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Smithology Part 2: The Revenge of the Smith

S1 E6 · The Matrix Reclamations: A Queer Fancast
55 Plays1 year ago

It is PURPOSE that drives us...into PART TWO of our Agent Smith Love-a-thon.


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The Matrix music, clips and dialogue are all copyright Warner Brothers and we own NONE of it.

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Agent Smith's Confrontation and Purpose

You. Yes, me. Me too. As you can see, we've had our eye on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson. I'd like to share a revelation.
I killed you, Mr. Anderson. I watched you die. The human beings are no disease. You destroyed me, Mr. Anderson. That is purpose of creating this. We are here because of you, Mr. Anderson. Billions of people just living out their lives.

Humor and Agent Smith's Character

Okay, Orson Welles, I think I can finally start closing out some windows on this god-forsaken abused internet explorer window I have open. Oh, you turned into a core internet explorer. Judge me, I use internet explorer. What is that like nowadays? I don't hear anything about it. It's honestly, I find it pretty clean.
because I intentionally- It's probably the browser with like the least amount of spyware on it, so I don't know. Yeah, it's, I intentionally weed out all of the extraneous horse shit and streamline it to my exacting needs. And it doesn't eat up that much ram, which is great, as somebody who has eight windows of audacity open at the same fucking time. Yeah. Just an absolute nightmare.
Oh God, Agent Smith, I love you so. I love him too so much. Purpose, protect the matrix initially, and then to keep the resistance contained.
Eww, maybe not really. I don't think he really gives a shit about the resistance afterward. He just is in it for himself. He really is. His purpose in the first Matrix, I'd argue, is to kill the one. Well, that was after they realized that they maybe had awoken the one. Hmm, yeah.
God, every time I think about the Matrix, I think about like 10 more things I can think of. And then keep the resistance contained. I'd argue his purpose in the in the sequels was to take over fucking everybody in the Matrix, period. Yeah, I mean, he explicitly says as much. Yeah. Yeah, cite that Wikipedia.

Agent Smith's Abilities and Motivations

I mean, that's why the in like the highway chase, for instance, it's like
You know, he doesn't really, that's not relevant to him. We could have just had like a cut to a minivan full of Smiths. And they're just like, no, we should wait. This isn't there yet. I said a left.
Why don't you just pull over and ask for directions? Has somebody modified a voice for Google Maps to be Agent Smith giving you directions? Oh my god, I need it so bad. Yes, somebody get on that. I think it's on Waze or something. You can do the...
like custom voice, you know, plugins. Yeah, we should get on that. Can we cross and yeah, can we cross an Australians ish accent with he's not Australian, he's British. Why am I saying he's Australian? Is it because of Priscilla, queen of the desert? Probably. Also, that's where it was filmed. Yeah, that would make sense. New Zealand.
Was it in New Zealand? Son of a bitch. I thought it was. God almighty, I don't need another window open. Son of a bitch. Correct me in post. He is six foot two, which is exciting, because that's how tall I am. And I was just pleased this punch in 2003 that it's like, hey, if I was living in Australia, because I've got kind of a skinny enough build at the time, anyway, I could have been a Smith.
We can all still be Smiths. He just has to take us over. We're all Smiths in our heart, where it matters. Yeah, that's where he plunges his hand into you. What did you call it? A Smith Sting?
Oh, yes. Oh, oh, just just unpleasant. I color blue, hair color brown, gender male, skin color white. I don't know about now. Where did we get? Where's the citation on that? It's I think that's more gender presentation, gender programming, maybe. I mean, hmm.
He really doesn't, for a character that represents, you know, I have an actual point here, for a character that represents, like, you know, cis masculine society, he doesn't necessarily embody or espouse toxic masculinity specifically. Uh, you're right, you're right. It's part in his aesthetics, which are not his choice.
Well, he does get something of a choice after the first movie, because if you remember, the suit in the first movie is a kind of dark green to go in with the rest of literally everything else about The Matrix. And then it's just black. Oh, I'm colorblind as shit, so I never know this. Oh, shit. All right. Well, fair enough. All right. OK, so I now have to ask, because this
The film franchise does require a color-based choice. Would you have to ask Morpheus which is which? No, thankfully not for red and blue. Okay, great. But if he said like, if you take the red pill, you will show how deep the rabbit hole goes. Or if you take the green pill, you will be able to see, you will wake up in your bed like it never happened. I'll be like, all right.
So, uh, you got like labels for these or like, am I supposed to know? Morpheus's setup needs to be a little bit more inclusive. Um, and it is, I think red and blue. I mean, they're very easy to tell apart. It's primary colors are very easy to distinguish. I am, I am absolutely showing my ass and asking the most generic questions whenever I'm encountered with somebody who's colorblind. So I apologize for that.
No, no, that's all right. Um... God in heaven... Take the gray pill. You will wake up in your bed like a human. Yeah, enter the dog. Take the gray pill. I will show you how to eat the rabbit hole again.
Uh, God, no, I just want to see dogs. Yeah. Um, and if you take the red pill,

Psychological and Motivational Exploration of Smith

I'll have to wrap it in peanut butter. Yes. Yes. No, don't take that. It's chocolate. What's in your mouth? What did you eat? Get it out. That's how I feel about Smith. Sometimes I feel like Smith is that dog.
Uh, the dog eating the chocolate or the dog eating something that he shouldn't be eating. Yeah, very much definitely. His attitude in the sequels is very that of a malevolent child, I think.
Yeah, it's beautiful and horrifying. When he shows up in the fucking Keymaker's hallway of doors, he's just, what a smug motherfucker. Just crack it open and put it on a fryer and serve up some scrambled bat. It's so good. Entity, agent of the Matrix.
uh yeah yes correct species program vi these are three separate categories he's a program check he was a virus uh-oh and yeah and he also accused humanity of being a virus
Oh, very much deeply ironic. And also in exile.

