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Speaking of Witch S1 E6

S1 E6 · Speaking of Witch
53 Plays4 months ago

In this episode we discuss our most used or favorite type of magick... our jam, our bag, the one we run to on most occasions. Astrology information was gathered from and/or Enjoy!..

And remember to continue living live deliciously through magick!  


Introduction and Magic in Life

Welcome to Speaking of Witch podcast with your hosts, Megal, Heather, and Shay. This is a podcast for the magically inclined, where we'll discuss how to live life deliciously through magic. Would thou like to live deliciously?
On this episode, we'll talk about our favorite type of magic. Welcome, everyone, to Season 1, Episode 6 of Speaking of Witch Podcast, your favorite podcaster's favorite podcast.

Personal Updates and Creative Ventures

So thank you so much to everybody for joining us. We are so excited to be here and to bring you all the stuff that we have planned for you guys today. Really stoked. But first, let's catch up. How you guys been? What's been happening? What you been doing? Where you been? What you been up to? How's your mama? How's your papa doing? How's your sister and your babies?
The universe has been forcing me to make some moves. making some business moves, putting on my big girl pants and stepping out business wise outside of just the agency that I've been hanging with and doing things on my own. So working on a website, and um getting all of my my own supplies,
um coming up with my brand, came up with my logo, doing all that artsy, fancy stuff and ah fun making some big moves and hoping for the best. So, you know, boss ass bitch over here and exhausted boss ass bitch. Chase your motherfucking dreams. Chase them. Chase them. Yeah. I love it. Love it. but and Give them an elbow right to the neck and be like, dominate you in mind.
I love it. Finding my power. That's awesome. Good for you, man. That's great. It's always good. so It's always good

Family Events and Halloween Preparations

when you go through it. Come on. Also, went to a fun event today for the fam, and look at my witchy pumpkin that I made. Oh, that's how it looks. You made That's super cute. That's adorable. How cute. I love it. Pretty pumpkin. How'd you make it? What is it made out of? It's a pumpkin, and then it's just like different stickers that they had. oh Okay, so you just kind of decorated the pumpkin. Did you paint the pumpkin? Did you paint it? I didn't. No, I just used stickers.
Very good. A little creativeness. I love it. Some of the stickers are 3D, man. Look at look at the cauldron. Look how cute. Look how cute. I like the fella witch's hat. Yeah. Yeah, it's very cute. I love it. Fun family event. I love that family events around this time of year. I just feel like army themed. Yeah, that's awesome. yeah I actually I don't I tend to regress back to my to my space and I don't leave my house. I never do during the year but particularly fall the only time I leave is when I go make pictures. If I go make photos if I go to a cemetery, is the only time I leave but that's the best time because you get to see
the trees and but you go into a place that's picturesque, right? Which we as a group have something fun like that coming up. Yeah, yeah we do have a little season. Excited! And to make it in tradition, I totally want to make it in tradition. That would be amazing. We get pictures done and we have fun doing it. yeah yeah Yes, i mean please. So yeah, so this is officially our Halloween, our first tis the season Halloween episode. So that's cool. It's actually gonna be released prior to Halloween. But it'll be nice because it'll be the first time that we actually get to talk about our season.

Performance Experiences and Challenges

you've had some shows happening. You've had some like performances going on. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Yep. So I have, um, let's see here. Just got done doing, um, vibing in the pines, which was a couple of weekends ago, which is like, uh, an EDM bluegrass fast. It was really fun. Um, the one downside was when we were performing, uh, it was raining. So taking apart, kind of like lowering the our aerial rig and stuff. Um, just a wind blew my fans and hit me in the face. So that was cool because, um,
I kind of predicted that. Because there's a bunch of floor artists that that were there. And um they're like, Oh, wow, poi veal fans. And I'm like, Yeah, I go, I'm, i you know, not 100% with them. But I'm okay with them. And I'm like, but ah you know, tonight, you're gonna watch me hit myself in my in my face. And sure enough, like, I'm going and also you may have tested that was like, nope,
I'm like, it wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have said it, right? Nope. If I wouldn't have said it, I was like, yep, we have the power of manifestation. Right. I understand that a wet, a wet self fan will definitely smack you when swung around. Yeah. Well, yeah. And like, it just, it was just like, it was a gust of wind and literally because it wasn't raining or anything it was right. yeah You know, or I was right.
And like, I was going in just a gusto wind just went whack. And I went, of course you did. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks. I was like, all right. I was like, that's okay. That's fine. But I got to do fire fans for the first time. So so that was fun. I like to do that. um So that was awesome. Cool. um yeah Last weekend, I know I'm now I'm going to get a pair. um Just so Mandy and I can do some like duet stuff.
Um, cause she has fire fans instead of just palm torches. So that'll be fun. Um, and then last time again, I did, yeah. And then last week and I did vibe body art fest, um, in Southern Wisconsin. And the highlight you guys of this, there was police officers there. Um, and mind you,
This is a burlesque performance. And I was, I was doing my stapling act to have you ever buy urban heat. So if you haven't heard them, please listen to the amazing band from Texas. um But anyways, at the end, one of the police officers was clapping. And I was like, oh my God, that that's the best thing ever.
I was like that, that almost warmed my little anarchist heart. Um, so it was almost I was like, <unk> yeah right. Um, and then tomorrow, so well, tomorrow I'm doing a benefit show for Nemo. So those of you who are listening to this later, um, Nemo is an amazing performer.
and torsion is belly taught, like just amazing. And he is running for, um, running for entertainer of the year, um, representing Wisconsin. So he's going to nationals. So I'm doing a benefit show tomorrow, donating my, um, performance or my acts. And then, um, I have October 12th. I don't know when this episode will come out, but if it comes out before October 12th, um,
I will be performing at the World of Oddities Expo in Milwaukee. So Mandy and I will be you out there. So those of you who want to come and say hi, come and say hi. And then um we will potentially be doing ah Minneapolis and also Chicago and those dates are going to be like November and December. So for everybody in the South there. Yeah.
I do think this will be out prior to that because I wanted to be out before the 17th. Yeah. So we'll talk about that. Yeah. So yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Practices in Magic: Candle and Dream Magic

