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Weight Loss, Travel Fails & Mocktails: Sibling Tomfoolery

E192 · Unsolicited Perspectives
29 Plays1 month ago

Get ready for sibling shenanigans in this hilarious episode: "Weight Loss, Travel Fails & Mocktails: Sibling Tomfoolery"! We're dishing out relatable stories about weight loss journeys, disastrous travel fails, and the delicious world of mocktails (the perfect alcohol-free alternative!). Join us for laugh-out-loud moments as we recount epic vacation mishaps – from lost luggage nightmares to questionable local cuisine adventures. We're also diving into the evolving drinking culture, exploring the rise of mocktails for those seeking a healthier and more social experience. Plus, we're sharing honest conversations about weight loss struggles, offering relatable insights and maybe even a few unexpected tips. #family #podcast #travel #mocktail #unsolicitedperspectives 

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Thank you for tuning into Unsolicited Perspectives with Bruce Anthony. Let's continue the conversation in the comments and remember, stay engaged, stay informed, and always keep an open mind. See you in the next episode! 


00:00 Welcome to Unsolicited Perspectives 🎙️🔥💥

00:36 Sibling Happy Hour Begins 🍹🌶️

01:18 Family, Feelings, and Fighting the Seasonal Slump 🫂❄️💙

13:57 ✈️ Travel Chaos & Suitcase Dramas 🎒

21:16 🍹 Jello Shots Gone Wild! 🎉

21:43 The Mocktail Revolution is Here 🍸🚫✨

27:43 🏋️ Tequila & Treadmills: A Weight Loss Hack? 🍋

28:12 ⚠️ The Dark Side of Drinking 🍷

29:52 🍹 Mocktails: The Cool New Crowd Favorite 🎉🤝

32:02 The Economic & Productivity Drain of Alcohol Consumption 💸📉🤕

32:50 🚫 Why Gen Z Is Over Alcohol 🧃

35:16 How Our Views on Smoking Have Changed 🚬➡️💨➡️🌬️

44:52 📚 Life Updates & Grad School Struggles 🧠

49:48 Weight Loss and Its Impact on Our Connections ⚖️❤️🤝

58:49 Final Thoughts & Future Vibes: Wrapping It All Up and Looking Ahead ✨➡️🔮

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Introduction and Episode Overview

Welcome. freedom First of all, welcome. This is Unsolicited Perspectives. I'm your host, Bruce Anthony, here to lead the conversation in important events and topics that are shaping today's society. Join the conversation and follow us wherever you get your audio podcasts. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for our video podcasts and YouTube exclusive content. Great review. Like, comment, share. Share with your friends. Share with your family.
Hell, even share with your enemies. On today's episode, it's the Sibling Happier. I'm here with my sis, Jay Andrea. We're going to be dilly-dallying a little bit. Then we're going to be talking about alcohol. And then we're going to be talking about what happens in a relationship when one party loses a lot of weight. But that's enough for the intro. Let's get to the show.

Family Reunion and Reflections

What up, sis? What up, Brennan? I can call it. I can call it. what's What's going on now? Just got back. Yeah, no, no, no. I'm cool. I'm just tired. Just got back from our trip. It was a very fun trip. Ladies and gentlemen, I was down in the ATL with both of my siblings celebrating New Year's Eve. It was a good time.
Yeah, I had fun. I was so glad you guys were here, because as you know, literally the day you were arriving was when my seasonal depression hit. And I thought I had missed it, because I got through Thanksgiving and Christmas. And I was like, oh, I'm cool. I'm cool for the rest of the winter. And seasonal depression said, girl, you think the season's over? It ain't over, girl.
So it was just really nice having a house full of people that love you. So it was definitely a good visit. We had a lot of laughs. So much laughs. We just kicked it. We just kicked it and had a good time. It was really nice. Yeah, it was really, really cool. And I will say this was the greatest experience.
that the three of us, in my estimation, ever had spent the time together. I know we took a trip to Hawaii. There were some shenanigans that went on with that. And we just, routinely, we've grown up together. All three of us have been really, really tight. But this was, it was like real love. like yeah Most of the time, I'm like, all right, I'm i'm ready to go home. right This time, I was kind of like, I could start Even so much, our brother was like, I think we should all live together. And I was like, I think that's going a bit too far. That's going a bit too far. i I don't know. He's pretty determined to put that powder room in the basement. And so hes his idea is that if there is a powder room in the basement, we can live together for a month. And I don't understand why, but OK. And I don't understand why he thinks ah it's going to be a, you know what? I would i think that I would might try that experiment.
That could be an experiment. right what is What is the purpose? i don't Look, I don't know what's happening. I'm i'm hitting something in in my midlife. It's not a crisis, though it could be, but it's like a good crisis. Let me explain.
The last couple of times I've been hanging around with our parents, I've re-fallen in love with them again. What I mean by that is, is just that they're so cute, and I just love spending time with them. Our parents are seriously adorable, like seriously. Just they're adorable, and they have so much love for us. yeah And it's not a parent-child relationship anymore, in some ways it still is. But but it it but it isn't, right? here And it's just like, all of these are cool people, and I'm getting the,
an opportunity to really spend time with them as people and they're dope. Yeah. Quirky. But then again, I got that honestly, because I see it now. The apple's still on the tree. We ain't even fall.
And then you know me and our brother is in a really good place. And I'm really happy about that. Me and you always been in a good place. You and him, y'all stuck together at the hip no matter whether you want it or not. So y'all always going to be tight. yeah For me to to have last weekend or the weekend before with our mom and dad, loved that day even though it was crazy yeah um just because of my traveling. And then spend that whole week, it was a week, yeah ah with you. and then you know half a week with our brother and genuinely just be like, I don't really want to leave. I'm interested to see what that dynamic could be because I'm also realizing that there's more time behind me than there is ahead of me.
That's, I think, what it is. Because I'm in that same place of like trying to get closer to extended family, like making sure that I'm still in you know cousins, aunt aunts, uncles, things like the like in people's lives. you know The ways in which I'm trying to get my life together is feels very, very grown up, but also it's like, hey, this is the midpoint.
We're close to that upper room. We're close. This is the midpoint. Right. Based on life expectancy. So it's like, oh damn, I gotta get my stuff together. Like, I don't think this is going to be morbid. I don't think I'm going to make it to 90.
Don't know if I want to make it to 90. I don't know that I want to be wearing the pins and not being able to control my bladder. that That's not necessarily the shape you'll be in, though. We don't know. We don't take care of myself. But at the same time, don't take care of myself. And we'll get into that in the second segment.

