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Japanese Spider-Man: Episode 41 (Commentary Track) image

Japanese Spider-Man: Episode 41 (Commentary Track)

S3 ยท Chatsunami
335 Plays2 years ago

In this episode friend of the channel Craigy C is webbed in by Satsunami himself to take on one of the most unique iterations of Spider-Man! Feel free to grab some snacks and watch along with the duo as they discuss the weird and wonderful of this episode!


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Introduction to Special Episode on Japanese Spider-Man

Hello everybody and welcome to this very special episode of Chatsunami First and Last. In this commentary track we are going to be talking about the final 41st episode of Japanese Spider-Man. If you'd like to watch this commentary track along with the episode then get ready to start the episode now.

Guest Introduction and Series Viewing Quirks

Hello everybody and welcome back to the second episode of
first and last. Probably the last. Joining me today is of course the one and only Craigie C. It's me, it's me. It's Craigie C. And we are of course watching.
Do you want to tell the lovely people? We're watching the last episode of Japanese Spider Man. It's been a journey.

Analysis of the First Episode: A 'Tour de Force' of Uncle Ben Deaths

I pretended to watch 40 other episodes, but you know, the joke is we just watched the first and last one. So whatever characters are going to be on the screen, I'm going to have to play ignorant and be like, whoa, who's this guy? Do you hear that? Do you hear that splooshing? That's the sound of you peeling the cart now. Revealing all our secrets.
I assume you've watched the other 40 episodes? I've got a podcast about that! What did you think of the first episode? Just while the title came in as a plane? It was very interesting. I like the fact there were two Uncle Beans that died.

Humor in Action Scenes and Marvel Comparisons

I thought it was a very
It was a tour de force. It certainly was. It was of the human experience. It was the Spider-Man's driving. Oh my god. Right in the action. Oh my god. Is this like... There's guns in the front of that car. Is this like Marvel's take on D-Day? Sure.

Character Confusion and Plot Jests

I say to kick both those guys off even moon.
Why'd they get out of the car though? I felt like everything was going good in the car. And he got out to face gunfire himself. Do you know the biggest question I want to know now we've skipped 40 episodes? Where are their beaks? No, they still got the beaks. But they're camouflage beaks. So you can't tell that they're iron cross. It could just be a guy from a different army dressed entirely in grey fighting Spider-Man. Yeah, that's true. It's more common than you think.
It's like, you know, when you're walking down the high street and there's all the charity collectors. Yeah. Same goal, different people. Mo just laughing at the fact she just dipped out of that bone just as it exploded. She went down like the, what do you call it, in a restaurant where they have like the wee elevators that go between for the food. It was one of those she dipped into.
I wonder if this was supposed to be a secret base and there's like bird wire around there's explosives. Shine! Our great hero, that is a very interesting choice of our adjective even.

Interpol, Battles, and Character Antics

He one day at the gym, like, gentle woke up and was like,
He hasn't, have we? You know, the wee boy, you know, they were setting him up to... Well, for the son of Adam, you're the best! Yeah, they were setting him up to put the Spider-Man set on a couple of days time. How about this secret basis do you have? At least 13. Amazoness. Do you think she kept her job at the paper?
That's what I want to know! Imagine that day though, like you just had too much, like someone's coming and moving at you at your job and you're like, I don't even need to be! I'm a secret agent! It's quite... Maybe just like us. It's just the thought of James Bond being like, I don't even need to be here! I've got a flat in London for God's sake! Oh, so they're saying there's a spy in their ranks. But it's that one right now.
She's looking shifty. Interpol exists in this universe. I just think, you know, like, Interpol seems a bit lame, but like, I always hate it in, like, superhero stuff. I was like, oh, by the way, were they actual FBIs? Like, ugh. I guess. I guess that's fine. Over the CIA. Okay. You know what I mean? They don't quite live up to the old superhero thing. I mean, they don't run around in capes.
Yeah, but you can run around. Like, you know, someone turned round and goes, oh man, must be chilly today because you're out of care. And just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not true. I mean, I've said this to you before, but there was a woman I saw in university who ran around with one of the Attack on Titan tapes and it's like, I mean, was she part of the CIA? The real question is what was she so afraid of?
That's what we know, that we know. That's why that's not me.
The real question is, where are there beaks?
They're not Iron Cross. I feel sorry for this woman here, because she's obviously wearing the skimpy outfit, you know, because that's part of the character. But that looks cold in that car, there's no top. He wants to be absolutely Baltic. The little Darth Vader, the control panel, she's got in her stomach as well. Yeah. I mean, they've got like combat gear and everything, but she's not even got... Why are they wearing gas masks and she's not? Because she's Amazonas. Amazonas.
Oh here we go. Yes!

