I'll see you next time.
Introduction and Show Setup
Street professor back again, it's game time. A la playa, no playtime, it's play-out. Cause we ain't talking about practice like AI. Sports professors spit the best takes out like AI. Awfully intelligent air, I can't write mine.
Rhyme sighting with girls DMs like Messi after the goal time. That was a triple entendre, did you catch me rambling? Lubin's Simone Biles, we the bottom line champion. I need my hands. This is the sport, touch, touch, touch.
Street! Yo, street professor. I'm back, baby. Like I never left.
What up, what up, what up, what up, man? Welcome to the Bottom Line Sports Show. Shout out to Jake, Hot Take Jake. We're glad to be here tonight. We're just waiting on ah the professor to pop in.
We'll be right back. not sure episode this is what what episode this is but we're here to bring you nothing but the best of the best with the sports we're gonna talk a little basketball nba college ah basketball we're gonna talk some ah nfl nfl trade ah this is episode one sixty so we're gonna talk about ah sports professors mixed bag Hot take, Jake's hottest take.
We're going talk about some college football, college basketball, NBA, playoffs. We're going to talk about some other different things like that, man. So you guys can go to all your ah sports social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, um YouTube, like, share, and tag, comment, and share to the bottom line sports show.
Professor, we've already we've already covered all the preliminary stuff. If you'd like to cover anything else, go ahead and hit whatever you like like to cover. what But this is show number 160. We've covered all the preliminary stuff.
We'll turn over to the professor at this point in time. The professor should be coming back. Professor, professor, professor. Okay, here he is. All right. Yeah, i'm not what I'm not sure what's happening because I'm literally directly plugged in to the Ethernet in my Internet. So I have no clue what is happening, but I know we're supposed to get a big storm here in a little bit. So maybe that's it.
Anyways, my bad. little late there, but thank you for introducing everything. Can't you really appreciate it Make sure that y'all join the bo bottom line sports Facebook group at the bottom line sports. Make sure you join us. We talk a lot of trash, post a lot of.
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NFL Discussions and Predictions
Sports. Gentlemen, how is it going today, my friends? excuse and Great weekend, man. Great weekend. Love free agency. yeah A lot of things are unwinding. You're getting an idea of teams and what they're becoming.
I'm seeing teams that look like shit stay like shit. And I'm seeing teams looking into looking and becoming. Legends in the making, Omar. Get ready. I mean, i know I know one of those teams that ain't done nothing, and we'll talk about them in a little bit. You know about them quite well.
Hey, so, Professor, man, um i i seen I see the Raiders have made some ah extraordinary moves. I like Pete Carroll, what he's done, bringing old Geno over. He's making some extraordinary moves.
The entire NFL has done some extravagant great things. um There's one team who ain't done s h i t S-H-I-T shit, chi and shit, shit. We'll elaborate on that. But, hey, guys, man, it's been a great week. Glad to be back with my bros.
Let's do what we got to do, fellas. Yes, sir. We are here. Flo is out handling business another week before he is off to another land. So we will wish him the best.
Salute him as he goes on his journey. But just know going forward, Flo is probably not going to be with us, but every so often. So we will be bringing on rotating guests in the future, including all this all the roster at Ball and Buds like Clubber D and the rest of them, as well as IOW Sports. We'll bring on Mar from time to time. We'll bring on Mel.
We'll bring on Let's Talk Sports people like Alan Perez, AP. So don't worry. You're still going to get a full cast of characters, probably just not going see Flo too often. But that's okay. He's doing well. Just know that.
And we are doing well. Also, let's hit this.
Yankees World Series Prediction Debate
Jake, we are going to start from now on ah with you being our first section of the show with your hottest take of the week.
All right, this one, you know, I've been thinking on it. I've been thinking over the weekend. I've been seeing everything that's being moved on here on and there. So on and so forth.
So on and so forth, yes, yes. You know, something happened like this past week that hurt me. I'm going to go into baseball here, guys. I don't know. shit. Very nice. i like that.
You know, a lot of people just think that because Garrett Cole's gone, The Yankees are just going downhill. Guys, I'm seeing a promise I haven't seen in years before. I think the team's practically building themselves up on their own.
I have two big predictions this year's baseball season. I think Aaron Judge writes his wrong and gets MVP this season. a Hold on.
Adding on. The Yankees will meet up. With the rematch. With the Dodgers. For a championship of championships.
And I think Aaron Judge. With or without Garrett Cohen. It's looking like without him. Tommy John surgery is done. He made him sideline for the whole year.
I'm telling you right now. More than ever before. The Yankees are destined. to do the unthinkable. And I love it because if you go look up on the sportsbooks, I know you're into that, Omar.
Omar's into that. In the sportsbooks canteen, it's dropping the Yankees like they're straight garbage. They're not even giving them a chance. So Jake, what you're saying, they're not even giving them chance to They're right. They're wrong this year. But what you're saying, they they they're not projected to do well in the playoffs. At all.
They're not even projected to get past the first round. What? That's what. Canteen, our Vegas numbers are dropping so fast. No, no, no. Pull this train back.
You're saying that they're not projected to do what? We're not even supposed to be past the first round with the Vegas numbers that keep coming out. They're saying that we we're not even a top four team anymore losing Garrett Cole.
Let me tell you something right now. Okay.
Stephen A. Smith's Impact on Sports Media
We're winning the the World Series. I said it before. While we're down, that's what I wanted to say. While we're down. but Because I love it.
See, people would love to jump on you when you're up. Everybody loves the guy that's got the money already, bro. No, no, no. Come at me. And I'm broke and I'm sitting on the sideline right now. I'm sitting home alone. Sad.
Come to me now because we're about to be rich at the end of this.
I'm telling you, join in. The Yankees will right their wrong while they lost their best pitcher right now. Now, I want to do one thing real quick before we go on.
I just want to put what almost made the cut, but I couldn't do it.
ah And I know you this one was kind of crazy too, but I got to think on it little more. This is real NFL real quick. I don't know if Aaron Rodgers will ever be a first.
I don't think Aaron Rodgers deserves, nor is he allowed to become and a first ballot or maybe even a Hall of Famer in the NFL anymore. I don't know.
Wow. I don't know, Omar. I don't know. ba uncle Okay. wow I had to go one with my heart and my team, and I had to go one on the side.
can um Can I caveat? Can I caveat? Can I caveat? Really? Okay, yeah, no, go ahead. We're going to talk about this. Go ahead. Hey, hey, so, Jake, the Yankees, I got to give you that much. I think, hey, redemption.
I think redemption is real. I think that you guys can bounce back. I think that you guys can turn things around. Here's the thing.
Controversy Over Rich Rodriguez's TikTok Ban
He said Yankees going to get 28. No, this guy better stop hating.
Yeah, I don't know. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's right. He's right. He's right. I he was only saying 28 wins. I was about to scream. He's talking about chips. He's talking about the bling. You're damn where right. Here's the thing with the whole football thing.
You got Aaron Rodgers and Russell Wilson are the low-hanging fruit right now when it comes to quarterbacks in the NFL. Aaron Rodgers kind of shot me with Rodgers. So I don't know if they released him from the Jets or not.
but But, I mean, who's to pick him up? i mean I mean, do you want him to be a backup quarterback to be detrimental? We're going to get to that, Ken. I just want to ask you whatever whether they but with what I said. No, no, no. With what I said, think about this.
You've had a 20-year damn career. You got one Super Bowl win. You ain't done shit since. And you just Stad Pats. Is that deserving anymore? I don't know if it is. One Super Bowl, Jake. One Super Bowl, bro.
