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Speaking of Witch S1 E1

Speaking of Witch
66 Plays9 months ago

Our introduction episode!! Join us as we discuss how we got into the dark arts and started on this journey. 


Introduction to 'Speaking of Witch'

Welcome to Speaking of Witch podcast with your hosts, Megal, Heather, and Shay. This is a podcast for the magically inclined, where we'll discuss how to live life deliciously through magic. What Dao likes to live deliciously
In this week's episode, we'll be doing introductions and we'll talk about how we each got into practicing the dark arts.

The Hosts' Excitement and Mission

So hey, welcome to the first episode of our podcast. Yay!
So exciting. So exciting. I hope to do many, many more with you lovely, lovely people. And I'm just excited that we get to embark on this awesome journey. I've always wanted to do this. This has been like one of those things that you're like, you know, I like talking to people and I like talking to friends even more. I mean, that's who doesn't, right?
And to be able to just find like-minded people that are willing to just sit and have a chat with you already is a feat because we're in a world where we're just so go, go, go, right? So I'm just super excited that you guys are wanting to take this out with me. So I guess I want to kind of start with an introduction so that people know who we are.

Meet Megan Lee: The Bog Witch

Either one of you wanna give it a go at like a brief intro, like who you are, how lovely you are, all those things. I don't wanna go first. Come on. Megan is to you. All right, fine, fine. I will go first. Well, hello, everybody. Hello, hello, hello. My name is Megan Lee. I do a lot of different things.
I dabble in a lot of different stuff. I like science. I like new age things. I have a tinfoil witch's hat, I guess to say. I always say I'm Wisconsin's very own bog witch, especially when I perform. I'm a performer. So I do flow and some contortion, dark fusion dance, you know, things like that. Sideshow.
Let's be here. He rise from the bog. Right. I just like, yeah, the Northeast Wisconsin bog. Yeah. Way, way up there. Way up there. You know, Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Don't you know? Oh yeah. Don't you know, getting up there a little bit. Um, you know, I said, if you, if you wanted to hide a body to put it in the box of, uh, Marinette County, uh, the box, the box. So what can I say? But, um,
I also have grown up jobs where I work at Vet Med, which I really love and enjoy.

Megan's Eclectic Practices and Profession

I own the yoga studio and do a lot of different stuff with that. I am a practice of witchy of the craft. So you can say that I'm a witch. I'm not colored green, but I'm still scary and skinny. Maybe, I don't know. I kind of have an eclectic practice
don't want to, you know, I guess my goal is to creep you out. I like that you're thinking like, how loud, loud should I talk? I've known Jay and Heather for many of years and things. So I'm excited to be here and to do this. And I can't wait to see some just to talk about the ideas that come out of it.
perspectives, all of that stuff. That is my I think my best take my best takeaway, I think from all of this is going to be the ideas that get developed out of this, the opportunities that may come or may not, which is fine either way. But I believe that
discussions bring about solid foundations for ideas, for relationships, and to find like-minded people again that you can do that with. Again, this is awesome. Thanks for being here, Megan. I'm so appreciative of you taking the time because I know we all have these.
I think it's cool to with us, like, we're all pretty, we're all very different from one another, while also being somehow, you know, like minded. Yeah, I'm pretty excited for the conversations that'll come.

Heather's Journey from Cult to Witchcraft

So, well, I'm Heather, I come from an educational background, as far as like,
my career and stuff. I have a degree in 6th through 12th grade English Language Arts. However, that is not my main career. My main career is I am a certified birth doula and breastfeeding counselor and childbirth educator and a placenta encapsulation specialist.
We love it. We love it. On the side, I do still use my degree and I still, I substitute in a few districts in our area.
as far as like my witchy background. I actually, and we can talk about this further later on, but I was raised in a religious cult. I got out when I was 18. I tried to be a normie for a really long time until I discovered
The craft back in like 2018 ish is when I really started looking into it 2017 2018. And I would say I'm, I'm
I don't know, I don't know how to define my witchiness. I make candles during the pandemic. I had a candle business, Kitchen Witch has products and- So it is organic witchiness. Yeah. And I'm a kitchen witch, definitely. I'm a kitchen witch. I love to cook. I'm always, you guys know, I'm always cooking up something and trying to
incorporate energy into that as well. Well, we all know that food tastes better when you I mean, I don't know if you guys and if you haven't seen it, this is an amazing time to introduce a little bit. But there is a book called like Water for Chocolate. And it talks about food and how you your emotions get seeped into the food and how people feel what you felt when you were cooking. And I that's total magic. That's total witchcraft.
You know, so I am so happy that you're here and you're an amazing human. Thank you so much for asking me. Yeah. So that's really cool. Did you want to add anything else? And I mean to like, you know, cut it in like that. No, I'm, I'm a pretty, I mean, I mean, I feel like I'm a pretty boring person, honestly. Like I'm so grateful that you have me here because I don't know why.
I mean, you're a doula, that alone. I mean, you're an amazing human. You have so much, too, information and experience to share with everyone. And I'm sure we'll love hearing what you will bring to the table. I love talking about it. Maybe that's why. I'm a chatty. I'm a chatty Kathy sometimes. But yeah, just I am married, been together
19 years this year and have a 13 year old daughter.

