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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency image

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency

S1 E29 ยท Chatsunami
277 Plays3 years ago

In this episode, Satsunami seeks the help of his friend BlowfishmanTV to begin diving into the weird and wonderful world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, continuing with part two. What are Hamon Clackers? Why are the villains oiled up body builders? What is even going on? All this and more in this episode!

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Introducing the Episode with Blowfish Man TV

Welcome to Chad Tsunami. Hello everybody and welcome to another special episode of Chad Tsunami. I'm Sad Tsunami and joining me once again on this crazy bizarre adventure is my very good friend Blowfish Man TV. Blowfish, welcome back.
I mean, everyone knows who I am, so let's just start off the bloody stream, man. I do appreciate the pun. I'm glad you saw that. We do love a good pun on this. I was going to say stream, but technically this will be going out to YouTube and Anchor and everything. You know what I mean. The thought is there. I get it.

Introduction to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 2

So yeah, for all you JoJo fans out there, you have probably picked up. We are indeed going to be talking about part two this week of JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, aptly titled Battle Tendency. And would it be safe to say that this is probably both of our, or at least one of our favourite parts in the series? Yeah, definitely, man. Joseph was just completely different from Jonathan and I was just so captivated by that, I'm like, what?
and I decided to keep watching more you know that's how it all starts in part two because I have to admit this is again this is something I'm probably going to say throughout this episode to say oh yeah that took me off guard because a lot of this part took me off guard when I really I mean when I first started watching it at least
Kind of flashing back to last time when we were talking about part one, part one we kind of agreed that it was a good part and it was like a very good introduction to the series but at the same time it wasn't like... it wasn't like what the memes led you to believe about the series was it? I mean other than a couple of like...
conodioda pluck as we're actually talking about just before we came on and all of those but there wasn't really much in the way of it being groundbreaking then things start to take a really sharp turn where we've still got like the vampires and we've got everything else kind of laid out and yeah we've got like
quite uh how do i explain this without sounding like the weirdest podcaster in the world we have got i think that's impossible maybe most bizarre podcaster in the world when you're trying to get it yeah quite possibly anyway yeah like i mean we've got three technically four um but we will get to that um oil.gods let's just say that
That's what I'm saying until we get into the meat of this episode because my god there is a lot of meat in this part. Or oiled up jacked gods just like doing poses to intimidate you. I feel as if that is like the most like conservative way you can describe these guys. A hundred percent Satsu, a hundred percent man.

Character Analysis: Joseph Joestar

But yeah, before we kind of jump in, do you want to give the audience listening at home a kind of brief overview about pretty much what battle tendency is about? For sure, man. So it all starts off with Jonathan's grandson, who is named Joseph Joestar. He is wildly different from Jonathan in a sense that he is not gentlemanly, you know, a loudmouth.
picks fights with whoever anyone could catch these hands but the thing what the cool thing about Joseph is that he uses his brain a lot whereas Jonathan was more of a brawn fighter right so that's the thing that took me you know captivated but that got me captivated into part two so it's about so it all starts off with you know Joseph just doing his normal life you know chilling with a arena which is his grandmother aka Jonathan's wife yes she survived
from part one and you know They're just chilling, you know normal day in the neighborhood, you know They're getting restaurant then eventually they run into for all those who have tuned into episode one who can remember one of the hamon fighters named straight So who was like the lone hamon survivor in part one he runs into him and straight so straight up attacks him but he also notices that you know, there's something off with him and
and the fact and what's off with him is that i believe he has like vampire powers just like uh just like dio so you know he ends up defeating him with uh the use of his brain uh but first of all before before he even got into that he he whipped out a tommy gun and shot the guy like a million times and i'm just like what what he had like a long coat on like where did this come from i'm like
what and like he's like it destroyed the restaurant you know and then eventually he defeats him by i think um you know waiting till the sun comes out right i believe that's right straight so um and then you know straight so tells him he's just like oh there's something going on in i in in germany right because i think it was uh during it was either during the world war two or like it was after no it was in mexico
yeah I think it's during like the late 1930s but yeah no it's Mexico first where the Germans are yeah because they're studying the presence and I'm building up this what I'm about to say yes they're building up to the introduction of the power meter
A pillar man, which is weird because see if you're introducing like an antagonist, usually they introduce like one minor antagonist and then they kind of like raise the stakes.

Mission in Mexico: Rescue Speedwagon

With the pillar men, and again we will get into that, but with the pillar men, they introduce one of them and yeah, I don't think I wasn't prepared. Were you prepared for? No, not at all. Yeah, I'm just like what just happened? That was literally me like when that happened, right?
Yeah, zoom to Mexico and then there's this whole bit of Joseph sneaking into the German army base and he does that by dressing up like a girl and just wrecking them with the use of his brains. I believe he defeated the guards with wine bottles, like ham on filled wine bottles that he basically took the cork out and it was like ham on charge and they just got knocked the hell out.
Like it was like taking like a plastic bullet to the head, except probably harder, right? So then he goes in, you know, he's only doing it because he finds out that our boy Speedwagon was actually kidnapped by these guys. So a little bit of context as to why he went to, you know, Mexico to go take on the German army that was holding him captive, right?
Yeah, and then the first, I guess, Pillar Men was introduced there because I think the German army kept interrogating Speedwagon saying like, hey, you were studying these pillars for a while. And speaking of Speedwagon guys, what happened to him was he became a rich bachelor and he decided to use like all of his money to help out the Joestar family any way he can.
hence creating uh the speedwagon foundation so that's the origin of part two for the speedwagon foundation so he's he's a rich dude rich old dude at this point and you know they kept interrogating like so what are these pillars like who are these men in these pillars and he's just like i'm pretty sure he didn't know right satsui like who who they were he just saw them and was like yeah that was that was something like that right yeah because the way the one kept to the first part as he has
is there to kind of study the stone masks which if you remember part one the stone masks are these stone masks you know exactly what it says on the tin but it's these masks that when put on they turn the user
or the wearer rather, into vampires so he went down there and it turned out there was like a lot more sinister things going on when they actually reach there and just like just before we actually get on to like when the things go south keep in mind this is like the first couple of episodes what you've just described I mean
First of all, we're introduced to Joseph, who, of course, he gets his wallet stolen by

