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“It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Treason"            image

“It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Treason"

S6 E292 · AMATEUR NATION with Lou Santini
52 Plays4 months ago


  1. “This Week in Unstable Everyday Commies”!
  2. “Social Justice” is not education. Nor is it a thing in Pro Nation.
  3. Commiela Harris and “price contro—“, I mean, “Communism”.

*On “A la Carte”:* Commies don’t want voter ID, but you’ll need it to attend their rallies, Subway’s problems are a "foot long”, and “Tampon Tim” Walz supports terrorism.

*On “3 Pro Things”:* 2A, “Be the Boss When Raising Children”, and the WORLD PREMIERE of the song, “Build a Wall”!


*SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE*: for 60-second podcast previews!:





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Introduction to 'Amatronesia' and Amateur Behavior

There's been an odd shift in human behavior over the last 15 plus years. A sense of entitlement. A constant need for attention. Ironically, coupled with the need to be left alone. A desire to be treated the same as everyone else. Stupidly combined with the mindset of, I'm special, so treat me accordingly. Introducing the book, Amatronesia. Better client of common sense, manners, and social skills. Best second edition. Inside you'll read, The amateur mission statement. The 30 truths about amateurs. The four stages of being an amateur. Amateur habitats and history. Social media plus me, me, me equals amateur. Technology and amateur behavior. With dozens of real funny photos, weird signs, and laugh out loud real life accounts and actual conversations vividly showing how us pros are surrounded by amateur nation every day. Download the expanded second edition of the e-book amateur nation. The decline of common sense manners and social skills. The second expanded edition available now. Be a pro. Go to Amazon. Type amateur nation.

Symbols of Honor and Satirical Commentary

The honor and remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families.
The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag too. Text FLAG to 71777 or visit to learn more. Together we remember them all.
are welcome the Okay, let's all shut up, please. Warning. The podcast you are about to hear is often based on true events and people. It chronicles the dialogue and actions of random, anonymous, obnoxious, self-entitled, unintelligent, self-centered idiots, attention whores, ignoramuses, dolts, clods, nimrods, douches, weirdos, drama queens, overly sensitive cry babies, and people who think they are better, more important, and special than the rest of us. In one word, amateurs.
It's Amateur Nation with Lou Santini. We call attention to and call out the amateurs. Sure, it's done in the name of comedy. Yeah, the people who are doing life wrong, the speed bumps of life, the people that are in your way every day, the unintelligent, obnoxious, attention-horring, self-entitled, drama queen, victim types, who chip away at the moments of your life due to no self-awareness, common sense, manners, or social skills, and are disturbing the flow of the pros.
Hi, Mom. Oh, hey, Lou. Amateur Nation. It's not just a podcast. It's a movement.

Social Commentary and Public Figures

This is episode 292. It's beginning to look a lot like treason.
I've missed you. We return with the weekly social commentary podcast magazine, full of opinions, facts, logic, and common sense from me and various pros from around the United States and sometimes other places around the globe. On today's episode, this week at unstable everyday commies, social justice is not education and Camila Harris and price control, I mean communism. Then the a la carte segment is where amateurs go to cry. And then we always close the show on three positive things done right on three pro things.
Shouts out to pronation first. Shouts out to Shane Beshears on Soundcloud, Pam Tillis, Fan 007, Michael T, Jeremy Chicarelli, Z Vanessa Thompson, Sid Frasch, Graham Dyer, Russell Nichols, and Dylan Pruitt 741 on Instagram. Also, we're going to say hi to Vicky Palka and Susan Centes on Facebook. And a special shout out to Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA Washington County Activism Hub on Instagram. Thanks for the follow.
And your pro quote of the week from the alert pro Elon Musk on X. Listen carefully. You watched The Hunger Games and sided with The Resistance. You watched Star Wars and sided with The Resistance. You watched The Matrix and sided with The Resistance. You watched Divergent and sided with The Resistance. You watched V for Vendetta and sided with The Resistance.
When it's fiction you understand, yet you refuse to see it. When it's the reality you're living in.

