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Speaking of Witch S1 E2

S1 E2 ยท Speaking of Witch
37 Plays8 months ago

New and Full Moon Rituals


Introduction and Announcements

to Speaking of Witch podcast with your hosts, Megal, Heather, and Shay. This is a podcast for the magically inclined, where we'll discuss how to live life deliciously through magic. What gal likes to live deliciously? On this episode, we'll talk about new and full moon rituals. Welcome to Speaking of Witch podcast. Before we start with our very fun topics today, we do have some announcements. Mego? But other than that, I have my yoga classes. Yeah, those are on Thursdays, right? Or Saturdays.

Yoga Classes and Benefits

for ah Every other Thursday. So like i had it last I had it last this Thursday. So then it'll be not next week Thursday, but Thursday after. And then the Saturday classes, which are in Green Bay at safe Haven, those would be, it would be next week, Saturday, but I'm going to be in Milwaukee for metal. So, okay so their plays that they people can check out i was gonna find or whatever. Yeah. go no no doubt they can go on to safe haven pet sanctuary on their facebook page or on their website safe haven pet sanctuary dot org and that has all the class schedules and everything on that um 100 of the class fees so like it's 15 for the class that goes straight to the cats so this is 100 for them it's to help with medical care feeding live scenes all of that stuff um yeah um so and also dogs because we started taking in dogs too
We only can do, uh, we only can do a small amount of dogs. So, um, these funds go through help them. And you know what I, we have people, um, cause like in the Appleton one at coffee shop, we can get maybe about 10, eight to 10 people in there, uh, at Green Bay, yeah I've maxed it out like 24. So you can even just buy tickets to the class and just not show up, but just at least why, yeah you know what I mean, a ticket is that money goes and helps. And then when we have a walk-in, what's great, when we have a walk-in, then we have a spot for saying it's somebody to assault. You don't have to do yoga, just get the capture money. Oh, that's great. I love that. You want it? And they love it. And it's actually funny. They really, really like the classes a lot. um
Some of them have been there. I've been doing the ones in Green Bay for about five years. The ones in Appleton for about four. And the cats that have been there like a really long time know me.

Cats and Yoga

So I walk in, they know right where to go and they sit and they wait. And I will take pictures of it. They will wait for me to open up the door into the room. And then there's a few cats that play king of the mat on my mat. And then they know exactly what to do. Everything. I mean, to the T and it's like another favorite thing. That's awesome. Yeah, so it's kind of, it's funny and just to see it. um And there's some cats that are like super crazy. There are some that are just laid back that just like come in and kind of like guide all the guests and stuff like that. So it's kind of neat to see um their personalities. And then it's also neat to see the ones that either injured or come from like a hoarding situation or maybe a little bit shy. Watching them, watching them progress in their healing. Yeah, that's awesome. never
Like that is so amazing. um You know, these classes help with the enrichment of the cats. So like strangers, big movements, things like that. Yes.

Travel and Doula Education

Oh my gosh. We just had a you know an event with our cats because we're trying to um get them accustomed to being in the RV so that we can travel with them. and they're they're not being receptive. to So maybe maybe you and I should talk about maybe you can help me with something like that and you can like guide me on how to get them to be more
How do I get them there? I know it's going to be a process. I know that I need to be patient with them. And I know I need to continue trying. Continuity is probably a good thing for that. So, you know, just yeah um anything else that you can tell me that would really help me out with that, like behavior wise. But we will talk about that on, you know, and another. Another time. Yeah, let's let's talk about that off because I can I can go into a whole bunch of yeah of saying all but yeah Do you have anything that you want any classes or anything like that? I mean birthing classes anything that you do. Yeah, so I um Am a doula with cranberry doulas as well as privately but mostly with green be that And we have classes that we offer we do have um we just finished up our
tonight, childbirth class, but we have more coming in August, I believe. Yeah, if you head over to the website, click on classes, you can see the different classes that we offer. um I will be helping to take over the childbirth education as well as the lactation class. And then um i one of our other amazing doulas is going to be helping to take over the newborn and postpartum classes. So lots to learn. But it's fun getting together with a group, too, of other parents that are expecting and everyone's learning together. and nine It's a good time. It's super valuable. So I know that's super niche and maybe not a lot of our listeners
will utilize that. That's totally fine. But you know, i' it's what I'm doing. That's my life. Being a doula. People still live their lives being, you know, into magic or whatever. So magic is a part of daily life. So being pregnant and expecting a baby is part of living. It's part of magic. It's part of everything. So those who choose to do it and become the world and and those who don't and watch the magical Thing happen and still be an on and be like that is amazing. Good for you. We love you We support you now go over there with that child right go take care of the baby yeah and we do also for Placenta speaking of magic ah the creation and use of the placenta don't get me
started. I mean, I could do a whole episode on that. But I do also placenta encapsulation. And so that's another service that we offer. And so if you go to that website, you can take care of that too. We come to your home to do it. Nice. Very cool. That's awesome.