Infiltration Tactics: Joseph's Cross-dressing and Wine Bottles

a... Is it not just a street urchin called Smokey? Yes, I think he's like a street urchin. Yeah. And as soon as he goes to chase after him, he ends up coming around the corner and he sees this poor guy getting beat up by these horrible, horrible policemen. He ends up defeating them, of course, with his ham on. What the coke bottle, which I have to admit... It was a coke bottle, yeah.
which I thought like sets the scene so well because like going back to what you said about Jonathan in part one it's like he's very much Jonathan's very much a gentleman he is like a paladin figure he's you know he does the right thing right off the bat Joseph is like beating up policemen with him
with like a poke bottles and things and then by the end of it his only worry is not like him getting arrested or in trouble or anything but it's like he's worried about getting in trouble with his grandmother to which of course Smokey is very yeah just confused like why is he so scared of his grandmother and of course you find out later like who his grandmother is and everything and
then as you were saying Blowfish, they end up going to Mexico because they find out the speedwagon's getting held there. You've got the Bugs Bunny moment where you
where basically you've got the German soldiers kind of, you know, like they're being very, you know, disgusting and very, you know, they're like caricatures of like villains at this point, like leading at women and things like that. And then Joseph, as I said, Bugs Bunny moment where he basically cross-dresses to try and like flirt his way back.
and it just doesn't work. And keep in mind this is still where Araki, the creator of the series, was drawing everybody, all the main characters at least, really jacked compared to the women. The women characters are very slim and they're not bulky, let's say, compared to the other ones. See when you think of unrealistic body proportions.

Pacing and Character Development in Part 2

Part one to three, look at any main male character and you'll see what
we mean by like oh my god it is absolutely ridiculous but the fact he's just dressed up like that and of course obviously it doesn't work and yeah he ends up yeah knocking them out with i think it's wine or tequila or something um again with his ammo and he's got a real habit of doing that doesn't he at the very beginning
like just knocking people out of the bottles. And then yeah, as you were saying, he ends up getting in to rescue Speedwagon and is it fair to say that this part just speeds along like a lot faster than part one at times? 100%, 100% my friend.
Like, I feel like, uh, when Araki was writing this part, he looked at the mistakes he made in part one. He's just like, okay, okay. And decided to, you know, like improve on them. So it was good pacing in my opinion for part two. Like it was, it was not, you know, oversaturated with like filler arcs, not, you know, calling out a, uh, a certain anime. Um, but yeah, like he built on his mistakes. You know, the story wasn't, was linear, but not like super linear to the point where it wasn't interesting. Right. Yeah. But yeah, like, I feel like the pacing was just very, very good in the show. It was, it was incredible. And I mean,
yeah I totally agree with what you were saying there about like he fixes his mistakes because again like as I said like part one was good at kind of laying the foundations of like the world and things and I think without that I don't know how well part two would have done if we were just throwing in too I think it still would have
stood up. But I think people would be a lot more confused and be like, okay, why is this guy in the 1930s shooting Coke bottles at the police and dressing up as Tequila Joseph? And yeah, best get up. That's girl, I agree. Forget all these like beautiful looking women who turn out to be moms, you know? Yeah, these pretenders. Let's face it, they don't.
They don't hold a candle to tequila Joseph, okay? Never, never ever. Fun fact, apparently, and I was watching like a YouTube video of, think of it's like Nokov Jojo merch you can get, and apparently you can actually get a tequila Joseph mouse pad.
oh that's hilarious oh my god i just remember somebody getting it and just reviewing it and being like yep this is a thing this is this is pretty much yeah so yeah speaking of you know like
I don't even know where I was going to go with that, but moving on. So yeah, they end up going into, or Joseph ends up going into the facility in Mexico where they find the German soldiers of course experimenting with
a very confusing being known as a pillar man and i have to admit like if you watch the introduction to this show you do see like there's three pillar men and you think okay this is the first one where are the other ones going to come from yeah pretty much right yeah kind of spoilers turns out there's a lot of pillar men that just aren't