Yeah, shout out my ah shout out my brother Dirty Mojo ah from the 757 representing. 28th, representing twenty two of man says 28 chips damn right. Well, I'm going to have to disagree with both y'all.
I know I wasn't here. I know I disappeared for a second because my internet went crazy. But I assume from when like when I came back, I assume Jake's hot take of the week was that even without Garrett Cole, who is now long to the year, that the Yankees are still going to ba soa that is That is booty juice.
That prediction and hot take is straight booty juice. That ain't happening. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. he said it. The Yankees ain't winning a damn thing.
The only thing they're winning is a clown contest for being the worst jesters in the world the way they threw that World Series with that five-run inning they gave up to the Dodgers.
Don't bring back the past. I don't care what the Simpsons predicted. I know the Simpsons predicted the Yankees would win in 2025. I don't care what the Simpsons predicted. It's not happening. Garrett Cole's out for the year. Aaron Judge is going have a down year. No Giancarlo Stanton.
No team whatsoever. Blow them all up. The New York Metropolitans are now the big brother in NYC. Shut the hell up, man. got to slap yourself.
Jake, just slap yourself.
That's like the little brother thinking that he could beat up big brother.
You crazy, Jake. Hey, hold on, hold on. On for my second take. What'd you think of A-Rod? Yeah, you know what? I think that that is a crazy, crazy take because of the fact that we always did think of Aaron Rodgers as a Hall of Famer since he won that first championship very early on because we all projected, we all um extrapolated that we thought he would have a much better career and have more championships by now.
But... Now that you say that and he's 47 years old and only has one championship, ah he's definitely not first ballot, I don't think, anymore. He's still a Hall of Famer no matter what. I think just because he was one of the greatest quarterbacks even without
Aaron Rodgers' Hall of Fame Debate
the championship. It's like Dan Marino.
Dan Marino didn't win any championships, but he was still ah one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. I don't put Aaron Rodgers over Dan Marino, but I do put him in the probably top 15 quarterbacks of all time probably.
I would. I would think. Maybe top 20. But not first ballot. I agree. Probably not first ballot. What do y'all think? anybody by Anybody think out there in the comments, Aaron Rodgers, is he still first ballot Hall of Fame? Let us know what you think.
Dirty Mojo says a little more. ah yeah you it's been Give me my Metropolitans, baby. um But okay, no, I can see that. I can definitely see Aaron Rodgers not being first ballot. I still think he's all a Hall of Famer, though.
I will say that. um Canteen, I'm going to put your music on, even though it gets us copyrights every time. Oh, no, no, no, no. no do I mean...
as You really want it. I can put it on. No, no, no. You good, bro. If it's going to cut our show, have to, man. Yeah, because it it gets copyrights on YouTube, and then you can't you have to delete them later if you want to monetize your channel. but no No, no, no. You good, bro. We good. We good. just going to play a little.
Whoa. Play little lo-fi. um Anyways, so all right, cool. Thank you, Jake, for your hot. hottest take of the week, which will from now on be our first segment to go to. And then we will move into my mixed bag. That way we can, uh, we can, I can put them together and upload them every week as one segment.
Um, so anyways, let's move on into our mixed bag. Uh, says, Hey, guys, spotty signal area. Heard a few earlier parts. Family friendly. Careful with the language.
Got it, Flo? No worries. We will keep the language ah to a minimum. We know we are on all the other channels other than our own, including Flo's and Let's Talk Sports. If we have a little bit of profanity, we apologize. We will try to keep it down to a minimum.
That said, we keep it moving to the Professor's Mix. Bye!
ba bag bag bag all right cool mixed bag first item in the mixed bag canteen and my man steven a smith got his bag 100 million dollars to be a sports personality on espn dude getting more bag than most athletes uh canteen start us off canteen what do you think about this amazing news by the way steven a i'm there next baby let's go Hey, man, so the thing about Stephen A. Smith, man, he's a great TV personality, you know, very educated, antiquated, great guy.
A lot of people don't know how to take Stephen A. Smith, but he's doing what he's gifted to do, man. He's just doing sports. He's just doing sports. I think he deserves it. I mean, his ratings through the roof.
The ratings are through the You can't, you cannot talk. Professor and Jake, when it comes to numbers, you can, yeah i can lie, Jake can lie, and professor can lie, but numbers do not lie, guys.
right The numbers are there. Shout out to Stephen A. Smith. Congratulations to him. First take. He's super seeing all the expectations, guys. Shout out Steve A. Smith, man.
and when And, Jake, when you look at the revenue that First Take brings in, they bring in tens of millions of dollars in sponsors and stuff every year. So you would think if he's the main star of the show, you might as well pay to keep him happy if it's bringing in that much money, right?
Absolutely. a Yeah, absolutely. I know we had this topic last week with the wrestling on the show. Mount Rushmore. I think Stephen A solidified himself as a Mount Rushmore spot for one of the greatest sports personalities we've ever had.
um look i say I think this compares with the Mike and Mikes that had their 20 year span career the thing that's different with Stephen A is he's done it with Skip he did a little bit with Max and he's doing it now with Shannon I mean he's doing he does it with everybody he can do it with anybody right that's what i that's the one thing I kind of put a notch above him ah proud of him I know we'll talk later on his whole situation with LBJ but yeah currently right now with the whole entire 100 million thing man Hey, proud of you, bro.
Keep doing you. Keep doing you. Correct, correct. Yeah, we will talk about that incident in a little bit. But yes, Stephen A is obviously the best out there right now and one of the best to ever
Top Sports Media Personalities
do it. and He deserves the bag. If you are the one that is bringing all the eyes on this channel, on this show, if this show is consistently the highest rated morning sports show and you are the main variable when all these other moving parts around you, including hosts, Molly's been there a while, but before that, they went through multiple hosts.
Right. um So, yeah, Stephen A deserves. It is a We live in a country of capitalism, as Stephen A will always point out. I got him number two all time.
Not to cut you off. I have him number two all time. Yeah. Number two all time. Let me let me finish my thought. I want to come to your list. Let me finish my thought real quick so I don't forget. But and actually, I think I just did forget. Hold on.
My bad. No, you're good. I'll get it back in a second. Hold on. Oh, so, um but as Stephen A also likes to say on the shows, in a capitalist society, you get paid what you are worth.
And what you are worth what you can command. And he commanded that. Good to him. Like I said, I'm on my way up, Stephen A. I'm trying to follow right behind you. All these boys doing the streaming, they trying to follow behind you too.
I need that money as well. Let's get that bag What were you going to say, Jake? What's your list? um I was just saying, he's he's made my top two all the time. He's right there. Who's number one? um Colin.
Colin Cowher. I just think that Colin's the only guy I know that can do a show for three hours by himself. And I think that's tough to do. Omar, it's like and I'm not trying to give you your flowers, but I got you right here.
Omar, for you to get on your show and do, come on, promote your show real quick. What it called? And do all your work by yourself. Weekly Mondays, you can catch the professor's seminal mente.
It's tough, tough job to do. The reason I respect academics in the social stages over there on that side, because he does that as well, other than the Joe buttons and all that.
Same thing with Colin. Same thing with our boy Omar. These guys, when you can make a show, it's something I would want to do eventually one day.
i don't think I'm there yet. But the fact when I see you have to compete with yourself, you have to make sure that you're talking the whole time. There's no pauses. You don't get a break from somebody else talking.
You've got to get it going. So, hey, salute to all those guys that have that in them to throw it down and go a good hour to two hours plus of just straight giving you the next ones and you're just communicating.
That's why I have Colin one above them. That's the only reason. Colin can carry pod for three hours by himself. I've seen him do it on ESPN radio. I've seen Omar do it on Mondays when I'm listening in and I'm playing hello my little 2K and I got Omar in my background just hearing him out for the day.
