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World & USA News (Congress Shutdown? NASA Solar Probe, Starbucks Strike, James Bond Stalled?) + Sports Power Rankings & College Football Playoffs image

World & USA News (Congress Shutdown? NASA Solar Probe, Starbucks Strike, James Bond Stalled?) + Sports Power Rankings & College Football Playoffs

Ball & Buds Sports + Entertainment
31 Plays2 months ago

🔥The Professor's Semanalmente #9 (News, Entertainment, Sports)

Featuring Omar "The Professor" Fonseca @BALLandBUDS💯 

TOPICS:  Rest in Power Rickey Henderson! Happy Global/Religious Holidays!

WORLD: NASA's Parker Solar Probe

China warns United States over Tawain Military Sales

USA: Starbucks Union Workers Strike

Donald Trump Announces More Policies

Congress AVOIDS Government Shutdown 

Joe Biden Commutes 37 of 40 Death Row Inmates

ENTERTAINMENT: James Bond Franchise Stalled with Amazon?

SPORTS: College & Pro Sports Top 5 Power Rankings

College Football Playoff Updates & Projections

NBA Basketball All-Star Game Changes


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Energetic Show Opening

toe to toe, release the flow Created by this mic pro Life cameras get low
and you have no need to know. You can't prepare now get ready for the show. george
Yo, yo, yo, what up, what up, what up, friends? Welcome in to another installment of The Professor's Criminalmente,
featuring yours truly, Omol, the professor on

Show Focus & Audience Engagement

SECTA. Thank you as always for tuning in. Uh, to my weekly headlines, news, entertainment sports, we're going to break it all down for you. What is going on around the world right now? What are the hottest stories? And we're going to break it all down for, you know, not hottest because some of them are not always great stories. Uh, but make sure you subscribe to ball and buds, B A L L A N D B U D S on YouTube.
And you'll be able to follow all of our videos. We just hit 500 videos over the weekend. So what an amazing accomplishment since we started doing live videos a couple years ago. So anyways, thank you all again for subscribing and thank you all for supporting as always. So let's get let's kick this bad boy off, shall we?

Holiday Greetings & Gratitude

go ahead and get started. We're going to do, first of all, can't even go any further since tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we have ah Christmas coming up on Wednesday. Other places and countries, religions celebrate other things other than Christmas. So a Merry Christmas, a happy body day.
Happy Diwali. Happy Kwanzaa. Happy Hanukkah and happy Festivus for the rest of us as they say So that's a big shout out to everybody and whatever you're celebrating This week. I hope you're enjoying time with your family and your friends Getting to have you know, good rest period but also realizing how grateful we are To not only be alive every day but ah You know, a lot of us have more than than than most people have. There's a lot of people out there that won't be able to get presents or even have food on the table this holiday season. So um definitely think about those people that could could be in a worse off situation than you, and just be thinking about them. And I hope everybody enjoys, again, that holiday season with your family. Cool? All right. Awesome. Well, again, Merry Christmas and all that jazz. Happy holidays to everybody.

NASA's Solar Probe Adventure

Getting into world news. Crazy in the space exploration. ah NASA has a what's called the Parker Solar Probe and this is going to get within and this is crazy.
3.8 million miles ah from the sun's surface. It's going to be the closest human-made object to ever get or the closest a human-made object will or has ever gotten so far. Can't say will, we don't know what will happen in the future. But that's crazy and it gets even crazier that they will be 3.8 a million miles away, but the heat shields will reach 1800 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature. 3.8 million miles away from the sun and it's 1800 degrees. That's just unfathomable to even think about. I read that and I was like, what? They're that far away and it's still that hot and it's still that hot. That's like 18 times some of the hottest places we have here, right?

US-China Tensions Over Taiwan

i mean going to some of the deserts may get a little hotter but that's just that was wild to me so figured i had to make sure everybody knew a fun fact like that um moving on into more important world news though that was more on the space exploration front uh china has come out this past weekend uh their government is protesting the announcements of u.s military sales and assistance to taiwan ah warning that the United States is playing with fire. Now, so what's the backstory on this? President Joe Biden authorized ah this past weekend the provision of up to $571 million dollars in Defense Department materials and services and military education and training for Taiwan. Well,
Chinese government obviously did not take kindly to that as they consider Taiwan to be a territory of the mainland of China. So since they do and since Joe Biden also gave $295 million back in September, this has got the Chinese government up in arms and they are protesting it as a dangerous move that could undermine the peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, which is a island of 23 million people that obviously their history it goes way back. This is the splitting of the Chinese populace. Again, Taiwan still considers Taiwan to be their territory. Taiwan considers themselves to be a their own country. um We have a one China policy here in the United States that our government is mandated to follow. But also,
um At the same time, we are it's a weird dichotomy, ah ah but we're also dependent to be or will be dependent on. to defend some of these countries out here that not just Taiwan, there's other countries as well, like what's what's happening with Ukraine and Russia. The situation is pretty much the exact same ah sort of you know scenario there. So keep your eyes and ears out

Biden's Political Challenges

for that. um Biden is
He's not making a lot of people happy as he as he leaves leaves the office, um especially not on the conservative side of the aisle. Um, you know just today as well.
And we'll get into this in a little bit, but he commuted the sentences of 37 of the 40 death row inmates, which means they won't face the death penalty. So depending on where you stand on that issue would be what you thought about that the commuting of those sentences, they will still spend the rest of their life in jail, though. So they're still going to face their punishment. But again, how you feel about the death penalty? Some may say that ah some people that commit heinous crimes um don't deserve uh to be among the human population so take that for uh what it is but again a lot of people just aren't happy with some of the things that are going on the more military assistance to Ukraine now with Taiwan and then previously the pardoning of his son which any father should do that's crazy
that anybody would think otherwise. um But yeah, I mean, I can see why the conservative side of the aisle would be you know kind of like, what's going on, man? This guy is just throwing everything at the wall while he's on his way out. um So you know we'll see how it ends up affecting his legacy into the future. But to say that it was an inauspicious start with the Afghanistan withdrawal and withdrawalal to say that it is a it's a little rocky ending with the Kamala being put up for the presidency in his place and him. Sort of not being around these last couple months of his presidency.
We'll see how that affects his legacy in the long run, but it's definitely going to take away from the good that he did because he did a lot of good within the middle portion of his presidency. and so this will definitely I assume we'll give some kind of kind of hit to that. um Moving on in other US news,