Shay's Lifestyle and Future Plans

Well, as for myself, I don't have a whole lot happening. I don't know. And in the realm, I actually realized the other day when I was sitting at my couch were floating and I was ah just chilling out. And I was thinking to myself, I'm like, I used to be a lot busier than this. I used to be a lot busier. Like I was in art shows. i I was not doing art shows. I was organizing art shows. I was out shooting all the time, making images, like literally out in the world.
all the motherfucking time. And that has slowed down quite. So when I say I'm not as busy, it's based on my perspective that I used to be hella fucking busy and I am taking more priorities like my mental health and other things. So I'm not as busy as I used to be, but it still feels, yeah, but it still feels like I'm not doing as much, but still getting out there and doing some stuff that I enjoy. Yeah. May is not till yeah, that's awesome. Yes. yeah Absolutely. We got to take care of ourselves for sure. So, um, I do have a, um, ah vacation coming up with my boo and that we're going to be taking the RV out to the East coast to visit my family. So that's nice. I'm very excited about that trip. I'm actually still redecorating Stella. So she's getting still her makeover, which is nice. And then on ah June 30th is the one show that I have that is at, um, the yoga.
festival. So um I got some word yesterday about the show, the type of show that we're doing. So I am gearing up for that. And and then what type of performance are you doing? Yeah, what are you doing? I'm doing both silk drumming, and I'm doing fire. Cool. And i I got this amazing outfit. Okay, that's outfit. You gotta send pictures. Oh, good work. Sorry, I'm like, sorry about that. um Well, maybe I'll see you there because I put in for teaching. Yeah. And they're not going to let it know for the teaching schedule until okay the 15th. Because there's so many. And I, okay, so I put down that like, and I also put down, I can do like a silk whale sand workshop.
as well because I have like all the silk veil fans so I'm like I can do all this stuff I can do that whatever it is that you you know you're looking for but for like the yoga classes I put down everything that I do and I put down you know I can teach children well all of a sudden they sent us an email saying hey you know this is a family-friendly event but we really don't have anything for children although some of you do have it in your repertoire that you could teach children and I went i went Yeah, oh they're going to have me. yeah
Bless your heart, babe. Oh, no. moral I was like, I was like, that's okay. The kids know they're fun. that They're fun to do that. And there's so many yoga and in I had told This is probably the only year that I'm going to submit for it. um If they do it back again here in the Fox City, is this is probably be the only year I'll submit. If I don't get picked to teach because there's so many yoga instructors, I don't care. I'm just going to go there and still participate in the day and still celebrate yoga. Absolutely. This is what I had in mind too. I'm like, if I don't get the gig, that's fine because I'm still going to go and check it out. right But and I've had gigs like that too with like Fox Valley Fire Arts where literally we go and we're like geared up and all of a sudden we're just entertaining a Roomful of children and to me that's no better reason for me to just be a child yeah like honestly I have so much fun running around and being crazy and like lit just
getting to dance. And I mean, it's super chill, super relaxed. Those are so fun. um So I'm looking. What we do for like mural and busters and stuff like that. The street festival. all that sign with those sc So I have that going on on June 30th. And again, the outfit I'm going to be wearing is going to be stellar. So I'm super excited about it. I'm super honest. I love it. So I will say that. um And then anything else that I have going on, let me see if I can think about it real quick. No, just so photo shoots and stuff coming out. Nothing think too much. Just chilling for the rest of the summer. Really want to get out there and do content creation. So that's one of the things that I'm going to be focusing on this summer is since I didn't get to do it last um in the spring or even last fall.
So we're we're hoping to get out and do some self portraits and stuff that we'll be doing yeah out on location, which terrifies me. I'm not going to lie. It terrifies me to no end because I've become such a homebody you um and I've become such a person who just loves to. Is this my safe space? um So it feels awkward for me to be out there, especially such a vulnerable position when I'm trying to portray emotion into a piece. wow And I have to be, and people are walking around and I'm like, no, don't perceive me. Do not perceive me. This is a bubble all here. ah You are not here. I am here. This is another world, okay? I am lost in fantasy land. And it's hard to do that when, you know, there's spectators around. So I'm going to challenge myself to get out there and do that this summer. So that's what I'm going to be doing.
I am totally willing to help. So the cool thing about being a doula is I don't work every single day, right? And with school being out, I am teaching summer school this year. But that is just until the end of June. Nice. So I'll have some time to maybe wander around

Heather's Doula Experience and Eclipse

with ya. I will take you up on that. Whoever wants to come along is more than welcome to because that would make me feel what and so much better. Less alone, too. Less strange. I'm here for my purpose. Leave me alone. I'll be your bodyguard.
oh you thank you appreciate um Yeah, I just want to be like I just want to be able to set up a light and You know and I have it I have my gear to the point where I literally can carry everything on my back Also, I can set everything up like I am a one-person production team. I go out to i get it done So I test it out. You know what I mean? So that's what we have going on. So I Can we talk about what you all did for the Solar Eclipse stuff? Because I'm interested to hear what went down for both of y'all on that. So who wants to take that and start it off? um Either one of you. Any interesting stories about the Solar Eclipse? Yeah, mean mine was pretty simple. I was teaching that day. So I was yeah substitute teaching some high schoolers and they pretty much had study hall all day. So I had the NASA
um coverage of it ah on on display pretty much the whole day. So we were watching it happen, um you know, before it came to us. We were basically watching it from the start, meet that arch. And I was able to make it home in time that day because it was just a half day and I used night my steamer. I have a vintage vegetable steamer. okay nice um and kind of held that up so you look you know look at the light that's coming through the little holes in the steamer and the circles they were the crescent so that was cool and then just like come out i didn't do a whole lot that was witchy just because i frankly just didn't have time i barely made it home from subbing so i was enjoying it and uh
Yeah, so I want to get more interesting things from you guys, though. Very cool. Well, at work we did, um at work we kind of, because we're photographers, of course, or don't don't put it past us. to We couldn't look directly at it because I went to the to the um store that's next to the um hardware store that's next to our our studio and tried to get glass because they sell the pieces of glass that are used for welding. And when I first went there, they were like, yeah, that's not going to work for the solar eclipse. So you can't buy that for that. It's not going to work for you. And I'm like, all right, well, I'm going to go back to the studio. Went back to the studio. My boss came out. He's like, yeah, that actually does work. That grade actually does work. I think you should go back and get yourself a piece of glass so you can look at the eclipse. Because all of a sudden, it became a thing at work.
and People were gonna go out and check it out. I was like, well, I don't want to miss out So I went out and tried to get it from the hardware store next door and they were out and I was like awesome So everybody came and got what I had asked about 30 minutes ago and now they're a lot of problem So when everybody else honestly like one person in class everybody else didn't have class we actually my boss came up with a genius genius idea of using this disco ball and It was so cool to see that we had yeah and what but put it on a little piece of like ah coverage and and then it started just Reflecting all over the walls of the warehouse beautiful so cool so cool. Yeah, I mean I was like you mother first you're You're so fucking great. Like how do you come up with this shit? Like honestly like this is great so then I did do a little dance because we took the time to just stare at the Eclipse for the time being and so I did little dance outside didn't get too fresh with it because of course people
um And then I was able to just like and take pictures and record and hang out and i was it it was a good time It was fun. And then for the last two hours Dude that turned out so cool I was like, okay, where else can I reflect it? Where else can I do my pits? Can I do my tests? Where else can I get this? Because it's the light too that's coming through and hitting all those spaces. And that's like a little concentrated burst of awesomeness. So I wanted to be in those little things of light as much as I could. So I played with that a lot. You posted those on Instagram, right?
yeah yes and yeah i say You're listening to this and you haven't seen her eclipse photos that she posted. They're awesome. Thank you so much. yeah Check them up take them out. so yeah so that's set That's how I spent it. It was super fun and I'd do it again. I would do it again in a heartbeat. like Any other eclipse come my way, yes. I rejoiced and enjoyed the energy. It was super fun for me. so um Awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I certainly appreciated you sharing the art that you created. It was fun to do. Yeah, I didn't expect it to be. that I mean, it just it was really true to like the experience itself. I had so much fun. And that's the thing. When you have so much fun, you're just like capturing whatever, you know, you didn't even think about you're just like, whatever here and there. And then you put something together and you're like, that was fucking awesome. Pretty cool. That was fun to do. So how about you, Meg? You got anything?
Um, I was at the clinic working and when it came about time, like I had it all set, I ran outside and, um, because I'm feral, she's looking straight up at it. she know I fucking love you. but one first but that was in the front That was in the front of the clinic, and then I talked to like some of the clients, and we were talking about you know this, that, and the other thing. and Then I went to the back, and we have like a berm that's at the back of the clinic. and There's like a bunch of native wildflowers out there, so I always go out there every year um and take 15 minutes to walk. so I just walked the berm.
um Did some things of gratitude some stuff like that um Some introspection.

