jotaro cuts in and says,
I see space, okay. I can't beat the shit out of you without getting close, pretty much. It's like, oh, like cover skulls as you like. They just start beating one another. They're like, oh my god, because that meme, that, sorry, that scene's also been mean to hell. Like, I remember when COVID first dropped, one of the memes was literally like, ho, you're approaching me. And then like, it's the same line. And like, someone edited, like, the cash is like, get the fuck away from me. That's the link.
Dio is like, there's a pandemic going on and all that. Like you just see Joe Tarr keep walking, he's like, no, stay away. Yeah, it's just so funny. I think there was another meme like that where it was like, you see like Dio walking off screen and he's like, it's because he's like coughing and he's like,
He's like, yeah, it's the same thing. He's just like, yeah, no, don't come there. And then it's like he ends up beating him off screen because he came too much. Yeah, pretty much. And I was like, oh, no. It's quite an intense fight because he keeps stopping time and then it works in Namek minutes here where it's like, I've stopped for five seconds. And there's actually videos out there where it's like, what would happen if the world ran on real time? And it's like, come on.
It's like, it's like the world around them is stoked for five seconds. It's like, you've been more than looking for the last 20. What the hell? Right? It's like, oh, I'm about to blow up this planet in five minutes, 10 episodes later. Yeah, exactly. It's one of those, yeah. Except not dragged out. Not super dragged out. Oh, yeah.
but then eventually it kind of escalates where Dio goes like super sane. I don't know why they ever explain why he goes like this. I was like so like well basically like the second phase of the fight. Yeah I think so what happened is that after Jotaro almost gets him like he was very close to killing him and then like I think a car hits Dio from what I can remember. Does he not grab a car to get away? Oh yeah he grabbed the car. Yeah.
Um, and then like he lets go and when he lets go, like he goes flying near Joseph's body from what I can remember. And I think he, he basically, because he's a vampire, he sucked, he sucked out Joseph's blood and then that's what made him stronger. And because he has Jonathan's body, you know, and he's a descendant of Jonathan, that's what made him have a second wind essentially.
I think that's how they explained it, something like that, right? I forgot all about that. Yeah, Jotaro was all like, oh fuck, like, because he realized he fucked up, right? Yeah. Because I think the reason why he also went flying was because Jotaro caught up to him and just like punched him like really hard in the face with Star Platinum, right? So like Jotaro's like, fuck, I fucked up essentially, right? I was like, I need to kill him quickly and then hopefully, you know, Gramps could be back to normal, right? So yeah, I think that's what happened. Ah, yeah.
I completely forgot about that. Because I was thinking of the two things in Dio. I was like, normal Dio. Super Saiyan Dio. I'm like, where did I miss a wing deal? And Dio with no jacket pretty much. And then eventually
Well, just as the normal hero story goes, Jotaro ends up basically overcoming a deal by punching him really hard and learning that he too has the world or something. I think that's a very contentious point. People keep saying, oh, Jotaro pulled it out his backside.
family of an age, something's something the wizard did it, you know. It's like, it's more believable than Dio managing to sneak out of that burning ship, that's all I'm saying. I don't know that, yeah of course, they end up defeating them and yeah, everything more or less is right with the world and stands are never seen again.
So one thing that we forgot to point out was that I found this scene hilarious, where after Dio is defeated, after Jotaro learns how to use Zawardo as well. Big plot twist on that, because I think it's because our Platinum and the world are like the same kind of stand, right? Something like that. That was literally the reason as to why Jotaro learned how to stop time for just, I think it was like what, three seconds?
It wasn't like to the same extent as the world's time stop. So after that, you know, Jotaro calls up the Speedwagon Foundation and he has Joseph's body and whatever was left remaining of Dio's headless body at this point, because I'm pretty sure he cut off his head, right? Something like that.
It does not like punch him through the lake. Yeah, like yeah. Oh, that's right. He also he's missing a leg. I like rips him apart No head no leg that like picture that but everything else is still there guys. I know it sounds weird. No head no leg um, but what's going on in the ambulance that the speedwagon foundation is driving in is that there's a blood transfusion going on between joseph and dol jonathan's body really, right? Yeah
because Jotaro's thinking is like okay I think there's a chance to save him because Dio had my ancestors body and who is my grandfather's grandfather so blood transfusion right makes sense they're related and then as that's happening you know it looks like the life is slowly turning back to Joseph I wait no sorry it wasn't really working right because the reason was is like Joseph's heart isn't going like we're getting a good amount of blood it's just his heart's not going and I'm pretty sure
Jotaro. Oh, no. Yeah, he has to start platinum to pump. Yeah, you start platinum to like jump start his heart because they didn't have a defibrillator. So I was like, yeah, something like that. Right. And then so that happened. And then Joseph wakes up and it's like, OK, all is right with the world. But then Joseph is all like, oh, Jotaro, you fool. I'm back again once more. And he's like, do you know?