Starbucks Workers Strike

Starbucks. We're having a strike in Starbucks in LA, Chicago, Seattle. There are labor disputes. um it It is a five-day strike that has been enacted by the union who represents 11,000 of the Starbucks workers. ah They are now striking and protesting for better wages. um They want a wage increase. they ah The company had proposed a 1.5% pay raise in future years um in the latest contract offer this past week. This was per the actual union strike announcement. The union argued that Starbucks has more room to go before they can actually meet their demands. And as always, it gets kind of
Harry, when you're talking about workers who are getting paid minimum wage or maybe a little more, um which still is not anything in this country and still needs to be increased to a a a a level you know necessary to be able to live in this country. ah So that's a whole different subject that we we could get into at another time. but The CEO, ah Brian Nickel, who was put in in September, could earn up to $100 million dollars in compensation in his first year for hitting all sorts of goals. and I mean, you got to be kidding me.
So the start the the the Starbucks CEO is Ken, possibly, not that he would, but could possibly make this grand amount of money. And you're telling me that you can't pay your workers a little more? Nah, man, that'll jive with me. And this is exactly why I believe in unions ah being able to fight for worker rights and other, you know,
less powerful entities and segments of workers and I mean just like the the college athlete with the NIL and you know the uh trying to get rid of the term an antitrust act with the you know the the amateurism and all this stuff so I mean I and get Get paid what you can. We live in a capitalist society. ah you know That's what a capitalist society does. You give the opportunity for everybody to make as much money as their talent or their skills will allow them to make. Now, where you go after that taxes, things like that is going to be different for every person. But at least right you have the opportunity to make as much money um in a capitalist society as your skills and your talent will
allow you to make. But this isn't the only strike going on. ah Also in Germany, Volkswagen just settled striking union workers there. They had planned to shutter three plants around the country that they will no longer do that now after the strike, but they will cut jobs. So there's always going to be pros and cons with every single scenario that kind of goes into, you know,
better pay, better working conditions, which they were also ah aiming for similar to Amazon and how they've had their ah issues with the union and the being wanting, you know, better worker conditions. We've heard, of course, stories, people not being able to take bathroom breaks and things like that. And I know Amazon workers, so I actually know firsthand that that those things are ah true. And so, you know, if you're expecting people to do a do a job that is making your company more money, you can't then expect them to want to or at least even be motivated enough to do a good job if you're not providing them basic proper working conditions or a basic livable wage.
And so that's kind of what we're we're dealing with ah in this situation here at Starbucks.

Government Shutdown Averted

I'll get you a better answer. I'm gonna do some more research into this situation as the week goes on and I'll give you an update next week. ah Also, um speaking of the government, Congress ah passed the last minute government funding bill to avoid a shutdown. no
I worked for the government for a long time and it's funny because this comes up this happened every, happens every day of years, the same thing every year. There's always gonna be some shutdown and then they always figure it out at the last minute, maybe a day or two. It never really ever goes to an extensive shutdown. Every blue moon, sure, it might happen. But for the most part, it is scare tactic used by politicians in order to push more things through that they want. So it came out that there was a huge proposal put out Um, and, um, if you were, if you're on X or you're on Twitter or you follow Elon Musk, you heard that he, you know, was, tweet I believe he tweeted. And I don't know the correct number on this, so I'm not even going to count the number, but a hundred times or something about the bill in like a 24 hour period.
and and how inflated it was and all these other things. They ended up cutting it down um a significant portion and ended up ah pushing it through. President Biden is expected to sign that deal um and would extend it. It would fund the government through mid-March. It would extend the farm bill for one year and would allocate $100 billion in disaster relief alongside $30 billion in emergency aid for our farmers.
um Now, this was obviously in contrary to what incoming president-elect Donald Trump wanted. He wanted there to be ah the cap on the spending so that way he did not have to deal with that incoming deficit that then would be put on his plate, which is understandable coming from his side. Of course, he wouldn't want that. any Anybody who would be on that side wouldn't want that.
um But at the same time, this happens, as I mentioned, every single year. and It's the same story every time. So it's not going to change just because there's a ah change in the presidency. Speaking of Donald Trump, he came out with some more.

Trump's Controversial Proposals

policies and other things he wants to do when his presidency does start. ah His transition team has announced that they would like to withdraw from the World Health Organization. Also at his speech at America Fest this weekend, he floated taking back control of the Panama Canal, um citing concerns over the high fees for ships that are doing passage through the canal. Each ship has to pay a fee depending on size, country, cargo, all that all that ah jazz that gets factored into the to the formula to come up with how much someone would pay.
um So just a lot of different things that are being thrown around that are supposed to happen once he gets back into office. And so we'll see, he even said that he vowed to oblige ah Russian president Vladimir Putin, who says that he wants to speak with Donald Trump in hopes of ending the Ukraine-Russian war. Again, as I mentioned last week, anytime you have anything coming from the Russian propaganda machine um of Putin in the restroom, you've got to just take that with a grain of salt um until you actually see them put it into action, because a lot of times just that is just propaganda, because that's what they specialize in, is, you know, psi-op, psychological operations, making people feel less than due to operations that they use in food-based
get people to think the way that they want people. Speaking of, the Trump, Laura Trump, excuse me, has removed her name for situations for Marco Rubio's soon-to-be-baked Senate seat. That's an update you'll remember I mentioned a few weeks ago that there was a rumor that she would probably be taking a Senate seat even though she had no political experience.
Well, apparently the blowback on that was not to her liking, so she has removed her name from that. I have to assume that was what was the case, or she just realized she had no experience for that. Either way, she will not be doing that. I did mention um earlier that uh about the i forgot to mention this when i mentioned the biden commuting the death row sentences but one reason that this is uh i guess important or not important but relevant to the incoming president elect is that trump uh has uh well biden was the one that put the mort moratorium in place on federal capital punishment to stop it um but he
was under, and we don't know this to be true, right? We wouldn't know unless it actually happened, but he was under the idea that Trump was going to come in and resume executions, death penalty execution. So that's why he did that. I wanted to make sure I added that in there. That is an important note. All right.
Moving on to entertainment. Got a couple notes here in the entertainment

