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22 Jesmond Sharples image

22 Jesmond Sharples

S2 E9 · Antenni Suspettużi
32 Plays7 months ago

Jesmond Sharples huwa poeta, kompożitur u infermier. Kif jingħaqdu dawn id-dinjiet f'persuna waħda?

Antenni Suspettużi huwa l-podcast ta' PEN Malta mal-awturi ta' żmienna. Joħroġ nhar ta' Tlieta.

Jippreżenta: Karl Schembri

Riċerka: Clare Azzopardi


Jesmond Sharples is a poet, composer and nurse. How do these three worlds collide into one?

Antenni Suspettużi is PEN Malta's weekly podcast with contemporary authors.

Host: Karl Schembri

Researcher: Clare Azzopardi

Twitter: @MaltaPEN

Facebook: PENMalta

Instagram: @pen_malta


Email: [email protected]