Parenting as Healing: Heather's Approach

So coming from like a parenting aspect as well and like more topics we can talk about is healing trauma through parenting and like, oh my gosh, raising our kids as differently as possible from how we were raised and how that is such an incredibly healing experience. But yeah, I guess that's it.
That's awesome. Amazing. Thank you again so much. And then it's just me. I'm Shay. Not just you. Yeah, not just.
So I go by Calypso fire, which is my performance name and how I usually, you know, exude my stuff online. That's what I put out there under that name. I am originally from the Caribbean. I have lived in the States in the mainland. Here's what we call it from island living, the mainland for
26 years now. I'm older than I look. I'm a photographer by day. I'm a creative, creative soul through and through from this part all the way through the end. I do photography. I try to do videography. That's my main jam in the mornings. And I'm also a bruja. I am been in the journey of diving into my culture and what traditions the island folk, where I'm from, brought forth in their beliefs.
It's been super amazing and I'm sure we'll talk about that. I'll interject it as much as I can because it's been so eye-opening. We better talk about it. It's so interesting. And I looked into my genealogy this year into like my DNA with my parents and I kind of like, it was kind of like a little bit of a bonding moment between us in which you were super excited that I was looking into our ancestors and I'm like, you're not going to like why?
That's okay, because I too come from a very religious, strict background. I grew up Pentecostal, again, in a small island where you were barely able to do very much. But yeah, but now I've been practicing.

