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Speaking of Witch S1 E3 image

Speaking of Witch S1 E3

S1 E3 ยท Speaking of Witch
33 Plays7 months ago

In this episode we discuss divinations. Which we enjoy and do the most. We also discuss native herbs found in our yards.


Introduction & Hosts' Focus on Divination

Welcome to Speaking of Witch podcast with your hosts, Megal, Heather, and Shay. This is a podcast for the magically inclined, where we'll discuss how to live life deliciously through magic. Would thou like to live deliciously?
On this episode, we'll talk about divination.
So welcome everybody to season one, episode three of speaking of which podcast. Hi guys. Hello. Hello.

New Moon Activities & Recent Life Events

I am so excited about this, this episode that we are embarking on. Thank you so much for hanging out and being with us today. Um, so the first thing I wanted to ask you guys is anything, what's going on with your life? What's happening? Anything new, any new fun stuff that we're doing, how about New Moon experience, did we end up doing anything for the New Moon? Which just happened I think on June 6th was our last one. You know, not a whole lot.
um I have been teaching and dealing with like summer school stuff and doula stuff. And so I ended up, I didn't even think I texted our group chat, happy full moon. And then I realized later that it was actually the new moon. Happens to all of us. I tell you what, definitely. That's fair. We knew, we knew what you meant. You were kicking up when I'm putting down. yeah Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. What about you guys? um I just did, I went outside, did some of my things, that's pretty much it. um Started some new projects, so some new performance pieces, things like that. I like to do new tasks around the new moon. Absolutely, that's awesome.
Um, let's see. I fell asleep on the new moon. I hear that i totally passed out on the couch. yeah Um, the next night on the, on the like actual day of the new moon, the next night I did some tarot reading. I meditated. We did some drum marks. I did not go outside and ah burn only because it was really windy out. And I did not feel, I was like, I don't feel like getting burned today. So I'm going to chill. So, um, so yeah, we did some drum work and stuff and I did some tarot reading, nothing super spectacular. Just, we did some manifesting. We did a little bit of like writing down our goals and, you know, and kind of like starting thinking about starting new things. And so that was fun.
Yeah. But other than that, it was very chill for me. I love very chill new moons where I'm just like, and you know, it's no pressure for me. So I fell asleep the the night of the actual new moon. I was like, eh, tomorrow the energy is still here. yeah and That's what I love about witchcraft is like you don't have to feel obligated or guilty if you just like take a rest day. It's your practice. It's your power. It's your divination and So, you know, it's uh, it that's that's what I love about it Yeah, and nobody should ever feel pressure to be like oh my god exactly at 10 33 p.m It goes direct like I have to be now it's like Be casual like the universe understands. We're out here all doing our best and Yeah, it was good. It was really chill. It was really nice. So I really loved it. Yeah Yeah, so um
So other than that, um I have some kind of things that I wanted to talk about real quick before me we move on to our main topic. That's OK with you guys. um So I posted recently that I wanted to redo my kitchen.

Passion for Photography & Listener Opportunities

And I just wanted to let all our listeners know, if you have a project that you are working on, you need photographs for like products or, I don't know, some brand stuff that you want to do, hit me up. And let me know because I am kind of looking for some freelance work and I love photography and I love doing it. So you're so good at it. Thank you. You're so good. I love it so much. I love it so much. I actually when I was when I was 13 and I was sitting in my driveway in Puerto Rico, I used to think, I know what?
year 2024 i will be this old what am i going to be doing what am i going to be doing then and the funny thing is is when i was a kid i used to think about photography because we used to have one of those 20 cameras one of those old okay 120 cameras and uh i used to take favorite photos and be like oh man i'd love to be a photographer and then i would think to myself that's an expensive thing to do and you don't have any money No money. So then when I got the opportunity to actually have a little money from a situation that happened in my life, I was like, I'm gonna buy myself a camera. Follow your dreams. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And it's been fantastic ever since. So if you have any project, hit me up.
when you get adult money, you can buy adult things, right? That's so true. And I love toys. And that's that, that, that passion that I felt for that hobby that was so intense has turned into an a 14 year career and has turned into many opportunities, you know, tons of publications, ah art shows, you know, just an extensive amount of experience. And I just love every minute of it. I would not change a thing about it. It is just amazing. It's been so great. you're so good at it. And speaking of, I definitely once I have the funds, would love to get my head shots. Oh, absolutely. I would love it because head shots are so fun to do. They're like, it's just just so easy for me to do them and make them look good. And ah
i Love I did not love the ones that I had done and I was like, oh I know she would have been so much better We'll talk we'll talk and get some stuff down it's gonna be fun I do also want to say if you're a performer and you're doing fire this year and you want some new thoughts of you doing fire, please please please Great idea oh hit me up because I will make you look like Amazing you're already amazing. You're already so very amazing, but I will augment that for the viewer to see it Please so hit me up. No job is for sure let all that out So anyway, let's talk about our main topic if everybody is down with that

