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Ep.82 Letting Go of Discipline to Embrace Flow image

Ep.82 Letting Go of Discipline to Embrace Flow

S3 E82 · ReConnect with Plant Wisdom
95 Plays3 months ago

After a brief hiatus, I'm back with a fresh perspective on how to let go of rigid discipline and embrace the natural flow. In this episode, I share my personal journey of reconnecting with plant wisdom to transform my productivity.

We'll dive into the concept of "deep patterns" or "soul archetypes" and explore how understanding these can help us weave various aspects of our lives into a seamless flow. I'll also highlight the importance of presence and interaction with our environment for holistic well-being.

By embracing flow and trusting ourselves, we can create a fulfilling and authentic life. Join me as I unravel the secrets to achieving our goals in harmony with our true nature. 🌿✨

Topics Covered about flow
➡️ Understanding Deep Patterns or Soul Archetypes
➡️ The Interplay Between Discipline and Flow
➡️ The Importance of Presence and Mindfulness
➡️ Integrating Plant Wisdom for Holistic Well-being

Resources Mentioned
🌱 Plant Wisdom Book Club
🌱 Befriend Your Limiting Beliefs
🌱 Multipotentialite mentorship with me and plants

Expanded Show HERE

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// Opening and Closing music by Steve Sciulli and Poinsettia from The Singing Life of Plants

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Return to Podcasting and Hiatus Reflection

Hello, hello, hello, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of Reconnect with Plant Quizdom. It's me, Tigria Catenia, and I'm back. I'm back. You may have noticed I took a small hiatus. i Actually, I took two weeks off um from recording the podcast for a number of different reasons. um I got to a place. Look, let me say this.
I love recording this podcast. I mean, love, love. i didn't When I first started the podcast, I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing, how I was doing it, what exactly it was going to look like. I knew I wanted to do audio and video. That was the only thing I knew. I knew, of course, that it had to be about you know reconnecting with client wisdom. Other than that, I knew zero.
And as I've gone on over the periods of time, has you know the the the themes, the topics, the how, all of it has just become an ah organic growth.

Podcast Evolution and Structure

Even this part of it right now, how much do I do a podcast episode that is you know not scripted but is somewhat you know laid out and has a specific topic and the way that I go through it versus how much of it is a conversation that you and I can have, especially because having the naturally conscious community you know my online community where you can come in and we can have you know discussions via posts where we have so many different events happening every single week from ah discussions on the Plant Wisdom Book Club, which by the way, the book we're currently reading, Ways of Being, oh my goodness, what an amazing book. We had such a fantastic second discussion about it. But anyways, that's over there. And you know all these other opportunities for us to talk, I wasn't really sure how I was going to structure the podcast.
And little by little, the topics have started to flow, which is remember that word because it's very appropriate to today's topic. and how it's going to move. But at the same time, it is a conversation. It's my opportunity to have a conversation with you for me to share what is happening. And I i try very hard to be completely transparent of you know my own state of being in recording this podcast, because I feel like it's an important aspect of not just my journey, and the journey but the journey that we're having together.

Impact of Global Events and Emotional Hiatus

So ah two weeks ago, I got to a place where I was like, I just can't do it right now. the
There was so much happening in the world simultaneously, you know, all of these different pieces, ecological turmoil, you know, hurricanes happening and floods and such, all in places that I have a connection to um energetically and through my microlines and through my past lives and all these different aspects, you know, Spain and Florida and the United States.
and you know Italy itself where I currently live and then at the same time there was I am still I am you know Cuban by birthright and American by you know citizenship and growing up and everything and so therefore the ah the elections in the United States took a toll on me they took a toll on me even before the elections and the run-up to the elections And I'll be very honest, the the day of the results, I mean, i'm I'm six hours ahead of the closest time zone in the United States. And so I was just i was in it. I was in it from beginning to end. it's been um It's still something I'm processing. I had to go back in myself to go listen to some of the old podcasts to understand some of the turmoil happening in the United States.
and i'm having to really process how it is that i want to deal with those results how is it that i want to work through and be apart what is my role as a us citizen as well as a european citizen as well as somebody who is the you know do it does things like this and you know, sit down and spend a lot of time with the plants. Let me just say that I have spent over the last two weeks in addition to everything that I do here in Dom and Her and I have spent a lot of time sitting with plants and just sitting. I can't just sitting and allowing everything to process. I've also, you know, you'll see kind of if you're watching on the video, you might see behind me, there's some materials on the ground and I've been processing through and understanding
and working on a new project connected to personality. So there's just a lot going on. And that being said, now this morning I woke up and I just was like, i I'm ready. I'm ready. I want to sit down here and I want to have this conversation with you and I want to walk you through um different aspects and I want to continue our conversation on discipline and flow and multi potential lights and how plants help us with all this and everything. So we're back.
We're back. I took a two weeks. I am back. I can't even tell you that I'm not going to take another two weeks at some point, but I am so excited to get this particular episode out with you.

