“‘We the People’…HAVE HAD ENOUGH!” image

“‘We the People’…HAVE HAD ENOUGH!”

S6 E285 · AMATEUR NATION with Lou Santini
43 Plays2 months ago


  1. Racism causes cancer! “It was on the TV so it must be true!”
  2. Disney: a racist, child exploitation factory that is a tool of Communism.
  3. I’m all out of f***s about Joe Biden’s deteriorating everything.

*On “A la Carte”:* turns out the government DOES know the difference between men and women!, the illegal alien voting extravaganza, and Chicago has found the root of all their problems! (hint: it’s not the leadership).

*On “3 Pro Things”:* Pro-American women are a tired of taking it on the chin, an landmark record in motorsports is broken, and a comedian drops the hammer on public education.

*DRYBAR COMEDY SPECIAL:“Amateur Nation*”: https://www.drybarcomedy.com/lous

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The Honor and Remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families. The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag too. Text FLAG to 71777 or visit honorandremember.org to learn more. Together we remember them all.
are do Welcome to the the show. Okay, let's all shut up, please. Warning. The podcast you are about to hear is often based on true events and people. It chronicles the dialogue and actions of random, anonymous, obnoxious, self-entitled, unintelligent, self-centered idiots, a attention whores, ignoramuses, dolts, clods, Nimrods, douches, weirdos, drama queens, overly sensitive cry babies, and people who think they are better, more important, and special than the rest of us. In one word, amateurs.
It's amateur nation with Lou Santini. We call attention to and call out the amateurs. God, I admire you. As you should, this show calls out the people who are doing life wrong, the speed bumps of life, the people that are in your way every day, the unintelligent, obnoxious, attention-horring, self-untitled, drama queen victim types who chip away at the moments of your life due to no self-awareness, common sense, manners, or social skills, and are disturbing the flow of the prose. Hi, Mom. Oh, hey, Lou. Amateur Nation. It's not just a podcast. It's a movement. And this is episode 285. We the people have had enough. On today's episode, racism causes cancer. Disney, a racist communist child exploitation factory. And I'm all out of fucks about Joe Biden's deteriorating everything. Then we slap amateurs around just a bit more in a la carte. And we close the show with three things done right on three pro things.
Welcome, fellow pros, once again to the weekly social commentary podcast magazine, filled to the brim with opinion, mostly based on facts, logic, and common sense from me and insights from the various pros from around the United States and the globe. Shouts out to pronation first. Shouts out to Kimberly Kiko, Dave Benedict, Moose and Momo, Elaborate Dare, Wade Searle, Craig McDonald, Karen Salto, and Glenn Glasgow on Instagram. Scott Savage, Eric Johnson, Scott Weiler, Brett Yander Sr., Gary Howley, Jack Stull.
Brian Seifert, Paul Hollywood, Brian Turner and Fred Sellers on Facebook and Emily Smith, Adrian Natan and Gun Industry Marketplace on Truth Social. Very special shout out to Tyler and his family and friends in Maslin, Ohio. Very nice family I've met many times at a comedy club in Maslin and relatively new to the podcast. I appreciate the support. Your pro post of the week from Thomas Sowell, and it ties in with this week's episode title. Here it is. Three little words, we the people. The opening words of the Constitution of the United States are the biggest obstacle to achieving the political goals of the left. For that, they must move decisions away from we the people, from individuals to government, from elected officials to unelected judges, and from national institutions to international institutions like the United Nations.
all safely remote and insulated from we the people. Here's what's happening in amateur nation. how
The following topic is so intelligence insulting, so stupid, so inane, only the commies of amateur nation in Hollywood could make it up. And that is exactly what this is. Made. Up. NBC has yet another hospital show called New Amsterdam, where in this very special episode, we see a concerned mom waiting to hear about her boy as she waits along with a nurse, as the doctor is claiming the boy has cancer caused by... Is he okay? Yeah, he's okay. I had Cephas answer some questions from a Harvard test known as unrest. First mistake, listening to anything coming out of Harvard. It is designed to measure someone's level of social resistance. Social resistance. When people like us oppose the values and policies of the dominant culture. That's right. Not the dominant culture. By the way, the people like us who oppose the dominant culture was said by a black woman playing a doctor. So apparently, there was so much dominant culture that the black, clearly British woman managed to become a doctor. But at least the white male understands his awfulness as he explains it to the Latin mom. I wonder if the dominant culture was white Christian values. You know, how like dark-skinned Muslim values found in many countries in the Middle East? Or how that crazy Jewish culture found in Israel? Don't you hate when you can't control who or what culture found in the country in which you were born and you had no control over it? If we could only control the past. I mean, sure, we can erase it by taking down statues and yelling at people and burning things, but for some reason, history is still history. I think it's great how our hate for other people brings us together. What does that have to do? Your son, he feels threatened.