Exploring Divination Practices & Future Episodes

today. Yeah, that would be divination I Fucking love divination. I was super honest. I love it. It's so fun. There's so much of it out there you guys I
so much um and it is such an extensive topic because it not only varies like by like type but it also varies by culture like different even tweaks of the same divination become something else it's just really an interesting so I foresee that maybe this this will it's the first time that we're talking about divination but definitely not the last time because it's soen yeah right oh for sure I would love to dive into like each each thing individually and just like learn about options. I made a um video for social media ones in regards to like
different types of divination. So, and you have, you know, your basics, like your tarot, your pendulum, ah your crystal gazing, all that stuff. um But in doing research for that video that I made for my socials, I came across some of the weirdest divinations I have ever seen. And oh, I think that deserves an entire episode. Oh my gosh, I want to know all about it. Because I was like, The what? Who? Huh? You did what now? I was pretty impressed. I was like, God, humans are inventive and creative and magical and amazing in how we see things and in nature and how we connect with nature. So it was really cool. So what are you guys' like favorite? What's your jam? What's your good stuff? Your poison when it comes to

Favorite Divination Tools: Tarot & Oracle Cards

divination? What do you like to do?
Okay, so I ah love Oracle cards. um Tarot cards, yes, but there's like, I'm not a Tarot expert sorry I have like a moth that's like getting distracted by. um So, but Oracle cards are pretty much. that's where I feel the biggest energy exchanges usually, and and they make the most sense to me. ah My favorite, so I used to, you know, during the pandemic, we got into TikTok, right? And um I definitely, like, Wichita was a big thing for a while. And it was just like a cool way of
making a like a, it was a cool sense of community. i mean yes At least that's how it was supposed to be. Eventually, of course, like anyone that's been on Watch Talk knows there's been like so much drama that I usually end up blocking a bunch of people because I just don't want any of it. Every week, every week. I don't want it. I don't want that energy. energy But I got into doing um readings, oracle card readings for people. And I absolutely loved that. I haven't done that in so long. That's amazing. But my favorite, favorite, favorite deck that usually, this is the deck that really makes people cry. And I'm i'm sorry if I mispronounced this, but I think it's like, it's French. It's like el, el aqui, el aqui.
um by Melanie Dellen and Arwen Lynch Poe and it's just it's a goddess deck there's just a bunch of different goddesses in here the artwork is so beautiful this is what the card looks like oh that's pretty and then each card It has a beautiful goddess. Those are tattoos. Those are tattoos that you can totally get on your body. And let me tell you, the book that comes with this, the explanations, they hit hard. They slap.
And they usually make people cry because of how intense they are. um And so yeah, that's definitely my favorite. My favorite hero deck that I have is called the True Black deck. I want that so bad it's on my wish list. Yeah. Show me. yeah so and and i listen There's a couple different options now. I think there's like a white version of it now, but it's it's very thick like almost almost plasticky cardstock. I love a good cardstock. Oh my god. and therd I love it. ah There are like sketches and engravings, but the light
the light goous It's so so beautiful so so beautiful and I definitely like if there's any tarot deck that I use it's usually that one. And then I also have my daily crystal inspirations. And these are just like a daily crystal card book. Oh, nice. Because I really like because they educate you about the crystal and the pop like the elements of the crystal while also like giving you your daily message. so That's nice. I love that. yeah I love learning about crystals. That's awesome.

The Art of Bone Reading

Crystals are amazing. We'll talk about crystals. Definitely. We'll have to do a whole episode.
yes who That's another topic. Thank you so much for sharing. Absolutely. Beautiful. What is it? The black deck? True black. True black. Oh my god. It's so beautiful and stunning. Okay, the cool thing about this deck, I don't want to just talk about the artwork, but each card has basically the general tarot meaning, but then also there's like engravings on the cards so there's like another like a deeper meaning to really just like wow dive in and get deep. Great for shadow work. Independent decks are for me the way to go like I love I love tarot I absolutely love tarot and I have I am also a collector
So I have a few tarot decks that are in my ladies, you know, my ladies. I love them. Yes. You know, and they each of them have their own personality and they like to be cuddled differently. and stuff like that. And the artwork is all artists through and through the artist. The work of art is what pulls me in. A beautiful tarot deck that the artists have poured their heart and soul into will get me every single time, every single time. yeah And um yeah, that is ah such a beautiful deck. And I'm so glad that you own that deck. Oh, I highly recommend. Oh my gosh. Yes. Beautiful. I love, um
I like, I like tarot. I like oracles as well. I enjoy them both. But lately I've been on a kick of like bone reading. So because I've been like connecting with my ancestors, I've been reading a book called ah the throwing the bones, um how to foretell the future with bones, shells and nuts by Catherine Yurandi. ah may have messed that up I'm sorry ah but oh man I love this book so much I love it um it really dives in to how bone reading is a it's it's been all over the world in different cultures and then it goes into like
not detail, not a whole lot of detail, but um because that would take forever for each particular, but it gives you like an overview of each individual, like different types of bone reading and how they kind of like happen throughout history and throughou throughout the world. Very small read, but man, is it informative, condensed, super good. So I highly recommend that book to anybody who's into bone reading or wants to do, wants to do it. And then I did bring my um my mat that I got and I will say I'm not ashamed to say this I did get the mat on Etsy and it you know I find that it's an artist that probably made it and there's a lot of good small businesses small artists on Etsy that that love to make stuff so I did get a little it turns into a baggie where you can carry all of your all of your bones in it so then when you open it up and you untie it then you have
um you know uh bones and i have a um a foot a rabbit's foot and all kinds of bones vertebrae um i added these myself these i actually these are my very own because i have added things to this kit i've kind of just built it throughout time so I have these amazing crows feet so cool and I got them from a crow that died in my backyard and respectfully I asked him and I should have and in hindsight I should have
asked him for his wings as a well. I did not. And that was my bad. I asked him for his feet. Um, and I buried him in my backyard oh and I put this in cornmeal for like a few months to kind of, um, hydrate, dehydrate them and make them stuff, you know? So, um, yeah, so now these are part of my bone reading collection. Um, and then I have, um, small dice. that come with it. ah Really, it's just been like adding different pieces, teeth and stuff like that. um I am still studying it. So it's a very new divination. Yeah, I would love to learn more about that. I think that's so ne interesting. So interesting. And I love that I was able to add my own pieces to them to my kids. So um yeah, and I have been
kind of just researching. I am very respectful of it, so I don't do it often. I'm still learning it, so I'm just kind of researching it. but And then, of course, i I also brought tarot cards. These are my these are my babies. They're a vintage, what are they called? A waiter, Smith.