Shay's Caribbean Roots and Witchcraft

I started when I was 18, which I'll get more into when I talk about how we actually became, how I came to be who I am. But started when I was 18, then I got off the track.
and then didn't practice for many years and then found it again in like 2012 is when I actually got like back into it. And it's been life saving for me to find myself where I explore these subjects that are under the occult and pagan and I am like, wow, this is
Amazing, and there's so much to choose from. There's so much in this world. It's like, it's just opened so many doors to understanding so many things. So it's been really, really, really cool. So I'm also a performer, I should say. I do fire things with fire props. It's always fun to do. I have been performing, I'm a theater kid, so I grew up on stage, having embarrassing moments on stage.
that's so it's always been a part of who I am the performing part of it um so super thankful to be here and to start this journey with what have become two of my best friends um so I'm super excited um but yeah so I guess now we know each other and hopefully our audience knows a little bit about each other too yeah just a little
So I guess we should really talk about what we're here to talk about. Our main topic today is going to be how did we get into witchcraft? How, what was the, you know, all of the events that took place that led us down this wonderful, amazing, beautiful path connected us with so many other people along with nature and our surroundings. So how did we come to be in this wonderful, amazing place?
I guess I'll start it since I'm here. And I started talking about it a little bit. So again, I started when I was 18. I started by finding a wake up book called To Ride a Silver Broomstick. And that was the first book I ever read. I was born and indoctrinated into Protestant religion for many, many years. And
It was a very removal or subtracting religion. You can't do this. You can't do that. You got to subtract this from your life, this from your life. It was very much like you are in this world. That's always what they say. You're in this world, but not of this world. And with all of that, I always had questions.
Sunday school was always kind of like a situation where I would be asking questions because it didn't make sense to me, it didn't make sense. It didn't fit, I was trying to fit a square into a hole and it never made sense. So when my parents divorced, when I was very, very young, I took the opportunity that there was chaos in the household to introduce a little chaos myself and say, I am not going back to church.
you cannot make me go to church, although they had been making me going to church for so long, but I was finally able to say, nope, not doing it anymore. I want to find other paths. And when I got that first book when I was 18, that was just the one of the books that I explored. I explored Kabbalah, I explored Buddhism, I explored Hinduism because I was very clearly searching for
for something, searching for answers and searching for something that needs it. And I spent so many years doing that.
I kept getting these books that were mostly pagan, mostly heathen, mostly occult. And I started devouring them and really reading them. And that's the path that I was like, this mixed in with a little bit of Buddhism, that's me, that's me. And I made that connection for myself, very personal for me, right?
So once I started really figuring out and connecting all that stuff for myself, it became a very personal practice as I believe it should be. And that's when I really started getting into, I've researched all these other religions, if you will, or practices, and I've really found that this is the best way for me. So ever since I started back up in 2014, I've really been
diving in, like hardy, hardy, you know, diving in into what I am doing right now. So that's kind of how I got to be here. And me through so many more things. Right? Yeah. That's amazing. I love it. I love it. But I love hearing everybody is like journeys to whatever their belief is. I like hearing, you know, and I'm sure as we go on, we're going to have more and more conversations on this and
you know, deep dive in specifics, but I still love hearing how, you know, there's always that something, something wasn't just right. And I just had to keep looking. I just had to keep looking. Yeah. I like that. I was like, yeah. And as an important part, I believe of like getting to know who you are, getting to know yourself, your individuality, how you express yourself in this role. Your spirituality has got to match up with that because of the life, you know? Right. For sure. I love it. Love it.
I think you how did you make that. Yeah. So different from you guys, I was not at all in a religious household whatsoever. There was no religion at all. The only time that there was was when my mom was engaged to somebody who is part of the Catholic faith. And in order for them to be married and everything like that, we had to be baptized, go through all of that stuff. So
I was a Catholic altar girl, really wasn't into organized religion, you know, during this time too, I'm a bookworm. So I spent a lot of time at the public library. Yeah, I was reading just and mind you, this is like early 90s, early 90s, just reading anything that I possibly can.
different beliefs, ancient beliefs, cults, everything, everything trying to find something that fit. One thing that I did know was my connection with nature. That was my one thing. Not with just, you know, like being outside and when we say nature, we're just like nature know the connection of
you know, the air on my face, the sun shining on me, you know, ground beneath me, the bugs around me, like everything, that connection. I knew there was something with that. And that was my big thing. I was like, I have this huge connection. Why? Why do I have that? Sometimes we don't lose that connection when we're, you know, we grow up with that connection. And some of us get to keep it, which is amazing that right. And at a young age, I mean, it was definitely like,
And I didn't have words for it because I couldn't find anything for it because they didn't have like the books that they had on witchcraft in the public library were more educational books on witchcraft. So it was like Salem witch trials. It was, you know, which is in the UK. It was, yeah, like that type of stuff. It wasn't, you know, like anything that was new, quote unquote, new age, so to say, or even if you want to talk about like Alexandrian and like
Um, yeah, yeah. Like they didn't even have that stuff. So there wasn't any, I didn't have a name for it. I didn't know what it was until my aunt, one of my aunts, she is a practitioner and she all of a sudden I had to been like probably eight, nine years old. And she's like, I think you would benefit from this book. And it was a Scott Cunningham book. It was Scott Cunningham, solitary practitioner. Yeah. And I.
I am not at all Wiccan. Um, that, that is not a path. It was something I used that as this was something that I could put a name finally to it. Right. Yeah, exactly. That's what it was. So from there is when I started going into, and I grew up in like way Northeast Wisconsin, right on the border of Wisconsin in the UP. So our bookstores were not. Oh yeah. Sure.

Megan's Nature Connection and Herbalism

And, and even coming down to Green Bay, um, you know, their bookstores are going to be all, I mean, now I go into bookstores and I'm like, Oh my God, even at, you know, some other places that you wouldn't even think about, like if five below and stuff like that. And I was like, where was this when I was growing up? Like this, this could have helped me. Um, so it was a lot.
It was a lot of, I like to call just like free range learning. So I started like foraging. I started kind of foraging, kind of getting comfortable with the plants around me, which then fueled my practice, my belief practice as well.
I am also I do like to be called a hedge witch or kitchen witch, I guess you can kind of say that because like, I, whatever I make, that's my passion. You haven't mentioned that you're like, an herbalist. She's like a hardcore, like, has the certification. Your brain is so incredible. And you haven't even mentioned it. I know. That's important. She's so smart, y'all. She's so smart. I am. I'm a certified herbalist and also a certified aromatherapist. So like, I love I mean,
I love the scientific aspect of what the plants and everything do for us. But I also love that, that new age mystery about it. Right. That human belief. That's what it is. It's the human belief. I am a big time believer in like karmic life. So my life that I'm living right now is a result of my life's past.
So in this life, I can recognize my wrongs and I can change that and lead a more fulfilling life. So then my next lifetime, it'll be better for me until I hit enlightenment, right? So, you know, now I love it because the stuff that I've been through in my life, I can say that my belief practice has gotten me through. It has like made me the person that I am has always grounded me.
But I love it so much because it's not put in a box. I can make it what I want it. That's what I love. That's the beauty of a personal practice. Beautiful. Right. And it's just, yeah. So I'm excited to talk more about it. But we got lots of stuff to talk about today.