Moon Rituals and Personal Practices

Yeah time was on Yeah, and well yeah well went back to my cave and continued to do That's the thing because it is in the middle of the day I was just surprised that I was able to yeah i but to get away with so much so that I gotta do what you gotta do right and Well, listen, um, one thing that I wanted to talk to you guys about, and I come up with it, you guys, I came up with a new way of doing my rituals, my new and full moon rituals, because I was, my next topic that I wanted to ask about, what did you do for the new moon? But I wanted to also kind of like envelop into that. Did you perform your ritual? Do you have a ritual and can we talk about it?
So I came up with two new rituals, one for the new moon and one for the full moon. And I hope to start implementing these. By the time we release this, this this next new moon will be through. wait We just had a new moon. So the full moon will be, yeah so that's when I'm going to try and see if I can get this puppy up. So I'll talk about the full moon since that's what's coming up based on this recording, right? so ah So the full moon ritual that I have it's you know woman's usually for manifesting goals and nurturing whatever Passion and healing strength and power love and knowledge right rituals for prophecy protection divination and power boost So that's usually what?
it encompasses to what you can obtain from the moon on a full moon phase. So I'm going to do a meditation for 30 minutes and breathing exercises. I've been really working on like um single nostril breathing, um doing um inhaling and exhaling and work really working my belly, especially for you know belly dancing stuff that really helps out. yeah So I've been working on that. um And then I'm going to call the corners if I have the chance and if the weather is nice out I'm going to burn props with an invocation and play drums. And the invocation that I kind of came up with goes with this bright full moon I choose to cleanse myself and release all that no longer serves me.
And then I would go into, I release limiting beliefs. I release pain and suffering. I release fears, doubts, and securities. I release obstacles on my path. I release those relationships that no longer serve my highest good. I release situations and energies that no longer serve me. And then I go and I say, I now choose to release it all and ask for it transmuted by loving and healing light. And then I bathe in the full moon for about 15 to 20 minutes. And then I come back in the house. I cast a circle. it I do spell work if I need to, not necessary. I could just be like, come in the house, be done. But if I do have some spell work that needs to be done or anything, then I cast a circle, do my spell work, do any type of divination. I'll be working on water scrying. So that's probably what I'll end up doing.
and meditate for another 30 minutes and then close it out. So that would take me approximately hour and a half, yeah two hours, um which I don't mind because honestly, it's a great way to spend an evening. So from the moment I would get home, I would probably have dinner, chill out, whatever, whatever. Took up and then going right into it and celebrate the full moon. So that's what I'm planning on doing for that one. So what do you guys think? I mean, I know it's lengthy, but I feel like if I'm out there and I'm already spinning fire, why not just take an extra? I mean, I'm only going to be doing lot one spin or maybe two spins and then bathe and like right the full moon just to chill out and hopefully it's nice out. and I think my friends are so cool and I am so boring and I don't want our listeners to think that
but Like that is normal for all three of us because let me tell you it is nuts. I am lazy and busy. And yeah, yeah, man. It sounds beautiful and I love it. And I just, I want to see. pictures and like I just can imagine it. I can just imagine the beautiful imagery and the basking and the ruined light. Yeah. Oh my gosh. I love that. We are a household of of multiple practices. Love it. Because we are here, we are childless, we have nothing but our passions and our love
for the occult in magic. And that's really, I mean, and my partner is all about it. He has his own rituals and he has his own practices that he dives into. So we are in more than well of a position to carry out a ritual that can take multiple hours because we had research and study literally for a third of our time here. And ah as much as we do, you know, work and research and and all the other things that we do performing and stuff like that. So we had nothing but time. We're cool. We're chilling. We love it. And it's very like, it's very casual. Like it's written out because I love, I love to have, I'm a planner. I plan stuff out.
But if I wanted to be like, today, today I'm going to do an invocation, and I'm going to do a spin, and I'm going to call it good. I can still partake. It's not like I'm not, oh my gosh, I can't do any of my ritual because I can't complete it from start to finish. It's all the things I would love to absolutely do in the time that is allowed. And if I want to just do one spin, one spellwork, one divination, boom, done. That's fine too. you know I think the witchy me is vastly different than the witchy me now, just simply because of time. you know I used to have a whole setup in my basement and I would spend all this time and I found my
my Book of Shadows here, gorgeous, and took the time to like do so much research and like write things down and really intense ritual, you like um planned out rituals. And now if, okay, the full moon, you guys know this about me. I've talked to you guys about this. The full moon drains me. yeah Even if I don't know the full moon is coming, I haven't been paying attention. I'll, if I'm feeling especially drained nine times out of 10, I'll look and it's a full moon. How about that?
So I really don't do a lot for it. I'll take a bath. That's the most common thing that I do. I'll maybe light a candle. I love working with candle magic. That's my thing. I had a candle, but she candled this nest during the pandemic. So I have all these pre-made candles with all the special specific energies put into them. So I'll grab one. I'll light it. I'll go take a bath. And then go to bed is normally that's full moon for me. And while I'm bathing, I'm thinking about what I want to release, what I need to let go and I'll usually, because I'm in the bath, do a short 10, maybe 10 minute meditation where I'm really focusing on releasing the tension from my body and then paying attention to what what energy is I need, I'm ready to release. no um Focusing on that and then I'll just go to bed. That's a typical full moon for me.
the but then Simple. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. But it's it's part and it's perfect for you. Yes. And that's the beauty of having a ritual that's literally just for you. You can make it as complex or as simple as you want it to be. And then you can rejoice in that fact that it's yours and nobody else does it. but That's what I love about witchcraft is it's our own journey is our own energy. We don't have this patriarchal being watching over us and saying it's not do a B and C. You feel guilty about that. No, right.
But who didn't like Daddy Jesus? In the practice of witchcraft, it's not dogmatic. There is no dogma to it. And it can be ceremonial. It can be ritualistic if you want it to be. But there is no dogma that you have to follow. It's what works for you. Oh, everybody has to do this very same thing at the same time. It's never like that, which is the beauty of it. That's what I appreciate so much about it. Yeah. Yeah. I hear you. I hear you. But do you do any I know that you're very also very intuition intuitive in your practice as well. Yeah so I am in my true fashion of being feral and chaotic um I None of my stuff that I do is a singular thing. It's all connected throughout the month if that makes sense
starting from whatever the new moon is, um you know, going all the way until the next month. And the reason is, is because I am a creature of nature in cycles. So every month, it's a little bit different because it depends on the seasonality that we're in. OK, so it depends on where we are. So like right now, for instance, for me, for the new moon for me, this is a time where you are starting to gather in plant.