That's exciting. That's awesome. Yeah. So, so possibly possibly on, um, you know, other people in other States, if you listen and you want to go to the world of oddities expo and I just happen to be performing. Come out and say hello. So.
Uh, we would, the acts that we're doing, like yeah, the act that we're doing is, Oh my God, it is going to be a signature, wow like just, Oh, like we practiced it and we went, Oh my God, this is going to be like, this is going to be like our, yeah. Yeah. This is going to be our, yeah. So I was awesome. That's exciting.
So, I know. Oh yeah. I will be, I will be, I definitely want to make that show because yeah. Oh yeah. Cause then there's the Tarleton show on the, on the, yeah. And then there's the, then there's the Tarleton show on the 26th on Friday. That is our big Halloween. Think of like for Delo of blood, we're kind of doing the like, um,
Fosse, go-go style, kind of B-movie, you know, um Grind House, you like that type of a feel, so it's gonna be fun. Nice. I already talked to the fam about going to that one, and yeah, we're excited. um Yeah! I know.
awesome well um I have been I have been burning my props a lot more yeah nice I've been burning in the backyard and playing with fire a lot more which is that has been a lot of fun and then work work has been good um life has been good yeah it's been really good other than playing with fire I haven't really been very active out in the world. Except oh, I should say I did have a photo shoot in a waterfall in school. um So that was fun. And I had to like climb down this very steep, like
very steep like plummeting kind of thing with gear and everything it was very scary but we did make it down to the bottom we got some great shots of belly dancing and it was super fun we did some motion stuff and we did some um light light painting stuff so we did some slow shutter She was moving and then we had some light behind her. It was very cool. It was very chill It was very nice and I have a couple more photo shoots coming out So yeah, it's been nice that I've been kind of getting out there and and taking more pictures of people So I can't wait to see the work. It's always so Yeah, thank you i appreciate that yeah it was fun. It was fun. It's been fun and I do have a couple more scheduled for the season like a few like conceptual things that are coming through that are gonna be a
very cool so some like some ritualistic photography coming through and it's gonna be red, red hoods you know very much yeah very much occult ritualistic kind of situation happening i'm just gonna say that oh i can't wait it's gonna be super fun i'm excited to make those images so Yeah, so that's all I've been up to really. We've got headshots tomorrow. Yeah, we have headshots that we're going to do. New headshots that'll go on the website.
some head shots and then I'm getting my hair done. Yeah. yeah i needs The loving. Yeah. Once, once, once it gets here, I don't go anywhere. So for like four months, I don't see her because I don't drive. that to manage You know, an hour to get my hair done. No, thank you. I'll wait. It's okay. So I did just get a client though, that lives an hour and 10 minutes away. And she is due in February. And so I am just like,
I'm crossing my fingers. It's a home birth. Is it north or south? about North. Is it north or south? North. Is it northwest or as hard as it like? It's northwest. It's northwest.
ah yeah yeah
Oh yeah. Yeah. Good tires. So sad some I got, I got new tires last winter. They were badly needed. So just like send some positive vibes our way. yeah I mean, it's a day that it doesn't snow and it doesn't, you know, right that if there's not a storm, you know what I'm saying? right And then everything else. is Well, depending. and Yeah.
I mean, if anything, this coming up winter is anything like the last couple of winters, it's going to be so mild and it's going to be wet. So like that would be my fear is that dense fog that gets into that area. And then if it gets cold, there's so much black ice and there's no street lights because it's all state highways and like the quote unquote, like ski mountains and stuff. So, Oh, yeah. Hoping. Daytime. Daytime. It's happening in the daytime. Yeah. Yeah.
Yes, yes, we're all, we're all manifesting that for you. And for your client, of course. Thank you. I need it. but um So let's talk a little bit about um what, what we love to do. What is our most favorite thing, favorite type of magic? Not favorite, but you know, the one that you excel most at, I should say that you really enjoy performing.
um what is What is your poison? That's what I named it. kind of like What's your poison? What do you like to execute? A lot of people like to do protection magic ah banishing man or or candle magic or you know chaos magic.
which I just learned what chaos magic was nice I've never heard of such a thing and I started researching it it is interesting as hell so interesting yeah so what's your guys's poison what do you like to do what's your jam what you get down with candle magic for me for sure yeah um yeah I had a candle a little candle business during the pandemic um I love working with Um, making my candles, um, and then, you know, getting the necessary energy into them, specifically, uh, beeswax rolled, um, tapered little chime candles for those that can see us. For those that can't, they're about, I don't know, three, four inches-ish, um, beeswax candles of different colors and, um,
these i absolutely love making and i love the texture of those and texture so and
i'm also good And then I also ah delve into different themed candles as well. So I'm holding up an example here. This was a peace slash healing candle that I made. And then just making sure I have like the proper stones and herbs in there. And you got to be really super careful with these. They're super flammable, which is like why I stopped selling them. um Because I could, i I didn't want anyone burning their house down.
I mean, yeah yeah. Because it's something that I made, right? um But yeah, that's, that's my fav. Yeah, that's awesome. I do love candle magic. Candle magic is super fun. And if you know, there's so many things that you can deter from candle magic, you can look at, of course, the flame as part of the magic, right? And you can look at the wax, how the wax falls. So not only candle,
but candle the wax how it burns smoke coming off of it. Oh, coming off of it. They are wax readings. Wax readings. Yes. Wax and water. You know, I mean, yeah, they are there are many branches for kind of like um branch off of that. So it's really interesting how much it encompasses. So that's really, really cool. I enjoyed there's a couple of things that I really enjoy. And well,
back it up there's a couple of things that i'm really really good at or that i just naturally have a tendency to lean towards right and then there are things that i just really really enjoy so i am i have been gifted with uh wild insanely crazy dream magic um and it's been a forte of mine since i was a little kid and i do believe that I do believe that as children, we are more connected. Therefore, we tend to experience more as children, and then it tends to wean off as we get older. um And ever since I ah can remember, I have always had vivid dreams. I've always star projected. I've always traveled. I've always been one to just have
Premonitory, is that um the record correct is here? Premonitory. Premonitions, yes. Premonitory dreams where I dream of the future or all of a sudden I'll allll have a dream. Yes, thank you. And all of a sudden I'll have a dream and I'll be like a year later, the situation exactly as I dreamt it will come down and I'll be like, and it's people, of course people call it deja vu, you know, but to me it's like, no, I dreamt.
I dreamt of this and I've dreamt of people I've never met. How about Lucid dreaming? That is something I'm working on because Lucid dreaming is a little tougher for me. It happened to me all the time as a kid. Just like you said, all the time as a kid and as I get older, it's more and more difficult. Yeah. Yeah. And for those who don't know, let me describe a little bit of what dream magic is. It's usually incredibly useful for tapping into the astral.
and one's own psyche, through dream magic you can connect to the hidden secrets of your mind and realms you can access through physical, right? So that's usually what I do. I tend to travel, I tend to go places, other realms, other timelines, whatever the case may be. Now, lucid dreaming. I've been trying really hard, but it it is it's tough for me. Now, I had ah an episode of Night Terrors recently in and that I was waking up screaming and wailing from a dream. And the reason why is because i in my mind, in my dream, I had predicted what was going to take place based on the events that were happening. And I woke myself up by telling myself, scream now. Wow.
And then usually back in the day, back in the day, I wasn't able to actually scream. I would be like scream now and I would try to scream, but my mouth would be like clamped together and I wouldn't be able to. Now I've worked with lucid dreaming enough where I tell myself scream and I go in my dream and immediately in physical world here, I also scream and I wake myself up, which is like a defense mechanism I've used when I'm having night terrors. Wow.
So, but yeah, night terrors, um terrible nightmares. um um Also, I suffer from sleep paralysis. oh So I tend to to, you know, in that realm, the REM stage, I tend to paralyze and and see You can call them demons. I call them shadow figures, you know, all these things. So dream magic has been prevalent in my life for quite a long, long time. Also, I i am investing in elemental magic. That is one that I really, really enjoy. And it's one of the less commonly used magic outside of rituals. Usually in the beginning of a ritual, the, you know, the elements are invoked as you so do in their call into the circle.
for their blessings. However, outside of the circle, elemental magic can be used by invoking the essential energy of the elements and their specific magic. So I have been working to getting more acquainted with the elemental and the elements and using them more in my magic. so um And then of course, I love crystal magic. um And that's kind of something I've just been working with, like learning the crystals and their tributes and how to use them in magic, how to charge them with specific energy, how to release that energy during magic.
comfort, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So those are the ones that, that's my poison. That's why I love my jams. Those are, and Dream Magic, I can't really, it's not something that I picked. and It picked me. Definitely, then it was not like, hey, ah what are you interested in this? No, it's just been something I've been dragging with me since I was like 10. Yeah, ever since, same. Ever since I was a kid, just really into candles and watching, specifically watching the flames.