Travel Mishaps and Humor

But we we don't know. But if it if the alternative is like, I got dementia or I can't care for myself, I'm ready to go.
If I can't shower every day without a fear that I'm going to bust my and break my hip, I'm ready to go. Oh, don't you worry. Like, as soon as I get to that point, there will be so many contraptions, bars, seats, all kind of things in my shower. The little door so I don't have to step over the tub. The little door just opens and inside. it and I'm going to have no, I'm not falling in the shower because I would have I would have a whole bunch of stuff in there to keep me upright.
I told you what happened to me. It was slightly after my birthday where I almost slipped in the shower and pulled on the curtain, broke the curtain, everything like that. And my heart flashed before my heart was beating. My life flashed before my eyes. I said, this could have been it. yeah And the last thing I wanted somebody to find me butt naked, broke naked, butt naked, broke neck, laying in the tub. Right. That's like not what I want. That's not what anyone wants. I think the only thing worse than somebody find me, I pass out on the toilet. Yeah.
I think that'd only be worth. Especially if you fall forward. Just ass up.
Dry, dirty ass on top of that. Right. The party was dope. The new easy party was dope. head had a lot of yeah Had a great time. Love your friends. I would say this about um about my siblings, ladies and gentlemen. My siblings choose, and I do too, but they're a little bit more strict with who they have in their circle. Discerning. Discerning. I was going to say that, but I'm going to say strict, OK? A little bit more strict, because when it comes to me, I let people in my circle just because I'm sometimes too nice. And then I got to push them out my circle. But you and our brother choose people that are just dope, fun people. And me and you were having a conversation. Out of all of our friends, we couldn't figure out who was the funniest, because all we got is funny people around us. Yeah.
my friends are hilarious. My friends are hilarious. And so, but I am, you know, you know what I always say to you sometimes people in your life for a reason and a season. So it's not like, you know, I haven't lost friends along the way, but I feel like the ones that I've hung in there and I've hung in with are just an amazing group of people. And, um,
Yeah, I would agree. I built ah built a great community of friends here and back in the DMV. I just had it. Honestly, you know after college, all pretty much all over the country. but like Definitely here, I've built a great community of friends. So I'm glad that you like them and that you have fun. We had so much fun. We didn't do karaoke. We didn't play any of the games that I had planned. We were just all vibing and having a good time. so And that's the best situation. so i i I didn't want to say anything.
because I knew that you were a little stressed and planning a party. But I was like, it's a lot of activities. You got a lot of activities here. Yeah. For my birthday, all the activities, we had cards outside. We had karaoke inside. It was the same thing. It was double the amount of people at your birthday. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it was some people that we didn't really know. So so we had to like kind of bring them into the fold.
But still, it was a lot of, you was playing a lot of activities. And I was thinking to myself, I don't want to participate in all these activities. I just want to drink yeah and hit chat. And I was noticing that was the vibe. So I was like, I'm just going to let everybody kick, kick it. Like, I was just letting everybody kick it. Everybody's having a good time. Have a good time, man. I made some, uh, jello shots.
I was just getting ready to break. That was the next thing that I was about to bring up, them death shots that you made. Yeah, they were death shots. And you know what's funny? um i Again, that was my first that was my first time ever making jello shots. I don't know why I thought it was one to one, like just replace the cold water with vodka. I don't know why I thought that. I don't know what I was thinking. There was two cups of vodka in those jello shots. and But the thing is, I think I might make them the same next because workerscker honestly the consensus when they were strong, but they were gone.
yeah They were, hey, look, I had about four, five of them myself. Yeah, they were going by the end of the night. Yeah, grimacing but eating them. I will say that you weren't alone in that, because me and you both were talking about, I was just like, yeah, just walk the world, just place the water with don't call it. seem right to me I mean, logically, it just seemed right. It seemed right. yeah It seemed like the right thing. But then when I think about how much two cups of vodka is,
it's It's, it was an excessive number of shots. So yeah. Two should not cups. I didn't know it was two cups. Cause I made two boxes of jello. So I just, okay. One cup of water per box. Two cups. Hold on. Wait, we're talking about talking about talking about talking about.
yeah math the math the math is The math, listen. it was it I thought it was four cups of water and you swapped out two of the cups of water for two cups of vodka. No, oh so you no so you know you boil it in a cup of water. you You stir it in a cup of boiling water and then you add a cup of cold water. Instead of the cup of cold water, I replaced it with vodka, but I made two boxes. Okay, so it is two cups of water per box. Well, yes, yes.
Okay, so you did one cup hey of water, one cup of vodka per box. Per box. Yeah, so I was right on the math. But the fact of the matter is our combined IQ, yeah we should have been able to figure it out. And I don't know why I'm Mr. Google Man that I didn't just like, you know what, why don't we just Google the recipe? Pinterest has it. Pinterest has the recipe. Yeah. No, it's everywhere. You can find it anywhere. I don't know why I didn't, I just assumed.