Entertainment Industry Updates

world. First of all, the James Bond franchise has stalled at Amazon. so um And it's over family disagreements, as usual, with this sort of thing. ah But there's been speculation in the air about who would be the next Bond, if there ever would be another Bond movie to come out. And the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Barbara Broccoli, which What a fantastic name that is. It sounds like a cartoon villain, Barbara Broccoli. And her daughter, ah bomb producer Albert R. Broccoli, it was Mr. Mustard in the kitchen with the knife. Ooh, clue, what a great game. who Anyway, still retains creative control over the franchise.
just trust Amazon's reliance on algorithms and personal data to make their movies. So basically what that means in layman's terms is they don't trust Amazon to create good enough Bond films based on their track print. ah So but Amazon holds all rights to release any new Bond movies ah by virtue of its purchase from MGM Studios back in 2021. Although to this point, only three years into the air, already three years into the deal, only one Bond show has been made by Amazon. And that was a reality show called 007 Road to a Mill. We will see what happens there. We'll keep you updated. Netflix, Netflix has got exclusive US
excuse me, broadcasting rights for the 2027 and 2031 FIFA Women's World Cup. So the Women's World Cup, obviously very, very hot commodity being the fact, um you know, the women's soccer team here in America, especially, and in a lot of other countries too, but especially here in America has been much better than the men's team in the past couple decades. So that being the case, um it's a very hot commodity to have that FIFA World Cup and Netflix will be the ones actually having that those rights for 2027 and 2031. All right, moving on to sports before we get you out of here for the game tonight.

Tribute to Ricky Henderson

We got the Saints and the Packers so I'll get into my prediction there in a just a moment But let's go through some sports news and then we'll get into our power rankings for the week So first of all a rest in power to the man of steel Ricky Henderson who died this past weekend at the age of 65 the Hall of Famer holds the all-time stolen base record with 1,400 but Stolen bases many considered him to be the greatest lead-off hitter in baseball history. I certainly do I am definitely in that camp. I have huge Ricky Henderson fan From the style to the and you know his eccentric ways Yeah, I ran with it with a Cuban link chain on He spoke in he spoke in third person just tremendous. I ballot Hall of Famer back in 2009. One of the first players that I love because my favorite player of all time, Jose Conseco. Shout out Jose. ah We need to get together on some marketing stuff by the way, hit me up. But, so Jose Conseco was part of the Bass Brothers who were on the 80s, late 80s Oakland A's team that Ricky Henderson was on as well when they won that title
back in 1989, so sincere rest and power to the Man of Steel, Ricky Henderson. Moving on, Oleksandr Usyk, shout out to our combat sports and boxing insider, Clever D the Combat

Sports Highlights & Predictions

G, got it right as usual, he predicted an Oleksandr Usyk decision victory over Tyson Fury,
for the WBO WBA WBC World Heavyweight Boxing Championships and he hit it right on the head. Oleksandr Usyk did win a unanimous decision this time around 116-112 on all three scorecards. I forgot to turn my ring light on so I probably looked a little low so we'll just turn that on maybe I look a little better now. But anyways So unanimous decision not a split decision like last time even though during his camp say that they want to ah Dispute the cards. It was pretty much right across the board. They all the judges but wasn't pretty much It was all across the board all the judges had at the same We will talk ah and
When we talk to Clubber D next, I'm sure we will have his answer as to what will be next for both of these gentlemen going into the future. He did mention possibility of retirement from one or both of these athletes. ah So, again, we'll see what happens, but just an update there. And that now makes Clubber D's record within the past three pay-per-views boxing in UFC. With the two disputed victories from UFC 310, he is now 12 and one. God better get what Clubber D and his prediction.
I tell you, he's an expert and an insider for a reason. That being said, shout out to the Penn State Women's Volleyball Team. They won the program's eighth national title yesterday, beating Louisville. um But this means a a lot more when I'll get into it here in a second. Why?
but First of all, let's start with an amazing game they had against the Nebraska women. So as you know, Nebraska women volleyball, huge, right? They're the ones selling out the stadiums, having the midnight volleyball and all that stuff. What an amazing game. Nebraska goes up two sets to none. I watched the whole thing. I would i was, I was just, I couldn't take my eyes on it. I was transfixed. What a great word by a Puerto Rican on a live TV show. Shout out my brother Conan. I hope you're doing well, my friend.
Orale, arribararasa. Anyways, so first of all, amazing comeback. They were down two games to nothing in the set. They won three games in a row, which is called ah the reverse draw. um And so they came back, or sorry, reverse sweep, reverse sweep, ah which is very rarely done in volleyball, but you do remember volleyball is a best three out of five.
here um in college. So ah the coach Katie Schumacher-Cauley is the first woman, which is incredible. I can't believe that this is true, but she's the first woman to coach a D1 team to a title in women's volleyball. So that's just crazy. um But she's also a former Penn State player ah and helped them win their first title all the way back in 1999.
But as well, not only did she coach this team to a 35 and 2 record, but salute to her. She has been going undergoing um chemotherapy for breast cancer. Our prayers go out to you, Katie Schumacher-Carly. Hopefully you get that eradicated as quickly as possible and get back to full health. But she's a G. She's a OG because she ain't never missed one practice all year long. So prayers up to her and salute to the Penn State women's volleyball team.