Heather's Spiritual Awakening

So I'm now going to pass the ball on over to Heather.
All right, well, I think that leads to me then. I guess I'll have kind of a long story and I'll try to keep it just a quick note. So I grew up in a religious cult when, and it was very normal for members who, well, I shouldn't say normal because I was one of the first kingdom kids to grow up in like the church.
Whatever. There was a whole process for becoming a quote unquote member of the church that you had to go through where it was just like a process of studying the Bible and writing the scripture and confessing your sins.
Basically going through this process to like become an official number before you get baptized. You don't hear the baptism process. And when I got to the age of 13, you know, having been indoctrinated into it, I was like, yes, let's do this. I am ready to become a member. Like I found age thought that I was going to.
grow up and become like a member, like a leader in the church. And having grown up in it, I was one of the first children that were in the church once it was established. So from the time I was three years old, I was in it. And I went through the process and it was kind of, it was really weird, especially like, whatever, I can get into this whole part later. Anyway, I got baptized and
was devastated because I didn't feel any different. I thought going into this process and going through this long traumatizing process of like confessing my sins, which were not many. I was a 13 year old girl who had grown up in the church and like followed. I was a good girl. Anyways, I remember calling my
She was called the Cycler, basically my mentor, my peer mentor. The morning after, being like, I was crying to her on the phone about how I didn't feel any different.
And I've accepted some kind of like transformation to take place. And we're like, oh, you're accepting this into your heart and becoming a child and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I felt no different. And I was, I felt like, lied to.
Yeah, devastating to a child who's only 13. I mean, your world is literally crumbling. I'm so sorry you went through that. So that was really what triggered me to start questioning my surroundings and the things that I was being told and wanting to learn more about myself. Well, one thing that I knew was that I loved nature. I loved being outside out of the house.
by the trees, by water. I grew up in Milwaukee, so Lake Michigan was near. We eventually moved to New Berlin and I remember there was like a park area that had a creek and a bridge that went over the creek and there was trees and that was like my spot. That's where I would go. Amazing. To ground. And what I thought was, well what they told me, which was like having a quiet time every
was like a requirement like if you were a good Christian every single morning you were reading the Bible and reading with a self-help book and praying so my favorite part of that was getting outside and going for a walk and praying but what I recognize that as now is that was like an energy exchange between the universe and I you know
I know now, I feel now, I believe now it wasn't me speaking to this almighty deity, it was just me connecting. Connecting to this. Yes. So anyway, I eventually I left at 18, moved out of my house, moved in with my father for the first time, went to college, and this was
a completely new beginning for me, completely starting over and really trying to, having the freedom to try to figure out who I was. And in this time, my life got twisted upside down and I met my husband and
Um, I thought I was going to graduate college and I was going to move back to Milwaukee and I was going to teach in the city and I was going to be poor because I was going to be a teacher. So I was going to live in like a lost apartment somewhere in downtown and like, um, like a studio apartment is what I thought. And like that was what I thought for myself. That was what I envisioned. It was very simple.
I didn't picture myself being old. I didn't know how long I was going to live. I was just like, whatever. That was my very simple plan. I go to college, become a teacher, move back to Milwaukee, live alone. I never planned on being in a relationship. I never planned on getting married and having kids. None of it. I didn't think that was part of my plan. Well, I met my husband very
life took me in a completely, I guess, domesticated situation that I didn't know what was happening, I guess, basically. I feel like I really lost myself just trying to be good, just trying to be a good mom and trying to be a good wife, trying to be a good employee, whatever, just trying to be good and maybe just be human. Yeah, yeah, I totally get that.
I started looking into and getting interested in my family tree and just started doing research and was talking to my dad, who was not, my dad was not a part of the cult. It was my mother and my stepfather that were. So I was talking with my dad and he was... Can I ask a question? Yeah. Was it your mother who was more drawn to the cult or was it your stepfather that was?