It's what he these guys do. Got to give respect to where due, man. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I appreciate that, man. I will collect those flowers and take them generously because it is hard.
I can't believe that I actually have done 20 of those shows now, which means I've done five months of those shows now. And yeah, I do go sometimes to two and a half hours. And although it's a lot of content and a lot of news that I'm giving out, it is very hard to continually talk the whole time without having any breaks to think or have other people interject and having to carry everything on yourself. So it is really hard. So it is a salute to all those people that can, ah you know, do that sort of thing like Stephen A, like Colin Cowherd, like your boy, the sports professor.
And I hear, i hear Jake, what I'm hearing is the professor's third on your list is what I'm hearing and in terms of media, media personality. And i'm like what i'm at you're young. These guys are probably on their back nine. Yeah.
Hey, that's right. I'm still coming up. I'm a young buck, baby. Come get me.
Who's saying that? You don't say that. That's your boy Flo. You know Flo said that. Flo, Flo, why you look, Flo? I love Stephen A. I love Shannon. But Shannon's my favorite.
I'm a Shannon Sharp. I'm a Shay Shay guy. I love Sharp, man. Shannon's doing his thing, too. but With the nightcap. He's in the, ah he I put him in the tier with the Rogans where I like, he does really good interviews. He does good interviews one-on-one.
liked his last one. His last one Andrew Schultz. That one was good. Yeah, that one was good. That one was good, man. Real good. Real good. Yeah. No doubt. Salute to all of them. Hey, Stephen A., I'd love to get on your show with you.
Holler at me. We'll talk. um Moving on. west West Virginia. You got shoot your shot, right? West Virginia University.
Rich Rodriguez, what the hell are you doing? Rich Rodriguez has banned TikTok dancing. for his West Virginia University football team.
Now, let me say this to you again. I did not say banned TikTok completely. No, they can still go on there and tomfool around and waste time, but they just can't go on there and dance.
What in the name of stupidity of rules and alienating future recruits who may like to do this sort of thing? What is going on here, Jake? I'll let you. Look, man, I think there's a bad move. Here's why.
oh We're in this era now where everything is promotions in a way. And I know, like you said, you're not promoting whole, you know, he's not taking away TikTok itself.
But be honest with me. Is West Virginia as big as the elite of elite schools? No. So you're taking away the fun and the aspect. You don't know if you're going lose some recruits because of stuff. I'm telling you, kids nowadays, they want to have some freedom around.
yeah And if they feel they're bossed and stuff like that, hey, man, they'll go get a bag somewhere else. And they'll they'll move on from you. Bad move, you need to fix that fast. That's all I'm going to say.
I don't like it at all. I get what he's trying to do. I understand that. But, hey, i get the I believe in the aspect of... When it's time to to do some work, let's do some work.
When it's time to have some fun, let's have some fun. Don't ban your fun, though. Don't ban the fun completely. That's all I'm saying. Nah, with you on that. Canteen, what do you think? Hey, here's the thing, man.
I think that as coaches, man, you have to have a balance, man. There's a time and place for everything. I think sometimes you can be too tough. And then you you you forget about people have feelings, emotions, and different things like that. These guys come to college, they come to get an education, play football.
But we have lives, man. They have lives. Let these guys live. If you're going to shove football in and throw a shove education down, that's cool. But when I go back to my dorm room, when I go back to my apartment, I want to cut loose. I want to drink. I want to hang out. i'm go to I want to live a life that's beyond football and trying to get a degree.
Let these guys live, man. in ah And if you don't, they're going to start doing stupid stuff like drinking and driving, getting into trouble, doing things that are going to be detriment to your football team and detriment to your organization, which is going to cause more haunted organization, which is going to cause you not to win games.
Critique of NFL Scouting Combine
You're going to lose. Then not going to become bowl eligible, which is going to just set your hold the whole program back. let Let loose. Focus on consistency and discipline when it's necessary.
And then let the guys have fun, man. Yeah, I agree with both my brothers here. I think that you need to let the kids be free. They are still kids after all. Let them enjoy their their life while they're trying and play football.
um You do alienate your recruits. Right. If you do this, and it's possible there are recruits that just don't even consider West Virginia. Going to West Virginia. because of one stupid rule that you decided to stand stand on the hill and die on for this stupid rule so that's on him he's gonna lose recruits for sure in the future i don't know how many but it definitely will impact his recruiting unless he removes it and it's it's public um that being said oh the only other thing i want to say because my my brothers handled that perfectly uh a
Don't drink and drive as canteen said very bad and B we also do not support underage drinking on this program so they are still kids a lot of them still under 21 so we do not encourage underage drinking or drinking and driving on this program please do not do either or if you do We don't know. if We did not suggest it.
Anyways, that's just to keep us legally intact. Does that mean that I did not drink in college? I definitely did. um So anyways, Flo says Colin still gets commercial breaks a few times every hour. Yeah, he does. You're right. I don't.
i Oh, look at that. I don't. I'm better than Colin. Hey, Professor, man. Hey, you G, bro. You a G. I mean oh might guilty ah appreciate that, bro.
Kudos, man, to you, man. He says maybe you should ban certain types of dancing. Flo, you understand, man. We're living in
these guys are between the ages of twenty and twenty man let these people live I honestly think that, oh, my bad. I thought you were done. Keep going, keep going. No, when I when i was when i was between 20 and 25, I didn't care what I did.
didn't care. People just want to be free. People want to live. People have no concern. Some people do.
Some people have values and all these different things, but some people have values and they still do whatever. They're in college to have an experience. Let him experience his life, man.
That's all I'm saying. Yeah, I mean, i think i was going to say, I think this actually that would actually hurt him more. Because I think that if you if you single out a specific type of dance or a specific type of dance people, then you get into the slippery slope of, are you talking about because of different cultural dances? Religions? Religions? Right. Right.
And then you're just going to push off more recruits. So I don't suggest either of those ah rules are a good idea. ah But hey, Flo, I mean, that would work in a BYU, a Christian school. BYU, a TCU, a Christian.
Even maybe the service academy. organization Right. Yeah. Jake, what do think about that? Excuse me, Professor. don't know if you're going to tell me. But these ideologies will work in that type of environment.
right That wouldn't work at the University of Georgia. That wouldn't work at Alabama. That wouldn't work at Clemson. It wouldn't work at Texas.
Jake, do you have any thoughts on that? I think y'all hit right on the coffin. Yeah, you can't. The thing is, and I've always noticed this, guys right now during that age, especially from the ages 18 or even 16 all the way to 24, 25, are trying to experience things that, you know, they just want to follow a trend. I remember whenever I was growing up early, everybody was doing that ice bucket challenge. Everybody was doing the... ah Remember whenever everybody would freeze? What song was that called? Black Beatles by Sway Lee and them.
Everybody would do that freeze. yeah It's like you're telling them to stop a moment in time. People are just following the trends. You got to deal with it. What's over trending? You got to go with it.
Yeah, and like we've like we said, there they're still kids, so you have to let kids be kids, and nowadays social media is what runs kids' lives. Anyways, all right, cool. Moving on to hockey news.
ah Actually, these will be my last two points of news since Jake stole my Yankees' Garrett Cole needing toddy Tommy John surgery. But in hockey news, Alex Ovechkin is now nine goals away from breaking Wayne Gretzky's record with 886 goals. He plays tonight against Wayne's former team, my favorite team, the Los Angeles Kings.
Should be a good game coming on here in about an hour. I'll be sitting down to watch that tonight. But again, it's looking like he probably will get there as there are still 18 games, I believe, still left for the Capitals or somewhere around there. Someone could correct me if not.
ah So, yeah, we'll see what happens there. i don't really. and It was just an update. I know how both of y'all feel about that. And I think the the the fans do as well, so we can keep it moving. Also in hockey news, trade deadline passed.