Top Paid Female Athletes

ah moving on other news in the women's world of sports the highest paid female athlete list came out just last week your top ah three female female athletes number one is coco golf who had a total between salary for winnings from tournaments and endorsements 30.5 million dollars um in skiing at number two Aileen Gu who came with 22.1 million dollars and then from the tennis world Iga
So we attack ah who came out with 21 and a half million dollars. So those are your top three ah ah highest paid female women athletes of 2024. You're probably asking where is Naomi Osaka? He is at number six.
$16 million you may say where is our girl Simone Biles? She is at number 9 11 million and she is tied with Caitlin Clark So that would have been the other person you probably asked about they are all there in the top 10 I would have thought as well though that Caitlin Clark would have at least been a little higher considering the popularity that she is a boat for advice because the Olympics was this year, too So yeah, I just for sale Olympics teams like two years ago.

Saudi Arabia's World Cup Controversy

There's only this summer Wow. I'm I'm live crazy anyways, um So that's your highest paid female ah athletes of 2024 now moving on before we get into our power rankings a couple other news and notes here earlier we talked about The FIFA women's Cup being screened by Netflix ah well, the FIFA has named that
Saudi Arabia will be the World Cup host for 2034, which then goes into the bigger picture of sports watching and all these other conversations you get um because of their human rights record and all these other things. But as you all know, as I said earlier about the capitalist society in this world, ah money talks. And that's mouth that's about all I have to say.
So that will explain to you why they have now host or they will now host the World Cup in 20, 20, 34, 20, 20, 20, 34 in 2030. Just to update you, it will be hosted by six countries together. So you can see the juxtaposition there, huh? Money, money, money, money, money. Got that oil money, baby. Oh, anyways. ah Um,
In 2030, it will be hosted by Morocco, Portugal, Spain, and then there will be big centennial matches for the Centeno celebration ah in Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay. So that will be your World Cup host of 2030.

NBA All-Star Game Changes

NBA All-Star Game, we got some changes. They're trying to spruce it up since the NBA All-Star Game has gotten boring and no one watched it anymore because it was just a glorified pickup game of a bunch of dunks and threes. They are now going to try to switch it around. They are going to do a round robin tournament style formula with four different teams consisting of three all-star teams from the 24 NBA all-stars which will be split up into three eight-man teams and then a rising stars team which will comprise the fourth team.
um They will compete for money so they're hoping that money will motivate them to play harder in this game To make it more of a television viewing event the teams will compare compete for 1.8 million dollars, which the championship team winning 125 K and the second place team each person winning 50 K the third and fourth place teams will get a cool $25,000 ah Peace so we'll see if that inspires more um Motivation to watch the game. I know my for one I'll flick it on watch a little bit here and there I might switch back and forth and whatever else I'm watching But I definitely have not watched a whole all-star game in forever, um but I remember when it was great I remember back in like like the 80s and 90s when you had magic and bird and and MJ and just like the games were so good and everybody actually gave a shit and
and tried and so hopefully they'll get no get I don't know that this is going to get all the way back to that but hopefully it brings some semblance of competition and passion back to what should be a a a you know a mainstream event and it's not.
So, um shout out my boy Sergenius and the rest of my my squad mob vets crew. Diaz, Moore, Mount. um Oh yeah, I went out to the 2003 All Star Game in Denver. I went to go visit my boy Sergenius. It is the hip hop that binds us. He was stationed out there in Air Force at Buckley.
and I wanted to visit him. And I remember it was great it was great because this was in a Gilbert Arena was guilt and was playing for the Wizards, right? And we got tickets right next to the entrance where all the All-Stars came out at. So while the All-Stars were coming out, they had this little ball. I still have the ball. It's in my house. I still have it. It's in my living room. It's a blue basketball mini ball. It had All-Star game on it, whatever. And so each All-Star had their own that they came out and they throw out to the fans.
Well, when Gilbert came out, I was like, yo, Gilbert DMV baby, we hear GC and he saw me and he and he saw me in uniform because we were in uniform at the time because we we're all in active duty and he yeah he threw me the ball. So what an amazing memory. Yeah, that's a good memory. Anyways, I just had to say that moving on before we get into our

