And man, we'll fly right into August. And then, man, you know, you're the major base. I mean, you have a few trades or whatever trade deadline, but then you'll have those major key movements and major things that need to close the loop on by by September, man. Because as we know, once football season ramps up like week three, week four, even week five, then we'll roll into the MLB to the baseball season, man. So, yeah. When is the all-star break? Starts the week of the 12th. Of July? Yeah, July 12th. So they'll start doing all that stuff. OK, so it's still got about three weeks, three weeks out. yeah Yeah, about three weeks out. Because I mean, like yeah I mean, a lot of those guys got to play. They got to play coming up to the 4th of July and all that good stuff like that, man. So there'll there'll be some they'll have a major break. You know, like I said, they'll have this all start breaking. And that's where you separate the men from the boys, man. So like I said, man, I think right now the neck from the National League, man, the Dodgers seem like the the premier team.