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Episode 22: Lock and Roll! Featuring Dwight Lindsay image

Episode 22: Lock and Roll! Featuring Dwight Lindsay

S2 E22 · 312 Squadron Podcast
122 Plays4 months ago

A long time ago… in a windy city, far, far away… Your hosts Andrew Kouba, Nick Sperry, and guest Dwight Lindsay discuss community prize support, Dwight’s page “Lock and Roll”, and the GT circuit- including an overview from Dwight on his visit to the Alaska GT!

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Introduction to Hosts and Topic

You are listening to the 312 Squadron podcast. My name is Andrew Kuba. My name is Nick Sperry. And I'm Dwight Lindsey. And we are here to talk about a community-led X-Wing prize support and the developing XWA Beta Points meta.

Dwight's Journey into X-Wing

so yeah um but hey just uh just to kick it off uh Dwight thank you so much for for joining us taking the time to to be on with us tonight i'm just curious how did you get an x-wing oh wow well thanks thanks for having me first of all i really appreciate it a big fan big fan of bothia and uh You know, it's a privilege to be on here. First got into X-Wing actually just a few years back, right? Basically two months after 2.5 was officially released. I've been collecting the models actually since day one. I bought the first three waves of X-Wing and was basically
kitchen top player me and my best friend and i wasn't very tech savvy so i couldn't like go out and i didn't know where to find groups to play so i just basically bought and collect models and played with my one buddy until he moved away and then uh kind of packed everything up and then right around the same time 2.5 was released i bought a house with my wife and I was unpacking all my dozens and dozens of ships and she was like, you know, I think you really need to start to learn how to play this game or basically get ready to talk. yeah Yeah. Wow. So by then, now I was ah at least knew how to use Facebook and I searched, you know, my area that I live in is called Durham. I was like, Durham X-wing and what do you know? It was like,
two board game cafes popped up, one played on Tuesday, one played on Friday. So as I came out and basically with all my 1.0 stuff, I sat at the table and the guys just kind of stared at me and they're like, Oh yeah, you got to buy some stuff. So.
But really right from there, I just fell in love with the game. Like I said, we have two casual game nights a week. I'm always, ah I got it. I just dove feet first into the game, bought all the conversion kits. ah Right at the start of 2.5, as I'm sure most of you remember, a lot of people were offloading their ships for very low value. So I was buying up whole factions, like three or four copies of each ship for like $50. So.
I just slowed it up on all seven factions. And yeah, I just dove right in and then started traveling to other towns for their tournaments. And I think I was about six months into the game before I got my first win on a casual night. And then another month or two before I got my first tournament match win. Wow. So you were playing tournaments immediately? About a month or two into it because you got to remember this is also coming out of the dark time which we don't like to talk about so pick up so whenever there is an opportunity to go play I would go like we have some towns here when they do their tournaments they just do three round tournaments some do four so
Yeah, it was pretty good just to go check it out. Plus, you know, see different players, different list dynamics. It was very overwhelming at first, seeing all the different archetypes and that. But I just I took rebels. I played them and played them and played them until like I finally got the dynamics of the game down and then I kind of made up this little rule for myself. it's I play all the factions, so I stick with the faction for three months, then I move to the next one and the next one until I cycle through all the factions, and then I repeat

Joining the Natties Podcast

again. And then that just kind of gets me used to each faction, you know, what each faction can do and kind of how to counter against them.
Yeah, i I like that a lot. that's That's cool. I can't believe that you you started playing in 2.5 because then not only were you also like... doing tournaments right away, but you also were doing the, the natties podcast as well. So ah you must have been like really living in breathing X-wing pretty recently. Well, that was, yeah, it was funny. Cause my buddy Andrew Durham, he's the one who started the natties podcast and he just said he liked how much energy and gumption I yeah had towards the game. It was like a little kid, just eager to dive into it more or more. So.
It was hilarious. He invited me onto his podcast and then I started doing more regular episodes. And next thing you know, he's like, well, I guess you're pretty much my co-host now. And we've been on for like about a year and a half doing our podcast. Yeah, that's so funny. That's basically how I got Nick to do comment, late with commentary, I guess. For me, just yeah just keep jumping on. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah, I can credit. Definitely everyone can credit Andrew for the podcast in terms of like, we should do this. And I'm like, Oh, man, I don't know if I have the time is like, I'll help. And I'm like, great. And he you have been doing literally that. And it's been great. We've done. This is our 20 second episode, which doesn't seem like a lot, but that is a lot considering we know we started, you know, I'd say towards the like maybe the third act of the two point official two point five. Yeah. Kind of like AMG stewardship. And to net to now, it's I think that's it's a great benchmark to you know.
from where we started to now and um sure kind like happy happy to be a part of this community and just, you know, just happy to to be here. Yeah. Talk with all of you all.
Yeah. And see where your podcast is really showing for me because I, you know, I'm an avid podcast listener, especially with the X-wing stuff is, uh, you're one of the few ones still going on. Uh, you know, some of my other favorite ones they've kind of tend to drop off where because of, you know, different things with where the game is AMG, but, uh, you know, you guys have said like, you know, there's still things to talk about different things, you know, whether it's XWA or other things going on and just kept with it. And.
No, I'd like to say thank you to you guys from all the X-Men fans out there that you guys keep going and give us something to look forward to. Oh, well, we appreciate it as well. Yeah, thanks. Thanks, Dwight. I appreciate I remember meeting you, I think, at at LVO. I believe it was the Las Vegas Open, right? Yeah, you're kind of busy and be honest, I was a little like it sounds weird to say, but I get like a well, I did at the time get a little like starstruck, you know, when I meet like ESP 312, because these are people you see about on social media. that You see a lot of appears. Oh, it's almost like we have this unnecessary parasocial relationship until I finally get to meet you all and meet you. And then it's like, oh, yeah, he's a buddy of mine. I've met I've met him before we've hung out or we've we've seen each other at a tournament or two. And, you know, it's just I i can't believe hearing that. And I appreciate all the kind words. And um yes, that was a stressful time because I played poorly. But then also I was rescuing GSP stream with my computer and trying to help them. and
It was a very interesting, um interesting time. It was like my worst tournament performance in a long time. I owe three drops. It was just like, not my, not my tournament, but yeah, it was, it was very cool to meet you. You gave us some beautiful metal cards. I still have a couple of them. We've given away a couple at our tournaments and people love them. So I would really appreciate that as well.

