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NFL Super Bowl Game & Halftime Show Review | NBA Trade Deadline Review + All-Star Game Preview image

NFL Super Bowl Game & Halftime Show Review | NBA Trade Deadline Review + All-Star Game Preview

Ball & Buds Sports + Entertainment
31 Plays1 month ago

The Bottom Line Sports #156 ft. Master Plan FLO, Stat Man CAN, Hot Take JAKE & SPORTS PROFESSOR from BALL & BUDS Sports + Entertainment!

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Eagles' Success vs Chiefs' Challenges

know that A&T Willis is happy about the G's. The demise was televised. Welcome to the Mama Lines board.
Down there, oop, down there in the corner. That's the sports professor. And that's Octane Jake down here below me. Yo, yo, yo. Episode 156. A lot of happy and sad faces. After Sunday. A lot of happy and sad faces. What can you do? What are you gonna say? Man. Hey.

Exploring New Snack Trends

all the Eagles fans and those rooting for the Eagles here you go congratulations to the Eagles fans out there the Philadelphia Eagles fans and those who were rooting not necessarily for the Eagles but just against the Chiefs so congratulations
You won, so congratulations. Yeah, man. Get in Pantene's music. Great day, great day, great day. We loved it. Of course you loved it. I'm glad you loved it. So we finally get to eat some of the fruits of your labor. I see you're getting, are you, that's some chip you have there, finally. Get to eat some of your chips. We've been making all week.
Damn right. Are taking some of those chips. They should give you free chips. Ladies, give me a free chip up there. No, we're fine. Discounted chips, at least. I get new flavors. Hey, we got the hot dill pickle coming up soon. Everybody's running for those. Is it going to be just an exit zone? Are they going to have it everyone everywhere? Everywhere. Hot dill pickle Cheetos. That's our new one. Hot dill pickle Cheetos. Have you tried them?
no right ah yeah Okay, so do you like hot cheetos though? If you don't like hot cheetos, it doesn't really matter. Hot lemon cheetos or baked hot lemon cheetos are the best. Baked hot, hot what? Hot lemon? Hot lemon cheetos. You like it better? Why do potato chip companies come up with some of these crazy potato chips, man? Like the flavors are crazy. Crazy flavors, man. I just don't...
I don't get it. I don't understand, man. They're trying to figure out, man, the next, uh, the next Nacho Dorito. Next Nacho Dorito. Right. I get it. Yeah. I get it. They're trying to come up with the next big thing, huh? The next hot thing. Yeah.

Promoting Content Across Platforms

All right. So go check us out on the bottom line sports, all your platforms, the bottom line sports, the bottom line sports on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, X, and I think that's it.
Anyway, check us out. Uh, I think, uh, Oh yeah. Yeah. So we werere on ah and instagram or i g were on We're on a ball and buds, IG right now. but mine But yeah, we're on there. Check us out. Just talk a little sports. I'm going to do a little wrap up today. Check out the Super Bowl, a little Super Bowl talk, wrap up the Super Bowl. The end of the NFL, Kenty.

UFL Season Kickoff

ah y' working come off for like what five months six month about let's been with with february about six months right and were We're a month away from free agency, March 11. We got a little bit of football, but not really anything to watch. No football to watch.
until and the ufl comes up next month i' a guest so August maybe. and There's a professor. Are you back? You good now, professor? Get the UFL. UFL. So if you like football, you really need your football fix. UFL will be on soon. ah i don't have the opening You have the opening dates on that? Oh, it's in March. I know that. Next month.
Can't wait get to go meet, uh, going to rock Jones and get to go say hi to him. You have a team over there, March 28, UFL starts its season. So, uh, yeah.

Mixed Bag Sports Segment

you't know Did you, did you get it on the chip talk, uh, Professor? No, what was that? I didn't hear that. No chip talk. Yeah. He said in the new flavor next, next month.
um hot dill pickle pickle cheetos sounds like hot ass is what it sounds like all right let's say it again professor sounds like hot ass like booty juice like basuda oh my that's gonna be a that's the next nacho dorito buddy or you worry about them before you worry about some hot dill pickle Doritos you need to worry about my damn baconettes. Where is my carton of baconettes before I get upset? Forgot you want some bacon that's one you want the regular can I can buy them right downstairs
If I ever see anything of Pringles or Takis or anything, I'm slapping you on your face. We stick and we stay on to our Frito-Lay. oh No Takis either? Wait a minute, hold on. You can't get the Takis? I don't work there. I don't even regard any of that. Hey, if you're with me, you stay committed to me. So what's your, what's your, what's Charles' version of the Takis?
The demonetas. The That sounds like a pretty damn delicious. that I don't want to eat. Omar, I better not ever see you with a damn Takis in your mouth, buddy. sla it out you out I'll slap that out of your hand so fast. ah You should like come on a camera one day just eating Takis. Just eating some Takis. No Frito-Lay, right? You said no Frito-Lay.
Yeah, Frito-Lay is a huge business. I mean, Pepsi owns them. And then, you know, we've got to stick by our Pepsi brands. OK. You know, then we've got the Aquafina. We've got a lot of smart wolf, smart water, tropical. No, um no, small no, cocacola we can't have the coca-cola ah ki screw cop man no, noticer no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
I mean, you you you do, wait, I need to ask you a question. Before you worked at Frito Lays, were you a Coke fan or a Pepsi fan? And don't lie with me. I've been a Pepsi fan all my life and heart. No one is a Pepsi fan. No one is a Pepsi fan. Coke is always better than Pepsi. Hey, professor, who drinks?
crowning coke whoing cow and pepsi no one does ah everybody has i know and everybody asked for chronicing code
I don't want no sweet-ass Pepsi in my jack. I want a nice crisp refreshing coca-cola in my pet in i mean coke float or maybe uh root beer floats probably root beer is the best the hands down root beer floats i behind just behind the root beer float is the way you're dismantling me is it's like me coming to you all telling y'all hey the armed was it my the air force is jacket. better than the navy or what are y'all with the army
It's better than both. You're right. Thank you, Jake. He's the Air Force down there. You see what I mean? You see how the division can happen? So keep to your Pepsi products and keep to your Frito Lake products. Pepsi's number one. Great. I can't do the, no. Pepsi's number one.
all right all right what are we putting in first what's first on the docket let's let's get this super ball out of the way themoing oh the eagles uh wait damn y'all just gonna skip the professor's mixed bag because i was uh having a little take the place use huh Well, you got me confused, professor. Let's go into the Professor McBag, but don't talk about the football stuff, okay? Don't mention the football stuff. Okay, but what about, like, the the the ratings? Are you going to talk about that? talking about You can talk about my ancillary stuff. Ratings and... Okay, I know i was talk about the ratings. The halftime show. That kind of stuff's go okay.
Okay, cool. But not about the game and any kind of analysis. No, no, of course not. And now, what you've all been waiting for, the sports professors mixed bag, bag.

NHL and Women's Basketball Updates

could go but Thank you for the extra bag. I appreciate that. Thank you, Flo, for that amazing introduction. As always, let's get this kicked off, y'all. NHL Hockey Four Nations Face-Off starts tomorrow night. This will get again to remind you from a few weeks ago be United States, Sweden, Finland, and Canada in a four nations tournament it will be a round robin style tournament each team will play the other three and then whoever compiles the most points the top two will play in a championship game this is again to prepare them for the winter Olympics so they are doing this in lieu of remember no regular all-star game this season also
Shout out to Unrivaled, three on three basketball. If you haven't heard, this is a new women's league. um It's been pretty popular so far. Yes. So this is an off-season women's league comparable to Athletes Unlimited, which they actually have right now in Nashville. Talking about that, it's ah they're playing the next so they play on this one.
and but was This is women's basketball. in is been okay yeah okay so ah this said These are two leagues that come came out during the WNBA offseason. and so i a four a maybe ah No, it's just so they can the players can make money over here and not have to go over fees. And also, um obviously, media rights are better over here. So they're actually getting TV coverage, like, for instance, on rivalries. A lot of these are WNBA.
Yes, the majority of them are WNBA players. that is And are they, if but they're not affiliated with any WNBA teams directly? Well, yeah, they're all technically on WNBA teams in season, but then they're all... But what I'm saying is like, like you know, and there's not a team, they're all from, you know, the New York team and they all play on one team over there. Not necessarily, but that is, that is there is one team, the Lunar Owls,
roster that has a few players from one team, but no, they try to spread them out. Oh, okay. So this is like, ah what's it called from the ah high school? This is like, no, this is akin to, what's the 303 men's basketball league? The big three by ice cube. The big three by ice cube, right. It's like that. It's like that. But it's not three on three though, right? It is three on three, yes. Oh, it is three on three. Oh, okay. But today, they started three on three, and today they launched an inaugural one-on-one tournament.
uh why they did this is because a they wanted to bring a different facet of the game so instead of 303 the one-on-one offering the different style uh and as well you know with du not as many wmba players injuries off season stuff like that it's easier to feel also you know one-on-one games as well and they thought it would be something that they could have uh as a difference so anyways uh co-founder Brianna Stewart number one seed actually we got shut out by her uh teammate Alia Edwards 12 to nothing the future hall of famers got blown out by her teammate anyways
Big picture, $350,000 on the line for the winning team. So they've got the Lunar Owls roster I mentioned earlier, Skyler Diggins-Smith, Nafisia Collard, Alicia Gray, Kira Austin, and Courtney Williams are all still in the one-on-one tournament. So if you want to see that, that's on TruTV. OK.
Moving on, Fox announced the final ratings for the Super Bowl. 127.7 million viewers across all platforms, setting a new record 3% higher than the 1.20 or 123.7 million

