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18 John P. Portelli image

18 John P. Portelli

S2 E5 · Antenni Suspettużi
29 Plays10 months ago

John P. Portelli huwa awtur ta' rumanzi u novelli, poeta, u espert tal-edukazzjoni li ħalla Malta għall-Kanada iktar minn 40 sena ilu. F'din il-poddata jitkellem fuq l-esperjenza tiegħu tan-neo-kolonjaliżmu fl-akkademja, l-esperjenza ta' immigrant, għaliex jikteb bil-Malti u dwar x'qed jiġri fil-Palestina. U dwar xahar jaħdem ma' Noam Chomsky fis-sebgħinijiet.

Antenni Suspettużi huwa l-podcast ta' PEN Malta mal-awturi ta' żmienna. Joħroġ nhar ta' Tlieta.

Jippreżenta: Karl Schembri

Riċerka: Clare Azzopardi


John P. Portelli is an author of novels, short stories and poetry, and an expert in education who left Malta for Canada over four decades ago. In this podcast he speaks about his experience of neo-colonialism in academia, his experience as an immigrant, why he writes in Maltese and about what is happening in Palestine. And about a month working with Noam Chomsky in the seventies.

Antenni Suspettużi is PEN Malta's weekly podcast with contemporary authors.

Host: Karl Schembri

Researcher: Clare Azzopardi

Twitter: @MaltaPEN

Facebook: PENMalta

Instagram: @pen_malta