Deep Patterns and Soul Archetypes

In the last episode, I introduced you to the concept of a deep pattern, or in dominant terms, it would be one of your soul archetypes or elements, right? Understanding your deep pattern really... Boy, I did that transition fast. I'm going to take a breath. Hold on. Let me drink some water and take a breath.
Okay, you have just witnessed the multipotentialite mind at work and how appropriate that is for exactly this episode and what we're going to talk about. Where I could be going along on one topic, even one topic that completely engulfs me and touches me and all these different aspects and then all of a sudden switch.
And the reason for this is the concept of your deep pattern or your soul archetype. All of what I'm talking about is so aligned to my soul archetype, to my element, to my deep pattern that I can easily switch from one to the other and feel completely in flow.
So no longer do any of these things have to be independent, you know, thought processes or talents or passions or whatever it is that they're working on. There's this connecting thread that runs through me that brings them all together. And that's what allows me to really jump from one thing to another. And once you have that, what you realize is that you no longer need Discipline to carry out anything your projects instead and the things that you want to accomplish in life Flow together in a different way. So with that let's get into episode 82 Which is letting go of discipline and embracing flow
Welcome to Reconnect with Plant Wisdom. I'm your host, Tigria Gardenia, nature-inspired mentor, certified life coach, and the founder of the Naturally Conscious share their practical wisdom to help you consciously embody the
together we'll explore how ecosystem thinking helps you overcome limiting beliefs Okay.
Let's talk about flow for a second, because I think once we get into the conversation of discipline, it'll it'll sort of head in a different direction. So I want to talk about flow, because flow is this beautiful ah rhythm that nature has. It's this rhythm that runs within us. It's about aligning with natural cycles, with cultural cycles, with physiological cycles, which obviously are natural cycles, unless you're really conditioned and you've been moved into something else. but aligning with those cycles and letting your energy move freely and effortlessly because you trust yourself because you know yourself because you know ultimately deep down that even though something might logically at a surface level feel like a distraction or feel like.
something that pulls you away, you know that there is going to be something that's going to snap you back in. I'll take the example of what I was talking about earlier, which was the fact that I really got cut up into the US elections, so much so that I had one particular platform that I was looking at every single day, at least twice a day to kind of get an update on what was going on. I got very informed. I got very i became very informed on many of the policies that were happening and the different points of view from the different sides. I really immersed myself in it. And this is not something I normally do. I do love politics. I love more the law. I like very much the idea. I i originally wanted to be a lawyer. I really enjoy like the law and appellate courts and stuff like that. And so the policies from the political side is really more an understanding of how does they apply the laws of the land from the perspective of the people.
So I allow myself and I allowed myself to really get into it. It took up a lot more time than I have ever given to that kind of topic, but I felt like it was necessary. And I knew, I knew that there would be a moment where that time that I was spending in what seemed like doom scrolling sometimes as I was reading through things, I knew it was necessary deep down. I allowed myself and I gave myself permission to do that because I knew that there would be a moment that I would snap out of it.
And that's exactly what happened. A few days after the election happened, at that point, I no longer needed to visit that particular social media that I was channel that I was visiting to help me better understand what was going on. But the lessons learned which for me personally was a really deeper understanding of how I want to show myself in the world, who do I want to be, and aspects of myself that if you took ah Befriend Your Living Beliefs, if you participated in that interactive webinar that I just did not that long ago, you will hear about one of my kind of quote-unquote negative traits that became a limiting belief that really blocked me for a long time. And so I now that I'm on the other side of that limiting belief,
I understand better how I want to express myself in the world, but I hadn't necessarily been doing it. Like the intellect of it had come in, the understanding of it had come in, the permission had come in, but I wasn't sure at this age in this time of my life with what I am, where I live and all these things, I didn't understand how I wanted that to manifest itself. But in following these US elections, it has become much more clear to me exactly how I want to express myself on certain types of topics and controversial topics especially, not just in the political arena, but in life in general.