Connection to Nature and Magic Preferences

of candles and watching the smoke coming off of the candles. She's always mesmerized. I mean, fire also. I always gravitated towards bonfires and trying to trying to read the flames. Just kind of going back to what I was always interested in. And like just like you said, things feel a lot stronger when you're a kid. I can yeah always remember like doing things specifically out in nature because it felt good. It made me feel good. It made my soul happy. It made my energy happy. It was an escape where I could feel the most me and
um Yeah, yeah ah but I've always felt like like I've maintained a connection to my inner child that has been quite strong, me being a childless cat lady. I have maintained that connection with my child's self. with my with so i i That's why I still get night terrors because a lot of people grow out of night terrors. you know They grow out, they don't have them as adults.
I have maintained this connection to the dream world that has been so prevalent forever in my life. I think because of my connection to my childhood and because I'm still kind of like feeding my inner child constantly and letting it out to play and skateboarding and but you know playing whatever um with fire or whatever. to you know And that's all part of releasing her and feeding her. So I think because of that I'm a little more connected to that dream state.
Yeah. and yeah so It's interesting. It's scary too. my partner yeah and My partner is also very much into the dream world. So we travel and sometimes we travel together. We see each other in other realms. um you know And I'm really working on that Lucy dreaming. I'm working with Mogwort, which is a good herb for that. But it hasn't It's just, it's tougher, it's tougher ah staffer because I know that I'm dreaming, but I also, like, things happen that I feel are are out of my control. I let things happen, you know? And I haven't done anything where I can manifest like a red ball or something like some people do. Or you're like, you know, you're dreaming. I know I'm dreaming, but there's still nothing I can do. You know, I still feel, sometimes I feel like I'm just taken by the conditions and the control. like
outside of me. But anyway, I digress. That's, that's that in a nutshell. What about you, Megan? Do you have any, any jam, any kind of magic that you prefer? This was, this was a hard one. and And the reason why is because I don't really have like a set belief, right? It's whatever I feel. And my big thing is everything I do, whatever I say, think, make,
perform anything, anything that I do is magic, okay? Because it's my energy that's having an effect of the world that is around me, okay? And if that's, you know, that's what magic is, it's that energy that you have. So everything that I do is magic. And I believe that, right, and I believe that anything that ah anybody does is magic. So I have i had a really hard time. So I was like, okay, what is it that I really actually do?
And in a sense, I thought it was actually elemental magic. So that is huge. It is actually a huge, huge, huge thing because I do a lot of stuff based on the seasons. I do a lot of stuff with the environment that is around me with the fauna and flora. I do a lot, I mean, you know, making sure I have my aspects, making sure like everything, it's all connected to nature.
So it's very much an elemental magic that I do. Um, I would have to say that that is incorporated in literally everything. So even when I'm teaching classes, um, you know, there's parts of the body that, you know, all to different elements. And then if you add the chakras into it, and then if you add different yoga poses have, so there's so much that, um, you know, I really had, I'm like, God, I don't like labels, but I guess if I had to put a label onto it,
it would be the that would be the easiest thing to understand. um You know, so it, it's a lot of that. um I think also that's where a lot of my like nature saving and stuff comes in, ah you know, with trying to, you know, get our yard into being an urban prairie and the environment around us, um you know, with me keeping, foraging, you know, ah using those plants for healing purposes, you know, and then um giving them to people because then the second thing that I guess to say that it really draws me is hedge witchery. And hedge witchery encompasses everything. It encompasses healing. um you know It encompasses all that stuff. And you know what I do in my grown up job in Vet Med is I'm taking care of patients. you know I'm helping. ah you know I'm doing that um doing that actual medical aspect.
um if I had to do allergy serums, I mean, that's literally taking the, you know, plant protein nitrates and, you know, making an allergy serum for a pet. Like that's actually doing that in, it is so cool. So um well I would definitely have to say that. Amazing. I love it. Yeah. Like it's just, I mean, I mean, in anything that I do, I mean, when we have shows, I make gifts for the performers, like, um, you know, just anything that I do and I think about it,
And it just has the elements, it has the healing, it has all of that. I also, I try my hardest to have an association so I can have a better understanding because I love ah listening to other people's aspects of their beliefs and everything like that, especially when it comes to any type of pagan religion, or non-Christian, you know, Catholic, I really like to hear different avenues. I've um always felt kind of, I don't want to say ostracized or outcast, but because I never associated like a God and the goddess aspect. Right. ah I also have always felt kind of on the outside as well as because the sun is more to me than the moon. You know what I mean? Even though they're like equal, I'm more of like a sun worshipper versus a moon worshipper. ah You know, so it's like, it's
It's weird like listening and stuff like that and then trying to put a label on it when it doesn't really, it's not defined is really hard for me to do, but I think that those aspects are what really calls to me, I guess, to say is the best described. Yeah, that's amazing. That is so fun.
knowing you knowing you I absolutely would have to agree yeah it makes so it makes so much sense when you talk about it and when you know you have anistic aspect to your practice you know what I'm saying it's more it comes from like nature itself and how it feeds right through you and out of you so I totally get it and it makes absolute sense. It's very cool. And you saying that too just reminds me like I don't just do candle magic. Like i I'm also very much a kitchen witch and and yeah I love the sun as well. Like, you know, it's there's it's it's hard to label. some Sometimes people find safety in labels and and understanding and I feel like
the older I've gotten and the more I've delved in and really done more shadow work and looked into what's all out there. and it's hard to pinpoint it because there's little aspects kind of everywhere of everything

