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Speaking of Witch S1 E4- Weird Divinations image

Speaking of Witch S1 E4- Weird Divinations

S1 E4 ยท Speaking of Witch
32 Plays6 months ago

Che's Divination info:

Megan's info:


Introduction to Hosts and Podcast

Welcome to Speaking of Witch podcast with your hosts, Megal, Heather, and Shay. This is a podcast for the magically inclined, where we'll discuss how to live life deliciously through magic. Would thou like to live deliciously?

Exploring Unusual Divinations

On this episode, we'll talk about weird divinations. Welcome everybody to the season one episode four of Speaking of Witch podcast. We are so glad to have you here. Thank you so much for joining us. Everybody's here. The gang's all here. We're ready to roll. We're ready to have some fun. So um how you guys been? How's it been? How's life been?
I haven't seen you guys in a minute. Perfect. But great. Yeah, it has been hot. It has been ungodly hot. Lots of flooding in the area going on.
We tried to mow the backyard, but there's puddles still, like collected water back there. So we had to not do that today. Yeah. I saw a lot of, uh, a lot of articles around the area about flash floods pass flash, flash, flash.

Weather Woes and Personal Stories

Yeah. And I had to go, I had to do a photo shoot recently at a witchy friend of mine's house, which was quite amazing. It was super fun.
And, uh, and I had to be aware of that because they were like, there's a flash flood warning. Um, so I had to drive very carefully and I'm like, and then I had to park like next to a fence that was kind of crooked already kind of like on the river. And I was like, if the water increases anymore, I may not have a car. I don't know. gary know So I just left, uh, I left ah my car parked and I took all my gear and I'm like,
It's okay, I have insurance, if that goes down, at least I won't be in it, which is actually a great thing to not be in it as your car goes down the river. so um or right Speaking of insurance, so we did have our basement flood a little bit and our renters insurance doesn't cover flood stuff. It's separate. So everyone listening might want to check in on your insurance. I had dulted a little bit too close to the sun and found that out the other day. That sucks. Did it make you ah do like a rider or something to add flood insurance? It's an extra
separate thing. That's stupid. Indeed. I know that like in Green Bay when Josh had his house in Green Bay it was like really super expensive and where he lived it always floods there. um Last night just the street in front of our house was flooded and it was kind of coming over but we live like on an incline. You're on a hill. Yeah so everything was going down the one street which was kind of cool like in a way because you're like oh my god look at there's a river.
right And then you're like, oh, wait, it's pooling. But surprisingly, we didn't have any water in our basement last night. And so it was really it was kind of interesting. The only thing that had changed is I had an outdoor rug that was on the concrete slab. That was where the basement would be. And I moved it to the garden because I wanted to kill some weeds. So I'm i'm like, oh, look at this. you know Two birds with one stone. I want to kill this i want to clean this rug and kill some weeds. so My yoga mat was all dirty. So I just put it out on the line. It's not dirty and a mower yeah not dirty anymore. you Yeah, we didn't get as much rain over here. I'm about 20 minutes from south of you guys. So we didn't get a whole lot of rain out here, um which was fine. It was good, but it was still very hot. And it was still like thundering. I love thundering nights. It was like lightning and thunder. So we were just very, very chilly and just like chilling out on the porch. and
didn't do shit, so it was great. Also, for those of you that are listening online that aren't from Wisconsin, we measure distance in time. Yeah.

Local Culture and Personal Updates

So we measure in time. So 20 minutes can mean anywhere from like 14 miles to 20 miles to whatever. Oh my god, I've lived in Wisconsin long enough to to do Wisconsin things. That's amazing. That's great.
You're one of us. Don't you know, don't you know, I say I say you betcha more times than I care to admit on a regular basis. when people say Thank you so much. I'm like you betcha like my uh one of my clients the other day I was talking to her her kid and she and I said oh yeah um and she was like oh that was so Wisconsin.
I'll whip out because I have that UP a little bit of that UPI as well so then I'll whip out oh yeah there hey don't you know oh don't you see that they're doing a meat raffle there over there by the by the racetrack oh yeah there's gonna be a nice hand shoulder roast Oh, did you hear it? Did you hear that Al Gore was right about that, that global warming there. Did you see that snow drift? Oh, that snow drift over there on that corner. Oh, it does not. It just, oh my gosh. It's so, it's so indicative of a Wisconsin person or somebody who's lived here long enough to, to speak like that. So that's, that's pretty cool. So what else have you guys been up to? Anything else? I mean, any new other things other than, oh, basement floodings and
going to the pool. All right. cause busy Busy busy going to the pool with the kid. She started ah the skating rink opened back up again. So she went skating again last night and I want to go skating too.
I'm working. I've got five clients that are due next month, um so getting their prenatal appointments taken care of and prepping them for what to expect for early labor and then pretty much... Are many of them primary first-time parents?
Um, all but one. Yes. Wow. Yeah. So that's, uh, that's been keeping me very, very busy these last couple of weeks doing that. So getting ready for school to start again. Yeah. Oh yeah. Cause it's going to start in August or it was like late August, early September. I didn't even check yet. I don't want to check yet. I think like the weekend after like,
Labor Day or whatever. I don't want to talk about it anymore. like like no I Did have I had a photo shoot like I'd mentioned earlier and it was super fun. It was super cool. She is an artist She i smoke I call her the smoke witch and I did mention that on on the folder. I sent her with all of her images ah So I put her first name and then smoke witch because she does very cool art with fire and smoke and she uses the suit of the smoke to create on a blank canvas and it's so oh cool and I got to spend some time with her wow and talk to them about it and and create some imagery with them. So it was really, really fun. It was really cool. So I will be posting some of that on my um my social media. excellent That was my next question. Do we get to see the results? Yeah. And I do want to like, I do have a couple more shoots that are actually have signed up like that. Just like that. I just kind of threw the voice out there. I was like, Hey, I'm open for photo shoots if anybody wants to like do some shit. And and now I have like three photo shoots signed up. And the best thing is that they're just because I'm working with other artists, they are open to ideas and they're open and and they're witchy people, you know, who are down with like,
making imagery that is to their spirit, yeah calls to their spiritual nature. So that's been really fun. That's the main key. They're all witchy people. So I get to make like really cool portraits of like witches around the area, which I may someday put together and do like a collection of. Please do. mean Yes. Yes. So that'd be fun. That'd be fun. So that's the only thing I have other than that work's been really
um Just kind of not happening just kind of chilling at work a little bit ah Which is not I'll take it. I'll take any breaks we can get before we get super busy um and yeah, you know that I've been working on crafting a lot because I don't leave the house much but I do have Some and I think I told you guys about this but um for those of you who can't see I am showing them the art brushes that I'm creating so I This is wax. This is the wax version and you can see it's it's a very cool. Yeah. And then it's got like bumps and I'm just going to paint it black now and put some sparkles in it. And then I have to cover it with the gel that hardens. What is that called?
artists. The Apoxie. Apoxie. Thank you. Yeah. I have to cover it in that. So then it stays, you know, and it stays and it hardens. So that's kind of what I've been working on. That's me. You can't wait to see the final project. Yeah. And then hopefully somebody will want to commission me to make these for them, for their rituals and whatever, if they want to make art magic, you know. Nice. Nice. You should talk to Laina about that. She's a painter. Oh.
yeah Okay. and Yeah. I don't know who that is, but I'd love to see. She's my tattoo artist. Oh, yeah. Yeah. remember them Okay. Cool. Yeah. I'll talk to them about him. Yeah. See they'll want to have some on their shop. That'd be cool. She's yeah. And she has a shop as well. so Perfect. Yeah. A vagabond. What is it called? I thought it was a vagabond tattoo. <unk> I don't know what her because they tattooed vagabond. And yes, tattooed vagabond and then it's a tattoo studio and then also she sells all kinds of things. She sells my candles and she sells like ah all different artists stuff, jewelry, she makes her own candles. That's awesome. Lots of witchy stuff.
Yeah, yeah, I definitely want to get see if it takes off in my shop. And if it does take off in my shop, then I'll definitely make extra because they're easy to make, easy to make. Just it does take a few steps because of the time, the consuming time with the wax, you know, when you're working, you have to wait for it to melt, then you have to wait for it to harden. So it creates a lot of patience preaching to the choir.
so yeah Yeah, so it does take several days, but yeah, but it'd be fun to be able to make batches like batches of them, you know like Two three sets and each set is like what I ten different brushes I mean it'd be dope to be able to produce that much but I For now it's just little me dipping them into wax and hoping that, Oh, don't drop it somewhere. You drop it, the wax gets all messed up and you have to start all over. It's happened to me twice already.