Personal Tarot Practices & Learning Journey

oh the writers writers thank you yeah writers So they're vintage, they're very cool. These are my everyday cards that I love. Can you show them a little bit closer? I i actually like um i take them with me everywhere. So I carry these with me like in my bag everywhere I go. like
everywhere. And it only because I like to kind of like shuffle them as one of my pastimes. And then I kind of like give myself tests because I'm still it's been three years that I've been reading tarot for myself only I don't read for anybody I just read for me. And then um so I just kind of look through them and then try to come up with like my intuitive definition of what it is, even though I kind of have been studying the keywords, but now I'm trying to get those keywords to guide me to something different. You know what I mean? Sure. Yeah.
um Yeah, so that's my also ah one more one more version of divination of phone reading that I wanted to share with you guys is this. It's called Astra. meaningless no more wentno today My Spanish is raining in my tongue today, but Astra gallo mancy. And it's actually, it's reading knuckle bone and it's knuckle bone, it's sheep knuckle bone. So they are taking- Are they like dice? Yeah, I don't know if you can see them there. I know the light is very harsh on them, but they are these knuckles from sheep feet. So after they take the sheep and they take their wool and they take
Whatever the meat they take these out. I have never heard of this before. This is fascinating Yeah, they use it for um they use it for reading So it's an ancient form of clairmancy that uses the casting of knuckle bones to foretell future events So lots of variations of course of this particular art form and divination and it is this is this is for Mongolian Shagai method so this particular kit that I got so I'm really excited and I've been dying to dive into these as well and of course the book that I read earlier about bone weeding actually talks about these so who and nice nice Yeah, so that's my show and tell man I love divination though. It's so fun. There's so much of it out there. Mm-hmm. How about you Megan?