Accusations and Calls for Justice

Wild. Her Moment. Kamila Harris on the cover of Time Magazine. I guess this election is all about her and making sure her, a newly black communist woman, gets her shot. Oh yeah, America exists. News flash! Other people exist! Now, I admit I don't know the exact laws that constitute treason, but I always thought that anything that undermines the American way of life and its laws and rules and values, that is something overtly done to disrupt, sabotage, usurp, or corrupt American policy, especially if you're in a position of political power, that would, in my book, constitute treason.
and Again, that's just my in my book. I'm not a lawyer. Here's a short list in no particular order of some of the commies I think should be executed for treason on live TV. Remember, all that takes is one to have their head removed on live TV or shot or gassed or however they execute treasonous scumbags and the rest will cave like the weak-willed commies that they are.
Let's see. Let's start at the top with Biden, Obama, the Clintons. By the way, the entire families of these commies need vetting, just to be sure. ah Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, the majority of the Senate in-house. And no, I'm not running down all the names. Bill Gates, Fauci, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, all the corrupt mayors of the blue cities. Mark Zuckerberg, the high-ups at Google, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Jack Dorsey, Maxine Waters, any mayor or governor that allowed the George Floyd riots to happen.
Nancy Pelosi, the Bushes, the Hyups, all at the CDC, the WHO, and the NIH. Gavin Newsom, it's a long list. I know I left out many. Hell, email me your favorite swamp rats that deserve to be on trial. Don't forget the Hollywood elite and pro athlete elite commies, because politicians don't get all their crap done without help.
Note that I just didn't call for their execution or assassination like amateur nation does with Trump. I prefer a televised trial that would expose exactly what they did. Make them recant. Name names. I'll grant one person in the swamp immunity for the first one that comes forward and lets it rip. Names on the Epstein client list. The players involved in the Trump assassination attempt. The players involved in the pandemic. The players involved in the January 6th cover-up. The players involved In 9-11, we want names, we want trials, we want executions. America deserves justice and peace, and it would serve as a warning to those who think about selling out their country for luxury and power. That is, until that generation forgot. Like how many in this generation are forgetting the threat of communism during World Wars I and II, and basically all the forms of communism that America has constantly swatted down for a couple centuries.
Time to bust out the big fly swatter in a deadly can of poison in the form of American justice. Here's what's happening in amateur nation. As we go a little soft like this, hit it. Step one. Topic number one. Topic number one. It's time for This Week in Unstable

Societal Instability and Public Meltdowns

Everyday Commies. Here we have a man simply trying to purchase some vape products at a local store. The clerk, well I'm sorry, the amateur clerk, sees the customer's MAGA hat and Trump t-shirt. And then the temper tantrum begins. He refuses to serve the MAGA hat wearer for no other reason than his hat and tea. Now I realize that all stores reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, but within legal reason. The sign alone doesn't absolve you from serving anyone. Just last week I had an everyday unstable commie screaming like a horror movie in public and now... this.
Please, God, I implore you. Please let someone act like this around me. Amen. Okay, this is not just the second time I've had an adult screaming. Yeah, that that that that's one. that's the same guy. But I've had others, and of course you've seen and heard countless other amateurs having public meltdowns on social media. So, I pose this.
It's one thing to see an adult yell at another adult in public. We've all seen those, the unsatisfied customer, the drunk or high customer, the two people in public just having a fistfight for whatever reason, but that's just it. It's usually a customer causing a problem, not employees attacking customers. And while I'm just talking about employees in this instance, have you noticed that the people having meltdowns aren't screaming words. They start off talking or speaking loudly, too loud for public. And when they reach a certain point, just incessant, nonsensical screaming. Even children don't just scream for no reason. Kids scream when they're hurt or they're denied candy or they're scared or lost. Adults scream words like help and fire and... shut the fuck up
These instances are severe mental illness. No sane adult screams at the mere sight of a hat or a shirt. Hell, no sane adult screams at the mere sight of something they don't like or agree with. Scary? Sure. If something's scary, ah okay, an adult will scream.
I'm proposing a common a denominator with all these amateurs who are just so fragile. Is it their diet? An over-the-counter drug? A common prescription drug? The COVID vaccine? A common food or drink that they consume? Something is making people snap. It can't just be indoctrination, propaganda, and programming. These outbursts are becoming all too common.