Personal Growth through US Elections

In other words, certain types of conversations that I had been staying out of
because my negativity, which is connected to a limiting belief of a few other things, was protecting me and therefore was sort of holding me back from expressing because I didn't have a mastery of my voice in that direction. I didn't know how to express myself in a way that just wasn't judgmental and in um in a negative way or or triggering, but that instead could foster really positive um conversation.
And that at the same time was willing to put my money where my mouth is and to really um take that all the way through. In other words, not just talk about it, but actually be active in whatever it was that I was talking about.
The process of allowing myself to enter into everything that was happening in the US elections, for me personally, allowed me to see where, first of all, it allowed me to see the places where I today can speak much more eloquently. I can get my point across with clarity. I don't have to judge others at all. And yet it helped me also see where my moral compass is, where am I willing to stand up,
and be an ally and a vocal ally, or even to take you know the the be on the forefront of something that I think of that is important and that I need to move the needle forward. The shift in the paradigm that I talk about and that we talk about so much inside of the naturally conscious community that all of us are actively working on, it helped me see my part in that paradigm shift, where my voice, where I was not using my voice not using my talents, not using my skills at a fear of a past behavior. And how I no longer needed to fear that because I have evolved past that fear. So besides the fact of getting immersed into the US political scheme you know um landscape again, it helped me see my role in bigger issues in life.
bigger issues than even the ones I was allowing myself to participate in. It allowed me to connect to bridge, because that's connected to my element, the past experiences and things I was very, very um passionate about and an advocate for when I was much younger, but that I didn't know how to do it and so therefore I just pissed people off, it helped me see better what i'm how I'm supposed to use and how I'm supposed to re-enter and reconnect to those passions, to that advocacy
in this day and age, in this level, where am I supposed to put that advocacy today because I have the skill set to be able to do it? So I had this innate trust in myself that I knew that watching these, you know, what was happening in the US ah the u election sphere Even though it drew so i mean it it has brought to the surface so many different emotions, something inside of me knew I needed to experience those emotions. And so that's really the flow. The flow is is when you don't actually exactly know
why you're doing something Sometimes it might even seem like something that's counterintuitive. Like I said, I did doom scroll a lot. I did. I got sad. I got angry. I, you know, stomped on my feet and like cried because there was so much going on.
But it was interesting to me the parallel between that and what was happening ecologically around the world and the work that I do with plants and how it helped me see so many pieces of my advocacy work, of my work with people, my work helping people integrate their feelings, their passions, the work that they feel called to do. My job and my soul element, my soul archetype, it helped bring clarity to that.
in it because while I was doom scrolling, I was trusting in a process. I was knowing that I was going to get out of it. I was knowing that there was something I had to go through and I did not censor myself. I didn't try to focus on other things. I allowed myself to go through it. Did some of my current work suffer? Yes, absolutely. Did I isolate myself at times? Sure. But even that, even just like the podcast, which I put on hold for two weeks, I knew that it was going to go somewhere. So that is really the essence that of the flow that I want to talk about today. Because when you're in that state of flow, things do feel seamless. They feel like they're going towards somewhere. You feel like even if it's something that
All around you, you might be hearing, oh, that's not a good thing. You somehow understand that it's taking you somewhere. It's an intuitive, in some ways harmonious way of engaging with your passions, even if the passion itself that you're engaging with, in my case, the emotions around the ecological turmoil and changes that are happening in the world and this political turmoil weren't necessarily always so beautiful of like feelings. But there was a harmony of engaging with those because I knew that it was going to create something. It's really very similar. It's akin to how plants thrive in a natural environment, how plants might
have moments of competition or moments of parasitism or moments of other things. But when you step back and you look at it at the ecosystem level, there's a natural flow that's happening through that. And there's cycles of life and death that are happening in there. And when you know that that's happening, it's much easier to go into it. Where discipline, which is I think where many of ah many humans try to go like I might have in another phase of my life tried to say I'm going to stop the doom strolling. I'm only going to like scroll like in the morning. I'm going to discipline myself and I'm going to do other things because this is a distraction or whatever. It's much more structured and forceful. It often involves strict schedules, um some kind of punishment reward incentive model. or rigid rules and more controlled approach to productivity, which is pretty much impossible for a multi-potential light. I don't know why we keep trying to do this when we know it never works.
But somehow, we have been taught that the moment that I get a new idea for something, I'm supposed to put it into practice. If not, I'm not disciplined enough. Or you know I'm supposed to really feel like I have to carry out every passion that I have at all times. um There's just a lot of aspects where discipline has been very What's the word I want to look for? It's been something that has disempowered a person who is multi-passionate so much. And our society has this sort of linear way, kind of like the aspect of um we think of time as linear. But once you walk into any esoteric school and go deeper into any kind of esoteric teaching, you learn that time is more of a fabric and therefore that it's not linear. It's just linear in our perceptions and that with
certain types of knowledge and understandings, you can actually start to feel the non-linearness of time. And so things that you had experienced with time, déjà vu, and kind of thinking feeling that you know some things were happening asynchronously,
Actually becomes true and you start to be able to work with that rather than this linear concept. It's the same thing here. Discipline is a linear concept. It believes that there should be an ABCDE and it has a very specific order and that's the only order that works. Where When people ask me, for example, how am I so productive? If I was to show you my workday, you would totally imagine that I get nothing done because I literally will stop mid-sentence. If I'm typing an email and I get an idea for something else, I might stop the sentence halfway through. I won't even finish the sentence. I'll go off and I'll do something else and then I'll come back to the sentence and I'll pick up where I left off and I'll keep going.
So I have all kinds of different um structures around me, so it doesn't mean I don't have structures. I have tons of different structures to capture ideas and to be able to jump even in the middle of things from one thing to another. I might be working on something, then I'll get up and I'll cook something, then I'll start to draw.
Then I'll come back to what I was working on that was logical. Then I might enter into, I might be working on something for Dom and her. And then I'll halfway through, I haven't even finished that. I might jump over to something I'm working inside of the naturally conscious community. I allow each one of my passions to fuel the next one. And what allows me to do that is the fact that I have such a deep understanding of, again, my own deep pattern.
what I'm here to do and what success looks like for me, personal success. What does it look like that it allows me to be able to give myself that permission necessary?
Because discipline itself, maybe it can achieve some results in the short term, but it feels really unnatural for us. And it's honestly exhausting, and especially when you thrive on variety and creativity. So really what you want to do is embrace that flow, that creativity, to nurture your passions and talents organically, creating a life that is easy, feels easy and graceful and authentic, And ultimately successful because it's about finding your own rhythm and dancing to your own unique beat, right? It's really more about um being able to be that constant wave. If you're looking at the ocean and you're following a wave, you might see where it crests.
But because waves have no constraints it's hard to to understand exactly where the next wave comes from right there they're kind of like always piecemeal i can take a small sliver of the ocean but even within that the waves don't just completely crest.