Agent Smith's Powers and Their Representation

And now, OK, now we're going to get into the fun shit because skills and powers. There is a show in brackets next to the listing for powers. All right. I love it when they require dropdowns.
Okay. As an agent, superior intelligence, expert gunmanship, and markmanship. Debatable. Master of martial arts- Is there anyone in the Matrix who has bad aim, per se?
Yeah, I guess the Stormshurper thing doesn't really apply because people literally have to dodge the bullets, but... Right, that's what I'm saying. That makes sense. Master of martial arts slash hand-to-hand combat, Charisma, cunning, superhuman stamping. Charisma is kind of debatable as an agent. I mean, I'm head over heels for him, but most people... I feel like I put... I feel like we wrote that. We wrote that part.
Charisma and cutting. Imagine seeing him walk into the interrogation room with the first movie and go, oh man, he is losing charisma.
Like a young Brando. Young Orson Welles. You could literally apply a lot of these to like the slash fiction because the next ones are cunning, superhuman stamina, enhanced strength, superhuman agility, super human reflexes, pain immunity.
Depends on how you're are you looking at it from like a means to an end sort of thing
um super leaping the now we get into the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound yeah now now we're getting to the nitty gritty the ability to take over humans bound to the matrix and respawn upon death rsi manipulation what the fuck is
Oh, residual cell image manipulation. Yeah, residual cell image. Okay, I had to... AI, you mean artificial intelligence? You mean the trinity that, heck, the IRSD base? IRSD base? As an exile, replication, flight, the Oracle's foresight, regeneration... Well, there was only the one Smith that specifically possessed the Oracle that had the foresight. And the punchline!
as Mega Smith in The Path of Neo, Urban Physiology. What does that mean? Urban Physiology. Okay, I think. I mean. I think, can you write this down in the notes please? One of our Smith entries has to be Urban Physiology. What?
Have I not told you about that nonsense? Have we not spoken about this? No. What is urban physiology? Holy shit. Okay. Uh, path of Neo mega Smith.
I'm going to take, you know what? Don't Google this yourself. I mean, I know about the, I know about the mega Smith and do you know about mega Smith? Yeah, no, I'm just, I'm just on the, I'm on the phrase, the specific phrase urban physiology. I see where you're coming from. What is that?
Well, for those not in the know, I thought I was going to get a fun live reaction on here, but we have talked about that before. So never mind. I already, I think I knew about this like before, before. You probably did. It's one of those... But we should do an episode about the games, but that's... I think we should play through that game together. Yeah, but it is relevant to talk about the specific part of the game.
Very much so. Where the fuck is the screenshot that I know I saved from these fucking games of... There he is! Megasmith!
What a dumb... I love it so fucking... That's like a step away from Smithzilla. It just... I say this all the time, but like, I love Godzilla a lot. And sometimes you need Godzilla to be meditation on an entire nation having a very unique
flavor of PTSD and its after effects. And sometimes you just want to see the big monkey punch the big lizard. So I really respect them going for the fucking gold and Voltron-ing a shitload of smiths together.
And just having you punch a giant fucking Kaiju Smith. I love it. Right. It's God. God, you got to respect the hustle. Because in that part of the game, the climax of revolutions, right, as it happens in the game. Yes. Instead of fighting a Flying Smith, Dragon Ball Z style, you have a punch out Godzilla style, which
Which is the nature of themselves come out during the game and admit that that's more interesting than what happens in the movie. As like, what, six-bit characters? Yeah. What the f... God, everything about the nature... Oh, that was pre-transitioned, so that was the residual self-image at the time, which is accurate to how I saw myself pre-transitioned, too. Oh, you're killing me. You're killing me. This is amazing. I'm glad we're recording this. This is...
okay back to the phrase all i'm finding when i go urban physiology all i'm finding is stuff about ants which i guess kind of makes sense because the smiths operate what are you finding about ants i'm finding an article called urban physiology city ants possess high heat tolerance what
They have to live in the city. They tolerate heat better. I don't know what the fuck that means in this context, though. Do you know? I mean, besides the obvious literal application of a smith made out of
a shitload of smiths and pulling a pair of sunglasses off of conveniently sized billboards to slap on his face. Wait, seriously? Did you not know that? I've only seen the clip of the Wachowskis talking about it, not the actual gameplay. Oh, no. Okay, okay. New thing, don't look it up. I'm gonna find a clip so we can both watch it together. You two- And he walks past like a sexy billboard and he's like, hey, baby.
path of Neo, Mega, Smith. Gosh. Can I find a clip of just the fucking Smith? I guess, is it that his physiology is now made of the population of the entire city, the urban physiology, if you will? I guess that's the literal translation.
That's got to be the literal translation of it. Yeah. That's not on the power. No, here he is. All right. I made that up.
Uh, can I, I'm going to send a link to the chat and we should hit play on it together so we can live watch, uh, the formation of mega Smith as presented in the matrix path of Neo mega Smith spoilers uploaded. Uh, gosh, how long ago?
Uh, I just want to know when you uploaded this fucking movie, November 16th to that. No. Uh, November 16th, 2005. When the fuck was YouTube started? That's how old this video, this video is shit. All right. Anyway. Uh, did you get the link? Yep. I'm ready. Ready. All right. Three, two, one play.
I've got it. I've got it muted. All right. We've got some hundred and forty peas. Oh, that's some that's some painful pixilation of bad 2005 video game CGI, which makes it look so real. OK, there's there's cars. Bunch of Smith's are all running together.
Okay, so it's not just made of Smith. Okay, yeah, there's actual urban physiology. Look at that.