Wow. The Dallas Stars went for it by getting Miko Rantanen from the ah Carolina Hurricanes. And as well, another huge winner in the...
in the NHL hockey deadline is the Florida Panthers. The defending champion Florida Panthers went out and traded for Brad Marchand, one of the best forwards in the league, to pair him with Matthew Tuchuk, one of the best defensive men in the league.
And they added Seth Jones, another great defensive man in the league. So the Florida Panthers, after winning it last season, and are going all out of the trade deadline to try to repeat and go back to back.
Gentlemen, how do you feel about any of that hockey news? Boy, i hold on. I know you're the hockey expert. I'm going to reverse it to you. What's more likely? Dallas with the moves they made at the trade deadline to finally get past the hump and win it or Florida repeating on you?
What do you think? Hmm. that's a really That's a really, really great question. And it's tough because, see, what happened here is the moves that Dallas made at the deadline to get Mikko Rantanen, they also have one of their best players, tiger c Tyler Seguin, coming off of long-term injury reserve. He's been injured most of the season.
So that's going to be like another free agent that they get back kind of thing to their team. You pair that with the team they had already, they really just built – around the edges and fortified, that makes them a strong all-around team. So they really have a great chance. But if you're telling me that the defending champions went out and got two stars, like Brad Marchand and Seth Jones are both stars in the league. not Maybe not superstars, but stars. They're not just regular players.
So you went out and got, you telling me the defending champions went out and got two stars, two starters, frontline starters on any other team in the league. Give me the Panthers to repeat.
and Okay, okay, okay. Yep. Oh, going back to this, Flo had another comment. You can say that, Cam, but I bet Nick Saban didn't allow social certain social media things and it worked for him. It just wasn't made possible. But see, here look let me caveat on that.
That's probably true. but but Okay, okay. So so let lift let let let me compare apples oranges. That's a long time ago, too. Yeah. you You got Deion Sanders at Colorado and Nick Saban at Alabama.
They're both successful football coaches. So what are you talking about? Hmm. Deion Sanders is in the spotlight, and they said he wasn't going to have a winning season, but he won. It's apples to oranges. No, no, no, no. Here's what you got to get to.
The NIL guys didn't exist. to ni There's a reason Nick Saban ran as fast as why he did when that NIL came in yeah because he knew. That the players now get to pick and choose. no You don't just got to go to his program to win a chip.
Now you can get paid. And now that's why Nick Saban got scared of the never and became a broadcaster so He washed his hands and walked away from the game of football. Very fast. There's a reason behind that. He knows in this day and age, he ain't getting all them favorites that he was allowed in Alabama a decade ago.
It's a different time. Yeah, you hit that right on the head. That's exactly why he left was because NIL came into play and he didn't want to leave. was Sean McCoy. He called that out from the very beginning. Right.
Yep. That's true. All right, cool. last Last ah point of the professor's mixed bag today, earlier today, a very scary moment for the Duke Blue Devils. As in the ACC tournament, Cooper Flagg went down with an ankle injury.
and had to to it had to be wheelchaired to the medical room. He did come back out later walking, so hopefully it is nothing major as he is the projected number one NBA pick, but they will probably keep him out for the rest of the ACC tournament um until March Madness, although they say he's trying to come back, but the coach, I believe, would be supremely stupid if he let something like that happen.
ah Jake, what do you think about that? Keep him rested, bro. It's not worth it right now. Keep him rested up. Heck no, man. He's got a lot of games. You know, future.
Keep him rested. Well-rounded. Not only that, you don't want to further his injury. You really don't. Not in this time. And i know it's kind of like fighting it because you got March Madness literally right around the corner. But dang, man, you gotta got slow it down.
Yeah. Got slow it down right now. I'm sorry. What you think, man? Hey, so they were they were playing against my guys. Last weekend, guys, I went to go see Georgia Tech play Wake Forest us and Wake Forest and Wake Forest pounded the Yellow Jackets, man. But here's the thing.
The Yellow Jackets put up a good fight, man. But as as you guys have caveat it, man, let him rest, man. I mean, hell, if I'm Cooper Flagg, I don't really care what Duke does at this point.
I'm value added to the NBA. I don't care about the NCAA championship. None of that matters. I'm thinking about a draft pick, lottery pick, and where I'm going to go play in dividends, dividends.
I'm an asset, not a liability at this point in my career. That's how I'm thinking, man. I mean, you hit that on the head, and I don't know why he's trying to come back. If anything, if it were me, I'd be trying to protect my money.
That's right. got to protect your money at that point, which takes us into it which takes us into a bigger question that is going around the lexicon right now about Cooper Flagg with NIL that we talked about earlier. A lot of people are saying, well, maybe he should stay another year since he has the NIL money.
ah But – Doing that, you also forego starting your NBA contract, which then takes you another year to get to your second contract, so on and so forth. What do we think about that, Canteen?
Man, go leave, leave. um if If you have really managed your n NIL money properly, managed it, invested and done what you're supposed to do, and most guys that get the NIL money, they manage it properly, man, only thing I would be focused on is leaving.
would leave, go to the NBA, go to the NBA, still do school, get your degree go to the NBA and have your degree as a fallback. But I mean, you're going to thrive in the NBA anyway.
The money's going to come. Don't chase the money, chase the game. And then the money will follow you. like that. Yep. Yeah. Jake.
Yeah. ah I would do the same. Now I do feel the opposite in the NFL though. I do feel with, with college football, Look, an average career is about three to four years. You may not even see ever see a second contract.
a As in the NBA, you usually get to drag on and drag and so on and so forth. Hell, Chandler Parsons was still getting paid... 10 millions of dollars, eight years into the league, and he sucked by then with the Rockets. So I'm just saying, guys in the NBA get better chances. You also get more money. So, yeah, the faster you get to the NBA, the faster you can make more.
The NFL, however, I do find it opposite. NCAA, and that's why I think we saw Quinn who were slow down and take, you know, oh, man, going to get paid here more over here. I'll stay over here, you know.
and Then deal with a fort being a fourth round pick and now making a measly $200,000 when he's going to make $1.3 million. So it's stuff like that. You got to think about it. You're completely right. Actually, that's a great point. And most people don't even think about that, but there's different dynamics between basketball and football, which in football says, yeah, maybe you should stay another year and just collect that money.
And it puts off the wear and tear, all that good stuff. Plus, especially if maybe it's like you're running back, like Ashton Janty, let's say he he didn't, he still had ah years left that he could use, you know, um or which he does.
But if he didn't want to go, if he wanted to stay and make more money, knowing that, you know First running backs or running backs usually don't outlast their first contracts in the NFL. right That would make sense. And again, like we said, right you're taking yourself away from making that big money in future. Because if you're right now at Shade Gil's Alexander SGA for Oklahoma City, Dunder, when he gets his Supermax contract, he's going to making $80 million a
Influence of NIL Deals on College Athletes
So, you know, there's nothing, there's no, there's no NIL in the world that you're going to make any 80 million in one year. So you might as well start the clock now. Plus you're the number one pick. It'd be different if like you were, like Jake said, a second round pick or pick even number 20 or even out of the lottery in the NBA. Let's say that you're like a 14, 15 and you're not going get the guaranteed lottery money.
Maybe it's something you don't do, but as the first overall pick, no, you get the hell out and take that money.
All right. Thank you all for tuning in. Flo says, and I'll keep basketball players in college. You have time to develop your game and still get paid again. Yeah. yeah It depends on how high you will get drafted.