Plot Details and Spider-Man's Feats with Laughter

Oh my god, they do have them all. Is that a second Spider-Man, or is that just the actual... Tell him what we've seen there! You know what, I think I'm good. So there's a real very...
Oh nice, nice handspring. He's doing it again. He didn't even look when he was riding. There's him down there. And there was Spider-Man not wearing any shoes. Like it's just toes at the end of that suit. That must be so... Look at what he's running. Naruto would never. Naruto watches. I like your face.
Off the bay it looks like a look in the fridge at like 2am. It's the logo, it's like not the right colour, it looks like sweat. I always think the logo looks more like an ant. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it does a spike. Oh yeah. I'm big right here. What, ant man? Yeah. I'll never catch on. Oh my god, that was weird. Red and blue? How ironic.
I love how they've got skulls in their bandanas. Are we the baddies? Are we the baddies? That's exactly what I was thinking. Oh my God. Yes, what a show of force, isn't it? What a unit. Why is there like a seat for someone else? You're not riding around with someone else in that car.
Oh my God. Triple cross. Triple iron cross. Oh my God. I love how Japanese for yeses. Makes sense. Yeah. No point wasting your time. Two reasons. I was bored and I wanted to show off this sick ass rain. One was to give you the opportunity to
Sorry, a secret base. They kind of established several secret bases at this point. I just love how I'm looking at a wee hairdresser thing and it's like something you would buy off of Amazon for like cosplays. Well she is an Amazonian so that's probably what Amazonian split is. That was a good one.
I feel like, oh my god, it's five and a half, five hydromomes. You think the Japanese might have these bombs? Everything seems to have them. I mean, if they can fire a nuclear submarine into Godzilla and that sort of thing. I mean, I think they're over it.
This goes for the Japanese Spider-Man and American Spider-Man. There's always that point where it's like, Spider-Man's kind of useless over a certain scope, right? And I feel like this is the same here, it's like, these guys are about to launch some music, so it goes like this. In case you're wondering, it's like, no, no, it's not. No, not in Spider-Man. She's been betrayed.
The rocket escape rocket and I had three seats. I like how they betrayed and they just sort of let her go. Yeah, they just kind of... Yeah. I'd follow up on that. What is wrong with this guy?
Other than he's Spider-Man, but what else is wrong with this picture? So perverse. See at the start of this episode, he got shot and he went into the room and he's like, oh, my tummy. And now he's thrown food in the air and kept in his gob. Doesn't want to go. Lay off him. He's had a hard day. He's had a hard day not being Spider-Man. Go get kicked by a foursome guy. What the hell?
Anyway, this is what he gets for going about turnip when he's avenging his dead dad. But I'm sorry, can you imagine saying get kicked by a horse and die and then two seconds later, oh no, help me! I'm also going to use go get kicked by a horse and die as my side-off on this podcast from now on.