Research on Divinations

So good. But, um, speaking of having to do things over, um, I had to do my research over for our main topic of discussion okay because I had done it initially.
Um, when I was researching different types of divination, which if you guys don't know, our main topic of discussion is weird. we So, um, I had done my first research and I put the research away so well, so very, very deep into the pockets of things that I could not find it. I could not find all the papers I had done. So I had to start all over.
But I found really, really cool divinations that we can talk about. Because I was taken aback about how how how silly they are. um And not now, I know that probably most people don't do these divinations anymore um and I hope that someday they find even more types of divination in the future that they look back and say wow that was we have more efficient ways of doing it now but yeah but I found some really cool weird stuff that I was very taken aback with but what did you guys find did you find did you find any good information like was it abundant of information that you found or just like did you have to do
had no i okay Yeah, I want to hear about what you have because I kind of had a hard time. I had just when we talked about this topic seen on TikTok funny divination like videos that were coming up on my for you page and it was just it was, I guess, like husbands doing reenactments of of their wives doing certain things. And yeah as soon as I mentioned it, then I couldn't find him anymore. So I was a little bit at a loss. I i had, um you know, i just find a lot of a lot of different things, but I always kind of keep in mind when I'm looking at subject matter like this, um I really want to look at it as more of a historical instead of a judgmental or
a subject and like subjectical perspective of it, because some of these things that we think that are weird actually do have references in different types of cultures and history. Oh, absolutely. I agree. I agree. And I didn't mean silly as in like dismissive silly, but as in like how we progress and evolve sometimes and we look back and we're like, well, we have better ways of doing that now, not to diminish like anybody's spiritual like divination or whatever people.
thought that looking at, you know, different bodily fluids gave you, and some people probably still do do that. um But I just feel like there's other ways also to achieve the same results. Well, like, yeah okay, say, for instance, you just said bodily fluids. So honestly, come working in the medical field, I can tell you bodily fluids, just a gross analysis of them of just looking at them can tell you a lot of what's going on.
um with that person. So like you look at urine, for instance, you're looking at the clarity of it, the color of it, if there's a scent on it. um If you want to get even more in depth, if you have a refactometer, you're going to be looking at the pH, that's going to tell you a lot of what is going on. um If there's chest fluid, you know, is it purulent, meaning does it look white infected? Is it you know, a strawberry milkshake color? So it That's what I'm kind of, um, when I was looking into this, a lot of the things that, you know, we're pointing to like silly or weird or goofy and stuff actually had a. Resonation in some form of, of a history, like we were saying before, or some form of an actual purpose that yes, in a way we do have easier ways to detect if somebody has a UTI. Okay.
We can now just put it in a machine. The machine will automatically read it. So when you are going in for like, say you're going in for a suspected UTI, there's nobody underneath the microscope looking at that. It's a machine now. Okay. So there's pluses and minuses to that. It's no different than somebody looking at it and saying, yeah, these are the common signs of a UTI. Let's get you what you need. So there's a lot of, um, there's a lot of things like some of the stuff that I had found has to do with physical appearances on people, um or even internal internal body noises, like what that meant and stuff like that. So it was really neat when I was researching this, um because that's how my brain goes it goes. It looks at it from that spiritual access aspect, but what what is it also with the scientific aspect of it? And it was really cool to dig into this to kind of see where that met and go, wow, you know
We could still do these things. We're just taking that human aspect out of it, if that makes sense. Right, right, definitely. Yeah, I found some really cool information about a few different types of um of unusual types of divination. For example, scatomancy is by using excrement. um And it doesn't say much anything else other than just that. I guess you would use excrement to determine the person's health or future.
um I also got a couple of, a couple ones that I found interesting that I had a little bit more information on, one called Metaposcopy, which is a form of divination where the diviner predicts personality and character and destiny based on the patterns of the lines on the subject's forehead. So, and I totally understand that because palmistry, right? You're using the lines of your palms to determine the future.
So if you end up back then, I'm sure that you know people as they grow older and still do um get those lines across their foreheads. So reading those actually determines the character and personality traits of the person.
which is really interesting. Also given that I thought of you Heather when i when I found this out because of your closeness to maternity and people given birth, there's one called Amenomancy. And it's the future of a child is predicted from the call covering their head at birth.
so the placenta is like reading the placenta as the baby is born to determine the uh the future of of the baby and then it says that the color and the consistency of the color used to interpret the future very interesting isn't that interesting and then i thought man i mean i don't know that anybody does that at this point but if you are coming up say you know, with a spiritual type of or you're adding spirituality to an experience such as ah giving birth. Oh, definitely. There's all kinds of spiritual things yeah with the placenta for sure. again Yeah, you can educate yourself. Yeah, on on actually doing the divination part of it. That would be
yeah So that's something I didn't even think of. i I did all of this research to get my certification to be able to encapsulate placentas. And one of the books I got was over on my shelf, talks about all like the whole spiritual background and the spiritual side of the placenta. So I did not, I didn't even think of that. I could have You still can. I still can. I mean, I would love to see something like that. I just think that would be different and new and more in depth. And I mean, even as you make, because you encapsulate the placenta and the pills, right? Yes.
I definitely like internally am paying my respects to the placenta and that's part of why I'm so fascinated by it. like There's so much that you can tell even health-wise about the placenta. We're from looking at the placenta and the health of the baby as well. so a Yeah, thing it's it's pretty cool and all different cultures have been Using the placenta like you said to eat to predict the future for ah For their shit children and also planting it in specific places to make sure that you're paying respect to the placenta Oh my gosh. Yeah, that's there's there's a whole lot of information I could give you about that that I could prepare I didn't even think of that I feel like I should be cut out of this part
No, I think this is great. I think this is great because it might be it might just indicate the beginning of of of something new in your journey and we want to make sure that we commemorate that maybe a year from now or two years from now.