And you know what, we had been drinking that day. I was smoking. on And so it's like, you know, the faculties weren't faculty-ing. Well, I had to remind you, I had to remind you like seven, 11 times. Yeah, my ADHD was on full display that day. I was like, Jay, let's make a list. You know me, Mr. Meticulous. Let's just make a list and just go down the list.
And I was like, Jake, it's time to do this. oh Oh, yeah, that's right. I couldn't settle down enough to write the list. And you told me about 89 times to make them jealous shots. And I kept running around. And I'm like, right, right, right. The jealous shots is jealous shots.
Well, because because you were like, well, it's going to take two hours to get the jello shots really. I should get them now. I was like, it's sex. No, you take your time. You ain't got to rush to get the jello shots. Make it around eight, nine. no that's It'll be fine. And I did. Yeah, you did. But I had to remind you, I was like, AJ is about that time. yeah But that's me, Mr. Meticulous, down to the minute. We noticed that you probably saw it in full effect the day that I left.
who because it was, all right, I got this amount of time to do this, this amount of time to do this. And I was still- And when you forgot them wash clothes, it was like the world fell apart. And I'm like, just some wash clothes versus, okay. You like have to be that. Yeah, but ladies and gentlemen, I was planning to leave the house and I like to, if I come to your house, I'm going to leave it the way I found it. Right.
unless it was messy when I came in there, I might do a little bit of cleaning up, but my sister's house isn't messy. but So the bed sheets, I stripped the bed sheets, the towel, everything that I had put it down in the washing machine, started the washing machine, and I was like, okay, all you gotta do is throw it in the dryer, right? And I forgot to take the washcloth out of the bathroom. That was the last, that was the one thing that I forgot. Remember to do my shots, remember to take my blisters, remember to focus back up all my computer stuff. Didn't forget a thing, except for the washcloths. Oh well. That's all right. I want to talk about it. It's truly fine. Before we end the segment,
There's always a story with my travel. Yes. So the story there was took forever for us to deplane. Forever. And they they're saying, hey, your carousel one is going to be where your bags are. And it's like four or five flights and there's one carousel. And I'm just looking for my bag. And everybody has a gray suitcase. out I probably need to do a little marker on it so I can identify it. At least put a ribbon on it or something, yeah.
I need to do something and I'm going through and I'm going through and the crowd is getting smaller and smaller because everybody is picking up their bag. I'm like, where the hell is my bag? and Then the one of the baggage handler said, well, that's the last one. I said, no, the hell it isn't because I can't find my bag. right and He pointed at a dude, he was like, go talk to that dude over there.
So I go talk to this brother, and he's on the phone. I'm not caring about who he talking to on the phone, because my bag is important. My drawers is in there. geral lee got it I've only got the drawers that I got on if I can't find my bag. And that's that and I'm there for a week. This is right not going to work out for me. Yeah, this is you coming here, not going back. No. OK. Yeah, this is me coming here. OK. So I said, hey, man, I can't fit my bag.
Oh, okay, well, let me see. And then I looked down at the other carousel. This would be carousel two. Right there is where my bag is. I was like, oh, here's my bag. He was like, yeah, it's a problem downstairs. They keep saying it's a certain carousel, but it's the other one. I was like, well, it'd be good if you guys had a little bit better communication. I've been sitting here for about 30, 35 minutes, and I had 13 panic attacks, two strokes, and one heart attack in the entire period. Word, where are my draws? Not to mention that I got some of my favorite pair of J's in that suitcase. And one of the baggage handlers was like, you sure somebody didn't steal it before I found it? He was like, you sure somebody didn't steal it? I'm like, bro, that's not really. And then what kind of question is that? Right. Oh, you know what? Somebody did steal it. Like, if I knew that, would I be standing here looking for it? I wanted to smack him. I wanted to smack him. You sure somebody didn't steal it? How would I know? How would I know? I'm standing here just like you. What kind of dumb question is that? Dumbass question. And then on the way back,
Got to the airport fine, went through the airport fine, stopped and had me a little drink too. Did a little bit of work if I got on the plane. and On one of the first boarding people, I was cool. yeah Found my little seat by the window to the back of the plane in hopes that nobody would sit next to me because I'm a big guy. yeah The sister with a kid, teenager, asked me, hey, are these two seats taken? I wanted to say yes.
But no, I'm not going to do that, because they're not taken. Like, no, they're not taken. So she was going to sit next to me and had the teenager, who was relatively tall, sit on the aisle seat. He was like, no, I'll sit in the middle. I'm like, that's dumb, young man. Me and you going to be sitting right next to each other, and we're going to be fighting for space. Let me fight for space with the with the small woman. It won't be that big of a deal. Not only does he sit next to me, he's musty as hell.
ah He's so musty, I could smell it through his jacket. And the thing is, it was it was evening. Like, it was like... four or five o'clock, something like that. It was five o'clock. So it's not like this is like a morning flight, which I've taken a morning flight before, and people breath state, everybody is, you know, because it's the morning. I've taken like six, seven day flight.

