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37 Plays8 months ago

F'dan l-episodju ma' Luke Saydon, nitrattaw l-intolleranza, Malta fil-konfront tad-drittijiet LGBTQ, u l-kor uniku magħruf bħala l-Kor Kwir, mal-awtur żagħżugħ u kompożitur mużikali li jingħaqad magħna minn Londra.

Antenni Suspettużi huwa l-podcast ta' PEN Malta mal-awturi ta' żmienna. Joħroġ nhar ta' Tlieta.

Jippreżenta: Karl Schembri

Riċerka: Clare Azzopardi


In this episode with Luke Saydon we discuss intolerance, Malta's attitude to LGBTQ rights, and the unique choir known as Kor Kwir, with the young author and music composer who joins us from London.

Antenni Suspettużi is PEN Malta's weekly podcast with contemporary authors.

Host: Karl Schembri

Researcher: Clare Azzopardi

Twitter: @MaltaPEN

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