Modern and Historical Divination Practices

I have thought of um candles. So me, candles, that that's my witchy thing. That's what I do. And doing different, because there are cultures that um will hold a ritual for the placenta as they're burying it in their backyard. And that has a lot to do with protection and um and blessings on the child. yeah And there's like different herbs that I could put in the candles to be a part of that ritual.
if you so choose. And that's absolutely something that I've actually discussed with people before. I would yeah be very, very interested in doing that. Yes. That would be ah that's just i mean Those are really great ones, Shae. I really like the ones, especially like that placenta one. That's really awesome. Yeah, when I saw that, I immediately thought, oh my gosh, imagine having the capability of doing that. If you work with placenta already, like i I was like, I need to tell this to my girl. No. So I thought that was really cool. I thought, did you find anything other that was like, did you find any divination that you thought was like? No, I didn't. I didn't. The research that I did for today's podcast was a lot more about the herb that we were talking about, basil, which we'll talk about in a little bit, and some more information about the full moon that's coming up.
OK, cool. All right. And Megan, did you come across any? Oh, yeah. I have just a couple. There is a gastromancy. So that is the reading of the markings on your stomach as well as the noises that are going on in your abdomen. So it's used to either talk about your health um and also anything like for your future.
of what's going to happen, um things like that. So that that had a little bit less information that I could find, but I was like, oh, that's really cool. That is really cool. as As a person who is continually working on my gastrointestinal health, I can say that that would be cool. and that would That would be cool because I'm constantly working on that and that to determine maybe maybe my maybe my stomach is trying to communicate.
Yeah. Trying to say something. yeah Hey, it's really cool because I mean, it's also telling you the habits of what you eat. So if you think about it, you know, if you're listening to your GI track, if you're seeing what's going on, if you're noticing different colors, different markings, um, you know, bloating stuff like that, that can tell you a lot, you know, and, and look at a lot of self-reflection and stuff. So I thought that was cool.
Um, and, uh, I don't know how to pronounce this because I'm horrible at pronunciation guys. Um, but and so, and chill mancy, um, which has to do with your nails.
So doing divination with your nails. um So it is an unusual form of sorry um obs scaring or gazing at the sun's reflection in the nails. So that's one way. um Some of it is the thumbnail coating. um Sometimes they'll coat it with ash and oil to provide a reflective surface. So then you can gaze into that. um And then it's actually what your nail looks like.
So there's other things like your cuticle bed. Um, if you have your half moon on the bottom, like the shape of your nails, things like that. That's so cool. I'm sorry, but I am but like, that is so cool. I found one for Heather. Oh, another one love this. So this one is an Opeth, Opetho mole, mancy, which is using the belly button and the, um or the umbilical cord. So, um, for the belly button, it is the shape, the size, if it's an any, if it's an Audi, um, those different types of things in some of this, it's actually preferred that, um, you know, if you had a belly button that was super deep, um, it was an indication of that you were going to have many children that you were going to be prosperous.
Um, and that you were going to live a long, healthy life. And if you think about it, when this was used during the time that it was used, people who were a little bit more on the Wisconsin skinny side were, um, were evidence of living a health, not a healthier life, but more of a richer life because they were able to afford food, um, afford shelter, things like that, that could get them that Wisconsin skinny size, um, versus the common folk who, you know, didn't have that.
um So that was kind of neat. For the umbilical cord, um that one, it's a tail that ah holds a number of knots in the umbilical cord of the newborn, shows how many more brothers or sisters they are yet to come. um And that just seems, it's so far,
that this one has been verified and seems to be an accurate thing. Is it knots or is it knobs? So in the umbilical cord, it's not completely smooth. there's like it kind like has it i'm I'm guessing, because in here it says knots, so I'm guessing it's the knobs.
knob because this is, yeah, the knobs, but it's said knots, but there's not. Because there are sometimes there's knots, but it's OK because of the gel that's inside of them. It doesn't like actually constrict anything. So maybe in here it says knots. So yeah, it says knots. So that that's something that I was like, oh, I was like, interesting. That is a form of a Jamaican divination. Oh, interesting.
So if you wanted to know more about that or, or look at that. So I was like, Oh, so, um, like a lot of them, there's a spider divination too. Um, that one has to do with how the spiders make their webs. Um, the time of day that they make their webs, um, what type of spider is living in the web, um, and where the web is created. So that one has a lot of, of different ones too.
My Monstera plant in my garage has little itsy bitsy spiders all over it and all the webs look all different kinds of crazy. So I would be interested in knowing that. Yeah, so I was like, huh, I was like, interesting. So yeah, I found like a lot um of really cool, I guess alternative ones that that
that I thought were interesting. If anybody wants to know, I found this on the website of SerenaPowers OK. And it is Serena's Guide to Divination. And so it just kind of talks about it.
you know it's it's back Um, I've been around since the internet was created. So it's really cool when you find sites like this that aren't like flashy, but they look like some of the old, you know, like, remember witch box. I don't know if anybody was on witch box at all. It was the witches voice. And it was early 2000s, um, that it was around and it was a really cool resource.
Um, for different things. It was like a catchall for, because this is the budding age of the internet. So way early 2000s. Um, I think it came out actually in late 1990s, but it was really, really cool to have that. And this website just kind of reminds me of that. and Like it's laid out like that. And I'm like, Oh, yeah, those are, those are the websites. When you find those websites, those are the ones you bookmark because those are the ones that have had information literally forever. And it's been verified over and over again.
those are the those are the key ones the good ones the good ones I actually I will also put where I found my list of of ah methods of divination I'll put the information at the description part of the episode So I found my stuff is actually a mixture of books and the internet. So I used Wikipedia. So I'll put that in there because it does have like an eight, like literally just ABC through just all of the divinations. I guess a comprehensive list, not all of them, but a comprehensive list of divinations. And then you'll find your weird ones in there. So if you are interested in figuring that out, definitely check that out because it will be provided to you.
cool so um yeah so that covers our divination part of things honestly i was so surprised to see how many different body parts uh different types of nature leaves Stocks, twigs, like you can use pretty much any part of anything and create a divination with it, which is so interesting because I mean, it just means that everything is literally constantly talking to us. And I was actually talking to my partner recently and I was like, you know, the universe is constantly communicating and constantly communicating. And you just have to, you have to look for those things. I was like i was doing the dishes and I made a swirly
with the dishwashing liquid onto the sponge and it looked like the symbol for Taurus. And I was like, look, an earth sign. Okay. What does this mean? And he's like, see, you are, you are seeing things that not a lot of people see. And I'm like, well, yeah, I'm expecting the universe to be in constant communication with me. So that could be a divination. How, how the, how the dishwashing liquids falls on your sponge.
Like, you know, it's just it's literally the the universe communicates in so many different ways. and we I mean, we kind of actually talked about this in our own personal chat. When I sent you, um there was another podcast that kind of was talking a little bit about um how tarot essentially is It's a um synchronized method of us bringing out what's already in our subconscious. It's just a way for there to be a little bit more streamlined of a way for us to communicate what's already in our subconscious.
and and a way for us to bring what's inside out and to just bring to realization what we needed to know, what we needed to verify, what the universe needed to tell us, that it's all there. But with divination, we just have a way of bringing it to the surface in a way that more than one person can understand. And I just really loved that explanation of it. Yeah, I agree. I did too. I i agree with that. and it It's really awesome that it used that because like when I work with clients and stuff like that, um, and I talk about our emotions and everything, they're all tangible things in our thoughts, in our brain, but they're not physically out in front of us. So us as humans really don't recognize it. That's why it's easier for us to care for somebody else because we can physically see them suffering.
versus caring for ourselves because we physically can't see it. So it was really cool to see that correlation that you had, Heather, um with that because you know having those emotions in front of you makes you kind of realize them. So then having you know that synchronicity or that future or those paths come out in a tool to be visualized makes it so much easier for us to comprehend and absorb. It's like the universe telling us, hey,
You who listen to me. Is it more tangible for our mind to digest? Because we do have our barriers. We have our barriers. you know Language is a barrier. So using these tools is another way to connect and to interpret messages that do not come with necessarily words. So right so take a visual, turn it into a word, turn it into a thought, et cetera. Anyway.
but yeah that's it's really cool and it's really interesting to see how different cultures have used different parts of nature whether it be an animal or a plant or whatever as a form of divination tool it's it's really it's such a vast vast subject um there's so many different types and there are you know depending on where in the world you're standing the same type of like material can be used in different ways it's really it's a topic that can be discussed and will be discussed literally for millennia and still not come to the root of it all because so many ways to interpret one thing just that alone gives you hundreds and hours hundreds of hours of like discussion that you could have on that so
But yeah, that's really cool. Another thing we wanted to talk about today um I think was What was it, the plant of the day?