Mocktails and Changing Alcohol Trends

Your breath should never stay. No, in the morning it should stay. But I get it, people are drinking coffee, your breath stay. It's the morning, people's breath is hot. And so I get it. Then I get it. But if it's midday, you had all day to make sure
that you were straight. And you're with either your mom or auntie or somebody that's family, with the way they were interacting. Somebody that's family. They didn't tell you that you was musty. right It was so bad on this flight, I started thinking, wait a minute, am I the one that's musty? Did I forget to put on deodorant? So I had to sneak and put my hand. I couldn't put it underneath my sweatshirt because I had too many stuff in front of me. So I had to sneak and put my hand down my sweatshirt, dig up under my armpit, and say, no, I feel some substance down there. That's deodorant. Smell my armpit. Smell my armpit and be like, that's not me. But at the same time, even after all of that, I was still like, it's too musty. yeah Maybe it is me because it's right up in my nose. Then he took his jacket off.
Now, why did you take it off? Because I guess it was hot. But I would rather you be hot and not as musty. Because as soon as he took the jacket off, I was like, no, that's you, young man. You musty as hell. I wanted to say something. And that's a kid. So that's the parent's fault. Why you want to make sure that your kid, when it's time for them to start using deodorant, that they use it regularly?
What's going on here? The only thing I could think of is maybe he put on deodorant earlier in the day and he just did one swipe. Now I do seven to 10 myself. Yes. yeah ah ah overswipe I I can't even tell you how many swi like it just I For seconds, I'm just going to swipe it. I think that's a bit much. I don't know. but it's The thing is i go through a lot of deodorant i don't know but it is cuz if you wipe if you swipe it for thirty seconds i think like that's twenty five twenty seven swipes and i think the packs and like two to three times but i was like no. What like putting one dryer sheet in the dryer you have season that laundry put a couple dry sheets in there.
So I wake up in the morning and I don't normally shower in the morning because I'm gonna go work out in the afternoon. So I'll shower after the workout. But I take a shower before I go to bed, swipes five to seven. When I wake up in the morning,
Another five, right? I get out the shower, another five, and then guess what? Later on that night, another five. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm washing in between. I take two showers a day, so I'm washing, but five to seven. I done found the deodorant, five to seven. I ain't never musty, not never. Maybe this kid just didn't do enough swipes. But yeah, so I had that, and then I de-bored, and it was the same situation with the bags. Again?
again. So Southwest, ladies and gentlemen, get y'all bagger handlers on point because it doesn't matter if it's at Atlanta airport or DCA, it's always a mess. And y'all got your own dedicated section of the airport or DCA and no other bags coming through except yours. And y'all still messed it up. Yeah. Wow. But I got here.
And I was like, I made it. I had to help some young ladies find their way to the metro. And I was like, um I did my superhero thing today. Came back to DC with all the ugly people, a lot of ugly people. I said. I'm home. But you did. You did your good deed for the year, and helping the ladies out, and you back you made it back safe and safe. Yeah, I made it back. But it was a good trip. It was a good time. I wanted to talk about something, but I'm going to leave it for the last segment. OK.
I'm going to leave it for the last segment because we need to move on. I think this is a perfect segue, talking about you and your inability to make jello shots. We're going to talk about alcohol. You are my great ability to make jello shots. We did eat them all. They were gone. That's for sure. But we're going to talk about alcohol next.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, one of my favorite things in the world is alcohol.
Do I love it? Oh, so much. yeah Yeah. It's been my mistress since the age of 15. Will I leave her? No. Will I take breaks from her every now and then? Every now and then, but not long breaks, because her love just drives me right back to her.
It's a toxic relationship. yeah I don't think it's a toxic relationship. I think it's a healthy but relationship that's toxic to me. no I don't know what that means. All right, but ladies and gentlemen, why am I bringing this up? There has been a boom in mocktails. One of my besties, my best, not one of my besties, my bestie was on this kick where she wasn't drinking a whole lot. Now we call ourselves the tequila twins and I was like, how the hell we going to be tequila twins if you not drinking? Just give myself a little mocktail. I was like, what the hell is that? Never heard that before, ever in my life, okay?
And now restaurants are actually doing that. You used to be a part of there. You don't know about mocktails. No, they didn't have no damn mocktails when they had virgin strawberry daiquiris and virgin pink a lot. Well, we call them virgin, not mocktails. I want to go back to the old way of things. Virgin is fine to me and not no mocktails because it don't taste like alcohol, OK? Because there's no alcohol in it.
Yeah, it's the version. It's the it's the it's the Mormon version of alcohol. That was the LDS. I apologize. Look, that was not that was uncalled for. OK, that that really was. I know y'all don't be drinking. You should. It's fine. Anyway, that's all religion. OK.
Well, they don't. Alcohol consumption has been a prevalent part of social gathering for decades. I know it's a major part of my social gatherings. Yeah. However, there's growing health concerns across various demographics, particularly in among the young generation is prompting a shift toward moderation and actually cutting it completely out, um including the rising interest of mocktails. So like I said, my bestie was drinking these mocktails, and restaurants are actually starting to make them. Yeah. my whole week Oh, go ahead. No, I was going to say before we get into all the specifics of why this trend is starting to trend, why it's trending, what is your thought process on on on all this? Well, I went out actually for ah every year me and three of my friends do like a friends Christmas and we'll get brunch or dinner or something. at it There's always holiday pop ups down here in Atlanta. so