Oracle Cards in Performance Art

So, um, I really, really thought really hard on this really, really hard. Um, and it's actually kind of funny because one of the things that I do that I didn't even think about, it um, you know, for this topic, I do it so regularly and I can, it was, I didn't even think about it until right now when we were talking. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like I was like, Oh my God, I didn't even realize this. So. I have never been a big draw to tarot. Okay, that has never been my thing or anything like that. However, the one deck that has been drawn to me has been the Halloween tarot deck and I didn't bring it with me because again, I didn't think about it. So one of the things like tarot has not really drawn to me. So I
you know, still looked at decks, different things like that. I did, you know, the classic Rider Waite deck, or Rider Smith deck. I've done the Celtic Tarot or Celtic Dragon deck. I've done a whole bunch of different times just not really had that connection. Until I found the Halloween Tarot deck, I just love the artwork on it. I'm big with artwork. However, I don't follow Tarot rules or what they mean. I do the intuition type thing if I ever if I ever bring them out and honestly It's twice a year that I bring those out for myself. So um I Love doing that intuition with those and kind of making them a little bit more of an oracle card However, when I do performances I actually do and this is this is where I went. Oh my god I didn't realize I do this until just now when I perform I
I do Oracle readings that I staple to myself. Nice. So what happens is I find an Oracle deck. Um, and when we're in the crowd and they did this for the oddities and curiosities expo, we've done it for a lot of different other shows and stuff. We'll have a crowd member pick a card and I do a reading on them. And then have them pick an area to be stapled on. And so it's an actual reading for it. And then they pick the area. And then there's other rules, like if the card falls off, they get to keep it. It's some of just. It's so cool. So fucking cool. I love it. I just it because I don't practice it like a everyday thing or anything like that, it just
It's one of those special things that I'm like, Oh my gosh, yeah I do do that. yeah Um, and then I was thinking about it more in, in a lot of it is, is I'm so much in the present with everything that when I started thinking about this topic, I started going into, well, how much is it actually working into your consciousness? Because you have so many paths. Like if you're, if you're doing it to see what is, you know, lying before you. or allowing yourself to, um you know, put up protections or preventions or help guide your way. We all have paths in front of us. So how much of this is your actual consciousness manifesting into what you're reading, right? So is it actually the tool or is it us as humans? It's like a form of therapy. Yeah, it's really just a way to figure your shit out. Right. Yeah, and I agree.
you know and And depending on what I'm looking at, like if it's nature stuff, like if i want to if I'm reading nature, for instance, I'm going to look at the space that's around me and what's going on, whether it's you know how the bugs are doing, what they're doing, um migration of birds, way plants are growing, all of that different stuff. So it's really hard because I don't have like a set dedicated practice. i so I would have to say the most dedicated would be it when I'm performing and doing it for the audience. And let me tell you kids, kids love it. I mean, it sounds pretty amazing. I would, I would watch that show over and over and over and over and over because that sounds so cool. Yeah. It's, it's, it's fun and it's.
really neat because if it's me and Mandy doing it, yeah um it's really awesome because we both will do a reading or one of us will do a reading. like We just let the audience member pick. yeah And it's so cool. And some of the decks that we've picked have been like beautiful. like There's been a dark goddess oracle one. um I should keep track of all the other ones. There's been a kitchen oracle one that we did. um a old time vintage english garden one like so it just depends like we i'll just go
And I'm like looking for them or whatever draws for that show is what I grab. That's amazing. That's amazing. And you know, it's it's all energy transference, really, if you think about it, it's all energy transparent. So basically, when you read your cards, you are putting your energies into you're talking to your higher self. um You're talking to some people call it spirit guides, but I think of it as your higher self, the self that's guiding you. yeah So the minute you put your hands are around that deck and you influence that deck with your energy, you are literally talking to yourself and figuring out your own shit. And I know that um some people may have other opinions about it, but that's kind of how I see it. like I'm just connecting to myself, figuring out which path I should take, or if it's going to be difficulties, at least preparing myself.
for whatever may come, which you know being an anxious person, I'm already doing that. I'm already there. So I'm just meeting myself there and being like, okay, I'm on the right path. you know And that's so how it always sounds like. And if it's something coming, like I did a a full year reading, I always do one in January just for the entire 12 months. And you know, I think last year it told me it was going to be a very stressful year. And do I look at each individual month and go, okay, with this month I'm going to suffer this much or this month I'm going to, you know, be this happy? No, I just look at the overall picture. And yes, it was a very stressful year, but it was a very good year too. And I know that when I do these readings, I, because my en energy's in it, not everything's in stone.
you know you know If it tells me, oh, you're having a bad time. Yeah, usually I concur with you on that. I am having a bad time. We know that. Let's make it better, right? Let's try and make it better. um But I digress. I love Tarot. I love Tarot and I'm so happy that you use it that way. Honestly, now I gotta come see a show because I wanna see that act. I wanna see that and experience that. from the perspective of the audience and to see, cause you guys put on such an amazing show. I am chef's kiss. So good. you It's so good. It's so well done. love And I remember when, when it first started at the draw.
And I used to come out and shoot, like, I would take photos of the show. I would shoot the show. And I have still some of the most amazing pictures of, like, a burlesque dancer, like, with, she had a spinning, what was it, say, the show where you put metal on you and you scrape it? Mm, man. Oh, yeah, the grinder. This is not a grinder, thank you. My English is not good, so I apologize. I remember that. But yeah, so she was grinding, and I got amazing pictures of, like, Just all the flames is coming up. Still killing it to this day. There was there's there's nothing like it in the area. It's so cool. Yeah. And and it's kind of funny because now um it's that type of performance is kind of taking off now all over like the US. And it's one of those things where you're very excited to see that.
But with popularity comes those people who are predators and, you know, give it a bad name. And yeah it just is like it's more exposed now. So yeah. Um, and then it's still people not knowing what it is. Cause that also still happens because when you think of burlesque show, a lot of people, especially in Wisconsin, think, Ooh, the movie burla burlesque burlesque. And so, yeah. So then they have like, they have this like idea and then it's at the Tarleton too. If, if we do it at the Tarleton, oh my God, it's at the Tarleton. So it's all fancy. And we've had people come in like dressed to the nines and then like, they're like,
Oh, this is amazing, but not at all. we thought it was going to be and let's see what That's what I love about the show. That's what I love about the show. I mean, it is, you know, I feel like so much artistry there. There's so much like, I mean, the choreography, the concepts that they come up with is just and insane. It's so unique. It's one of those things where like, if it's something that makes my husband uncomfortable, I know I'm on the right track. Absolutely. Where afterwards, if he's like, that was weird, which definitely like he was like, that was different. And I'm like, yep, it sure was. 100%. That's where we live. Totally. literally i love it Awesome. so You know, it's fun.
Yeah, it's made so fun. So I definitely want to see I want to see a show this summer. I want to see a show this summer because it's always a good time with you guys. It's always fun. We got a couple we got a couple coming up. So um we have one in July up at the motorama car museum. So it'll be it. I think that is like the weekend of July 20th. I have the date I can look at it. And then, um, we obviously have our August show, which is August 10th at the Tarleton. And then the weekend of the 18th in August, we're going to be at vibing in the pines. So we'll be doing and having in the did that show last year. It's so good. So much fun. kiss us step yeah I'm excited. I'm excited for that. So cool. um
really, really excited. And then in September, a couple of us are going to be in Madison for the Vibe Art Fest showcase thing that they're doing there. Nice. So cool. That's awesome. Very cool. I'm excited i'm excited that I don't have a ton of shows. ah Understand that. That I just like have like one here, one here, because it helps with practicing numbers, right travel, all of that stuff. So I'm i'm content with the amount of shows right now. That's exciting. Awesome. but Definitely keep an eye out for that.
i am I am kind of excited because next year there's a rumor that possibly the there might be somewhere that we might get to be on. um We've been trying to get on this event for the last couple of years, but last year um they got in we got in touch with them like after they had already spent their performing money. And we were like trying to low ball. maybe $200 like so maybe next year in February ish area, there'll be the announcement for it. So I don't want to give too much away because I'm one of those people who like you keep your goals to yourself. Yeah. yeah
yeah Yeah, I get that. I just don't want to give too much away on it. But I'm just excited. The mystery. i love Yeah, be the mystery. i Yeah, I'm excited to help, you know, performers get more shows. I'm excited, you know, to help them grow their craft. I'm excited, excited for all of that stuff. So very cool. Awesome.