Like we said. Yeah. Cool. Thank you for tuning in. Make sure you join the bottom line sports Facebook group. ah Catch up with us there on all the news and sports as well. Subscribe to ball and buds and final say pod on YouTube.
All right. Let's keep it moving. Gentlemen, Let us start out with some NFL. And since I did not, since I forgot last week to let Canteen do his combine review, we are going to start with that today. Canteen, what do you have on the combine last week? What are your takeaways from what we saw at the combine?
All right, guys. So, like, you really just highlight over the combine to me last week was really, really poor. I mean, the combine was not a really, really big highlight because – A lot of the big names that went to the combine, we didn't hear about them.
The Shadors, the Cam Wars, the Travis Hunters. A lot of the big names we didn't hear. but we We only really heard about the guys that, you know, that usually perform in college football. So here's the thing, man. I think the draft is going to be what it's going to be.
um I know that Mel Kuyper Jr., they've already outlined who they think is going to go where. But that's all going to shuffle and all the dicks going to be moving around and all these all these different things like that. um We'll just have to see what the draft is going to be like in my projection, man. So that's my take on the draft.
Not the draft, but on the combine. The combine was really subpar mediocre to me, guys. I really can't elaborate on it because it wasn't really. Well, let me follow up. Do you think that that it's good for players like Shadour and other people to to not go? Or do you think that hurts them in the long run?
It hurts them. So I think that when they have their pro day, when those guys have their separate pro days, that's when those guys can really, really show what they're made of and give their best foot forward.
The draft inhibits them from like really doing what they're doing. I mean, they're just going and making social making social media making social media performances and people, hey, how you doing, and appearances, but they're not there to perform.
The guys that go to the to the combine, those guys that are hungry, that are trying to make a way, these guys are trying to find a way to get on teams and try to see so they can get drafted. The Shadur Sanders, he's going to get drafted.
The Travis Hunter, the Cam Ward, these guys are going to get drafted.
That's my take, guys. Jake, what do you think? Well, the thing about the scouting, it's only good if the draft's full of your – see, I've been told – I've been hearing from Mel Kiper. I've been hearing from some of the NFL guys, Howard Breer, all of them.
this is more of a meat and potatoes type of draft year. So you're not going to get the pizzazz, the wows. It's not more of a wide receiver, uh, uh, CB type of draft. It's more of the interior lineman offense and defense.
So you're not really looking at a 40 time from a O line and really kind of, Oh, wow. You know? So I really just think it's only that. I mean, the scouting is usually the year before last when they did have those elite of elitist, uh,
ah running backs and wide receivers coming in, that's when everybody's just watching, seeing who could you know beat their times and all that. So it's just on that. I just think that this is going to be a very, this is a very physical draft. You're going to a lot more.
You know, you only got two prospects at QBs that people are really looking out for. And other than Travis Hunter, you got a lot of D linemen being looked at right now. So like I said, I just think that in the in the indian end, it's just going to be looked at like that.
But hey, Look, a lot of teams have to build, especially with poor, and I know we're about to go into it, free agency play. You've got to score in the draft.
yeah Absolutely. Because if you don't, you you're going to be walking in in August, and I'm the one that's going to be laughing at you, knowing that before the season starts, your season's already done. A la Raider fans.
yeah Hot take. Hot take. Hot take. Unfortunately, it's true. I can't even say anything. Ha, ha, ha. so But yeah, no, I do agree. i think that as for the combine, if you're going to get drafted high, like ah like a Travis Hunter, like who might go number one or Abdul Carter, something like that, you can abstain and it probably won't hurt your draft stock. Is it a good look? Probably not. But at that point, you do have a lot of tape on these guys. So do you really need to see me run around in my underwear with a bunch of other dudes? I don't know.
Sometimes to me, it seems more like a horse and pony show. The dog and the pony. Yeah. dogging your dog you Thank you. A dog and pony show, which is why I don't watch the combine, but I do get why organizations would want that information. Cause obviously you want to have, you know, the, the, the, and the tangibles, tangible, ah changeable ah you know, ah things about an athlete, they're 40 times, how much they can lift stuff like that in order to be able to evaluate them, not only that year, but further down the line in their NFL career. But again, I don't know.
It's a dog and pony show to me, and I'd really rather just see what what teams do in free agency and in the draft.
Balancing NFL Free Agency and Draft Strategies
When you're a well-built team like the Philadelphia Eagles, for instance, what Howie Roseman did in between drafting really well um and also picking up key free agents like Saquon Barkley, Zach Vaughn, other people like that, you mold together a really good team like that. But when you don't, like the Raiders and other teams, well, then you end up sucking.
So, um and it is what it is. So, right, let's move into free agency then. As Jake so greatly segued, we're going to play a game here just to make this as easy and and fast as possible.
um I'm going to go through the major free agency signings. If you hear of a free agency signing that you want to talk about, just stop. If not, I'm just going to continue to the list.
Got it? Let's roll, bro. Let's do it. All right. DeAndre Hopkins goes to the Ravens on a one-year $5 million dollar deal. Robert Splane goes to the Patriots, three years, $37.5 million.
We've got Joey Bosa leaving the Chargers, headed to the Bills, one year, $12.6 million to replace Vaughn Miller, who was released. Real quick, all I'll say is that, all I'll say real quick on that is this is a make-or-break season for Bosa.
Joey Bosa's Move to the Bills
He's got to show up. I don't want this to be the exact same thing that Von Miller had happened to him three years ago when they grabbed him and nothing panned out. Bosa, show up because they need you more than ever.
And I think Bosa's younger. and i think that That is true. that is funny but but But let me ask you this, man. how you fit i I don't want to hop on this too long. Do you think Bosa will make a difference up there in Buffalo?
well but he would he wait Will he be a point that will bring him over the top on the defense? I think at this point in his career, he's younger and better than Von Miller was when he was brought into Buffalo. And I think that they need a defensive, ah you know, wreck havoc playmaker on that line. And I think this is this is a perfect move for them. So I think it's good.
Okay. Got it. It will be only good to me. If they fix their secondary a little bit, that's what I'll say. Got it. All right. Puna food, Puna Ford defensive tackle headed to the Rams. 33 years, 30 million.
We've got Jeremy chin headed to my Raiders two years, 16 million. Demarcus Lawrence, former Dallas Cowboys defensive end headed to Seattle three years, 42 million edge.
Hassan Reddick who had the stuff with the jets last year, all the controversy and the getting up trading and never played and, to the playoffs one year 14 million to the Buccaneers Justin Fields headed to the New York Jets for two years 40 million to replace Aaron Rodgers and team what do you got the Pittsburgh Steelers made a big mistake they made a huge mistake oh and he's a mistake they should have held on him Who is going to be the guy who feel the boards who who's gonna be that fills the void in Pittsburgh?
Give it to Russ. I mean, I was hearing all last year how great Russ was. Somehow they haven't re-signed him. and ru and Russ is on the bubble. russ russ Russ is supposed to be going to ah Cleveland for visit.
Russ is supposed to be going to- I'm still waiting whenever we're right. we we got it when When we give Sean Payton that apology on how bad Russ was, I mean, man just keeps sitting down waiting. Poor guy.
As for the Justin Fields move, I'll be honest with you, I don't see much out of it. Here's why. He's with another defensive head coach. There's no promise out of it. I'm sorry.
I think you need something. With a guy that's a project more, give him an offense, man. give him an offensive head coach. A wizard. Not this crap, man. I feel bad for him. Okay. What do you think, Justin?
Yeah, I think, i look, I think that Justin Fields would have been a a good fit had he stayed with the Steelers. I think that they should have continued on with him. I think that he played decently well the first few games, and I think they just cut the cut the experiment short too quickly.