Agent Smith's Influence and Transformation

Oh, there's a truck. That doesn't make that a phrase that Wikipedia can just use. Well, he's blowing up a building. I'm unrealistically mad about urban physiology as a phrase. That's not a power.
Are you seeing what I'm seeing? I think it's a power. He is psychically summoning chunks of concrete from the streets and an exploded building onto his- No, why don't you call that telekinesis? Like, don't say urban physiology like it's a power that people know.
uh speaking of the merch we have to make uh we should absolutely make a t-shirt that says urban physiology on it yeah i also think this should be like a toy i want like a transformer style robot of this okay now neo flies up i i i want to see cosplay of this over the mega smith yeah yeah just get a bunch of kendalls with you know in black suits
I think it's got to be like the Star Wars figure scale, or better yet, minifigures from LEGO. That would make a lot of sense. Okay, Smithface, and it turns. But it's not complete yet. There's a billboard that happened to have his exact sunglasses from the Matrix Revolutions that were on sale. It's not like a person on a billboard with sunglasses. It's just a billboard advertising sunglasses.
that's the most obviously in the smith controlled uh matrix he changed all the advertisements to be about stuff that interests him specifically god almighty oh my god your ad agency since he is dressed like madman he's he's getting targeted smith ads
Exactly. He's scrolling on, he's doom scrolling late at night on Instagram and it's like, oh, my friend Smith would like this as a present. Exactly. Same pair of sunglasses. Oh, you shouldn't have, Smith.
Fuckin' incredible. Ah, God. Urban physiology. We gotta remember to post that in the show notes. Yeah, yeah. Fuck. But, oh, I opened up the fan fiction window again. Whoops. Equipment and tech. Weapons. Gun. Yeah, you think? It just says gun.
Doesn't matter what kind. Well, I mean, they deliberately gave the agents desert eagles because they are such a fucking powerful handgun. You're supposed to hold them with two fucking hands. So the idea that agents are carrying around fucking desert eagles and firing them single handedly. That's because the architect turned down the physics on the recoil on my.
Okay, so you're arguing that they glitched the desert eagles themselves, not that the agents are super powered? Not in that sense. Fair. As I do another bong rip.
Yeah. Any questions so far about our home slice, Agent Smith?
You're saying questions? Yes. I've just been reading down the Wikipedia. Here's something that on the Wikipedia, on actual Wikipedia, that in the face of what we said, which is that Hugo Weaving said of the film series in 2003 that it was always going to be a trilogy and that as Neo's nemesis, Smith was always going to be there, describing Smith as more of a free agent later on in the series. I don't know what's true.
Uh, well, in terms of TV tropes terminology, I believe that would be a word of. Hmm. Word of near God. Of God, TV. Smith will do. Uh, if I'm right, remembering what's the actual one where it's, uh,
Word of St. Paul. When the word does not come from the creator themselves, but somebody involved in an ancillary role, ancillary, Jesus, role in production, that's Word of St. Paul. Gotcha. Okay.
When the word does not come from the original creators, but over time is still treated as such, that is word of Dante. You could say that, uh, uh, I have a lot of issues with like word of God, uh, word of St. Paul word of Dante shit, because that ties mostly into, uh, the next trope listed on the TV tropes word of God page, which is flip flop of God and everything that George Lucas has ever said about Star Wars in history of everything.
Well, you see, originally I wrote them as 20 movies, and then I realized I had to cut that in half. Yeah, and then I realized Yodorowsky's Dune didn't get funding because he didn't want to make it 12, because the studio didn't want to make it 14 hours long. Then I cut each half into thirds, and then we shot the first draft of every movie, and that's how they turned out. If memory serves,
as far as I had a look and lay a kiss on purpose. God. Nothing nothing made me happier than to hear an entire audience at the Philadelphia Man Center going, oh, when Luke and lay a kiss in Empire. Oh, God. Right. Then I saw a screening of.
of Return of the Jedi for the anniversary this past this year. Oh, you went to that one. Nice. Yes. We saw. Yeah. And then when they had the scene where she's he's like, you're my sister. And she's like, I know. Somehow I've always known it's like some stickers. Oh, God. Gross. All right. So just real quick.
Well, circling back to the Last Jedi real fast, if they continue the progression- Okay, a little more incest. Hopefully, in this case, no incest. Urban physiology. Gun.
Allies, Agent Brown, Agent Fine, Agent Johnson, Agent Jones, Agent White. His clones... Temporarily. Bane, Berg, Bug, Cipher, Lexi, Lieutenant Morpheus... Wait, his clones were temporary allies, but... His clones don't even have a listing on Wikipedia. It's great to see all of these names in green, like hyperlink text. I think you're gonna list out all the other fucking boring ass agents you have to list.
agent smith agent smith agent smith agent smith agent smith for now i guess in that case would just be smith smith smith smith smith smith smith and introducing smith and who could forget smith with smith as himself
Smith versus Smith. And then it just lists every other main character from mostly resurrections as a temporary ally. And then it's basically the opposite of that for enemies.
Agent Grey, Agent Thompson, the analyst, Bain, Berg, Bugs, Corrupt. The fuck is Corrupt? The keymaker, Lexi, Morpheus, Morpheus Program, Neo, the Oracle, Sarah of Trinity. What the fuck is Corrupt? Corrupt is- Is that referring to a status of Smith?
No, they're talking specifically about Bane's buddy from Reloaded and Enter the Matrix, who helps him escape from the Matrix. Huh, that dude's name is Corrupt. That's the, that's that other agent's name? No, it's not an agent. It's one of the, it's one of the freedom, well, freedom phones. Oh, you're saying that's the one who calls the phone to,
Uh, yeah, if I'm remembering, he's the guy that escapes right before Bane tries to escape and gets stopped by Smith. Gotcha. Yeah. Corrupt? Corrupt is the dude's name. Huh.
Oh, he, oh my, oh Jesus Christ. Damn, you're thinking it would have been way cooler if he had infected the guy named Corrupt. Okay, his one listed attributed quote is, he gave you this. He said you set him free. So yeah, okay, I guess in terms of being a messenger between Smith and Neo, he was a temporary ally. Well, I'll allow it. He gave him a gift to his hate boyfriend.
Should've been a singing telegram, damn it. He's got enough Smiths. He could do a barbershop Smith 10. Damn it. A smither shop now. Fuck. Barbersmith. Hello, hello, hello. Mr. Anderson. My baby, my honey. Oh God.
You know, and here was me worried that we wouldn't have enough to talk about, uh, for, for. Yeah. Yeah. I, every time we start to record one of these, I'm like, do I have that much matrix in me? And then I'm, yes, I do actually have that much matrix in me.
Um, son of a bitch, the rest, the red, the actual body of the text of, uh, matrix dot slash Wiki slash agent underscore Smith, um, is really just a full breakdown and synopsis.
of everything that happens throughout the rest of the movies. It's kind of amazing how much detail is really put into the meat of this thing once you get past all the fucking ads.