New Projects and Seasonal Rituals

You're starting to those things that you want to do. so like May would be the perfect time to start like a new hobby, a new, like out of all the months of the year. Okay. New beginnings, a new hobby. It's new beginnings, that stuff. And it aligns with spring because now we have new life, new growth and stuff like that. So then from the new moon, ah so like, depending on what that new moon is depends on what I might do. Okay. Um, and I'm kind of, it's, I know we were talking about the full moon, but it goes through full moon for me, but, um,
So depending on what happens, it it could be something simple as me walking through ah ah woods, a certain woods at a certain time on a certain day, doing a certain thing. Okay. Or it could be as simple as a word that I write down or a word that I say and just depends on what's going on. Now from the new moon to say the full moon. Okay. during that time is where I'm planning. So in the beginning of the month, of it's a um something that I know that I need to release. So we'll talk about releasing. we've all Both of you have stated releasing, for instance. So it's something that no longer serves me and I want to release it.
So at the beginning of the month, I'm isolating what that is. And throughout the month, up until that full moon, I'm starting to isolate it. I'm trying to see where that thing fits in my life. If I need it anymore, how I can get rid of it and what my tools are to get rid of So we're just using that as an example, for instance. okay um Then when the full moon comes, that's where I'm taking those tools and I'm implementing what I want, what I want to manifest. That's where I'm going to be implementing. That's where I'm getting my skills. That's where I'm reaching into my toolbox. That's where I'm, OK, this is the time where I'm going to manifest my goal, what it is. I have the tools. I have the learning. I did all that. Now this is the point.
where I'm actually going to do it. And then from the full moon on like going all the way back, um then that's implementing it. Okay, so then the next month comes. At that point in time, depending on whatever it is, that subject that I was focusing on, it may be something that may encompass a couple months. Oh, yes, absolutely. Or may need to work for a couple of months. Or maybe something where I just needed that one month or just that time. And then the next month, it's a new thing, yeah beginning, challenge, things like that. And then just depending on what ah where it is in the season, where it is, you know,
what month it is and stuff like that. So that kind of gets all incorporated. And then same thing when it comes to plants and things like that, because then that gets incorporated. I really tried it. bring in natives and local plants, because every area has their plants for everything. So I really try to bring that. So I'm more connected to the space that's around. So do you then, one of those instances, because I think one of the times that you and I had talked, or I think in the group chat, you mentioned that you go foraging sometimes for your either new moon or full moon. I want in on that. That's so cool. I want in on that. I want in on that. Yeah.
Please take me one of these new moons or full moons like I would want I would love to accompany you and hold your lantern I actually yeah I'm actually going ah tomorrow morning. I'm gonna go out because um So we had our new moon So now we're we're in that kind of like process of your tools and getting the stuff that we need so like the the plant that I'm going to talk about today. I'm going to go forage some of it so I can make some simple syrup with it. So I can make some other things with it because of what its magical property is. Awesome. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Do tell. That's a nice segue into that. Yeah. What is that plant that you're going to go get tomorrow? Are there mushrooms involved in this? No. Well, not those. Let's talk about that some other time soon because I want to do that too.
Well, well, we'll do that. Give me about, um, nice six weeks and, and we'll be, it we'll, we'll be yeah right on that road. But anywho, uh, so violet, um, violet is what I'm going to be forging. So I have, uh, like a large amount of violets in my yard right now. And in Wisconsin, we have two types of violets. Like we have our common violet, which you'll see is like a purple color or like kind of a reddish purple. And then you'll see the white violets. Now the white violets are called swamp violets or marsh violets. Those ones are a little bit different than the purple kind of reddish ones. um They're in the same family. They're both edible. One of them though is a little bit sweeter. The other one is kind of more of a bitter taste.
ah Their properties are somewhat the same, but the marsh violets are a little bit more for grounding, and um more for kind of centering, where you have your regular violets are like for that prosperity. Okay, so like you were talking about that. For that prosperity, um it is for loyalty, violets are for loyalty. um So that's a big thing on that too. So I'm going to go out and forage. So I have a lot in my yard, um but I'm going to make some simple syrup. And what's really cool with the simple syrup is when you make it.
You add it to like lemonade and it changes the color of things. It acts in the same family as the butterfly flower. The exact same family. That sounds so fun. You can do stuff like that. And then violets are also good for like inflammation as well too. So you can make teas with the violets for respiratory inflammation. That's what I need right now. They're really good for that. and well um You can apply the leaves, any wounds or anything like that, burn stuff like that to help with inflammation. That's awesome. Everything that I kind of do kind of correlates together with stuff. and And it's just because I'm an anarchist, so I don't trust anything there. I'm waiting for the zombie apocalypse or some