Action, Battles, and Character Dynamics

Go get bit by a smite and become Japanese smite, am I? I'd never wish that on anyone.
Is he just a normal bloke when he's not in the costume? Is this kind of what we're establishing here? Aye, fine. It's like, you're that Jackie Chan film, the tuxedo. When they pretended they had no light. That was a weird film. And he's still better given to these duck guys. Yeah. That's just a riding crop. That's not a weapon. Depends who's using it. That's true. Oh, there you go. First I go wrong.
But you don't got the wristband on. Just turn it to Spiderman. Just turn it to Spiderman and he's getting savagely beat. Okay so, right, I think we've messed up a bit there that he's right. You know in Spiderman Peter Parker's like, he's the contact for Spiderman I guess that's his. Tell Spiderman, well there he is! The mouth on that thing's quick.
Okay that was a really confusing shot though because he was running behind little hills and it made him look absolutely massive. I'm sorry I did that every time it was one of those triple zoom cuts but I can't go over it. I mean we went nuts, remember when we did the
Godzilla vs. King Ghadira episodes. Hence, it was like a very weird out of nowhere zoom where it went, of whom? Where you're like, whoa! This is just up to 11. Spider-Man, no. Hi, mama. Whoa! Could you, could you free me? I kind of got myself stuck. What an amazing thing to introduce in episode 41.
This is so hard to follow because like everything cut.
Go Spidey, go! They must be so much just footage of them rock climbing. What a bump from that lad. Straight on the rock. I remember years and I mean years ago my brother and I were walking on rocks like this and my brother like full face planted because he slipped and was like really mossy and really thicc. I can't imagine having to do a bump on these.
I hope that guy's got rusted shoes. Did you say rusted shoes? Oh, that was right in the dick. He's got the other side too. Don't go broke anymore. Wait, what? What? Oh my gosh, he knows the secret of anything.
Imagine if he just pilled her head down. Your body is starting to get, oh she attacked him. Oh my eyes. Oh yeah you're right. It's a good thing she didn't slap anyone else in the ass with that.
Oh my visuals are blurry! You're good to the toilet, you only come with one hell of a dump! My visuals are blurry! I can't feel my legs! I like how she spent this whole week, sitting this whole season, trying to capture them. She figured out her secret identity and now she's won. Yeah, she's just beaten them with a riding crop. If only he had some kind of giant robot he could sign. Oh no, no need. Plastics with it.
Wait, what? He's dead. How did he end up in the water then? Oh, it's my favourite homage to save in private life. Save in private as a homage to Japanese Spider-Man. Of course it is. It's actually one. There we go. It does feel like that.