Antagonists: The Pillar Men

That's the opt towards being hit. They do build on it which is nice. And then of course it kind of links loosely to the
In fact what I like about this part is it does build on part one's like lore in the sense that it talks about vampires, it talks about those kind of creatures but it also talks about like the Hamon tribes and everything and how this power has been so integrated so much so into the world that there's like tribes, there's culture behind it. I thought that was really interesting and I thought that was like a really neat touch
of course I say that like you know the rich culture and everything and then you look at Joseph Joestar which as much as I love his character yeah he's a bit of a goofball 100% a slacker and a goofball but that's why we love him oh absolutely oh my god because he's just very relatable in that sense like I'm like I'm kind of like that and it's like sometimes I slack off and I I fuck around too much and then you know this and it happens and then when I actually try you're like damn I'm actually pretty sick you know what I mean
It's literally Jodri too. I think it is. It's like going back to part one, just kind of briefly, it's like every time there was a new villain they would do the typical show then, oh no, we're gonna, you know, oh we gotta do freedom. And it's like compared to part, you know compared to part two, like Joseph, what I like about it is although Joseph comes across as very nonchalant and very, oh look at me, you know, oh I'm gonna defeat him,
you can tell as well that he's kind of calculating in his mind what he's gonna do. As you said before, when he finds his old friend, or not his old friend, but like family friend, and the old Hamon user that turns himself into a vampire, and there's so many moments where you think, oh god, Joseph's done for, and
you just don't know what to expect with Joseph and I think that's like the best thing about this character because it's like as you were saying before it's like he's fighting him and this straits nearly kills him by I don't know is it laser eyes or something? I can't remember what he does but he like fires something at him and he hits a mirror which is like kind of positioned which I thought was really clever
But then of course, Joseph brings out a tommy gun out of nowhere. You can't imagine Jonathan or any of the other characters after this doing that. He just comes out of nowhere. And he uses a shot glass as well to deflect a bullet and things. Just all these really... And again, apologies for the pun, but just this bizarre twist of fate.
and it always comes out on top and you don't know what to expect and that is definitely the highlight. And again, as I said, this only takes part in the first couple of episodes until we're introduced to the first pillar man who we realise that Joseph is completely underprepared for. He nearly gets his arse kicked severely and even
if it wasn't, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but it wasn't for a certain German soldier that, so the name of the soldier, and keep us in mind guys, yep, true life, keep us in mind because he will come back, yeah he ends up
helping Joseph try to defeat this new Power Man who is very similar in a way to vampires in the sense that he is also weak to the sun, but at the same time it's like he's got different powers. He doesn't really pull anything from his backside. I always learn that I remember. I could be wrong, could be misremembering because I'm thinking more of Dio when in part one he just suddenly has laser eyes for no reason.
and then I have laser eyes. It's like okay fair enough it's like you're ahead but yeah you're ahead but now you've got laser eyes sure but yeah it ends up kind of flash forward tea ends up in fact before they defeat them I think the power man absorbs himself into Strowheim doesn't he to which Strowheim is having none of that and pulls out basically I think what the British army would have called a potato masher
aka a huge ass grenade. And he just pulls the bin and you're like Jesus Christ! You're like... KM, he's serious. He's serious. He's not willing to go down. Yeah, because right off the bat you think, okay, this is when the hero kind of negotiates and thinks, how am I gonna get out of this one? How am I gonna save this guy? You just, yeah, Shroheim just pulls out a grenade and is like, Joseph, you don't have to do anything.
and blows himself up and it's like good lord and through like a couple of other action scenes they end up um turning them to stone by of course getting them to stand in the sunlight which is a very good action scene i have to say and it's a good introduction and kind of foreshadowing and to what's about to come and then which yeah which is a little bit
And again, I know I keep saying this is the first couple of episodes but I can't stress this enough how fast this show goes. It goes from zero to a hundred. It does. It's not in a bad way though, is it? The best way possible. It's not like it goes from one to a hundred and you're suddenly lost like, oh what's happening, oh I don't get it, okay I'm not following. I mean technically you are asking those questions but in all the right ways. You like saying?
oh this is so cool what's happening I don't care yeah like after that um the main characters of course get taken to Italy where we are introduced to quite possibly a very I was gonna say like a very good like fan favorite yes would you say Caesar is quite yeah oh yeah I like Caesar hell yeah he's awesome
So Caesar is a Zeppoli, so if you remember from part one, of course he is related to Bad and Zeppoli, isn't he? He is. He's his grandson, I believe. Grandson, yeah. Right, I was just wondering if that was my headcanon, slash fanfiction. I'm pretty sure he's just like, slash fanfiction. I should, yeah. Yeah, just out myself there.
but yeah he must be real yeah he is yeah you're right and yeah of course he is a very i don't want to like turn him into a stereotype but he's very like much a romantic very smug maybe not smug he's a fuck boy let's be honest i love him but come on yeah essentially yes i was going into diplomatic route but you know what i mean
He is. He's very, like, every woman he sees, you know, he's like, oh, look at me. And again, he's very similar to Joseph in the sense that he has a lot of insight, I suppose, into when he's fighting. So, like, when he's fighting Joseph, they are both kind of equally matched. So Caesar basically uses the power of bubbles. Technically, it's Hamon, but let's face it, he's bubble boy. He's bubble boy, yeah. That's right.
they're both evenly matched because he has tricks up his sleeve, Joseph has tricks up his sleeve, and they're both going back and forth and everything. The reason they're in Italy is because they need to find the other pillars, which
of course the Germans have found as well. Trust the Germans. Trust them in that technique to be a bit of a pain. I use that in this way possible but yeah it's quite interesting because I
I can't remember, is this like, is he after we're introduced to Caesar? In fact, no sorry, before we're introduced to Lisa Lisa. Sorry, I was going to go into that but I think before that they go to the Pillar Men or to see where the Pillar Men are and this is when you get the scope of like how bad things are going to get in this part.
at least for the main characters because of course you have three pillar men instead of one and you can tell like how much carnage and chaos like one pillar man can do I mean that's just like a guy had to blow himself up just to get him out his body it's like how much more are they like they're not gonna blow themselves all up just to get these you know to get these pillar men going and be like yep end of part we're gonna do a Jonathan blow up the book
You're pretty much. But of course they get there and I can't remember how it gets released. Do you remember? How the Pillar Men's got released? Yeah, the first one. Yeah. Oh, OK. From what I can remember, it was like, didn't you have to have like an item of some sort to release them? I think so. It was something like that. Something like that. Yeah. For anyone in like the comments, feel free to tell us because, yeah, just like Joseph, we're not the most prepared. But hey, we make it work. We make it work. Oh, yeah.
Um, but yeah, like we're going to go with the fact that, you know, in order to release a pillar, man, you have to have like some sort of item. I believe it might've been a stone mask. I can't remember. Yeah. So, uh, we're zooming to the part where, you know, we see these three pillar men and how much they can do. One pillar man was already enough. Three are much stronger than the one that was mentioned earlier. That's Strowheim and Joseph had to fight. Um, these guys are like on a whole different level. So yeah, Joseph and Caesar and a speed wagon, they're in trouble guys. Long story short. So.
The first thing that happens is that, you know, like, Caesar tries to go after, I believe it was Wamu? Was it Wamu? Yeah, yeah. So Caesar goes after Wamu, who is like one of the three Pilliman who was released, one of the main villains of this whole thing. He gets his ass kicked, like straight up. I think like he cut him somewhere, like close to his face. Was it like his eye or something? I believe he like temporarily made Caesar blind.
That's how powerful this guy was. He's down for the count because his eyes are messed up. And then Joseph tries by doing stupid things and introducing the Hammond Clackers and all that. I was just going to say, do you want to explain what the Hammond Clackers are?
