32 Plays
2 years ago

This week we have the talented Jacquis Neal jumping on the podcast. He talks about jumping into kicks and how sponsorship money graced started his dive into the deep end. He also talks about how Michael Jordan impacted his life growing up in Chicago. Also Hass doesn't join Ify on the interview portion of the pod but he's here on the intro and they both talk about their recent wins!

Find Jacquis:

All socials: @JacquisNeal

Tune-In and don't forget to leave a review with your first kicks & subscribe!

Follow the pod:

Got a my kicks story? email us at myfirstkickspod@gmail.com our IG is @myfirstkickspod

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/myfirstkicks

Ify's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ifynwadiwe 


Music by Gordon Bombay: https://thegordonbombay.bandcamp.com/

(Cop something and tell him we sent ya!)