Organizing and Supporting Tournaments

um And that's actually a good segue ah really quick. ah Talking about prizes, Dwight, you you run an organization, you know, we have our org with 312, but you run an organization that I honestly, you know, and I say this kind of seriously, I would say in a way is maybe more important in terms of the community side of like day to day in tournament play, because you you run an org called lock and roll. i think you I think there are other people that help you, correct me if I'm wrong. Can you tell us about what lock and roll is and like,
you know, why you you kind of are involved in that. Yes. Yeah. So basically um once I got into X wing and playing and go into all these terms and that didn't take long for me to get into the tournament organizer role. And, you know, I dealt with like.
three or four different stores hosting tournaments and it was all new for me because i never done anything like that before and the first thing i noticed is i like when you're some of these stores you're dealing with everyone kind of has their own different ways some stores say okay all the money comes in for me and i'll allocate it out to store credit and people can buy products in the store well You know, even with 2.5, there still wasn't a crazy amount of stock in the story that people wanted to buy. A lot of season players already had everything. So I had to start thinking of other means of getting prize support. So I, you know, it just started off with casual conversations with people, like just seeing what they've used in the past, what other TOs did. And through these conversations, people started just randomly giving me stuff, alt arts, tokens, templates, and, uh,
at some point I think it was actually Worlds 2023 I met Dion from GSP and I was like you know it was one of those starstruck moments I was stuttering shaking his hand getting a picture taken and you know he's asked are you a TO? I was like yeah you know I organized tournaments I'm new though you know prizes kind of hard and he pulled out this box and it was like For me, being new to the game, the biggest box of prize support I've ever seen in my life, just full of like cardboard, like a infernal squadron, cardboard, acrylics and that. And he gave me like two like overwhelming handfuls of this stuff. And I was just like, I like all the good stuff.
yeah I was just like wow like this is like this is so crazy this guy I just met has given me all this stuff just given it to me and I was like really appreciative I told him thank you and I walked like four steps put in my bag and then I ran into Chris Allen and Chris Allen's like hey you know how's it going as a oh really good you know just started shooting the breeze with him and he's like oh did uh Dion give you some stuff and i was like yeah yeah he just gave me stuff he was like here i got some stuff for you too and he went back behind the world's prize wall and like he was those y-wing templates uh the battle yavin altarts they came out with worlds he just gave me he just loaded me up with stuff so it's like
Have all this stuff and it's like and you know anybody who's ever like actually looked online with the stuff It's not cheap stuff on the market. So it's like stuff I can never afford as a teo at a prize for my tournament so I was like I started hosting events and Handing the stuff out for pricing but I realized like if I hang on to this stuff like you know I could be holding tournaments for years or you know, maybe there's other teos like me out there who don't know what to do or are looking for prizes and ah I started talking to other TOs you meet on Discord and you know I'd send stuff out every once in a while and then it wasn't till last December that I was like you know I'm feeling a little bit more comfortable with Facebook and Discord like maybe I should actually start a group and you know start a little network you know when TO has something you can give to another TO and that's kind of how lock and roll got started and
basically within the first month we had like a hundred members and I had people message me constantly offering what they could do to support the community because I made the message pretty clear from the start like it's a x-wing community group for the community to you know support the community and I had people offering to paint chips send them to me you know I'd a what one gentleman who did up a bunch of Thai fighters and defenders with LED lights for me oh sorry Oh, I want one of those. Yeah. OK, so yeah, so yeah the communities are coming out. So now it's just like it's we just post and i I've been going around. I've had a little side mission of trying to visit every G.T. in North America. I can and trying to supply them with pricing as well, because, you know, I think a lot of people are tired of the G.T. pricing at this point. So
I try and cycle up the prize pool there, and I always make sure to talk to the TO and see if they're willing to donate some of that GT pricing to the group, because there's a lot of countries out there that unfortunately never got GTs and will never see this pricing. So I've been working with Brazil and some of the other countries on trying to get them the sparkly dice, the marble dice, the flashy alt-arts, and things like that. That is so cool. Wow. That's admirable work, man. It's hard.
Oh, it is because as you know, shipping is never easy, especially to other countries. yeah Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and things go missing. And, you know, I when I ship Patreon stuff, I ship a lot to Canada and these little small little bubble mailers just because the sorting machines of the post office, like rip apart letters. Yeah. the And 95 percent of the time it'll arrive in the mailbox of the person in Canada. No problem. But one out of 10 times writer, you know,
it'll come back and be like, you need a custom sport for this. I'm like, are you kidding me right now? Like, really? This is a letter. It just has a little bit of bubble wrap on the inside so you guys don't rip it apart. and just ah Even little things like that, you're like, man, it's just you never know what's going to happen. The consistency is all over the place. yeah's It's tough. I mean, shipping is one thing, but why do you think prizes are Like, it might sound dumb to even ask this question, but it's important to kind of acknowledge, like, prizes directly correlate to the longevity and sustainability of people having interest in gaming. So why do you think it's it's important for X-Wing, especially now and like gaming in general?
Well, I think it comes to the one point that I brought up at the beginning where if you're just a general store doing store credit, unless you have avid gamers who are just into everything and can spend that money at the store, there's there's nothing really driving them to come out. And, you know, I think most X-Wing players are collectors at heart, whether it's you got to have six of every ship or you want all the official templates or you're collecting the tokens, the Altarsia, you know, it becomes a little bit of ah like a mission for you to try and collect these things. And by having variable prizes like these at tournaments, I think ah it's just that little bit extra to draw that person out who was thinking, well, maybe I'd go, but I don't really need any store credit. But those 2018 shield tokens look pretty nice.
Yeah, no definitely. Andrew, why why do you like what's your relationship with like with prizes like for X-wing? Yeah, I mean, well I mean, I think, you know, prizes also you come down. It's a competitive sport. So you want to be rewarded for your progress that you make in the game.
I honestly think too that a lot of these prizes in general have kind of had this cool transitive effect in X-wing where it is a community about like kind of sharing your swag with other players, especially when you go to these GTs or these bigger events.
Like worlds like I remember playing a game with Dwight and you gave me a set of templates curved and straight for the bombers that had the lock and roll like logo on them i for when you drop bombs it has had like a little handle so you can pick it up and and place it like Every game that I've played at some of these like larger events, especially when you have like international players coming, everyone's exchanging prizes with each other at the beginning of the game. This is where you know i've I have a 3D printer, so I was able to make a bunch of 312 stuff, and um it makes not only the events more fun, but then there are these tokens that you can kind of share with other people that you meet as you like build this bond.
And it makes the, the game kind of come alive a little bit more. Wow. That's great. I love that. Yeah. That's so true. i steal We're stealing that that yeah like that on a t-shirt and it will, it'll be in small font, but we'll be putting that on a t-shirt for sure. yeah but That'll be, that'll be a yeah a prize card that you can hand out.
Yeah. So Andrew, I got it. So I'm going to tell you maybe a little bit of context that you didn't, you didn't get with white. Another reason why of the, of the few that white is here is that he also went to the Alaska GT. Um, and I was like, we got to talk about that. And that is so not only is Alaska awesome and really beautiful, but the fact that they, I'm not jealous that they got a GT in the Midwest.
shut out besides GenCon. you know I'm not jealous of that at all. But I think that's so fascinating. So what was that trip like? And could you kind of just tell us about, you know just maybe just talk about it, like at the GT experience there? And you know what was it like to go to a GT that was in Alaska?
like Well, uh, so first of all, there, there, there's no direct flight from Canada. So I had to fly to Chicago

X-Wing Grand Tournament in Alaska

first. I think I was messaging you on the discord. I was like, Oh, oh yeah god oh yeah. So, uh, but hey, it was good because I got to go buy a Powerball ticket, which I can't typically do in Canada. So there you go. Well, good luck.
But and which is only like, I think it's like an hour and 10 minutes to go to Chicago from Toronto. And then it's like a six and a half hour flight to Alaska from Chicago. It's that's a long flight. But i like I just take took a melatonin for the most part. And it's pretty easy going four hour times difference behind.
Yeah. i think Yeah. So, uh, when I got there, I didn't, I don't think I slept for like 23 hours that, uh, like I was up for like 23, 24 hours that day. I got there. It was still sunny. It was like 1 AM my time. Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say midnight sun is still in effect. Yeah. Yeah, but it was like it was a beautiful area, like Anchorage, Alaska, like Band-Aid have those goldmine shows about that place. Oh, it's gorgeous. It has a small town feel. ah The food was amazing. i yeah The first thing I had there was a yak burger and it was like the best red meat I ever had in my life. It was like a juicy burger. It was like, oh my gosh. hu
I just love this place. Yeah. ah the And then I met up with first thing I do whenever I go to a new place is go on to Facebook marketplace change my location. And I looked up Oh, x wing and I found a guy in Anchorage selling three mats for like 50 bucks. And I was like, Oh,
Done I'll I'll do I can throw that in my bag because as a teal you never have enough mats and I met with the guy and he had all of his extra stuff like ah like system open tokens and templates and he's just like I here take it all I'm not playing anymore so for like 50 bucks I probably got a couple hundred dollars worth is stuff. So wow. And he was all friendly about it. And he knew all the guys that were going to be at the battle zone or so that where the event was being held. So it's like, yeah, just say hi, tell him, you know, i that I said hi and
I went there and it almost felt like being in Canada. I went to this place. I walk in there. I didn't know anybody, except I recognize this one Brian guy from a few system opens, but everyone's just like, hey, how's it going? Where are you from? And I was like, oh, this is friendly. Hey, started talking with everybody. And there was actually two guys there from Texas, another guy from Hawaii that came up the place. Wow. It was good. We played the first two rounds and then it's like, all right, it's time to go for lunch. And basically the whole tournament just got up. We left, we went to a bar. We were only supposed to be like half an hour, I think. And I think once we started drinking at the bar and having food, it was like an hour and a half later or something. And then it's like, oh yeah, we should go back and finish. And it was a very...
I mean this in the best way possible. It was the best like unofficially run tournament, if I can say that correctly. It sounds like it, yeah. The TO was the judge, and he was also playing, but like he wasn't winning or whatever like that. you know He's on the bottom table most of the time. like He just wanted to play, and no one said anything. It's like, whatever, man. it's yeah There's like 18 of us. Have fun. And then he's like, all right. like There's no point doing five rounds. I think we should only do four and this was after four rounds and everyone just kind of like, he just asked everyone, what do you think? Do you just want to go into a cut? And everyone voted and it was like unanimous. It's like, sure, let's just do a cut. It's like the difference isn't going to matter. and
the then way we just they just cut to top four and then finished it out and no it is it was very casual there is no die-hard players there at all there is like what were the list like i So, you know, new AMG points, so you did see some gunboats and phantoms, and I think everyone's still trying to experiment on what the four-ship empire list looks like now, but I think it's everything's still kind of, I don't know, not well-defined yet, but my favorite list, which I flew last night at casual night, was the three Sith infiltrators and a Tri-Fighter.
So he had the Siege of Coruscant, Dooku, Darth Maul, and 066 with that Tri-Fighter that gets the free locks on engagement. yeah And that thing, is I was just like, oh my gosh. And he flew it so well. like I thought he was going to win the whole tournament. It was like, oh my gosh. That's the list that really stood out for me there.
Yeah, so it was it felt it just felt like the the aura, the f it just felt cat more casual, or just a little more relaxed. Well, I'm going to be honest. So those of you who don't know me, I i think I've been to seven GTs now in North America. I just came from the St. Lawrence ah Open the other weekend.
I can say as a whole these GTs compared to the world open qualifiers and system opens in the past all of them have felt a lot more casual like you're not seeing all the main players you've seen in the past you're getting just a lot of the locals out and you can see that ah a little bit in the list diversity too that's coming out a little bit of scum here and there a little bit of Yeah. Separatists. It's interesting, because I think AMG's goal in a way was to make the GTs feel a little bit more like casual tournaments that still had structure. Yeah. that's in ah And in Alaska, you're certainly going to have a a more niche kind of ah collective coming together to play there. you You said you had a few people traveling like from Texas, Hawaii, et cetera. But, you know it's you know, it's Alaska. It's not like, you know, you're not just flying to Alaska every day to play a board game, a tabletop game. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, and you take a few days like I was no matter where I'm flying to. I like to take a few days so you can go sightseeing. Like I remember going to Nova and I ended up running into like Duncan and he's like, oh, did you go see like Discovery yet? I'm like, what? He's like, yeah, you got to go. He's like, basically tell me all the things I got to go do sightseeing. It's like, all right, I got to go do these now.
How was it though? Well, like to sightseeing like Alaska itself. Oh, beautiful. I went like hiking. The mountains there are gorgeous. My favorite, the highlight, one of my highlights was flying back from Alaska. It was like a 10 PM flight. We, uh, like flew through the Northern lights. Like I had a window seat and I'm just like, wow, like oh that's the Northern light. That is so cool.
Wow. Actually, the way it but the way it brings us closer to nature and phenomenons like that. Right. yeah Not every day you get to experience that. That's beautiful. Very cool. I've been once I've been to Alaska once. it was Me too. Yeah. Yeah. It's part of definitely worth the trip. Absolutely. no He was telling me I should go to that. I think it's like Delaney Park or Denali Denali Denali. Yeah. With ah with Mount Denali. i Yeah.
yeah ah Gorgeous, highly recommend it. It's only out 10% of the time, so ah that that it's not covered by clouds, because it's so big. I was fortunate enough when we went that it was it was visible. and It's huge. It takes up like the entire sky. It's wild. Oh, wow. Next time. That's cool.
Dwight, what's your favorite GT bin of the seven in North America, at least, that you've attended? So they're tough. yeah So I was lucky enough to T01 in Hamilton, Ontario. I didn't get the play. I hosted it. That was one of my favorites because anybody who follows lock and roll on Facebook would know that we had a butt ton of prizes. we had Uh, this whole thing where I was giving out republic credits, uh, every round to random players and that could be used at Jabba's and Watto's casino to spend on different games to win prizes and just oh that's seeing people walk away with honestly, like backpack full of prizes. Like that one kind of sticks out the most, uh, just because of that. But, uh, for flight, Utah was a lot of fun as well, because I'd never been to Utah before. And. and meeting up there with the locals and getting some street tacos. They're all they're all good. like It's just very memorable experiences and the people we meet. And it's been rather fortunate this year that my work has allowed me to travel to all these GTs because it fits well into my new role with the XWA. I think getting to meet all these TOs and seeing all these things is going to be a big benefit to my role next year.
Yeah. Well, that's great. I think that that's a perfect segue.