So guys, you know that little thing that sort of tells time, I guess? Where there's like five balls attached to strings and it's like...
And like, you know, you know what I'm talking about, right, Satsu? Oh yeah, no I know. They look like that. Just two of them, though. And you know, he's doing all these like, he's doing all these like things that you would do with nunchucks, essentially, right? And then eventually, like, he hits himself on the head, he's just like, ah! And then like, Wamuu doesn't take him seriously. He's like, yeah, I'm wasting my time, no fucking sky, right? He's like, all right. And he tells like, Kars and S.E.D.C., the other two pillar men, they're like, yeah, let's go. Like, this guy's wasting time. Let's just destroy the world, right?
And I think after that, you know, Joseph didn't like that. So he decides to whip the Hammond Clackers right at Wamu's head and it actually does something. Like there's a bit of damage going on. Like he dented his head, like quite literally, like the body horror stuff happens. And you know, Wamu's just like, oh.
Okay. Yeah. I underestimated you clearly. You know what? Yeah. I'll give you like a little bit of a chance. Like, is that cool cars in ACDC? They're like, yeah, sure. Whatever. Right. And then, you know, they fight for a bit. Joseph gets utterly destroyed because he was not prepared for this. I think he gets like one or two good shots. And then one was like, oh, you're good, but I'm better essentially. Uno reverse him like every single step. Right. So Joseph gets his ass swept and it looks like Joseph's literally dead because I'm pretty sure he used like one of his most powerful attacks on him. Like it was like a wind attack or some something like that. Right.
And it felt like the wind was literally slicing you open. And anime characters have those wind attacks or anime characters with wind abilities that they swing their fans so hard that it feels like the wind that gets swung by the fan feels like a bunch of blades going at you.
It was that sort of attack. You know, Joseph's down for the count. He's just like, okay, now that we're done here, let's go destroy the world, boys. Essentially what he said to like cars and ACDCs, like ain't no one stopping us. Right. Yeah. And then like, you know, Joseph is like, he's punking him. He's like crawling away and he's like, he feels his presence and he's like, wait, maybe I didn't do the job. Right. He looks back and you know, Joseph's just like playing dead and he's like, no, I'm pretty sure he's dead. Okay. Right. So that goes on for a bit. And then he's just like, the fuck are you doing? You idiot. Right.
He's like, you're just provoking at this point. You're going to die, right? And then it gets to a point where, like, Joseph finds this random, like, I guess a mine cart, was it? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I believe it was a mine cart. He gets into this mine cart and then he turns it on, essentially, turns on the mechanism to let it go. And then Wamu notices that. He's just like, oh, so you're not dead. OK, let me properly finish you, right? Yeah.
So then, you know, Caesar and the speedriding is like, oh, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? And then Caesar finally sees like Joseph's true potential as to why he's a good fighter and a good person. He's just like, oh, he's getting him away from us so that we can escape. How valiant, right? He's like, OK, I have like a bit more respect for you now, Joseph. Right. So that was the point where Caesar starts respecting Joseph. He's like, OK, like I see what he's doing. And wow, thank you. Right.
so he's distracting wamu by going down the cart and then wamu catches up obviously and i think at one point you know like wamu's just like i got you now bitch and he's just like or do you and he had like an explosive on it on him i think and that doesn't work because it like temporarily works for like a good 10 seconds then he's back essentially right so then they're outside you know though they're outside of like uh of i guess it was a
i guess it was like some sort of like underground place where the where the pillars were something like that right satsu yeah because it's like an excavation underneath yeah exactly the city yeah and then you know joseph's like hurt bad like he's pretty much very close to dying and you know wamu goes up to him he's just like you know what you're not half bad
And like all the other Pillar Men are there, I'm pretty sure, right? And he's just like, listen, I know, I think he tells the other two this, SCDC, and he's like, hey, is it cool that we hold off on our plans for a bit? They're like, why? And he's just like, I like this guy. He points to Joseph. He says, I like him because he fights differently compared to those I've fought.
I want this guy to fight him. I want to fight him at his full strength and by that I mean you need to train more I'll give you 30 days and then we'll fight and then we'll see we'll see like how strong you can really get right and then Joseph's like yeah Yeah, I'm down essentially and he's just like oh, yeah. Okay. Good. Okay. Good. He's like in the side He's like, okay. Okay situation dissolved. We got time not a lot but you know still we got time to like, you know Get better get better at fighting them and then he's just like oh
Just, you know, just for some, um, what was it? I think leverage, I believe is the word I'm looking for. Yeah. Just for some leverage. Uh, Joseph, uh, take this ring. Will you like, he said, she's just like, will you marry me as a joke? Not as a good joke, but it sort of went like that. And he's like, what? And then you see him just jab this ring into his heart. I believe it was around his heart. Not as hard, but like some part of his heart, right? And just like,
He's just like, so what that ring will do to you is that if you don't defeat us within 30 days, or if you break our promise in any way, you're dead. There's going to be a poison that will instantly kill you. It'll dissolve. And then Caesar's just like, oh, fuck, right? And then I see Decis is like, oh, good idea. And he does the same thing to Joseph.
puts a ring in like his windpipe, I think. Yeah. No, that's right. And it's like same thing. Like, you know, if if you if you don't defeat me within like 30 days, that's your timeline. You're dead. So now Joseph like doubly screwed himself at this point, right? Oh, and then they all go away and they're like, OK, yeah, you guys train. We'll see you in 30 days. OK, boys, pretty much they disappear. And then he's just like, what the fuck did you do? And he's just like, uh.
So I sort of promised that I'd fight them in 30 days. I mean, it gives us time. And he's like, what are you talking about? 30 days is not enough time to defeat guys like this, right? And he's just like, yeah, that's pretty much Joseph, right? Oh, yeah. And then after that, he's just like, you know what? Caesar's just like, OK, I respect what you did. So I sort of have an idea of how we can kind of pull this off. And he's like, what do you mean? We're going to have to train. And we're going to have to train hard. And I know just the person to go to for this, right?
And then it ends with Joseph literally saying the episode was like, Oh no, hard work in training. Oh no. And that's where the episode ends. And I love that. Right. It really says a lot. It does say a lot about the kind of person Joseph is, right? He's just like, fuck, I'm good, but I'm lazy. Right. And then, um,
If you'd like to continue on with the next episode, what happens with that? So that's our introduction to our big bads. That's how terrifyingly powerful these guys are. We've only seen one of them fight at this point. We don't know how strong the other two are. But if one could just do that much damage to our main boys, who knows, right? Who knows how strong the other two are.
Yeah it's quite interesting how they deal with the pillar mine because don't get me wrong it's still like bizarre and again bizarre but it's still bizarre how they are like these again jacked like muscly gods essentially and oiled up yeah pretty much
You would honestly, I think when I was researching for this episode, I heard that they were based off of either Roman statues or something like that. You know, they were based off of those kind of like sculptures and things and I can see where it's, yeah, I can see where the vacuum is coming from but I think if like a Roman statue was walking in real life,
I think I would be a bit worried. I would be terrified. That'd be me. I mean, these guys are huge. I mean, even compared to Joseph, they are big boys essentially. And I mean, you see a couple of really interesting character development scenes, except for, I have to admit, I feel as if AC... So there's three of them, as you were saying. There's WAMU, there's ACDC, and there's CARS. I feel as if ACDC gets the least amount of development
Yes, I 100% agree with that. Because later on, and I'll touch on it like in a second, but like later on Joseph ends up fighting and of course defeating ACDC, but the only real character development we see from him is that he's like quite volatile with his emotions. But that's a bit out really. Like after that you can see he's a bit conniving and things but compared to like Wama who