Energy and Intention in Magic

that absolutely absolutely the only reason it would help to classify if you are you know academic in any way and you want to you know organize or separate in some way so you can classify you know it's really the only reason but we we dab into everything because we are nature and nature is everything it's about and dain and everything things. But and but exchange if there wasn't, if there wasn't categorization, and if there wasn't
a study of these things, there was there would be no way that I would ever find out yeah what is chaos magic. like For example, right I had never heard of chaos magic. you know and I was like, what is that? In researching this, I was like, that sounds kind of cool. Let me see me looking at that. What is that? Or um I don't know, but um baneful magic, which is more... you know and The other side of the spectrum and it comes to to you know more hexis more Defensive magic maybe or harmful, you know, whatever whatever your jam is, but it's all part of the whole right It's all part of the umbrella of magic. It's all part of the same energy. It comes from the source same place, right? So yeah, that's freaking cool
freaking cool we can enjoy it all but I also like to sometimes be like I'm gonna focus my practice on for six months yeah I'm just gonna do protective energy just protective well and you know magic for six months straight that's it that's great for learning you know i'm I'm all for that hyper fixate on one thing to really get comfortable with it that's great yeah well and when I do
When I do my like stapling oracles, that's like blood magic. You know, that's the, the oracle cards and the stapling of it as well. And that is actually like, it's a me practicing. It's actually me, you know, doing that as well. So again, you know, do I do blood magic all the time? No, I don't. So it's like, I can't say that that's my forte, but I do do it frequent enough for certain aspects, right?
So it's just like, it's just, I guess I like to like, depending on the situation, that's what I look for. Like what, it's like having a lot of knowledge in different aspects helps because there's so many different situations with so many different people, um even yourself and your own thoughts and everything like that. And it's so great to have different things in your toolbox, or different ways to learn. Because I mean, it with the internet, oh my god, I wish I had the internet when I was in middle school. So my dumb ass wasn't sitting at the Pestico Public Library every night after school reading every single weird new age book I could possibly find. You know? um Me too, because my parents wouldn't let me check those out.
Oh my gosh, if I was at home with books like that, I would have been in so much trouble. Well, the library was my safe space so that I spent as much time as I possibly could there. Oh, but they were fine with me reading Danielle Steelbooks. Danielle Steelbooks were fine, but no, if I were to bring home something else, like witchy. Oh my gosh. Like they even, they struggled with Harry Potter.
i will say I will say one thing about energy and different types of magic. I will say that I do believe that different types of expression of energy can have different effects and can vary in strength. For example, I believe that if you are dabbling in sex magic and you are doing a spell and you are adding sex magic, that energy is definitely going to be A little bit ah more potent. Yes, ma'am. It'll get you a little bit more. It will be that say and and blood magic. Well, I mean, these are these are powerful forms of magic. You are like, you know, something that you don't just use to like, you know, I don't know.
you know just abundance you would have yeah da down he would have they're like yeah and and I do believe that the different type of magic that you use kind of like harnesses a different part of your body which harnesses a different type of energy which can cause different magic to do different things.