Herbs and Their Magical Uses

or our So speaking of the divination and, yeah um you know, basically like using plants and herbs to speak and to also, you know, for energy as well in exchange of energy and to come up with different meanings. I have this um oracle deck that I really quite enjoy. It is Witches Kitchen Oracle Cards.
I got these from Aurora's Apothecary. um love it And um I was using my kitchen witchery cards to try to listen to the universe a little bit, figure some stuff out. um And that led me to the topic that I wanted to talk about today, which was basil.
Um, and speaking of our favorite plants in the area, basil is very plentiful right now and a lot of home gardens. It's one of those things that grows fairly early in the summer and then continues to grow bigger and bigger depending upon how you're tending to it. And July is a really big time for harvesting and there's basil everywhere right now and I'm cooking with it like crazy. So I wanted to talk about basil. So I you know pulled out this information here. So this is the deck. which is kitchen, oracle cards for those that can see us, for those that can't, I apologize. um And talks about, um well, in my other research, basil's really great specifically for insect stings and bites. And Megan, you can maybe back this up, chew it up a little bit, put it on that sting for a little bit, and it helps calm it down. So it's very protective and is very known for its protective
abilities. i That's mainly why I use it. So in my own personal practice, i um I mainly work with how am I going to protect myself, how am I going to protect my family, those that I love, um and how am I going to heal as well. Protection and healing kind of my thing. So I work with basil constantly. I cook a lot of Italian food.
And when I'm putting it in, I've, you know, got a jar of the stuff that I harvested personally from my own garden and using it very intentionally. So very big on protection. um And then this book, this deck tells us um a whole basically gives you a basil's guidance. So the spiritual guidance behind it.
and then gives you a recommended recipe on how to use it. um So I'll just read a little bit what it says for Basil's guidance. It says, you've been rather solitary lately and a little company would lift your spirits right now. An old friend has been waiting to hear from you and you too would benefit from another's inspiration and like-mindedness. Don't be surprised if someone from your very distant past turns up for distant memories of old are relived when this card is presented.
A family reunion, a celebration, or a gathering is imminent and marks a period of new understanding and peace. A reconciliation of differences brings an end to hostilities which will relieve you of your defenses.
Meanwhile, let me calm your nerves and reduce any stress that confrontation brings with my power powerful me medicinal properties. Use me in your spellwork for peacemaking and the restoration of harmony as you reconcile with the witch within.
I have my own ways that that's hitting home. Just had a family gathering yesterday that was very tense. Things were happening, so it's very relevant in in my own life. um The recommended recipe is for a stomach tonic for digestive problems, stress and detoxing.
It says pour a liter of filtered water into a clean jug. Add half a cup of freshly washed basil leaves to the water. You can add ginger, lemon, or any fruit or herb of your choice to the tonic. If you want a sweet tonic, add honey.
If you wish for a sharper taste, add salt, press down all the ingredients to release the flavor, and store in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Filtered water can be added to dilute, and this is good for it says stomach tonic, for digestive problems, stress, and detoxing.
Nice. Love it. So basil is very abundant right now in our area, at least in our hemisphere, and definitely use it in protection. I do add it to my protection candles. um I usually also add it if I have a protective simmer pot or also a front door front door front, excuse me, front and back door wash.
um for new moons um if i'm doing like princess i'll use it in that as well yeah and isn't basil the leaf that everybody like writes stuff on so that's bae that's baileys yes okay gotcha gotcha basil is like tomato basil soup or i always use it in my in my red sauces or garlic and basil sauces pesto oh yes Delicious. Sounds amazing. Good stuff. Love me some basil. I actually found some of my herb in the backyard. Awesome. yeah After I found it in the backyard, I used the app that Megan gave me to identify it. And then I did a little bit more research on it. And yeah, I was really happy to have found it. I did not harvest it well. Made a mistake.
Um, but I, I was going to discuss motherwort, um, which is a great little herb. It works on menopause symptoms, which I know the universe sent in my ways because I'm dealing with those issues right now. So they're like here, have some natural, natural things for your, for your menopausal symptoms. So at trees, hormones, imbalances, night sweats, which are horrible. Don't recommend irritation. Yeah. They're so bad.
ah rage Rage, rage. Really? Rage and hot flashes. It helps with, how does it help with rage? I actually, I like my rage. I think my rage is pretty fucking cool. So I'm going to keep my rage. I'm going to try and keep it. um But tame it in some way if I can. And then it helps with anxiety, which is great. um So when I found it in the backyard, I took pictures of it. I researched it. I was like, all right.
One morning I was just sitting here and there was so much of it in the backyard. I was like, I'm going to make a tincture. And I went back there and I just grabbed very rudely and crudely, I may say. I added, I just took some scissors and I went out there and I just cropped, cropped, cropped, cropped, cropped, a whole bunch of them. And I'm like, I'm going to do something with this today, which I did. I made a tincture out of it and it's great. But then I chastised myself and I was like, ah, you did not harvest that.
properly or um I did ask I did ask the plant before I actually harvested I was like is it okay um which because I I talk to things all the time I'm a little that way I'm a little special that way so um so I did that but um but I did not harvest it correctly after I I found out that I didn't harvest it correctly I went out there and I saw that I had more on the side of the house um and others growing around so I was like You guys came back dope. Awesome. Thank you for sticking around. So I was very excited that it's it's maintaining. And there's so many different herbs growing in the back of our house. It's insane. Every day we got there, we're like, what's this? We're like, all right, let's get our app. Let's take a picture of it. I learned that if you have an iPhone and you take a picture of a plant