On a daily basis, like everything he's earned can just be taken away. This looks like a job for better parenting. He's disenfranchised. Who gives a shit? Get the hell out of here. Welcome to America, kid. He's disenfranchised. I have about 350 million Americans who got you beat, amateur. But because his life is seemingly free from all this, because he can't name it, he's internalizing it. Finally, a boy with the possibility of having a shot at being a man. What, you'd rather a boy make a crying TikTok video from the front seat of his Nissan Leaf? What exactly is he internalizing? So again, this woman's child is disenfranchised and he feels threatened and he can't seem to name it, the it being the problem that he's carrying around with him. Apparently, this amateur can take a test from Harvard, nor can he name it or say it. He's that fragile and stupid. Name what? Racism. I think your son's tumor was caused by racism. All right, come on. I got some people there. You've got to go. Come on. There's the door. Time to go. Thank you. Goodbye. Thank you for stopping by. Don't do it again. Racism causes cancer. It was on the TV, so it must be true. Make no mistake, amateurs will indeed run with that. They'll say, well, it's based on truth, or it had to come from some research. The actors participating in this storyline should be embarrassed and ashamed. And I get it, it's an acting job. Money's money. But at some point, you as an artist have to say no. Every acting class I took over the 24 years in LA, they beat into your head. You must be open. You have to be open to anything and everything. No, I don't. Not as an actor and certainly not as an audience member.
If disenfranchisement can cause something as severe as a tumor, then maybe mild aggravation can cause what? Gout? Believe me, despite unleashing the sarcasm I do on this weekly show and my regular stand-up comedy performances, I still internalize plenty. But luckily, I must be cancer-free because I can actually name the internalized disenfranchisement that I feel. It's called an aversion to amateurs. Check out the clip on YouTube. Go to the search bar and type, his tumors are caused by racism slash new Amsterdam slash MDTV. And laugh your ass off at the comments by the alert pros, such as, I got cancer from watching this video. Another one, you're telling me I can give people cancer over the internet? Another one, son, racism has given you a tumor. So here's a high earning black and attractive female doctor that will further elaborate your $300,000 medical bill.
One of the dumbest scenes I've ever seen. The fact that it's meant to be serious makes it even funnier. I went to the doctor and all I got was a BLM t-shirt. Another one said, this is why externalizing and voicing your racism is actually healthy. And finally, this is Leslie Nielsen levels of deadpan comedy. It's science, people! Science!
And now this. And now for step two. Topic number two. And supporting Disney? Well, then you support communism and the destruction of American values. Fact. Just because you don't think that way, when you spend your money and give it to Disney, you are supporting them. Their senior VP, Michael Giordano, was recently caught on tape saying that there's no way we're hiring a white male and they've turned down black people for not being black enough. Hashtag boycott Disney. In other news, a new energy source has been discovered that is fueled by the spinning of Walt Disney in his grave.
Here's comedian Bill Maher saying what I've been saying for a while on this show just a few episodes back when I spoke on the topic of the child trafficking slash child sexualization and child exploitation in Hollywood. 35 Disney employees had been arrested for sex crimes against children and in 2021, Disney child star Alison Stoner confessed she only narrowly survived the toddler to train wreck pipeline. The next year, child star Cole Sprouse told the New York Times that young actresses at the Disney Channel were heavily sexualized from an early age. You know, Willie Sutton said he robbed banks because that's where the money is. And the reason we find pedophiles in the Boy Scouts and the Rectory and Kids TV is that's where the kids are. um This dentist wasn't wrong, but we're so tribal now, the left will overlook child f*** if the guy from the wrong party calls it out. Sure, Nickelodeon messed up a man to binds, but the Mickey Mouse Club was where Britney Spears got her started, and she's perfectly fine.