Role in XWA Organized Play

That's a good segue. Yeah. ah Since you recently joined, yeah, the XWA prize team. So ah what what has that been like? What have your first impressions been? so So a little bit of a correction on that. So like I do communicate or work with the prize team, but I actually, if you want to look at it, I fall under Tim King under organized play. so got you basically the north american one of the north american organized play reps so i'm going to be helping uh tim kind of organize like stuff like the game night kits that we're thinking about or like depending we're still in discussions but we're looking at things like you know uh tournaments uh you know like what kind of structure we're gonna have uh from like you know stuff uh store level events to like you know are we considering doing like regional events or state or provincials uh you know
What, what organized play is going to look like next year for the XW. Okay. You know what it was Dwight? Is that the the role color for um prizes and for, uh, OP support is the same color. Oh yeah. Gotcha. We work hand in hand because like, if we're talking about like prize kits, you know, OP wants a little bit of a say, uh, or wants to work with pricing on it. Right. Like, yeah, yeah you got to work hand in hand because you want to know how it's going to be structured or, you know, if maybe there's going to be something in one kit that leads to something in another kid or something like that. So we all, we, we work pretty close together. yeah Like we, we all communicate in the same servers. but Perfect. What's your first impressions of the X wing Alliance kind of organization so far? What has that been like for you?
Uh, it's a, it's a little bit, uh, there it's, uh, yeah, oh gro be honest the I love the organization of the group. Uh, you know, you do a good job, Nick, of trying to moderate discussions to certain channels. Cause sometimes things bleed over, but, uh, no, and I know it.
I see nothing but people with great intentions in there. like there's yeah yeah right It's just so hard being and only a 2.5 player because I don't have the history or the knowledge of you know coming up through 1.0, 2.0. So it's hard when I see certain things being suggested or talked about.
where for someone like me, it seems like a step back, but I don't have the whole history to know if that's really what's going on. That's fair enough. I would also say that's also kind of a superpower where you're not like held down by the baggage of the past as well, and that you get to come at it from ah a fresh perspective and from a perspective that I think you know is needed for for players that really only know 2.5 because there are a lot of players that that's all they know.
Yeah, most of the baggage really comes from the transition itself, then the time of actually playing 2.0, the way people handled their feelings and the words that were spoken out of their mouths during the transition, I think is really where a lot of the baggage and a lot of the, yeah I think sometimes the heated conversations kind of stem from a lot of people obviously won't forget.
the that time, which, you know, I like to because it's it's so far in the rear view now. But, you know, it's definitely I think it is good that you didn't necessarily ah experience that. I will say that because the transition was handed, handled so poorly and the reaction to it was handled so poorly, I do feel that that's kind of also been a benefit for the ex W.A. where people don't want to make that same mistake mistake again or be the person that they were again if they didn't handle the transition well. Yeah. So it has been a lot smoother just from an outsider's perspective. Yeah, we have internally reminded people of that.
um You know, we've basically been like, Hey, you know, they're the, in the past, some people didn't extend an olive branch and weren't willing to listen. yeah And we're not doing that again. So, um, we're older we're not going to tell people to kick rocks if they're not interested. We're not going to do that. Yeah. Yeah. The, the, the language in response to somebody, you know, having an issue or not being a fan is just overall been healthier and a lot better. And it's my best interest that it stays that way. Right. Yeah. Oh yeah. It's exhausting. Otherwise to feel like I need to babysit.
Well, I do appreciate the fact that when points are given and in our conversations in the XWA, there's always like data with it. Like it's never just like, just do this or just do that. There's usually reasoning with it. So it's.
it's good like there's a lot of few times where like i'll see somebody will write something in a certain server about a certain subject and i'll just pipe up just the just because i'm curious about it and like no one's ever disrespectful it's like what are you doing and like you know my part from the server it's like no here's kind of like why we're thinking about this or you know like there's things leading up to it and this is kind of what's happened in the past to lead us to kind of feel or think that this is how it should be now and it's been good it's a real learning curve uh every like
I don't know. It's like, especially on the OP side, it's just great hearing. Cause like, sure. I, like I traveled to a lot of North American events. I feel like I have a good understanding North America OP, but like Poland OP, p like I, or UK OP, like I have no idea how they do things. And yeah when I talked to like someone like Tim, who was like, you know, big into Warhammer and all these other tournaments, when he starts explaining, like, you know, we get into discussions on MOV versus, you know,
SOS and, uh, like what buys mean and how they affect certain things. He just has so much knowledge and it's, it's great. Like he may really makes it like, uh, it makes you understand when he's expressing his points. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Um, what are your hopes maybe for X-wing in, you know, in 2025 and beyond as it kind of relates to the community led effort?
i My hopes is that we take a nice, slow, gradual approach. ah Sometimes you know people give great ideas, and I think those ideas are great long-term plans, but it's stepping stones to get there. like When I first started having discussions about organized play, some you know we had discussions about, like you know okay, let's start off with like a five-layered system, you know whatever it is. like store champs provincial regional nationals like all this and i was like well maybe like for our first go like maybe we should discuss more like something similar to amg like store champ world open qualifiers worlds with like an lcq so
i planning things out and like how we get there like that's the approach I like to see and if we can do a nice competitive season next year that's multi-layered maybe with I don't want to see like personally I'd prefer not to see like an invite system the worlds when XWA takes over I'd like to see it open but maybe there's a way we can do it where certain level events give you buys or something like that, you know, incentivize people to show up. So I'd like to just see us blend into like a nice i fully packed world championship next year with
Lots of communities having organized play, prize kits, whether it be store champs, quarterly game night kits, and a few really big events to draw out 80 plus players. That's like my short term goal for next year. And then in the long run, you know so take the numbers, see how many people are coming out, see how many people are buying our kits.
um I do. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Oh, no, I was going to say the store kid idea is is great that that y'all are taking that on. Well, actually, I, because I actually figured out how to use Discord within the last few years, I've managed to get on to like about 32 different X-Wing groups. And so I'm always- And not ours, though. I don't know. I'm in 312. I'm in 312. Yeah. I tried to tag you, and you didn't show up. And I was like, huh. I wasn't even offended. I was just like, that's interesting. Let me try this again.
Yeah, it depends on I don't know. Yeah, I am in there, but the actually the only one I know of that I'm not in there it ah is the crates. The crates is the only one because I never did get an in invite ah ah not ah but to there is one discord Ewoks, and that's a London, Ontario group. Brian Barters, one of the leads. He I was in there one day and he actually designed a quarterly game night kit for his locals where you get pilot cards you start off as a rookie pilot and this card has a checklist on there you know come out to three game nights ah you know accomplish this in a game and if you fill it out you hand in that card to the TO o or the whoever that is running the local scene and then you get he's has custom designed alt arts
Oh, then you get your next level pilot card and you have to fill that out. So I was like, well, this is really cool, Brian. I was like, is there any way lock and roll can get in there? He's like, oh, yeah, no problem. I was like, you know, just tell me how much they are. I'll buy. So I was working with them. So lock and roll soon going to.
Thanks to the Ewok Squadron who's going to have these game night kits and we're going to offer them basically you cover the shipping and the cost of production. I think the cost of production was like a few dollars a set. Lock and Roll is going to send these out to any community that wants.
so Oh, that's such a great idea. Yeah, I know. well We'll be sure to include resources for to to, you know, join your Facebook group and any other any anything else, Dwight, that you think would be helpful if you want to reach out to you. Absolutely. Yeah. So yeah, a a little side. That was a little bit of a side talk. But yeah, so five year plan, you know, a world where we have 800 X-wing players. I'm not saying that's just for worlds, but you side events, ah you know, all kinds of things that that that would be the dream in five years.
that would be great i I feel like, did you add like a couple hundred players? Because why I thought like 600 was the. Yeah, I think the. I always think it's around like, yeah, I honestly, I think anything in the triple digits would be great. And obviously a hundred or more would be, would be fantastic. Like exceptional turnout.
Eight eight hundred, though, is ah that would be so. I mean, if not if we get people into Xwing, if there's a if there's a period where we basically, you know, get people to join, I think it's possible to get closer to three to five hundred, you know, eight