Ethical Magic Practices and Personal Stories

well like even any So when i do when I do the stapling oracle cards, I have a whole process beforehand because this is because I have to purify myself because again, like you said, the energy aspect of this, right? I have to make sure that me as a vessel is purged of anything that could disrupt the actual true nature. So I have to, I literally do things myself and I actually do stuff to the space that I'm in. So it's is weird, it's weird seeing me going around either with the spray or with my,
my bundles and stuff like that. Like, Oh, I don't think it's weird, but like, it's one of, it's just one of the things that I do because of what it is because of the respect that I have of it. Right. Absolutely. yeah And same with my candles. like I will not make candles for a specific purpose. If my energy is off that day, if I can't get my energy right and I can't get my head right and I can't get the energy in my space, right.
It's not going to happen because then that's, then that candle's energy is going to be all fucked up. not You know? I do that big time for any of my, p play and protect your energy and make sure the energy that you're putting into your work is.
genuine and that you're not just yeah fucking around, excuse my French. And to your point, Megan, I'm sure that in a space that is so filled with all these different energies of this public that is coming through, needing to clean up this almost necessity. You have to. you have to have and You have to make sure because your energy has to be good. yeah yeah ah The public's energy also has to be good.
So cleansing the space is essential like tool, yep you know, it is and you're right is a big, big thing. Yeah, it is a big thing. And it's usually what's really great is ah the energy I have not had. um I had not I've not experienced a bad energy when doing it ah at all yet, which is great. So that that leads me to believe that what and how I'm doing it and everything reinforces that yes, it's doing you know, I'm doing everything proper, and stuff like that. And I may enter in a space that the stuff that I do do, to cleanse may not work, because you have to adapt to what's around you and stuff. But like you were saying, like you were saying, Heather, I can't, um, if I do a trauma class, and my energy is off, or my mind is not on it, I am not doing that person's justice at all.
So that's something that I talk about with my clients right away too. I say, if you are off that day where you are not in the right head space, where you are like, I am not going to take this seriously, it's going to frustrate. I said, we can totally do it. If you want to spend the whole entire time just venting or just, you know, doing a restorative pose, that's fine. I don't care. Um, if I'm not in the right head space, I'm going to reschedule less as well, because I'm not going to do you any benefit.
not being in the right headspace to help heal you. You know, exactly and I think, I think us being honest with ourselves, um and going, you know what, like, I'm not in the right headspace. And this is even with any of our rituals, whether, you know, you know do it around the moon, or, you know, the seasons or or anything, any type of thing that you do, it's so important to have that energy, you know, and in cleansed in that purpose and everything. Because if your head isn't in it, whatever you're going to be manifesting or pushing out isn't going to be effective.
Exactly. exactly yeah yeah Not only that, it could also um could also like backfire. no There was some talk recently online of spells backfiring and how some people don't believe that can happen. Whatever the case may be, as people will do, they will talk. But yes, I believe that a spell can backfire. It can definitely bring you the results that you are not intending at all to get.
but but at um My life and then I learned that at a very young age I did a spell it worked and it backfired on me and I will tell you that it It did like and it was a direct like I I could correlate like this is what I did I was eight years old when I did it Hey, so like a Direct what did you do? I want to know what did you do? What happened? What happened? What did you do when I asked so I? Okay. Yes. So, um, this is going to get pretty, this is going to get a little bit deep. Okay. Um, and okay I'm not going to go into too much. Um, you don't have to answer. Yeah, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. It'll just be like a mild trigger wording just because we're going to be talking about, I don't want to say anything dark or anything like that, but we're just, I'm just, um, I did not grow up very well as you guys know. Um, during this time we were living with a another family.
in a house and so if you can picture there's ah about four kids plus another two so about six kids plus the kids friends because he was in high school this that and the other thing so it was a very loud house and I was just a lot of stuff had happened during that time and things like that and I had done a spell um to get rid of everybody and people And my brothers ended up living with their dad for about eight years. um My sister was pretty much all the way with her dad um for a long period of time. The family that we lived with all left. And I was by myself. Whoa. And then, yep. And then um my little brother was born.
And I was pretty much like his mom, like to the point that my ex-husband when I first met him thought that my little brother was, my little brother Cruz was my son. So literally that's, so that's where the A to B went, right? yeah yeah So I was yeah alone, right? Alone. And then now I have a, kit and I am not, I'm not kidding you. Like it was, and then other stuff that had happened as well. And then eventually my brothers did end up coming back through some years. And that wasn't even that was horrible too. So you know, it was that that like literal line of I was doing something selfish. So that I was eight was eight years old, like, you're eight, you're just like, I just don't, you know, read something selfish. Yeah. And I learned from it. So now, like,
you know, I, I'm a little bit more mindful. And then when something does happen, I'm like, Yeah, yeah, I see. Because, again, I also am a big believer in like karmic life and, and stuff like that. You know, what you put out and you're gonna get back. So I want to make sure my next life is good. So Right. yeah i and to I tend to be very careful. all I tend to be very careful with what I throw a spell at. I don't and know a lot of people think that being a witch means that if you have any kind of difficulties or anything, you can immediately do a spell and get you know obstacles moved out of