Super Bowl Viewership Record

last year. So four more million this year. Now, that would be a record for the single event in US television history.
What helped with this? right Well, first of all, Fox also played it on Tubi, their free streaming service. And that averaged 13.6 million! Wow! On Tubi alone, man. That's crazy. I was going to watch it. Wait, wait, wait. Did it crash?
didn't like right great right it' i probably try should it the probably was closed yeah I was to sign up, but but I mean, I was going to watch it, but when I would try it, they want you to sign up. And I was like, man, I'm not signing up for it. I'll watch it on Fox. Because I kind of wanted to see what the game was like. But anyways.
they no Do they do the Fox commentators and everything? Gee, I don't know. That's what I wanted to see. Let me let me say this. Go ahead. When you guys were doing the show, sign and my internet went out and I ended up going to watch somebody else's house. they They ended up watching it on Tubi and they had the same layout, same same for the same... It was like Fox, everything. thing And no crash, no anything. as me Because is free. So if you have like the Roku and all the other stuff, you can watch Tubi and have the same layout with everything. ah No issues or anything.
okay good so good inside reporting there from canteen go ahead go ahead hey awesome inside information now i've got a question a follow-up question were the announcers uh were they shirtless shirtless what i mean it is tubi right isn't tubi the one where they do all the crazy stuff no but they they just broadcast the fox broadcast i think doesn't you be like have the weird movies though like don't they have like yeah like like know people like the weird like makeshift movies but like but but but the studios it was just the regular fox uh they also went on telamundo so that helped as well
and that's fine. Yo, that's right. yeah and That averaged 1.87 million as shown in Spanish. So there you go. man So yeah, all these things helped to set the record viewing. The game audience itself peaked at 137.7 million in the second quarter. So before the game was completely a blowout.
oh wow so it peaked at what what was it it peaked at 137.7 but the average number which is what you're going to look at because if they take the average across the whole game was 127.7 so 10 million more at the peak but the average was 27.7 okay that's still you said that's what four million more than last year huh 4 million. Last year was 123.7 million. I'm surprised, you know, being the 49ers, there's quite a few 49ers fans out there. Yeah, so I'm a little surprised. It's higher this year. that's four just But you know, they could be one of those, some of the some of the haters, you know, they everybody wants to see Kansas City Chiefs lose. So maybe that was part of it.

Halftime Show Incident

ah yeah By the way, the NFL banned a Super Bowl halftime performer, yet he was not actually a performer. They had to apologize. Apparently no one involved with the production was aware of the individual or his intent. But this individual climbed on stage at the end of Kendrick Lamar's performance, held up a flag a flag that said Free Sudan and Gaza.
um He was then detained on the field after about a 30 second ah chase. So okay update you all there. Yes, NFL media, NFL and yeah ESPN have resumed discussions about the NFL selling off the NFL network in red zone.
So NFL did not know the network has been thinking about getting rid of, or sorry, excuse me, the NFL has been thinking of getting rid of and NFL Network and NFL Red Zone and selling it off to another media company. Right now, that media company that they're in talks with is ESPN. We will see if that progresses any further after that.

Kendrick Lamar's Performance

Now, are we going to talk NBA on the show today? I'm assuming we are. We're going to talk a little NBA today. Yeah. So we're going to talk a little Luca trade that I can blaze up. Yeah. Last night's game, right? Yeah. And we didn't get a lot of intake take from the Laker fan here. I'll save the other piece then that I was getting to put in the mailbag and that will be your mailbag.
expect. That was the sports he finishes, hold on. I think this needs to be well in there.
Omar, how did you not bring up that Kendrick Lamar beat Michael Jackson's all-time record of having the most viewed Super Bowl? Come on, man. We got to give credit where credit's due. Kendrick Lamar outdid the most huge Super Bowl halftime show. Did he really? and hear that He outdid him. The numbers came in. The the the greatest rapper of all time right there. I'm surprised.
I mean, for me, for me, for the show, I if i had a great amount of my a plus. Now, I know a lot of people say there were subliminal messages that were put out different days of that nature, but i a lot of a little Easter eggs in there. Well, that's what he is, though. That's what he does. He's the type to give you different messages in different spots. Right in the camera, he said, hey, Drake. Yeah. Well, I mean, he didn't win that battle. um' on He's on his right to camera. He's a Drake. Yeah.
Okay, and then he had his girl. He had his his quote-unquote ex-girlfriend out there Serena Williams we from conton you gotta give credit credits too But I'm saying he can't take a lot of shots at Drake still just take a lot of shots on well You get your victory lap. I think it's the ending Okay, you finally go it up. Hey, did you see the ah the one thing with the the beginning with all the letters all the what was it? It was like a What's it called? Well, he put game over which means also, but I mean I mean I mean on the we we have a square triangle what is that the little yeah yeah yeah he did it like a video game the playstation yeah yeah he did the playstation thing but no he the way it lit up somebody put it together and said it's like the it's like uh it's uh what's it called that that that driving game
I'm not sure. Oh, the health? You're talking about the health mode that GTA gives you? Yeah, GTA health mode. The the pattern was- That's what I mean, that that Kendrick does that. And that's where a lot of people got mad at. They just wanted the performance. He did the pattern that would give you ultimate health on GTA. That was crazy. That he would even think of that or that he would think of that. He does so much subliminal messages while he while he performs. And then a lot of people hated it.
I love it. I'm a big Kendrick Lamar fan. i don't really i just I know that one song that everybody hears, the one about Drake. But not like us, right? Yeah. um and But what was your favorite part of the the whole thing since you're a big fan? Well, I liked... ah There's about two parts. I like personally, Man at the Garden. That's where he's seeing and the guys are all behind him on that light post.
He's talking about how great he is. And then I would say All The Stars is one of my favorite songs by him and SZA. Great bringing out SZA. I think a lot of people were mad that he just came in into Super Bowl two years ago with Dr.