you can tell he's like very honorable and everything. He's a very lawful evil villain like someone you gotta respect due to that war he's code he has, right? I love it. I love love him for that reason. And cars I'm a bit conflicted about because on the one hand cars is a sneaky wee shite. Oh my god that's an understatement, that guy. He is. But at the same time he saves a dog from getting run over and I feel like I've
so or it's some kind of animal. Do you not remember that scene where they're in Switzerland? That's the kind of flashing forward. There's like a dog or I don't know if it's a dog or a rabbit or something. I think I'm sure it's a dog that's about to get run over and then cars like chops the car in half so that the dog doesn't get run over. And I think that is like the only Jojo character that's gone out his way to save a dog.
I'm like, I feel so conflicted whether I'm supposed to hate this guy or not. But yeah, it's like, he's the only one to hate. So of course, as you were saying, sorry.
Of course Caesar and Joseph say that they need to train, which then introduces quite possibly one of the best characters of this part. That of course being their soon to be mentor, Lisa Lisa. And I'm not just saying that for personal reasons.
I agree. I genuinely think that, at least I'll get to that when we talk about the last fight scene, but I do feel as if her character is really well done for a lot of the part. There's one or two kind of blips in the writing, but yeah, the majority of it she's shown as being a very competent Hamon user. She's very talented, she's got a good grasp of what she can do and everything.
you know, she's knowledgeable like that thing. I swear I'm not fanboying over a fictional character. I mean, it's okay if you are, but like, I don't blame you for fanboying. She's just so cool, okay? She's just so cool. Honestly, for those who want to start part two, like, there's a reason why I call her the JoJo Bay. I mean, come on. It's like, have you seen that episode of The Simpsons where Homer's got the like poster up on the wall and it says, like, do it for her? And it's like pictures of Maggie.
That's like the new bit instead, it's like pictures of Lisa Lisa. Do it for her! But yeah, of course the guy introduced to her and she basically teaches them how to use Hamlin.
not before like attaching a basically a weird like breathing mask like a bean mask and basically makes Joseph not unable yeah like not unable to breathe but like kind of yeah harder to breathe so he can't use his ham on the same and then flashing forward for training she shoves him down a greasy hole trust me it works in context
basically it's like this like I don't know if it was like custom built I don't know what what the purpose of this is other than hamon training but it's basically this whole that they find it really hard to use the hamon because like the walls are greased up and everything but then of course
There's kind of like an 80s montage after that where they start climbing and everything and they manage to get out thanks to, you know, them both thinking things through and then they come across two other hamon users that assist Lisa Lisa and they basically say, oh, we're going to train you. As the days go on,
ACDC basically ambushes Joseph on what should be one of his lessons and yeah I think it was like the final lesson but for both of them right because Joseph was supposed to be trained by one of Lisa Lisa's guys and then Caesar the other dude right yeah ACDC killed Lisa Lisa's dude and she's like ah your training's with me essentially yeah or like your final test is with me pretty much right and then eventually thanks to like
i don't know like thread magic i want to say yeah that's the easiest way to explain not really thread either it's very i guess it's like it's it's it's body horror let's be honest yeah it's very body horror magic yeah it's basically the standing on spikes trying not to basically impale themselves and yeah eventually he overcomes him with hamon and he
basically like yeah he overcomes him and is like okay that's one power man down and that's one ring off my windpipe yeah he gets the poison he has the cure drinks it yeah but then acdc comes back again as a parasite this is him with that kind of i mean there are like kind of small bits where i'm like i don't know if i like us wasn't he like attached to like joseph's back like he was like not not his back yeah like he was hiding somewhere on joseph not like inside of him but like to be somewhere
see if I was a parasite, I would probably latch on to the biggest thing. That's how you live as a parasite, right? Yeah, exactly. And eventually he moves on to Susie Q. So Susie Q, we haven't really talked about her yet, but she is a assistant to Lisa Lisa, just basically a housekeeper, I think. And yeah, basically he ends up taking over her body and
she basically takes the... so this is another plot point that's coming up but this is when they introduced a ruby called the stone of... I think in the dub they call it a Ajax but I'm sure it's like Ajax or something
that's how you usually say it but I think they all say the stone of Ajax and it's like okay you know what fine well it's fine fine we'll go with that we'll keep going so yeah it's like they have this a ruby that will basically get the pillar made like more power basically a glorified chaos emerald let's face it yeah they yes yes basically sorry my mind is in sonic again i don't worry
So basically she ends up mailing it to Switzerland, which I have to admit was like, you know, fast shipping because that gets sent away immediately and fortunately she gets, they manage to defeat ACTC without killing Susie Cude and of course the duo, or trio, sorry I should say,
So it's Caesar, and Joseph, and of course, if I know, sorry, it's four of them. Aye, at least at least a nine, that's the other Hammond dude, whose name I cannot remember. He's kind of there. He's just kind of there. He's the fourth wheel and otherwise perfect, you know, on some perfect trail, yeah, pretty much.
It's something that I actually didn't realise up until I rewatched it, or rewatched bits of it. But apparently Lucilisa uses a thing called Hamon hypnosis on Susie Q. Yeah, it's just a weird power. It's like, do you know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of C when they're escaping in part one and they use the leaf as a paraglider. It's like one of those unexplained Hamon abilities, where it's like, okay, you know what? Fine, fine. You want your hypnosis, you can have it as Hamon.
It's almost as if Araki's like a vexed dungeon master for D&D. He's like, you know what, see if you want that power up, you can take it. Fine, just take it. Pretty much, yeah. Pretty much. And of course, yeah, that leads them to Switzerland, where they bump into the Germans again. And a very familiar figure, of course, known as Shroheim. Shroheim!
Which, that's how he yells his name, right? Oh, yeah, yeah. He yells it to the top of his lungs. He is so extra on this. He yells everything. Talking about the glory of German engineering and things like that. German technology is amazing! Amazing!
And it turns out that, as we said before, he blew himself up. So you might be thinking, if you haven't watched this, you might be thinking, why is he here? What happened? And the answer is quite simple. Cyborgs. That's it. They basically know. You would think I'm just being facetious, but honestly, it's like, yeah, they just put cyborg parts on them. And that's it. And you're like, OK, I'm down. I'm down. This is great. And of course, he's got
He's got like a Gatling gun that comes out his stomach and everything. See, this is a thing though. So this is the thing about Jojo as a whole. They don't pose normally. There's a reason the phrase Jojo pose is used so often, because he has his hands... I can't believe I'm describing this, but he basically has his hands on his head, his hips thrusted forward,
and this huge gatling gun coming from his stomach is the mostโ€ฆ I don't even have an adjective for it. I just don't know how to describe it. If you want to see what I mean, either watch the episode or just look up Shroheim pose and you'll know what I mean.
So of course when they're there they end up getting ambushed by cars who is the third pillar man and basically there is a kind of back and forth where they're
trying to get this Ruby this stone. The pillar men have it, then Joseph has it, and then Joseph uses like a really clever like Hamon technique when he like nearly falls off the edge of this cliff. But because it's like Switzerland and it's all snowy, he grabs like a couple of icicles and he chains them all together using Hamon.
And I have to admit, this is something that I usually bring up when I'm talking about action in shows and things. But I adore it when they use their environment to full effect. And I feel as if that is just such a small thing, but at the same time it's like it's really good that they kind of thought about how he was going to get out of it. Like he didn't just grab a random rock or anything, or he didn't jump off at the last second, or by dumb luck, he actually thought it out. And he got
yeah he basically as you were saying at the beginning he used his brain rather than his brawn and that is like a trait that definitely defines joseph compared to some of the other um joseph hours out there yeah but then of course this leads to quite possibly one of the moments that really took me by surprise again and i know i've said this a lot of times but this really
devastated me.

