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Episode 26: Some Wizard New Content image

Episode 26: Some Wizard New Content

S3 E26 · 312 Squadron Podcast
73 Plays5 days ago

A long time ago… in a windy city, far, far away… Your hosts Andrew Kouba and Nick Sperry discuss the new and exciting XWA previews for Scum, First Order, and Resistance revealed thus far! The two go over these new pilots, rank their excitement, and discuss how these exciting new pilots will add to the game.

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Introduction & Excitement for New Content

You are listening to the 312 Squadron Podcast. My name is Andrew Kuba. And my name is Nick Sperry. And we are excited to talk to you about a bunch of new content that's coming out from the X-Wing Alliance and that's been previewed over the past few weeks. We are officially in spoiler season.
Nick, what an exciting time to be alive. Yeah, seriously.

Return of Official Content Discussion

There's on the on the on the and on the inside with XWA, there's even more so much stuff. But so to see this stuff, the the few things that we've gotten a glimpse of publicly, that's been previewed the last couple weeks. It's really exciting to to be able to talk about new content, right? Like, how about it? Because we haven't really had new content.
on the official side, right, for quite a while. And to be able to swing back into having new things to look forward to is definitely a step in ah very exciting and promising direction.
Yeah, big

Factions & Scenario Packs Overview

time. And it's been cool. What's been spoiled so far has been factions that needed or didn't even have any standard loadouts, kind of need some representation.
i think it's going to be a great entrance entrancetrant for some new players too, who really loved you know the the newer series as well. A lot of these preview cards are from a scenario, looks like a scenario pack.
I mean, the names of the packs are like scenario packs. we're called I'm calling them scenario packs, but the only differentiator that I think we like it is really worth mentioning is just that there just won't be a built-in like Siege of Coruscant type scenario oh for these pilots. like With a whole rule set and a whole... you know like That's not what the design team is planning um when it comes to these pilots. it'll They'll be inserted into the game, but there won't be like a separate scenario...
called the evacuation of dakar hey um and you know what's coming villainy i mean that's okay because then you can make your own here is the aturi cluster versions of what

Exploring New Design Spaces with SL Pilots

that is yeah but yeah these are um you know we're getting those three factions that you mentioned this uh this first order resistance and scum scum technically has on a technicality an sl pilot uh lebo right ah so but yeah you know i oh yeah yeah having any sl pilots and then first order resistance literally don't have any so to be able to to see a preview of pilots for all three of those factions and um these new design spaces that sls allow the x-wing alliance to explore in a safer contained uh way
ah to kind of kick this off is is is really exciting. um And, you know, to don't don't get it twisted. Just because we're seeing SLs getting previewed ah here at the beginning um for the post-Adepticon world of XWA, it doesn't mean there aren't going to be custom pilots that are released by xwa it's just a much easier space and safer space to explore releasing new content in the sl format yeah for sure we're seeing them well you know i think there have been a lot of people me included who have come around on some of the sl builds sometimes it is really nice just being able to grab the those cards where it just has everything on one card you have to worry about bringing anything else and
It kind of does add an element of, I don't know, us a quality of life ah improvements to some of your games.

Benefits of SL Cards for New Players

Yeah, therere it's good for newer players in terms of setup.
It's nice to have, you know, it's just everything's just on the card. You just set up the ship. You got the card. You put the charges down. And ah the other thing, too, is just like with new upgrades, you can you can add something new to the game that doesn't like potentially like break the game because it's some crazy combo.
It's contained in one pilot. And that's nice. Yeah. So and I appreciate And also, i will say from what has been leaked so far, these are very cool. I'm just.
i I kind of want to get them on the table like already. Yeah, definitely. And I just want to preface for those listening. i think I think I mentioned it. I know my brain fog is kicking at Andrew, but I've been sick. So if I said a little off or I'm not talking and running my mouth as much as I usually run my mouth, it's it's it's because of that. So just in case you guys are like, oh, Nick's a little off.
I am a weird guy. I tend to be a little off, but it just in terms of, yeah, just getting over a cold. So if I see it sound a little different, that's that's why. But ah We could definitely dive in, Andrew, and talk about these if you want.
yeah how do you feel about that? Yeah, I mean, no time like the present. I'm sure that's what everyone's coming here to listen for. Yeah.