Tom Brady Retirement Speculation

Dre. So with doing that, he kind of performed his his first catalog or his early songs back then. He didn't want to repeat it. And a lot of people were mad about that.
okay so just part of it you gotta do it i mean it's part of it so okay so did he play any new stuff other than yeah the whole the whole song the lot majority of the songs is just the album that just came out in november and he's got a tour coming out okay his world tour starts have most of those songs been out and kind of popular and released out on the they Yeah, bill moore for worldwide, he's he's usually known as just a ah rapper. He does have a lot of, he does have good R and&B hits as well, I would say. But he's known as a rapper. Like you said, the big battle with Drake was a ah huge thing this past year. And I think that was just too late. I heard he's going to sue him or something. Is that true? I don't know. Drake is suing him. Drake is suing his his label.
for letting that record go over. For letting that Not Like Us record go as big as it got. Wow. Crazy, right? Rap battle, guys. I mean, he mentions him, and it' a lot of it's about him, so I mean, he should get some credit, right? You're talking about somebody else and getting a hit? Well, Drake did the same thing to him. Oh, he did? they they They went kind of over at each other. Yeah, I know they kind of went back and forth, but I didn't know if his his was as big a hit as Kendrick.
not No, that's what that's why I think Drake's mad. you know didn't He didn't go to the level that Kendricks did and now Kendricks is being used to work. I mean, you just saw the Dodgers win the championship and their main song that they're singing as they're they're that they're celebrating is They Not Like Us. you know i goes yeah you know Any favorite commercials, guys?
so i and i consider a commercial at all and That was one of the worst commercials I had seen in a while. The only good one I'd liked was the Tom Brady one and I liked it because it was a subliminal message for him or on his little ah marking it showed a 2026 unretire.
Where are the Raiders? it's gonna go to a battery He had a battery thing and he had it open. they opened the battery you know Whenever his battery was off and they put their cell back in. But if you read into his little arm thing, it said that 2026 retirement question mark, unretire. Oh, okay. it wast in his I didn't see that in the arm part. That's pretty cool. I liked it. Yeah. All right. Any other thoughts about the halftime or anything?
halftime was good man i think like an overall was a good game i mean we'll hit the numbers and stuff next right yeah yeah so if you want to hit the numbers uh 40 22 as the final score uh you want to go into numbers can and then give us your thoughts I'm in numbers of this game at about Patrick Mahomes, ended it up going 21 for 32, 20, 57 yards, he threw for three touchdowns, two interceptions. He ended up rushing, he ended up rushing ah four carries, 25 yards, and Xavier Worthy, ah eight receptions, 157 yards, two touchdowns. Jalen Hurst had a phenomenal game, 17 for 22, 221 yards passing, two touchdowns, one interceptions.
He had 11 carries, 72 yards rushing, one TD in Devante Smith, four receptions, six to nine yards, one TD man. I think this game was solely worn in the trenches, man. I mean, the defense the defense for ah the Philadelphia Eagles look phenomenal, man. These guys look like they have been prepared.
the entire duration of the season. I mean, I think the thing for Philly, they had a few hiccups along the way. I think a lot of the things that happened with Sirianni, I mean, a lot of people called him out, called him to the carpet, but a lot of those things that happened with them along the way throughout the season helped them to shape and mold them to become the team of who they are. I mean, Jalen Hurst played a great game. I mean, if I'm a Giants owner, Giants organization, you got to be the stupidest, dumbest team on the planet. Why would you let a guy like that slip out of your hands You know, why don't you let them slip out of your hands? Well, realistically, Canteen, the Eagles have probably the best offensive line in football, number one. In football. So, number two, they have a better quarterback. So, that's going to help him. He was never going to do this in New York. In New York. That's a good point. Yeah. So, I mean... Go ahead, continue your thoughts. The receiving core for the Eagles was really, really good. And that defense was pretty solid.

Eagles' Super Bowl Praise

I mean, Kansas City had ample time, you know, two weeks to really, really prepare, prep themselves, but they looked, they looked depleted, man. I think once the game started, they looked defeated when, even when the game started. I mean, throughout the duration of the football game, they looked depleted. They, Andy Reid looked like he didn't have a game plan. Mahomes looked depleted. I mean, he got sacked a couple of times, and I mean, if these guys looked like they were zombies. They looked like they were completely lost. The duration of this football game.
I think that Kansas City can regroup and come back, but I think that Philly is probably going to be the powerhouse out of the NFC for the next couple of years, in my opinion right now. I don't know about that, but. and does that In my opinion, right now. Okay, that's fair. Yeah, they definitely could be. Go ahead Omar. I didn't hear it. I didn't hear it in the conversation. Go to Jake first so I can catch up, please. Okay, go ahead Jake.
Well um uh it's about the Super Bowl on who what we got you want to do your analysis you want me to do first you tell me. No you go ahead I just want to kind of get back in the groove. Okay here's the thing um uh boy was there demise televised and boy did we see it in a whole other way um let's start out with the good because I think Philadelphia deserves so much praise. I had guys at the beginning of the year actually telling me that Nick Sirianni was a bad head coach. This man should deserve probably would be fired. Yeah, I heard people saying it's the weakest division too. Like I said, I think this was far worse because this guy won the Super Bowl right now. This guy won the Super Bowl. All I know is Philadelphia
and Jaylen Hurst, this is what I love the most. Jaylen Hurst is one of the most chillest quarterbacks I've ever seen in my life. I love his pizzazz. Never too big for the moment. Never too small for the moment. The man just let it be. You know what I love the most? Each time he got that ball,
He was ready to score. He didn't even care what the hell the Chiefs were going to do. That's what I can't stand about the AFC with those idiots like Josh Allen and Lamar Jackson that get fearful of that

Chiefs' Dynasty in Doubt

Steve. what what What's the damn defensive coordinators? What's his name? Spagnola? Yeah, Spagnola. They get so afraid of it. You know you know the difference with what Jalen Hurst does? He throws a pick in the first quarter. He turns right back around and says, nah.
Nah, let me throw it right out. I got you the next time I get back on the field. Not afraid whatsoever. I'm so proud of them. Now let's get on to the Chiefs. Guys, this dynasty, remember at the very beginning, two weeks ago, I said, guys, the dynasty doesn't doesn't start.
where it started first. It can't end that way. You had to go back to where you want it first at. You want it first in Philadelphia beating them. You had to do it again. And the difference was this time is they want it first in San Francisco.
No, no, that's not. a die I didn't buy that dynasty at all. That's not. a Here's why I don't buy. That's part of their dynasty, because if we're going to count that, I'm not counting that warrior's dynasty that Stephen Curry won way years after Katie left talking about that's like a year in between their dynasty did not happen because the year after that and the year after that two years after that.
They lose to Brady the next year and then they lose to Burrow. So what, you have ah you just have an absence of a dynasty? No, no, no, no, no. Your dynasty started the year you beat the Eagles. That's when you became efficient. It's also post Tyreek Hill. You showed us that you could do it without Tyreek. Your dynasty was supposed to complete ah with this win here.
Your dynasty was supposed to complete with this and in the end you looked pretty dumb. Pat Mahomes, by the way shout out to Pat Mahomes. 22 yards passing in the first half. I know a rookie quarterback that was getting killed by somebody up from me had the nerve to tell me Bo Nix is trash. This guy's in the biggest stage of his life. about to do something that's never been done before. You always lie about me. And he throws 23 yards passing the whole first half. Congrats, Pat. You are so great. That go talk needs to be put to rest. I never saw Tom Brady ever in my life get blown out in a damn Super Bowl, much less one that you are favorited in. My gosh, man. That was a simple and embarrassing.
That was this the most embarrassing thing I ever saw. Absolutely. Here's the other thing too. Andy Reid. I'm sorry bro. You gotta take a step back too because I didn't know like Kansin said, what the hell was your game plan? Man, it looked lost. that was What was the game plan? It looked lost. Because if you didn't run the ball, I just saw them saying, hey, throw the ball somewhere.
At the end of it all, Philadelphia deserves credit, and I'm going to get the last credit to this defensive coordinator. I was laughed at, not on just this show. I was on two other shows, and they told me the exact same thing. They laughed in my face and
stop it by the way he also had two in the code if you ever notice to it never wins when it's you were talking up in a lot of there you back win because he's had trash quarterbacks you finally give him a good offense he does something right give the guy credit where it's due Like I said, shout out once again, Vic Fangio, your defensive coordinator and the D-line did your thing. I'm so proud of y'all. Great move. Eagles, fly, Eagles, fly. And I don't know if they're done yet. This is a beautiful move. Woo! Woo! Obviously, the AFC West all and it represented here today as hot take Jake. Raiders fan, of course, is. That out drew.
is Raiders, sports professor, and then down below in the comments, if you don't know, that's the Chargers fan. saw this band all All the AFC West is lapping this up, like little lap dogs. Oh, absolutely. not up I wanted to hear the professor go first. it what but You might have to go while he's getting back on in in time. Oh, yeah. I agree for the most part with with with Canteen. I think this was one of the trenches. I think this was all about this is the perfect game to show that quarterback wins is not a real stat. Absolutely. Because Mahomes had almost no time to throw the ball. Right. I think six times. Pressured continually and Jalen Hurts had all day to throw the ball. And so they had ah have a great offensive line.
And the, you know, the Chiefs have a pretty good offensive line, but they couldn't do it with just a front four. They tried to do different blitzes and different things like that, and they still couldn't get enough pressure on him. ah And the Eagles, basically, I think they only blitzed one time, maybe two, but they mainly did it with their front four. You know, so they really did this with their front four.
And so this is a perfect game to show that quarterback wins is not a true quarterback. It's that. It's a team game. And I've always said that I said it from the beginning of the year. It's a team game. You have to have a team around you. Yeah, you have to have your quarterback. You have to have a starting quarterback, but you have to have a team around. You have to have a line to protect you. You have to have a line to rush the quarterback. And this is perfect, perfect game to show how a great offensive pass rush can disrupt even a great quarterback and how lack of a pass rush can lift up a quarterback that isn't necessarily a top five quarterback and make him look great.
so go ahead professor i'll let you go i was gonna let you go first before i really went in dot dove in different they had injuries Let it go ahead. I'm just answering Drew. He said this is like how they lost him. It is, but it's different. But go ahead. Go ahead. Finish your thoughts off. This is worse. This is way worse than that. Tampa did use the

