Episode 191 - Why Bad Grammar is Costing You Business image
E191 · Brands that Book with Davey & Krista Jones
Episode 191 - Why Bad Grammar is Costing You Business
Episode 191 - Why Bad Grammar is Costing You Business

Copywriter Sarah Klongerbo joins me on the podcast today, to discuss why bad grammar is costing you business and what you can do to easily fix it. I give Sarah a lengthy intro in the episode so I'll spare you that here but suffice it to say that Sarah is someone that I highly trust. One thing I really appreciate about this episode is that Sarah did a ton of research so that people can understand the tangible benefits of paying a little closer attention to their copy. 

As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ‘em out at https://daveyandkrista.com/ And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

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1 year ago

Copywriter Sarah Klongerbo joins me on the podcast today, to discuss why bad grammar is costing you business and what you can do to easily fix it. I give Sarah a lengthy intro in the episode so I'll spare you that here but suffice it to say that Sarah is someone that I highly trust. One thing I really appreciate about this episode is that Sarah did a ton of research so that people can understand the tangible benefits of paying a little closer attention to their copy. 

As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ‘em out at https://daveyandkrista.com/ And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.