and then you go to the picture, there's that little eye, like the letter I icon at bottom, so you click on that, and it'll give you the plant information right there. If if thick it's a good enough picture, it's not always accurate. I mean, but that's freaking cool. But the times where it where it actually brings up other pictures that actually look like the picture I took is when I can actually trust the information. like Okay, yes. Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome. But that's pretty cool. I like that a new iPhone witchy hack there. Yeah, that's such a good tip. I love that. I'm going to try it the minute we're done here immediately and run back there and be like, ah, give me a plan. That's how I found out I have a sumac tree growing in my backyard.
that's awesome is that my trees i have two i have two trees that are dead and i need to cut and i don't even know i'm gonna even get started with that because now one of them that's dead is actually becoming another ecosystem for other animals around it so i don't know my husband knows someone one that's who we're getting to help with ours i can give you their information thank you you're welcome
How about you, Megan? Did you, did you bring a, an herb? No, I just decided to skip this one. Of course I did. yeah Any chance to geek out about a plant? I am all about that. I love thinking about plants. So this one is a native Wisconsin plant and is currently right now in bloom. It is called bee balm or wild Bergamot, even though it's not in the Bergamot family.
And there's two species. This is a healing herb and it's also used for magical purposes and it is edible. So it has like a lot of the things that I love. um I do have this planted in my yard and um in the berm outside of my grownup job, they have it also planted out there. So I love going out there for like 15 or so minutes and just smelling it because smelling it is a mild stimulant.
It is also a per ah purification herb as well. When you make it into a tea, it helps with stimulating the GI tract, but also like settling it, kind of getting it all um the pH nice and good. um It is ruled by mercury and the element of air. And if you think about it, because bee balm attracts the pollinators, which is another reason why I love it. And pollinators are associated with the element of air, obviously.
So use for spells for money because it's for success ah in academic or business endeavors. You use it, um you can use it as a wash on your doorsteps, obviously for that protective aspect and that purifying and cleansing. Burning it, you really don't want to do because these types of herbs, when you burn it, they're very like kind of, ah it's a very strong scent that's very unpleasing. It's not very good. It can make you nauseous at times, stuff like that. So try it. If you are going to burn it, just make sure it's in an open area. um It's used for respiratory health as well. So if you're somebody who has allergies or congestion, um asthma, doing a steam bath of like the bergamot flower or the wild bergamot flowers, bee balm flowers,
um The stems, the leaves, any part of the plant that you can use will have that fragrance. And when you go outside, it comes in a variety of different colors. So it comes in like a light pale purple to like a dark red. um It just depends on what um what kind it is, if it's a spotted one um or if it's like kind of the more native heritage one. But they're both native to Wisconsin. it's just semantics more more so than anything. It's one of my all-time favorite summertime like plants to see, flowers to smell. When you just smell it, that scent, it's just amazing. They'll grab, ah back in the olden times,
um they would grab bundles of it for the house and just to have them hanging in that scent just for me. and I do love that. That sounds great. yeah It does so, so well, too in like water. So at work, I actually have some in a like vase. And it's been in a vase for um like a week and the flowers are still like right and Beautiful. They still smell great. Um, I'm just bringing up a picture. So those of us, think yeah I want to Google it. So this is what it looks like. Oh yeah. That does look familiar. Yeah. So that's, um, that's the spotted, that's going to be the spotted B bomb. And then with you so this pink picture, um, these colors are going to be ah more indicative of S B bomb. So yeah.
So they range in color. um But this Oh my god, this is so pretty. Oh, so good. It is. And whenever I find some I don't care I just stop and I smell it. You can use the flower petals the same way as you can use violets and pansies and stuff like that you can adorn cookies.
um So if you're into kitchen witchery and do things like that, you're able to use that in any of your magical workings. um Your teas, obviously, baked goods, you can do in like medicinal salves and things like that, because it also helps with like inflammation and bee stings. Like it attracts bees, but then it also helps with the bee stings as well. Oh, love the balance there. stop That's awesome. Well, it's one of my, um, one of my all time favorite summer plants. Um, and especially because it is native to our state and stuff, it's in with the different variety of things that you can use with this plant. Um, I just, I just love it. And then also how and important it is to the pollinators. And if anybody is out there listening.
If you want an easy, beautiful, multi-use plant that is going to help our pollinators, help our earth, and is native and not an invasive, because we, you know, but a lot of the pretty ones are are invasive, yeah but this is a native. um It's actually native to majority of the U.S.
So anybody in the US, um, you know, definitely get it. It is such an easy, it's sometimes it spreads very nice. Um, more majority, the plants sometimes will contain to themselves. Um, you can do it in a container. If you're like, if you live in an apartment or anything like that, it does like a lot of sun because you'll see it mostly in like open fields and things like that. You won't get into many shady areas.
You can find it also on the outsides of forests and things where there's more light. OK, nice. Very cool. Well, that's amazing. I want to go get some now. I want to run the backyard and see if I can find some because I definitely want to keep that around. Keep keep adding to our yard of awesomeness for all the herbs and all the things we want to make sure we can make during the month. So speaking of month.