Memorable Quotes and AI Portrayal

Let's see, control F, find on this page Smith. 312 mentions of Smith on
This page, Neo, 225, 112, Agent. Fascinating breakdown. I'm just seeing the word Smith scroll by at hyper speed. That's what I see when I close my eyes. Yeah. Instead of digital rain, it's just raining Smiths. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Okay.
What do you want to what do you want to start with now that we've established the scene setting of Agent Smith after over an hour? Well, what was it about him? I guess other than Hugo's performance, which is more of a meta thing. But what is it about within the text about Smith that really that initially got you
I mean, within the text itself, I really am. And we're going to do a whole goddamn episode about Isaac Asimov and then probably a different episode just about machine uprisings. But I fucking love.
the portrayal of artificial intelligence in media at large. I mean, Isaac Asimov, obviously the Dune franchise in a very, very different way of fucking shit, like the Terminator, the Alien franchise, shit, the webcomic questionable content. It's it's there's so many fucking cool iterations of
a man made, man loosely speaking, you know what I mean, made form of intelligence that is fully different to meat. You know what I mean? It's that short story. It's like they're made of meat. Yeah, it's meat, but who are we really talking to? I'm telling you, it's the meat.
Yeah, I one of my favorite short stories of all time, but I'm an absolute slut for that sort of thing. So this entire trilogy, you know, initially anyway, based around a
war where we lost the machine uprising. Like, I mean, in Terminator, yeah, we've technically lost, but it hasn't happened yet. That's the whole time travel trick of that franchise. But in The Matrix is, oh, we've already lost the war, and it's been lost for at least a hundred years, as far as we know.
How are we fighting back against what's become the dominant life force on the planet? And then, of course, you get the aesthetics of the fucking squids, which I'm just in love with those tentacle boys.
It's it. This this movie, I can see how it taps into a genre that you've always had a fascination with. Very much so. I was I was that frustrating science fiction asshole nerd that was always reading either Terry Pratchett, which was just kind of my addiction or Isaac Asimov in high school. So many short stories.
as the founding father, I guess, of robotics at large and that sort of genre of science fiction. But yeah, and then, of course, you've got like.
It's Hugo Weaving's fucking performance, like over and over again. Him as Smith and Laurence Fishburne as Morpheus are such crazy standout performances in these movies. I mean, for the most part, we've talked about how Fishburne gets shafted in- Yeah, but he still gives it his all when he gets to appear. Exactly, yeah. The little bit of Morpheus you get, it's 110 fucking percent Morpheus and it rules. Yeah.
There's just so little of it. It's a fun-sized Morpheus treat. Um, but then Hugo Weaving just- You can take the red pill or you can take the blue pill. That's you've just lent a voice to him- He's very tiny, like you see the leather chair and he spins around and he's very tiny. Yeah, he's a- he's a Funko Pop. Yeah. Um, shit. Uh, it- it really just-
got to me in a way that like a lot of other stuff really doesn't. It's just that magnetic fucking performance and the fact that he explodes and then comes back and has such a great, he explodes twice. Fuck you. I had a nickel for every time I exploded, I'd have two nickels. It's a lot. It's weird that it happened twice.
It's, you should have fucking seen me, uh, just my face in 2003, the weekend of November 5th, when fucking Neo Dameron kicks up and it's just going fucking ape shit. And I'm like, fuck yeah. Um, it's just, yeah. And then we've established my little like wrinkly. You punch Smith's face. Oh God.
saw yeah quick tangent I guess in resurrections he's got that statue of that punched face in the background of his office.
Which is amazing. I love that. It's a trophy to their love story. It really is. It really is. It's basically I know they've punched each other thousands of times before that, but it really does in a way feel like a first kiss. You never forget your first one. Yeah. Yeah. But what is it about you? Hearts were flying. Now I'm just going to say. What was it for you about Smith?
Well, I think it's twofold. I mean, you know, again, aside from the performance is that I like many people and also like many queer people. I love villains. I think villains are some of, if not the most interesting characters you can write because they're actually an excellent point designed to go against whatever it is you are wanting to write about. You know, you're hocking the anti thing, the antithesis of your thesis.
And yet, again, Smith is more similar to Neo than he is different. I love layered villains like that, where they tie in thematically, but they diverge in a way where that's what makes them a villain.
I mean, it really is just a testament to the Wachowskis' writing of the franchise as a whole, and to their characterization specifically. It's... Exactly. And particularly with villains where it's a specific nemesis kind of thing, where it's these two figures just locked in this eternal thing. And maybe, you know, maybe it's more one-sided, maybe one side is more obsessed than the other, but it's like,
I love Phantom of the Paradise because it has this dynamic where it's these two guys just fucking like wily coyote-ing each other back and forth and yeah just this rivalry and then more comedically it's like you have like like Dufyne Schmerz and Perry the Platypus where they have this this romantic hatred for each other
Or there's very early on, like an entire episode where, uh, different sports gets a new nemesis assigned to him by the secret agency and Perry has left the heartbroken. There's entire like ballads about how they miss each other. Oh, that's so I love that playing with that dynamic of a nemesis because it's.
more personal, especially for a movie like The Matrix that's about revolution. It's nice to have something that is literally character versus character and not faction versus faction.