And get this, after Brian Peck, who was one of the lead creeps at Nickelodeon, served 16 months in prison for the molesting he did there, Disney hired him, naturally to work on a children's series. Oh, for pedophiles in Hollywood, it's a small world after all.
The alert pros at the Loud Majority USA on Instagram posted, here's an idea. Don't take your kids to Disney this summer. They don't deserve your money or support. Take your kids to Jamestown or Valley Forge or Independence Hall or Arlington National Cemetery or a Civil War battlefield. Teach them about sacrifice, courage, and the price of freedom. Teach them true history. Teach them to be grateful that they live in America. I agree. And it'll be cheaper, and your kids won't appreciate Disneyland anyway. They won't get the expense, the time spent, the planning, the travel of a trip to the commiest place on Earth. Yeah, I know, it sounds boring to a kid going to all those other things that guy mentioned. It's not. It's a trip. It's time with parents. And frankly, a noisy, crowded, mega-expensive trip to Disney isn't exactly a bonding with your kids experience-type trip.
Trust me, I've emceed over 300 events at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. I'm not seeing a lot of kids hugging their parents in appreciation. Dad, Mom, thank you. I'll treasure this trip forever. They won't. I have many friends who love Disney. Some of them have kids, some don't. But if you rationalize this as, I'm not going to stop going to Disney because of a few child rapists, then you are 100% funding the child rapists. Because Disney doesn't deal with the issue openly, transparently, swiftly, and or correctly. And know this, a company this size that has their hands in TV, film, animation, on a worldwide scale with Disney stores everywhere, different Disney amusement parks, plus all the content they create and networks they own,
This is not a few child rapists. Disney has now become a child exploitation factory. Disney, a racist child exploitation factory that is a tool of communism. Hashtag Boycott Disney.
My no amateur shot glasses are sold out and my men's no amateurs tees are gone. Women's tees are half off when you go to looseantini.com slash shop. Check my website for my social media links and when you subscribe to the show you'll get previews throughout the week showing what's to come. Don't forget to share and comment. A la carte and three pro things are on the way but first I'm all out of fucks about Joe Biden's deteriorating everything on topic number three next.
There's been an odd shift in human behavior over the last 15 plus years. A sense of entitlement. A constant need for attention. Ironically, coupled with the need to be left alone. A desire to be treated the same as everyone else. Stupidly combined with the mindset of, I'm special, so treat me accordingly. Introducing the book, Amateur Nation. The decline of common sense manners and social skills. the Second edition. Inside you'll read, the amateur mission statement. The 30 truths about amateurs. The four stages of being an amateur. Amateur habitats and history. Social media plus me, me, me equals amateur. Technology and amateur behavior. With dozens of real funny photos, weird signs, and laugh out loud real life accounts and actual conversations vividly showing how us pros are surrounded by amateur nation every day. Download the expanded second edition of the e-book amateur nation. The decline of common sense manners and social skills. The second expanded edition, available now. Be a pro. Go to Amazon. Type amateur nation. The honor and remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families.
The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country, and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag, too. Text FLAG to 71777 or visit honorandremember.org to learn more. Together, we remember them all.
are um when you're When you're telling these little stories, here's a good idea. Have a point. It makes it so much more interesting for the listener. Alright, now step three. Topic number three. Hit me!
You've heard me play this drop before in my use of it describing President Culleringbock. Here it is. He was a very old man in a torn jacket. He walked very slowly to this end. He was dragging his left leg and trying to hide it because he was shamed. This is a frightened, insignificant old man who who has been nothing all his life. Nobody quotes him. Nobody seeks his advice after 75 years. It's been a couple weeks since the debate. I'm officially tired of people saying the following about Joe Biden. I know he's a bad person and a bad president, but it's just sad because no one wants to see anyone go through that. It's just a shame that he's going through that. And you don't wish that upon anybody. Why not?
Look, I'm not saying go around and wish bad things on people like dementia and Alzheimer's. Of course not. I wish dementia and Alzheimer's and other diseases and other bad things on people. No. And while you may not want people, people you know personally, who are probably good people, to be stricken with such a horrible, dehumanizing, humiliating condition like dementia and or Alzheimer's, but can we please not lose sight of the fact that this is a seriously evil human being? They're trying to curry your sympathy because he's old. That was a plan. Joe Biden has been in government for 50-plus years full of nothing but corruption, plagiarism, blackmail, extortion, treason, lying, and traitorous behavior for 50 years. He said it is what it is.