Strategies for Community Growth

hundred. I'm not going to poop on. No, it'd be hard. But, you know, certainly the aim to. Right. You got it. Right. Exactly. Aim high. Right. now And this is where like one thing with the XWA is when I first got into the OP discord server,
One of the things I think it was a gentleman from Poland actually came up with was a guide for to It's like you know you should start advertising this many weeks out and then you know every two weeks You're gonna blast on this social media and that and I was like wow that's a great guide so I do believe at some point you know a few of us in the XWA are gonna work on a guide for helping people and on how to attract people into the game because I do, uh, I'm lucky enough here. I teamed up with the battle tech, uh, group in Canada and, uh, at cons, I do X-wing demos and, uh, the asthma day OP rep actually gave me a bunch of X-wing banners that he had kicking around. So we're like, I'm still doing demos a couple of times a year, trying to draw people into the game. The conversation is a lot harder now when people start asking, but for sure
It's one of those things though, as players, if we want to see the game thrive, it's one of those things that, you know, some of us are going to have to think about. How are we going to get more players into the game, ah at least on a little bit of a bigger scale than, you know, trying to drag your best friend out to play. Right. Yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, there's opportunity to get new players and there's opportunity to get maybe some people to come back yeah um as well, which which is yeah ah there's a huge amount of people. If you look at like if you look at like Gold Squadrons like Twitch follower count, it's like I think it's like fourteen thousand or thirteen thousand people. And the Gold Squadrons only ever done X-Wing. Right. So at some point, you know, that that's a lot of people i that have followed because of the X-Wing content. Right. So to be able to to get some of those people back would be Uh, fantastic for, for sure. Yeah. and And that, that, that could be a sizable market depending on how that goes and how the, how they feel the XWA represents, you know, what they were missing or the reason why they left. Yeah. I mean, and honestly now is kind of the best time because at least some stores, a lot of stores still have X-wing product, which is good.
Like they're it's still on the shelves. Yeah, a few. We're starting to dwindle, but yeah um a lot of places are online and I'm selling for a good discount as well. and yeah Yeah. Make sure it goes to the right hands. ah That too. I was going to say, it now is also the the best time to to fill in any cracks the that you might have an ear in your list too, just because of all the discounts.
Yeah, well, and that's the thing, right? Like, uh, we had a huge, uh, liquidation sale at a big gaming store here in Canada. And, uh, they had the empire, the new empire starter set for like $10. And I bought like, cause I was like, at some point a new person's going to come in and then I can just like, here you go. And like, yeah you're off to the races.
Wow, incredible value on that. oh yeah they It was like 95% off. I have two boxes, like big boxes full of ships. And i'm like I think it cost me like $150. And I was like, right, try support for a while. And then as people are looking for stuff, it's like, here you go. ah To be fair, that's what got me next wing is I was at Barnes and Noble when they were doing a 1.0 liquidation sale. And I was able to buy, like,
tons of stuff for, you know, 25 bucks. And then I was like, Oh, I just have a faction now. And then that's where the addiction begins. Yep. It's like, Ooh, where can I play with this stuff? I could, there's more stuff. Oh, there's a 2.0. Oh, I got to buy this now. No, there's this. So there's templates. So is that CEO? I got that. and and then ends Yeah. And then you have friends that you meet that enable it. Exactly.
exactly Yeah, healthy enab enabling, good coping mechanisms for us, yeah good stress relievers, therapeutic ah past times for sure.