Deep Patterns for Fulfillment

and then come back and then crest and then come back. Instead, there's like an overlapping of all of these different crestings. And so that's exactly what it is. You can't fit yourself. You can't take that ocean and try to force it into a rigid mold. It doesn't work. It doesn't hold. So my hope is that by the end of this episode, you're going to understand why it is that discipline doesn't work for your multi-passionate mind and what to do instead. And especially in this moment with the chaos that's happening sometimes, feeling of in the world and the injustices especially that are happening in the world and all of the different situations, whether it's in your personal life or at the grand scale, it's important that once you recognize
what your deep pattern is, right? This natural element that is what glues together your position in the ecosystem, which is your community, your work, your family life, and all these things. Once you understand what your sort of overarching um ah connector is in that. What is the thing that is the pattern you bring into this? Then all of a sudden you're going to feel that no matter where you are and even whether it's something beautiful that's happening or something's terrible, it has a meaning. And when it has the meaning, you can understand how it fits into something bigger, how you fit into something bigger, how you become part of the universal puzzle of life, this great game of life that we're all playing. So this is why understanding flow
is so fundamental to your personal sense of happiness and of fulfillment. Because ah in order to have that authentic, fulfilling, successful life, you need, you need, with a capital N, to be in harmony with your true nature. You need to accept and understand how it is that your overall structure, physical body and subtle body together, right, physical look, um material, as well as um um energetic, let's just say, all these different elements of you, you need to get into this deep understanding. Hence, why on the floor behind me, you'll see this big pad of paper with all these pens as I'm working through
Personalities and how to best share with you what what exactly personalities are how it exactly they work and how do they fit in to your deep pattern how is it that in an ecosystem a plant can have multiple different talents and aspects and how do they carry those out? How is it that you align and find your own well find and then align to your natural rhythms and cycles making all these tasks that you have to do feel effortless and enjoyable even in their darkest moments? How is it that you step out of different models instead of necessarily discipline? For example, the other day I was talking with one of my clients and we were talking about her own current struggles in
being a multi-passionate person and how she's opening up a lot of files and all these different aspects. And one of the things we talked about was what are the different models that she could rely on in her personal way of connecting into what this what these different tasks are. We talked about her own elements and trying to narrow down what her element is, what her her deep pattern is and we got it down to about two. What exactly then from there, how does she use that to maybe find different models that help her with the large amount of passions that she currently has?
the many different things that she wants to accomplish in her life. So looking at it from the perspective of, okay, I have a whole series of tools in front of me, and I have many different directions that I can take, which one of these directions right now are going to weave together the thread that is necessary for this particular color of my life, for this particular period of my life, knowing that I might weave in something else and actually weave out something else in the future.
So how do we, by better understanding what your element is, by your deep pattern is, how does that make it easier for her to start weaving in and weaving out? Is it an easy process right now? Not necessarily. It has its moments of like clutter, clutter in your mind, clutter around you.
But it also gives you breathing room and allows you to, when you recognize that you're in the clutter, stop and say, OK, I'm in the clutter. Let me focus back in. Let me not focus. That's the wrong word. Let me sit with this clutter and allow the the pattern to show me the next step forward. So this is a stage where you can tap into your um ah your creativity without really feeling forced or constrained, but more of giving a possibility for your natural expression to happen, even if it's counterintuitive from what you've been taught and for the way that you're supposed to do