Um, it was a sense of safety for my mother. It's a long story, but she found safety and community for the first time in her life. She was a vulnerable, young, single mother with a traumatizing past. Right. The type of people that that's where they get you. Yeah. When you're vulnerable and my
long story but they were kind of like almost like an arranged marriage um and my mother did eventually leave the church for reasons that are weird um and my stepdad to my knowledge is still in it but i've been no contact with them for so long i really don't have any way of knowing anything yeah anymore
Yeah, which is I'm sure is that brings a sense of peace. Yeah. Yes, 100%. Yes. Yeah. I just before I went no contact with my mother, she had left for reasons of her own. And anyway, she was always really like in the plants.
really more like spiritual, kind of a hippie-ish kind of. And my dad was, my biological father was also, or claimed to be very spiritual in a tarot.
things like that like he and like meditation and like he's weirdly into like Native American stuff like why you're super white but like he's kind of obsessed with it.
And so I just started like looking into stuff online. And I found, you might recognize this name or not, I don't know, Harmony Nice was like a YouTube channel around the 2017, 2018 era. And she was like this girl in the UK somewhere.
that was really witchy and I think she was Wiccan, I can't remember for sure, but I remember finding her page and being like super drawn to the idea of connecting with nature and then also finding and exchanging your energy and your power along with nature and what's around you and like connecting to the energy around you.
And that's kind of what led me into starting to research things. Something that you said that really stuck out to me was the fact that your mom was kind of into some of the things. My mom, although very, very Protestant, very, very Protestant, was very much in the earth, very much into traditional, folkloric,
kind of tabooish, rent-home remedies, you know? And she can stand there and she can tell me that she's not a witch, but then I look at the things that she doesn't mean. And then I look at the things that she does for healing. And then I look at the little potions she comes up with whenever she's got a sore throat. And I know she's doing witchcraft, you know what I mean? That's exactly it. And you know, I think that's what I recognized with her was that I recognized that organized religion had changed
the soul of who she was and how she viewed herself and really was very restricting to us in the household as women especially. We were always told it was our job to obey the man of the house.
and follow all those rules and it was prideful or sinful to seek these things out that were not like wonderful of the Lord. And so there was that restriction, but I always had a pull to it. I was always very interested in it, even though I wasn't allowed to go there. Even Harry Potter was like,
My mom was like, I am going to be nice and let you watch Harry Potter. But, you know, we had like a discussion about it beforehand because it was witchcraft and wizardry, which is not of the Lord and like, be careful, whatever.
Anyways. Oh my gosh. It's really my mom. Because when I would be in it, I would remember literally standing on the window on Halloween night and watching every single kid in the neighborhood literally walk down the street with their baskets full of candy. And I would ask my mom like, why am I not participating? Why am I, as a child, I knew this. I was like, everybody else is doing it. Why are we not? Why are we with our lights out?
trying to act like we're not home, you know? And she said, well, you don't celebrate that. That's, you know, that's, you know, whatever, you know, and I'm like, you know, like, but I want to have like a normal talk like everybody else does, you know, like very restrictive and you see everybody else having like these normal traditions that they build with their families and you being like kept out of that. It makes you wonder why. And then you start looking into
We didn't have any family traditions for any of the holidays. Not even for, well, my growing up life was not the best. And we did not come from money at all. So even Halloween and stuff like that was not an extravagant holiday. My mom's birthday is the day after.
Christmas, though there was no celebration of Christmas. We didn't have much of a family, so like Thanksgiving, things like that for the parties, like no celebrations. So like here you guys like talk about, I love that. I love hearing you guys talk about how those little nuances of like Halloween for you for today, for instance. Like those things that we sometimes would take for granted or not think about how you as a child wanted to participate or even like you Heather,
you know, with being quiet and stuff and being that submissive and follow and everything.