College Football Playoff Insights

rankings. We had this college football playoff quarterfinals this past weekend and so ah Obviously, it was a 12-team tournament that has now been whittled down to eight teams. They will play in a in four games starting next Tuesday, so it will be New Year's Eve and then um and New Year's Day, which is typically reserved for college football dominance in the past. It had started to lose that luster there for a little while, ah but they're hoping to restore that now by having
college football all day, oh the day before and the the day of. So next Tuesday, um well, let me first let me back up and give you the results from this weekend. In the Friday night game, Notre Dame beat Indiana, 27-17. Game wasn't as close as that sounds. It was 27-3. In the fourth quarter, Notre Dame beat them handily.
Same thing here, 38 to 24, excuse me. I take Jake's Texas Longhorns, beat the Clemson Tigers, again, not a close game. You're gonna see a theme. All games were blowouts. Penn State, 38 to 10. I actually had called the SMU Upset because James Franklin hadn't barely ever won a big game.
And I still don't even consider this a big win to be honest But hey he beat SMU for giving the credit they won 38 to 10 and then the volunteers Sorry volunteers out knocked to a good season. They got blown out by the Ohio State Buckeyes 42 to 17 that sets us up for this week coming up and this week on Tuesday um actually you know what, even better here. Let me go ahead and I'm going to bring up the bracket for you so you can see it and I don't have to just talk it out to you. But
coming up this weekend, we're going to, or next week on Tuesday, we'll have 10 state versus Boise state. And so there's a lot of controversy going on right now because of the seating within the college football playoffs. So this is weird because Boise state and Arizona state who were ranked three and four due to the winning the championship and being ranked higher than, uh, the ACC champion. Um, they,
are now going to be the home team where it should be the favorite. They'll be hosting teams that are actually going to be the favorite team. And that's not that's not how a tournament should work.
The favorite team should always be hosting the games at their home stadium. So they're definitely going to have to do reseeding at some point. ah There will be enough of a blowback. um There will be enough of people saying, no, we can't have this. And they're going to eventually have to do reseeding. I think Jake had an amazing idea that I actually really liked. And that's giving the teams their choice.
to play whoever they want so for instance Oregon being your number one theme they get to wait till the weekend is out see who uh is who won their games who lost their games and they can say oh well we want to play Boise State or we want to play Arizona State so I actually think that's an amazing idea idea a very novel of a concept you know me as the professor uh I am solutions oriented so shout out to my uh boy hot take Jake for that solutions oriented approach um and make sure y'all are always subscribed at ball and buds B-A-L-L-A-N-D B UDS so you can stay up to date with all the videos when we go live again We are celebrating we had five in our five hundredth video over the weekend um So again, make sure you subscribe I hit that like button help us out if you're watching right now hit that like Hit that heart whatever so we can get a little bit of boost in that hour for them. We really Appreciate you. All right
So, yeah, let me bring up the bracket real quick here in a screen share. So this is what we got for this weekend. Again, like I said, we have ah Penn State going into Boise State, ah which you can see down here at the bottom. We also have ah Canteen's Georgia Bulldogs going into ah um or sorry Notre Dame a excuse me going into visit Georgia and the Georgia Bulldogs Texas the Longhorns this is one of those games just like the Boise State Texas is a favorite team but they're going to Arizona State on the road that's not how that should be they should be at home it's only logical um so you have Texas they're going into Arizona State and then you have Oregon um also again having to play this is another controversy
Oregon as the number one team should not have the hardest Road and you're telling me that you're gonna put them up against Ohio State Which was the number two number three team all season long the best game of the year was Oregon, Ohio State It was a one-point victory for Oregon ah when they played back um ah Back in I think it was like week five. So they should not have to play them in their first game off a bye They should be getting the Arizona State or the Boise State. So y'all see how that goes. That's the issue that people have with that. So let's go down into our projections. I'd like to show you these now. These are our updated projections to win the championship. You see Texas has moved into number one
spot with a 24% chance to win the championship this is all per the athletic thank you for the great information from the athletic. um Ohio State comes in at number two with a 22% chance and then Oregon follows them up at number three with a 17% chance Penn State at number four and then Georgia and Notre Dame tied at number five. So those are your projections for who people think or not who people think, but that what but the computers, the way they work those formulas, who they are projecting has the best chance to win the championship. I'll go ahead and give you my predictions for these games now. ah So Oregon, Ohio State, again, one of the best games of the year.
and normally any other year I would say Oregon but since I picked Ohio State to be my champion this year well I can't go against that uh so I gotta stick with Ohio State and I do actually think they will pull this out since Oregon won earlier in the year another amazing game uh post game Ohio State should pull it out Texas should beat Arizona um pretty handily oh my by by the way uh Ohio State is a two point Favorite in that game against Oregon. I think it'll be a field goal game. Uh, Texas is a 14 Point favorite. So this is what we're talking about. Texas should be hosting a game. You can't tell me you're a two touchdown favorite and you have to go on the road That's unacceptable. Um, but they stood they should still win this game by at least a touchdown i'm gonna say 10 points i'm gonna say uh 34 24 texas, um, then we've got
Penn State and Boise State Penn State is a ten and a half point favorite Um, you know, I'm just gonna keep going against Penn State until James Franklin wins all things because again He hasn't proved to me yet that he can really win that big game. I'm taking Boise State in the upset here They got Penn State again as a 10-20 favorites. I'm gonna take Boise State in and a field goal game there Let's go ahead and say that'll be a 37, 34. And then finally, Notre Dame versus Georgia. Georgia is a two-point favorite. While Notre Dame has played really well this year, Marcus Johnston is building a a a perennial contender there, and while they have the benefits of not being in any conference,
Alignment aside from their ACC non, you know ah Non football com conference even though they still play a lot of ACC teams Anyways, let's just say we all know Notre Dame is afforded a lot of luxury is not being in a conference But they're going to Georgia and there's no way they're gonna I cannot see them going into Georgia and winning this game um They are a good team. They are not Georgia Georgia. They are not I got Georgia in a 10-point victory and ah Let's say 2717 Georgia. Alright, so those are your ah your NFL or NFL your college football playoff