Foraging and Local Plants

apocalypse. And at some point in time, the infrastructure is going to go down. And by golly, I need to learn how to eat the green things around me.
And i'm also motivated and i'm also motivated by that particular thought yeah because totally not not gonna lie. I watch a lot of tv. Yeah, and yes, I think about that and other other things, you know other things but That's amazing. Well, you know, I also researched a plant. Um, and I actually in my research I found that This cool website by the dnr that's like all about native wisconsin plants and immediately bookmarked it yeah And I'm gonna and even has like brochures for like people who are beginning to like change their environment their only like native plants of Wisconsin
So that is that is the task and a project that I've had for my but backyard and front yard for like the longest time. We really want to just bring in a lot of native plants and really form an ecosystem for our little because we have so many little bunnies and like um a lot of squirrels. We have a black squirrel that we call squirrel eight Peter. His name is Peter, um the black squirrel. And then we have a brown one whose name is Bruce. and Peter and Bruce likes to get into fights. So there's a whole drama there. But we we like our little animal friends and all of the all of the ecosystem that's around our house. So we wanna feed it and we wanna protect it and we wanna be able to provide for it. So that's what we wanna turn our backyard and our front yard into. um So in my search for that, I found a wild geranium that actually grows in Wisconsin nope um and it's beautiful. Also purple, nice, great minds, I have to say.
um And it's ah it grows in most soils, but then you have to water it a lot if it's actually directly in sunlight most of the time. So do you know keep up with that. And then the properties of it, I've heard that is ah long use for protection and health in general, and in folk medicines treat fevers and intestinal issues and kidneys infections, which is wild Some compounds found in the plant have clinically proven to like be useful for respiratory ailments Which is great because I suffer my lungs are really really bad So I'm hoping to get some uranium and plant it near my house and let it just start growing wild and do what it will do and I also did see that there is other magical properties like overcoming negative thoughts and attitudes and lifting spirits. I get really depressed during the yeah winter season. So having that come up in spring, I'm sure, well, we do have some purple plants outside, but honestly, I don't know what their name is. It's a flower. It's really beautiful. It smells amazing. um I want to think it's a part, it's probably a lilac. Yes, thank you. See, you're so knowledgeable. I love you. You're so good. You're so good.
Uh, but yeah, so that's, that's my native plant that I'm hoping they have like the list of like anywhere that you can buy plants to like, who's doing selling, you'll have something. I mean, that website, amazing. i love that You should link that. I'm going to link that at the bottom of our episode here so people can find it. It's one of my favorite resource websites, um, to go to, especially if you're visiting other areas in Wisconsin, that's not your local. area up because it'll help you kind of tell you where certain things are and stuff like that. um You should look into, so right now, our house is a registered pollinator way station, and then i know we're on our way to be a certified urban prairie, so that might be something that you should also look into on doing as in well. So harry one of the big things. i love it yeah yeah
So we have a lot of native Wisconsin plants that we're planting in. awesome But now this year, I decided that I think I want to change everything into sections. And each one's going to be a different color section. And then throughout the whole season, like, we'll have flowers blooming, but just in those certain colors, because I really want a black section. Gotta have it. I don't want to put like, right. I don't want to like, scare them all around the yard. on a head like I like, rated blackness. i'm like all right Oh my God. That's so good. That's amazing. That's amazing. I've actually been following a couple of like TikTok accounts of like people who have turned their front yard into like a native ecosystem for their, for their friends. And those are the ones that I'm.
And I know it's going to take a lot of work and I don't know if we're ready this year, but definitely by next year we'll have something in place. I think. Just kill, kill the grass. Get yourself some, find yourself some creep in Charlie, get that in there. And you can even eat creep in Charlie too. You can put it in salads as well. So yeah, I mean, to get that in violets. And the first thing you're going to want to do is choke out the grass. Cause that's, yeah that's the one thing. So but i go getting those low lying plants. Like that, that's going to help kind of kill that grass. And we don't, so we participate in the no mow made. So we don't mow our yard at all. And like right now it's like a foot because of where yeah yeah and it's been raining too healthy. It is. And I was talking with Josh and I said, you know, I really want to bring in some clovers. So this year we're going to get some clovers and we're just going to see the whole yard because that's another one that'll choke up. Okay. Let's see.
ah resource right and now ill Yep, that'll give you food. Yeah your bun buns so many but buns and like on there They start so it's so tiny and then you see them a couple months later and you're like, oh god damn it you group like yeah And then sometimes we don't see them after I guess I go because we do try to identify them as much as possible and then You know Peter the this black squirrel had like the back of his like entire like head and back just taken off of like so hair so somebody must have run him over or something and so we tried to feed him as much as we could to make make sure he recovered and he's recovering well the hair is coming in nicely so he is doing he is doing good so we have we just like all our little muddies and we want to make sure they still protected so yeah we don't have any black squirrels by us but we have we first had like the sebastian box squirrel which was like a grey squirrel and his tail was b blonde and majestic like sebastian's black hair back in the day and he'd look it and it'd be like
skin i like love you You're awesome. And then like, and then I'm sitting here and all of a sudden now we have a whole blonde squirrel, not just the tail, like the whole squirrel is blonde. And like, I'm like, Oh my God. So like Josh and I will randomly see this in the blonde squirrel amongst all the other squirrels. Just this whole body, like whole body, whole tail, everything. We're like, Oh my gosh. what is i often about And we have we have goth squirrels around here too. I love i love the goth squirrels. I didn't have those growing up in Milwaukee. So like moving up here and seeing the black squirrels has been so cool. Nice. Yeah. Did you guys see any cool birds coming in with the migration? Because it was like a pretty big migration the last two weeks of birds. Do you guys see or hear any cool ones or anything like that?
We've got our Cardinal family that's back. They built their nest. I had a Robin that built a nest right outside my door, which is annoying, but it's fine. She can do her thing and then we'll just move her nest when she's done. So all the storks have been around. nice kakana is hilarious for yeah for wildlife i was gonna move to kakana for like a second and for like a second there was this four-bedroom house that was glorious glorious okay because even though i am a single person i still wanted a four-bedroom house because that all those ruins have definite use for me i will make one a yoga room i will make another one i mean believe you me we will make do um but
They had like bad plumbing, so they had to like redo the whole plumbing, so I had to take it off the market. And then I came up out this one. ah But it was a steal. The house there was a steal.