Partnering with Shift Network

something. But before we continue this, I want to share with you one of our eco-conscious business partners.
The first time I connected with a plant and actually received a response, I got chills. It's such an invigorating sensation when you make a breakthrough like that and realize just how connected we are and that we are nature.
As a nature-inspired mentor myself, I was super excited to stumble upon the shift network and its mission to empower global network of evolutionary change agents. Talk about my kind of movement. There are so many inspiring thought leaders, healers, empaths, and other visionaries all under one roof, each one on an individual and collective mission to help you reawaken and co-create a just and prosperous world.
Check out the show notes and click on the link to learn more about the shift network. Consider enrolling in a course or two. Their programs are the perfect complement to your evolving naturally conscious life. So it's ba him basically by embracing this flow, by trusting in yourself, by anchoring yourself by this deep pattern, you cultivate a sense of of knowing. And that's really what I want. Like that's what I work with the most with my clients. It's not about um finding one technique that's going to work, but it's more about cultivating a continual step of knowing and of ways for you to check in with yourself
so that you know where it is that you're moving towards. So that's why being finding meaning is so important. That's why connection is so important. All of these different aspects that allow you to know yourself. This is where your values are so important.
This is where understanding that deep pattern is so important. This is where moving in those directions allows you to know yourself in a way that you then have a check-in whenever something seems like, okay, wait, is that a distraction? And you might check in, and the answer might be, yes, it's a distraction, but it's a distraction you need in this moment. And it's like, oh, okay. Versus, is this a distraction?
And you might get a check-in that says, it is a distraction and it's something you don't need to be distracted of because A, B, and C, you are strong enough, you know how to do this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and so therefore you don't have to move through that distraction. So living in flow means that you're not constantly fighting against yourself or living up to some kind of external expectation. Instead, you're allowing your unique abilities to really shine. You're creating that fulfilling and authentic life that reflects who you truly are. And this is something we see constantly in the natural world. We see our plants, friends, our plant allies transforming their environment in order to allow for their expression, right? An aloe plant, as I have um Jaina in front of me, who is flowering right now. It's so beautiful. I always forget the Jaina flowers around this time of year. And so I was watering Jaina the other day and all of a sudden this beautiful flower is coming out and I'm excited.
Jana's flowers are orange, a really bright, beautiful orange. and But Jana is an aloe, and Jana will always have characteristics of an aloe, but Jana is also in a pot in a specific location connected to a few other kinds of succulent plants that are around. And so with temperature that fluctuates because, you know, when I travel, I turn off the heat. And so Jana has ah an aloe core that has certain characteristics such as this flower, but Jana also has periods of the year where Jana doesn't flower because even though an aloe in the wild, my flowent ah flower in that particular moment, in this particular moment,
Jaina doesn't have the conditions in order to be able to flower and that's okay. So then what does Jaina do? Jaina does other things. Ki does other aspects and grows in other ways. Where do I put in more leaves? Where instead do I stay small based on my pot? There's a lot of adaptation happening around, but Jaina's always going to be an aloe and Jaina's always going to have certain characteristics that are aloe. So I can transform.
but yet at the same time, I can have certain parts of myself, mindy patterns that are always the same. We often see this in many different aspects of the natural world, such as you know when to shed leaves, to conserve energy, or when instead to grow and put on growth, even though the time period from a biological clock might be telling me that I'm supposed to do something different, but I am responding to the environment around me.
um When is it that there are environmental cues that the plants pick up on in order to know how to flower so that their pollinators can come and take advantage of them? What are that relationship back and forth that allows kin to make those types of decisions?
When is there active availability for my evolution versus when instead is it better for me to conserve some energy? So there's many different kind of as aspects and that allow a plant to kind of keep their core essence while flowing with what's happening around them. And this is exactly what I want you to be able to do. This is what I work on so much with my clients and what we talk about inside of the naturally conscious community. How do I know my core essence so well, trust in all of these different capabilities, possibilities, and you know ideas that I have and still be able to choose the one that I'm going to execute on in that given moment because it is most aligned to where I need to go in this moment