But they did have, obviously, what they thought was a better option than Russell Wilson. But now that you let him walk and he's gone, you didn't want him anymore. You probably should have kept Justin Fields or someone who had experience with your team. Now you either have to bring Russ back, which again, I think would be fine because he has experience with him. And actually think that's what they should do is get Russ.
But what I'm hearing right now through my sources is that they're actually talking to Aaron Rodgers in Pittsburgh. Think of how Russ has got to feel right there. I better compare this, Omar. Omar, you're with a girl.
And she's telling you, you know what? We've had a great year together. But there's a couple guys I'm looking for. um Seeing if they can really get me happy. if they If they promise to take me out on a date. Now, if they don't, I got you right here just waiting for you. Don't worry.
That's slapping the face to Russ, man. i i Hey, I tried to say it. I tried to say it last year, but I got killed.
Yeah, I mean, it's a... That's a tough break. That is a tough break for the Mr. Unlimited. But you know what? Hey, he's married to Sierra. He has hundreds of millions of dollars. He's a Super Bowl champion.
My advice would be retire. Retire. Go have fun, bro. hi Why are you even doing this anymore? Just go home and retire. Have fun. Sierra can get a residency in Vegas. You ain't even got to work no more. What do you think?
Go home. What do y'all think about Aaron Rodgers to the Steelers, though, possibly?
You want to first? Yeah. Aaron Rodgers needs to hang up his boots, man. I think okay every he sustained injuries.
I think him him leaving Green Bay was a detriment to his whole career, man. that that that that's look that that just That just killed his a career, man. He was more resourceful. He did his greatest things at Green Bay.
Going to the Jets was just downhill, man. It was all downhill when he went to the Jets. It's bad to say this, but he doesn't move no needle whatsoever anymore. Right. Hey, congrats.
Finish your years off, I guess. I've been said he should have left and retired. Man literally is just making himself look worse and worse. Worse. Slap in the face. Yeah, yeah. um but I'll give you my opinion in a second on how I feel about it. But before we do that, we have a guest to bring in.
He is out working hard but decided to show his face for a little bit. Oh, yeah. And he goes by Master Plan.
um I'm ready to hear him on this Russ take that he had Boy, Russ is still looking great, ain't he? a Man, so good. he's he's getting He's getting chosen to be the backseat guy. He's the best friend.
He's the girl's best friend that says, maybe you got a chance with me. He's the girl's best friend. Defend yourself, Flo. Defend yourself. He's the girl's best friend, Flo.
but the question i
Do you trust? ah How do you feel about the way Russ's ah career is going right now, buddy? Downhill Spiral.
I'm offended because he did way better with his feelings.
Clearly, we could see that. they they they They locked him up that fast. i oh When Jake was out there, you know this guy.
Yeah, you happened there? maybe there's a seahawk so something we don't know
yeah you said he looked great with the standards and what happened you say ring with the steelers what's happened there They practically got him fit. He's trying, he's asking for a five course meal inside the restaurant. They're saying, hey man, we got something in the dumpster back there. What do the shooters have? They don't have that.
Come on, man. So flow, so flow. where Where does Russell Wilson end up at? He said it wasn't background music, man.
We got no music on. It's gotta be your car.
It was blue loud. I couldn't hear y'all. All right, go ahead. So what where where does Russell Wilson land then, Flo? What is what? Our NFL expert, Flo, where does Russell Wilson land, Flo? He's got to land somewhere that has offensive weapons already.
He's got to land somewhere that's already skilled players. You know, like, you got your number one, your number two wide receivers solid. You got a solid run game. You got a solid O-line. You can still call up the UFL if he wants.
They're about to start in two weeks. Man, you turned on him hard, man. I remember you were saying going over. showed up you were super bowl go me You know what i love? Sean Payton. Sean Payton opened my eyes, and I love what Sean – and everybody killed Sean for it.
Sean's so getting nipped in bud. the thing with Sean is that he didn't give him a chance. He didn't want it from the get-go. that Clearly, and we saw a chance with ah Mike Tomlin, and Mike Tomlin's treating him the same way. No, Mike Tomlin is a defensive guy.
You got to have the right offense in there for for him. I think he showed a little bit considering he was a defensive coach, a defensive culture. You don't really – They have even even big Ben never really had offensive weapons. That was a couple of years. He had them and you saw what he did. So they've always spent all their money on defense. That's the problem with Pittsburgh.
Well, they just bought DK. Give them credit. They just got DK. But I'm saying most of the years they've always spent their money on defense. What about Justin? Hold before omar historical Before Omar starts counting more people, real quick, what do you think of Justin Fields to the Jets?
Me? Yeah. um That could be a good move.
They've got to show their offensive line. He's to have the same issues before lives Chicago. and but When he was at Pittsburgh, even, i mean they wouldn't call this. If they can show up their offensive line, that could be a good thing because he can use his legs. It all depends you know the of offense they run. If they run to his strengths, if they try to make him fit into their offense,
It's not going to work, but if they just let Justin, you know, fit make the offense fit what Justin does well. that's what doesn could be that's what i've That's what I've been saying forever for every team.
I think that Justin Fields can be a halfway decent quarterback in this league if people would just actually play to his strengths. When the Bears started running the ball a couple years before he left that that middle season, when they were using his legs, they had an eight-game winning streak, and he was in the MVP conversation for a little bit.
I think it would be a similar to what, what ah who was it, ah over there, Carolina. Oh, the Bryce Young? No, no, he made that Super Bowl run.
Cam Newton. Oh, Cam Newton. Yeah, Cam Newton. Yeah, I think that's the type of offense they should run. It's very similar. i think he's he's not as big and tall as Cam, but I think that's similar ah offense. We have a strong running game, and you let him kind of have that option to pull the ball back and do some um easy, you know, heavy run, and then do some simple, you know, running you know, running routes where he's got two, one, two, and you decide, and then if not, you check it down and just make it simplify the offense. I mean, he took half to the Super Bowl.
So I think they could have that kind of success if if they if they do that, that kind of offense for Justin Fields. Sure. Y'all reaching on that one. Yeah. You in Omar. Gosh.
gosh That's going to suck. Go ahead, Omar. Keep going. Keep going with these lists, these losers. Chase Young re-signs with the Saints, three years, 51 million. Carlton Davis, cornerback to the Patriots, three years, 60 million.
Jawan Johnson returning to the Saints, three years, 30 million. Javon Hargrave, defensive tackle, going to the Vikings, two years, 30 million. DJ Reed, cornerback headed to the Lions.
Three years, $38 million. Linebacker Jay Greenlaw leaving the Niners with hot pick-pick Broncos. Three years, $35 million. Quarterback Chavarius Ward headed to the Colts. Three years, $60 million.
Safety Justin Reed agrees with the Saints. Three years, $31 million. Stam Darnold signs with the Seahawks after they traded Geno Smith to the Raiders. So this could be a dual story if anybody wants to talk about it.
three and one a and talk about the raar um about the raiders here we' got talk about the raiders hill we have Three to four wins. Yeah, I a
it's definitely just a stopgap ah carol obviously does not want to waste any of the time since he only has a few years left they won loveantino smithto brought him over there Well, the and the good the good part about that is, is if y'all remember last year, I consistently talked about the splits that Geno had outdoors versus indoors and how he was so much better indoors.
When you look at his stats indoors, he was a top 10 quarterback in the league, and he's going to play indoors in Vegas. So I think he does make Vegas i think he does make vegas better.
I think Vegas does. No, I'll still say probably like seven, like seven wins. Okay. We still have to deal with Patrick Mahomes. well He's still there. we don't have a chance. We still got to drink deal with the Chargers, Justin Herbert, Jim Harbaugh.
