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65 Plays1 year ago

Poddata ġdida ma' Matthew Schembri, l-awtur ta' "Stessi" u "Ħassartek", li jkellimna dwar il-proċess li wasslu biex iħassar ir-rumanz tiegħu stess u jiddistillah f'poeżija, fi żmien meta l-Fibromyalgia żammitu lura milli jikteb, u kif jasserixxi l-identità Queer permezz tal-letteratura. Ta' ispirazzjoni kbira kif Schembri jdawwar tbatija fiżika u mentali f'att ta' kreazzjoni.

Fil-poddata nsellmu wkoll lill-ħbieb tagħna ta' Aphroconfuso, li Matthew qed jikkollabora magħhom fuq proġett ġdid, u li minbarra rivista letterarja għandhom podcast interessanti ferm bl-istess isem.

Antenni Suspettużi huwa l-podcast ta' PEN Malta mal-awturi ta' żmienna. Joħroġ nhar ta' Tlieta.

Jippreżenta: Karl Schembri

Riċerka: Clare Azzopardi


A new podcast with Matthew Schembri, the author of "Stessi" and "Ħassartek", who speaks about the process that led him to erase his own novel and distill it into poetry, at a time when Fibromyalgia was impeding him from writing, and how he came out as Queer through literature. Very insiprational to hear how Schembri turns physical and mental suffering into an act of creation.

In this podcast we also salute our friends at Aphroconfuso, whom Matthew is collaborating with on a new project, and how besides a literary journal also hosts an invaluable podcast with the same name.

Antenni Suspettużi is PEN Malta's weekly podcast with contemporary authors. Out every Tuesday.

Host: Karl Schembri

Researcher: Clare Azzopardi

Twitter: @MaltaPEN

Facebook: PENMalta

Instagram: @pen_malta