He's a seriously evil, morally bankrupt human being, as is his family. Accusations of molesting his child, Ashley. His crack-addicted, never-working son who started a relationship with his brother's widow. Joe used his son in a money laundering scam. Which is worse, the dad using his son or his morally bankrupt son who learned from his dad? Answer, his dad. i've done some dumb things They'll do dumb things again. Joe Biden has used the government, your tax dollars, to go after a political opponent, the opponent you're probably supporting. And let's not forget the stolen election. What does it take for you to say he deserves every bad thing that happens to him?
If anyone deserves dementia and Alzheimer's, it's this treasonous amateur. Stop making excuses for him. Stop doing disclaimers for the worst president in American history. Stop making disclaimers for the person who could possibly be one of the key people bringing down the United States of America. Because we cannot get re-elected, we cannot win this re-election. Excuse me, we can only re-elect Donald Trump. Now what does it take for you to be okay with this amateur having a debilitating humiliating condition? So this host is fine with Joe Biden deteriorating and soiling himself on national television. I will never ever say I feel sorry for him. I don't feel sorry for people.
who ruin America and my life personally. I personally, like you, have probably been affected by Joe Biden. Inflation affects everyone. Border security affects everyone. The threat of World War III affects everyone. Why are people upset when finally something bad happens to someone really bad? Because the bad thing is something you wouldn't wish on your own worst enemy? I got news for you. Your worst enemy isn't a treasonous, traitorous, child-sniffing, plagiarizing, and corrupt commie. To be clear, if I had a choice between Joe Biden having dementia and Joe Biden being behind bars with a clear mind, I'd take the latter. I'd prefer he'd be executed on live television.
What? He has committed treason many times. Oh, well, little treason is hard to prove. No, it's not. Treason is hard to prosecute and fu fulfill the punishments, but it's there for a reason. The amount of deaths Joe Biden has caused, whether funded and or ordered and controlled by Obama and Soros, is irrelevant. He put himself in a place to be bribed, blackmailed, and extorted. And he did the same with arrogance, with zero regard to the Constitution or the American taxpayer. He cost lives, health, money for millions of Americans. He did nothing for the law-abiding, tax-paying American. He spends your money on useless wars. He pays illegal immigrant criminals to come and rape and murder your daughters. And he does nothing. He gets dementia? Boo hoo.
I feel sorry for people with dementia who don't deserve that. I feel sorry for good people with any kind of life-threatening or debilitating diseases or conditions. You think Joe Biden gives two figs about your relative or you who might have dementia? What has he done for people with dementia? Hell, he jacked up the price of insulin for one of the top three health problems in America, diabetes. Health insurance is through the roof. A recent poll said the average American can't handle a financial emergency over a thousand bucks. And you feel bad for an old, evil, corrupt, sleazy commie? I don't want to hear it! Joe Biden cares about Joe Biden. Not you, not America.
People think that by saying these platitudes, that that makes them appear kind. And I'm willing to bet that the people who say that are indeed kind with their hearts in the wrong place. It doesn't make you appear kind, just weak. And commies prey on that. Look how they prey upon amateur nation. Free everything. Nothing is your fault. Be anything. Eat anything. Stay home praying on the weak. It doesn't mean you don't have sympathy or mercy in your life. It just makes you weak. when you're feeling sorry for Joe Biden. You are not punishing Joe Biden. You didn't cause his deteriorating mental and physical health. It doesn't mean you're wishing illness, disease, pestilence, crime, and death upon all those whom you don't like. But stop with it. I feel sorry for him.
I don't. I never have. You should vote for Trump. and You should vote for Trump. This is phase one of thousands in Joe Biden's karmic debt being paid. And he has a lifetime in hell to pay for it. When are you going to die?
A few more jabs at amateur nation. This is a la carte. I hate when people say, pain is just weakness leaving the body. Yeah, well, you're about to experience some facial weakness. In Utah, another mentally ill transgender person by the name of Mia Bailey shot her parents dead and told police she would do it again. Ever notice the transgender people doing all these mass shootings? Oh, wait, is this the first time you're hearing about this? Oh, you must watch mainstream media. Anyway, ever notice the transgender people doing all these mass shootings are already fully transitioned?