Caesar's Heroic Sacrifice

That of course being the fight with Caesar and Wamu. Basically they find where Wamu is and of course it's revealed that Caesar has daddy issues. That's the most abridged way I can define that. But the reason for that is because Caesar, or his dad rather, left
He went out to get some milk and he never returned but it turned out he was.
But yeah, eventually he's walking in the streets and he's like, Papa! It is you! And he runs after him and then, of course, he sees him in where the old pillar man wall is. Like, where they initially found him. And he basically nearly touches the wall and I think his dad saves him at the last second, becoming the second Zeppoli, of course, to be sacrificed. There could have been more before this, but let's face it.
This is like, this is the Zeppeli kill count, this is like number two. And yeah, it ends up in kind of a rage. Caesar wants to kind of avenge his father and everything, which I have to admit kinda comes out of left field, but I suppose it gives like a basic, that's why he wants to rush in. And of course he fights him, and he really like does a lot of damage to him, doesn't he? He nearly like kills him. He had him, he had him at one point.
yeah it's just it's because he jumps in front of him so sorry basically before i go on it's like the building that they're about to go in is like a huge manor house isn't it and it ends up he manages to get some like sunlight into the um like the lobby i want to say you know the just basically the main greeting area
and he pummels Wamu just about and he nearly gets him but because his shadow covers up the sun that's hitting Wamu yeah Caesar gets his ass kicked and you think okay well what's going to happen next you know what what could they possibly do and then
you see the old Zeppeli power-up where he starts yelling, he starts saying, you know, Joseph, this is the last of my hammer-on and everything. You know, like a very dramatic typical anime initially. And then it kind of sets in that, oh my god, he's doing the thing his granddad did.
It's like pretty much. Oh no. And yeah, you see this bubble of blood, which is a bit disgusting, but you know, it makes sense in good context. And of course it floats away towards, well just towards the door really.
So sorry, before that, before he ends up meeting a horrible fate, he grabs the ring which has the antidote for Joseph's poison and he sticks it, he ties it to his bandana and puts it in his hammer and bubble before he gets absolutely crushed with the rubble in the building itself.
and after that I cannot like see now whenever I see like an anime or a TV show where someone gets crushed by like a rock I cannot help but think of this scene who just yell Caesar! Caesar! Caesar! That scene was heartbreaking though I don't know I'm just like damn fuck okay because this is the weird thing like I didn't know and maybe I made Heartless here but I didn't get emotional when Zeppeli died in part one
I was a little sad but I wasn't as like out of Caesar yeah. Yeah like I kind of thought oh no that's sad but it's like yeah it's what it is right. Yeah and I got a bit more upset with Jonathan dying at the end of part one but I thought again it was like I wish we had more time to kind of know about him but then of course we've had this basically most of part two spend with Caesar and Jonathan just being, not Jonathan, sorry Joseph, just being these like
couple of besties essentially in the middle of Europe and yeah all of a sudden he just meets this such a horrible horrible fate and I think the thing that set me off like I'm not usually one to tear up an anime and I think there's only been a couple of scenes where I've teared up like the there's a funeral scene I won't spoil it but there's a funeral scene of a particular character in Full Metal Alchemist that got me absolutely bawling
and that was that was it still makes me sad oh same i can't watch that the same but that's oh yeah we don't we don't this isn't sad but i mean there's been like a couple of other you know scenes like that but this one
it didn't make me tear up until the music started so Lamu basically escapes and Joseph and Lisa Lisa come in and they're looking for Caesar, they're yelling out his name or they're about to yell out his name but Joseph is worried because and this kind of got to me because it was like he didn't want to call out his name because it was like that might be you know
he'll call out and Caesar won't reply that was that was really hitting me i was like oh shit yeah i'm just like oh yeah i just yeah i just took that reading in i'm like oh no and then i think the thing that set me off was when Lisa Lisa they basically find the body underneath or they they find the blood and they find the hammer and bubble and everything and Lisa Lisa's trying to stay strong and she's like you know oh i'm sure it's fine blah blah blah and then she tries to light a cigarette and then Joseph just simply says and this like
I think it's just perfect writing. He just says, Lisa, your cigarette's the wrong way round. It's just that small thing that I was just like, oh my god. I don't want to say that a little bit, just like it absolutely hit me like a ton of bricks.
and then we find out that he's been crushed to death and he just screams and you've got the Italian operatic music. Usually if it was any other anime you'd be like oh it's over the top and everything and this is over the top but it's done in all the right ways.
like yes it's very melodramatic but it still hits you like a ton of bricks like out of nowhere too you know because i didn't expect to get so attached to him and then i was just like he was a good character you don't see a very good character it really was yeah that's the piece of bubble boy
Rest in peace the goat. The goat of season two like actually you'll see later when we get to like certain parts why he's called the goat. And one of the actual one of the interesting things that I never realized until that part or that episode was see if you watch the introduction or the like the whole intro. At the very end there's a scene where Joseph ties a bandana to his head and he kind of looks up to the sky and screams along with the song of course and
Like, you realise who Bandana it is? Yeah, because at first I was like, oh cool, Joseph's going to get a Bandana. Yeah, pretty much. In the next episode I watched that, I was like, it was Caesar's Bandana. Yeah, I was just like, fuck, now I know who's Bandana it is. It's like, no. Pretty much, yeah. Caesar. You know, it's just you. Yeah, like literally in my head I'm just like, fuck.
Oh yeah it was just yeah it took me like I had to pause before I started the next episode I was like keep it together Shatsu, keep it together. It's like Joseph and Lisa Lisa are gonna get these guys just chill. So of course after that they of course go after Wama and a very gladiator like Arena doesn't it?