and it might change three seconds later. It might change five seconds later. It might change five months later. It might change five years later. It is going to change, by the way. It's going to change. You're probably, if you're a multi-potential light, not going to do the same thing for the rest of your life. You're always going to have things that are constantly changing, some by the second, some by the minute, some by the year, some by the decade, but they're always going to be changing. So this is why you need to let go of the discipline.
Everyone has their own natural cycle of energy and focus. And there are some people that thrive on discipline, but not the multi-potentially, not the multi-passionate.

Embracing Spontaneity and Creativity

They don't have these same types of fluctuations or need for these fluctuations. So instead of trying to resist these fluctuations and thinking that they're coming too fast,
It's about checking in with yourself and having and developing the um internal indicators that help you know whether this fluctuation is a natural rhythm for you, or if the fluctuation is coming from a place of fear, a limiting belief, or something else that you're being your your own mind is protecting you from and doesn't allow you access to.
Because that is really the place where we as multi potential light start to come out of our natural rhythm for example forcing yourself to work on something when you're naturally tired or other uninspired it just doesn't work.
it's It's counterproductive. So it's much better, especially if you have to work in an environment where you have to work for somebody else. It's much more important when you're not feeling inspired or when you're tired for you to work on maybe something that has some more structure that's easier for you to do, kind of without having to invest certain types of energy, and then allow yourself to do the more creative work when you're feeling inspired. But again, you always have to go back to that core that allows you to trust your intuition as to whether or not it's time to do that. Discipline demands too much strict adherence to schedules and rules that leaves very little room for spontaneity or creativity and this rigidity stifles the innovation and personal expression of a multi-potential light. It makes it impossible for us to be True to ourselves. So there are even some kinds of jobs that we might be able to take for a short term We might even be able to take them if we know that there's a certain reward But they want won't be our forever type jobs because we're just not capable of holding them for a long period of time
So an external person might think you're jumping from job to job to job when you know that you're really just accomplishing something in each one of these jobs and that what's the thread between them will become evident for you over time. But you don't need to stay in something long term.
if you've already received whatever it was that you needed to receive in order for your deep pattern to be able to continue moving forward your overall soul evolution. hopefully Hopefully that makes sense because It's a hard one. It's a hard one to understand that external motivation only can work in smart and short bursts for us. It could help if there's a group motivation, like a group project that has a deadline. um or But generally speaking, penalties or deadlines, even rewards external, don't really work for us. We we really rely much more
on internal inspiration, um the feeling of getting something done rather than the reward from, I don't know, I can go shopping now because I went and did this. It's just a slight different twist, but that's much more aligned to our our perspectives. Because if not, we end up in burnout and a sense of obligation, and that kills the passion and eventually kills the creativity.
in what we're doing. So hopefully that makes a little bit more sense of trying to understand how it is to work with this. And especially in this period of great turmoil, this is in some ways where the multi-potential light actually thrives even though we emotionally sometimes can take a hit for it because we feel so strongly what's happening and we have um other ways to solve or to express or to experience and sometimes very, very alternative logic in understanding what's going on.
And but it makes it sometimes very hard to express it right away we need that time to process it to test it to ah internally check your barometer before you can actually express it so take space for yourself right now cultivate that sense of flow.
Let the self-awareness happen. Give yourself a lot of self-compassion in this process because the flow comes from there. It comes from a deep understanding of who you are, which is why, for example, with my clients, we always start new sessions. When I start with somebody new, it's very important to spend the first session entirely talking about who you are, what your values are, what are your passions,
what What is it that you, why is it that you wanna do things? What gives you meaning? What gives you a sense? This becomes our true barometer. Our barometer is not, I wanna, I don't know, make 10K a month or I want to accomplish X, Y and Z. That is not the way a multi-potential light sets goals. A multi-potential light sets goals much better on achieving certain values from living in ah in a state of coherence in a state of harmony with themselves, of certain types of feelings, of certain types of expressions. These are how it is. So we have to dig deep into your values. We have to dig deep into who you are.