Community Impressions of XWA Beta Points

ah But speaking of XWA, we'll shift the conversation a little bit away from prizes and and talk about ah the points side of things. um I had Greg Cash from Nickel City X-Wing on, i interviewed him, chatted with him. He's been a good friend, um friend of the stream and of the you know community for a long time, you know years now. And we talked about, you know he's a part of the points team. We talked about a lot of the process of what they were looking out for and how you know his impressions and everything. I'd like to hear from you guys about your impressions of the beta points. It's almost two months old now.
Uh, emphasis on beta because they're beta points, but we've had a cup, a couple iterations. Um, there'll be another one coming in a few weeks. I hear, uh, as a rumor. So do I, I'll start with you. What is your overall impression? If you were to give it a letter grade and what are some things you like or and dislike?
Okay, letter grade. So I would give it a B-, and just the reason why is, unfortunately, because of the massive amount of GTs I go to, I still play mostly AMG points just trying different things. So it's not very often I actually get to play the XWA points.
ah Just because it's understanding the philosophy of generics, like low initiative with high loadout, high initiative with low loadout, as someone who's only played 2.5, it's a weird concept for me that, the you know, unfortunately, you know, it's like, ah I'm only used to AMG, you know, 125% power level standard loadout. So it's,
It's been taking me a while to adjust, ah you know, kind of going back to basics on my some of my aces, but it's fun. Like I find whenever I fly a faction with XWA, it's usually five generics and an ace of some sorts, which I think is pretty cool. Yeah, yeah, generics being a thing. um Is there anything that you say you'd mentioned? Like, is there anything that you really don't like?
Really don't like, uh, no, like, no, like there's nothing like triple hyena bombers with plot procs minds. Is that something that you despise or you're just like, eh, that'll get changed. So the only thing that I don't like, and it's so sad because ah it's like an uncontrolled bias I have is the stuff that, in my opinion, changes the game, like the the dial changing. thing like It's just because I like perfect game state, like that's what two point five is kind of like.
taught me is like, okay, I've planned my moves out well, round three, everyone's going to be here. ah He only has like two options to move, like this is perfect. And then when someone could just be like, yeah, I'm not going to go that direction anymore or something like that after you've already moved.
But to be honest with you, I haven't played against it. It's just the theory of it that I don't like. That's the only thing that really sticks out to me. But like I said, it's an uncontrolled bias because I can't even complain about it because I like I haven't played against it. It's just the thought of it makes me just gets me wound up a bit.
Yeah. Yeah, that's understandable for sure. Andrew, how about you? what what ah what What letter grade would you give and the things that you like dislike? Yeah. um So I'm going to go with i'm go to go with an A on where I'm at with it now. um And the reason is I think a lot of it has to do with just the current meta hasn't been solved yet, but in the time that I've played xwing this X this XWA points has been the most variety that I have seen of different factions, different builds, and different lists the on the table and even at tournaments and from what I'm seeing online.
And that's something that I really like that there there is so many different ways you can go about building inside of a faction, where you can even in like the scum faction, ah you can make a scum swarm, i which might be also something that I hate about it later.
But you can make a scum swarm. You can make a scum ace list. You can... I would have to say like Empire, it seems like. There's one way to build Empire. Well, not like one way to build Empire, but if you're building Empire, you're probably putting Lieutenant Sai in there.
That seems to be the consensus. Then also, yeah, you can go generics with it. You can go named pilots. And also to me, it feels like you can now play viably between three ships to like lists to five ship lists. I would say four ships is now, I think the new average. And, but you can also.
in Separatist go up to eight ships in your list. And I think that that's also going to be ah one of the negatives is that for some scenarios playing these like eight ship swarm lists have a massive advantage. I feel maybe Separatist ah was overcorrected a little bit and I have no idea. I have no ideas on how to make it.
ah better. I mean, it's it's not I don't know if it's even the most dominant, but it has definitely, I think, shown and how strong that faction is and can be now. Gotcha. Yeah, I would give it. i So I'm playing in the draft league, and that's my only exposure to XWA points but besides ah good games.
And I haven't been playing every single week. I've been playing rebels at good games. So I've been playing rebels in the draft league, rebels at good games. It's nice to go back to playing rebels again, and I'm enjoying that. um I'm enjoying playing like Aiden Fox from Battle over Endor. You know, he gets an extra die when he's stressed. He's at beaming. It's got proton bombs, rockets. He's he's fun for four points. I've had a lot of fun with him and um I have a very narrow lens of of games like I think you guys have as well right now. And so, yeah, I think i would say i think everyone does. That's why the yeah way way too early. I'd say I'd say a B because I think it's a kind of a I like I could go B plus um or a minus, but I have only played against a few specific things in like a handful of games.
um i I agree with the dial changing stuff or dial dial peaking and dial changing to me. is Dial peaking doesn't bother me as much because there's more ships on the board these days. Dial changing does. I play it against a Republic list, dial the R2A6 to just change the speed of the maneuver, plus one, minus one. It's like, ah, that's that's that, you know, for Jetta, for Force users, it kind of blows me away, right? Like ah it's just very good. So for sure. ah We'll see about that. But I think overall, the things that I like is that you'll see if four ship lists are viable. Five ship lists can still be played. You can play generics.
um I think what I would like to see or that I don't really like is that um you brought up a good point, Andrew, about some like, you know, swarmy lists just being, you know, you just don't have enough time in the game to overcorrect in scenarios against yeah eight ship lists. So I think that can be tough when you're only playing four rounds and you're playing salvage and you lose 12 to six or 10 to five or something. It just feels incomplete.
And I think that's been a 2.5 issue for a little while, where sometimes you're playing games where it just feels like you didn't play a full game. You played like three quarters of one and then that you you lose or you you win. And that's like, well, that's it. ah Next one. And so I think fundamentally, as we look forward to whatever we do with X-wing as the X-wing Alliance, I think those are kind of areas when it with whether it be points, tweaks, rules, changes or or scenario updates. Those are room. There's room to improve.
And all of those. And and we hope when we aim to do that, I will say I am. I'm having just the most fun right now, like this building that I think I have, like in X-Wing so far.
Oh, yeah. one And then go ahead. sir Oh, I say. And lastly, I know actually you you go ahead. I was just going to say that brings up a great point out of all the communities I go to after a GT is done. There is usually a celebration as soon as that trophy is given out, saying, thank God, we do not have to play AMG points anymore. So it's like.
But it's funny, but I have not seen the community more excited for something like XWA points than anything else I've seen introduced to the game, whether it's prizes or events. Like XWA, the excitement I see for that is more than anything. People are just... they're welcoming it. Now I am seeing communities, some are doing like the ban lists, even though we don't have a ban list and XWA, some people are in like, I see a lot of tournaments going with that, like using that in list building, but even with that, people are still like welcoming XWA points over anything else, which is great to see that kind of excitement. Yeah, it was a, it was definitely, it's a good, good shot of like lifeblood. And I think like right now,
i For me, it's also exciting that that the the lists that I'm seeing are so varied and so cool with infactions. Lastly, I was going to say, you know shout out to the space tug coming back. I think the fact that that didaro the new, just the generic, because you can put four of them in ah like four of them into a list. You can do run a six-ship space tug swarm with proximity.
you Oh, nice. Yeah, it's love it's gross. You get to tractor them into your minds. You can do all sorts of crazy stuff with some of the less. I think also opening it up to the old the older ships like the well the legacy ships. But I don't know what's what's the what's the term for it? Extended, I guess. Yeah, yeah. that they that That the extended ships now are back in the game, I think has also been just ah an amazing shock that was needed.
Yeah. Um, I have some lists for us to look at that. I asked kind of our, our community to, to give us that they liked or thought was pretty good, um, for each faction from the XWA beta points. So I thought maybe we could kind of go through a couple of these together and kind of read through them and briefly talk about it as I know we're, we're heading to the hour mark. So we have a little bit of time left, but how does that sound for you guys? Cool. that Sounds great.
Cool. um So we'll start with scum. um I have a list from Andre by God, Jay, who wants to to do the scum list and talk and and kind of break it down. Yeah, nick I guess, Nick. if you Yeah, go ahead, Andrew. I was going to say scum scum is probably the faction that I have the least. Sure, I'll do it. I'll do it. No worries. Yeah, no worries. All right. So Andre sends us a four ship list. ah We've got ah Han, Ketsu, Guri and Tapusk.
ah ah four different chassis here. So Han and I six in the ah the scum Falcon has trick shot, the child Greedo, the Mandalorian and Lando's title. um So, you know, Hans ability, if the shot is obstructed coming in or out, he gets an extra die. Trick shot gives him another die in Lando's Falcon and if the ship is stressed.
And while he attacks, he gets another die. So ah the force Greedo Mandalorian, he can reinforce. He can recover force if he doesn't defend. He's a lot of mods and he's only five points and he has that 14 loadout. So ah that is, um I think, a pretty effective. I six to get the large base for for assault in there as well.
um Ketsu, for scum players, has been become very popular. He's always been kind of a beloved pilot in the Lancer class shuttle, ah the patrol craft rather, an extended ship that ah was featured in Rebels, but never got graduated into Black Box or Standard. ah She's an I-5 at six ah points with 11 loadout. And she her ability, she basically after ah she forms an attack that hits, ah she gets to tractor the ship.
Uh, so like really strong in an I five, she's got fearless triple zero overtuned modulators and shadow caster. So over tunes to give her double mods, uh, triple zero to get an extra calc to get a calculator stress somebody, uh, it's just, uh, a good control piece. Very dangerous, especially if Han can line up, uh,
or rather, especially if the other two ships like Gury and Tipos can do some work. ah Gury has an I-5 is the ah another beloved scum pilot in the ah Star Viper has eight loadout with lone wolf and advanced optics. So because her ability, if there's an enemy ship at range, I think it's one or is it zero to one here? Zero to one. You gain a focus. So does that have to be in her arc?
But she can basically do a linked action or calculate for her on her action bar and then use optics to double mod her shots. ah Also very strong at I5, double repositioning, um or sorry, not double repositioning, but being able to use the ah bendy barrel roll that kind of almost feels like a double repo with how she can be fit in weird places.
um And lastly, to push in the Hawk i does have access to multi-crow is one of the reasons why the main reason why this ship is in the list ah is a ah an I five Hawk. So all high initiative three fives and a six.
multi-crow and protectorate Gleb. So it can coordinate Gury, Ketsu, or Han, ah hold on to focus tokens, and Tipusk's ability is really fun because during the end phase, a foreign enemy ship in your arc indicator recovers ah one recurring charge or force. You could spend two of your recurring charges, and that ship just does not recover that force or that charge.
brutal So force users, it's like it's like ah what is it like doctors hate this man. Force users hate this man. It is rough. with ahappuk So I think that's really fun. It's a good list that Andre have seen play on stream before. And he's done very well with.
So next, let's see. We have Rebels. I'm going to make somebody do my list because I love this list and I think it's really good. Oh, you don't want to talk about your list because, I mean, you could be able to talk about what makes a tick. Well, I'll have you do Rebel Hearts list, the Shampos, and then I can talk about mine. And then Dwight, we'll have you do the first order list in a moment.
I will, okay, I'm talking a lot. So I will do that. So this is a list I've been playing locally and in the draft league. It's a five ship rebel list with a lot of like really fun synergy and very good value spread across. ah We're missing one ship. Are we missing one ship? No, we're not.
um So it's Kornhorn in the X-Wing. His ability, he can trace... Once he declares a defender, if he has a lock on the defender, he can transfer a friendly lock from himself to that ship. So everybody takes locks on him, like turn one. He has cluster missiles and R3 Astrobex, so he can double lock.
In a fun world, he can cluster missile bonus attack and transfer two locks in the process, one to each ship. I just think that's amazing. ah It's been difficult to get because it turns out cluster missiles firing range, two shots, not as common as you would hope, or fire being able to fire two of them is not as common as, you know, you would hope.
um But he's surrounded by a nice supporting cast Gavin dark lighter in the e-wing my favorite ship He's got elusive are three astromech and pattern analyzer. He can lock beyond range three with the chassis ability He stays survivable with pattern analyzer and elusive And everybody gets to change his to crits as long as he has that ship in his arc. So really strong, deadly piece to have in a list. And then I've got to a wings Tycho with lone wolf composure and proton rockets. Tycho gets to perform actions even while stressed as long as to stress or fewer. So he can basically fail boost. He could focus. He could lock fail a boost to get a focus for a double modded pocket or he can rely on um the locks throwing over from corn to a double mod.