Halloween Memories and Future Plans

your way. I don't do a spell for every single difficulty or every single obstacle in my life. I leave that for serious.
yeah everything I do in my life is magic and there's little tiny baby spells here and there but I don't do ritualistic magic or like this big ass for every single problem I have. I do it for things that I have tried everything in my control to do via any other means and I have nothing left and I really still want whatever happened to happen so I want i want to make it happen. You know what I mean? i'm not I don't know about the whole like idea that if you're a witch, you can just throw us 12 at whatever and it'll be good and and you'll be up okay. Nope. It's all about the energy you put towards it. It's not, you don't just light a candle and everything becomes hunky door. You light a candle, you put that energy out into the universe and then you act accordingly. Yeah. now Correct. yeah
absolutely it takes more than It's ah it an important part of it, but also it's a combination of things. It's a tool in your tool belt. So yeah, ah given all that, let's talk a little bit about what's going on.
in this fabulous amazing month that is the the new year the new year is approaching for us witches so this is what's going down ah for the month of October when it comes to you know astrology and there's a lot of important dates in the month of October for example October 4th which will be passed ah pass by the time this is published Mercury enters Libra and then you have an October 8th Venus enters Virgo and then You know, and lot of a lot of different transits happening. But the one I really want to focus on is the new moon, which is, I'm sorry. There I go. I'm asking that. will be October is the full moon. And I know that you know we could, I guess, address a little bit of the new moon, because there is a solar eclipse that's going to happen supposedly on the 2nd of October.
um But really, the full moon is, by the time this is this is published, the full moon is really what's going to be going down. What's yeah Yeah. But i do I am interested, like the new moon and the solar eclipse and Libra, that's going to be an interesting thing to witness and to actually work with. So I know, again, that has passed by the time this is published. But I hope that you know do something with that. Or that you did.
and some I'll have to look into it cuz I like I never have energy energy during the full moon, but the new moon I'm all about that Yeah, yeah, yeah that might be a good a good thing to keep in mind and then um like I said the The Venus is entering also Venus is entering Sagittarius on the 17th as well with the along with the full moon and And Venus is entering, is in Scorpio in a sextile to Pluto in Capricorn as well. So if I'm going to look at that, let's see. When Venus enters Sagittarius, this is from I'll make sure I drop that in the description of the podcast of the episode below. So it says, Romans becomes the grand adventure as we spend the autumn getting to know people on a spiritual and intellectual level. Relationships can go the distance if we take the time to understand each other.
So that's the Venus enter Sagittarius transit. So don't think about that We also have the full moon which you are setting into your power today as the bold full moon allows you to take control Of important areas of your life push past the limit to bask in the glory of success So additional with the with the new moon with I'm sorry with the full moon. I keep saying new moon I don't know why but additional with the full moon. It's it's called the harvest Harvest Moon, Hunter Moon, Blood Moon, and I guess Blood Moon too? Okay, thank you. Yes. And is it also called, I read somewhere Buck Moon too, but I'm not really sure. I think so. Oh, I got Shedding Moon, Shedding Moon. Let's see here, Winterfellth Moon, Falling Leaf Moon, Ten Cold Moon, Moon of the Changing Seasons.
Um yeah so they it it just depends on you know what that's beautiful though all those different names is so pretty I love it so much um so that is really cool um it it does I did get some information from like the farmer's almanac when it comes to the harvest moon. um So it says here that ah the harvest moon and the hunter's moon are unique in that they're not directly related to the folklore or restricted to a single month. and Instead, they are tied to an astronomical event, which is the, and I know if I'm gonna say this incorrectly, a tomnno autumnal. Autumnal, uh-huh, like autumn. a toal
Equinox. Thank you. My English sometimes not the best. um So based on my research it could either fall in September or in October depending on the autumn equinox. So it doesn't really like there's no set date really for it, right? For the full moon? Yeah because it can it depends on when the equinox So the autumn equinox is always going to be around September 22nd. So okay that are like 20. Yeah. So that's usually when the autumn equinox is. So it's interesting because between September and October, usually their full moons are on the same date. So September's full moon is on the 17th as well. Um, and October says it's just because of, um, how many days of the month. And then they'll usually.
In October to November, there's possibly a blue moon and that's where the blue moon is either will fall in October or will fall in November towards the end of the month. I think we had a blue moon last year. Yeah. I think we had a blue moon last year.
I do love me a blue moon. Yeah. And apparently this is also going to be like a suit. It's a super full moon, a super moon, and it's going to be the one, the closest one to the earth out of all four of those super full moons that we're going to have this year. This is the closest one. So the power is even energy is even more augmented.
So I'm going to be even more exhausted. Awesome. Well,
and well and this is like for this month, October is like your, um, month of like maturity. If you think about it, um, your month of, you know, um, not, not quite like if you go like made in mother crone is that part between like.
mother and crone, you know, where you're not quite a mother anymore. um So it's that more maturity that you have. But the week before this full moon, um definitely be aware of those that it tend to do you harm. Because of what this moon is, like you were saying, um it it can have a tendency that people will have more of a jealous eye towards you.
Um, those types of things after that, you need to take time to like reflect, meditate. Um, and then that following week, usually healing yourself and others, because there's some type of piece that ends up getting taken away. Uh, just because of what that energy of the moon does and people's not necessarily intent that they do that they don't know because some people are unknowingly doing. Um,
You know, but that's why herbs like penny, Royal catnip, burdock, all those things are really great during this time. Um, like penny, Royal is great for protection, but if you have animals, it is toxic to animals. So do not, yeah, do not spray it on your animals or anything like that. Um, if you're going to keep it, usually kind of keep it in a satchel. If you do have animals, but it's also an insecticide.
Um, and if you think about it in October, it's getting colder. So the bugs are trying to get into the house. So using penny royal around the house helps keep, um, you know, the insects and parasites away. Um, catnip helps with happiness. Yeah. Catnip helps with happiness. Love. Um, that also does some action as well. You can use catnip for dreams. It's not as strong as mugwort. Um, but you can, you can use it, um, for dreams and then burdock.
um burdock helps flush out I would have a cat on love my pillow or something as I'm trying to sleep. as I'm trying to get good dreams. I'm sure that Kasha will be like, Hey, give me that. Let me give me some of that. Um, but like burdock also helps with flushing out. It's a natural diuretic, but it it also helps like flushing out the negativity. So like.
making cleansing sprays with like catnip and burdock. If you don't have animals, you can use pennyroyal as well in there too. Burdock's also good for colds and sore throats and digestive. So, you know, going into the winter months, having some of that and everything. Yeah. And it's native too. I think it's native to this area too. We're learning so much. Isn't that fun?
love anxiety i love ah What kind of so guys, go ahead. Oh, I was gonna say Heather. Is there anything like specific in oh like this time of year like around the autumn equinox or anything for candle magic? I like I researched candle magic like way am I younger? um Yeah, and so I don't I don't remember too much of anything like that, but like I always thought it interesting. Yeah, so this time of year is very big, obviously, for the veil thinning. And so this is a very popular time of year to do candle magic relating to communicating with
those that have passed on communicating with the other side, maybe doing some ancestral work. um So in the past, I've gotten requests from clients specifically to make candles to communicate with a specific person um that they are missing. An example would be my father, he asked for a candle to try to feel closer to my sister that had passed on and um So, you know, doing a little interview with him about what he was looking for and what he was looking to experience. And then just knowing what I knew about her, I ended up um making it a purple candle. A, because purple is was her favorite color, but also because it relates specifically to female power.
um and like goddess work and healing past wounds specifically. So I made him a purple candle too with, you know, some specific oils and stuff too to try to feel close to her. And he definitely said he felt, he felt it. um But so and also protective magic too. This is a big time of year where, you know, people are feeling some things.
Um, and so I get requests for, um, for protective magic. Uh, and, uh, oh my gosh, I, this time of year, I don't know what it is about, um, breaking ties and doing, like um, like I'm blanking on the dot tie breaking. What's it called? Cutting cord. I get a lot of cord cutting stuff going on this time of year, but.
Um, but I mean, the main theme really is the veil thinning with Samhain coming around and and communicating with the other side. And, um, there's a lot of, you know, familial stuff too. So, um, um, you know, also candles, just like paying your respects to those that have passed on, um, as well, um, doing some grieving and yeah.
Yeah, very cool. Yeah, I mean, some people actually in Santa Ria. take the, which is, you know, one of the religions down in the Caribbean, they tend to, um to really observe and really like candles for people who have passed and end day of the dead, you know, as well. Yes, they spend the time praying and providing for offerings and everything for those people. So it's really interesting to see those and man,
Mexico some of the some of the towns and smaller villages in Mexico become absolutely beautiful with like candles lit at their at the their ancestors grave site and it's just a beautiful site to see like yeah It's cool. Thank you so much for sharing that. heather That's lovely. I'm so glad that you were able to do that for your father. That's amazing. And to to bring him closer to your sister. and some sure I saw a ah psychic once that said that she felt her whenever I practice with witchcraft, because she and my sister and I, before she passed, we were both kind of learning at the same time and kind of interested at the same time. And then we talked about it. We're like, uh,
I'm reading about that too. And then, you know, we would talk about it. And I am i was told by someone that whenever I practice that she's really, she's like behind me watching and she's excited and like kind of this kind of like tapping her fingers and excited and seeing what I'm going to do next. so I always feel very close to her when I'm practicing, especially when I'm doing candle magic as well. I feel her. I feel her.
That's awesome. It's amazing. It is a way to connect. It is a way to connect to our ancestors and our other family members. Very cool. um Well, what are you do you guys have any plans for Halloween for Samhain? Is there anything happening? Anything going down? How are you celebrating at this year? So my daughter is having her first... Oh, go ahead. Oh, no, you can go ahead, Heather. Sorry. i ah My daughter is having her first Halloween party. So she's gonna have some friends over the weekend after.