I knew this would happen, and then he summons Star Platinum, then all of a sudden Joseph goes, and I was like, wait, hold on, I'm kidding! I'm kidding, I'm not Dio! I'm good! I was like, don't kill me, please!
I think that part was actually really funny because I didn't expect that. Yeah, that was the same. He's like, it's really me. Hold on. And it's like, wait, stop. It's really me. He's like, prove it. I'm OK. And I think he I think Jotaro asked him, like, who is your favorite like musician? And he's like, that's easy. That's my favorite musician. He's like, OK, it really is you because no one else would know that with me. It's something like something like that. Right. It's an old weirdo jankovic that he says. He's just like,
Yeah, he's like, and he's like, okay, it really is you because only I know that pretty much. Yeah, it's like, because only you would know the standard useless information. It's like, Oh, yeah.
That part made me laugh so hard because I didn't expect it, I'm just like, because at first I'm like, oh shit, right? Then I'm like, oh, wait, Joseph's just being Joseph how he usually is, just a friggin' idiot, right? So I'm like, okay, that's funny. I'm not gonna lie, because like, when I saw that part, so I'm just like, oh my God, young Joseph is still in there somewhere, the troll, you know what I mean? He's like still somewhere in there. Yeah, that's awesome. It's quite a good ending, like,
Yeah, I like the series. I'm just trying to remember what else happened. Yeah, so sorry, Polnareff and the remaining drool stars end up like... They end up going their separate ways, don't they? And that's it, really. There's no foreshadowing to part four. It kind of just ends, really. And then, oh yeah, they put out Dio's body into the sun.
and it like shrivels up so it's completely gone at this point. So there's just one scene I want to point out that we came to gloss over. This is before the final fight. Do you remember the scene when there was a vampire, well vampire stand user who was like I would willingly serve you Dio and he's like okay and give me your head and he chops off his head and then Dio's just like yeah no no I'm just gonna put this head back on and it's like I
oh yeah it's like what the fuck pretty much i forgot about that oh my god it's like huh okay fair enough but yeah kind of just to summarize because i know we have so far we've talked about the three parts so we've said joseph is of or sorry jonathan is the gentleman type who will you know try and save everyone um joseph is the
lovable rogue who is a bit cheeky, but usually 9 times out of 10 does what's right.

Character Alignment and Series Critique

How would you rate Jotaro overall? Okay, so if we were to put them, so for our three JoJos that we've talked about, if I were to put them in the D&D alignment chart, I would say Jonathan is 100% lawful good, Joseph 100% chaotic good in my opinion.
For Joe Taro, I wouldn't really he he has a code but he also doesn't is that just me? Yeah, so I would say he's like neutral maybe neutral good Yeah, like on the border like I wouldn't say he's a hundred percent a good like he wouldn't go out of his way What do you what do you go out of his way first Ranger? I don't think he would Yeah, he's like true neutral didn't even like neutral good even
Because I always remember, I was talking to one of my friends who watched part 1 and 2, then got to part 3 and dropped it because they said they didn't like Jotaro, and the fact that he was really horrible towards his mother. And initially, as soon as I heard that, I was like, oh god, I'm gonna hate Jotaro. And I heard him, you know, like he calls his mum a bitch and things, and he's very assertive towards her, and I was like, oh come on.
What I didn't realize was there's a lot of subtleties after the first couple episodes where you can see he's actually not all that bad. He really isn't. I feel as if it's just he needs a shove in the right direction and he just needs to... He's nice deep down. And I do think this kind of leads nicely onto part four but
Yeah for part four I feel as if that's when they start to kind of develop a lot more compared to like his appearance in part three where I don't know if he's the main character and yet somehow he's developed more than another part but yeah I'd say it's not too bad. But one final question for you. What are your final thoughts? Like in a couple of sentences what would you say are your kind of final thoughts on part three?