Technical Difficulties On-Air

same style of defense that Philly did to thwart by confusing Patrick Mahomes by rushing him with only four rushers. They didn't blitz. They used four rushers all night long. I think they blitzed once or twice the whole game. And it wasn't until the fourth quarter.
I don't even know if they blitzed at all. we're admit They did blitz. They did blitz once and twice in the third quarter. well Either way, either way, they used four people pretty much the entire game to get better and have Patrick Mahomes running around like a chicken with his head cut off, which, like Drew said, the last time we saw that was when they played against Tampa Bay. Now, this is what was a lot more thorough. Like Jake said, this was embarrassing. This was
Now they have a chance to redeem one game one game reactions to naked themselves next to you ever reacting to I will give you though. I will give you the Oh Professor
Mr. Freeze!
Professor! Why did you get into it, man? What's wrong with your internet, Professor? but Here's why I'll say that this game was worse than Tampa Base. It was worse than Tampa Base. Tampa Base! You had two outfits in line. Oh, he's back. He's back. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead, Omar. Go ahead. Finish your thoughts.
Yes, bros, my brother. No, I know this stupid. I don't know what's going on on my internet today. I'm sitting right in front of it, like literally right on top of my internet. Anyways. Don't kick it. I think you're kicking it. Go ahead. Let the sports professor give you the inside scoop.

Fictional Call with Roger Goodell

So as you all know, I've been telling you all along about the Taylor Swift and the NFL collusion. What happened? Where's the proposal? No. Well, this is what happened. So about 30 minutes before game time, I get a call.
from NFL security, member from the NFL security, saying they needed me to speak to Roger Goodell immediately. So um I get on the horn. I'm like, yo, what up, Rog? Hit that like, Drew. And Roger is like, hey, uh, Omar. smart treasure I need to talk to you about this situation. What is your opinion?
Do you think we should continue and try to make more money off this situation? I said, Raj, baby. Raj, of course you gotta take the money. call him right that's what That's what I call, we're on the first day basis, I call him Raj. Oh, big O. He calls me O.
I said, Raj, baby, you got to take the money. Always make the money when it's there. He said, so you think we should delay? I said, you audible and delay this thing like you a like like you was on mores and you try to delay the announcement that you was the father. OK, this is what I'm saying. What happened? you trying to excited push this down to next year. Yes. They want more money. Taylor Swift wants more squeeze out of it. They can use the whole revenge um angle, which has been a mainstay of Taylor Swift's career. So now the Chiefs have the revenge angle. Now they all got a revenge angle. They all make a whole bunch more money. And then they get married next year after they win the championship. So that's why. Wow. ah Straight from the insider source.
you know that this this Super Bowl reminds me a little bit of of the uh there was one way back when i think of a legend of boom and there was a team that was i think they were like really favored like by eight or ten points or something crazy and they got demolished 48 to three or something crazy like that i mean you remember what game that was Omar i don't remember it three we don't know that one 48 to six i don't know it was something like that it was a That was a team. I got demolished. I don't know what Legion of Boom you're talking about. That was 43 to 8. You got the wrong one. That was what? That was 43 to 8.
43 to eight, that's what it was. I knew somebody would be- But no, hey, guys, don't worry. The Broncos redeemed themselves. They won a championship two years after that. I just knew what was good there. I forgot all about that. that you know i remember They were like favored big. This is like a one point favor. They were like favored big, huge favor. Damn, Jake just- And they got busted up hard. I'm not worried. We just saw- I think that's still the biggest defeat in NFL history. I think that was the biggest defeat in NFL history. No, that's not.
Yeah, I think so in Super Bowl history. Either way, gentlemen, to go back to the game. It's one of them. It's in the top two or three, though, at least. They won with their defense. They didn't even have to use our MVP. And as even that's not an offense course. They didn't even need Saquon Barkley. Didn't need him at all. Well, I mean, that was their goal, I think, as a defense, to slow him down, stop him. So they they got that done. But I think the fact that they got so many short fields, and they got a pick six, and I think that just, they didn't need him as much. That moments look like crap.
No, he would he was pressured. yeah if he lower tape it be interesting I don't want to hear the pressure. there was it there was plays he did if you don't want hair pressure i don't know what there was here i'm gonna tell you There were plays he did where he wasn't being pressured. It's just his offensive line even touched him and he got scared and just started throwing anything.
he was getting pressure and yeah and on Well, he was being pressured quite a bit hey he was my my expert where the x-factors jack I He was being pressured and and you can say I don't care what you want Donna here you're gonna hear it But he was being pressured quite a bit and sack six times. I was pressured He if you look at the all 22, which I like to look at the all 22 Jalen hurts was they were both been shotgun quite a bit. I Jalen Hurts was able to drop back five steps after shotgun. My homes on most of his plays, of course, the ones he got sacked for sure. But even the ones he didn't get sacked, he was in shotgun. He took one or two steps and they were already on him and he had to get out of the way. So he had like almost no time to throw the ball. I saw Brady play the Giants. I saw Brady play and, mind you, he lost hold of them.
But every time he played them, he lost by four, maybe five points or less. and He made sure he kept you in the game every single time. You weren't going to go like this. It wasn't like this, though. This is front for every time. What are you talking about? That was a better defensive line that the Giants had in 2007. But it wasn't a better game. They didn't. They didn't play a better game. Those are a bunch of free agents over there out there in the epos. Josh, come on, man.
they' they've whatever I don't care what you call them they played a great game and they were ever rushed with four so all I'm saying is Tom Brady faced a legendary defensive line and made sure to still score the winning touchdown but it still wasn't as much pressure as that's fine but they what it they did not I don't need to watch it again. i <unk>s exaggerating You exaggerate. You're you're the the king of exaggeration. one thing that you said i you saying i called You said I'd call your quarterback trash. I've never said that. and I've never said trash about anybody. You left that Bo Nicks. You left that Bo Nicks. You last said him for being 50 yards passing for a rookie. things that I don't even say.
You laughed at him for having 50 yards passing in a game. And the guy that's supposed to be the best quarterback in the league has 20 yards passing in a Super Bowl. How many yards did he end up with? Did he end up with 50 like your guy? Oh, hey, congrats on the step. Hey, hey. One thing Flo loves is step padding. He gets out from back all the time. Congrats. I'm proud of you loving that. Hey, he sure did get two touchdowns when the game was already over. Congrats there. You're the one bringing it up. You're the one bringing it up. He ended up with more yards than your guy.