Joseph vs. Wamu: Gladiatorial Combat

Yeah I love that yeah I love it.
So they basically agree with a entourage of... I want to say vampire people, isn't it? Just like a vampire zombie-ish? I don't know. Just like random vampire people that came out of nowhere. And after that, that is a cool scene where they get ambushed by a zombie vampire person. He's like, oh, you can't get by me.
and then Lisa Lisa just smacks the utter shit out of him and just walks by like not even in a like cool way well it is a cool way but like in a very calm way she uses her scarf just to like channel her hormone into him and yeah the sun come through just obliterates this guy yeah like Jesus sun through exactly yeah so then of course that brings you on to like the e-showdown where Lisa Lisa agrees to take on cars and uh wamu
multi-conjosive in a kind of gladiator style battle. I have the idea that that's really well done where it's like on the edge of your street kind of stuff where they're both riding chariots, they're both using weapons to try and get one another and did like, I have to admit, I think Oahu
is by far the best pillar man. He is. He's my favourite out of the three. I would agree. I think he is definitely the best in terms of character development because even when he gets decapitated at the end and he's kind of lying there like he still stops his vampire people from trying to attack Joseph because he's like you know we agree a tournament you know or fair rules and he's just such a nice man for a pillar man.
That's all I'm saying. He's a chill dude. So long as he's just like, hey, so long as I get to fight you at full strength, I don't care. That's literally him. Yeah, because yeah, after a month I was kind of like, oh, poor guy. A very like lawful evil, lawful neutral sort of like, sort of like fields, and if he was like a D&D villain, you know? Like, I mean, even though he kind of is responsible for Caesar's death, he kind of helped me feel kind of, I wouldn't say sorry for him, but it's like, at least he went out honorably. He did. Which is more than I can say for the next part.
where, of course, Kars fights Lisa Lisa, but then it turned out, so this is what I meant when I said earlier that he was very sneaky in the sense that he ends up, how to put this in the nicest way possible, he ends up using a decoy to basically fool Lisa Lisa before he stabs her and then uses her legs as a guitar, trust me, and makes sense in context. Yeah, yeah, he definitely does use their legs as a guitar. And then just as he's like, all hope's lost, you know, they've lost against the pillar men.
the Germans turn up once again and it's like oh okay fair does fair does and you think okay the Germans have saved the day not something I usually say but okay um and then yeah just before they're about to kill like all the vampires so they've got like these huge like backpack things where's like the UV lights uh at least sunlight I think
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And yeah, before of course they can stop Kars, he ends up getting the stone mask which has the stone which he's been looking for and that powers him up into quote-unquote the ultimate life form which
when they say ultimate life form, they basically mean the shape shifter, don't they? Actually though, shape shifter, like, oh my god, he was god-like at that point. You're like, oh, he's actually god-like, fuck, pretty much. And for some reason, Smokey Brown said as well, it's so sweet of him. They both turned up with the Germans and it's like,
Why are they there? And it's like, the reason they're there is for exposition. Like in the writing standpoint, it's so that Smokey can tell Joseph about Lisa Lisa, like the truth about her. Which I have to admit, it's something I didn't see coming, but it was quite interesting. So basically the twist is, and I know I've spoiled it so far, but if you don't want this to be spoiled. Yeah, skip this part guys. Yeah, skip ahead