It's never non-transitioned people wanting to transition, or people working on transitioning. It's the transgender people with man-made hormone blockers, or starters, and toxic chemicals coursing through their body and brains. I'm sure there's no connection. Oh, and ever notice the people who are all about vegan life and eating clean are down with the untested gene experiment and boosters on letting chemicals flood the bloodstreams of underage children in the name of gender-affirming care? Oh, hang on. All right, let's see here. The house recently passed a bill to automatically register men for the draft. Oh, so we do know the difference between men and women. And look at that. As soon as the bill passed all commercials for the military feature only white men. Yeah, it's tough being a white man these days.
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban says he won't vote for anyone who doesn't believe climate change is real. Let's play how many private planes does Mark Cuban own? If you said three, with two of them being commercial airliners, you win! I'm gonna call you a prick. So he's smart enough to be a successful businessman and owner of a major sports franchise, but doesn't have the critical thinking, but more likely, lacks the balls, to stand up and speak the truth. The New York Post has reported that 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens. No proof of citizenship needed, so regardless of your politics, you're okay with letting illegal aliens to have a say in how our country, and thus your life, is run. Really? You mean like when you vote in other countries' elections when you went on vacation there? Fuck these people! Fuck these people!
Still some pros out there doing what needs to be done like in Nashville, Tennessee, a bill authorizing the use of the death penalty for convicted child rapist was signed by the governor, Bill Lee. And if you're against the death penalty for child rapists, unfriend me and or never speak to me again. Chicago's pseudo-mayor Brandon Johnson said racism is the root of the city's problem, finally. And 500 grand should help study it. 490,000 ain't getting it done. You see, they need that money for restoration and reparations. I wonder if racism is also the problem in L.A., Minneapolis, San Francisco, Atlanta, Baltimore, New York. You know, commie-run cities.
And did you ever notice that the answer for all commie problem solving is A, throw money at it, and B, throw money at it at the taxpayers expense, and C, the money goes to studies and research, but rarely the problem itself, and D, the problem is never the leadership. By no means don't spend a half million dollars on more police or giving them better equipment or better pay to incentivize them. Final question, once that half million dollars is granted, will the taxpayers see receipts detailing expenses? Thank God in the world I can find three things that are done right every week. These are pro things. Three pro things. Number one.
Pride Month is over. Oh, how exciting. Can you believe that? I'm all with Twitter. Did you notice when it comes to the LGBTQ Abt-Cadeffy-Jekyll-Mannock-Restuvwickses, the whole concept seems to target women more than men? Drag queens. More boys transitioning to girls than the other way around. Miss Maryland was a man playing pretend. Leah Thomas swimming with the ladies. Every day another story of a high school boy beating up on the girls in sports. Make no mistake, women in America are under attack. Too thin, you're vain. Fat, you're perfect. Dying of heart disease and diabetes, but you're still perfect. Stay at home mom, you're weak. Single, childless, you go girl. But you know what, what am I doing? Let Victoria Vladimirovna, who has an Instagram handle of communism survivor, spell it out for you when it comes to Republican women being under attack. But honestly, while I agree with her sentiments 100%, I'd say her words apply to all American women. even if they're not fully aware of it because some may be commie amateurs. But make no mistake, Victoria's words are about all women. This audio in response to a cover of The New Yorker entitled, Are Republican Women Okay? Your sad cover story on us says more about your desperate grasps relevance than it does about American women who refuse to goose step to your mindless drumbeat.
You're asking if we're okay when your women do this to themselves? You're the ones who told us in the name of feminism we must sacrifice our femininity and spare ourselves. That the only way to achieve true equality is to be more like men. You encourage men to cosplay as us so they can invade our hard fought right to have our own sport team. At the same time, you cheer on young girls mutilating themselves before they even know what promise. But when we question this, you call us intolerant, and then use it as a reason to get us kicked out of our teams, expelled from school, fired from our jobs, and stripped of the opportunities that women finally achieved. Or at least, we saw it.
we achieved. You tell us lies, like all bodies are beautiful, unless it's somebody conservative. You drone on about self-care, but to hell with healthy living. Your definition is letting ourselves go, eating ourselves into depression, taking up these weird traits, like reading each other's horoscopes, until we become so lonely to the point we resort to posting videos of ourselves crying on TikTok for the validation of strangers. Just so we can wake up one day at 45 years old and wonder, What the hell happened to our lives? Is there a husband or children to care for us? Of course not! You told us that being a boss lady meant we don't need to love anyone but ourselves. Having kids will enslave us. Jumping around is more empowering.