Foraging Laws and Practices

Four bedrooms for like 100 grand, 109 or something else. I can't find that anymore. Snatch that no up. Snatch that up. Snatch it up. And unfortunately, they had to take it off the market due to their piping situation, which is totally understandable. But anyway, so what let's talk about your favorite thing. Wait, wait. We're going to hear what Heather's plan. Did you pick one? Oh, do you have a plan? Yeah. the end alliance And you know what? I feel like that's something that that so many people have already heard about. um
yeah i I taught my daughter about dandelions the other day but I had to tell her like you can't just go picking them and eating them because you have to find them in a place that hasn't been treated by chemicals. yeah um yeah They're definitely alive and flourishing in the area so I'd let her know that they're pitiful and all the different things. I love dandelions. I love dandelions. They're amazing. Yeah. You know, we should try and find, I'm going to try and see if I can find some stuff to do with dandelion. I know there's a tea that you can do. Salads, tinctures. Salads, tinctures. I would make a tincture. Again, you have to find them. Right. Where can we find them where they haven't been treated by chemicals? That's the question. Yeah. yeah
Yeah, like my, my whole yard is like filled with them. So I'll use the ones from my yard. So, and throughout the year, you can eat the greens from them and just put them in a salad. Um, so if you take all, you know, in majority of like, say like high cliff and stuff like that, those places aren't treated. So you can usually get dandelions from there. are One is treated. but you have to watch out with high cliffs because you can't take there's actually so there's laws to foraging did you guys and know that there's like bar I'm sure that yeah and so in state parks you can take things but you can't take things like you can take some stuff
If there is more than multiples of it, but even, but it has to be multiples in that spot. Like it's a lot for in Wisconsin. So like high cliff, I really don't do a lot of foraging up there or over there because there's, it's a state park. Yeah. There's a lot of people there all the time. Like there's a couple other nature reserves and stuff that don't because they're nature reserves. So they can't. They can't spray anything, so like Thousand Island, for instance, Thousand Island can't spray. Menasha has one too. I brought the conservatory whenever. Yeah, I brought another one. So they can't do that. But then the best part is finding fields. So finding fields in majority of them, like outlining of forests and stuff like that.
If you can find yourself a field that's away from, and it's really hard in our area because there's so so much farming, right? yeah So much farming. But if you go towards like where Melissa is at, like Morrison area and stuff like that, a lot of those farmers don't use heavy pesticides and use organic ones because a lot of them do do hemp farming. Do do. And so with hemp, that's such a juvenile.
yeah um but it's great i love it so but yeah think Even in your yard just grabbing some of them too. I mean you can make a dandelion wine a tea Eat the greens, you know, all of that good stuff. Awesome. Awesome. They're very good. They're very good That's my normal May is amazing. Maybe I should do it. But anyway, I did so Can we talk about favorite things? We can't. I don't, I didn't really come prepared with that. ah Um, so I don't know if you guys can tell by my voice, but I have been ill like for about a week. So my favorite thing right now, and I'm almost some of it is this elderberry Cox Europe from auroran Aurora. hair yeah We love aurora thepoic area love it. We love it. We love it. I got some, uh, Arnica relief hanging around here somewhere.
So yeah, they make everything homemade with the ingredients here, distilled water, local honey, homegrown elderberries, cinnamon cloves, ginger, and star anise. So I have been chubbing on this to help with my colds. It actually sounds really good. It's actually delicious. Nice. So Kevin, he recommended, he's the hubby. so yeah um he He said he eats it as like syrup on his pancakes and I tried it and it's delicious. So cheers. I mean it sounds amazing. All you do is when you're sick you just you just take a swig and you do it about every every four hours or so like that and usually by a bottle end of bottle year symptoms are starting to feel better and that's
with all of those awesome ingredients in there that they have like elderberry the star anise all of that stuff and absolutely natural like natural and she's growing um a lot of her own with this elderberry which i love and they do also sell that And I bought elderberries from them. So they sell either the elderberries by themselves or they also sell kits so that you can make your own. and So not only do they sell it already made, they sell the kit. now um And i I had everything except for the elderberries at home. So I plan on making my own.
having local stuff is the best. Like in all of that stuff is local. Um, the things that they grow and everything are like that, at least then those main ingredients and stuff, which is going to help with your immune system and everything. So yeah. herha yeah Yeah, they're pretty awesome li sister from another history Yeah, I did um I'm actually I'll use this as my favorite thing right now because I am stuck to it and this what I am saying This is to people who are not looking at us
It's a book called The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern and it's a book about ah dark arts and circus life.