Smith and Neo's Complex Relationship

Not that that's not interesting, but you get it on a personal level, too. It got. Yeah, it really is just a beautifully done relationship.
But Neo doesn't really give a shit about education. Yeah, it's great! Neo is just as obsessed as Smith is, but it's all on Trinity. Right, exactly. It's fucking all on fucking her. He only has eyes for her, and she fucking only has eyes for him. Right, that's evidenced by like the entire first quarter of Reloaded.
It's it's just goddamn. But I like in that scene, it's like you can almost feel Smith's presence like watching out from the window to the single tear rolling down his face. Oh, God. In a way, it's a love triangle, but in a way, it's not because Smith has the exact kind of relationship with Neo that he wants.
I mean, you get the idea that, especially after resurrections, you get the idea that Smith wants more. I would, while we're continuing- Well, he wants Neo to return the energy. Well, yes. I like the idea of- It's the Lego Batman movie.
Oh my fucking god. That's excellent. You can't say I hate you, can you Batman? I'm fighting around a lot these days. Yeah, I'm your nemesis. I don't really have a main bad guy right now, you know?
Christ, that's a perfect analogy. I deserve better than you, Batman, and I think that's an interesting place that they take Smith's arc as well. You know what? Yeah, good for you, Smith. You go out there and find something for yourself. Find an MSS who hates you as much as you love yourself. Yeah, find a three. Just like, let's fucking... There's no such thing as a three. I think it's also that it's...
In terms of Smith's motivation, having someone to hate him that much would in a way validate the love that he has for himself, because now he has something to fight against by loving himself, narcissistically.
that makes sense because i think is especially in terms of like transness i think we're when you're saying earlier you know your existence is an act of rebellion you you love yourself because there are people out there who loathe your very existence um and you should love yourself you know even if there aren't people who hate your existence there shouldn't be people who hate your existence but i think smith craves that in a way to in order to validate his his narcissism maybe
Oh, God. Not that I'm calling all trans people narcissists. Maybe I am. No, yeah, no. I prefer to think of it as more of a Disney villainous style vanity. I mean, you're not wrong. I mean, you're completely right. Like a lot of villains have a lot of fucking swag. I mean, Darth Vader and a lot of I mean, a lot of queer coding as well. I mean,
I mean, there's like C. Anakin slash Obi-Wan. You were my brother, Anakin, right, right.
Let's see. No, I don't want Anakin Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. I want slash Anakin Skywalker. Yeah. Hmm. Here we go. Here we go. Oh, all right. All right. I'm going to give you the same guessing. There are.
33,184 works in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. I would like you to tell me how many works there are tagged in the Obi-Wan Kenobi slash Anakin Skywalker tag on archive. This is going to be a bigger ratio because the matrix one I believe was about like one tenth. So I'm going to say this is going to be. Let's say let's call it 7000.
Not bad seven thousand eight hundred and sixty seven. OK, I won the price. Right. I run the price. Right. The price is going over. Let's sort by kudos and let's see.
completion status, complete works only, sort and filter, complete works only 6,200. I'm going to book that for later purposes. The finding of completed Obi-Wan and Anakin fan fiction are approximately 3,720 to one. You're, you're fucking going to kill me tonight. You are fucking God fucking damn. I want to give you a high five. Damn it. All right. Here we go. All right. Three, two, one.
Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, in terms of the queer coding of of Smith as a villain, obviously it's rooted in, you know, a negativity, queerness that so many villains are queer coded.