Exploring Wooly Burdock Uses

So I wanted to ask you guys about a particular little herb that I found in my backyard. And I wondered if you guys know anything about it because it is a native plant of Wisconsin. So I can certainly use my app. Yeah. Well, you know, I looked up some information on it and I do have some stuff, but I wondered if you guys know anything else about it. Now the plant is called the wooly burdock.
um And it both yeah it grows exponentially in my backyard. And are you sure it's not the, cur i well, is it curly or is it the, the is it curly burdock? ah Well, I used the app that you gave me and I took a picture of it. And it said it was the wooly, but it did have like all these other links about like the burdock in general, cause there's so many variations of it, I guess. yeah So, um, so I have a lot of it in my backyard and I was looking it up and I found some information on it because I'm really interested. Oh, no, that's not it either. Okay. So to hear what you guys think, I thought um I might be able to like make some,
tincture or something about it. See, I have so many books that I can look at, but like on the spot. No, I've got nothing off the top of my head, but I have so many books. Yeah, so there's a lot of different benefits to different types of burdock and stuff. So a lot of times it's more so for like the leaves. and everything. So like, if you have a spring or anything like that, you can put it like directly on to that, um like that area, but it's used as like a diuretic, mostly. So if you make a tincture on it, if you make a tincture from it. Yeah. I mean, I would do it as if you're feeling bloated, but not as an everyday thing, because then your kidneys are going to get overworked.
um Yeah, you know, if you're going to use it for the inflammation property, I would use it more topical versus internally. um Okay. And it's just because it can like, it it can make the GI track like spasm and overwork, it just stimulates it. So, you know, it when you see like if you're constipated, for instance, okay, you could simulate your digestive tract, which is going to ah push your liver and your pancreas, you're living your liver, pancreas to work a little bit more to kind of help move everything. So you know, if you get constipated, you can do that. And that's just kind of like activating that liver in pancreas to do it.
the other thing is, is it can help with glucose levels if you take it internally. Yeah. That's what I read. I read that it could help with like, with that, yeah but but if you're already taking medication, yeah, if you're already taking medication, then it would lower it even more. Yeah. Yeah. So if you're, cause human normal glucose is anywhere from like, and you can go like 80 to like you know, depending on if it's a stress or anything like that, I mean, 150 is kind of pushing on the high end. So say you range around 100, right?
And then all of a sudden you take this, you can drop down to 60 and have a hypoglycemic incident. So yeah yeah that's why burdocks I usually use for topical, because I don't have anything really that internally that it would be a beneficial. I would have more heart. Yeah, I come across like it was good for acne, psoriasis, eczema, topically. but it It also in my research it also stated that it's been associated with like poisonings as well because some of the products can contain like Belladonna in the root um which is like kind of weird to me, but this is just information I came across on like a website called um Prescription list or our x list calm so I don't know how like really good this particular information is but it does have a ton of information on like
ah It can work for fluid retention, fever, stomach conditions, gout, acne, severely dry skin, you know, stuff like that. Joint swelling. I'm finding from WebMD. And it says that it can also like make your, it can help with eye block clots. So it's like a blot thinner, thinner too. So I wouldn't maybe and internally, it's not that good of an idea because I see a lot of ah cons and less pros to yeah maybe taking it internally. But definitely topically might be a good way if I have any because I do make lotions for my stores. I was thinking that maybe that would be a good source to add for some of the lotions that I sell. But
I started to do a lot of research on it. It's just so very big. It's a big ass plant and they take up a lot of space. I did find, so doula heather coming in hot here, pregnant or nursing women should avoid burdock as it may cause damage to the fetus. That is good to tell. so good to tell so Very specified use, if any really. um topically would be probably the way I still have a lot of research to do on it because I don't want to use something that's going to cause me, you know, harm or, you know, so and honestly, I mean, you can try everything once. True.
I mean, true. And my skin, my skin's very like normal. Like my skin would be like the base. Like if I do try it and it's like good on my skin, then I would have to like be like, if somebody was sensitive skin, maybe just a dot or something and see how it reacts. Um, but yeah, there's a lot of work to be done there. So I do have it like quite largely in my backyard. So I'm going to have to like dig it out, I think, because it's very invasive. It's like a lot of it. last night Megan saw a plant in my in my side garden that I ignore. That's what I ignore. I don't even go on the side of my house. and She's like, she's like, Hey, can I have your blah blah blah? What was it? Doc Sorrell. So curly Doc Sorrell. Okay. And I was like, you can have whatever you want. What does that do? What does that plant do? So ah it's actually just it's eating. So
um The seeds on it, when they're ruddy, so they turn like an amber kind of brown color, you can collect the seeds and then pulverize them, use them as flour and make crackers. So since I'm a ciliac and I have carbohydrate malabsorption. I have chives on the side too. So if you want to make some onion crackers, you make some chive crackers. I have so many chives in my yard. It is like in my yard, not like in ornamental areas like those. is We're trying to I yeah, we eat them. We eat them too. But we yeah just because we're trying to get like everything in our yard not to be grass. Anything that's not grass is like welcome to live. So I love that.
but yeah i know I love finding wild Wild Onion out in the open too. yeah For those of you who may follow us on social media and if you don't, this is the story.