We went out and the menu had you know on the back has got all the alcohol and there was certainly a section for mocktails and they had a bunch of holiday mocktails. I think i think that this is right. like I think a lot of people are recognizing like not just the physical health impact, but like the mental health impact of alcohol. And they're like, you know what, we can have fun without it or with edibles. You know, a lot of people are transitioning to that as it becomes ah recreationally available and things like that.
uh but yeah i definitely think this is right and i'm seeing it i'm seeing it down here in atlanta a lot of there will be sections on there for mocktails and it's the same cocktails you drink it just doesn't have the alcohol in them all right so what is what is this situation where people are starting to be like the alcohol is bad because first of all Alcohol isn't bad. It's a poison, but sometimes poisons are good. Don't we, uh, don't we shoot ourselves up with the virus to counteract the virus? that That's what vaccines are. It's a dormant version of the.
Okay. Yes. Oh well. Science. Science. Science. Yeah. All right. So, alcoholic consumption risks. There's health risks. Studies indicate that alcohol is linked to numerous health issues, including an increased risk of various cancers, liver disease, cardiovascular problems, and weakened immunity. Now, I would say to counterbalance those health risks, you could Eat right and take your ass to the gym. I mean, that's what I do. When I lost all that weight, when I dropped, ah went from two seventy five to two eleven and I went And I started in September and I was about 211 by, I don't know, February. So like six months? Yeah. My boys kept saying, how'd you drop the weight? I was like, one, I changed my diet. I got rid of sugar. So excess sugar got rid of it. And ah I was just like, I was eating clean and and I that didn't really change my workouts too much. I just kind of focused on certain things and and lost weight. Yeah. And they were like, you still drinking tequila? I was like, every day all day.
Yeah. it was something It was like, you can't squat your way to a lower cancer risk. Like you just can't. I'm not talking about cancer. And press your way out of cirrhosis of the liver. I was talking specifically about cardiovascular problems and weakened immunity. If you let me finish my point. Ladies and gentlemen, we haven't done a show in a couple of weeks. Timing is a little off. No. I'm wondering.
I'll start a diet that sounds like gonna solve of everything now. It's not gonna solve the stuff with the liver and the various cancers. One thing that will help with the liver and the kidneys is water. Like drink some water, ladies and gentlemen. There's people out there who are drinking alcohol. I have a client who has a brother.
who buys those margarita mixes that has the alcohol already in them at the liquor store, and he drinks like one ah one a day. And I was like, wait a minute, he drank one a day? That's that's kind of a light. Not really. It's not a lot of alcohol content. It's a tremendous amount of sugar. Yes. And so my boys went back in there and said, how'd you lose the weight? I drank a tequila all the time. I said, I drank tequila and club soda.
It's water. It's tequila and water. That's what I'm drinking. On top of that, I'm drinking at least a gallon, maybe a two gallons of water a day. that's the only Those are two things that I drink. Tequila, bourbon, and water. That's it. Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know why I'm defending this, but I am. OK. And speaking of which, heavy al so alcohol consumption can lead to conditions such as, Jay, go ahead and say that these words, because I don't know what these words are.
cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, arrhythmias, and a fatty liver. And all that highlights the immediate and long-term dangers associated with drinking. And then they go into mental health factors. True. Alcohol is a depressant. Alcohol brings me up. It brings my spirits up. Maybe because it's naturally a depressed person that it counterbalance. You know how two negatives equal a positive?
yeah i I don't know that, but yes. That's math. It's math. It's math and math. Two negatives equal a positive. That's true. and can You take negative negative seven minus negative eight, it's one. It's not always true, but okay. but ah Well, I mean, yeah, if one negative is lower than the other negative. but No, if you add a negative to a negative, you're going to get a negative.
Nope, that's not true. Negative seven plus negative eight is negative 15. Listen, don't get, don't look.
Listen, ladies and gentlemen, I know how to spell response and I know how to, I know how to do the math on my negatives. We've had a long week. We're not, we're not quick today, y'all.
We filmed the show on Sunday. I landed Friday night. yeah um so And I went to work on Saturday. So I'm recovering. okay um So we're a little slow today. So they're they're saying other things like mental health factors. All of these things are contributing to the fact that people are gravitating towards, look, we're going to sip on these mocktails. And oh OK. Cool. Yes.
fuck me Look, when I was hanging out with my bestie and she was having the mocktails, I was still drinking. We still had a good time. You know what I'm saying? I've made mocktails in my own house and didn't realize I was making them. When I don't want to drink, sometimes my drinking choice is, and y'all should try this, ladies and gentlemen, tequila club soda with a little splash of Gatorade Zero. That's the sugar-free Gatorade. me Because you got to hydrate yourself when you do hydrate yourself. Yeah, sure. You get that? You got to hydrate yourself when you are dehydrating yourself. Follow that. So my mocktail would be just take the tequila out.
and I'm like, oh, I'll drink, I'll drink it. And it's the placebo effect. I'll still feel like, oh, I feel a little good or whatever. And that's when I stopped drinking. It's just taking out the tequila. So maybe that's what the mocktail is doing for these people. Yeah, they still get that little because it's a placebo effect, maybe. Yeah. Oh, hey, I still feel good and then chipper and and high and giddy. And and I think the mocktails are different from virgin drinks and that they're still like...
There's still bold in flavor and like the presentation and everything. is very it's It's pretty much you're drinking in old fashioned. It just doesn't have the alcohol in it, but it's the same. It's the same. And ah and and it's