Haunted Locations and Spiritual Encounters

So usually on Halloween, we do trick or treating. And I end up in the car just kind of like driving everyone around and like driving slowly as she goes door to door. She's 13 now. I don't know how much longer she's gonna go. This might end up being her last year. I just don't know. I don't know.
So we do we usually do that she dresses that we all dress up and sometimes we walk along with her in certain neighborhoods and other neighborhoods I get tired and so I just chug along in the car but um she's having her first Halloween party the weekend after she she's just gonna have some friends over they're gonna wear their costumes are gonna eat candy and they're gonna watch scary movies in the basement. Nice. Awesome. love did But really, you know, other I used to do more, ah you know, when I was younger,
I used to go to parties or, you know, go to Madison and, you know, kind of go all out and have fun. I've always really loved the holiday, but um after becoming a mother, I definitely i toned down my my celebrations.
So I, you know, doing magical things. I mean, I used to do rituals. I used to bake cookies. and like I used to do stuff regarding like with pomegranate and um yeah all kinds of fun ritualistic stuff, but I've not in the past few years done, done much of that. So it's pretty much going to be on mom duty, on witchy mom duty.
and nice You know as I was when I was growing up I didn't get to celebrate it at all because my mother God bless her um She's ultra ultra mega religious ultra mega Protestant and We were not allowed to celebrate Halloween So I would just sit in our very dark house because every every light was turned off sussed and not you know I try to attract any trick-or-treaters, we would sit in our dark rooms. I hate that. And watch everybody, and watch everybody celebrate. And I was like, and I would be like, why can I dress up? That makes me so sad. I want to give a little Shay a hug.
Yeah, it sucked. I was, you know, cause I was really into it. Anyway, as I got older, I was able to celebrate a few years, you know, in which I actually got dressed up and went to parties and yeah, super fun celebration. Now, now is a little bit different. Now I do hand out candy because I do like to see little me for a candy. yeah So I do enjoy that.
And I also do, yes, I cackle. Yes, I definitely do the witchy thing. Yes, I definitely tell them, you know, don't come around here at night. Good to have your parents with you. Yada, yada, yada. And i in this year I am planning on also going out. but Once again, I haven't gone out Halloween in a long time, but my friend Sean is having a party and he invited me. So I might dress up as Medusa. I love it.
and and go to his house and have a few drinks and hang out. And then I think another friend of mine is having another party on the 1st of November. So I might do that. We'll see what happens because the day off, I might just be like, you know what? It's in the middle of the week. I'm feeling none of it. Like a Wednesday or Thursday. Yeah. It's a Thursday. Whatever. So if anything, if I end up at the day off, I might just burn props in the backyard, chill out, smoke. Yeah.
Got it. You know, chill. I always, I always play a chill. I always play a chill. You know, I always play a chill. This year I'm going to go to that party before, whenever, whatever it is before or after. Um, and yeah. And just hang out for a couple of hours. Nothing too crazy. Yeah. come home Light a candle. Sounds good to me. What about you, Mamie? I possibly we might be doing a Halloween party for Draven and his friends.
um I don't know yet, we kind of talked about it ah may or may not happen. ah He usually likes to go trick or treating and him and I dress up. I don't know if he wants to do that this year if he wants to hand out candy, but we'll um probably do one of those things. I have a trauma class that day. um So I'll be later on here ah for that. But then ah for my you know those are like activities you know type thing I mean we have the show at the Tarleton on the 26th and I think at the 19th on the 19th I'm doing a show in Fond du Lac that's going to be like a kind of like a freak show sci-fi or a sideshow type thing so um I'll do stuff there and then do you think there's any suspension happening there I don't think so um because it's
Bella is organizing it. um So I don't know um exactly what it is because they want to do like, kind of like old sideshow boardwalk. And it has to be something that we can do like repetitively, where it's not like we're doing a show where we're all performing, it's where, you know, we have our little goose and it's something that we can do. um repetitively something along the line. So that's going to be, it's a really cool concept. So I'm interested in that. For my personal practice wise, this is the time of year that I redo all of my offerings that I have. um Because I i have, ah I don't want to say that I worship the
like worship dead or worship death. But I have a very high respect of it. um And I don't want to say a connection to it. One of my things that I've been or that's on the back burner is I want to be a death doula. So that's kind of one of my goals, you know, to me, and it's I just think a lot of understanding with that. So I you know, refresh my pomegranates that I have throughout my house, my oranges, my little thing of honey, my apple, like all of that stuff. Refresh my altar or any of my other mini altars that I have throughout my space. um And that's usually leading up to the 31st. And then I also go into celebration on the first, just because of um how I grew up in in everything. So then I
you know, do my offerings of bread, honey, meats, marigolds, visiting um loved ones, although the loved ones that I have that are around here are very minimal. So um I have to visit like the little shrines that I have of them, um you know, type thing and stuff. So that's kind of that's what I do. Cool. Very cool. Yeah.
Awesome. Look at that. That sounds like a good time. Yeah. Sounds like a good time. Yeah. Everybody's got their friends. I like ah do hope ah do hope that we get together. I know we have that photo shoot, but I do hope that we get together yeah one more time before Halloween. Oh, yeah. So that we can hang out. Oh, sure. Maybe do a witchy coffee date or something. Or, you know.
I don't know, an adventure of some kind. um I think that would be a good time. Agree. Explore a haunted place or, you know. Have fun. Yes. Or maybe like a, there is a, there is a house in Appleton that is ah deemed a haunted house, but not in the sense of like you going through getting, you know, it's more like a, it's more like a historical society type of event where you just go and you get the tour of the house.