Nature Adventure Recap

Megan and I recently went on an adventure in the woods and it was phenomenal so phenomenal it was exactly what I needed it so thank you so much for inviting me to go along with you because literally the highlight of my summer um we walked around it was raining um but we loved it we were outside we were exploring she was teaching me so much which I so love when friends teach you stuff it's just the best
She's teaching me about like the plants and everything. and um It was so much fun. ah We found mushrooms. Reishi mushrooms. Beautiful, huge, amazing. um And my partner was super stoked. When I came home and I said, I brought you something, and it was a Reishi mushroom, his face s lit up. Aw. It lit. I said, my god, you crushed my mushroom. He's like, what are we going to do with it? Immediately his mind went. you know or And we decided to make a tincture with it. So it's currently brewing and we also made tea that very same night with it we hide we um put it in the oven to like extract the moisture and then we um We grinded it and we put it in our tea with some other delectable teas that we had and that shit was delicious We are so sad that we only got like literally two cups out of the tea because everything else went into the tincture because we're like we need more and
So with that, yeah, if you had it separate, like if you had the pulverized or whatever separate and you were seeping it separate, you can actually seep it a couple times. Okay. Because of how, because of how woody that mushroom is, you can actually seep it more than once. So it's kind of like the same thing with Chaga too. You can use it multiple times as well. That made me so happy. That's amazing. That's so cool. I'm going to definitely do that next time. I was having some serious FOMO that day, but I was learning about Reiki during childbirth and pregnancy. That is amazing. I mean, I heard a lot, but still, the FOMO was there. I was so worried about you guys slipping. I was texting you the whole time, like, please tell me when you're back to your car.
So I wore a pair of hiking boots that I don't wear often, but I was like, I'm going hanky with my girlfriend. I'm going to wear my hiking boots because that's what's up. So I was like really, really terrified as I was heading like down the steps of like some of these slippery rocks. I'm like, I'm not going to make it. I'm going to die here. And that's OK because I got to see the woods. But man, I was like just stepping down really slowly. And then, of course, Shay being the just like overachiever that she is, I brought camera gear. I brought film. I brought my bag. um I mean, I was carrying it all, baby. I was a donkey and I loved it. It was it was super fun. I was dropping shit every two seconds. I dropped a water bottle or my camera fell out. But it was so much fun. It was just fun. to like I laid in moss. I laid in moss.
And that right there tells you that that experience was just so good, much needed. I was refreshed. I felt alive after that. the Mind the guy that kind of harassed us a little bit. I told Josh about that. they doly ah He said that we should actually contact somebody about it. He actually said that. He said that because the amount of times that we've been there, we never had that experience ever. And I just I told Josh about what he was doing. and Josh is like, yeah, he goes, I would have been definitely OK. I miss this. What happened? There's some context. OK, so we arrived at the park that we went to. And the minute we get out of the car, a gentleman who was like, I don't know, about 25 feet from us starts walking in our direction. So we immediately made eye contact and we were like, hmm.
um what's happening and yeah he came at us and of course megan you're just so gracious and i love you so much because i immediately gave oh right i'm immediately like what the the oh my god what what's up yeah and i think i said i said i said something i was like you know we're good and i kind of just let megan take the reins of Talking to this gentleman because I didn't want to I was already defensive, but I didn't want to be rude You know I'm saying, but I was already who the fuck cares. I'm in getting on convenience here So I let her take the reins on the way back. We talked in for a little bit The most creepy part. Yeah, the way back was like I was like Yeah, buddy. I like his band Yeah
Yeah, he's like, I have maps that I don't want to get wet. Can you come to my van to check out my maps? And we're like, and that's when I that's when i was like, no. No. Yeah, so the place that we went the place that we went to, they have volunteers that kind of take care and are like doing things for this park. So they they have patches that they sell for fundraising, because these are volunteers, and they have to pay for this out of pocket. And so I've been going there for over 20 years. And I've ran into these when, um, about 10 years ago is when they started kind of making their presence and doing this there. And so on Saturdays, on the weekends, there'll be one of the volunteers there with patches trying to sell you the patches. And I've bought all of them. They're great patches. They're fantastic. Um, so I knew what he was doing. The problem that I had is we had told him multiple times that we were not interested. Thank you so much. We have no cash.
He then proceeded to, I have maps of all of the trails and I said, well, I've been coming here for over 20 years. So I'm, I'm good. I'm okay. And I was like, I'm with her. I'm with her. So I'm good. and And I'm like, thank you so much. Like I, I, I had three empty gallons with me because I specifically was coming to get spring water. Water. Yes. So like, I know what I'm doing. And he really didn't leave until like we started walking away and we walked the opposite direction. And then when we came back, he was still there.