Spiritual Reflections and Nature Connection

and other things uh you said Heather you said you wanted to talk about the full moon yeah i have all kinds of information about the full moon coming up on july 21st so by the time our listeners listen to this it'll have passed but that's okay uh we can still learn about it comes by every year absolutely absolutely so i got ah some information from a few different resources uh one of them is this Moon Spells book that I really did. but I know you love it too by Diane Elquist. I hope I pronounced that correctly. Love it. So this portion says July, the common name is the Hey Moon. I found a bunch of other names for it. I'll get into that in a moment. um Uncommon name, the Wart Moon. Wart being an ancient word for herbs. It is the moon for gathering of herbs, like I mentioned earlier with the basil, gathering of the basil.
um replenishing the stories of medicinal plants and drying them in the heat of summer for the long winter to come. We all know everyone that's here in Wisconsin, it's been hacked. Is Buckmoon one of the names that you also have listed? Yes. Because that's what I found out. Okay. Yep. The Old Farmer's Almanac, another place where I got a bunch of information.
here. Why is it called the buck moon? The full moon names used by the old farmer's almanac come from a number of places including Native American, colonial American, European sources. Traditionally each full moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not solely just the full moon. So the buck moon, it's called that because the antlers of male deer, bucks, are in full grown mode at this time. Bucks shed and regrow their antlers each year, producing a larger and more impressive set and as the years go by. Other names, um ah several other names for this month's moon also reference animals, including
feather molting moon decree and salmon moon and a Tlingit, I'm so sorry if I mispronounced it Tlingit term indicating when fish return to the area and where they are ready to be harvested.
Some of our other favorites for this moon are Berry Moon by the Ashkenabe Moon when the choke cherries are ripe, the Dakota, months of the ripe corn moon, the Cherokee, and raspberry moon, Algonquin and Ojibwe. Thunder Moon, Western Abenaki, and halfway summer moon. Again, the Ashkenabe are alternative variants that refer to the stormy weather and summer season.
Yeah, and it does look like it falls under Capricorn this year, Capricorn Moon. So that's an ambitious sign that's totally going to encourage us to focus on our learned term goals and like practical achievements. So prepping on the progress and make adjustments to plans is probably a good time to do that. and Just check in with your Yeah. Your Select All Guides. um says what it means spiritually, astrologers are convinced that plenilune, sorry, plenilune, I don't know, P-L-E-N-I-L-U-N-E, affects people in a special way, and this time should be used to change our lives for the better.
um we Just like the deer sheds its antlers to grow new ones, this process is seen as a metaphor for personal growth and transformation. So we too must let go of the old patterns and beliefs in order to grow and develop. Thus, Buck Moon is a kind of rubicon between the old and the new life, which we are given the opportunity to cross. Yeah, so things you can probably do in this and this particular full moon is you can bathe in the light if you'd like to bathe um you know to cleanse and recharge you can journal of course on your journey and your goals you can create a vision board if you if you're into that kind of stuff that's cool you could do all of that during this full moon to make sure that your vision and your goals are aligned to what you want to do you can also partake in like a release ceremony
um by burning things you want to kind of like go off make sure you do it on a plate that is burn what is it called guys help me out burn safe safe uh keep an eye always on it i must be said because we have to be careful so do not leave it unattended if you choose to do that be with a parent or a guardian or an adult if you are a child like me so Sure. It's also that using, uh, going out in during this month, um, during thunderstorms, collecting the rainwater and you do lightning magic, thunder magic, storm magic, anything like that. On the herb side, there's so many different as we're hearing, and we know this, there's so many plants in everybody's areas that this is the month that they're in full power. And if you think about it, they're getting that energy from the sun. So you're getting.
that reboost energy for you to start those new projects or those transformations. So finding herbs that are going to be ah um connected with that is going to also help make any of your practices just that little more powerful and adding in that extra boost.
Um, there's nothing wrong with adding a little bit of sun power, um, you know, to any of your moon rituals and stuff like that. You need to have that, to have that, um, little bit of a balance. Yeah. strings like that with Vitamin D. you you you need You need the vitamin D. I'm down with the D. Give me the D.
Absolutely. So many days. I got 50,000 units of days. I am hoping to have a very lovely full moon and I am hoping that I actually do get to embark in like a little bit of fun stuff in the backyard. We've been hanging out in the backyard a lot more. We've been dipping our toes in dirt.
making sure we get in there. I've been laying out back there a lot more, just staring up at the trees. It's been really, really nice. It's been really, honestly, i didn't I don't need much to recharge. Just give me some trees and some grass, yeah some plants and just, you know, and and that that that'll do it every single time. So. I'm outside as much as I can be as long as there's the pool to cool me off.
Right. who yeah right ah heat There was new not a lot of people at the pool yesterday. I thought that it would have been super packed, but it was not. And I was totally shocked. My fingers are crossed. I heard one of the other moms in line say, oh, this is the week where if you have a pass for any of the pools in the area, you can visit any of the pools in the area using that pass.
So I'm hoping then now that that's yeah done that it's going to calm down a little bit and not be as chaotic because it's very overstimulating with that many people. Yes. Yes. And um I was talking to a mom and in line in front of me yesterday and she was there on Friday.
And they were in the splash pad area. And at 11, the splash pad area, they kick everybody out. And then that's when the pool opens up. The problem is she said that the line was all the way around the facility hu and up the road. And up the hill. And then they actually left. Yeah. Yeah, that they actually left. Wow. Because it was so busy. And just I agree with Heather as somebody who has um got one too many hits to the head during roller derby. I have like noise sensitivities and in visual things. So when there's that many people, that many kids screaming, it literally is just too much. It is a lot. I love spending time there, but I have to have my headphones in and I feel so so bad if I'm with anybody else.
because I just have to have them in because it's just too much. It's hard to have a conversation. It's too much. Yeah, I got a got a zone out a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. So I just like, Oh, and then you know, if the Fox River wasn't the Fox River, that would be a great place to cool off and things like that. But the Fox River is all full of chemicals.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't. Yeah. With the PCBs and all the other runoffs. Yeah. So I do really want to go kayaking still though. Like I know that it's it's a little crazy right now because of that dam that broke up river. manowa Yeah. Yes. Um, but I, I definitely would love to go kayaking. I think that would be a really fun outing for the three of us to do. I don't have my own, but I can can write them down by my house. You can rent them. I'm down in rights town at the boat landing. They have them down there. So even not that far away. And I think, um, around Lake Winnebago, but
like Lake Linnebago, because they get a little bit of blue-green algae sometimes. They've got the blue-green algae going on right now. Yeah. places an aroe There's a place off of Amro, like down by Amro, that's really, really good. And, ugh, it's beautiful. Well, there's always the, was it Peshtigo River? No. Yeah, Peshtigo River is amazing. That one would be great. I've tubed in the Peshtigo River, and that was yeah really wonderful.
yeah well let's Yeah, definitely we should discuss. We should discuss an outing. yeah I'm busy in July with all the babies. Yeah, so babies are coming but I But September August would probably be better, the heat and everything. I don't want to die out there either. so um So anything, do you guys have any favorite new stuff that you want to share? Chantel, favorite stuff?
Anybody? Mine is still this deck. Yeah, that's right. I just just started reusing it again. Nice. It has been on my shelf for two years. I started reusing it again, I think just because of all the greenery around just feeling but like everyone's harvesting things and there's all kinds of recipes that are coming out and nice I'm, you know, in doing my research. So definitely The Witches Kitchen, Oracle Cards Buy, and I'm so sorry if I mispronounce this. Uh, Mc...Mcleod-John-Free Flavia.
Kate Peters and then illustrated by Richard Crooks. I really dig their explanations of the plants and their spiritual meaning and what it could mean for you and then with including the recipes and then it also gives some background historical information and that there's always a little poem So English teacher me loves that as well. There's always a little poem that they have as well that they include. So um I really dig the stack. I highly recommend. Nice. Nice. Nice. What about you, Megan? You got any favorite things? Well, I got a couple like, well, always favorite things.
um one that I have is actually about in my grown up job. Um, it now came out just about a month or so ago that there's a new FIP treatment for cats.