Raiders' Draft Rant

results and your playoff picks again Thank you everybody for tuning in make sure you hit that like button if you're watching I appreciate y'all that like that love that heart that laughs give me a home decor photo We're all good with it um and make sure you send in all your any your comments or your questions you have on anything I am talking about here today
Before we get into our rankings, y'all, I'm going to go off on a little rant for a second here. As you all know, if you watch programs of mine, if you've been a fan of the professor, the sports professor, the street professor, the ball and buds, yours truly. I know I've got many fans out there and I appreciate you all and your support and your love. You know, I love all my fans out there.
But you would know that I am a diehard Raiders fan. I mean, at this point, if you are a Raiders fan, you have to be diehard because I've been a Raiders fan my whole life. And I can tell you, since the last time we went to the Super Bowl and got our buttocks beaten ah by the Buccaneers back in 2003, we have been a cesspool of suckiness. And it all started with your fat ass Russell getting drafted number one and basically screwing our franchise to the next 20 years. But we haven't done ourselves any favors. We haven't done ourselves any favors.
Coaching higher mistake after coaching higher mistake. Bad free agent signing after bad free agent signing. Horrible draft after a horrible draft after horrible draft after checks, notes, horrible draft. Like we are made fun of in circles around the league for being such a bad drafting team. And the one time, the one freaking time. And if my mom wasn't watching, I would have cursed right there. The one freaking time.
We have destiny in our hands, in our grasp. The number one pick, shaking for Shador was going to come through.
And now, now it's all over. It's, it's,
I cried a lot about this last night. I'm not afraid to say I said a couple of man tears over this. We entered the chance with a 35% chance of the number one pick. And we left the game because we decided to win a meaningless, stupid football game in the middle of December when we got the number one draft pick in the quarterback of our choice in our hands. And we win a stupid game against the damn Jaguars for no stupid reason. Not like the macho man right now. I'm so pissed off.
Now nothing. Now nothing. We have to lose the next two games, which is not a guarantee because we play the Saints next. Maybe if it was Garrett Carr revenge game season, I'd be all in. We should win. We should lose against the Chargers unless they rest everybody, which is possible. We have to lose both games and hope that we get help just to have a sniff at one of the quarterbacks. Because there's only two quarterbacks going at the top of this draft, Stador Sanders from Colorado and Cam Ward from Miami.
And now we damn screwed ourselves. Screwed ourselves. I am stoked. I'm up in arms. I'm up in arms. I would say I'm at a loss for words, but I'm not. I'm clearly talking about it right now. But just know that I'm very, very upset with the Raiders franchise as a whole.
I know the owner Mark Davis should want to win. I know the coach and the players, they're going to want to win. I get it. I understand. I'm not stupid. I realize that this is a profession for them. They have lives at stake. A lot of them have jobs on the line. They're going to want to win as many times as possible, but damn it. Just like back in the day when we would go out to hammer jacks or water's edge and one of us would look at the other one in the group and be like, yo,
You got to take one for the team tonight, homie. And one of us did, because we're friends like that. You got to take one for the team, players. Player, players. Come on. Come on.
It just makes me want make you want to cry, and I just
Why? This is what you get. yeah You know what? this is what this is This is what you get, Raiders. And I don't even know.
we to it we Now, I'm going to leave that there because I don't want to get canceled. That was from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, not myself. But that's the you Raiders, you make stupid decisions. You make stupid damn decisions. Stupid damn decisions.
Anyways, thank y'all for tuning in again. Make sure you subscribe at ball and buds b-a-l-l-a-n-d-b-u-d-s So you can get all this good content. Where else would you get to see me? Give such a thespionic performance. I mean I should be it. I should be acting in Hollywood. I should be a mainstream Film actor I should be an a-lister. Do you see the range that I just exhibited there? I went from I went from Man, you know what? ah So many range of emotions just showed in that one diatribe. Hollywood, I'm waiting. Call my agent, Raymo Rodriguez. You can reach out to him at MVP, specialty marketing business for anyone looking for marketing and the athletes, entertainers out there. Make sure you go MVP specialty marketing business. Raymo Rodriguez asked for him and he will hook you. They have the best marketing, the best social media team. They'll do all your branding.
ah MVP All right. Again, thank you all for tuning in. Let's go ahead and get into these power rankings before we get out of here for the evening. So first of all, men's college basketball power rankings. Number one, steal your Tennessee Bob here's at 11 and oh, on they're actually getting out against MTS. Also known as middle C State University. MTSU is that way.
37 to 34. Uh, go watch that game before the football game. Auburn, uh, Auburn is at number two with a 11 and one record. So SEC dominance, uh, because you also find out that at number five, Alabama is at number five. Number three, Ohio state at 10 and one do that. Number four, with a 10 and two record for mentioned Alabama at 10 and two. So three SEC teams in the top five of your men,
college basketball rankings. Now onto your women's college basketball rankings. My lady, I did it again. Damn it. I left the UCLA hat in the room. I told myself to bring it in and I did it again. One day, ladies, I will remember to bring it on. the show ah But I'll see y'all next week. Come over to the University of Maryland.
come play my alumni the Terps I'll be sitting there to see you with my boy Valentino and my old roommate I body in who I've seen a forever shout out to my boys UCLA lady Bruins at 12 and oh still the best team in the country a damn right at number two Sutter line of the ones we beat are at eleven and one moving into that number two spot because Yukon took a bit of a tumble and with a loss going down three spots down number seven. But Notre Dame is at number three headed to record
USC, FUSC, excuse me, as you know, how I like to call them as a UCLA fan. We don't like the Trojan condoms. They're 11 and one record at number four. And then the Lady Longhorns of Texas at number five with a 12 and one record.