It's no secret you look down on us for wanting to be moms. Many of you are single and childless. The more hinge dates that turn you down, the more you clutch your post-grad degree, and whatever HR credential you receive. But we're the deluded ones for wanting something more in life. You laugh at us for believing in a god and tell us our religion is oppressive, but then shout, you go, girl, to these women. Your godless movement preaches equality as a reason to partner with the world's most oppressive religious coupes to destroy the very Judeo-Christian values that got women our rights in the first place. For years, your ilk shouted, believe all women. Until you decided that we're not supposed to believe women groped by Democrat politicians or the Jewish women who were raped on October 7th. Then we were told those women were asking to be sexually butchered.
that it was a justified form of resistance because they were white colonizers. Silly white women, silly Jews, we just don't understand. You decided that gangsters who jump our border illegally have more rights than the mothers and daughters they rape and murder. And when we say we've had enough, you call us racists. He calls homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes for saying stop. When we tell you we don't need you to think for us, when we refuse to submit to your marching orders, you mock us and say it must be because we're pre-programmed by the patriarchy.
After all that lecturing telling us what to say, think, and do, you can't even define what a woman is. You say gender doesn't exist, so we must not exist. If gender is a construct, then a room full of men and genderless pod people can simply construct what a woman is, right? I think I'm simply speaking on behalf of most free-thinking women when I answer no. We're not okay. You and your cult have screwed over generations of women to come and then ask us if we're okay as you erase us.
NHRA Pro Stock Motorcyclist and current world champion Gage Herrera. He added yet another record in his amazing two-year run on June 23, going 6.755 at 199.26 mph on his RevZilla Mission Foods Vance & Hines Suzuki to defeat teammate Richard Gadsen in the final round in Virginia. With the victory, the defending world champion set the record for the most consecutive wins in NHRA history, winning his 10th straight event on a Suzuki and eclipsing the previous mark set by Bob Glidden. Besides the impressive string of event wins, even more impressive is that this is the longest streak in any of the major NHRA categories in four decades. Number three. Comedian George Carlin, in my Mount Rushmore of comedy. I wonder if George had not been a comedian and a businessman or a politician, which of course he'd rather die. He might have been taken more seriously or people would have heeded his words more intently. Here he is talking about the reason American education sucks. Education sucks. It's the same reason that it will never ever ever be fixed. It's never going to get any better. Don't look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now. The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't.
You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls. They got the judges in their back pockets. And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying. Lobbying. to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them. That's against their hatred. That's right.
Sidebar, recently a friend of mine sent me a clip of legendary insult comedian Don Rickles. He mentioned something to the effect of, can you imagine if he tried that today? Well, I agree, of course, when it comes to politically incorrect comedy, notice how people will focus on, boy, you can't do that nowadays, rather than, man, people sure had thicker skin back then, because they did.
Make your voice and your votes heard. Do not stay silent, fellow pros. 2024 is the year of the great resist. Don't tolerate amateurs in their America last agenda. Do not stay silent, fellow pros. Now, if you like what you heard today, subscribe. Please go to LouSantini.com. You'll find all my social media links on Instagram, Truth Social, Facebook, and YouTube. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast, it's a movement. Remember amateurs, we see you. You're not at home, don't do life wrong. Go pro, don't be an amateur. For Amateur Nation, I'm Lu Santini and this is a MIT Production.
think it's great how our hate for other people brings us together i froze lu antini here host of amateur nation my drybar comedy special amateur nation is now available and just like this show if you're allergic to a lack of common sense in today's world And you like your comedy delivered with uncompromising talent like it is bite, then check out my half-hour comedy special, Amateur Nation. Go to DriveOurComedy.com slash Lou S. This is my way of saying thank you to the pros who listen to this show every week. DriveOurComedy.com slash Lou S. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast, it's a movement.