Conclusion and Surprising Plot Resolution

We can end the episode now if we just move. That rocket in front of it looks like a lion. It does, doesn't it?
So why... I thought she was kind of doing like a face turn, that's all that was going to happen. She was like, look into the ocean and be like, oh that would stick so badly. But like, see, because it's like a mesh suit, do you think the salt would go through the pores? You know, it's like he shakes it over these chips.
I'm not going to lie to you. So we've seen the first half of the episode, right? I feel like they're not going to wrap up the entire storyline for the end of the show. Unless he beats everyone in the next 10 minutes. What's really weird is he's like, oh, I need revenge. I'm not getting the wrong. He's obviously getting revenge for his dad. But it was that other spider guy who was like, avenge me. Oh, spider man just healed himself.
Oh yeah, enable them to recover his powers. So remember kids, see if you're feeling angry. Just don't think you're being bullied, yeah, or anything. Revenge is the best dish to serve. It might be cold, but you know what? What the frick is that? It's Amazon's bracelet. It's a bracelet? Where did that come from? Put that on there. Does it look good? Yes, as well. Ooh. Yes! Here is your Uber.
I like it quite McDonald's. Is that a toilet roll? That is a toilet roll. You can't convince me otherwise. That is cold, spray painted. Stop showing, is it? Behind the real yard. It's like a poor real worker that's working there. He's like, what? I don't know. Just seeing Spider-Man running on the tracks. Thanks to that loud Beepin' Mo's couldn't. The episode, thank you.
Yeah, if there's any chance that an Ami fans who also know Morse codes can let us know what this says. You also need to know it in Japanese and then translate it for us. I don't even know if Morse codes... I'm assuming it's universal but... Any Morse codes enthusiast? Get in touch. Here he comes. He's going to beat them all in 10 minutes.
I would love to know what episode they were introduced. Cause they were an episode one. I was just a full one. Oh here we go. This is the... The unit machine. Oh my three can ride the rocket. That feels very premeditated doesn't it? I like how she's like back up in the rocket now and he's like yeah. And he's looking at the two of them like bell and retooling. What are you going to have to go? Oh! Short on an arrow. Bondrove would be horrified.
Oh my god! Oh my god! Woah! Did your wife appear on Robocop? I'm sorry. Ah, she's fine. She woke up. Goodbye, Chicken Shapeshift. Oh yeah, that would have been a useful power to use more than once. Because she did? So the reason... So I've just taken the rocket? Yes!
I'm so confused. Is this like but and tough stuff? Got the explanation bro? No! Don't go in there! Amazonas though! Ah yeah, I'm fine for sure. It really is, it's a cultural icon. So what does it come from this? Oh my god. Oh what if you didn't see? Well...
So is he going to fight Dr. Monster? I'm sorry, I didn't know if he had a doctorate or a PhD. Oh, the rocket blew up. Was he not meant to be in that rocket? Oh, holy shit. I was supposed to be in that thing. Oh, they censored the spider crack. Nice.
Oh no, they're spatial. They're just dropping the soundtrack. You know it's good when you start dropping the soundtrack with them. Oh my god, they've got all these guys. Were they just okay with being left behind? Yeah, they're henchmen. When you sign up for these things, you kind of know your job, don't you? That is the thing though. It's like, who would ever be a henchman? Me?
What kind of boss would you fight for Professor Monster? I mean, I assume most of these guys are just needing to pay a bit of money. What's her deal? I know this was like 1978 but it was like 80s workout video X Rambo.
I didn't like her outfit though, it was very like, um, you know the future, I'm gonna have some of the feministas, she was like... PEW! I like her bow and arrow with a... They were really cool, wasn't they? She got it. Did he just try to choke her? Oh, please no. That happened, no clue what happened. Oh my god.
I've been here for a while. And Professor Monster to you. I love how there has to be a narration here. Finally! That's one of my big gripes with there's a couple of shows that have done this where for some reason it's really good at the beginning and then halfway through they decide they need a narration. It's especially the case of that Hunter x Hunter where it's like the character is scared. I'm scared! I know he's scared!
Woah! Look at that chunky boy. Professor Munch has got the games. Professor Chunk? If only you had some way to combat the Spider-Man. I like the fact they're just ancient in these war half. Yes, here we go. How did you not know I'm part of Nookie? Oh my god! If you know you'd...
Oh, he's going to do it from orbit. He's not going to fight him. Oh yes! Nukem from orbit! That's what he's doing, look at him! Spyder Nukem! Can't work for Star Trek. Oh, he's got laser eyes! Since when did he have laser eyes? I mean...
Also the fact that he like turned into a robot as well. Yeah. So this is the exact same transformation. Oh it is, yeah. Apparently they just do that the entire show. 41 times and you never get stuck. Partly as well because as I said in the first episode people kept stealing the suit and everything. So yeah that's... I love how... I know he's supposed to be in a cool robot but he does look as if he's just riding a tree.
Oh my god! That was straight for the heart! That's how you kill the monsters in the first episode as well. Same effect! Well done, that's us! What a speedrun! That's when you go to fight the last boss in the game and you're already like...
Oh, so that's what it... Oh, I'm uncomfortable with that. What it was like, he's shedding his skin. No, just like how low down the zip is. Yeah. Like, you know how, like, Spider-Man usually takes his mask off, but he has to take it so soon. So, do you remember in the first episode, he was fully cold? Oh no, he is fully cold. I was gonna say, I thought, like, when he put the suit on, it's like, suddenly, I'm naked! Thank you, planet Spider! It's like, spiders don't wear clothes, do they? Who are you?
It's a mandate from Marvel, I swear. Don't read the fine print. Don't translate it. Wow. Okay, so about five minutes ago, I said there's no way they're wrapping this entire story up.

Final Reflections and Humorous Farewell

They don't have time, but they proved me wrong. They had time. That was incredible. So, out of five minutes, spiders would do it. Five. Five spiders out of five. Oh, I guess.
Yeah, 5 out of 5. I like that the villain, all he had to do was just get in the same places and to be him. Like, it wasn't so much that he was like a villain, it was just, oh I have to just be here. Did he have a rescue as... what of interest? Yeah, no. Yeah, remember he went like numb and he had the Elvis likes. Yeah, but she'd already gotten to that point, she'd gotten to a bit of something. Did she though?
Is she still in that rock? Is she still hanging off, going, you know, it's like, his long, arduous journey is over. Spiderman! Help me! I don't know. I feel like there was probably like an hour worth of footage for that episode and they went, you know what? They'll speak on this. Let's get this on for 20 minutes. This Japanese spider.
It's Japanese vitamin! No one's gonna watch this ever again in 2023.
And on that note, catch us on Friday when we will indeed be watching or rather reviewing. I was going to be watching the whole series. We will indeed be reviewing what we just saw. So yeah, catch us then and until then, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, change the world. I was going to say most importantly, get kicked by a horse and die.
The red panto on the corner is like, no! For only a reason, sir. I'm sorry. The red panto is like, yo, bro! What does that say?