Education and Indoctrination Critique

Or is it, thanks to all the, I'll just say it, fuckery, that has happened since 2016, but as I say in my book ad that you can hear on each episode, there's been an odd shift in human behavior over the last 15 plus years. If I screamed out loud in public at all the things that made me insane in a day, you'd think I'd have severe mental illness.
But Lou, they just feel so strongly. It's traumatizing. No, I will not accept that. People have strong feelings about a myriad of things each day, truly important things like inflation, illegal immigrants invading our country with criminal intent, terrorism, our current administration, the upcoming election, high food and gas prices, having our privacy invaded at every turn, talk of another pandemic, their children's safety, their children being indoctrinated in schools,
Those are things that sane pro-adults think about daily. And yet, no screaming in public. No taking it out on random strangers. You see, your Communist Party amateur nation are the looters, the destructive people, the criminals, the mentally ill and criminally insane. Show me one video of a conservative Republican having the same lack of self-control.
Yes, I've seen pro-nation defend themselves, stand up to oppression, tyranny, violence. Yes, sometimes by force if necessary, but I've yet to see a conservative Republican pro ever just start some conflict because they saw a Biden-Harris sign or hat. Oh wait, you never see Biden-Harris signs or hats, except at their photoshopped rallies.
And now this. And now for step two. Topic number two. Reading, writing, and arithmetic. Remember that in school? Sure, you build social skills, learn how to make fun of others, get entrenched in the teen hormone frenzy that is junior high in high school, join a sports team or an after-school club. If you focused, worked reasonably hard, and stayed out of trouble, you'd have a shot at going to college, or if college wasn't in the cards for you, or that wasn't your path, if you did well in school, you probably got a good head start in the real world. That was then.
This is now. School is no longer a place to learn. It's a place to get programmed, indoctrinated, and don't take it from me. Take it from the attention starved teacher who needs praise for doing her once revered and respected profession. Listen to this bloated commie say the quiet part out loud at a DNC rally.
Oh, you mean indoctrination. And did you hear the sheep applauding?

Promotion and Critique of Policies

So parents, do you want your kids literate and smarter? Or do you want them acting like the guy in The Last Topic, a grown man who acted like a child in public because all he has is his feelings?
When you subscribe to the show, you'll get previews throughout the week from this weekly new social commentary podcast magazine. Don't forget to share and comment. My website has all my social media links. Ola carton, three pro things are on the way. But first, Kamila Harris and price contri- I mean communism. On topic number three next.
The Honor and Remember flag is a nationally recognized symbol that sends a message of appreciation for the sacrifice made by our fallen heroes and their families. The flag flies at many NASCAR races around the country and you can help honor our nation's fallen military members and remember the eternal sacrifice of their service by flying the flag too. text FLAG to 71777, or visit to learn more. Together, we remember them all.
I've froze Lou Santini here, host of Amateur Nation. My Drybar Comedy Special, Amateur Nation, is now available. And just like this show, if you're allergic to a lack of common sense in today's world, and you like your comedy delivered with uncompromising talent like it is
This is my way of saying thank you to the pros who listen to this show every week. um slash Lou S. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast, it's a movement.
I've been thinking about what she said. I want to thank you. Now dig this. Alright, now step three. Topic number three. Hit me!
Kamila Harris is proposing a federal ban on corporate price gouging in food and groceries. And it'll work because under her plan, the government will control the prices of food and the distribution thereof, based on how nice you are. You know, your a social credit score.
So it's not a lie. We are talking about the US government, right? Come on. It's going to be ridiculous. It would be exactly like that. There would be a run on the shitty supply that they would allow us to have. And the good stuff would be in the stratosphere that you could not afford. And all that would happen very quickly. Don't just take my word for it with a more detailed explanation. Here's a post from Alert Pro, Charlie Kirk.
He said, price controls are communism 101 but they sound good to the economic illiterate. Price controls are one of the oldest economic policies ever tried. They have always been a failure. The Roman Emperor Diocletian, more than 1,700 years ago, tried to stop inflation by imposing price controls. He failed. The French revolutionaries, the same people who executed thousands with the guillotine, used the law of maximums to cap food prices. They failed, and the result was widespread famine.
The Soviet system used price controls throughout its history. The result every time was long lines, shortages, and low quality. He went on to say there are only two interpretations of the Kamala campaign's decision to promise price controls on food. Either one, they genuinely think that grocery stores famously one of the lowest margin most highly competitive businesses in America suddenly became greedier in 2021 and colluded to hike prices all at the same time and all in the same way.
Or two, they know price gouging has nothing to do with higher food prices, but they think they can scam the public by blaming the worst inflation in decades on greedy corporations. In other words, they either don't grasp basic economics and are incompetent Or they do grasp basic economics but are willing to wreck the economy to win political power. Kamala Harris along with Joe Biden created an inflamed inflation and now they can say they can fix it by destroying the free market principles which made America the economic powerhouse it is. Wake up America. End quote.