Now he looked bad. 24-0. Half time. 2-40. End of the score. That's an ass-kicking. Okay. Anything else? Now you can't win them every year. This is why no one's ever three-peded. This is exactly why no one's ever three-peded. It's very hard.
Very hard you need to Then you need to tell Pat Mahomes to not, at the end of last year's Super Bowl, he was already thinking of a three-peat because that was his first answer. Hey, we're going for another one. We're doing something that's never happened. So you need to tell Pat Mahomes that. They've been the closest they got to the actual game. All the other three-peats didn't make it to the actual Super Bowl. So they got the closest of the three-peats.
You can have the clothes back clothes succeed but it still got close. So you can't you got to give him credit. He made it back to the game. He had a chance to repeat. None of the other ones had a chance. None of the other ones made it to the Super Bowl.
So let me give you three. If my friend comes and tells me, hey, dude, I got a baddie that I'm trying to get on a date with, and he says, dude, I got six digits of the number.
that crap know that um no yeah You know what it's more like it's more like I got three phone numbers I didn't get that last phone number I got that got get that loud phone number can't even do That's what it's like that's what like you have the turbos horrible sit down mean next year Whatever you don't even know what you're talking about cop house and i get out of here Any final thoughts on the Super Bowl ex talk to much no what he omar I know you've been in and out. Jake. has pay I'm at a loss for air time. Jake. Jake. I snobby cake tonight, man. He's taking icing up the cake ban with thanks today, man.
you said is a wing what his bro a What I said facts, he just yelled a lot. That's all he said. Gentlemen, when it comes down to it, at the heart of the struggles was the Eagles pass rush. Flo is right about that. They sacked him six times, two interceptions, one pick six. One thing that Jake is completely right about is Patrick Mahomes was horrible, especially in the first half. wore the whole For the whole game, Philadelphia held Patrick Mahomes to one of his lowest passing grades of the season, allowing negative .297 expected points added per play. Yes, I agree. But the Chiefs often struggled as a whole. Mahomes averaged only 6.7 yards per attempt outside of garbage time. The quarterback held, the um the Kansas City quarterback also had only a 28.2
passing grade at the halftime. So, it was a horrible game for him, a horrible game. No, he had a bad game. Obviously, he had a bad game all around. The thing is, once ah once Kansas City gets behind the eight ball, and once Patrick Mahomes is having a bad game, which again doesn't happen often, it's very rare, but when that does happen, this is exactly what the outcome is going to be. Okay.
OK, so ah here's the thing. Now, let's finish a couple of thoughts on the Super Bowl. So Jalen Hurts got the the MVP. I think it should have gone somebody on defense. I think it should have gone. I've said before the game even ended when it was half wasted. It should maybe co-NVPs for two of the ah defensive linemen or maybe him and Dajon or somebody. The defense won that game to me. They're the ones that deserve the most credit.
ah But you know he I knew he was gonna get it because he had some she had some pretty good passes There's a couple touchdowns a couple good runs here and there and so I knew he was gonna end up getting it But I think the defense deserted but as far as the Jalen hurts How far does this elevate Jalen Hurts stock as far as the top 10 quarterback? ah He was probably on the fringe of that top 10 discussion. And now does this put how far up did would this move him in that upper echelon of ah quarterbacks in your guys eyes? Man, I think i think for me, man, at this point, i mean we got do that we really have to take a look and look at how we define these top two quarterbacks. i mean
You got to look at guys like I mean, la la I mean, Lamar Jackson is still in the picture because I think Lamar Jackson was like first team all for something like that. So Lamar Jackson is still in the picture. I mean, Josh Allen is still in that picture. Mahomes will still be there. But then I got question marks about a guy like Burrow. I mean, he led the league in all the numbers, though. He had the most passing yards, most touchdowns.
That's that's the thing slow. I mean, he he has the numbers, but what about the team? And so that's what I'm saying. It's a team sport. That's not his fault. It's a team sport. When we look at awards, I mean, I get it. I get it. But I'm just as a quarterback, though, you're going to put him above Joe Burrow. Not not necessarily. No. OK. OK. Where do you put him? What do you like? Number seven, eight somewhere in there?
I'll say eight, seven, eight. He's in the top 10, but sure, I'll say that. Okay. I'll say that. Omar, any thoughts on that, on Jalen Hurts? Jalen Hurts is a Super Bowl winning quarterback, a deserved MVP. Yes, the defense overall won the game, but the defense is a team unit. um Even if you have Cooper DeJohn and Zach Bond, my ex-factor, who both had interceptions, I believe that- Lingo Flacco won a Super Bowl.
Well, and Jalen Hurst had over 300 combined yards rushing and passing in three touchdowns. I think he had 300 yards in history tomorrow. I mean, Joe Blackall, I like 300 yards. Those sort of stats, they're going to be the MVP. Well, I mean, hey, and maybe Joe... I'm just saying. and Okay, okay.
I mean, where do you put him? Do you move him solidly in the top 10 and how high up in the top 10, if so? He's always been in the top 10 for me. He is, I mean, I can't think off the top of my head right now, but I'd say probably five, maybe. Five, wow. I don't know, I have to think, look, all right, let me go, let's see. Lamar Jackson, Josh Allen,
up Oh, did I not say moments obviously bones my my home. My bad. I'm debating. I'm very ah close. i'll See, I'm there. See, Burrow is a much better passer, but Jalen Hurst can run the ball. Jalen Hurst is a better, in my eyes, game manager um in terms of of leading the football team, of making sure that the team is making the right plays. um i do put him above borough right now because he didn't win at super bowls so yeah wow so he's at yeah four now
wow put him you in the top five definite yeah and i i completely agree with omar the only difference is now i have lamar out as the fifth and I have I have uh I do sorry la no Lamar has not made that play that I saw her dude he was in the MVP race this year what course he was but that's a regular season award to me oh stop that hold on let me add this in real quick
Okay, go ahead. We didn't specify quarterback, wow playoff quarterback. We just said, well, I'm talking about if we're going into the top five of the quarterbacks right now in the league, I'm putting her to number four. I'm putting her to number four. And let me tell you why.
So who's the top three? His the same top three? and then Yeah, I got it. It be homes, burrow, Allen, and then I put, I put, uh, I put Hertz right there. Number four. And then who's five? And then I put Lamar five. Wow. Okay. So is that's what I'm saying. I would flip that with, with okay now he has burrow out. See, the thing is, is he forgets what burrow did. Burrow has done burrow out. I brought five.
believe Hurts also benefits from the team he's with. I don't know if he could go into Cincinnati with that that roster. um um robert earnnie well But one what have robert thirty what would have done I will say this, I will say this.
you're all on joe bur's