And they tell you all the spooky things that happened in the house. And it's so fun. And the house is gorgeous. Is it the one that's down on Oneida? Yeah, Prospect. Prospect, Oneida area. Yeah, yeah, Oh, such a fun house. Do you know that dad? Maybe he has a photo shoot there. That is the first house to have electricity. Oh, wow. Oh, OK. I didn't know that. Yeah.
So that's why let's story that's why this guy wants it. Yeah. Oh, my building that my studio is in is also haunted. And um I tell you that my story is like corner of my eye. And I've had times where like, I'll be recording because when I'm practicing routines and stuff like that, I record myself so I can watch it.
you know, figure out things afterwards. And I've literally had seen like, I'll lock the downstairs door, the outside doors. And I've seen people walk through and like, there's nobody there the last time that I did that I like perked up and I was like, all right, I'm grabbing something I'm gonna go hit and like, I searched everywhere there was no one.
You might already know this, but I got to tell you, so okay, so yes, do your building and then there's that it all because it all kind of connects. And then so the building that was an old bank, it used to be the beauty parlor.
Um, her name's Christina used to be the owner. Okay. Um, and then right next to it, the building with the black arches, right? Okay. That used to be Shay's studio. So, um, Christina, the one that used to own the beauty parlor, she is like a professional ghost spirit hunter person and like super naturalist. And she, they literally had a poltergeist in her building that she had to have the owner.
it had to be the owner um hired a priest to come in and yeah ah clear out the space because she tried and it wouldn't work. And she had she looked into it and it had to be the owner of the building and she was just renting. And so she had to have this conversation with the owner of the building and he knew he's like, Oh, yeah, I know there's stuff that happens all the time. and they have have Like a whole thing. Well, that so that's, the That's the first thing that my landlord here had told me and they own a couple other buildings downtown here. Um, but when I was putting the drapery up on top of the ceiling, she said to me, she goes, um, don't be shocked. Okay. So, you know, cause she's not really in, like she's into some new age stuff, but not so much. So like I would be right. Um, yeah so she doesn't know how to tell me this stuff. Right.
So because she just thinks I'm a normal person. um she doesn't know like have Right. ah way She doesn't know. Yeah. She doesn't know. Like it's not like being at the apothecary or anything where we're all in on this. And we know like each other's not, but she doesn't know that. So she goes to me, she goes, don't be alarmed if you find stones in this feeling. And so I stopped her and like, I'm not alarmed of like crystals. Like she was talking about crystals and I, I wasn't,
alarm but like I went so why did you put crystals and which ones did you put in there and so she told me and and it was it was all because this whole entire line here of shops had a horrible had a horrible horrible in my room my studio had one of the worst one of the worst Christina said she had to do stopped she said she just stopped playing music because it would mess with her music. So if you have issues with your music. Nope. No issues. No, or audio nothing on the normal. Oh, you sometimes have issues with your audio, don't you? Sometimes I do. Sometimes sometimes and sometimes I do.
i i I'm very thankful that I do a ton of clearing and a ton of bringing in good stuff. Uh, I have my, I have my protections of certain things in certain areas. And that's just no matter where my studio is. Um, you know, and that's just because of the work that I do here in the studio. Um, I also think in, ah in, and I think that, um, I think sometimes spirits have a tendency to know the people that are in and kind of know like what they can and can't get away with.
I hope so. i Yeah. Yeah. And so I, uh, I have a great respect. Um, and that's the other thing too, that I think that my other yoga instructor that's here, he doesn't get like, I have a little mini alter here, so I'm just going to turn my camera. So if you come in here, now and I have, um, you know, things on there.
because I want to make sure that I, if there's something that's in here, we need to work in harm. Like when we can't, like we can't, we we can't always the hope, right? else Or anything. Right. Right. We can't, I, I, I'm not going to tolerate it. Um, and I don't, they're here for a reason and I want to help them in any which way possible. Um, so I would say that, you know, so far, I mean,
This is going to be my first October in here. So we're going to see what that's going to have. You know, we live in such an old town. By the way, the town we live in is the okay is the first deed.
written deed in Wisconsin. We are the oldest the oldest town on paper in Wisconsin, which is pretty neat. There's a lot of history here. There's got to be some element of respect for those that have come before us, because there's a lot of them. Right. And this was a huge trading. It was because of the Fox River and stuff like that. This was a huge trading post as well too.
So, you know, there's unsettleness and you know, there's nefarious stuff that had happened in those times and things like that. So you know, there's been things that, um, you know, that are just walking around and and I can definitely say like, I had a, uh, one of my, uh, workers, one of my employees has just moved to Kukana and I was like, Hey, how are you liking to Kukana? And she's like, Oh my God, the storms here are something else. And I was like, yeah, aren't they interesting?
and but that was like use case The different elevations that we have here, you know, um we have two downtowns here. like on yeah It's just, it's just an interesting thing. So yeah. um Yeah, I think we should find some spooky places and do some investimigations. Yeah, I'm down for that. And now I'm on that note.

Closing Remarks and Next Episode Invitation

boom I do. i Thank you guys so much for sharing yeah your experiences and your jams and your your, you know, and and your and your magic and your practices with us. And I really I do think that we should definitely talk about getting together sometime soon. So we'll we'll talk. Oh, yeah. yeah But I want to thank everybody so much again for joining us and for hanging out with us on this very
and hope me ah when time Join us again next time for more, more of witchy fun and learn how to live life deliciously forever with us. So thanks again. And we'll see. Thanks everybody. See you later.