Kylo Ren SL Card & Abilities

yeah Yeah. Kicking off, this was the first one like in the first batch of SL cards that were leaked, spoiled at the Sith Taker open.
But that was our this past weekend or was two weeks, or two weeks ago. Yeah, that's right. It's two weeks ago. So much has happened. But yeah, so two weeks ago, that was one of the first ones that was spoiled was Kylo Ren from the evacuation of Dakar.
ah The stat line of like three tactile, three agility, four hull, two shield, three force is still pretty standard. or three yeah that silo yeah Yeah, from like the silencer.
And then I imagine this is on a silencer. Yeah, it's it is. yeah Yeah, I see it right there. yeah uh but has an ability uh before an enemy ship in your bullseye is dealt a face down damage card you can spend one force and that card is dealt face up instead so that is ah like a little bit of like show you the uh dark side like that ability it's the whisper so it's actually the exact same ability as whisper kylo's the whisper in silencer yeah so but this also works for not just like
Like if they were to take a damage from an obstacle, a bomb, like there are a lot of ways that he can use this ability to spend a force to to to flip a damage card face up.
Pretty cool. And then has i some cool like i i abilities that are added on i for a talent ability. It's something called determination, which I think is new.
i And that's why you perform a primary primary attack. If the defender is in your bullseye arc, you can suffer a damage to add a ah eyeball result. Yeah. Which, that's really good.
i Going all in on the damage. And that's also coupled with the second force ability, Malice, which is when you perform an attack, you can... Spend a force to change an eye result to a crit instead.
ah If they're dealt a pilot or crew a damage card face up, you get to recover two of your force. And then, so that that kind of works really well together. You could get some nasty, I mean, range ones, or you're shooting four dice if you want to take that damage at range three.
So really good closing piece right there. And then one of the beauty of Essela cards is you talking about being able to work with stuff in a safe place. Kylo has proton torpedoes, which you don't necessarily want on him in the build your own version.
i But you get proton torpedoes. So four dice at range two to three. And God forbid your bullseye, you know, you can even add that determination to it too.
That's primary only for the term. Oh, that is. But you can use malice for the proton torpedo, though. So can hit to a crit with ah malice so you can get multiple crits on a pro tour.
remember Reading the card explains the card. i got to do that a little better. Actually, players can't read. like I've learned running a league of 125 players. Nobody knows how to read. So it's OK. You're not alone.
It's a problem. Yeah. ah but still proton torpedoes on Kylo getting even more crits in just crits on crits on crits. Yeah. He's could damage himself to So my thoughts on this is, is, is pretty scary, but also just like Colonel Jenden, you have to be calculated when you're taking damage to do damage silencer Kylo.
you know He's not a TIE defender, right? He's still got a lot of health. He's got the two shields and four hull. But once you've got shields down, you have to be careful. And the other thing is, assuming Kylo takes a target lock with ah to fire a proton torpedo, he's going to be using a lot of his force for his attack if he needs to change modify his eyeball results.
And so he's leaning on his force for a lot. And theyre that what's nice is, as scary as he is and as much damage potential as he provides, There are also ways that you can take him down. he can either do it to himself ah or, you know, can focus fire him.
But yeah, that bullseye, you can have a five dice, ah essentially what ends up being like a five dice shot with range one bullseye because the determination. ah very nasty.
It require spending a force to add the eyeball result. You just suffer the damage. Yep. um And I will see. I think determination makes most sense as a like a closing feature when you're chasing down a ship and you want to get that extra bit of damage in.
Or if you're really you know you're taking that damage to to trade up for for a piece on the board. And it probably in a position where you're not you know going to be focus fired. Yeah. um It's with ah current the current iteration of XWA beta points, Silencer Kylo custom is six points.
um You have the Whisper Kylo out there as well. I believe he is five. He might be six. have to check that one. XWA is yeah six and for the Whisper.
Yeah, so same price in the Whisper. And then this Kylo, ah because of his the amount of damage potential ah will be seven. So just allows you to, you could still take the the leaner, cheaper silencer Kylo. He's got two force. He's still capable of doing a lot of damage, but then you have this one. This is the aggro angry, determined Kylo. um ah Very thematic for evacuation into cars, what the designers are going for with this from the design team.
I think they did a good job of really kind of having that come through in this build, and this SL build that they created for him. um Also important to note that he has auto thrusters and not sensitive controls.
So he can um do a red barrel or boost after performing an action like the chassis allows for the silencer or interceptors. Yeah. What would you rate this? Like if in terms of your excitement to to try it and play it, what we know if you were to give it her an honest rating at a 10, 10 being like, oh my gosh, like I cannot wait to play this immediately.
What would you what would you