Quarterback Rankings Debate

You're like that with Lamar. I don't know why you have such a. He does. He loved the more he loved. them like it's the name it win the love la more i like i love the argumentin mar because i hate when people get unnecessary
Jalen hurts in two Super Bowls I believe if you look up the stats as outplayed Mahomes both times He just didn't win it. So I want to add that in it's on the top four which makes in the biggest stage of them all. He's outplayed for homes both times. So you have to give that that. And that's why I believe he deserves a top four. Okay. That's fair. that That's a good, that's an outlier. I agree with that, but that was one season.
ah Hertz has done now in three seasons, in his span of three seasons, he's made it to twice, and he's outplayed he's outplayed everybody's goat of this era twice. In the Super Bowl, yeah. In one game. so who Absolutely. you put in You put him in eight, Canteen. Where do you have ahead of him then? Everybody else kind of gave their list.
made them let me let So him let me backtrack, man. You want to look at it? Okay. So now you're going to move him up. Everybody convinced you or what? ah probably i'll probably I'll probably go hurt. me if That's what you think of him. Put him at eight. If that's what you know, yeah no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'll probably put hers at five. I'll probably put him at five at this point. Okay.
He deserves it. I'm going to be damned if I see a Herbert above him. Right, who else would you get over him? The only one that made me give a chance, but I wouldn't tell him over him right now is Matthew Stafford. I got him at seven.
to hurt her Herd's Josh Allen. Who do you got, Drew? Who's your top five, Drew? See if you're still out there. Go ahead. Then Josh Allen. Then I'd probably say Lamar Jackson. My home would probably be like two or one or two.
phone neighbor no bur be right on board he come bit but do yeah based off numbers I think you need to worry about that quarterback you got over there buddy
I'm surprised you didn't put Jordan Love in there, Jake. oh No, no, you have to give respect where it's due for Hertz. Hertz did the unthinkable. You know what I love the most? See, the Bills had an opportunity. They did stop my homes. It's just Josh Allen wilted beneath the pressure and didn't convert. That's the difference. When Hertz had that ball, he made sure. Hey, bro, when I get the ball, I'm going to keep scoring on you. No love for golf?
He's done it for a couple of years. I would agree to that. We know the AFC. I got him at seven. And I probably had him down at 10. I got him at seven. Who do you have above him? Yeah, exactly. I have Patrick probably. Just off the top of my head. Patrick, Lamar, Josh.
I probably got Jaden Daniels up there. Above him after he just beat him head to head. Above you, it hurts when he just beat him. Yeah, when he beat him head to head and he just won a championship. But he's a better quarterback. He's a better quarterback. Come on, man. He can't do You can't do that. Steve Jay Stroud. Steve Jay Stroud. You know what? No. You know what? We're done. We're done. Yeah, Steve Jay Stroud.
um one however Whatever. Whatever. CJ Stroud. I would even put... right yeah yeah we beat very gar ready pocket that's That's what he's gonna say next. Can he pick it? And then Dakota Prescott and then... Yeah, whatever with that. Yup. I mean, he got hurt last year. Last year he was number two in MVP. Dak Prescott was. Dak hasn't even sniffed a damn NFC championship game. Can he get past the division first? Who are those guys that have been number two in the MVP rig?
i don't want to hear that he hasn't done nothing okay then he hasn't done nothing what do you mean he hasn't done nothing i could he hasn't done nothing it's a team sport jake it's a team you gotta start showing something bro i'm sorry no but team sport kind of good argument if you switch those and And Jalen Hurts is getting all that pressure and getting sacked and Mahomes has all that time. It's a different game. I don't want to hear that because Mahomes had that two years ago. There was no defense. That's why I love that their defensive coordinator change.
that's exactly why because now guess what happened you had somebody get new pat my homes and he destroyed him but then you got players you also got players that way sorry my home you gotta figure that out i saw braid like i said i've seen braidy do it over and over well i hadn't seen him do it over and over so he went 10 years without it without a super bowl that's fine okay let's see if my home goes 10 years he was just blown out like that though all right all right so
So are these your two favorites for next year? or If not, who's your two favorites for next year? Just as as a last kind of thing, wrapping up Super Bowl. Who's your two favorites next year? Right now, Pantene, you know analysis, just fresh off the Super Bowl. Your two favorites for AFC NFC right now. I'm gonna go Philly, Philly and Buffalo. Philly and Buffalo? Okay. What about you Omar?
I am going to agree with Philadelphia. Okay. And for my AFC team,
right That's tough. Who did Jake? Let me think about this for a second. okay I'll do this. Don't say Denver. do do i believe bolt no Do I believe both could go? Do I believe both can go again? I don't. Here's why. remen Philadelphia just lost their offensive coordinator so now Jalen Hurst has to go a four season with a new new area yeah but they've still been good through all that every year so no they didn't look good the year before i mean they yeah still they lost in the first blue b so if i'm going to say anything i think the packers as long as jlo's it hurt uh not hurt i think they finally get over the hump
That's fine. That's whoever gets Miles Garrett. I think the blueprint is set out for the Chiefs. I think if you get a four man rush that can get to my homes.
you will be able to get to him. And I think whoever gets Miles Garret and I think the Ravens and the Bills are both gonna be high on trying to get Miles Garret this offseason. We heard that he's gonna go out there. why He requested a trade literally this past week. So right now, Bills Ravens would be my guesses right now. Bills Ravens. Well, no, no, but who's your who's your AFC just right now? the I think the Bills will get, they have more cap room. They'll get Miles. I think they'll get Miles and they'll close it up.
So you got, so Kan's got Bill's Eagles. I got Bill's Eagles. I got Bill's Packers. There's Packers and and you, who do you got now? You got, you want me to go Omar? You go ahead. I'm still not sure about my AFC team. Yeah, I'm not sure. I mean, this is a quick just a quick one. You don't have to be like, this is your your definite answer for next year. This is just... Yeah, we took it off season. We got a lot of free agents. I know, but i don't I don't want to choose Baltimore again because I just chose them this year. I don't want to choose Buffalo again because I chose them last year. And both of them didn't do anything for me. It doesn't matter. I can't choose the Chiefs because I would go jump off my balcony if I do that. So... Hey Omar, look what G.B. says. What did G.B. say?
Omar finally kicked the door at number one. You know what? I'm taking whoever we get as the number one QB. did Here's what you got. I'll get what Drew got and you keep thinking. So he's got Lamar, Josh, Allen, Patrick Mahomes, Elburrow, Jayden Daniels. All right, Steve. No, and I'm not putting them above Jayden right now. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I know, but I could agree with everything else, but I could not agree with that. I would put him at no less than five.
um I can accept him at no less. Jalen hurt. Jalen hurt. Yeah. Yeah. kaie daniel I don't think he's done enough during the season to be that high. I will go. I'm just going. All right. We're going to go. You ready? are you on make up We're just going to go with it. We're just going to go. The struggle is just fresh off the Super Bowl, man. We're pinning you down to this one. Just say it. Baltimore again.
The Raid!
Yeah, that'd be crazy. That'd be crazier than Jake's. I know. no we'll go You know, I'm more realistic than Jake. We'll go Raven's Eagles. do Raven's Eagles. raven's evils Okay. Raven's Eagles. Okay. I almost did. See, you see, you see, GB knows me. GB knows me. See, I almost did. You gotta to get a quarterback first, buddy.
ah yeah we have I'm going to say I'm going to say.
The debt. Yeah, whatever mean with that. oh oh no I got to say Denver, I could have said. ah destroy I got to see what Broncos do this off. Yeah, Detroit forgot all ah lost both their coordinators. I think this was Detroit's year to do it like it was for San Francisco last year.
I also think this was Philly's year because they have a healthy steak one. So I don't think he's going to stay as healthy next year. He just has too many injuries. I said that about, who was it? A Mac from the 49ers? What was his name?
um freak caff and kaffy I said he that was a year for them to win it last year when they didn't win it. This was a year for Philly and for Detroit, but I didn't make really did and they finished the job and won the Super Bowl. So I think that's that's how it's gone. I don't think they win in the NFC East on next year. We haven't had a repeat in like 10 to 15 years or repeat in the East champions. I think that happens again. So I NFC I'm going to go. I'm going to go Washington right now.
a in washington Washington ah get over the hump. um I really like Jake Daniels Kingsbury. I think that's a deadly combination. I don't want them to go, but that's where I would go. just fucking my and And I'm going to go.
I want to go Chiefs, but I'm going to go Ravens. I think the Ravens finally get over the hump. A bit of a letdown, Super Bowl letdown, and they may not. They may miss a year at Super Bowl. They may be there when they see championship against Baltimore, but I think Baltimore gets over the hump.
I don't think Buffalo has enough right now. I think they got lucky to beat the Ravens up through the Ravens. They are carrying there another year. They're young receivers and the defense got better throughout the year. So I think that they're going to take that another leap on the defensive side. So I got Baltimore, Washington right now.
Wow. All right. Let's go. Let's go. The DMV would be very, very happy if that were to come true. Okay. Yeah, they would. Hey, so ah Omar, you want to get into the NBA a little bit? Give us some hot topic there and we'll all kind of go around the horn on it.