Honestly speaking part three out of the five parts I've watched it's gonna sound odd to say but it felt like the most shown in anime out of the five Is that just me?
that actually makes a lot of sense yeah like um you know you had your fairly linear storyline you had your millions of fillers before the actual final final fight another thing is that you know like a shonen character can either range from being super happy go lucky so we have like examples would be like naruto gon from hunter hunter or just complete opposite like super edgelords like um well in the beginning yusuke from a yuyu hawakusho not really an edgelord just like a punk kid and
and Jotaro in that category, right? So, out of 10, I would give Stardust Crusaders probably a 7 out of 10. Like, I didn't mind it too much. I think, honestly, the memes also helped, because I was also just trying to find out what the context of all these memes were. Storyline-wise, I feel like Araki made a mistake by adding too many characters.
yeah right you know in part two there was a good amount of characters even like the random NPCs that only lasted for one episode like they did he didn't focus too too much on right whereas with a bunch of these villains that they fight i feel like some of the fights just drag on too long right absolutely um but you know most of them did they just they lose in one episode right and i'm just like okay whatever right like that's fine
In my opinion, that's fine to do. Just don't oversaturate it that way, right? And I think he made that mistake, uh, when it came to the story writing. And then I think because he made that mistake, you start seeing that he's improving on that in part four. I don't know if that's just me. Like there's also a lot of characters in part four, but you know, it didn't seem oversaturated. Like all of them were memorable in their own right. Even if they weren't like super focused on, was that just me not to watch in part four? I totally agree with you. I feel myself like.
Part three had just a lot of characters that went nowhere. I mean, there's loads of characters we actually haven't even mentioned. Like, for example, the, I want to call it like a soothsayer or like a witch. You know, the old lady. I mean, there's her. There's like, there's someone who has like an underwater stand that tries to eat them. You know, there's like all of these. There's so many, you know.
That was the problem, right? So I was going to say, as you mentioned earlier, you mentioned your friend, right? Didn't really like, like he stopped with part three and like, because, uh, I think that would be like, definitely one of the reasons why I was like, there's just too many people in this show that we don't really care about. We only really care about the main five and, and Dio, let's be honest, right? And to me, like the only really standout-ish villains in that whole thing were the brothers.
Mariah, which is the magnet lady, I thought she was pretty standout-ish. Oh, no, she is. For reasons. I mean, I guess, like, as you mentioned before, Kakyoin is also severely underdeveloped. I did appreciate the fact that they did develop, not Kakyoin, sorry, Polnareff a bit more, because they actually did go into his backstory, and I'm like, okay.
Like, sure, you have five characters, develop them, right? And he did a good job with that, I'd say, with Polnareff's whole backstory, other than, you know, bring back Abdul. But, like, everything else in it, like, he's out for blood. He's trying to find the guy who killed his sister. Fine, right? He does that. And I feel like they should have just left it at that after he accomplishes his goal, right? And then, like, either they could have gone the route of, like, oh, you know, I did what I had to do. I'm out, right? Like, good luck with your journey. They could have definitely done that with Polnareff, in my opinion.
Or if you wanted him to stick with the main five, I think a big thing was that he was pretty popular among the fans, if I could assume that. Do you think that's safe to assume Satsu? He's fairly popular, right? So I think that's why they kept him around. To me, if you're gonna do that, find a reason, another reason as to why he would stick with the party, right?
Cause, um, you know, to me, like, I feel like if I couldn't find a reason for pulling out to stick around, I'll be like, okay, he did what he had to do. Uh, and he's leaving on friendly terms. Right. Um, but you know, like, Oh wait, I lied. Actually he kind of, we kind of did see as to why he stuck around. It's like, Oh, deal manipulated my life. I'm like, sorry, ignore, ignore my first.
first half of the argument but never mind I'm like so he does stick around for a good reason because he wants he wants to get do too because at one point deal mind controlled him I forgot that that was their first meeting that they had to fight snap them out of it right see like because there was like as I as we said earlier there's too much going on this enemy there's too many characters that it makes you forget the little things like little little important things like that right so I think that's what a rocky the whole issue is with part three there's just too many bodies right yeah but let me just like yeah
It's like what I was saying before when I was bringing up like different like just the random users that you encounter and I mean you were saying like oh yeah I remember that now and it's like I do agree. I feel as if there's far too much going on. It's weird because like Phantom Blood was like so short in comparison to this part yet he did so much in terms of like establishing the world and what was going on.