Poe Dameron in a T-70: Abilities & Playstyle

give it? i Out of 10, I would give this a 7 out of 10. And ah the only reason why I'm saying that is there are three other ships that I think i'm that we're going to go over today that are like the are closer to... are the ones that I'm super excited to get on the field.
Yeah, I would say 8 me. um Definitely... nice to see ah more options first order and, uh, silence, double repositioning proton torpedoes force. Like I'm in that's the spirit of X-Wing.
Oh, yeah. I mean, if if you're an ace player too, like this is the best iteration of Kylo. and i would say just on on flat value. Now, you know, Whisper Kylo is six points with 20 loadout, you know, so i I still think that there are times when you would also just take Whisper Kylo instead.
This is, you know, looking for a very specific list, I feel. Yeah, definitely. um We'll go on the next one. I can talk about the next one here. So that's Kylo. Yeah. And then... i Greg from Nickel City X-Wing had the opportunity to preview Poe Dameron in the T-70.
So this is I-6 with the same stat line. He's got the three attack, two agility, four hole, three shields, one recurring charge. And his ability is the same as the custom Poe ability, the trigger-happy flyboy Poe. After perform an action, you may spend...
one recurring charge to perform a wide action treating it as red. So he can double mod his shots. You don't even have to slam Slim Jim target. There's so much stuff.
slam into a slim gym tart like there's so much stuff yeah and into a slim gym well yeah i don't know that if you were around in the 90s or early 2000s uh that was the the slim gym tagline was slam into a slim okay and i think of it every time i do the slam action yeah i just think i got you i think we should almost consider adding an action called the slim gym it's what i what i hear that's a talent ability yeah ah He also have its has adaptive S foils.
After form a barrel roll action, ah gain a deplete token while you perform an attack before rolling a attack dice. If the defender is in your bullseye, you may remove one deplete token. Yeah.
That's kind of, that's that's cool. It's pretty similar to, um it's in in a way, it's it' it's very similar to the effect of the closed S-foils, where you barrel roll. You don't get depleted, but you just don't get the third attack die, or fourth, on unless you have bullseye on the yeah whoever you're shooting at.
He has heroic, which we all know what heroic does. But then he has primed, primed overdrive thrusters. ah While you perform a red boost, barrel roll, or slam action, you must use a template one speed higher, just like overdrive thrusters, if able. And if you do gain one strain token, you may gain one strain token to remove one stress token.
So it's like overdrive, but... uh essentially it lets you it's interesting you gain one strain token 4k stress i mean yeah you do red and then still take actions you just take a strain instead of the stress and then you can still do actions Which is really, really crucial because instead of an R4 Astromech, which is like stapled on custom Poe, have BB-8. And so not you know not being stressed, like his dial isn't as good with ah without R4. So he has BB-8 with two charges that are non-recurring during the system phase. He may spend a charge to perform a booster barrel roll action, just like BB-8 does.
Before you engage, you may spend one charge and gain a strain token. If you do, you may remove one disarm token. So because he has slam on his action bar, and he'll go over his actions real quick. He has a focused red barrel roll, target lock, which is white, white boost, white barrel roll,
and a white slam um having white slam on your action bar, whereas before black one gave you the slam, the one time slam, but he has it on his action bar. Black one. yeah And then lastly, as he is he has the title, black one, right two non recurring charges.
Act reform a slam action, lose one charge. If all your charges are active, you cannot perform are inactive. Sorry. You cannot perform a slam action. So he has on his action bar.
Essentially, he could do it twice. You can do it twice. It's not unlimited times. Even better than the one time you can do it twice. And like with with Prime Overdrive Thrusters, you could do ah three maneuver into a Talon roll and then it becomes a strain instead of a stress and then still do another action.
Yeah. And and and it's out here. The system phase two speed barrel roll and then usability for a two bank boost. hello yeah This is bananas. You can get anywhere on the board. There are so many ways for you to shed disarm tokens, you know, shed your depletes like just everything is packaged all into one yeah this poe is gonna be yeah no ordinance right so a little bit more fair in that regard but it's gonna be tough to to take out oh my god it's gonna be hard to i mean yeah like this is a poe that can get anywhere on the board like
Reminds me the Falcon Poe and the things that Falcon Poe could do. A little bit. i don't even know how you keep him in your sights. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be interesting to see. him And at I6. Like.
I6. You'll have. He'll be six points. So he'll be one point cheaper than custom trigger. Happy fly boy. Poe. And I think this is better. Yeah, I'll be honest, Andrew. I don't know if I would ever even take custom Poe.
No. it's I mean, like, even right now, I wouldn't. But after this comes out, like, no chance. Like, there's just no point. ah This is pound for pound better. All the things that you want.
Yeah. Yeah. i mean, yeah, it's six points. I. I mean, honestly, i ah feel that this is kind of an auto includes six points, as especially like at I six, like your opponent's got to be really good at bumping you for you to not go off.
Yeah, that is true. If you if you do, if you do ah trap him with a but a block, you can take him out, though. So that will be a part of the strategy. Otherwise, good you know don't bother. i think just don't bother.
i don't I wouldn't bother. No, honestly, I guess he's going to bother you. like Yeah. Yeah, he's going to annoy me for sure. He's going be like, he'll he'll get a pot shot at or something and just be like, zip, zip, zip, stop, Zui out of there.
Yeah, because it's not even like when you perform the second action, you can do scenario actions like this is going to be insane in games of like Scramble and games of a salty satellite array. Because you can just get across the map and and collect a point somewhere else. Or you can do a slam action and then hit a button.
Really. well So you do have to, your perform action step does have to be the scenario action. But you could like scenario action, like scramble, and then like two bank boost.
And then like the next turn, just two or three straight and scramble the next point. Okay, so that that doesn't work that way. Even if it says after perform an action, it just it has to be the first action. Yeah, yeah, it has to be.
Yeah. So the second action ae can be anything but the scenario action. Right. I mean, I guess even still, though, like you can hit a button and then just get out of there.
Yeah. Right. and And what's great is that you because T-70s in general or X-Wings in general, they they tend to roll, they'll roll evade blank, blank, blank very often.
And with heroic, you have the insurance that if you do a scenario action or you you don't take the focus if you blank out you get another chance you get to try again um and so you just you can afford with poe to to be to play scenario to play objectives you can always you can scramble and take a focus you could there's just a lot of things you can do you can scramble take a focus into a red barrel roll and then go to like template to barrel roll out of there and like
just get out of everybody's arc, you know? So if you scramble and then you could, you could scramble. No, no, sorry. the The next one would be red. So I guess you couldn't do that. You could do like a two speed barrel still. Yeah. It's super good.
It's still, yeah, it's, it's, it's crazy. um I think this is going to be ah difficult to, it's going to be difficult. The challenge is going to be, what do you do with custom Poe?
Yeah. I almost would. I almost, and I'm not the one that's going to decide this. But making custom Poe the same price might end up happening at some point. Yeah, I mean, if this is six points, then I think there's no reason why custom Poe is seven.
i and even if you take out the loadout, because Poe's got 25 loadout right now. So definitely you could even reduce the loadout a little bit and and then make that set and then make that, you know, six.
The only thing that, that if you had to have a list with the build it yourself, PO is that yeah you do it for the ordinance. You just want the advanced proton torpedoes or the proton torpedoes in there.
It's true. Should we move on to, so this will be six points. So if I was excited about this one, I'm nervous about it. What is your, what's your excitement in putting this in the table? I think i think i I could just I just am already mad at Manny.
Like I'm already mad at him because I know going to to play against this. And oh, you will for sure. Because I'm a 10. I'm a 10 excited to play this. Yeah, this will be a lot of fun. And I feel like I could spend I could spend the entire game just not shooting at anybody and still have a blast because I'll just be doing this stupid stuff with him. Honestly. Yeah. like Yeah.
That's kind of I'd say nine out ten. Yeah, that's what I do when I play um ah the Alpha Class Starwing. And this is just Alpha Class Starwing, but I6 Poe. like Yeah.
Yeah. Alpha Class Poe. But i'm I'm playing this for sure, 100% on the field. the the The next one is the super exciting one because it's like something that everyone's asked for and it's all brand new. So i'll say I'll give it to you, Andrew. it's It's what