Luka Doncic Trade Controversy

Well, you know, the first topic that we really got to talk about was the most shocking and what has turned out to be, could be the worst trade in NBA history.
Uh, I mean, if we're looking at the results so far, Luca Doncic was traded by Jake's favorite guy in the world, GM Nico Harrison.
they don't need more defense when they already have Derek Lively, when they already have Daniel Gaffer, when they already have Kyrie Irving, so on and so forth. But no, no, no, no, no, they should go out and create the most ah awesome Avengers defensive squad of all time by going out and trading for a 32 year old injured player who gets injured very, very often to pair with another injured player by trading away a 25 year old basketball prodigy who is the face of your franchise. So much so your fans are having mock funerals outside After the trade was done then then that's a hot war pick
Davis. He comes in his debut. They're all hyped because what else are they going to do? Either they're going to be crying over Luca or they're going to try to get hype over AD. So, okay. They're trying to get hype. AD has an amazing first half.
after the first half he has 26 points like 14 rebounds six assists he's balling right top tier Anthony Davis but then we get the other side of the Anthony Davis enigma and in
And now he's out two weeks at least, possibly more, pretty much effectively ruining their title chances for this season because even when he does come back, it doesn't give them enough time to be ready for the playoffs.
They look pretty good without Luca. I mean, they're still not going to win the championship, which is Kyrie. not good Sorry, it's not going to it's still like yeah but they don't want Yeah, but they need time to gel. They're not going to have enough time to gel before the playoffs start. Really? wow Yes, I don't believe so. You need you need at least two months. You got the all-star weekend coming this weekend. That's one week. You got next week.
Look, all I'm saying why is that after that, this may turn out to be the worst trade in NBA history. Let me give you a little factoid about injuries here. Okay. Niko Harrison, I'm talking to you, buddy.
Talking to you. Do your little... Oh, was he? Well, let me tell you how many... that' a meet so yeah let me I want you to take a guess. Let's take a little poem around the war here. How many times do you say Anthony Davis was out for more than 10 games in his career? So he had to be out 10 games. How many times do you think that's happened to his career? How many years have he been in?
uh 10 now i believe 11 12 how many times seven times seven times
hear it. You don't trade a 25-year-old basketball project for a 32-year-old injured guy who can't stay healthy. I don't care how good of a defensive player he is. When you have no other offense other than Kyrie, and now you don't even have AD. Stupid trade. Nico Harrison, I told you you're going to end up as a keep the end. You better get ready to know how to fold some bedsheets. Wow. Dang.
Well, hold on. I think they both benefited from the trade. I think Anthony Davis gets healthy and I think they're in win now mode more than now. They have to win a championship within the next two years or it does fall on their face. Right. It's fucked. I agree.
Now, do I believe Anthony Davis brings defense that Luca could never bring there, Omar? Absolutely. Great. At the same time, I also believe that now Luca is paired with the greatest player of all time, and now you get to learn, and he teaches you under his wing. And we've already seen what Luca's done with the Kyrie. Now we get to see him with LeBron. I mean, that's just 2.0. I mean, I love it. It's so beautiful to watch. It was on his defense, though. It was a lot of defense.
Well, sometimes you could score pretty big. And right now, a lot of teams don't play a lot of teams yet. When Jackson Hayes is your starting center, you're going to have a prop in the playoffs. I don't know about that. Yeah, you should know about it. If you can score over 110 a game, I don't think you got to worry about defense. And they're looking Yeah, Absolutely. Yeah, we didn't have LeBron next to him. And I think they'll they'll right that wrong. And eight what do you know about a Lakers Celtics championship?
I mean, oh i would not from in the fire I would love to whoop you in the champion. oh may I would love to get revenge. yeah now i know you Guys, I told you i said i you they had. Wait, wait, you said they had okay. So these number now that you do have that without the defense.
and lake my lakers from the lakers yeah The Lakers have their that the the Lakers are not worried about anybody except Denver because Denver creates the mismatch for having the center that nobody can cover with Nicole. But no I will say this, the Lakers have a two year window as well, especially if Anthony Davis stays hurt. I will add this also, everybody's only got two years.
there's a boy in san antonio that just got swiper no swiping mixed with the erin fox and boy swiper no swiping they're about to become a dynasty themselves so you got your ears one piece about answer is prime y'all better get it fast they' gonna be more notics what about this i don't think five years at least i'm just saying jake's thoughts on this one but go ahead canteen give us your thoughts on the what homo are saying i mean for me man i hate i'm dallas i don't know why i don't know dallas at all yeah i think i think i think i think the trade was crazy man i think You me. And i here's the thing, man. Anthony Davis side of it. You you think Anthony Davis side was better. I mean, you trade a guy like Luca. Luca's not in great shape. He's not conditioning. He's not where he needs to be as a great athlete. Now, he woulduc some nice numbers his numbers last night weren't weren't great numbers, but they're like, you're still won. So I will give him the point that they won or what have you. But Anthony Davis is injury prone. So I mean, it's it's like it's like a double-edged sword. i mean it'ss it's
it's it's To me, it's a lost loss. It ain't a win-win. ah you like hate game out of it The one thing you can't say it's a loss about is that in the long run, the Lakers and have a new face of their franchise for the next 10 years. The face of their franchise for the next 10 years. I mean, they still haven't signed him the Supermax. Oh, there's no way they're gonna let him get out of there. Who? Lakers. Come on now. You think the Lakers are gonna let them walk after doing that now? They had the heist of the century right now. They better pay up.
so yeah yeah In the center are about to go both retired together and and drive off into With a chip or two He's talking about a chip i want make ah on this too, but how about you don't get is the ones you bring and Omar, you can talk about this. I want Jake's bluff last thoughts on this. just because Maybe I'll get his first thoughts, but you guys decide. ah What about the second coming of Michael Jordan? Jimmy Buckets going to Golden State. Are they now finals?
challenges to the finals because they got Jimmy buckets. And according to Jake, he's a second. I think I think this puts Golden State in a great position to win. Absolutely. I think that Jimmy Butler is right where he needs to be. He's no longer under a what's the word I'm trying to look for? Like it's like Pat Riley is like a dictator. Like it's like Pat Riley was like I'm just going to look for guys. Pat Riley was like kind of holding like dictatorship.
A tyrant or he was like kind of holding him in like a position where he didn't need to be. He wasn't happy there. He wasn't comfortable there. Okay, Golden State says, okay, we want you. Okay. I think he'll thrive and go there. Do they have a chance for the finals now you in your opinion? they At least in Western? I think it's either now or never. Still Kurt ain't got no excuse in them. Okay. They got all the right tools to to the win. Okay. To me. Okay.
Omar? I agree. It's now or never, but I do think they have a really good chance. I think that Jimmy Butler was a perfect addition to their team. I know a lot of people don't like it, but I think that that's really what they needed was um another hard nose player that is not necessarily defensive like Draymond Green, but not offensively. And he's a playoff guy.
jimmy myros in the middle He's in the middle he's a mix of offense defense and he's playoff Jimmy he fits perfectly there I think he's gonna boost him too and they they they are one of my final sleeper teams. So I'm gonna let you go Jake but Omar are you just a little giddy because he's out of the east now? Is that what it is? I don't damn right he's afraid of him. Jimmy Butler was too old to affect the Celtics but he's not too old to affect the Golden State Warriors.
Right. You seem a little too giddy. I think you're happy he's out of the heat. Yeah, absolutely. Not only that, o on sweat competition Omar knows that the asterisk ring he just got last season, ah they will help him out again. Oh, we know about that. We know about that,

Warriors' Scoring Options

Omar. Don't worry. as that like Here's the other add-on as well. The only asterisk we know about is that Mickey Mouse championship you holding on to. Yeah, Mickey Mouse.
As I said, um ah it helps him. I do believe there's still one little piece away, though. I don't think they'll be able to go over the hump only because I do think they need a third option. Who's their third option right now? Are we really going to say Draymond? This lady in this years. I mean, but he does kind of run the defensive guy and he's never been that third option, but also and the honkins is gone. You know what I mean? They don't have a claim no more.
They got, ah um what's his name? Under the post. They don't have Poole. They don't have any of these guys anymore. They don't have that third option that after Steph and Jimmy they got scored. What's the what was the white boy's name? The white boy that he's scoring? a and po po po ju for whoop i't I know you're talking about, but that's like a fifth option, man. Come on. Oh, for the Warriors? Oh, yeah.
They're one away. They're one away. And I think right now they are in the right direction though. What position, Jake? What position are they away? What position do they need to fill? They need another score. Because Jimmy does get hot and cold. Here's the thing. Jimmy, I'll admit this. Jimmy gets hot and cold. He can get hot and cold scoring. But one thing Jimmy never forgets is his defense. And he can lock down anybody he needs to.

Kevin Durant's Championship Drive

What about Buddy Hill? They got a shooter out there now too. Another shooter.
and they You tell me that compares to a prime clay? I don't i don't see that. It doesn't, but it's better than what they had last year, right? They need one more score. They need one more. PW says, that's not wrong or right. Warriors wanted Durant first. They pushed back to get to Durant. Durant's one of the biggest losers I've ever seen in my life. Guys, it's Durant. Yeah, Durant straight did reject that. Yeah. Yup. He didn't want to win. He just wants to stay where he wants to do and play basketball like a loser and not do anything. The Rudy Gay of this era. Congrats.

Western Conference Contenders

So who's your top two in the West right now then, Jake? With Jimmy Buckets over there.
Right now, I'm definitely saying it's Denver. It's going to be a fight between Denver and LA right now. so you You see that as a finals matchup? That's ah that's a conference finals matchup. That's what I'm saying. comp Yeah, absolutely. I think Denver and LA will see each other when it counts most. OKC, Memphis, none of those are good. Don't take them serious, sorry. youhan and Really? OKC? SGA, he's balling. I think LeBron can lock him down.
SGA. Okay. All right. All right. The mid-range master. SGA. Who is 20, 23 years old, 24 years old and old ass man LeBron. You gotta wear out LeBron. LeBron don't play divas no more. I think LeBron's gonna play. Guys, there's something about whenever you know you got hope. And if y'all noticed, ever since LeBron got that Luka Train, that boy is playing like a mad man. I'm so proud of him.
Okay. There's a difference playing though and you ain't got no hope with bum-ass Anthony Davis. Boy, he got Luca. That boy is playing like he's 29 years old again. You just said Dallas was going to win a championship because of Anthony Davis. Because of the defense and you need Kyrie. The thing is, is Anthony Davis is hurt right now. That's why I said they got two year window. Oh, which is why I told you from the beginning. No, don't do that. You are hating. If they get a chip next year, the year after, Omar, it's a win trade because I don't think they would have won one with Luca as the leader at all.