They approached us. It was raining. And we were like walking towards the car and we see him in his van pull out of the parking space and kind of like tee us in. Fuck that. like so two ah It was like two and a half hours after we got there because we were there for about two and a half hours. Yeah. And then I was like, I just started saying, no, thank you. I was like my back towards him, you know, and I was like, no, thank you. And I was already like losing my call. I'm like, no, thank you. and then he's like well i don't know you know you're what you're talking about i'm like yeah and so i so i walked up and i and i said i don't know what it is you need but i can't hear you right now what is it that you want yeah and he goes this is what he said in in this has to go because there's two femme presenting people coming into the woods now
Our, our Shay was decked out to the nines. Like she was coming. She's like, I got my reins. I got my rain hiking coat on. I got my hiking boots. I got my walking stick. I got this, this, and this. i was right And then there's, there's me. I'm wearing Doc Martens, a pair of leggings, am i deaf clear hoodie ah yeah and And carrying three empty gaps. So, so he sees us, right? And he's probably in his, old man mind because he was an old he was a boomer. Of course he was. And his old man mind was like these defenseless femme presenting people. That's bullshit. be and No, that thing that's bull you are giving him the benefit of the doubt. No, no, no, no, I'm not giving him a benefit. my No, no, because because this is what he said afterwards. This is why like I'm thinking in my head. I'm like, Oh, yeah, maybe that's what he's thinking. And he's just trying to help us. But then when what he said was,
when I came up to him afterwards when we were leaving he goes I thought you know when you said that you walked here and you guys like nature and in you know whatever I just thought that he goes but you guys must really want like that because you guys were hiking in the rain and I said I told you I've been coming here for over 20 years please leave us alone and I walked away like Dude, I just, I didn't ask for your like advice. I didn't ask for your thoughts. We didn't. It was not needed. We had told you in the beginning to but like, we don't want anything. Like leave us. I knew, I knew, I knew my attitude was going to get me in trouble.
I'm with you. I'm with you. I was there at the back up. I was like, I'm going to let her do the talking, but I'm going to stand back here silently brooding. No, because in C, I'm one of those people that I will confront you. Yes. Well, again, okay, so I don't make really smart adult life choices. and
I constantly put myself in danger. You can't say that day too. You told me that day too. She said the same thing to me last night. I was like, be careful. She was like, she's at my house past dark in her roller skates, about to roller skate home. I was like, be careful. She goes, no. no
so like so like he's like um you know what half of me is like when he said like come to my van i was like maybe he does have some cool maps and i was like oh my god I was like, I was like, no, no, we're not doing that today. No, sir, no. And then I was sitting there thinking, I was like, yeah, no, I really don't want to entertain because I really came here for a specific purpose. And he is just delaying me from that purpose. oh And at the end, I was just at the end, I was just irritated because like,
If he would have not come up back up to us, I would have just said I just would have blown it off. Yeah, me too. You know, whatever. Not me too. I threatened like I was like, yeah and there was no reason. Yeah. Back the fuck up. there Back the fuck up. Like, honest no, no, no reason. It was. yeah And it it wasn't like it was sprinkling out. Like it was actually raining rain. huh And so like you would think that If it's raining like that, that maybe we might want to get into the car. But also he should be in the car. Like, what the fuck are you doing, dude? Yeah. I'd like not driving up by us because we don't want to talk to you. We just laid you down. You were ready. You already hit us up. We were already target. yes they' put on Thank you. so
Yeah, but I was like, I got in the car and I was like, all right. i And then he left and, he you know, he didn't give us he just left. He left after that. And we were like, all right, cool. But had he like lingered any longer? I. I think, honestly, because I got angry. I was angry and I was like, oh my god. I'm angry for you. I'm fuming. And I had a stick. Good. I don't remember my walking stick. I had a stick because I brought the stick with a purpose. I also, I am a knife-carrying citizen and sometimes I have knives in my bag. Get it. Because I love knives. So, i you know. I throw a fist.
Thunder and light. yes And also I had, yeah also I had three gallons of water. Water. i will take And I will whack you. Whack you with it. Absolutely. I got a camera, camera bag that is well padded. it can definitely toss a punch so but yeah that was that was interesting it was still a very good time we had so much fun it was awesome definitely we'll do again that freaking park is beautiful oh my god so much moss I touch so much moss and then I was thinking about like we were talking about moss porn because we're like this is this is and I still want to make that video I told you about the video I wanted to make where I'm like touching the moss and then I'm gonna check a pinwheel in the background like totally make some moss porn because
There was so, oh my god, there was so many things, living things that were phallic formed that were fear like female curvy yeah body like yeah like what was on your brain like well let me tell you no the minute we got there nature was being sexy it was being sexy and it was like check me out check my body because i it like it unveiled itself to us okay it like was like it unrode it was like check me out no my glory there was a stick that was like a a root that was lifted and it and i
Go to my Instagram, check it out. God damn it. I had moss in the middle of two, like a very narrow area. It looked pubic. It looked pubic. There was moss growing there. I mean, it was fucking gorgeous. I'm sorry, baby. There was so many, like so many of, because it's cedar trees. Yeah, so they're all cedar trees out there. And when they're growing and stuff like that, sometimes they, you know, split and everything. And so it was just like so, Yeah. Well, and I I'm there next time I'm there. So when when she had said that it was raining, it was beautiful. It was type O negative October Rust album. Yes. Beautiful.