The Mandalorian in Naboo Starfighter

I want. I will say another one. I'm a 10 out of 10 excited to get on the field.
um Also very fun. This is the Mandalorian in the Naboo Royal N1 Starfighter. It comes from the scenario pack that says most wanted. Uh, the stat line is the same for the Naboo star fighter that you'd find in ah Republic.
Uh, it's got two attack, two agility, three hall, two shield, and it has two force because it is thematically carrying the child as a, as its crew.
Uh, And then while ah the the pilot ability is while you defend or perform an attack, if you are in the front arc at range one to two of two or more enemy ships, you may change one of your blank results to a I result.
So that is kind of like fearless, but with extra steps. It's same. It's the same ability as the Razor Crest ability. Yeah. yeah Oh, perfect. i And then i It has a different chassis ability, though, kind of to which I appreciate.
ah The restored speedster. ah While you are disarmed, you may perform primary attacks against enemy objects in your bullseye arc, which is kind of cool.
And ah that makes sense ah because the action bar has focus, has target lock, barrel roll, boost, and it also has a slam into red target lock.
So that's where this restored speedster kind of comes into play, where you're still able to attack if they are in your front bullseye. The Mandalorian is also initiative five. So you do have a good chance of lining up some shots.
But yeah, a white slam ah for the Naboo Starfighter, which is pretty good. And then for the the talent ability, it has outmaneuver. So while you perform an attack, if you're not in the defense firing arc, ah defender rolls one fewer dice as the child, like we mentioned. So you get those two force operates the same when you don't recover it. But when you take damage, then you recover it.
No merciless pursuit, though. There's no condition attached to this one. You know what? That is huge. I didn't even think about that. That's way better. So it's a better child. i Yeah.
And then tell Chris Hansen. Yeah. i Well, i mean, no it's still a good card. Yeah. i But this is, yeah, it's ah it's a, it's an upgraded version of it. um And then it has a custom, a new elicit called Kinesio switch.
After you perform a slam action, if you fully executed the maneuver, you can spend one charge to break all blocks assigned to you. And it comes with two non-reoccurring charges. So you can slam into a target lock and then also use that as as a way to break locks that are that are on you.
ah Which is also incredible. What a deterrent for anyone trying to target lock you. The deterrent for I-5s moving before you and non-I-6s essentially. um right But still very good. And even if an I-6 has you locked the next turn, you can still break the lock and force them to make a decision.
Yeah, ah still, I mean, adds a lot of slipperiness to to the Naboo fighter. And then last, it has calibrated laser targeting. So while you perform a primary attack, if the defender is in your bullseye, you can add a focus result.
And that is for any range. CLT, yeah, commonly used on, the only used it to this point on the Delta 7s. Yeah. yeah The Aether Sprites and Republic. But, you know, there's no, talking to Ryan on GSP. So I was on GSP when they previewed this.
which is fun. Ryan was, it was very insightful. He was talking about the thought process behind this and this and this and talking about he's like, there's no reason that, you know, there was no indication that CLT, that calibrated laser targeting is only something that could be put and equipped on and a Delta 7, 8th or Sprite.
So being able to explore, Integrating those types of upgrades into into new content or different chassis is is really cool. Yeah, there's really nicely with ah with the child with the ability to to shoot while disarmed if the the enemy is in your bullseye, ah you potentially to pair without maneuver.
it's You know, this is going to be honestly, it's going to be a lot of fun and incredibly difficult to it to hit the ceiling, the highest ceiling with. I think the ceiling on this on on the Mandalorian is actually going to be pretty high, but a lot of players will not feel it. It will not get there because it's going to be difficult to be able to lie. Lining up bullseye not easy.
Yeah. um You know, it's his his ah action bar is folk white, white focus, white lock. light barrel roll, white boost. There is no evade on this action bar, by the way. ah And also a white slam to red lock, like you mentioned.
um I think we, you know, and if, ah apologies if we, again, the brain fog, if you had already said all these actions earlier, and I just like, it just went right through me. I apologize. Yeah, no worries. Reiterating, I guess. yeah um But yeah, it's ah I five. He's got the Mandalorian's ability. So if he's in trouble, he has some, he has some ways to, uh,
to to to modify his blanks to kind of basically like reinforce and take a little bit less damage. um But at the same time, you know, if he's spending his force on an attack, the only way he gets it back is if he suffers a damage.
It's conditional. He doesn't have a ton of health. it's got only two shields, two agility, three hull, right? Yeah, the Naboo Starfighters are, you know, I think were notoriously vulnerable.
I think that's, you know where... there the rebel or i mean the Republic ship ability was so important when you know you get that three three to five maneuver, you get the evade token.
Because rolling only two dice, yeah, I mean, that's very ah destroyable. Yeah, so the Mando essentially has to be or try to be a flanker. He's going to try to be fast. yes if he gets If he gets in trouble, he's going to try to like slam out of trouble. It's super thematic. like that is that is I will say this on popular opinion, but this has nothing to do with the this card and how exciting this is.
But the decision and the lore of the Mandalorian, the show itself, for them for him to lose the Razorcrest, which I thought was so cool, and for him to get it a... a Naboo starfighter thought that never sold me I I it was as cool as it was it felt like fan fiction for me so but I thought it was cool with that said well I'm not saying it's not cool I just would rather him being a bounty hunter ship that's just for sure it's just my as a Star Wars fan is just what I liked him out of the most but for this it's very thematic that of what we've seen in the show and how he's flown this ship the the what we can do with this
is ah all very much aligned with how he threw the restored speedster and one modified and one starfighter. So I thought this was big awesome. Yeah, this will be ah this will be a very challenging piece to fly. And because of that, XWA has has said that he will be four. He's tested well at four and five. was tough.
um Yeah, that's good because it's going to be tough to be able to do a ton of of damage with him if you aren't trying to flank with him and lighting up bullseyes. I absolutely agree with that. And I think four points is is good, especially in scum. The, I mean, I really see this piece as a key objective getter, which is something that the s scum faction has been missing outside of like ah mining guild ties.
i because i feel like a lot of scum ships are so resource heavy, so action heavy where they want to be, that having a four point ship when you're flying some of the big heavy hitters like Boba Fett or anything like that, having a dedicated ship that can go and, you know, press buttons or can go and, ah you know, be near objective points and pick up those objective points is kind of something that I think is going to be important.
yeah it's in terms of force users i there aren't a lot of options in scum there are hardly any there's like this is ash yeah i'm trying to think of who else like in terms of like stuff like naturally like the pilot has force um yeah it's it's super rare i mean uh maul in the gauntlet maul the gauntlet and assaj i think are the only two and those are like those might be uh very expensive options very in large bases clunky kind of yeah you know not everybody's play style so what's nice is that for me like i'm i consider myself to be a scum player but i am not the kind of scum player that brings that like rube goldberg like crazy weird like
you know, Afra type lists, like I typically like to play the Aesir side of scum, Fedrao, Guri, Dirge, like, you know, ships that are don't really necessarily you don't need to have a bunch of of triggers kind of feed off of each other to get what you need. And I think this pilot fits really well into that play style for people who you know play scum on the side but don't you know they don't play the three or four large base scum list they don't you know there there that to me when i think of scum i think of like bosk and the yv triple six or like afra you know um manaru or dengar like all these like large han and the falcon like these large bases you know doing all these crazy things with their upgrades um i
For four points at I-5, like a small base that can go fast, that can do crazy things. Like, I think this is a very much needed and welcome addition to the faction. Yeah. um That in XWA beta at least has a lot of options.
of where in standard they there's like scubs options suck. Yeah, they do. No, I agree. And I also, lastly, also forgot Kanan Jarrus in the Hawk 290 because he was a scourge around by making everybody roll. Yeah, don't know how I forgot about Kanan. But that's it. Yeah, I mean, it is a faction that's missing force users. And also because of that, they're missing really good ways to handle objectives.
Yeah, objectives have always been tough for scum. They're doing better with with the extended field, but it's still, it's it's definitely difficult. You know, FedRow never wants to take do an objective action. Oh, no. i Like, any Fangfighter, like, none of them want to pick up, but I mean, ah but any of the big ships, too.
Like, there's very few scum ships that want to pick up crates. Whenever, if I'm playing the scum faction, too, like, the the crate missions, just, that also becomes chance engagement for me. yeah Yeah, I have a scum list that have playing that it's like two of the ships like Seabor and Sunny Bounder take crates that nothing else wants anything to do with a crate because they always have to reposition.
It's tough. Yeah, yeah, You do not put a crate on a fang. Right? Yeah. um You want to get into there's a a few more