And I get it, it's probably because the manga was a lot longer and they got the chance to expand it. I'm not saying Stardust Crusaders could have been smaller, but it should have been a lot more focused, I think. I mean, as I've said before, I'm not a professional manga writer or anything like that, but...
i don't know i feel as if that it's a good anime but it's definitely one that could be cut in places and it's one that you could skip like a good chunk of this and not really miss out on much and i mean as i said there's like loads of people we haven't even touched on like the even the puppet guy in the hotel room like there's just there's like
There's a lot of them just coming to me just now just like oh, yeah, there's him there's that there's us It's just yeah, there's a lot of characters that weren't super memorable and like it was just an oversaturation, which is a problem, right? Yeah, like I know that there's it's a running gag with the anime god of high school where Literally, you only remember the main character and two of his friends and then apparently they made the mistake of introducing way too many characters that people don't really care about, right? Yeah
So yeah, like I think the other thing that Araki was trying to do with this was like, oh, the main five or four turned to five.
they're traveling the world, you know, to get to Dio. And I think what he was trying to get with that is like, because they're going to so many different, maybe not like so many different countries, but a good amount of countries, he had to introduce like, okay, this person's from this country, they're gonna run into them here in this country, they can do this and all that, right? I think that's what he was sort of trying to get at. Well, not only that, but they're also all hired by Dio. But it wasn't executed properly, right? And then, you know, as you said before, like you end up not caring about literally
what, 90% of these villains that pop up out of nowhere, right? You only really care about the head honcho, which is Dio, so... Maybe I'm being too harsh on it, but I would probably overall give it about a six, maybe. Six? Okay. Like, okay. It's... I'm not gonna smite you, don't worry. I know, it's like, I'm just putting out one more time. Some people in the comments might, but I won't. I got your backs on, too. Oh yeah, thank you, thank you. I don't know, I feel as if, like, after How Height and How Well Part II was done,
just that's a bit of a letdown but at the same time and this will probably be a nice way to kind of end it but like I feel as if that it kind of at least gets all the guff out the way and sets up nicely to part four where we start to yeah where it's basically like
he's probably seen what went wrong in part three and then just refined it into part four which I mean as we both said are you know part four is one of the best parts of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and yeah that is what we're going to be talking about next time so yeah be on the lookout for that because I'm excited and I know you're hyped as well.
Yeah, we both love Part 4. Oh, Part 4 is so good. Well, we'll get into that next week. Yeah, absolutely.

Promotional Content and Closing Remarks

So yeah, where can these awesome job rows find your content?
Of course, yeah, for the awesome Joe Rosen chat. Find me at slash, all one word. Mondays, we are an attorney at law. We are the ace attorney. We are Phoenix Wright. Wednesdays, we go to my other job, my afternoon job, as I'd like to put it. We're trying to kill a one-winged angel or trying to get there. And of course, Fridays, we go to my night job and slay some zombies, you know? Have fun with that. We're also trapped in a house, if you guys are interested in that, with a girl. I mean, I know a lot of you Twitch and YouTubers are all like,
this guy's hanging out with a girl that's content so feel free to check that out and uh yeah i also do very scuffed voices on the monday streams too so if you guys are into that feel free to hit me up there yeah but the top tier scuffed voices oh thank you thank you i tried
And yeah, if you want to see more of my content, you can find me on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and of course Twitch under the name Satsanami42. If you want to see more of my content, or rather the content of the podcast chat tsunami, you can catch it on Anchor, Spotify, and all good podcast distributors. And if you want to catch it live,
you can catch it on Satsanami 42 over on Twitch at 7.30pm BST every Wednesday. So yeah, feel free to check it out. But yeah, both of us, thank you so much once again for coming on and just chatting, Jojo.
Of course, any time. Thank you for always having me to chat, Joe. Oh, no problem. No, the sessions are always a blast, so thank you so much. Of course. As always, guys, stay safe, stay awesome. Most importantly, stay hydrated. And if you see a very weird photoshopped image of a naked vampire, yeah, just burn it.
Burn it. Yep. Don't get involved. Yeah, don't get involved. That's all. It's not your fight. And if you see a smashed camera, keep walking. Just keep walking. Keep walking, yeah. If you hear a guy yelling the world at the top of his lungs, it's best you stay away. Absolutely. Absolutely. Bye, guys. See ya.