Yes, like the overcast but it was warm. There was like when it did it was like a little misty rain. I didn't mind the rain. I didn't care. No, you didn't even know. We drank directly from the spring water. I literally grabbed it with my hand and I was like this light. I mean, just beautiful. Everything like how everything looked. I mean, we saw Indian pipe um or ghost mushrooms, like just some of the things that were like, oh, and I have a picture that I haven't posted yet, but it I ah the magical like i will tell yeah I have always wanted to see a ghost mushroom always yeah we have those and then right by that ghost area you know those two ones that we took pictures on there was a little knot of wood that looked like a skull and I took a picture of it so I'm gonna have I'll share it to the group and yeah
i mean I was like, this is so cool. It's fucking magical. It's fucking magical. We have to do that again, for sure. just Definitely. Oh, yes. So good. Anyway. Well, ah but I think that is pretty good. I think we should. What do you guys think? This is so fun. Yeah. Do you guys want to do you guys want to talk about because the summer solstice is coming up on the 20th? Oh, that's right. Yup. So that's coming up on that after that too. Yup. Yup. And it's the mid moon. So it's the kind of summer like I don't want to say refresh, but like check in and like, you know, see where you're at with yourself and like refresh the areas that
you know, may ah in the last couple of months become stagnant and need a little bit of revamping. Are you doing anything for the summer solstice? I'll probably do something outside, do some of my weird chaotic thing. I don't have anything because I never go and I never plan and anything. Yeah, it's always intuitive of what that day and that energy is and stuff. Yeah, I don't know. It just depends. It might be end up because it's on a It's on a Thursday, so I'll either have, let's see here. Ooh, I'll have.
ah kitty cat yoga class. So I'll be at the coffee shop doing cat yoga. So I'll be doing that for sure. awesome of It's on the 22nd, but Fox Valley Pride is happening on the 22nd. And on the 23rd, I'm going to, it's not a phase fest. Oh, nice. That sounds fun. On a yeah full moon. It's gonna bring me back, bring me back to my college days. That's awesome. That's going to be super, super fun. I don't have anything planned. Well, we got the 30th. Remember, we got the yoga fest. You're going to that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I hope so. I hope to be there. I'm not performing this year. I gave up the performance. I know in a previous episode, I said I was going to be there performing. But unfortunately, I had to give up the performance. But I still want to go. I kind of want to go and check it out, possibly. So we'll see what happens. But I definitely, I don't have anything planned.
I kind of want to do some work outside. I've been doing my yoga in the mornings outside and that has been a game changer for me and meditating outside. Um, so I, I probably will just put my feet in some dirt. My hand is so teachers really, yeah. Oh, you are. Yeah. ah Yeah. Yeah, so it'll be nice. It'll be fun. I'm looking forward to that and in the the full moon for the full moon. I really want to burn. I want to burn. I love to burn tonight. I really want to burn tonight, but I get so lazy that I just get like I have to set it all up and then I have to put like the dip the depot the fuel depot over there and
the full moon I'm telling you I'm drained every time so I hear you but I want to do it but I want to there is the I just need the energy maybe I need to smoke sativa instead of indica during that time so that it gives me a little energy and I maybe have some tea that is uplifting and then I can be like let go burn some prop awesome I took I took videos last night after our little sesh that we had, Heather. And I was taking videos of me jam skating and the street lights and stuff like that with all attentive purposes to try to post it on social media. But we all know the truth. It's not going to happen. Sometimes I do so much shit that never sees the light of day. I have so much shit on my phone that never sees the light of day. I have so many cooking videos that I started. So many I love that. I love that. I use my phone my camera rolls more like an inspirational thing and then occasionally I'll be like purposely like, you know Using it for that but I have a lot of stuff that it's just like the cats being cats Which is amazing and I love and just me doing like stuff to like I'll record myself doing something so I don't forget it That's one of the most things and I'll like use it as a memo thing and be like, okay, don't forget to do this. So but oh awesome
It felt really good. I had a good time. It was really, really awesome to share these things with you guys. Well, I guess that's our episode for today. Thank you so much, everybody, for joining us and hanging out with us. Thanks for having us. Thank you, ladies. Yeah, for hanging out. Always a good time. Always fun. I learned a bunch. So thank you so much for sharing all of your stuff with me and with our listening audience. And I appreciate you guys so much. And next time. which will be released in July season one episode four keep an eye out for that because that's going to be coming to you because I keep an eye on social media for a release date for that and yeah thanks again for joining us we'll see you then thanks for listening bye okay
bless it be again right
yeah love it okay
Thank you so much for joining us today, and we'll hope that you'll join us next time. Remember that these are actually dropping once a month, so stay tuned on our social media channels for the date of the next drop.
We hope you tune in next time to continue living life deliciously through magic. Bye!