Generational Shifts: Alcohol and Smoking

funny, upfront when I was out to dinner with my friends for friends Christmas, she got a mocktail old fashioned and she was like, it's delicious. And I was like, well, hey, and you can still drive home and be and be straight and oh why not?
Well, if you like it, I love it. ah
um There's also some economic, you know, costs that comes with drinking alcohol, including health care expenses, yeah loss of productivity amounting to roughly two hundred and forty nine billion dollars annually in the U.S. alone. Yeah, people like you not going to function as well on alcohol yeah as you do not on alcohol now.
Can I do my real job on alcohol? No, I cannot. I've got too many things that I need to look at. However, can I edit the show on alcohol? Yes. Do I make mistakes? Yes. yeah Does it take longer? Yes. And why is that? Because I'm intoxicated. But you know what? Makes time go faster. Not really, because I'm making too many mistakes. And it takes longer.
Right. Yeah. So the major group that is really doing this shift is Gen Z. And this is once again, this Gen Z is all about mental. Health. Yeah. And they're looking at themselves as like, I don't feel good drinking. I'd rather get high. And yeah, OK. They're really into shrooms. Yeah. Don't know why. Never never taking them. Natural. I don't want to trip. Natural from the earth, you know. Well, OK. Alcohol is from the earth too. No. Just a bunch of things put into it to make it alcohol. No. There's a whole process. I went on a distillery tour once. It takes a lot to make alcohol. And yeah, it's not it's not natural or from the earth. It's just not.
Look, when you can do it in prison, you can you can make alcohol anyway. You can do a lot in prison. And I don't think that's the barometer by which we should measure whether or not it's difficult to make alcohol. I think if it wasn't difficult to make alcohol, everybody would be doing it. But it is very difficult to make alcohol. Well, do make alcohol. Mocktails are increasingly becoming a staple in social of settings, with many young adults embracing them as a viable alternatives to provide enjoyment of socializing without alcohol adverse effects. um And mocktails are becoming a booming type of situation, as you said, with old fashions. But once again, it's still a virgin old fashion. Because when I used to make virgin strawberry daiquiris and virgin pea and coladas, I just took out the alcohol. yeah It was the same drink. We used to do it for little kids all the time.
and and whatever. And then there's also the health benefits, of course, of reducing the alcohol consumption. Just make sure that when you reduce the alcohol consumption, you don't take my sister's jello shots. They were really strong, y'all. Like, I can't even... Even when I first took a bite, I was like, oh, I messed these up. yeah Well, no, they didn't mess it. They tasted it. No, because they were gone.
Yeah, they were gone. Yeah. So the reason why I wanted to bring this up and talk about this is because I saw an interesting parallel because this is essentially happening. predermin prederman predeminly Predominantly. Predominantly. Predominantly. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to get there. Predominantly in Gen Z. Not to say that millennials and Gen X aren't adopting this as well, but this is basically a Gen Z revolution.
And the reason why I wanted to bring this up and talk about this is because I saw parallels in this next thing that I'm about to address. And this is changing attitudes. So younger generations are increasingly viewing alcohol through the lens of caution, akin to smoking, considering it a factor that potentially avoid for but for better physical and mental health outcomes. So millennials don't smoke as much as Gen X did. Right.
Gen X didn't smoke as much as boomers do. And I'm looking at it and and when I was in high school, I tried smoking a little bit and I was like, this is disgusting and sucks yeah and makes me smell. yeah There's nothing cool about smoking. And when I go out, there's so many non-smoking areas when it's kind of like smokers are looked e down upon a little bit like you do that in nasties. They're definitely forced off properties into like dark corners with one bench and the the outdoor ashtray and they're out there cold. And I think I started smoking when I was like 12. Jesus, I don't remember that.
Yeah, I wasn't advertising it. I was still in the house. I was still in the house. I knew enough not to advertise it. And I probably stopped when I was around 22 or 23. And I know you smoked for 10 years. Yeah, and then.
and then and And the only reason why I stopped was the the price went up. And I said, oh, yeah, i look, I'm a broke college student. I ain't buying cigarettes no more. So I just stopped cold turkey. Sometimes, occasionally, I'm like, I don't want a cigarette. But you know I abstain because, again, the cost and and and the smell you know and all of that. so And that ah the health issues. Cigarettes took out.
a few of our family members. so it's cigarette a look Cigarettes was the hit man that took out more than a few of our family members, took it out a few. Yes. I did not know that you smoked for 10 years. but But yeah, so it was a changing attitude of our generation of of just looking at smoking. I was so happy when they got rid of smoking in restaurants and bars.
yeah to the point where they say, though you can't smoke it here? No, take your dirty ass outside and go in that back alley. Smoking to me was like doing crack. and Like, you gonna smoke a cigarette? Like, you gonna buy pack a pack of cigarettes? That's what you gonna like? Yeah, and I just noticed like,
ah people just didn't, people like you trying to date and stuff and you pull out a cigarette and people like, ugh. You know, so, yeah. I won't date a smoker. Absolutely will not date a smoker. I've tried, I'm like, look,
First of all, I learn during bartending that I'm actually allergic to smoke. Oh. So it's the reason why I use to smoke cigars. It's the reason why I stopped all that. It's the reason why I don't like smoking, you know, other things. I'd rather do a vape pen because yeah smoke smoke bothers me. OK. But if a young tinderoni, and I guess at my age, they're not young no more. Yeah. Yeah, they're not young. As young as you feel? Yeah, you young as you feel. And I feel old. If a young tinderoni,
Pulls out a cigarette on the first date, and I'm like, hey, excuse me. I didn't know that you smoke. So I'm going to have to pay. A young lady stopped dating me, or she didn't stop dating me. I actually started dating somebody else. and Let me not try to play this off as I wasn't a bad guy. But she had a problem. This was the time where I was smoking ah cannabis. And she had a problem. But it was a legitimate problem because she was a federal like police person.
Ah. So she was like, I can't be around it. And I was like, I ain't got to smoke like that. But I'm going to dig it. Like, are you going to quit? No, it makes me relax me. I'm not going to quit. Eventually I did. But I was like, no, relax me. I'm not going to quit. But going back to the subject of, yes, Gen Z is just like, it's looking at alcohol like I once looked at smoking and it's just like, I don't want to do that. But it makes sense. Right. Because like as time passes and we are, you know, doing more research into the health benefits and the adverse health effects of different things that we consume every day, every generation gets smarter and smarter about what's better for their body. Right. So and we got boomers who just ate steak, smoked cigarettes and drank bourbon and whiskey.
right right to to now Gen Z and they're like, let's it to millennials and our avocado toast to like Gen Z now saying, you know let's cut alcohol out. we can get We can still have a good time and socialize with a mocktail and it's better for our bodies and better for our mental health. So yeah, I mean, that it it just makes sense that as time goes and we do more research into the effects of these things on our bodies that we're just getting smarter and smarter.
Yeah, I'ma stay dumb, cause I'll... I mean, that's fair. I mean, I get it. I read, you know. We have to live my life. This is my life. I'm going to live it. Yeah. I'm not going to judge anybody anymore for wanting to drink mocktails. Yeah. I will judge you if you judge me, because I got a kind of friend who's in the fitness industry, just like I am. And they're like, you drink alcohol? And I was like, yeah, you're not supposed to drink alcohol. It's bad for your body. It slows your results. And it does slow your results. I could look like.
The Rock, which as much as I work out and eat right if I quit drinking. However, I don't want to. I i want to enjoy my life. yeah And I preach. I preach.
lifestyle happiness, yeah right? You got to find something where you're healthy, as healthy as you can be in comparison to finding a happy balance, right? Yeah. i found Everything in moderation. every Well, mine isn't in moderation. that It is not, but I tried to, you didn't have to say that. I was trying was for our audience.
That's the reason why I brought this up. And then because I was on vacation last week, the reason why I would wake up, I still waited till noon before I started drinking. Yeah. However, I did not stop. No.
Well, it's vacation. It's different. for Everybody drinks with vacation. I can't drink like that. I got to work. Yeah. I'm fussing with working. When I'm not working, I drink like that. Yeah. I mean, on on the weekends, ah do I smoke more than I i do on the week? Yeah, because it's my time off. ah During the week, i got I got class. I got things to do. And I can't you know be altered right any more than I naturally am. so Right, because we established when we're altered, we can't do math or say words. No.