Upcoming Scum Faction Previews

pilots. It's the only scum pilot we've gotten so far, but I will say for the people listening and, you know, watching live right now,
um I have been in talks with a certain X-Wing content creator um about ah teasing or previewing some skunk pilots. um you You all know him pretty well. He's been around for a while.
And so that will just stay on the lookout for that. His name is Harry Nick. We're going to say the whole i'm just going I'm not going to just tease it. I'm going to tell you who it is. So I just reached out to him about scheduling some time for him to on his channel.

New LeHuse & Strategic Uses

go over he's a big scum guy go over some scum pilots so that in the future look out for that that's oh that'll be cool it could be a couple weeks away yeah but i'm looking forward to that so um awesome let's uh yeah let's talk about uh ncx also it's again i asked greg is like greg do you want to you know want to tease a few more of these he said yes of course so uh we we handed over a few more fo pilots um sf slash uh tie fo pilots ah that we can break down i'm happy to start with lehues here yeah um so this is evacuation of dakar lehues the stat line the two out the two mobile arc two primary at the front uh attack dies two agility three whole three shields pre-standard that is the sf
ah At the start of the engagement phase, you may acquire a lock on an object at range one to three that has a friendly lock. If you do break a friendly lock on that object. So whereas customly Hughes will use other people's target locks, he will basically replace his lock ah his lock in favor of someone else's.
Yeah, it's kind of a fun play on it. He has heavy weapon turret. After you perform an action, you can perform a white rotate action. You can only rotate your turret arc to the front or back.
You must treat the front arc requirement of your equipped missile upgrades as your turret. This is a better templating and design than like what was on the original First Order ships, only because and heavy weapon turret is more reminder text, and then all the actions are just linked to rotate actions. This one is like, no, heavy weapon turret is after permanent action.
you can you know they're all linked rotate actions essentially and then it has the remainder text yeah yeah it's true um his action bar and lehughes is a uh uh focus white focus uh a white evade white target lock white barrel roll and then the linked white uh reload to white target lock he also has the determination talent that we saw in kylo So what's cool is not just specific to Kylo.
While you perform a primary attack, that ah the defender is in your bullseye. You may suffer damage to add an eyeball result. He has concussion missiles. We know what those do. A range 2 to 3 front arc weapon. You get 3 attack dice, 3 charges.
Attack target lock requirement. Spend 1 charge. After this attack hits, each ship at range 0 to 1 of the defender exposes one of its damage cards. And then he has First Order Ordnance Tech. This is a new gunner.
After you perform... Or sorry, after you gain a disarmed token, gain a calculate token. While you are disarmed, you can still perform front arc primary attacks. So after after you gain disarm... So what you could do is you could use that, you could pair that with the actions that he has.
yeah you could do a white... it's It's interesting. You could do a white reload to white target lock, gain the calculate token and still be able to shoot.
Yeah. With a, with an extra mod with an extra mod. Yeah. That's pretty neat. yeah But yeah, that pairs really well. It's a nice... fla It's similar to the LeHue's we know, but a little different. yeah and then What do you think? oh no no i mean I think this is a really good... I'd say LeHue's determination makes a little more sense on this one too. i Just because you have more of the like shield to deal with.
I think it's it's kind of an interesting like one too. The one thing that this loses, there i i would say there are instances where you would also maybe want to take the other, the the build your own LeHughes as well, because you're losing the special forces gunner.
So it's a little weak on, like, you're really relying on that because of concussion missiles to give you that three die attack. So this one's a little more aggressive. But you know I think that the this the way of play is range you target lock range three, shoot concussion missiles, boost in, and then you get into range two or one where you do the reload target ah target lock, get the calculate, and then you still get that three dice gun.
So yeah, so I kind of see that being more of like the the pattern of play. And then if you know you get that lineup, go for determination. Though I will say, you know, with with all of this, like, LeHue's on the standard one only has six six loadout. i So you can't even take concussion missiles with this, like with the original LeHue's.
This one comes with a little more tools, but, you know, I think that there are, it's definitely great to take this. It has a much better action bar. i And being able to target lock and get just even that single modified with the calculate is,
really good ah so i and they're both i think going to be the same points at four so i could see you know you kind of having a choice on how much you really want that like special forces gunner so that you might take this or you might take the build your own this one i kind of like that it's not as clear cut and dry you know which one you really want to go with Yeah, I mean, i think I build, I think I use custom LeHughes unless this is three points. i I put likely four, but it could be three. We'll have to see what happens there. Well, mean, if it was three, then this LeHughes hands down not only better, that's amazing. I can't see this ever being three. I mean, Malrus is four points, right? And this is like way better than even Malrus.
i don't know if this is way better than Malrus, but...