Sports Power Rankings

Also, shout out to my alumnus, the Lady Terrapins from the University of Maryland at 11 and 0. Brenda Freeze has been with an undefeated record. So I'm very happy in terms of college basketball here because both and also the men's teams for UCLA and Maryland are both ranked in top 25. So all four um of the teams I follow in college basketball, obviously y'all know I am more of a UCLA fan because I was always the UCLA fan and I didn't end up cheering for Maryland until I went to school later in life as an adult. But I'll still root for my college that I went to. I'm happy because they all have good basketball teams this year because they're football teams.
ah So we all know that. um Moving on to the NBA, let's look at our week 10 power rankings. We have a switch up top in the first two spots. So last week you had, excuse me, I got to get some water, I'm a little parched. The Oklahoma City Thunder was your number one team last week. They now moved down to number two. Your Cleveland Cavaliers are back on top.
At number three, my Boston Celtics still holding steady. Oh, sorry, I forgot to give the records there. Cleveland Cavaliers are 25 and four. The or Oklahoma City are 22 and five. um The Boston Celtics 22 wins, six losses.
ah The Dallas Mavericks at number four, 18 wins, 10 losses. And at number, ah or excuse me, I skipped number four was the Memphis Grizzlies who moved up from number five, excuse me, from last week. They're 20 and nine, 20 wins, nine losses. And then the Mavericks are at number five with 18 wins and 10 losses. Now, as ah those who watch any show that I've been on when I talk basketball, you know that There is a. Well, you have to watch me. You can watch any basketball expert or insider and you would know this information. Well, usually the teams that have the best chance of winning the championship for teams that rank in the top 10 of offensive and defensive efficiency rating.
um All top, all five of those top teams in the power rankings are in the top 10 of both offense and defense, which means we're gonna have a heck of a playoff with a bunch of good teams just playing each other. It's gonna be something beautiful to watch. So look out for that. Moving into our NHL hockey power rankings for the week. I'll go ahead and get kicked off at number one. and ah We have your ah shape.
Minnesota wild, excuse me, at 20 wins, eight losses and four ah draws. That is your Minnesota wild Washington Capitals. Yeah, shout out to the DMV, even though they beat my Los Angeles Kings yesterday. Shout out my boy Taylor and the whole Crick's oh quickck the whole crew at Bricks, where I was last night, Bricks oven pizzeria in Stonebridge, Virginia. Shout out to all the family there. But they we were watching the Capitals and the Kings play the Capitals, unfortunately won and beat my team. but
21 8 and 2 record ah the Capitals there at the number 2 spot. They are waiting on Ovechkin to come back He has 868 goals 27 away from breaking Wayne Gretzky's NHL record of 894 my buddy Taylor thinks that he will be able to break the record So we will see what happens there at number 3 the Winnipeg Jets are 23 wins 10 losses and one draw at number for the Vegas Golden Knights 20 wins eight losses and three draws and then the New Jersey Devils at number five at 21 wins 10 losses and three eyes the Devils are on a run so um uh so you just saw me kind of look away and and mouth off
um not mouth off sorry mouth something wow mouth is definitely not where i was going with that whatsoever don't think i was mouthing off i was not i promised um i was mouthing something there and i'll get into i'll get into a little bit of that here in a second Let's finish this off with our NFL power rankings. But please, yeah'all make sure you hit that like button, that love button. Help us out there in the algorithm. Get this out to as many people as possible. Make sure you subscribe at Ball and Bud's B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. Please share any videos you see. um There's a QR code up in the right hand corner.
It will take you to our link tree that will have all of our links for our YouTube where you can subscribe. You can follow our Instagram. You can follow ClubberD's TikTok as long as they're around. ah but You can follow, you can go to MVP's Specialty Marketing Business. You can follow us on X or Twitter. So again, use that QR code um or make sure the most important thing that you subscribe at Ball and Buds, because that's where you'll be able to see all of our videos.
um Oh, and as well, if you want the audio podcast version, if you like that, ah we are on Zencaster. I'm not going to read out the whole link now because it is long, but go ahead and click that QR code or scan that QR code at the top, and you can find our audio version as well of the podcast. So I thank you again to everybody tuning in today. Let's hit these NFL playoffs.
or NFL power rankings and playoff picture.