a proton rocket so he can ah and with lone wolf he can flank and be on his own and still softly double mod a shot if he's able to um proton rockets that one time very deadly shot you could put HLC on him I like rockets just because it's a little bit reliable at five dice going through five five hits going through is more likely with Tyco so I like it Yeah. Chara Bay in the A-Wing at three points, whereas Taiko is four. Gavin is five and Korn is four. Just to recap. Has hopeful and proton rockets. Chara Bay's ability has to do with target locks. ah While she defends and reforms a primary attack, she may spend her lock to add an eyeball result.
So she locks core in turn one. He can throw a lock over for her to either use defensively or to double mod her proton rocket. And then lastly, Aidan Fox, a B.O.E. B wing with the standardized loadout upgrades. It's a trap parting gift. When he dies, he can ah launch or drop a part proton bomb. He has proton bombs and profits. So three projects rebel missiles. Yeah.
Yeah, it's ah basically the center of core and horn. A lot of the synergies rely on corn, but they can act independently um as well. um and And so, yeah, I've just had a lot of fun with the list. and I think it's actually really good. It looks like a lot of fun. Yes. Yeah, like it's I definitely recommend trying it. You'll you'll enjoy yourself. You feel like you you get to do a lot of strategic planning and it keeps you honest. And, you know, there's a little bit of risk with the dice variance, but, you know, the ships are cheap enough that you're not going to lose a game if you lose an A wing or something. Right.
And and some devastating double-modded shots. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Some really that was three, three pockets. The Aiden's pocket is the scariest because people will get out of one pocket and get into his, you know, he's an I-1. Right. Yeah. And he is ability is also like while he's stressed, he gets an extra defense die. So he just constantly focus, fails or focus links role. And he's and he can evade every other turn. So he's just impossible to shoot at sometimes. Sure. Yeah, that's great. It's really great.
um So that's that. Why don't we do? We'll move over to you, though, Andrew, to do Shampo's. Yes. Rebel Heart, ah Rebel Heart here, i which starting off, this has a couple of more higher initiatives with ah Wedge Antilles. It's the build your own wedge when you perform an attack. The defender rolls one fewer die comes with hopeful plasma torpedoes are three astromech, giving you an extra lock.
Uh, and that's it, uh, pretty, pretty good wedge there. Um, Harrison doula in the B wing, I six with proton cannons, magpulse warheads and fire control systems. So you can choose whether you're taking that focus or the lock. Um, uh, and here I can also pass the focus or lock around. Um, looking at this list, maybe Hera wants to grab a lock and then throw that around, uh, Arvel crin. Those are both five points, by the way.
And then there's two A-Wings. First A-Wing is Arvel Crind, which is three points, and only has intimidation. Arvel's ability makes you attack at range zero, as if it was range one. And then with intimidation, if the ship is at zero, it rolls one fewer defense die, kind of making it a little bit like Wedge.
It's an eye three so we got a little bit bit of blocking strategy here and being able to capitalize on that. The other a wing is three points Sabine Ren, which has the Concordia face off ability ah at range one you can change ships in your that are that have you in their front arc.
either to a hit or an evade. And then she's equipped with Daredevil, which is one of my favorite upgrades just from the ability that just from the board position that it gives you. Big fan of Daredevil. um And then in the K-Wing, which another one of those extended ships finally making through with Asigi to Ketu, their ability is friendly ships, range zero to two, can spend your focus tokens ah If your ship has it you have perceptive copilot giving you to focus tokens when you focus and with an advanced slam to get you around the board and i Get you to a ship that needs to be spending your tokens
So ah it seems like there's a lot of, ah you have a lot of abilities with this list and it allows you to take those target locks freely, knowing that you have access to the focus tokens later. K-Wing also, a lot of hull to to chew through. And it looks like there is a good spread of shifts for this. Yeah. Yeah. CIGI is cg is sigi' a good four point focus cat. Oh, yeah. thats Four points. Yep. Yeah.
in the K-Wing. Yeah, so you see K-Wing, you see intimidation, you know you're seeing some stuff that an XWA beta points that are made ah possible that you would otherwise not be able to to get. right Yeah. ah We'll go to first order as Bender, who is foreknowing the draft league right now and having a great old time, sent in a FO list. ah Dwight will have you do FO for us. Yeah. So this one is a very interesting. I love this one. It's full of bombers. So he's got the Joel Gerard in there. So after you perform a boost action, you may spend a charge to remove one non-lock red or orange token.
So that's always a great thing to be able to just dump your stress in that he's got feedback ping so he can get those free target locks yeah with ion missiles and bomb light generator. Followed that up with scorch. So scorch when a friendly ship at range zero to one performs an attack and may spend a hit result if it does after defending the defender gains one strain token.
And that works perfectly with DT 798 because then basically you can start when you perform an attack you can reroll one die for each ship that has an attack arc with one or more non-lock red or orange tokens. And Scorch as well has got bomb lit generators.
breach so breach after you fully execute a boost maneuver if you move through an enemy ship you get a free lock on that ship and if that wasn't enough it comes with feedback ping composure plasma torpedoes thermal detonators and scaled bombardier so you got all kinds of control with this list just placing bombs everywhere But, you know, why have three bombs when you can have four bomb, four bombers. So, uh, yeah, with feedback ping, there's a lot of opportunities to get some free locks. Oh man. And then of course, on this yeah, it's not a bomb or less without grudge. So, uh, when a friendly bomber mine, it rains zero to two detonates each time attack dice are rolled to resolve. It's affecting me. Reroll up to one of those dice.
And I always remember this effect being in tournaments where somebody had interpreted that where, you know, if you're the ship suffering that the ah the person who had grudge would reroll my dice for me and make sure that I knew that he was allowed to reroll my dice for me. It's just one of those things.
Used to be really painful with ah chaffs and prox mines. It was grudge, just having his way with ya with the re-rolls. It was brutal. Oh yeah. So, you know, of course it has the feedback ping for the locks, concussion missiles, thermal detonators, and seismic charges. So basically you can't move anywhere on the board with how it hit in one of these bombs.
And yet there is still room for more ships. i Agent Tarex. So this is the one that has the elicits that you can kind of pass around. I've never actually used this ship, but I always like the concept of it. Pass around your cards and has a proud tradition and then the rarely seen sensor Bowie suite.
Yeah. And he doesn't, so he's not basically his ability is blank. He's a three point coordinator. Uh, cause he doesn't have a, no he's not not doing anything, right? Yeah. yeah yeah And then, uh, we have a tie F O and we have news.
So yeah, with the whole upgrade, yeah, sort of engagement, you may choose a friendly ship and zero to one. If you do that, ship removes one stress. So basically, yeah, all upgrade, give you that little bit extra life in there. So this is like a total control list. I really I'm a big fan of bombs. And then yeah you get those free target locks and you're going to be seeing so many target locks on the table. It's like you're not going to know who has what and shooting at you.
This is my, if this is my buddy Bender that I know very well, this is like, this does not surprise me. hes Yes. This is your Canadian bed. The guy's like a list master. He comes up with the most zany stuff. if If I'm having trouble list building, I message him and he's like, Oh yeah, just do this. and Oh, okay. He's great. I love, I love vendor. He's been a great part of our, our discord as well. And he's really a big community supporter too. He's like one of those guys. Every time I see him, he's like, Hey, I got like a bunch of tokens. I just got made up. Take a bunch. and It's like, wow. Okay. Thank you. Oh.
Good at list building in as a good guy all around. That's awesome. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Six ah yeah six ships in this FO list and a decent amount of health, good value, bombs, lots of free locks. You get a whole upgrade. You got torpedoes. You get stress removal. yeah ah You get to take do focuses after doing red maneuvers. it's it's it's ah You get to boost in the system phase with with ah what three of your ships, ah four of your ships. Yeah, big big value.
And like, I don't know how many people have like, I've seen on the lock and roll Facebook group ah before XWA, they're like, I don't know what to do with like, uh, FO bombers with AMG points. It's like, I want to put Joel Gerard on the table, but I don't know what to put on him. and Like these are all like prime examples of, you know, like, you know, ships that you kind of saw, but not really. And like, there was never a four bomber list in, uh, AMG lands. So it's like, just another good example of how the ex February is just on the enough tweaks that make list building interesting. Yeah.
Yeah, and speaking of interesting, I have JJ's list, PsychJ7, who has been in the chat with us for a bit. What's up, JJ? Thanks. so ah for For submitting a list, he submitted a few. um i have ah Yeah, the Separatist list, and where I could do the eight-ship list that we're seeing a lot of, i'm actually, we have a list that's a five-ship list that I think would be more interesting to talk about than maybe what's so obvious.
um So CIS in terms of the data is doing really well. Good to see CIS, such as was statistically the worst faction in the game. ah Now kind of maybe maybe really competing towards the top. Maybe a little too good, but we'll kind of see what dialing that back looks like as it's kind of a nuanced thing.
yeah um Two of the Flak Arfok SoCs, what a name, droid trifighters, they have ah but after burgers, evasion sequence, which is essentially like debris gambit. While you perform a red evade action, if there is an obstacle or scenario feature at range one, it's actually better than gambit. You treat the action as white instead. They have a linked barrel roll red evade, so they could barrel roll to white evade.
that's a possibility for them. um And contingency protocol, which essentially after a ship is destroyed, ah another friendly ship at range zero to three with contingency protocol, they perform an action even while stressed. um So it's like cutthroat in a way, but it's like in terms of the trigger, but you get to do an action. So I know, ah I know Cad Bane, for example, in CIS has a similar ability. um You get basically, you know, as a way you're getting a ship is benefiting ah from losing one of its own. And I do I think for CIS, I think that is a way to compensate for a lower initiative and getting initiative killed. But these these flack are Fox are ah they are initiative five. So they also um they get to shoot kind of towards the top of the ladder, which I think is cool. Another thing separate is don't have a lot of his high initiative pilots that are not Django and Zam, for example, right, or Sun Fac.
So ah you've got those two. Those are SL cars, standard loadout pilots. And then you have a bombardment drone, just one of the hyena, which we're seeing a lot of the three three in a list versions of these guys with proximines because the bombardment drones can launch out the front and independent calculations in this case. ah So really got to be careful of this guy. He's only three points. He's got the five hole and he can easily just park on a rock or ah does he have ah Yeah, landing struts aren't equipped to JJ, but I'm going to equip him for you. He can park on a rock. He can drop proximines out the front or back. And if you ignore him, you can get close to you bumping, you drop the proximine. If you go after him, he might be a sneaky distraction for the rest of the list.
um The last two ships in the list, Wat Tambor, ah turned down for Wat, as I like to say. If you guys don't remember who Wat Tambor is, he's that cool guy, that like robotic cyborg-looking guy that has dials that he like basically was like a radio. he like He tunes his voice when he talks. um who's ah He's featured in Attack of the Clones, the meeting room of the CIS. I always thought he was really cool. And he's actually the like the last, I think, separatist leader that Anakin kills in Mustafar.
Um, which is so random, but that's another fun fact about a lot of Tambor, but when he looks into the camera with those cool orange eyes, that's a lot Tambor on the other side looking very scared. Uh, dropping some knowledge. Yeah. Yeah. I know Star Wars a little bit, just a little bit of lore. It's the lore of the rings tonight. That's right. more of the races Nick is a good guy to have on your Star Wars trivia team for sure. Yeah. we so So Watts got a Predator, Impervium plating, and Solus one. So he's a four pointer in that Belbe lab. He's got the extra hole. He's got five whole two shields and Pervium to discard the crits twice if their ship crits.
predator for the reroll and his ability. While you perform a primary attack, you may reroll one attack die for each calculating friendly ship at range one of the defender. So, um you know, if the hyena, for example, is nearby and calculating, ah he can reroll an attack die, which is pretty cool. Pretty good.
Lastly, ah we've got a Roomba, Roomba sighting. We've got the this is the HMP droid gunship. ah This is DGS for a 047. After you form an attack of the defenders in your front arc, you may acquire a lock. ah Then if the defenders in your bulls eye, it gains a strain. So that's pretty solid. um Keep in mind, though, that the HMPs can only reroll an attack die per target lock assigned to the ship it's attacking. It does not get to spend its own lock. ah So it's like multiple FCSs, essentially. It has Discord missiles, Kraken, which gives allows ships three up to three ships to keep a calculate past the end phase at zero to three, including itself.
energy shell charges for that ah nasty potential probably double modded three die gun. So yeah, good five ship list. ah You know, you might when you look at this and Yasmin might be like, eh, but then you kind of dig into it. You're like, Oh, wow, multiple high fives, you got the prox mines, you've got Tambor is going to be hard to pin down and kill. And then you've got this HMP that is going to just kind of linger and just throw shots at you. So a lot of distracting pieces here that could do a lot of damage.