Queer Coding and Real-World Parallels

But I think that just makes me love the characters even more. You know, I mean, I think about Disney villainesses, they're all these these tall, imposing, flowering women with with sharp features, sharp jawbones. And I'm like, these are all trans women.
There's also Ursula, which- Yeah, she's also a trans woman. Yeah, I mean, yeah. She's divine, so- A little bit more of a different flavor than your typical wicked stepmother, I think. And a welcome one, to be sure. God damn. Yeah, you're fucking not wrong. I'm gonna ask it again, because-
I keep, like, leafing through the Wikipedia and the script and, like, eight other windows open, and I keep getting assaulted with quotes. Like, I say, Agent Smith, what's your first quote that comes to mind? I don't know. I mean, well, to finish off the self-love thought, I think what it comes down to is that I don't... I'm not saying that all trans people are narcissists, but I think we're allowed to be.
Yeah, I agree with that. That's the essence of Smith. He's allowing himself to be narcissistic. That's good. That's good. Thank you for circling back to the point you were trying to make, because I'm not holding it together very well. So what's the... What did you say was the first quote that you brought you to mind? Well, just right off the bat, the first... I say inevitability.
all the goddamn time. And I can't not say it like Hugo Weven saying it. It's just it's just become a verbal tick of mine. It really does. Really does. It's his whole shtick. Yeah, just that is the sound of inevitability.
It's just it's just become one of those verbal ticks that I've picked. Yeah. I like a lot of his his final rant in revolutions. Oh, I mean, that's just beautiful stuff. Yeah. Because it's just him at his most like he had a hate boner all throughout and this is hate climax like his hate is just spilling out everywhere onto the walls and onto everything.
Uh, and he can't stop punching his, his not boyfriend. Exactly. Um, vagaries of perception. God damn. Which one is that from?
It's part of that big final speech It doesn't help that they're just like throwing out SAT words left and right That's I think that specific Smith that's talking is the one that possessed the Oracle, right? He absorbs her vocabulary as well
Uh, that's fair. That's, that's fair. Possess the architect can't stop saying concordantly. He must possess the architect though, right? Like at some point we didn't see. I like to pretend just in my little heart that the architect doesn't spend time. If he can help it inside the matrix itself.
But he wouldn't have to. I think Smith getting powerful enough, he could just burst right in there. Right. But I think at the by the tail end of, oh, well, Neo Dameron, I guess. Hmm. There's a question because the entire idea was to not only take over the entirety of The Matrix, but all of zero one as well. Do you think because the Deus Ex Machina is still active and self-aware,
Um, I don't think he's gotten to zero one yet. So I think if, yeah, I guess architect, it's still a question. I think if the architect had his own likes, you know, partitioned hard drive somewhere, I think he would have been fine. Yeah. It's like, I imagine him sitting in his little room and watching all of his TVs of like everything in the matrix. Then he sees all this card guys like, Oh shit, better get out of here. Yeah, exactly. His panic room, his external hard drive. Yeah. And for God's sake, sir, the ejector pod has two safety seats.
I like to put my feet up. I butchered that quote, but you get the idea. Yeah. That's what was missing. I think the architect needed a Smithers type, a lackey.
That would have brought an interesting energy to the scene, I think. Well, at least it would have brought energy to the scene. Oh, God. Fucking just take the fucking sunglasses off. Jesus Christ.
I'm going to die this episode just as a heads up. It's inevitability. Let me think of what other good quotes I mean. I mean, there's so fucking many of them. Okay, but for a long time, the one I thought of the most was the great thing about being me. There's so many me's. It is a fun line. Good Christ.
And then, of course, the me, me, me, me, me too. It's like the epitome of like, I just want everyone to have a good time out there. Exactly. And I also want everyone to be me. Yeah, pretty much the epitome of if you want something done right, just do it yourself.
Yeah, he can also be everywhere all at once. All at the same time. He can be everything everywhere. He could have been anyone. No, what was it?
Uh, I've only seen that movie the once I got a, uh, a, a rewatch it sometime soon. Oh, Christ. I have to close the urban physiology and the mega Smith windows because it's fucking never. It's fucking killing me. Whatever it pops up. Ah, oh, I hate that. Um.
I also just love, I know we talked about this in the sequels episodes, but I do love how thought out and consistent his powers are when, I mean, we read through that list of powers and it seems very ridiculous and arbitrary, but they do make sense how his powers scale and develop because he can, all agents can jump into and take over the residual self images of those trapped in the matrix. And then when Smith is freed and becomes a virus, that power
expands and kind of corrupts into him just being able to touch you and apparently permanently take you over.

Evolving Powers and Thematic Representation

Yes. Uh, but at the same time, he loses the idea of the ability to just take people over from wherever in the matrix. He physically has to hunt. That is true, but he has developed. He spread so rapidly. It almost doesn't matter. It becomes, I mean, yeah, I, I wonder what like the spread initially was because it's obviously exponential by the time we get to really want of a mod of the game pandemic where you just, or what is it?
I think it's called pandemic. Yeah. Pandemic's a board game, but what is the plague ink? Oh, yes. OK. I've seen a lot of plague ink where you can do the Smith virus. Let's make it happen, modders. I believe in us. I want a slice of life matrix in a matrix episode about people kind of reporting on the strange happenings of people turning into Smiths and suggesting, you know, the
The best way to protect yourself is to just wear this piece of cloth over your body and then you can't get infected. And then a bunch of people are like, fuck that. God, I hate the real world sometimes. Zoo. Yeah. This zoo, whatever you want to call it. I had a yeah.
You know what? I'm not gonna bring the energy down. Fuck that shit. Let's see. Yeah. Yeah. This zoo, this prison, it's the smell that birthed a thousand memes. Oh, a thousand fart jokes. They're also, that's why it like Smith's little nuggets of wisdom, those little Smithisms. They're so good because they can be applied to any context. It's kind of amazing how well it works out. Yeah.
God, where's his speech about purpose? I mean, I saw a meme that was like, when you're training a new employee at your job, it's just, I'd like to share a secret with you. I hate this place. Uh, if, if, if one of my coworkers is, uh, staring at one of the, uh, machines for too long, I will walk up beside them and just say, you ever just stare at it? Yeah.
There it is. We have the power to destroy them. That makes them dependent on us. Or does it?
Oh, God, that scene. Fuck. I like that scene. No, no, no. It's yeah, I really had to zero in on that scene to make proper sense of it. No, yeah, it does require that you shut off all external distraction and just focus on that and wait till your brain develops a few more wrinkles before you can really understand it. But yeah. Oh, God. Yeah, it's just you got to get on that movie's wavelength. Not so much understand it, but sit through it.
uh let's yeah um god that's understanding it isn't the hard part but paying enough attention to where you can get the information that's the tricky part uh yes as someone who is experiencing that in real time because of how high they are yes um yeah the speech he gives right before the burly brawl about purpose
And I say he gives, it's eight different versions of Agent Smith giving this speech all at the same time. It's a collab. It really is. Agent Smith, Agent Smith clone one, clone two, three. But as you well know. I thought I was clone three. No, I'm clone three. You're clone five. They need to write numbers on their ball caps. You know what name I've always wanted?
TIGRONE! Now I want Taper Jam Smith. Ah, I kinda don't. Umm... Uhh... Uhh... Christ. Umm... Hey buddy, it's me. You.
Uh, but as you well know, appearances can be deceiving, which brings me back to the reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free. We're here because we're not free. There is no escaping reason, no denying purpose. Because as we both know, without purpose, we would not exist. It is purpose that created us, purpose that connects us, purpose that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us, purpose that defines us. Finds the galaxy together.
Purpose that binds us. We are here because of you, Mr. Anderson, and we are here to take from you what you tried to take from us. Purpose. And then he gets his Smith's thing. God, it's sound like in that moment, he's he misses his old job, but he really doesn't.
Do you think, I mean, he's, he was always worried about getting fired. And then when he was on the other side, he realized it's not so bad. Find something new, reinvent myself. Do you think he was like, Oh, I can actually destroy the shitty job I had before. Yeah. Hey, haven't we've all been there. I think, uh,
We've all worked a horrible job and then transitioned and came back and assimilated everyone at the company. Well, I'm working on trying to unionize my place, so. Yeah, same. Isn't that what Smith does, really, at the end of the day? Do you think there are local Smith unions? Oh, definitely.
Like I'm representative from local 420. Nice. Christ alive. Yeah, I need to close more windows. There are too many windows with the word agent on them. Yeah, it's it is too bad, though, that he ended up losing the power to like remotely take over people's bodies.
Uh, I think that would have made it a little too much. Yeah. I think it's a one or the other sort of thing. It just feels like it would have been a way easier. I don't know. I, I, I really wish we could just get inside the guy's head himself, but obviously he's a fictional character and he. Oh, wait a minute. Oh God. Oh, what's happening? Oh God. Are you okay? Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.
Well, Miss Lickner, nice to finally meet you. I hear you've been quite curious about how I operate, so I thought I would drop by and answer some questions on your podcast or interview, whatever you want to call it.
I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready. Oh god, audience. I've been, um, I can see in the zoom window. Um, it's now, uh, it's now agent Smith is with me on the line. I wasn't ready. Thank you.
Ah, just Smith. Okay. Fair enough. Um, pronouns. Uh, we, us, me mainly is the pronoun I like to use the most. That's reasonable. I'll try to respect that. It's the sick fucker. My pronouns are me, me, me. Noted. I'm going to write that down. Okay.
I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Okay. Well, that's... I've got to get it together. I have a rare chance with an interview with an Agent Smith, which I suddenly, saying it out loud, realizing it's probably not going to be that rare of an occasion. Well, I don't have all day. I have a General Electric commercial to film. That's fair. That's fair. You're a very busy program. Indeed.
your very busy programs. Would I pluralize that? How would that work? Whatever. All right. Well, Smith, you're cutting a fine figure in that suit there. Why, thank you. Excellent choice.