So we got some teams got to deal with. you You're forgetting another team you got to deal with, buddy. Don't do that. and Don't do that. We don't have to deal with that team. We don't have deal that bum team.
Bo Nix about to have a so a sophomore slump is what's about to happen. That slogan says sophomore slump. What y'all think about Sam Donald to the Seahawks? and What do you think about Sam Darnold?
So for me, Sam Darnold going to the Seahawks is a great move, man. I think i think minnesota and think there i think Minnesota, they're idiots, man. Seahawks. I think Minnesota, they stupid.
Why would you give up a guy like that? And then you don't even know the probability of a guy coming off an injury. It's just like a Kirk Cousins guy ah coming off an injury that went to Atlanta. What did Kirk Cousins do in Atlanta?
Hot. Biasuda. Booty juice. Booty juice. Nothing in Atlanta. Nothing. No, he was all right in Atlanta. It takes you another year to get get on that. Come on. no, man. I don't mean in the middle sp go i don't want to It does.
So you telling me J.J. McCarthy come out and have a bum season, it's going to take him another year? It could. It could. Come on, man. With those lower leg injuries that take you out for a season, you're not the same coming coming off that that you would be. But, Flo, you already had it. You had a guy.
You had Sam Madonna. You give him up. Why do you give him up? Well, you had a good quarterback. Who? Donald. They weren't going to pay Donald. They already had their draft pick.
They don't want to waste those years. They got him cheap, so they want they want to go ahead and go move on instead of taking a chance and having to pay Donald. That doesn't make fiscal sense. disco what i said about I mean, they they they were going to pay him.
i mean, he's getting paid $36 million a year, $110 million. So, yeah, they would have had to shell out of pocket for that. And Flo is right on that. Do they want to do that when they already have a rookie waiting in the wings? Now, granted Cantini, right, he was injured, so you never know.
But, you know. It's going to take him another year to get get back. I mean, who knows? Maybe he's able to come back cause he's younger. But I think this is. coming into this year at JJ is not going look great right away just because number one, you're coming off an injury. Number two, uh, you're always tentative, you know, coming off that kind of injury, you know, you all got to shake off all that, you know, and and, and get that confidence back in that part of your body.
um a po I think Minnesota will have a tough part of you, man. Here's a plot twist. Uh, uh, um, Kirk Cousins goes back to the Minnesota Vikings.
I don't know about that for a bunch of. I would say Aaron Rodgers could go there and follow Brett Favre. That would be crazy. yeah because here's Here's my take on Kirk Cousins.
The Falcons are holding out on Kirk Cousins until the draft. They're holding out on Kirk Cousins until the draft. And do what? rid of her cousin happened to drown Oh, does he have more money he can be let go of after the draft?
Wait until after the draft, they're going to get rid of him. what Okay. All right. All right. Well, let's move on to. Real quick, Sam Donald to the Seahawks. I think that's a mistake for Sam Donald. I think he's going to struggle there. He just got rid of one of your your top weapons. He's gone now.
make him i just i yeah I just think that's not a good situation for him. He's going to struggle there. He doesn't have offensive-minded coach. I don't know who the offensive coordinator is there, but.
I just think he's going to struggle again. he needs a guy like Connell had him last year. He needs a a coach like that to really mentor him and keep them keep him you know focused.
So I think he's not going to do well in Seattle. Yeah, he lost DK Metcalf in. Go ahead. I'm just saying he's going to be okay to be mediocre to maybe even terrible.
oh Yeah, like you said, they lost DK Metcalf and they lost Tyler Lockett. So they lost both of their top receivers. They do still have Jackson Smith and Jigba, but that's just one guy. And I agree with you.
i think I think the pumpkin we saw at the end of the year, the regular old Sam Darnold that came back, I think that's what exactly starts out in Seattle. Jake, what do you think?
I think the same thing. Seattle is a shell of themselves. I don't know who's worse right now, Seattle or freaking ah San Francisco with the hell what the hell they just did to their team. Boy, would boy I can't wait to see what Clubber D thinks of that crap.
This looks pretty bad. Clubber D right now is in a closet crying as as we're talking. oh He's holding his 49er. Jersey crime.
that that That Super Bowl window has shipped over, buddy. Sorry. ah Seattle, sorry. I don't know what the hell you're doing. You're rebuilding and using a bridge quarterback that just got his confidence back.
If I'm Sam Darnold, I would have went to a team that at least was established and ready to go win chip. Not this bull crap. I agree. I agree with Jake. He should have held. I would have taken less money to go to a better team with better off offensive weapons.
Yeah, that might help. Let's see what Canteen has to say about that joke that Jake had. Let's see, what do we got here? Go ahead. ain't worried about I'm worried about Jake.
I don't know what Jake has to say about yeah You didn't hear that? You didn't hear that, What did Jake say? You didn't hear here first.
What did he say? I'm listening. What did he say? What did he Dave? You don't hear yourself laughing? You heard it. That's you laughing. don't hear anything. Oh, man, get out of here. Whatever. Anyways, it was you laughing. it does It's not funny anymore.
All right. Anyways, moving on. Edge, Josh, Sweat, headed to the Cardinals. Four years, $76 million. Keep going. Keep going. Milton Williams, defensive tackle to the Patriots, four years, $100 million. dollars And um finally, Chris Godwin, returning to the Buccaneers, three years, $66 million. Cool?
cool All right. Moving on, NBA. Let's talk a little NBA before we get out of here. First of all, the Cavaliers on another amazing 15-game winning streak. This will be their second 15-game winning streak of the season, along with a 12-game winning streak.
So the Cavaliers just continue to power on, as do the Oklahoma State Thunder, who had an amazing victory last night over my Celtics. They beat us. in our home court. So it was a very good win for them. I think ah my Celtics are obviously still the team to beat, to be the man, and play beat the man but the problem with my Celtics is they jack up too many threes.
And when you have what happened last night, when you shoot a record 62 threes in one game and you only hit 20 of them, well, you're probably going to lose that game. The silver lining to that is that we really did suck, and that's the only time we lose is when we suck at threes, and we were still in the game. We almost we almost won the game at the end.
So that's at least how that's at least a silver lining for me. ah Jake, ah our canteen, actually you started us off canteen. What do you think about the NBA right now? Hey, man, so right now, when we look at the standings of fellows across the board, man, we got this Cavaliers, 55-10, Celtics, 47-19, Knicks, 42-23, Bucs, 36-28, top four across the East.
two and twenty three bucks thirty six to twenty eight top more across the east When we look at the West, Thunder 54-12, Grizzlies 42-24, Nuggets 42-24. They're tied up. The Lakers are at 40-23, but the Lakers are losing.
Lakers are losing right now to the Bucs. And the Rockets are at 41-25. And twenty five and um the right behind them. Hey, guys, man, still a lot of good basketball left, man.
this is where This is where the rubber meets the road, guys. We're in we're in late March. We're at mid-March. Now it's time to separate the men from the boys.
And the 7-8, 8-9 team, this is where you decide who's gonna be to be play-in, play-out team. You want to be in the top four, top four, five, where you kind of decide your fate. You don't want to be a play-in, play-out team, whatever, at this point, man.
I think here's here's my here's my point from the West. and And don't take take me for this, guys. Don't take me wrong when I say this. I think the Golden State Warriors are going to get stronger.
I think the Warriors are going to get stronger and stronger as they build upon the playoffs. The East, don't worry about the Cavaliers. Boston is just building and building and building and building.
That's my take. Flo's shaking his head like don't know what I'm talking about. I know. Well, I want to back you up on the Warriors because since Jimmy Butler went to the Warriors, which I said was going to be an awesome trade, they are now 12-2 since he got traded to the Warriors. Hello, world.