Privacy Concerns and Equality Issues

Let's make some amateurs cry. It's time for a la carte. Hey, look at that. The party that opposes voter ID required ID to get into their rally in Arizona. So to review, it's important to have an ID to get to the meeting of your party, but not needed to vote for your communist party. Ah, sweet hypocrisy. One of the building blocks of communism. I'm sensing a little sarcasm. Are you still with her, amateur nation? Well, her comes with him, and that rhymes with Tim, as in VP appointee, Tim Waltz. Remember, your precious democracy didn't ask you if you liked him as the candidate. Looks like he gave $2 million dollars to a Muslim group linked to Al-Qaeda by the name of Islamic Association of North America via a charity named Rama Worldwide. You make me puke. What's that? Oh, that's okay.
Oh, you're okay with Al-Qaeda now. Got it. Gotta love those amateur nation standards. Apple will make driver's licenses and state IDs available in Apple Wallet. What could possibly go wrong? And of all places to start it, at the shit show that it is, Commifornia. Enjoy your identity theft, Commifornians. Oh, and also your tracking, tracing, and controlling of your movements. California is asshole. What have I been saying? Just when you thought the United States Secret Service couldn't be any more incompetent. Wrong. That's wrong. A female Secret Service agent on duty left her post to breastfeed without permission. Tell me more about equality on the job amateur. Shut up. Just shut up. He doesn't get it.
The New York Post recently reported that the food chain selling yoga mats passed off as sandwiches Subway recently called for an emergency meeting with franchisees due to plummeting sales. I bet you the list of complaints was a foot long. Another alert pro out there, Gunnar McCasson on Facebook with something very thought-provoking here. Why hasn't Hollywood ended the best male and best female categories? Shouldn't it just be a best actor?

Cultural Critiques and Parenting Reflections

And the Oscar for Best They Them goes to... Wait, Nugenics Total Tea now has tesnor? Well, yeah, ah why aren't you taking all of my money? I guess the ingredient testafen is now obsolete. Hang on a second, wait, tests for testosterone, nor as in roan backwards, like testosterone backwards without the E. I see what you did there. I mean, how much tesnor is in there though? I mean, can you have too much tesnor in your system?
Time now for three things that are indeed done right. These are pro things. I got three of them each week. Number one. As long as America keeps its guns, it's safer from the tyranny, fascism, and outright criminal behavior from the authorities like what is happening in Europe right now. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas clarifies the Second Amendment with this, and I love this.
He says, the presumption against restrictions on keeping and bearing firearms is a central feature of the Second Amendment. That amendment does not merely narrow the government's regulatory power. It is a barrier, placing the right to keep and bear arms off limits to the government. That quote brought to you by the pros at the NRA on Instagram. Number two.
I remember on one of my many travels as a comedian, I was on a plane that was just brutal with turbulence, long flight. From takeoff to landing, nothing but turbulence, right? Very tense. We land safely, and as we start to gather our stuff and begin the standing in the aisle for a month phase as we begin to disembark, I remember this young dad's face like it was yesterday, asking his, I'm guessing, four-year-old, where do you want to eat now? Do you want sushi? Do you want McDonald's? Do you want a hamburger?
Man, when I was a kid, I was at the behest of wherever the hell my parents went. I never had a say in where we went out to eat or what to eat at home, at least not until I was 18 and even then.
You heard the first topic today of the grown supposed man screaming like a toddler at the sight of a MAGA hat and Trump t-shirt. He screamed at the sight of something he didn't like. Like I often say during these amateur outbursts, good job, parents. While that amateur is a grown man, it starts with parenting your children. In particular, having a dad around the house with a whole lot more fucking A, here's Bill Maher. This is why the traditional dad, the trad dad, needs to make a comeback. Not all the way back to the 1950s psychopath who never said he loved you and hit you with a belt, no. um But just back to the dad who believes that because I said so is a perfectly legitimate answer to any question a child may have.
um Just back to the dad who would never say anything as stupid as, my kid is my hero. So where do you want to eat dinner? Or one more story and then we really have to start thinking about going to bed, okay?
tra dads don't negotiate they say you will apologize to your mother don't make me turn this car around some things just happen because life is unfair clean your room be quiet the adult are talking and it's not all about you Number 3.
This pro thing is especially near and dear to my heart. I worked at four different radio stations over the course of 11 years on Northeast Ohio radio, full time, six days a week. One of those stations was in Canton, Ohio called Rock 107 Untamed Radio, WRQK.
I'm going to tube my own horn here for a second and mention how I was pretty much the only air personality in Northeast Ohio that played local artists. I'd put them on the Rock Wars. Many made the Rock 107 High Five, the most requested songs of the day by 8 p.m. ah Many local bands that I put on the air won the Rock Wars and still more won five in a row. The most you could win before being retired and a new challenger was put in.
Probably my favorite local Northeast Ohio rock band at that time was a band called Lorraine, led by lead singer John Lorraine. They scored four songs from their only album at the time, simply titled Lorraine, along with bassist Mark Walker, drummer Jim Tobias and guitarist Pat Baker. They played their brand of straight ahead rock and roll borderline Southern metal, if I may, with clear influences in country rock and heavy metal.
Well that was then, this is now and the band since has broken up with Mark Walker playing in the country band Whiskey Loco and Pat Baker and Jim Tobias still playing music somewhere out there I'm sure. Frontman, and I use that term exactly right as opposed to lead singer, Frontman John Lorraine went on to be in a band called Blue World, which I also liked a lot, and now he's gone solo.
Originally from St. Louis, Missouri, but spending a good chunk of his life in Northeast Ohio, he's back in Texas now and here comes his country music career. John Lorraine is a versatile singer with power and range. I often said he was the best singer in Northeast Ohio. I had the whole band on my show where they performed live and none, including John, missed a beat. I still have those acoustic versions that I still play in my car today. He has a new song that is debuting here.