News and Personal Reflections

Um, the reason why I am saying this is a favorite thing for all those who are out there. Majority of us have a kitty cat and this is a huge, huge, huge, huge breakthrough for this disease because working in yeah ER medicine and shelter medicine. This is 98% of the time a death sentence for that cat. And this treatment has been given underground by shelters and things. And it's horrible on the veterinary side because we know that there was a treatment that can that work that had like 95% success rate, but we could not tell people about it.
We could not say anything about it. We could not tell them what it is. The only thing that we could do is just be like, if you look online, you might find some groups that you can find more information on. So this is a huge favorite. This is why it's one of my favorite things um right now because it's going to help so many of our fur babies and any future ones. It's also going to help those sanctuaries and things like that that do have FIP positive cats.
So that's one favorite thing that's not really too witchy, but it kind of is because we got to help. Yeah. A lot of us have cats. So yeah. Um, my, my thing that I have is not so much of a, what my favorite thing is. It was more of a disappointment. Um, I am not going to name what it is, but I on tick tock had seen some tick tocks about this.
special kind of newsletter that was catered to us witchier folks and stuff. And I was like, ooh, let me check it out. It reminded me a lot of like a witch's almanac, um like the Llewelyn's witch's almanac and things like that. um So I do like that. So I was like, ooh, i let me take it. Let me get it. And I was very disappointed in it. It has the potential to be so much more.
um It's something that is did not have too much of a reference for. It was very much a watered down, very much so um reference or lead into witchcraft, if you want to talk about that, or alternative beliefs that were not Christian Eurocentric type.
um so It was a little bit of a disappointment because i how I'm usually pretty good at watching that stuff. I was a little bit more disappointed. I was happy to support them. They're a small business. I hope that future issues and stuff like that, like maybe they're getting their foot in the door and you know trying to do something to get more people to subscribe to it instead of scaring people off. you know There's always that. But ah of course, advertising, you know I thought it was going to be more. So it was just more of a disappointment on that.
yeah I want to say that it was my favorite thing because it wasn't. But it was a favorite thing for me to remind myself that um I shouldn't be it so heavy in my judgments of things and remember that everything has a purpose and a reason. And just because it doesn't fit me does not mean it's not going to fit someone else.
right? oh Yeah, it happens to the best of us. You know, we we get out there, we see something that intrigues us and doesn't always float or boat. I know I i had a ah shadow work book that was all over for a while all over my F.Y.P. and I was like, that looks really cool. I'm definitely, you know, someone that is trying to work on myself and doing shadow work and I got it and I was pretty disappointed by it. But you know, there's other versions out there that are better. And you know, let's find find what works for us in our practice. Right. So and, and I liked it, I guess, in a way I could look at it as because everything's a blessing or a lesson in my the view. And it's not a toxic positivity thing. It's could be a negative lesson or a negative way. Right. Absolutely. way Absolutely. oh So I looked at it as
Maybe this is somewhat of a favorite thing because I do like checking myself. Um, I don't want to say that's one of my favorite things, but it is, you know, keeping myself in check and stuff. And it helped remind me, you are much better at that than I am. It, it, it just helps remind me to, you know, when I went off to the tangent about that thing that I was a part of a couple of weekends ago, and yeah it just reminds me that, um,
I need to take that and it is one of my favorite things. I need to remember that it's not mega focused world. um And that I am not the say all of things or anything like that. And I need to be respectful and mindful of other. But keeping your yourself in check is is part of maintenance, man, as part of like maintaining yourself and and keeping yourself on on the level.
You know what I mean when I say on the level. oh yeah You can keep yourself humble and then I will be in the background pumping you up and telling you what you really deserve in life. How's that work? We can have that. But then, but I am secretly just burning things down.
It's not you got to remember I do I'm like a slow burner, you know, when it comes to things. Yeah, I like to build up and then all of a sudden be like, ha ha. My Scorpio energy is observing everything and making judgments. Is yours? Are you a Scorpio sign? he Yes, I am.
So is it your primary or sun sign or ah your moon sign? Hold on. Let me double check because I don't always remember this off the top of my head. it being weird Oh, I don't remember mine off the top of my head. I couldn't even... even but I have my chart. Hold on. I don't have mine. I believe it's my sun and my moon and then I forget there's the third one.
the rising sign. Okay. Okay. So you're a sun Scorpio and a moon Scorpio. Yes. Interesting. Very, very interesting. I didn't know you were a Scorpio. That's very cool. I have a lot of people in my life that are Scorpios.
Um, my sister who is like my bestie, she's a Scorpio and she is a strong personality. My word is strong, but she is a very cool cat. I love my Scorpio people. I think that's sometimes why I have a hard time with friends is because, um, I think I,
I saw this really cool interpretation the other day which was Scorpios are often the scapegoat and the ones who take the blame for issues in a relationship when in reality we're the ones that just bring what is in the darkness to light. Yeah. And not everyone appreciates that. Yeah. You can count on a Scorpio to be honest with you. I'm gonna to be on very honest. tell you I'm very blunt. And that doesn't always win me friends.
I mean, you're strong friends. Sorry not sorry for being honest if you don't like the reality of the situation. then yeah i i've I also have friends that I've had for a long time that have told me there's certain things where they know that if they're not acting their best that they maybe don't want to talk about it with me because I'll give them a reality check.
all right And it's like, okay, well, if you're, if you're, there's a topic that you don't want to talk to me about, figure that out, figure out why you're you're not comfortable talking to me about it. Usually figuring out that something that you need to work on and then work on that thing.
Right. Right. That makes sense. They'll keep you honest for sure. They'll bring the honesty and keep you honest. it Well, for my favorite thing, I brought with me the book that I'm into right now.