Empire and Resistance Lists Discussion

Yeah, I think that's been the big consensus with CIS ever since the new points came out. A lot of people on paper were like, this looks like meh. But then like, well, we saw from the first few events that happened, the CIS, it really is good. Like it's the way they explained it in the release. It was like, you know, it might be too good.
Yeah. ah JJ also says that you could swap because it's a my it's a 19 point list right now. You could swap the bombardment drone for the tri fighter that allows you to reroll ah dice, which I think is ah which one is that T81?
Got options, right? Yes, T81. Yep. It's also another choice that has outmaneuver, prot-contingency, protocol, and burners as well. Wow. So three after-burning tri-fighters. My goodness. Yeah. ah Empire. Who wants to take Empire? i I mean, I could take a crack at this. Go for it. This is a list also from JJ. Wow, you're so popular, JJ.
Hey, doing doing a great job building those lists. ah So yeah, starting with the Empire, we got four points for flight leader Ubel in the RB heavy and that is friendly ship range zero to defense. If it was dealt the damage card, you perform a bonus attack against the attacker. ah That comes with disciplined sink laser cannon and the targeting assist MGK 300.
ah So i very take this list to me is going to be very tanky. i i Lots ah of hull there. um yeah It's definitely a good offensive piece as well, um and especially with Disciplined. And then coming in for the next one at 6 points it is Captain Hark in the Gauntlet Fighter.
ah Hark is after reveal a zero stop maneuver. If your equipped swivel rings are down, you must execute a ah one bank slide slit maneuver at the same difficulty instead. And then after you execute that maneuver, you must flip the swivel wings. So Captain Hark is interesting. It puts you into really interesting positions in the battlefield. You can kind of do these weird 90 degree turns, which is really cool. um That comes with clan training.
ah to give you kind of that free target lock, Director Krennic, which you set up um the optimized prototype. So if I perform a primary attack as a ship locked, a friendly ship with the Director Krennic upgrade ah can spend a hits, crits, or eye result. If you do choose one, the defender loses a shield or the defender flips a face down damage card.
um And so this is ah just a great way you to guarantee damage coming through just for having the target lock. And then also best car reinforced plating just to give you a little bit of survivability, especially since that gauntlet fighter only has two shields. So crits can be a little more deadly on that than lieutenants. I because most empire lists, I think people are just really excited to fly the lambda. But at four points, ton of value. All you need to decide just with the title upgrade, giving you that target lock.
works really well with clan training. Uh, so you can focus on, you know, uh, that's, if you are doing the coordinate action, or you can do the reinforce action, just stick around since you just have that 10 health, uh, tie aggressor. So, um, haven't seen aggressors on the table, I think ever in my entire time playing X-wing. So it's exciting that they're, uh, they're coming out again and, uh, people are dusting them off.
ah we have double edge so after you perform a ah turret or ah missile attack that misses you can form a primary bonus attack using a different weapon ah so you can use the standard one if you miss your shots it's always good to have that that contingency comes with a dorsal turret it's a regular two die attack but it's one of the only ah turreted i Empire ships which is exciting and then also barrage rockets ah to give you that good three dice gun um and then also comes with ah finally at three points a battle over Yavin Wampa
So it comes with the extra hull upgrade. So it comes with four and then i right same pilot ability is the build your own way before primary attack. You spend one charge to roll an extra attack die. After you defend, you lose it um and then has elusive. So ah you can reroll that defense die and then has the new ability vengeful after a friendly ship at zero to three is destroyed. If that ship is limited, you can remove one of your red tokens or you can recover recurring charge.
So even after you defend, you can get that back if they just destroy any of the other ships. Uh, so it's kind of a, something that they'll have to shoot at. It's a good kind of matador's cape for this list. Uh, if you, if they want to spread the damage around, cause if they don't, then they're getting a three die gun from that, uh, tie fighter. But overall, this is a, uh, really tough list to chew through. Um, and has a lot of really powerful three die attacks coming in from everybody for five.
ah for five ships in this list. So seems seems pretty tough to deal with. Yeah. And ah a note from the author of the list, the the architect himself, Captain Hark deliberately does not have the swivel wings so that he is allowed to stop and he doesn't have to sideslip.
Oh, there you go. Okay. I'm in the list intentionally. Yeah. So you can exclude it. It's not an upgrade. You decide, you know, configurations are not required. You even have to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Because otherwise his ability is cool, but it's really difficult to use with obstacles and friendly bumps and stuff. It's very sloppy. You know, I think in 2.0, when there's less ships, Hark-esque ability is really cool, but it's difficult.
to pull off. Also, you know pointing in this one too, for the Assault to the Satellite array, you have two large base ships and one medium base ship. So you are covering a lot of ground with this. little That's true. That that that is true. We have a resistance list. ah Dwight, you play a little bit of resistance. right yeah I'm a resistance fan. I am. All right. Let's do Andre's resistance list if you don't mind. Yeah. So we got what I like to refer to as cheap. Oh, five point. Oh, he's the one that can coordinate himself or others every other round.
with the standard heroic because he's only got two green die and HLC so he can you know pack out some damage there I followed that up with Zori Bliss and i5 to go with the list, dorsal turret r4 for those nice easy twos, wartime loadout and plasma torpedoes. I love wartime loadout on Zori because when you line up that bullseye with the plasma and you get the cannot cancel crits with the wartime thing, that just feels so good. Yeah. Oh, my God.
And the next ray with, ah you know, basically the standard survivability ray build here with Rose, Ben and heroic that just survivability is a friendly way to say psychotic killing ability. Yeah. Yeah. No, this ray is. Oh, my God.
But you're right. She could use her ability to survive, but she usually uses it to kill. She's not a can, but it's not like death ray where you have like the trick shattering or whatever, like putting heroic on there for at least the defense is good. yeah Compassion or is that a thing that death? I always thought death ray was the engine upgrade. Rose Tico Finn heroic. No, like it it was like trick shot, shattering shot.
like i Well, that would have been two points ago. It wasn't very good because you didn't get the ah heroic in there on the defense with Finn to do the shenanigans for the people. This version of Rey has been pretty popular for a while. This this version of Rey I've flown against a lot. and It's brutal. If you're shooting at it,
It will just tank all of your shots and everybody else will will blow up your ships. Like it can survive really well. And if you're not shooting at it, then it's melting your ships. Yeah, if you can get one good shot without her having you in her front arc, you're you're you're taking a big step forward. Yeah, that's the big thing is you need to flank her to get to to really actually get into the hole. If you start getting crits through, it's kind of an nightmare for her, but.
It's hard for sure. You you want to step your board in a way that if it comes at your ships, that it will be jammed up in obstacles. Like that's that's one of the only ways I really found around lists like this. But oh, yeah, with that title, too, she can just keep like turning around. She doesn't care about absolutely right.
Yeah, and then follow that up with the ZZ and the A-Wing. Basically, after you defend or perform an attack, ah you can spend your charge to gain a focus or evade. It has heroic lone wolf and proton rockets. This is a four-ship, just punch you in the faceless, has the potential to be double-modded on all of the shots. it's Plus, it actually has a little ah independence on its own, like each one is actually a killer in the in hiding here oh yeah for sure yeah like it's just it seems like a really solid less and the hlc on po i'd kind of like r4 just to give him some options but i mean this list just hits hard if he's straight up jose you're gonna win most of the jose i think with this list with the initiatives and the firepower coming out
Yeah, for sure. Cool list. Yeah, I appreciate that, André. Thank you for sending that. And then lastly, we've got ah Teddy Brosevelt with a ah a hilarious four-ship Republic list that probably does have some legs because of the the The torpedoes, to say the least. um Does anybody want to take this one? No, yeah Nick, you can close this out.