Theta 3's Tactical Advantages

think this is but mall i don't know well malice yeah i don't know i i would see malice's ability is just like infinite mods of eyeball results for an entire turn twice yeah yeah that's fair enough fair enough fair enough um I don't know. I mean, that I think this is still going to be four points. if this was three points, then that would also be the cheapest SF fighter. I think that just it becomes an auto include if it was three.
I could see. Yeah, being probably not going to be three. Four makes. i think four makes the most sense for this. Feels good at four. Yeah, I think. I think if this was five points, then i would say the build your build your own the Hughes with six loadout might I might be taking that more often.
Yeah. um Let's talk about actually, if you scroll down to our notes, the the last ah Theta 3, we should do Theta 3 next because that's another SF and then we can finish with the FO just so we don't jump back and forth.
If you want to do Theta 3, this is another ah tie SF that was previewed on Nickel City X-Wing recently. um Yeah. Yeah. I was going to okay, so.
Oh, sorry. I mean, any other, any other ah thoughts on LeHue's? I just kind of. Well, I was just wondering, you know, what's what's your excitement level for LeHue's if we're going to give them all a rating? five. A five, okay.
i Yeah, what about you? I mean, yeah, I would go, I think I'd go for a seven for LeHue's. Okay. I enjoy playing FO, and I think that, you know, the reload into target lock, into calculate is interesting.
um And I think also being able to like break locks and really replace them with your own kind of adds some interesting things. i I think, I mean, that one is, it doesn't play as well with Midnight because that was like the the original LeHughes trick because you'd really want Midnight's lock to be on there.
And then LeHughes could just use it, could spend it if it needed to. But then this one is like, no, you can't have it both ways. So I think this the hugh is a little more fair. Yeah, I got you.
Sorry, i didn't mean to to blitz past that. No, no, no, no. Theta 3, though. Yeah. So Theta 3, same stat line. It's an I3. It has the same stat line as the regular SF. The I3.
two attack dice and then the turret, two agility, three hull, three shield, has two non-recurring charges. And it says, at the start of the engagement phase, if you have no green tokens, you can spend a charge and gain an evade token.
So that is cool. And it's not an action. It's you just get the token. So that gets around jam, which is really neat. ah has the same heavy weapons turret ability. As you perform an action, you can perform a white rotate action.
um And then also has the same action bar as Lahue's. So it has focus, evade action, a target lock action, a barrel action, a reload into white's target lock action.
i This one, the first ordinance is, or the ordinance that it has, is Seeker Missiles, ah which is a new type of ordinance. It comes with four charges, and it has a ah ah attack target lock requirement.
You can spend one charge during the modify attack dice step. You may spend two additional, up to two additional charges. ah Change one focus result to a hits result for each charge spent this way.
And then that is three dice at range two to three. So that is really good. And then also has passive sensors, ah which has one reoccurring charge. Spend one. You can only perform this action in your perform action step. ah So this is the same as passive sensors.
um It's been a while, though, since I think we've really seen a lot of passive sensors on the table. um It also reads while your charge is inactive, you cannot be coordinated. Before you engage, if your charge is inactive, you can perform a Calculate or Target Lock action.
yeah So that's good for an I3 because you can then get the Target Lock after you've moved if you want that. And then this one also has the same as the Hughes, the First Order Ordnance Tack as a gunner.
um After you gain Disarm Token, you can gain a Calculate Token. And then while you're disarmed, you can still do Primary Tacks in your Front Arc. is exciting i think a nice little low initiative yeah a low initiative that punches above its weight but yeah that doesn't suffer from being low initiative per se right right like yeah passive sensors is a great built-in protection yeah you passive sensor and then and then you have no green tokens you grab the evade and then you fire secret missile and you have essentially focus evade lock evade for the defense
the the the focus comes from the seeker missiles ability to spend extra charges downside you know you're probably you on on average you probably shoot two seeker missiles um if you're using charges for any other purposes yeah it would feel really bad if you had to spend you know two like you're spending three charges in your first attack to to flip two eyes yeah right so ideally you you only have to to modify one eyeball result you might have to modify two at that point you have one more secret missile charge however you do have the reload option you have that white reload into target lock so yeah you can you know get him back yep the only thing is you can't you can't perform so like with first order ordinance tech
It's little interesting because you would think, oh, well, you could only perform special attacks while disarmed. No, only primary. So there isn't full synergy there.
But ah I still do like I like the survivability. Yeah. um I like the the secret secret missiles. I think it's, you know.
very solid it's essentially way to it's not a guaranteed you know three hits but you give yourself a chance uh to punch a little higher than a lot of these lower initiative ah sf pilots can um i mean gosh when i think of sf pilots it takes me a second to even remember thasma like you know, Quickdraw, Lahue's, and then there's like Backdraft exists, Phasma. There aren't a lot of choices anyways.
I don't even know if there's bill beyond the generics there's any more, but this will be played. Like we are going to see this pilot getting used pretty often. Absolutely. it'll be it'll be It'll be a good addition to FO for sure.
Yeah, absolutely. um And yeah, I like this. It's it's an I3. Yeah, it's got a lot of it covered. It's not i it's not overpowered, but this is something that you have to deal with for sure.
Yeah, and and being able to evade twice if you don't have a green token. Mm-hmm. You know, because otherwise you could get two, shot you could get two shot and you'll get one rounded. This thing would get one rounded a lot.
Yeah, absolutely. But I mean, I think even with, you know, secret missiles, yeah, this is something that you you want to engage first engagement with range three, maybe second engagement, try to get into range one if you can, i if you need to reload.
um Or, you know, you take two engagements at range, range two to three, and then, you know, third engagement range one. Great. just all around good. And then as you fly away, you can also shoot out your rear more seeker missiles.
Yeah, definitely. Uh, the last pilots. Oh, sorry. Oh, keep doing this i yeah. No, no, rating what is your, what's your excitement to, uh, excitement level flying this? i I would say seven.
Like, I don't play FO a ton, but if if when I do, I will try this out and play it bunch ah until something something catches my eye that I like better. But, like, I would say in the seven, seven a half range for me.
i'm going to go I'm going to go nine on this. I play FO a little bit more. higher Two more a higher than Kylo, huh? Yeah. No, no, no. i as ah Yeah, two more higher than Kylo.
Okay. ah So when when all of these were were leaked, i i I think in my head, I'm building kind of an all four point list, or I might do like a six point Kylo.
Yeah. um In there as well, or to get some of those like three points i or the the three points FO fighters, tie FOs.
Yeah, I've been thinking about this seven point Kylo and Von Reg. And then like eight points of fun. Yeah. Yeah. Well, speaking of three point FOs.