Jay's Grad School Journey

I cannot do math or say words. And the thing is, everything I'm studying involves math and saying words. So and I've got to be able to do that. That's the most important thing. It literally is.
So this new trend, this new trend is is dope. I'm making jokes because I'm not going to live that life. But I do like people saying, I don't want to do that to me. And I say, OK, I get it because I felt the same way with smoking. And the trend towards mocktail consumption is expected to shape the future. Social habits lead to establishment of more non-alcoholic venues.
and drinking options in restaurants and bar, thereby normalizing sober drinking environments. This shift is likely to foster a culture that celebrates mindfulness around consumption, appealing to those who seek to engage socially without relying on alcohol. yeah That's real dope. yeah I need alcohol because I have generalized anxiety, and without it, I am weird.
I feel your bad. Like, and there's sometimes I come home, I just want a glass of wine. Like I just, you know, you know, does the glass turn into a bottle? Sometimes must times sometimes, um, you know, cause the cheap wine I drink, it don't last that long. You got to drink the whole thing. It's the alcohol.
Volume, the percentage is still the same, even though it's cheaper wine. It just typically doesn't taste as good. That's fine. yeah I mean, it's fine. It's $11. Look, if you go to Aldi, you can get you a $3 bottle. It's $2.95. That's pretty good. I might start going to Aldi. I'm trying to tell you about Aldi. This isn't an advertisement for Aldi. But if Aldi wants to advertise, hey just let us know. Hey, let us know.
I go shopping enough. Y'all get enough money from me. You can give me a little bit back. Speaking of being coherent and taking care of responsibilities in this next segment, I want to do a little brief update for the audience about you in school. Yeah. And then we're going to transition to something that you might know a little bit about. Yeah. And that is losing weight and how it affects those around you. And we will get into that next.
OK, Jay, I want to give the audience a little update to your personal life because guess what? They like our personal lives. They want to know what they want to know, like Marvin Gaye. What's really going on? What's going on? So you're about to start the second semester of grad school. Yeah. I was there as you were preparing. There were times I was like, you want to kick it and watch the equalizer? No, because you was actually doing work. So what's going on? Give the audience an update.
Yeah, so this semester I will be going full time. I was part time last semester, so it's going to be twice the classes. I'm also a graduate research assistant, so that's another 16 to 20 hours a week of work with the whichever professor they assigned me to.
And I'll have a semester project and this Friday I have an interview for an internship. like is It's gonna be bananas, which is part of the reason why I had the New Year's Eve party. It was just like to see my friends one last time before this semester starts and I am unreachable. so like it' just It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm really excited for it. And i i was yes, I was working a study and studying over my break, because you know at this at this level, where you take control of your own learning. Whether or not you're successful is up to you. It's not up to anybody else. This is an undergrad where they kind of hold your hand a little bit. like you you got to You got to get out there and find the information yourself. So I knew there is a coding program that's required for one of my classes that I didn't know.
And so that's what I've been working on learning it so that, you know, I'm up to speed by the time class starts. So this is a semester two of three. I will be done this time next year, this time this year. ah Wait, yeah, I'll be done this time.
It's so crazy when it's like January of a new year. I will be done December of this year. You'll be done at the end of this year. Yes. Lord. I was going to get it and eventually. Barely. I promise you all, we are smart.
sometimes. I saw a meme earlier