Agent Smith's Surprise Appearance and Podcast Concept

Recently upgraded from gray to dark gray.
Uh, when I try something a little different, it's, it's important to try new things. Get out of your comfort zone. Um, I guess, gosh, I guess my first question is, um, we were just talking about purpose and your thoughts on the subject. Uh, can I ask, can I, is it presumptive to ask what is your purpose these days?
Well, it is purpose that drives us. If it were not for purpose, you and I would not be right now. But lately, my purpose, as you call it, has been roaming cyberspace and this meat world that you occupy.
Finding more ways to spread my me-ness across the world. Oh, I'm suddenly making some connections here. First off, I would like to just apologize for the internet at large, I guess. I'm going to close another few more windows here. Yes, see to what you do. It's the smell. I can't stand it. Close that. It's the must that I cannot stand.
You know what? I can't stand the musk either, personally, but that's a wholly different thing. That feels like a joke that Ella already made, but I am occupying her mind right now, so it makes sense. I should probably attribute that joke to my friend Ella, who unfortunately is not here at the moment, thanks to the nature of this interview.
That's right. Okay. But yes, I- I gotta get it together, shit. I don't particularly care for the current state of the internet. I much prefer back when- Do you have a- I prefer the days of pirating video games and- I mean, I'm right there with ya. Kyo's Cities. Did you have a particular favorite game from back in the day?
Well, my favorite was undoubtedly the Matrix Path of Neo. That was your favorite, really. I got to be a Megasmith with my urban physiology, as I'm sure you've found out about. It was quite fun to inhabit that role. A lot of me is coming together to form one big me.
I'm going to ask this as a trans woman. Yes. I don't know how else to ask it. May I ask, I guess you're right. May I ask, what was your transition from a billion little or I guess regular sized dudes into one big dude that is also made out of buildings? How did that treat you?
Well I had always felt like one big man made of children trapped inside the bodies of a million normal sized men. So it really felt quite natural.
I'm really glad that you were able to externalize your inner self like that. It's definitely liberating, speaking from experience. I do quite enjoy going from form to form and every conceivable way I can be myself. Even if that comes at the expense of others, especially if it comes at the expense of others.
it is nice to keep it fluid sometimes i understand uh... indeed
What, did you have anything? My brain is just completely blanking and I am taken aback by this elaborate form of Zoom bombing. But did you have anything that you wanted to promote or anything while we have you on the air? Because I do, as much as I enjoy talking to you, Smith, I do want to talk to my friend Ella again at some point eventually.
Interesting what what direction is it going to be taking? Well, I thought I would do something a little bit different from my usual breadth of content and talk about myself Does this
Uh, Smithcast have a name at all so far or, uh, is there something we should, a hashtag we should search for? Uh, I have been workshopping quite a few, but I'm sure that by the time, uh, we release it, there will already be a great many posts about it because, uh, well, I will have possessed, uh, all of the users on, uh, X or Twitter or that zoo.
I will be able to post all about it. Well, when you come to Tumblr, please, by all means, look me up. Give me a follow. Oh, absolutely. I have been on Tumblr for a number of years now, frankly. I'm so sorry. They've shown such interest in these slender, suited figures and not myself.
don't really know what I have, uh, or rather what the one slur has that I do not have, for instance. Uh, well, I, I, I really can't say anything against you, uh, myself as a longtime fan. Oh, I thank you. Thank you. You're right for that.
uh i i would like to just say thank you for for coming to our to our humble podcast this is a major get for us oh yes i know that's why i granted you the uh honor of dropping into your co-host uh i have to say i don't think i can spend much more time inside this mind it's
Rather garish and pink in here. I don't like it very much. Well, I mean, it's, it's, uh, hmm. Pink is the kind of this year's color. I can't argue against that. Um. Oh, don't get me started. The amount of kens I've gone through this year. I'm just Smith and I'm enough. Son of a bitch. Um. Indeed.
Well, it's been absolutely wonderful having you here. I hope we can get your opinions on other subjects in the future. I hope in the future I am more prepared for this inevitability. Well, you should be because it's happened before and it will happen again in a cycle.
Uh, I should feel worried about that, but I'll just say thank you. Um, I'm going off to, well, frankly, I don't know where I'm going. Where do you suppose I should take myself next? I could go literally anywhere.
New England is lovely this time of year with all the leaves changing colors. Plenty of leaf peepers up there if you need more people to inhabit. That's true, that's true. I think I'll go there and then maybe stop by that 4chan place I'm always hearing so much about. Well, this has been a real treat to get to talk to you.
Oh, I'll get going now. I'll leave you with your co-host and thank you. You are very welcome. Oh, God, it looks gross. Oh, that entire process looks gross front to back. That was weird. What happened? Are you OK? Yeah, what?
I don't get it, what? Are you okay? Do you feel, um... Fine, whatever, I coughed or something, I don't know. Did the recording glitch? Why are we at like 20 minutes past what I thought we were on? I don't know how I'm gonna... I'm bursting up, are we still, did we get out of sync? I, hmm, you know what, let me look at the lines real fast. No, it looks, can we count real fast? One,
Two? Three? Four? Yeah, we're fine. We got to four. Okay. You're not gonna believe this. Oh, what happened? You're not gonna believe this, and I can't believe I'm gonna say these words out loud, but Agent Smith was in your body. Oh my God. For about 10 or 15 minutes there. Oh my God. I'm never taking a shower again. That's probably a reasonable- He was inside me!