Literature and Beekeeping

So it's a novel, super fun to read. Oh my god, I'm enjoying it so much. Literally, I have had 100 pages in like two days and I haven't had read that much in a long, long time. Love that. um So, um, not only that, but we're also rewatching freak show from American Horror Story. So my life is currently super freaking. It's super fun. Super fun. So that's my favorite thing. And we're highly recommend for anybody who enjoys, um, circus themed things.
pick up that book it's super cool you'll enjoy it yeah but my uh my main favorite thing right now i'm i'm just going to show a picture because i really we're not in the vicinity but my favorite thing is my bees oh my bees i'm so excited about your bees too man that's pretty rad yeah put uh put up another hive at thousand island so now there's two hives at thousand island the one hive that was looking a little bit like the one hive that we lost, 80% of the colony. That one's looking good. We saw the queen. She's moving around. We're going to look tomorrow to see it if she's laying. If she's not laying, then we're going to take three brood frames from another hive, put them in there, see if we can boost that. But the new hive we put in next to it is really stimulating it. And that new hive is doing amazing. So that means has i makes me super happy. And then that just gets me excited for the hives at our house next year. So yeah, trying to play it.
I am going to be a beekeeper and she's a beekeeper it's so cool and um the guy that we're apprenticing under that we're working with and stuff uh he does all the talks at Thousand Island and stuff so I think it's June 16th we'll be doing a talk there um in the evening about being nice and stuff like that and talking about what we do and all of that stuff and every single time where there anyways we end up getting a crowd of people so then here we are sitting here you know taking taking out the different things and talking about, you know, what we're doing and what the bees do and, you know, how how the honey's made, how combs are made, you know, all of that stuff. And it's really neat to see how many people are just invested in that. Yeah, I wish we all know these are so important. I got to save the bees. I wish that townships did not have such like strict
like yeah I don't want to see requirements um because it is and it isn't when you are trying to protect a species and you don't want things like mites and stuff like that and diseases to be spread. So you want to do things responsibly. But in order for like incacana, for our township, in order for us to have bees, you have to be certified. And that's an investment, right right? So why does there have to be a monetary paywall against that for you to be able to help our ecosystem? Okay, that's the one thing. Number two, be able to provide yourself with a substance that is, first of all, very healthy and healing. yeah So with all the properties that they have.
um for cooking for things like that but also a monetary uh ways for you to make income like if that's an ingredient yeah yeah so anything like that so it kind of bring like why would yeah it brings up that question of like you know it's such an investment anyways to start out to have hives and stuff like that and because of the type of hives that you have to have um you know, who you need to go to to get your bees, those types of stuff. So you're already putting in all this money. And then now you got to put in even more money for you to be able to have something that's just going to better you, your family and your literally your environment around you. But now, you gotta pass ever the belong god pay yeah, paid. Yeah. I know. Yeah. Yeah. We got to pay for everything.
yeah Fuck that. Yeah, that's so cool. Get as many free classes as you can. Take as many free classes as you can. Fill yourself up with information. but Remind me about that talk. I think it'd be cool to go to that and also to bring my daughter to that. um so would yeah So whenever you guys go to the Thousand Island um and you see the hives and you look at the hives, so they're the only hives that are there. They're right there at the parking lot. The one hive on the right, that queen's name is Flo. so you say hey oh And then the hive on the left, that queen's name is wendy Whitney um named after the queen, ah my queen Whitney. So we decided because we actually put um that hive in there and that queen in there the night that we had to make that hard choice. kind of like We're like, we're going to name Whitney. What a nice tribute. I love that. Awesome.
You can say hi to one, say hello. Yeah, too absolutely. Well, I think that's all we kind of had for this episode. What should we talk about next? I know we should probably hit up our listeners and be like, any topics, which you're not, but I don't really have. anything in line for next time um definitely maybe we should talk about some what she has three more like um maybe different type of witchcraft like uh
You know, comparative, not that we need to compare practices, but just like if you're a cosmic witch, what would you be interested in? If you are a kitchen witch, what would you be interested in? If you decide, because you don't have to specialize in your practice. Let's put that out there first and foremost. You don't have to specialize. You can be just a witch, an intuitive person who uses their magic from the inside outward. And just, you know, everything around this. I think, that's fine. You could also specialize and become, well, I want to i want to know herbs. That's my shit. I like plants. I like dirt. This is what I want to do. So you could do that. Or you could be like like me. I would consider myself a cosmic witch. I love astrology. I love the planet. I love the universe. I love the feeling of knowing that I am one person and we are all connected.
to the source of the universe. I have a question for you if you want to talk about being a cosmic witch. OK. So right now, so I'm a big sun follower, right? You guys all got your moon. You guys got that stuff. But I'm all sun. I'm a sun baby here. And right now, the sun is entering in a very interesting