Goal Setting for Multi-Potentialites

We have to start building that self-awareness and that self-trust. And that is the focus because that is going going to help me then feel a sense of accomplishment. That doesn't mean I can't get to 10,000, you know, 10K months or whatever people call
That doesn't mean that I can't have external goals, but those external goals have to be wrapped around what fuels the multi-potential light, because if not, you will try to use a disciplined approach and it's not going to work. So I really hope that this kind of gave you a deeper, deeper understanding of what it is that we're trying to accomplish by stepping out of discipline and sending stepping in to flow. I really want you to stop thinking about things as if I have to stop doing this or I have to you know focus on that. That's not it. It's it's learning how to
mix all these pieces together. It's learning how to jump from one thing to the other with a sense of trust and with confidence. It is about giving yourself much more permission to be who you truly are and to embrace your true talents. This is the essence of why you want to embrace that flow.
why you want to stop focusing on discipline, why it is that it works so much better and you will feel so much more satisfaction in life when you let go of discipline and you embrace flow. That is the direction that you want to take your life. So if you have any questions at all about this or you want to talk to me about a program specifically tailored for you and the way that your mind works,
then please reach out to me. I am always here. I love questions. I love answering questions and I love getting into a dialogue.

Invitation to Naturally Conscious Community

You can find me on my website and you can also find me in the Naturally Conscious community. But I really would love to help you start to experiment with embodying flowing your daily life. What does it look like for you? How does it move? And more importantly, how can you discover your deep pattern?
What is the pattern that your soul has been carrying out since it first came into this beautiful system that we have? And what is it that that soul needs in order to accomplish the life purpose that you were incarnated for? I want to hear your experiences. I want to hear your questions. And I'm really excited to continue this journey with you. So with that, that's me.
You know, if you want to find out what your deep pattern may be, please book a discovery call with me. And I really hope that you enjoyed this episode. Remember to like, to comment, to subscribe, you know, all those, all those things that are, that are good to do and that are fun to do. And I look forward to seeing you in the Naturally Conscious Community. This is me, Tigraya Gaddania. I'm out. Thanks for tuning into this episode of Reconnect with Plant Wisdom. To continue these conversations, join us in the Naturally Conscious Community.
your premier online ecosystem for plant reawakening and accelerated evolution and co-creation with other kin. Here you'll find expansive discussions, interactive courses, live events, and supportive group programs like the Plant Wisdom Book Club and the Sprouts Writing and Creativity Group.
Connect with like-minded individuals collaborating with plants to integrate these insights into life. Intro and Outro Music by Steve Schulie and Poinsettia from the Singing Life of Plants. That's it for me, Tigreia Gardenia, and my plant collaborators. Until next time, remember, resist the urge to hold back your emerging green brilliance. I'm out. Bye!