Omega 2: Enhancing Team Play

Yeah. Omega two. So this is a tie F.O. ah to attack three agility, three whole one shield. This is initiative three. And just to reiterate, Hughes initiative five.
ah Theta three is an initiative three. Omega two here is initiative three. with the ability that reads ah friendly tie ships can acquire locks onto objects at range zero to three of you ignoring range restrictions that's so fun it's basically like a weird sensor buoy pilot yeah c sensor buoy is a pilot uh with reckless uh while you perform an attack you may choose another friendly ship at range zero to one of the defender if you do that ship gains a strain token and you may ah re-roll a blank result
So ah bit of a bit of a gamble with that one, but I like it. It's reckless. It's a reckless thing to do. Yeah. um It is a cool take on like Ruthless, I feel. like I like it as the FO's you know version of that.
Yeah, it has determination as well. You can suffer. This is going to I don't know how often... Omega-2 is going to use determination, but it could happen once. Maybe but like on your way out before you die, you get extra, rough so you know, snipe an extra damage through.
You know, while you perform a primary attack, as the defenders in your bullseye suffer damage to add. may suffer damage to add an eyeball result. And then he has a targeting relay, which is a ah tech upgrade.
After a friendly ship requires a lock on an enemy ship at range 0 to 1 of you, you may spend one charge and gain a stress token. If you do, that friendly ship may gain a calculate token. Yeah, it's like a support piece. It is. It is ah the like all the ultimate support piece as a tie of foe.
It's so it's so quirky. Yeah, there's got to be like a lot of like sneaky ways to abuse the hell out of Omega 2. I like think there there are. um That was one thing that I was looking at. Like one i can think of is a Muse, which another three point Typho, which is at the start of the engagement phase. You can choose a friendly ship at zero to one. If you do, that ship removes a stress token. So, yeah. So you can get the stress, give someone else the target lock. I mean, you could even give Muse the target lock i and then Muse gets to calculate and then Muse takes the stress off of Omega-2.
Yeah, um k I feel like i any anybody, but I'm thinking about 7-point Kylo. Yeah. He's just got to... He's like, thanks for the calculate. like Thanks yeah for backing up my defense.
Well, or, i mean i mean and kylea's got I mean, Kyla wants to keep the Force around, too, so that's pretty good. um Yeah. I was going to say, this also works... Andre, Quickdraw. Quickdraw loves that, though. Quickdraw almost always has to fire a single-botted shot at first.
Yeah. yeah And the other one is, like, any of the bombers, if you're if you're running them, like Scorch. Yeah, it seriously, this is good. I mean, it's cool to see... a So you get a small base, three agility, lower initiative pilot that offers support capabilities that has the capability of doing a little bit of damage.
you know ah Not going to be their purpose, but no. ah But is it like ah necessarily a liability? like The Zai shuttle is so awkward and can die so quickly. and it's i mean Yes, this is a four health TIE fighter, right? But at the same time,
um you don't have to you don't have to make sacrifices to allow your your friendly ships to get these target locks like you could gain a stress token but you can still focus you can still evade you can still lock you can barrel roll renovate that's on the action bar yeah um like you are a support piece that doesn't sacrifice complete utility in favor of coordinating and giving other people things like you are just allowing friendly ships to do things because you exist and i i think that's cool Yeah, like, I mean, that's honestly, I think, what Omega-2 is going to be. This is another one of those pieces that is for objectives, but then is also just purely a support piece to make everyone else's shots better. Like, this is a sacrificial pawn that you can throw out in in the opening while everyone else gets these really good target lock shots.
So any shot that's going to Omega-2 is not preventing the shots that are that those ships are going to be taking from the rest of the FO ships that our target locking the prey it's just i i'm actually like this is might be i might i'm but kind of really excited about this because like i'm a big e-wing guy right and they can yeah out range three so to be able to like throw something like in front of all your friends and like you're basically turning most your list into E-Wings.
A little bit. Because they can lock beyond range three. They can lock it. It's crazy. yeah i mean i i look at yeah i look at this as... i um This also helps those lower initiative ships too.
um Especially like even like the the whispers and things like that. Yeah. yeah Target locks, they are important. the A lot of ships wish they could They could afford to take target locks. And now there are ways that you can do it because of omega to their safe zones where you can take one before you would engage. But omega might be close enough to be able to get you that lock.
Yeah. Very cool. It's ah it's kind of like biohex crypt codes to write where you can like coordinate. it's It's not the same, but like it allows you to coordinate. um You can spend a lot to like coordinate someone wherever they are. Right. Which is similar in that sense.
Yeah, because I mean, I think it is it is just cool, like like the calculate ability from like targeting relay. Like that's that's super neat. that This was the third ship that I was at kind of a 10 to get on the table.
I want to find ways to like abuse Omega-2. Yeah, if a friendly ship acquires a lock on an enemy ship, it rains your one. And you can be friendly to yourself, right? Yeah.
So you could do it for yourself. Yeah. Yeah. yeah so you could target lock gain a stress gain a calculate yeah yeah you could go yeah why not off that way too yep i have a feeling i'm going to be doing a lot of the barrel roll and evading with omega-2 yeah yeah that's uh scythe six has that on their action bar the sl boe pilot yeah they have a barrel roll renovate it's pretty good so it's a good liked action i but i was i i think that there's there might be some cheeky ways to really to get the most out of omega-2 yeah there's going to be a lot of things that are going to explored but i feel like it's going to yeah it's going to be annoying yeah for sure it's going to be something else oh man yeah but uh that's those are the the
the pilots that have been previewed so far, there's more coming soon. There is a, a preview article that will also be released um shortly, a couple within a couple days of days of this recording, not of the podcast coming out, but um that you guys will see some more pilots for FO in that article.
um Yeah. I mean, So far, I think XWA is coming out swinging and, and, know, they're making