Astronomy and Speculation on New Planet

stage. Now recently, we had some big solar flares that are coming up, some big geomagnetic storms that are actually hitting us, being able to see the northern lights last night, tonight, and into this weekend. So that's kind of cool. But this phase that the sun is entering in. Well, are we going to be able to see that again? Yeah. It wasn't just last night. No, it wasn't just last night. Because I was super devastated when I woke up this morning and realized I missed it. Me too. Oh my gosh. Tonight is supposed to be the strongest because we had a pretty big shockwave that had happened. And it happened six hours earlier. So it should be tonight, should be the best. The problem is I think it's still going to be a little bit cloudy because last night it was cloudy.
So it was a little bit hard to see, but I think today it's supposed to be a little less. But um okay so good here's here's the thought on this. One of the theories with the sun in our planets right now, in our galaxy, is that the planets that are behind Earth are Earth's past. Keep that in mind. The planets that are in front of Earth are Earth's future. Currently, right now, the phase that the sun is in is a phase where it is supposed to potentially make another planet, okay? yeah So the thought process is that when the Sun then makes this planet, the planet gets kind of shot out and then each one of our planets moves back, right? So then that is how the planets behind us was Earth's past, when it's in front of us, our Earth's future.
if you place it in our singular spot, because if another planet comes out, we will no longer be the third rack from the sun. Wow. right yeah I am interested in finding more about this. Then it brings up the question of, is this why there's so much interest in looking at Mars? Life and another plan life in yeah on other planets. Is this the reason why? Is this because we know that this is what how how our galaxy is formed, right? This is what happens. It's just a natural progression just happened to be this time. So are we looking now at other areas to see? Okay, if that does happen, how can we not necessarily leave Earth because we're not leaving Earth, right? But how can we change things to adapt to the new Earth environment?
maybe See, this is a whole, this is a topic that could we can, we can discuss for about hours on end. yeah Bring that up. I want i want to, I want to see what your thoughts like. That is, that is amazing. I think that's really interesting and it would not surprise me that that would be the case because everything is cyclical. Everything in around us is cyclical. Um, our seasons, our life are cyclical. So you would think that the universe works in the same way. It all has a pattern.
It all has a way of life, right? It starts from the from birth unto death or whatever. So yeah, I would say, I would say that's interesting. I've never heard of that theory before. I'm not familiar with it in any way, shape or form, but I am interested in finding out more and learning more about it because I mean, it makes so much sense to me. And that's the thing with me. I like things that make sense in my head, like, you know, immediately clicks and I go, Oh, That's interesting. Let's dive into that a little more and see what's going on in there. So yeah, I'd like to, I'm gonna look that up. I'm gonna look that up and see what's up with that. I'm gonna dig into that a little bit more. Awesome. So we can definitely talk about something like that or other topics of that. So I'm i'm you know pretty cool with keeping it simple. um The things that I know, kitchen witchery, yeah different recipes for different purposes, um but also candle magic.
um You know, I i love ken i don't how I would define myself, but what I do know is that I'm um definitely, I am in the kitchen doing stuff. her And I be making candles. So um my yeah tattoo artist, um we have a deal where I make her candles to sell in her shop and she gives me tattoos. And the next request that she said that she has very often our court-cutting channel sets. I work with beeswax, so I'm all about saving the bees. Exactly, and I do different colored
depending on the energy you're working with, different colored beeswax rolled candles. And she has requested that I make cord cutting sets where one side of the wick would be black, the other side would be white is what she requested. And so that's going to be my next project when I have time working from those four. Nice. But yeah, I mean, I can talk about that stuff pretty confidently. Yeah. i also I also have a witchy story and I also make candles. um um And i I love making candles as well. I use soy be but ah soy wax is what I use for most of my candles.
um Yeah, yeah, and I do have a few and I love I love putting um crystals and in my candles and Container but I haven't made candles in a in a hot minute what I have been making lately though are art brushes Yes, and I think did I talk about that last time that I've been working on my art brushes to facilitate for any artist that is also into magic and wants to manifest through Any their medium which would be painting? um So yeah, so I'm working on those ah but I don't have anything like i I think I have a couple of things in my witchy store right now which are like ah just Cascadia powder and a couple of I do have goddess's oils like that I made that are a combination of ah My own alchemy that I made for this particular glass oil and I do have those available but you know, I i like to make things with my witchiness and stuff like I
Yeah. It's just literally like when I have time, it's a very, very, um, I know about it at this point cause I have other things going on, but I know that it will be the one thing remaining when I am done with everything else that I'm doing. My witch store will be the one thing that I would be like, all right, now I want to make soaps. Now I want to make lotions. And I am trying to integrate that as slowly as I can, but sometimes it's got so much shit going on and something, something's got to be in the back burner for a hot minute. So, um, but I get around to it at some point. I really want to make, say well vote I want to make ah like lotions and stuff for clients. I think that would be a cool thing to offer my clients. Like postpartum want me to make you some breast milk salve for your everyday needs for your skin. Like let's do it.
I can give you recipes for that because I make, actually, Josh and I were just talking about this the other night, um, cause I make small batch stuff. So I don't have a store. It's just in my studio and it's small batch. It's whatever I make whenever I, knife and and that's everything from lotions to scabs to soaps to. All that stuff. The only stuff that I don't do is candles because I'm just, that's not my, it doesn't call to me if that makes sense. um But like oils and stuff like that. Some tinctures, like some tinctures. I love tinctures. I have two bottles of vodka. I have two bottles of vodka waiting for tinctures right now. I'll use um yeah John that we made. So John is like Kumbatch's cool older cousin.
So it's a little bit more effervescent and I have like a bunch of bottles of John vinegar and I'll use that instead of using alcohol for those people who have alcohol. I also have apple cider vinegar as well. For people who have like inflammation issues who are sensitive like for me for instance alcohol inflames me a lot so I can't have it. yeah An apple cider vinegar is probably like really, really, because of the acidity. It probably doesn't, does that, does that other vinegar that you're mentioning, what is it called again? It's not vinegar. So is that acidity or is it, or is it like blessed? Both of them are pretty neutral. same um That's why they're pretty good for um doing tinctures and stuff. The problem is, is that you have to let them soak longer.
So they don't get, when you let your herbs and stuff soak in your high green alcohol, think about that. High green alcohol is so concentrated and heavy and strong that it's pulling those medicinal purposes and properties out. okay um And they're doing it more in a short amount of time. When you do it with the vinegar, you have to do it, you have to let it sit longer because it takes a longer time because it's not as harsh. to say as like the bucket is. So it's not as hot. So you just gotta let it sit for a little bit longer. Okay. Well, I think what we're gonna do is let's ah let's ah marinate on it a little bit. So yeah, so thank you so much for hanging out with me again today. And I super look forward to our next episode. I learned so much on this one. It was super fun. I love you guys so much. It's so much fun to do this with you guys.
Alright, thanks again for everything and stay tuned for the next one. Bye! Alright, we'll see everybody later. Bye! Thank you so much for joining us today and we'll hope that you'll join us next time. Remember that these are actually dropping once a month, so stay tuned on our social media channels for the date of the next drop.
We hope you tune in next time to continue living life deliciously through magic. Bye!