NFL Playoff Picture

And then we'll get into our own note of the evening before we get out of here for Christmas break. So um let me go ahead and I'm going to bring up the screen just to show you all what the playoff picture looks like right now in in the NFL. So our NFL right we have two games left in the season. And so a lot of the playoff spots are already sown up, especially in the AFC. So you'll see as we scroll down here a little bit, the Chiefs have locked up ah the number one seed. They do have a 14 in one record. So they have two wins above the bills, but they also hold the tiebreaker over the bills from beating them earlier this year.
So the Chiefs are your number one team and hold that by home field advantage. The Buffalo Bills are there at number two. With a two game advantage over your Pittsburgh Steelers at number three and also the balti Baltimore Ravens at number five. Both teams battling it there for the AFC North. It's gonna be a great ri of race the next two weeks to see who wins that division. The Houston Texans at nine and six.
are securely in the driver's seat for the win of that division. You can see there are no other teams there. The only other teams in the hunt are the Chargers at 9 and 6 and the Broncos at 9 and 6. And so you'll say, OK, well, there's already five teams. There's two playoff spots available. There's two in the hunt. Well, Omar, that means that all seven teams are accounted for.
And so mathematically, no, right, there is still a very, very, very outside chance that the Chargers or the Broncos, they would have to both lose not both. the One of them would have to lose both of their next game. And then the teams.
that are not yet eliminated but on the bubble as you see down here the Colts the Dolphins and the Bengals would have to win their next two games and then there would be other tie-breaking scenarios that would come into play but along the lines of who controls their destiny charges from the Broncos. All they have to do is win one and they're in the playoffs. So I take jig tacos are actually going to make it and so are the Chargers. With the Chiefs, the number one seed, it makes me sick to my stomach. I think I'm about to go throw up. Um, moving on to the NFC, the Detroit Lions are 13 and two. They're looking a little vulnerable with injuries and losses over the past couple of weeks, but
I think we all need to just relax and see what happens. They are. They were a good team. It wasn't just about one individual, no matter how great it was. It wasn't about, um you know, one position. It's about the whole team as a court. Eagles, the number two, we'll see what happens, but no jail and hurts. That's no Super Bowl. Sorry. You ain't a you ain't going there with ah with Kenny Pickett. I'll tell you that.
um Although I heard something hilarious on a YouTube video earlier today What if the Eagles won the Super Bowl over the Steelers? What can he pick it? Oh god The Steelers fans will freak out My buddy clutch Cleveland will not be happy about that at all um The Vikings at number five you see there at 13 and two How can you be 13 and two it will be the number five seed you asked me? That's because the Lions are so good in the NFC North in general has had as the kids say these days a glow-up I just think that's the first time I've ever heard that come out of my mouth before. I don't think I've ever said that before. I kind of instantly regret saying that now, but.
the NFC North used to be a division we shit on. And now they're a division that many are aspiring to be in because you can see those Packers are also in a good spot. 10 and four, they play the Saints tonight. I don't even have to tell you my pick. You should know. Saints know Derek Carr. There's no way they beat the Packers in Lambeau Field when it's going to be cold as all get out. um I've got the Packers in a blowout there, probably 14, maybe even 21. I'm thinking like a 38.
17 game Anyways Rams at number three and fouls at number four with nine and six eight and seven Records respectively can't even stop them there and then the commander shout out here in the DMV all my commanders fans at ten and five I'm now with Jalen hurts going down if he's out the commanders may be able to take control and Win the NFC Eve how crazy would that be? I did talk to a bunch Redskins fans this weekend um Oh, shout out the Browns and all of our friends that were there. What a wonderful Friendsmas party we had. wo it was It was awesome. Bunch of friends that we've had for 30 years got together and just what a great time that was. Thank you for having me. It was ah it was a pleasure.
I love you all. um But anyways, a bunch of them are Commander's fans, as we are to do, as they are want to do in DC, not me. I hate the Commanders. You can kiss my buttocks with that. But anyways, they have a chance now, with Jalen Hurst going down. And then you have the Buccaneers and the Seahawks here, eight and seven respectively, Wizards. wizards ah records but they I don't know why I thought they were sorry, Wizards. The Boulettes.
um Uh, wow, that's a throwback. But anyways, they are both still in the hunt, but probably not gonna happen for them. The Buccaneers losing that game to the Cowboys yesterday. wow I know my dad is you know he probably doesn't doesn't care because then well he probably he's probably happy that one I mean I'm sure he's like he's he's a realistic fan like me and I care about the draft pick although they have a much better record the Buccaneers should not have lost that game I'm sorry bucky Irving I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be one to come on here and and
you know, degrade you. they People have done that all day today on network television, so I'm not going to come here to do that. But one thing I will say is the ball security unacceptable.
Right before you fumble the ball, you're running with the ball in one hand, doing spin moves and stuff. I mean, you're asking for the ball to be fumbled, and and and that's exactly what happened. You fumbled the ball. Your team subsequently lost the game. Basically, because of that, you can always say that it doesn't come down to one play. But when it happens at the end of the game, the team turns around and wins. Well, you can pretty much kind of cut that down to one play. So I hate to kind of do that, but it's the truth. And it may cost the Buccaneers a playoff spot.
And if it does, there's going to be a lot of upset fans in Tampa Bay. I wouldn't be surprised. And I hope not because people are very mean on the internet. But I would not be surprised if some people have already contacted Mr. Irving, social media, trying to act like some keyboard warriors and saying a bunch of out of pocket stuff. So don't do that. um We all make mistakes. He does not deserve to be accosted. He does not deserve to be threatened, him or his family. So please act like like decent human beings um and and don't do stupid shit like that.
ah That being said, I am so happy that you all tuned in for this Xmas special.

Personal Reflections & Show Conclusion

Again, to whatever holiday you are celebrating. um I celebrate Christmas, but for whatever you celebrate, may it be merry, may it be happy, may it be filled with family, friends, and blessings. I know personally that I am extremely blessed um Not only to have a family that loves me and that I have a great relationship with, but also my mom and my dad, the best parents someone could ever ask for. If you saw me kind of smiling a little bit there earlier, my mom is watching the show and she heard me say that I needed water. And we have a mini fridge in here and she knows I didn't want to interrupt my program.
She walked over, got out of bed and came and got me a water and opened it for me and everything. So I am blessed to say she is my angel. She is my everything. I love her so much.
I love my dad, I love all my friends, I love all my family. I am so grateful and thankful for all of you, my fans. We look forward to a prosperous and successful 2025. Ball and Budge is going all the way to the top and we are glad to have you along for the ride. Let me get a little bit before I get too far.
We're happy to have you along for the ride. Again, before I start to tear up too much talking about my my mom and my dad and my friends who got me a little misty eyed there. Um, I love y'all. Thank y'all for tuning in. Again, subscribe to Ballin Buds. B A L L A N D B U D S. Uh, for everybody at Ballin Buds Club or G Combat G. Um, you know, my boys at the bottom line, uh, sports crew. Um, make sure you check that out tomorrow as well. Uh, a lot of y'all will,
want to tune in. It'll be an episode. Obviously our, you know, our holiday episode, it would definitely be an episode um ah to remember. And the reason I say ah be grateful in life, y'all, is because not all of us again are going to have this year. There's going to be a lot of people that are going to go this holiday season and without food.
Without presence, there's a lot of people that are going to ah sleep in the cold. um And so just think about those people. If you have the ability um to give to those people or help out but people, please do. um But in this life, you know, nothing is guaranteed. um You know, as a.
um dr ah from the classic one on the yeah from uh the um i love out gosh even the eventually or so sometimes why hi nothing for nothing
and another, but curtain, it was them and I.
Love y'all. Salute. See you tomorrow at sports AM. Make sure you subscribe to Ball and Buds for all the other videos. I wish you a Merry and Happy Christmas. um I am Omar, the professor on Seca, and this is the professor's seminar.
the right Peace, love, be kind to each other, ah treat each other right, and have an amazing holiday season. All right. Later, y'all.
Here we go. Now you go. Peace with the millions.
toe to toe, release the flow created by this mic pro Life's cameras get low Action back, back to bag and back, in fact this monster will grow Y'all better let him know man with the master plan and you have no need to know you can't prepare now get ready for the show sports professor