Reception of New XWA Content

contacts. Like these these are making my baseball references, but by analogies, but I mean, this, this,
the They're at the sweet spot with a lot of this. Yeah, they're exciting. I will say I appreciate that these aren't cracked in half, busted in half, like some of the SL stuff that has been yeah coming out before. Or just like a ton of text. too A ton of text. can't remember all of this. You know what? yeah Yes, I will say these are much more light on the triggers.
Like, there's not... yeah a lot of this stuff is just like ordinance based, like passive sensor based. It's not like if i we attack or, you know, if then, you know, all these different things happen.
um Cause, oh my God, the amount of times I forget chaff particles. Like to I forget to spend my unused ah eyeball results while I defend my defense step like it.
There's so much. Yeah. right like lando Lando and the Falcon is like he has like eight different like novels of text on his card. let's just It's just not good for your opponents gonna be able to remember it. If your opponent just doesn't bother, that's a bad sign. And thankfully, these are things that we can remember. We can look at these and learn and be like, i mean that's what this pilot does when you play against it or when you use it.
Yeah, but most of these are are just like they're cards that exist already. You know, like the only really, yeah there's not a ton of like new stuff. that we had a lot of re not the wheel isn't being reinvented eight right right and yeah and and these are they're very cool and they're i i think really well done i love the theme of the mandalorian like so on theme it's so cool it's pretty wizard as he says it's pretty wizard yeah that's uh i'm excited for sure and i might not sound like it but it's it's only because i'm sick
I am excited. It's just like, gosh, it's like, wow, Nick doesn't sound excited. Like, man, I'm trying. It's just hard to come through. been a long day. Yeah, you were you were before this also just doing commentary.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. First game, I was all alone, too, which is like tough. It's like, oh, my gosh. But yeah, i got I got bailed out a little bit the second game, which was nice. It was nice to have them... ah have some co-commentating love. I really appreciate it Yeah.
But yeah, I think what's nice is we'll have, ah you know, our our podcast episodes, we typically, you know, record when we feel it's, you know, there's something to record about.
um We try not to go too long without doing an episode, but when you have things to talk about like this, it's great. And we will, it'll set us on a cadence that ah it would be a little bit more regular as as there are things to talk about, you know, like this.
these uh these spoilers we can we can record and and uh talk about them it's nice to come together and talk about new content right it's always cool yeah it's always cool and plus like i've been training for worlds right now too so it's been so much fun to just like dip back in and seeing everything that's been going on like xwa uh and all the cool things that are happening there like Absolutely awesome to see new content coming out and it's just reinvigorated me.
thats That's awesome. I love hearing that a lot. And then we've only started to to to scrape the very tippy top of the iceberg, right? It's lot going to go deeper and deeper.
Yeah. All right. What do you say? should we do our little outro? I know time like the present. ah So, yeah. Thank you, everyone, for listening to this episode. It is very exciting to have new content. Look forward to in the near future after Adepticon and.
If you aren't already following us on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook, you should. We got links in the description. And finally, 312 is excited to be producing exclusive alt art cards of featured new XWA pilots for our patrons.
So consider supporting us on Patreon and get rewarded with some awesome quality swag. This is Andrew. And this is Nick. Have a wonderful night.