Musical Highlights and Podcast Promotion

on Amateur Nation entitled, Build a Wall. But before I play it really quick, here's John Lorraine himself to tell you more. Hello, everybody. This is John Lorraine reaching out to say hi to all of Lou's friends and followers. I want to start this introduction to my new song by first acknowledging the pro-Lou Santini's brilliant sense of humor and comedic ability. You all know that he's very talented.
A group of us went to see him in LA on stage against several comedians where they roasted one another and he was dynamic. Lou was so quick with wit that the other guys hardly landed an insult. That was a great night and another fun memory of Lou who has always been supportive of my music. Well, I'm here on Lou's program to introduce a song that I wrote and recorded recently in the traditional style of country music with a fiddle played by legendary bluegrass artist Michael Cleveland.
I figured it was the appropriate tempo and style to talk about drinking a few beers and fixing the border. um I'll let the song speak for it itself. This is one of three new tunes that have been distributed to most places that you can buy or listen to music.
It is currently number 28 on the Euro Academy of Country music chart. I hope you like it and that you share it. Thanks for listening and you may subscribe to me wherever you listen to music for new songs as are published. Cheers. Ladies and gentlemen, John Lorraine with Build a Wall.
you Please subscribe to this show. No pressure. Find all my social media links when you go to Don't tolerate amateurs in their America last agenda. 2024 is the year of the great resist. Ever vocal? Never silent, fellow pros. Make your voice and your votes heard. Amateur Nation is not just a podcast. It's a movement. Remember amateurs, we see you. You're not at home. Don't do life wrong. Go f pro. Don't be an amateur. For Amateur Nation, I'm Lou Santini and this is a major production.
I always knew I wanted to be a teacher because I saw education for what it really was. The greatest instrument of social justice in this country. There's been an odd shift in human behavior over the last 15 plus years. A sense of entitlement. A constant need for attention. Ironically coupled with the need to be left alone. A desire to be treated the same as everyone else. combined with the mindset of I'm special so treat me accordingly. Introducing the book Amateur Nation. The decline of common sense, manners and social skills. The second edition. Inside you'll read the amateur mission statement. The 30 truths about amateurs. The four stages of being an amateur. Amateur habitats and history. Social media plus me, me, me equals amateur. Technology and amateur behavior. with dozens of real funny photos, weird signs, and laugh-out-loud real-life accounts and actual conversations vividly showing how us pros are surrounded by amateur nation every day. Download the expanded second edition of the e-book, Amateur Nation, the decline of common sense manners and social skills. The second expanded edition available now. Be a pro. Go to Amazon. Type amateur nation.