Welcome back to the show, friends! Today's episode is one of our favorites. Today, Laura has some girly chat with her long-time friend, Sydney Mosshart. Sydney is 26 years old, works at her church and loves to bake, cook and try new coffee shops. Sydney and Laura chat about surviving private school together, how Sydney lives with a chronic illness and have some quality girl chat. You don't want to miss this fun-filled episode! Welcome back to Wholeheartedly, Her.
connect with Sydney on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sydastoria/
an OK burger review: https://www.instagram.com/anokburgerreview/
follow W,H on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholeheartedlyher/
follow Laura on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laurapryor__/
email wholeheartedlyherpodcast@gmail.com to ask a question or submit a request to be on the podcast!