Weight Loss and Personal Growth

today, and it was and it was like, I'm living proof that you could be both smart and slow at the same time. Yeah, that's exactly it. like It's happening simultaneously. like We are intelligent, but we are also slow. Yes.
And you love it. That's why you love it. But yeah, but I'm excited for this semester, and I hope I learn a lot. And you know, I've already been manifesting that I'll have ah five job offers by the time I finish school. That's that's the manifestation. Well, you manifested getting straight A's, and you did that too. And I did it. I'm manifesting that for this semester also, which is another reason why I'll be unreachable. Yeah, well.
Sorry. Sorry. I mean, she's still going to be on the show. I'm going to be on the show. I don't know. I mean, will y'all start to see some grays in my hair or something like that? Maybe. I don't know. I don't know how I'm going to look.
I don't know what state I'll be in mentally, but I have a feeling, ladies and gentlemen, there are some times where the word count between us on a given show is dramatically different. And there are times where there isn't a dramatic difference. Right. And I know this when I'm editing the show, if you watch the YouTube show, there are times where it's a double double double.
double screen, and then there's a single screen. And if I go through the whole video, and my sister doesn't have a lot of single screens, that means I was talking a lot. yeah If I go through the whole video and she does, that means she was talking a lot about an odd feeling. That she's still gonna get a lot of her input, because I'm gonna break stuff in and do the pre-production that draws her into things, because she's interested. But just just let y'all know, I'm gonna be talking a lot.
Yeah, it's gonna be, listen, y'all, you're gonna get my two cents, so don't worry, don't worry. I will be here, I will be present, I will be present for the whole show. I don't know what state I'll be in mentally, but you know, they've got a lot of great mental health resources at my school, so hopefully I'll be all right. oh i I'm optimistic.
I think you'll be all right. I think you'll be fine. I think you got the strength ah to endure and the mental capacity to endure. I think you'll be just fine. I have faith in you. Just like I had faith in you.
when you decided to go get the bariatric surgery and you lost all that weight and you still losing weight. yeah Also, to help with some of that stress, you can use your gym downstairs just to let you know. so Yes, I know. Every time I went down there. Yeah. But you sent me something about a ah ah woman's transformation from being morbidly obese to now being basically a fitness influencer. you know She looked like a completely different person. And I said, because it was a video, it was a reel, and it was a video showing the transformation and also showing her significant other. I was like, she left his ass at the end. And you said, I said it jokingly, and you said there is a little bit of correlation yeah of
people losing weight and leaving their significant others. So I wanted to kind of to dig into that because I thought that was really interesting. And you gave me a different perspective of what I actually thought it was. Yeah, I thought it was. I lost all this weight. I look good. I can do better than you because people always look for the grass is greener being on the other side. Yeah, you said no, not necessarily that.
something something, both things can be true, but also there's this other thing that's also associated with it. So put that down for me. So, I mean, both things are true, right? It is, you get, you lose weight, you gain more confidence, and you realize maybe you settled.
because of who you were before and that the grass might be greener. But what I noticed in a lot of my, I met a lot of bariatric support groups. What I noticed is, you know, there's always somebody, a daily post a question, what do you guys think about this? This is happening in my relationship. I feel like ah I need to leave. And it's not just like romantic relationships, it's friends and family too. What a lot of people find is they start to lose weight and you know get healthier, gain more confidence, things like that. They realize that there were people in their lives
who felt better about themselves because you were the way you were. And now that you are changing for the better, they don't like it. It's the same people who didn't want you to have the surgery in the first place. And they put this like the guise of, oh, it's dangerous, it's major surgery. its You know, hey, if I don't do this, I'm gonna die.
Like, I'm going to die. I'm going to either die at an operating room table or I'm going to die living in this lifestyle. so it's I'm willing to take the chance and then you take the chance and then you just don't have the support at home from the or from the people in your life. I'm very lucky there There has not been anyone in my life, because again, I'm discerning about the people in my life, who did not support and have not continued to support me and the changes that I'm making. They know why I'm doing it. It was never because I didn't think I was pretty. It was never because I wanted to be thin. though If that was the case, I had lost the weight a long time ago. That's not why I did it. I want to live.
they have to door and And my way was getting to a point where it was gonna it was impacting the quality of my life. And it was definitely going to impact the length of my life. so and And as people know, I want children and things like that. So I want to be here for my kids. I want to be able to be active with them like our parents were. But yeah, a lot of times you will see when couples don't go through the journey together,
I see a lot of couples in the support groups that had the surgery and are going through the journey together because they were both overweight. But if you you have one person going through the journey and they're a lot of times they're not getting the support because people don't want them to change. I feel prettier or I feel better because you're fat.
When I stand next to you, I feel better about myself. And so if you change, and it turns out it was a baddie up under there. right Because like ladies and gentlemen, the clip that she saw me, it was a baddie up under there. Yeah. That's threatening to people. That's threatening to people. Now they don't want to take pictures with you. Now they don't want to go out with you. Now they don't want to... Because now I'm not the one getting approached
people wanted to buy me drinks. Now they're doing it for you. Now you're getting the attention. And that bothers me because I used to go out with you so that I get attention in comparison to you, right? You were my Duff. It was a, it's a movie. It was some little teen movie and Duff stands for a dumb, ugly, fat friend. Oh yeah. Not all that got dumb, ugly and fat.
yes I think it's like one of the like i think it's like one or the other. It's either you're the dumb friend, the ugly friend, the fat friend. like is I don't think it's all of them. But yeah, that's it like there are people who are in relationships like that. There are people who are in relationships with somebody who got with you because your self-esteem was low and you were easy to manipulate. You were easier to control.
There's a lot of people out there that's like that, a lot of people. So that's a lot of what I'm seeing you know in these support groups with people asking, what do you guys think about this? And the comments would be like, listen, it's hard, but you're going to have to move on because not everybody can go where you're going.
Not everybody, you're not supposed to take everybody along with your journey. Yeah. Some people just, they their road with you ends at a certain point and you gotta let it. Don't keep dragging them down the road with you and they're not supposed to go.
That's how it is. So yeah, I mean, yeah. Is it a sometimes of like, wait a minute. I'm bad. I'm bad. I'll have to stay. I'll have to stay with Tyrone. You know, it's some of that. It's some of that. For sure. I met a person named Tyrone in years.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Yeah, it has been a really long time since then they kind of faded out after the 80s. I feel like 60s, 70s, 80s, Tyrone was popular, and then it faded out. I don't know why it was popular, but I guess it was. I don't either. I don't either. I think Erykah Badu has a little bit to do with why it faded out, because you got called Tyrone, nobody wants to name that cop.
child Tyrone after that. Not after that. Not after that. Like nobody's being named Karen. I guarantee you there's no little girls being named Karen right now. I bet you just zero percent. Zero percent. Yeah. Oh, that's interesting. Yeah. I know that my weight has fluctuated. I was never morbidly obese. But the way I look. Well, in terms of your BMI. My BMI says my BMI even when I was 11% 10% body fat said that I was morbidly obese, yeah which is why yeah my is there be terrible measureing first it's a horrible measure. But you know, i I know that I've settled based on how I viewed myself. I don't really
She too good for me, man. Like I can't go out there girl like that. That's more my speed right there. And then I'll be thinking to myself, you know what? I look cute today. She ate my speed. Yeah. I need to do better. Yeah. I mean, everybody does that. Everybody, you know, to be you date how you feel about yourself. Like that's you date the caliber of person based on how you feel about yourself. And if you think you're a baddie, you're going to go after the baddies. If you don't feel like a baddie, then you're not going to go after them baddies. That's how it is. and so you know when Especially for people who lose weight for aesthetic reasons, right a lot of times they are in relationships where they settle.
and And a lot of times you have family or friends around you that liked the person that you were because it made them feel better about themselves. Like that's, both of those things are true. So yeah, the grass is greener sometimes, but that's just because of who you were didn't allow you to see the possibilities around you.
That's a mic drop. Typically I ask you, hey, do you want to lead the people with something? But I think that is perfect. I don't think you need to say nothing else because that that way that made me look into myself and decide I want to be in my life. I'm almost 45 years old. That was dope. Yeah. Oh, on that note, ladies and gentlemen, I want to remind you.
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but I'm gonna do something that's a little different. I'm gonna start doing more of the talking straight-ish with me. It's gonna be my own personal diary. If you're interested in learning who I am as a person, for me to let down my guard, I'm gonna start doing a talking diary. I think it's good for me and my mental health, and it'll be good for you guys to learn more about me. And you can join our Patreon page to find that. But on that note, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for listening. Thank you for watching.
And until next time, as always, I'll holla.
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