12-2. I may try to tell you how good Jimmy Butler is. i just you were a You were against him going to the Warriors, though.
I was against him, but the thing is with him is he always makes teams better. Remember that, Omar. I want to add this in. The only reason the Lakers are falling is because their fearless leader is taking a good little rest before he goes on a championship run.
So don't worry. Lakers are. La La Land will be great in great moods right when LeBron is back. make easier Maybe he should stop trying to rail on Stephen A. Smith on the sideline. That's That's right.
that's move Hey, he deserved to. Don't talk about his son. Don't talk about
LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan Debate
his son. He's the one that told his mama to sit down when she got up and said something. That's right. He take his own advice.
No. Sit down. That's right. He brought this all on his son. By all the pressure he brought on, all the notarar son I like what Nick Wright said. How come nobody else, how come no other call ah college athlete that came out of the draft is getting that much scrutiny like the way Bronny is?
And Bronny was in and the second round. Don't do that. Because LeBron, hide them up. Because LeBron, he wouldn't have got 55 without LeBron. wouldn I'm so glad you said that about LeBron. Because LeBron. It's a slap in the face. Another way to slap at LeBron.
When he's practically carried the NBA for 20 years. He didn't carry the NBA. He got all these people ate on his watch. Everybody eats on everybody's watch. I don't want to hear that. No one ate on Michael Jordan's watch.
Everybody was eating. Everybody's eating and getting championships. Oh, the most dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. Hey, Jordan had his eight-year career? Hey, but when he was there... Now get out of here with that crap, man. Yeah, we always forget about the 80s. We forget about the 80s when Larry Bird was busting his ass over and over again. He didn't have a team.
Oh, man. Get out of here that crap. His team was drugs. Are you serious? Come on, man. Come on. The Chicago Bulls were nothing when he got there. Hey, Omar, you sound like an idiot. You're on mute. The fact that you, the fact, Jake, that you would even out of your mouth just admit you just contradicted yourself.
You talked about the longevity of Michael Jordan versus LeBron. Michael Jordan's career was half of what LeBron's was in in terms of length, but the impact was so much more. The superstardom.
was so much more that he packed a whole LeBron into way less time. He didn't need 20 years of saturation on the airwaves in order to in order to achieve the greatness that he achieved and the reason why he is called the air up there, Michael Jordan. Let's go. The GOAT. The GOAT.
The GOAT. Now, please stop. lebron Michael Jordan was 6-0 in finals. 6-0 in finals. He was 2-3-peat. Someone said that one. more than one the modern error. The modern error James. Let's go.
Whatever. that's it kobe even ate on the bronze watch ah like that lebron is not lebron is not the modern era he is the modern error iran the modern air james let's go oh whatever All right, let's move it into the final topic of the night.
MVP Race: SGA vs. Nikola Jokic
about this MVP race. Huge MVP race down to two people. SGA from the Thunder, Nikolaj Jokic from the Denver Nuggets. Nikolaj Jokic just had the first ever 30, 20, and 20 game in NBA history. 31 points, 22 assists, 21 rebounds.
Never seen before. And also, SGA had three touchdowns. Really great games, a 50-point game, a 40-point game, and a 50-point game in the past couple weeks as well. So both players playing at their highest level.
Jokic playing at even the best level of his career, and he is already a two-time former MVP, and he's playing even better this year. But... There's also, we always know, the knock on MVPs that have won it before and why new players will sometimes get that MVP.
Taking all of this into account, let's go ahead and start with you, Canteen. What do you think about this and MVP race? I mean, at at this point in the season man, it's G8, man. I mean, he he he has had a phenomenal season.
The Thunder are playing at their peak. if they can If they can continue to keep playing at this trajectory, Get to Western Conference Finals. Get to the finals and win.
It's no-brainer, bro. It's no-brainer. No-brainer.
I think SGA will win only because yor Joker's already won. But if you're really asking who the better player is, I think it's Joker 10 times. And the thing about SGA, he just reminds me of Russ so much.
That team does not look promising at all. I think they put their heart and soul every day. And when the playoffs come, they're not going to know what to do. I think they're going to double team that boy. And now going to make everybody else beat them.
They're not going to so promising. Joker deserves it. They're going to give it to SGA because he's never won one. You watch. Yeah, I was telling my dad last night as we were losing to them that I'm not really worried about them. I think they're still too young. I don't think i don't think they'll be able to handle the playoff, the adversity of what comes with the playoff series.
I don't think they can beat us in a seven-game series. I'm more worried about Denver. Flo, what do you think about this MVP race? I think if – here's the thing. It's always about narrative, right?
The reason Russ won it is because of the narrative of averaging a triple-double. I think the narrative with SGA that he's on the number one team with the best record or at least the best record in the West.
And so that helps him. But he's not doing anything set him apart other than leading the number one team. So I think if Joker continues to have these kind of games with these numbers, I think they could swing it back to Joker because the narrative will be that he's having such a great season, even if they're number two or three seeds.
I think if Joker can have these numbers, i think that will swing it back to him. But he's got to continue to have these kind of numbers. Maybe not 30-20-20, but he's got to continue to have triple-doubles and just have games where things have never been done.
i think that's what he's going to have to do to switch the narrative. Otherwise, sda is going to win this. but Yeah, i I agree with exactly what you said. That is true. And and the crazy part is because that Joker is playing, even though he's a former two-time MVP, he's playing the best of his career. He is averaging a triple-double, just like Russ did back then. And as a big man, as a center, he's shooting 43. Has the center ever averaged a triple-double?
I don't believe so, no. oh no else That could be the narrative. that probably like win maybe Maybe Wilt Chamberlain. I would have to check. You'd have to look that up. but i don't know. I don't think so either. I think you're probably right about that.
and so that could be the narrative that pushes it back into the MVP race. Yeah, and also just that it's his best season. He's averaging a career high, 29 points a game. He's averaging 13 rebounds, which is his second best mark in 10 seasons.
He's dishing out 10.5 assists a game, which his previous high was only 10. His true shooting percentage is 66 points. ah percent And the Nuggets are 20% better when he's on the floor, or 20 points better when he's on the floor. His player efficiency rating of 32.2 is the best mark of the league in the league.
He may end up winning it. He may end up winning it just by 10%. may end up winning just by the peer number Yeah, and when you look at SGA, yes, he is getting the Russ-type usage. He has a 33.6 career rate of usage, um but his splits are really good.
He's averaging 52.5% field goal, 37% in threes, and 90% in free throws. He's a better mid-race shooter, too. go to be It's going to be a good race, but I do think if SGA can at least keep up the scoring – I don't see a way that they can give it to Joker just because I know how MVP voters vote.
If he averages triple-double, though, I think he could swing it. He could swing a lot of voters. He could. definitely it's no it's not going to be It's not going to be one way or the other a blowout.
It's going to come down to the wire. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's
Conclusion and Community Engagement
going to be close. All right. Well, hey, thank you all for tuning in. We appreciate Flo for jumping on. Even though he's on the road, we wish him safe travels.
And we wish we want you to join the Bottom Line Sports Facebook group. Make sure you join at the Bottom Line Sports as well. Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel. And while you're there, subscribe to Ball & Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-G-S, as well as the final stay pod with Hot Take Jake.
And you can always find Canteen.com. at the bottom line. what Gentlemen, do you have anything to say before we get out of here?
All is good, fellas. Mars Madness is on the way, baby. Mars Madness is on the way. Select your Sunday, guys. Get ready. with them and Cowboys are coming. What? Look out. Look out. We're not doing this. We'll see y'all next week. We're not doing this. Bye. Bye. Bye.