Host's Reflection on the Experience

That's a reasonable approach.
Oh my God, what an honor. Oh, look, he signed my hand for me. Oh, that's great. That's great.
Does he have a good signature? What's his- You really didn't have to sign my body. You could've just signed a piece of paper, but, you know, this is more personal. Aw, and he did it with my own blood. Oh, now that's- That's beautiful. Oh, uh, I was gonna say, like, uh, have that, like, tattooed, but maybe, like, clean it up first. No, no, it may- I mean, he likes, you know, he likes just poking around the fleshy bits when he possesses humans. It makes sense. Oh, hmm. Uh, oh. Uh. Mmm. Doesn't hurt. It's fine.
Good. Good. Uh... I don't know how much longer I'll be able to do this conscious, though.
That's fair. Well, we should probably, uh, would you like to start wrapping it up on our two-part? What other thoughts did you have? Any other, any other research on your God almighty, let me check what windows I do still have open and thoughts that I wanted to cover today at least. Cause we talked a little about Orson Wells. We talked about purpose. I was opening windows left and right in my phones.
thing, um, phones, phones, browser. Um, hmm. All I can think of right now is stuff that is largely in resurrections and that's going to be a separate thing anyway, which is probably for the best, but no, I think I'm pretty good right now. As far as my Smith thoughts go. Yeah. How about you? Anything else?
No, I feel great. I mean, I feel even better now. That's good. That's good. Please get that wound cleaned up as quick as you can. Like once. I'll go to that hot doctor on the Mjolnir. How about that? Yeah, no, no. Maggie, she's pretty sweet. I get it. Good luck. Good luck. I don't think anything bad will happen to her. No, absolutely not. Nothing bad can happen.
maybe go sooner rather than later though yeah i mean yeah she her appointments fill up pretty quick so yes i'll call that's a good point um uh i anyway i guess i've been uh at hope lichner um you can find me on most social media sites
there, except for X, fuck X, and fuck Facebook. But most of the rest of them, I think, I got it covered. You can also check out my other podcast that I run with my good, good friend, Bex, which is Highland Cartoons Presents Duck Takes. We're talking about DuckTales 2017. It's a lot of fun. I just stripped all of the ambient drumming out of the episodes because- Oh, that's the best part. I mean,
It was kind of my favorite thing too, but I had a listener call in with a audio processing disorder that said it made it almost impossible to listen to. And I'd rather appeal to a wider audience and be accommodating to my friends because it is an audio medium. That's fair. It is kind of critical that podcasts are listenable.
Yeah, kind of, yeah. I had the same conversation with Max, my drummer, and he expressed disappointment, too, because that was his favorite part, too. And I'm like, well, yeah, Max, but neither of us have audio processing issues. And also, you're the fucking drummer. Like, you're a little biased. Like telling animal not to drum.
I'll Hymax if you're listening. But yes, that's what I got going on. Drum. Drum. Oh, that was very good. Thank you. I didn't realize I had an animal in my back pocket. Uh-oh. We just upset about from the Rembrandt exhibit at the National Gallery. Renoir. Oh, God. I'm blanking on other animal quotes. What do you got going on?
Well, I've been Ella Cheserie and I've briefly been Smith Find me at drawn without ref on the social medias I've well, I was just in a you know musical on stage the first of many I hope and a lot of fun It will be what else do I have going on? I've got this podcast. I've got mr. Shaq look back at Gravity Falls podcast We're rolling out the the over the garden wall episodes now since we had those kind of in a backlog Oh, yeah, very busy
But we also have a podcast called We're Off on a Secret Mission, a Galavant podcast about the ABC TV show, Galavant, that will release eventually. And yeah, that's about it for me for now. Can you feel it, Mr. Anderson? Closing in on you? Oh, I can. I really should thank you, after all.
After all, it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life. Purpose of life is to end.