Diverse XWA Lists and No Dominant Meta

All right, cool. So we've got Y-Wing Anakin, Yanakin, five points now ah with 25 loadout, you know, three fourths. But in a chassis that's a little slow, a little easy to to to take down. But he's got instinctive aim, dorsal turret.
Proton torpedoes weapon system officer and synchronized console. um I played against an Anakin very similar to this. He almost always has proton torpedoes. My favorite ship in the game is Anakin. It looks really good on the table. um The the Republic wywing like in person. I just it's such a cool ship. um I only have one, sadly, but ah maybe I'll get another one soon. I'll just talk to Dwight about that. I guess I got four. I got four. yeah No, five. Now I'm trying to do a six ship list.
Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Somebody did send one of those as well, which I thought was really and I think Tyler Teddy sent that as well. But but what's interesting about this list in particular is weapon system officer. You fire your double on a proton torpedo. You you spend a locker or you yeah or you don't. If you do, weapon system officer allows you to get it back. If you don't. Great. You use synchronized console. You spend the lock. You give it to one of your pals and they have a double modded proton torpedo.
So Padme Amidala is going to follow up in the end one. You know, she has that restrictive ability while an enemy ship in your front arc defends or performs an attack. That ship can only modify one eyeball result.
other results can still be modified. So ah she ah she has debris gambit, ah passive sensors and proton torpedoes. So so she can take it delayed target lock or Anakin can pass his girlfriend i a synchronized console lock to give her a double model pro torque if she just focuses ah in her torpedoes are really gross because of her ability.
it's You roll a bunch of eyeball results, like it's it's it's kind of crappy. It's like a dark curse, right? when dark curse so I guess dark curse is only for defending, but still, it's just it feels like the antithesis of that, the opposite of that.
um We also have Gavin Sykes in the Naboo and one-star fighter. Keep in mind, both Anakin and Padme are five. Gavin is four with 16 loadout, whereas Padme had 22. Gavin, his ability ah is while you defend a reformed attack, the speed of your revealed maneuver is greater than the enemy ships. You may reroll your blank results.
So he has proton torpedoes, composure and synchronized console. So ah let me make sure I'm reading synchronized console right after you form an attack, you may choose a friendly ship at range one or a friendly ship with the synchronized console upgrade at range one to three. So Padme would have to be close to Anakin to get the lock, whereas Gavin can be at one to three of him. um If you do, the friendly ship you chose may acquire a lock on the defender.
So you spend a lot for them to acquire a lock. He's got composure, proton torpedoes and synchronized console ah composure is interesting because it's, you know, after you, after you fail an action, if you have no green tokens, you may perform a ah focus action. If you do, you cannot perform additional actions this round. So he could fail and then Anakin could still pass him it's double a double lock and he'd have double auto pro torque. I'm just not sure composure is going to come up much with with Gavin, I guess.
And then lastly, how low can you go? We've got a Delta seven B Plo Koon in these aether sprite I5 as well. um So we got you got a i three, four, five and six in this list, three, four, five, six with patience are for P 17 and out maneuver. So, yeah, for four ships, a little fragile, but yeah painful to defend against, I think is really the way to describe it.
Yeah, there's like a when this trick works, it works really well. And we'll just, you know, you're melting a ship off the board every round, but ah yeah if something happens, well, it's hard because Anakin's guaranteed to pass that lock pretty much every time unless he gets jammed. Unless he gets blocked right as well. He can get blocked.
That's probably the best way to stop him is just blocking him. But, uh, you're, you're right. At least that first volley, probably he's going to be able to, uh, get that, that torpedo off. But yeah as long as you keep Padme in the back and she's doing her thing, it's like, Oh.
Yeah, I know. Definitely. I mean, those lists, I think there's a great, a great testament to just how much variety and how fun um these lists, these XWA beta points list that people are trying and building are. And that's a really good sign to see um that variety, right? Not having a known one meta in the game right now is, I think,
That's exciting, right? Yeah. there's There's a few lists like some of those CEPIs lists. We've kind of seen copied and paste, but there's a lot of other lists that aren't like people just having fun trying different things. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, any, and any final words before we do our outro here? Uh, yeah, just, uh, you know, thanks for having me on. Really appreciate it. Get the word out about lock and roll and XWA. Uh,
Check us out on Facebook. We're always looking for donations. We're always giving out stuff. So yeah you know if you're a local community person and you're looking for some stuff to spice up your game night or want to host a tournament, let us know and we'll send you some stuff and set you up.
Yeah, well, perfect. um And then we'll make sure to put any links into the description of this podcast as well when it's published, which I'll be able to start editing and hopefully also get out to everybody soon. So first, thank you Dwight for your work providing community prize support.
with lock and roll, as well as joining the XWA organized play team. ah And people like Dwight and their selfless passion for the game are the reason why so many people enjoy the game of X-Wing. So make sure to follow us on Twitch, catch us live, catch the edited content on YouTube, like us on Facebook, and of course jump into the conversation with us directly on our Discord server.
You can catch the news on the X-Wing Alliance there. And finally, thank you to our incredible Patreons for making this possible. You can learn about how to become our biggest supporter in the episode description and join and get some amazing swag like the 312 dial covers, objective tokens, and more. ah My name is Andrew Kuba. My name is Dick Sperry. My name is Dwight Lindsay. And thank you so much for listening. Have a great night.