Final Battle: Joseph vs. Kars

a couple of minutes.
But yeah, basically it's revealed that Lisa Lisa is Joseph's mother and the reason that she is linked in with the Joestar family is because at the end of part one, of course, we saw Irina escape on Dio's coffin with a baby. That baby was, of course, Lisa Lisa, or would grow up to be, and
And she ended up marryingโ€ฆ I think it was Irena's baby, wasn't it? George? I believe George was Irena's kid, and then he was married into the family, that's what it was. And then he was like a pilot in the RAF, but he ended up likeโ€ฆ
This is the weirdest thing. He ended up researching corruption within the British RAF, and then he ended up finding vampires instead. Probably not the ideal situation. So of course the vampire ended up killing George, or at least his husband, and she gets mad, she kills the vampire, but of course people don't believe.
vampires are a thing for some weird reason but yeah it ends up she has to go into like kind of exile which I have to admit of all the places Italy not a bad place to exile very very nice food very nice you know views I think I think she shows well so of course flashing forward I think she basically oh no Smokey doesn't get the chance it keeps trying to tell Joseph and Joseph's like not now there's literally an oiled up god shapeshifting right in front of him
Can this wait smoking? It's like okay. They have the final fight where Joseph fights the, well fights cars, which is ironic he's fighting cars in the air. Ha ha. Punnified. To which they end up crashing into a volcano. Shroheim again comes out of nowhere and manages to save Joseph from like blowing up and crashing his plane.
And in the ongoing battle he ends up losing his arm, which is very significant for later parts, but we'll get to that next time.
metal heat on the ground. Everything's going wrong and Kars basically has them cornered. But then what he doesn't realise is he's standing on a very very active volcano which propels him into the sky and
like I've said this before you know saying oh I don't know where the series or this part especially is going but this was especially at the end I was like how's he gonna get you know how's he gonna defeat him and then I think it's just by fluke that he manages to distract him long enough so that it hurls him into the atmosphere and it only distracts him as these um rocks fly at him and I do love the fact that you know like Joseph is just like
you know, he's like, oh, is this part of your plan? How did you plan all of this? And he's like, he's just thinking to himself, oh, I didn't actually plan it, but literally us in stream, like there's like, I can relate to that part so much. It's like, yeah, I have friends ask me, it's like, oh, like, how did you plan that? I was like, I didn't. It just sort of happened.
it is so good though because after that when they said like oh did you plan this from the beginning I wrote my thinking oh okay come on that is I'm like that is like so you know that's not contrived um no I just mean like when they said like oh did you plan it and he's like oh yes I planned it but then when they said like oh no I didn't actually but he doesn't know that I was like oh my god that is genius that is amazing like it's a round of applause like it was fantastic
So of course then it ends and it's like, you think, oh god, they've cowed off another Joestar. And I thought that was going to be the running theme for this. Yeah, which is really sad. The way Joseph went out on the fuck, right? Like, really? That's how I felt. Yeah. I was just sitting there, just like, alright, okay, this isn't going to be a sad boy series, is it? And then, of course, it flashes forward like a couple of
months I want to say later, where Joseph basically ends up coming to his own funeral, where it turns out like plot twist. It sounds weird out of context guys. It turns out of course he wasn't killed at the end and
Yeah, it ends up that his new life, Susie Q, didn't actually tell anybody that he was still alive. She forgot. She forgot who? And he just goes mental. I have to admit, it's quite a
bittersweet ending, isn't it? Because it's like Joseph and Susie Q with happily ever. This is kind of done in like a voiceover, mind you, kind of. It's a really quick, like, summary, but it ends up, they basically tell you what happened, so Lisa ends up telling Joseph that she's his mum, which makes a particular scene earlier on, very awkward, but you're gonna have to watch it. Yeah, nice! That's all we're saying. Yeah, you'll have to watch it.
Of course, Smokey Brown becomes a mayor, I think, of the city. Yes, he does. Of Georgia, I believe? Something like that. Speedwagon, unfortunately. I have to admit that kind of got me when they killed off Speedwagon. Because as I said, I found him annoying in part one, but part two, I felt he just struck the right balance. He was a good boy.
And of course Stroheim ends up getting killed, and this is like a really weird one, he ends up getting killed at Stalingrad, which is a very weird insider into Jojo. It's like, yeah, I remember learning about Stalingrad and seeing the German with a Tommy gun coming out his pelvis, you know? Or not Tommy gun, the Gatling gun, but you know what I mean?
Yeah sure, why not Araki, why not. And of course it kind of sums it up and then it flashes forward years later where quite possibly this is probably my favourite ending out of any of the parts so far where he is basically going abroad and
I have to admit he says like a borderline on PC thing where he basically blames Japanese people because his daughter has moved abroad and married a Japanese person and he's so distraught that he hasn't seen his daughter in so long that he just like shoves into like this random Japanese guy on the airport and is like Joseph, stop being a dick!
He's like Joseph what the fuck bro? And then he's like but still they make good gadgets and then he's got a walkman in his hands and he clicks it and as soon as he clicks it it just cuts to black and bloody stream the theme starts playing and see that like that is by far my favorite ending I thought that is just perfect yeah
This is by far one of my favourites, I have to say. But of course it leads on to a very interesting cliffhanger where it's revealed that both a very familiar villain might still be alive, which spoilers there is, and we are introduced to our new Joestar, that of course being Jotaro Kujo. Which is something we will definitely be talking about in length next time.
But yeah, kind of to summarize, like, how did you summarize this part? Like in my own two cents? Yeah. Uh-huh. Like in your opinion. Oh, like I thought this part two was excellent in my opinion, like both with the storywriting, with the characters, with everything, right? Like it wasn't too fast. It wasn't too slow. You know, it didn't, you know, do the thing with, I'm not calling out a certain anime yet again, where they introduced like way too many characters in one episode and you forget like maybe like, I'd say a good 80% of them other than like the main character and two of his friends or something. Yeah.
I didn't make that mistake, which was very good. I think there was a good amount of characters that they introduced. And even when they would introduce new characters, it would only be one or two people for any major characters in the story. Other than that, Araki did definitely build up on his mistakes from part one. And he didn't make it too slow. He made things make a bit more sense, not calling out the whole pluck thing. Other than that, yeah, it's probably my favorite part out of the current
parts that have been animated so far. What about you Satsu? Yeah, I would agree with that. I think that part two, at least for the Hamon parts, and for those listening you'll realize what I mean next time when I say the Hamon parts, but I feel as if between this and part four, I feel as if they're both amazing in their own rights. But part two for me was what got me into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,
Part one as I said last time was a very serviceable part. It was very good but it just felt like really standard. It didn't feel as if it was like anything special compared to what everyone was hyping up to be. Whereas part two like from start to finish it just kept going on and on and on and it was like
you know from one set piece to the other and I feel as if the charisma of Jonathan of Joseph really held this part together I think if we had a character that was the same as Jonathan in this part I don't think this would have worked I think if Joseph acted any other way like if he acted too you know gentlemanly or too arrogant Joseph is arrogant and I mean there's so much we haven't covered like I mean
between him predicting you know what people are gonna say by saying your next line is going to be to which is never explained by the way um that is a power that is never explained which i do like after i think i think it's great and between that and throwing pasta as a weapon which again
and eating like black pasta and things like that. There's a lot in it that just really endears and I feel as if he carries the majority of it but at the same time even the side characters are a lot of fun. As we said Caesar's great, the power men to an extent they are also really entertaining. Shroheim, he's there.
No, Shroheim is great. Oh, I love Shroheim. Yeah, it's just, it's like, how do you explain, like, how good Shroheim is without being like, ugh. You know, in my real life, actually about Shroheim while, like, you know, picturing him in my head in Sotsu. Guys, picture, if you want to know, like, if for all those who don't watch Jojo, for all you guys who want to know what Shroheim actually looks like without Google searching him,
picture if Guile was a German and he had all these cybernetic upgrades. That's literally what Strollheim looks like. He even has the exact same haircut as Guile from Street Fighter. You know what? That is the perfect description. And he's just as muscular, but he doesn't yell Sonic Boom every five minutes. He yells his own name and German engineering. Yeah, German engineering, you fools.
Yeah, it was a walk, but in the best way possible. And of course you've got Speedwagon, who is a boy. He doesn't do that much, like he's there, but like in the best way, he's not like an exposition machine compared to part one. He's like a father figure. He's literally the father that Joseph never had, which is what I like to see in him, right? Because I'm just like, okay, like I knew your grandfather and you know,
i want to help out his grandfather in any way i can because my grandfather and him were best friends right so yeah and like that that's what i love about him was like okay i kind of like that they took that direction with him you know and i do like that kind of bittersweet ending where it's like he ends up passing away they don't show him but they basically show him walking into the sunset essentially saying like you know oh he died a bachelor and also arina died but the thing was it's like they died i think
relatively peaceful. Like Irina dies with her family all around her in a very peaceful way and it's nice in that respect. And it's like a nice end off. I feel as if if you watch part one and two you could technically just end Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and just be like, that was a nice, you know. And then of course part three gets teased and you're just like, ooh, pretty much.
You're like, I wonder what Joseph's kid is like, you know? Yeah, oh yeah, exactly. It leaves just enough breadcrumbs. Exactly. But after a minute, like, if you're still kind of, if you've listened to this and you're still thinking, should I watch JoJo's Bizarre Adventures?

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

Like, at least give, like, if you can power through part one to give the kind of basis to the world, stick with part two, then yeah.
I would say part two is definitely worth watching. It's weird, it's over the top. It has a lot of your typical anime tropes in it, but in the best way possible, you know what I mean? I think so. I could do it right. Absolutely. And I love it for it.
so yeah of course next time we will be talking about part three which i am i've got my ranting i've got my ranting script ready for that one so i'm ready to say i'm proud of this one then oh it's going to be a good one yeah so get your ham on clockers ready because we are going in fast
going to be training for that. So yeah once again Bo Fish thank you so much for joining me tonight to basically talk about quite possibly one of the highlights of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, at least for the animated series anyway. Of course man, it's a pleasure having you
having you have me help you out with this you know and i love talking jojo you know me oh yeah absolutely so where can these uh joe blows and the audience uh find your content of course guys if you want to know who i am and where i am i'm mainly on twitch right now uh slash blow fish man tv all one word uh on mondays you know i'm i'm a lawyer wednesdays i try to kill gods and like different kinds of monsters and on fridays i'm at my night job you know killing zombies so
If that appeals to you in any sort of way, give me a follow. You know, we just hit 400. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to celebrate that. But hey, slash blowfish man to me. That's the place to be, guys. That was one tale of our days of making that. Just say, I try. I try, man. I always try and support you when I introduce myself. Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, and if you want to check out more of my content, you can catch me on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and of course Twitch under the name Chatsunami42. If you want to check out more podcast episodes, then you can catch me on Anchor, Spotify and all good podcast distributors under the name Chatsunami.
We also upload these episodes to YouTube as well, in case you want to just basically have some background noise as well. So yeah, feel free to check them out on YouTube under Satsanami42. Once again, thank you all so, so much for listening to this very special episode. As always, stay safe, stay awesome, and most importantly, stay hydrated. Bye guys. Bye guys.