Eastern Conference Dominance by Celtics

like that okay so what about the east guys do we talk about the west they don't want to talk about the east we got that it's literally the celtics and the nba g league uh they got the best record now what i always say the 2000s allow atlanta hawks bro are you serious you don't believe in cleveland at all i mean they're Nothing. They're too small to still go against the Celtics. They're too small. Too small? Yes, the Celtics have a length. They have length all over them. They're going to hold them. You believe in Tatum? Now you believe in Tatum? No, I don't believe in them because I believe they'll lose to whoever comes out the West. No doubt in my mind. So you think they can run through the East, but the West is the problem for them? Yeah, the West, if they were in the West, they'd probably be the fifth best team right now.
if they were in the West. And Omar knows that too. That's why he's screaming around. He was, he was giddy upping, celebrating when Jimmy left. Oh man, when does he give me no more yay? I mean, cleaning still got Jared Allen, Evan Mobley. Those are two big guys. Bro, I'm telling you, they're not nothing scary. They're not nothing scary. so It's a done deal. It's Boston and whoever comes out of the West. Oh, you're saying? Yeah, Boston should make it no matter what. Cause I don't believe in the bucks.
You don't believe in the Knicks, either? No, I told you what the Knicks are, brother. Jalen Brunson and go home. That's it. Jalen Brunson are bust. But they got Kat now. Kat's playing well. Stop, man. Stop. Really? The hell did Kat start being told that he was that good? Yeah, look at look at Omar. Look at Omar. he got Back to the sleep. You got the two Bridges, Josh Hart. Hey, you're naming a bunch of C players, bro. And Anobi, Karl-Anthony Towns. Sure he is.
Cameron. Bunch of bones. Wow. You don't got no belief in nobody in the canteen? I'm telling you, the east is nothing dangerous out there, bro. What do you had but got Omar? I know you're asleep on this one. no one can You know why Omar's asleep? Because he knows how easy that east is right now. He knows how easy that east is. That's why he's blasting it up. we are You woke me up from my from my slumber. I had such a...
I had such a horrible, one horrible nightmare. I thought that it was, I thought that it was 2015 all over again. And and we might've been playing Jimmy Butler, the heater, some other crazy team, but, but I woke up.
Until then, Celtic, number one. Wow. That Mickey Mouse. What about Josh Hart? He's a baller. Ready, player? Yo, GB has been naming C plus players and telling me they're A minus. Come on, man.

Damian Lillard's Defensive Impact

They're they're B plus players. So not no you don't you don't think Lorde and Giannis can do anything?
They showed you that they got no defense. Lillard has no defense when it counts the most. they're gonna They're gonna pick on him the whole series. I think Cleveland, New York is gonna give Boston a run for their money. I think Cleveland, New York is gonna kill each other and the Celtics are gonna fly by one of them.
That's what's going to happen. OK. All right.

NBA All-Star Weekend Excitement

Let's go move on here real quick. and NBA All-Star weekend this weekend starts on Thursday or Friday. Is it Thursday or Friday? Friday. Give us your thoughts about and b NBA All-Star weekend. Your favorite. I kind of like the All-Star celebrity game. I think that one's fun because you get a lot of celebrities out there. And some of them are pretty good. Some of them are just funny. ah It's pretty cool. But what are your thoughts? Any thoughts on the and upcoming NBA All-Star weekend? yeah Nah, I'm just excited to see what, you know, the dunk contest, three points, you know, three-point shootout dunk contest. um I'm actually excited to see what this, uh, I think it's like the five, five-man team, where they've invited up, where they got the different five-man teams that are going to play each other, whatever. It's not like you have like a whole squad, the East versus the West.
Oh, yeah, they're gonna have Kenny Kenny's young stars versus c Chuck's global stars. Oh, geez versus Kansas. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, it's a winner winner of game one and two. Yeah. Is that what it is? Is that what it is? They're gonna. Is it like a tournament kind of. They're trying everything and anything, guys. It's just embarrassing.
now to try to keep people's attention, man. That's what it is now. All right, let me just clear this up for the audience. Audience, everybody. There were 24 All-Stars, eight rising stars. They will be divided into four teams of eight. Team Kenny, Team Chuck, Team Shaq, as was mentioned by Flo Kenny, drafted a bunch of young youngsters, led by Ant-Man and Jalen Brunson. Shaq drafted a bunch of OGs, including pairing up LeBron and AD again, grabbing KD.
grabbing Harden, grabbing Steph, grabbing JT and JB. And Chuck went with who I think has the best team, a mix of young Gunners and some veterans, Janets, Jokic, Damian Lillard. I forget who else he has, but he has a bunch of other good players.

New All-Star Tournament Format

So I think personally, Chuck probably has the best team. They will compete in a tournament. Oh, it's four teams. Four teams, two games. Single elimination. Single elimination. and it's all done on that one night or is it like Really? So is it like is it just like a one-quarter or how is the place to 40? So they're using the oh like 21 like when you play 21 out in the know they have what's called the elum score Okay, been they've been using the score for a long time not only in um other sports not necessarily the NBA obviously but other uh basketball leagues um so for Elam's score basically they set a score and whoever gets to that score first is the winner now the only difference here is the
Yes. The only difference here is the ELAM score is usually set at the fourth quarter based on the the deficit. Here, though, they're just going straight to 40. So whatever team gets to 40 first. and then Oh, OK. And is the the championship going to be the same way, or will it be a full game? Nope, same way. OK. Your thoughts ah on this so weekend? Hey, I'll start. Slap in the face, guys. It's slap in the face. I'm not happy about it at all.
um Look, this is how I know they had an issue. They invited Caitlin Clark, a WNBA player, to shoot their three-point contest. That tells me that they don't have a star right now. That was the most embarrassing thing I ever heard. Never have they ever done that before, man. Come on, man. Do what you gotta do. Make the league better. Skip on this crap already. It's a slap in the face, man. Right, right. Where am I?
Yeah, I think Flowman dropped off, man. But for me, for the whole All-Star weekend, man, I think it's like, to me, it's a joke, man. I think they've taken away the players. that They don't have much pride. They don't take much interest in really enjoying the events and different things like that. So I think it's much mostly fun and enjoyment, but they don't they don't put on for the fans.
for the respect for people like shooting threes the whole time machine threes from half court. Right, right. they they then They're not driving and painting that drop step. They're not they're not doing what we are used to as far as the norm when it comes to basketball. So for us, it's like we're just wasting time watching them Sunday night or whatever. But at end an at the end of the day, man, I think it's soft or whatever. But a well like I said, I just want to see what a three point contest look like. And now I want to see is there any body they can really dump, man?

Dunk Contest Participation Criticism

You don't have any Dominique Wilkins anymore.
You don't, you don't have guys that go out there and really dunk the basketball anymore, guys. And you don't get the big name players in the dunk contest and that kind of stuff. Right, you don't. That's a problem. You don't. Yeah. Omar, you're a solutions guy. You have any solutions to fix All Star Weekend? I know you had some thoughts on the Pro Bowl and that kind of stuff.
revamping it somehow The only way to fix the and NBA all-star game and you can't fix and NBA all-star weekend NBA all-star weekend is shot at this point unless you get some kind of uh stars like uh Jake was talking about you need stars to stay you need Steph Curry and Damian Lillard in your three-point contest you need okay uh you know LeBron James and SGA and Ant-Man in your duck contest right right you need stars and if you don't have that then no one's gonna pay attention and when you have movies out here you subscribe to uh Steven A's uh
Stephen A. Smith's theory that LeBron James ruined the dunk contest by never participating even once in it. he He gave all stars an out saying, hey, he doesn't do it. Why should I do it? No, not necessarily because I think I think that would have happened anyways with the way we've gone with injuries and sports and things like that. LeBron does it when he's young. Okay, so what's the way he does it one time?

LeBron and Dunk Contest Debate

We did it. ohbe did it No, okay. So he does it one time. It's just another hate on LeBron. We just blame him. But I'm just saying he is going to be in it and he never did it. and He just kept promising and making empty promises.
LeBron admitted himself that he was a game player. dun what No, no, no, he's a game player. He's not a dunker. Yeah, but he should have done it. I mean, who cares? Would it have been? I think I think I tend to agree with Steve. I think he looked at. Yeah, another reason to hate on LeBron him participating. I think he ruined it and giving other stars, that you know, an out. Hey, I mean, my LeBron never did it. Why should I do it?
What do you have kept it alive? Maybe a couple more years, maybe, but I think eventually it would have died out anyways. The only thing you can do at this point there is go is give millions of dollars to the winning team and so that they play hard enough. That's all you can do. Okay. All right. Any final thoughts on the All-Star Weekend? I'm good, bro. All right. All right. Well, let's wrap this up, guys. ah Any final thoughts for anything coming up? Anything?
I think next week we should bring up the whole, ah we just found out A-Rod's probably not staying with the Jets. We'll get all into that later. We'll get into that later. We forgot that too, man. i Also, ah precious Russell Wilson is on the move again. reached Guess he wasn't so well in Pittsburgh after all. it your hallow themer I don't know about that.
Keep your all famous. Who's two Super Bowls? You got one. Ball and Buds. Ball and Buds. Yep. Ball and Buds. Go check out Ball and Buds over there at... Nope. Just YouTube. Just go to YouTube. That's all that matters. And go check out Jake down there at... I'll say bye. Let's get it going. Check it out. All right. Total evisceration. You got this. Go find something on the bottom line.