Lifestyle Tidbits and Gratitude

It's called The Magicians. It's a trilogy by Lev Grossman. And there's also a show that was on sci-fi. Amazing. Five Seasons of Amazingness.
and And now I am diving after being in love with the show and like actually being captivated by the show and how well it was done and the writing and the character ah development and everything. I decided to jump into the book. So now I'm one about not even a third way in on the first book and I hope to thoroughly enjoy it. I have been diving into books a lot more, especially fantasy books um just because I feel better when I read. yeah I've been reading a lot more and trying to not be on social media as much. So I haven't really done any projects for social media because I'm just loving taking time for myself to read and to improve my imagination, improve my mind and to really escape to my insides and have fun there. So that's kind of what I've been doing. I love it. um So that's my favorite thing. um I don't
I thought I was bringing a second favorite thing. I will show you. This is not a favorite thing because I haven't used it yet. But I will show you this because I'm really excited about it. And I did get it recently from little store online. But it is a very nice smell proof.
can to take on the road um and it's got it's but it's made by a revelry I believe it's in the revelry um and it comes with a grinder already um I do think the grinder is very plastic so not really sure about the grinder quality I will be testing it out but it does have a cute little piece Very nice. So, and the the whole kit is smell-proof, so you don't have to worry about, you know, you can take it on the road. It's the key point. You want to take it on the road and do your thing on the road. So that is another favorite thing. I do want to try it out. So I may have to go to Michigan soon because I'll have to start going there again. ah But once we go gone on that trip, we'll definitely be taking this with us and taking a little side. Give it a test drive. ah yeah died right Side quest.
Yeah, I'm excited to hear about it. um I like the brand Dimebags for um that for that type of stuff, like purses and bags and things. Yeah. Smellproof stuff. Yeah. Dimebags. Yeah. Awesome. They're really I've heard that game before.
I'll have to check it out for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For adventures outside the house whenever you're ready to do that. So if you can smell a fruit bag, don't forget it. Awesome sauce. Anyway, does anybody else have anything they want to contribute to today's episode? I feel like we're doing pretty good. I have been drinking honey and cinnamon in my coffee every morning and haven't had to take Zyrtec in the morning for a while because of it. I used to have to take Zyrtec every morning.
for my allergies and all the craziness going on. And I started. as Yeah, I started doing honey and cinnamon in my coffee and I'm doing great. Highly recommend. That's amazing. Yay. Oh, that sounds amazing. Honey is such an amazing, amazing, amazing natural. What would you call it? ah ah why is Honey poor man's allergy serum. Yes. Oh my God. therapy it's it's It's honey is poor man's allergy serum. So especially if you get honey, that is a local honey. It's going to have more of the pollen and stuff in it from the plants that are locally around you. So like right now.
What's in bloom is like your plantain. So like English plantain, you can get your rig. We, there's doc sorrel that's in bloom right now. All of your grasses are going crazy. yeah Trees are done blooming. So it's just more so grasses in those weeds. Um, so any honey that you get locally, you can work your way up. But eventually you'll get more relief, um, allergy relief, even if you do the pollen granules as well too.
yeah probably ingesting the peen granules too that's amazing there is at the farmer's market There's a guy that sells the granules and the honeycomb and the honey and all kinds of stuff it's cool stuff Very cool. I have to make it to the farmers market this year at some point. Well awesome Well, I'm so glad to hear that Heather. That's amazing. So happy for you. That's that's phenomenal. That's all I got yeah Well, thanks again, guys, so much for joining me and joining us, everybody. Thank you so much for coming out and hanging out with us um during this fantastic hour. I learned so much. Thank you so much for bringing all of your knowledge and all of your are research to this podcast and hanging out and and really, really putting it out there because
We need good information out there and we need to know what's around us so that we can take advantage of our environment and not only use all the wonderful properties and all the beautiful things that it provides for us, but also put back into it so that we can continue to do that for a millennia and then some, right? theres So take care of your environment. There's actually a form of magic where it's called working with your house and your yard.
to benefit yourself to protect everything like that. So that's awesome. um you know Learning that environment that's around you is is a big thing, especially what's around you in your own proximity. Right, right. And working with everything, kind of. Yeah, what's directly available to you that you can just go outside and grab and use in your witchcraft. That's really important.
Basket. Oh, yes. Okay, good. All right. So I have the basket here. um What is it that we wanted to discuss about it? What's in it? So we so well you can talk about why we have the basket and what's in it. Okay. All right. And who's getting it? Okay. So in talking about the basket, we want to send a shout out to our friend, Elizabeth, who has provided us with the amazing and unique name of speaking of which podcast so we want to thank you so much and by thanking her we are put we have put together a basket of goodies that will shortly arrive to her probably next week sometime when I actually go to the post office and drop it off ah but I wanted to go over all the things that it has in it so
We're so grateful for the help. of We are very, very grateful. We do have, Mego, do you remember what it was that you had in your bag? Yeah. um There is a tank top with my studio logo, a water cup with the studio logo, some handmade things, a like a little just kind of recycled paper journal. Yes, I saw that, so pretty. And stickers, like some stickers and stuff like that. I was like, oh, I got so many things. Yes, um it was it was really amazing. I'm not going to pull it all out, because honestly, it's all packed away and ready to get shipped, so I'm not going to pull everything out and show it. But know that it is very, I think there was a shot glass in there, wasn't there, with your logo as well? was there
No, last no not a shock lastu it was an actual water tumbler that had my... Oh, water tumbler. I'm sorry, my bad. And then, and i know Heather, you also contributed a lot of goodies from your shop as well. Sure did. So um I am someone that ah loves candle magic, and I do hand-rolled divination candles. What are they called? The little ones? I'm blanking. The little candles that we use in spell work.
and uh chime candles and yes sorry lost it for a second so I spent a lot of time on depending upon the color um that day that I'm working with the beeswax that I get from locally from Manuszewski Farms and so it's all organic beeswax um most that I make the beeswax sheets myself um and then depending upon the um the energy that I'm working with very specific about the type of music I'm listening to and the mood that I have going on. So lots of you know different energy. So I included a set of all of the different colors of chime candles. And they each also come with an explanation of depending upon the color of the candle, all the different energy work that goes along with that particular candle. And I believe I also included some
necklace cages for different, for crystals, for carrying crystals. I may have also included a crystal, and then that is a self-love candle that Shae just held up. Those I made specifically for self-love. So they're pink, and then I also rolled in some rose quartz into those candles as well. nice So yes, enjoy that. Very cool. I think there's some herbs because it was a while ago that I gave that, yeah but there's some herbs in there as well too. So if you have any questions or if she has any questions on or if they have any questions on what those herbs are, or
are. I did put a label on them, but just in case it falls off or something. Very, very definitely labeled and together. So you'll get those as well. From my little shop, which is called Black Kettle Co. I have added a few of candles, Dead Man's Toe and the Wolf's Bane candle.
will be in there for you as well as goddess oils and a banishing oil that I have put together for you. So that's what I included in my little section. So those have been mailed out hopefully next week. I haven't mailed it out because, well, Heather just recently added something to it as well and I have i was working on my stuff to add and also I was waiting to get some money so I could mail it out. So now that I have some cash flow, I can actually do that. So expect that to be coming your way soon. Thank you. Elizabeth, we do love you so much for providing us with our amazing name. And I love you dearly. And we've been friends for a long time. So thank you again so much for everything. And on that note, I think we can also close out the episode. Thank you, everybody, so much for joining us again and having fun with us for this hour. We really do appreciate you coming and checking us out.
Make sure you keep up on our social media. We will be trying to get some stuff out there. Make sure that you guys are aware when our next episode is dropping. And then we will we will catch you then at that time. Thanks so much, everyone. Have a good one. Bye. Bye.
Thank you so much for joining us today and we'll hope that you'll join us next time. Remember that these are actually dropping once a month, so stay tuned on our social media channels for the date of the next drop. We hope you tune in next time to continue living life deliciously through magic. Bye.