Heather's Rebellion and Self-discovery

When my mom was chaotic, I was watching faces of that when I was seven years old. Like I had no, like it was feral, feral growing up. Like I had no adult supervision at all. So
I feel like... Don't get me wrong, I was not quiet and this was problematic in my household. I have always had a strong, independent, questioning
personality. I always want to stand up for myself, which does not go over well in a household that's religious where I am supposed to submit and be obedient. Right. And forgiving. In the patriarchy, like literally kind of speaking up for herself. How dare you? Oh, it did not go well, which is why I moved out the day after I graduated high school.
Yes. No, it was, I'm a fighter. I'm a fighter. I've always had to be a fighter and I've had to learn how to be selfish. I also left when I was 19 also, so very similar situation here. My mom was like, you know, you're done. And I was like, okay. Similar. So I guess getting back to
My journey, it started out very superficial. I started talking to one of my half sisters who's younger than me, who's no longer with us, unfortunately, about what I was learning and
She was also simultaneously learning about the same things we didn't know and we started talking about it together and we were talking about our family tree together and when I was learning about that and she was talking to me about the things that she was learning about witchcraft and I was like basically all kind of coming together at once and it was amazing to have
my sister learning the same things and just someone going along this journey with me. Unfortunately she passed away and so I lost that but still
continued my journey. I did have a medium once describe her to me and tell me that whenever I was working on my witchcraft, on my candles, that she was in the background excited. She did this like in the background excited.
basically along this journey with me still, and that was extremely comforting to me and I think always will be. So it's good to know that our ancestors and our kin are always looking down on us, always encouraging us. And that's really, I mean, God, amazing that you had at least one family member who was with you in that. My dad did that for me a little bit. Like my dad, we talk about kind of like weird things and more spiritual things.
But I don't really have, like, any family of course, because most of my family is still in the church, still super Protestant. So gee, that's the kind of thing. So I can't really talk to them about that, but that's why I have you guys. Yeah. That's always a fun part. That's always a good part.
So um let's let's talk about what's what's really what's really what are you digging right now that's really really cool what's your favorite thing out of all of your it could be a tool that you're feeling that you're really feeling for the eclipse coming up or something that our favorite book that you're hanging on to right now what is like flippy witching now i'm with you what is your favorite item right now that you are really vibing with and you're really good at
So I, I got some cool things up at, uh, dumb, at that dental, something that I saw that was super cool, is a green on it.
mortar and pestle. That's beautiful. Wow. It was under $40, guys. Wow. That's gorgeous. That's absolutely gorgeous. Oh, it's so nice to find new tools out there in the world. But that was the secondary thing. My number one thing that I'm really happy about is I got this.
in. Okay. So he is an artist and he drew these very whimsical cats but as he he ended up having schizophrenia so like he would draw these beautiful cats like this and as his disease was progressing his art. Yeah. Wow.
Yeah. And they're all of the packs. So this book is like a tear out one where you can actually tear out the prints and frame them. I love that. They're gonna go up on my wall going up up the stairs. So like I was like, Oh, that is awesome. Oh, that's awesome. And you found them both at the same show at the same damn show. I found the book. I found the book. Obviously, I just got that on Amazon because I was like, um, does that like
art. Well, I like art who doesn't like art. And I like to find different artists and kind of explore different artists and things like that. And, you know, I love Salvador Dali. And I like those really weird, high, you know, of artists in those accessible ones. And I always I was like, you know, I'm an adult. And, and I can buy things as an adult. And you know what I want? I go, I want
I want my stairwell to be covered in the kitchen for cats. Oh yeah, absolutely. So this is the one thing about adulting that I honestly like because everything else pretty much sucks, okay? You're gonna feel, you're gonna like call your insurance company and be like, why did my insurance go up? I mean, nobody likes to do that shit. It's so, so lame. Don't do it.
I buy stickers. I love stickers. I am a 46 year old woman who loves to cover her shapes and stickers. And I will never apologize for that because those are the little treats that I give myself so that I can live and look at my things and be like, hell yeah. Look at my shitting goal. That was cool. Or like get it from experiences or whatever. Yeah. When you go to the tattoo convention, I go there to pick up literally to meet tattoo artists and to pick up their stickers.
I love that. That is awesome. I am so happy. I also have a book that's like that, a poster book as well as Tarot, but it's of, it's a design book. So it's mostly of like posters and like graphics of like the shows we have come to show. Okay. So it's a really cool, cool book of like all these bands and they're cool posters that they design and put all over again on like an advertisement show. So that's really cool.
Heather, what about you? Do you have anything cool that you are enjoying right now? Really awesome stuff. I just got, I also went to a crystal show with like that, that cool fair that I showed you guys, right? Although I wish I could have gotten stuff from that one vendor that I showed you where she had like the chicken
Yeah, that's amazing. Yes. Yeah, maybe in like the link information where the link information is we can put their information. Oh my gosh, this artist.
had so much cool, basically she's a taxidermist and she had a bunch of taxidermied hearts of different animals that were really cool. And then she also had the chicken
feet. She had like a fan with feathers and outfit, comfy too. And yeah, and necklaces. So cool. So cool. We'll have to link her information. But anyway, I also got a couple of gems and these I feel like have really been helping me energetically. So the first one is this, is the labels.
Labeled as a black sunstone and it says black sunstone creates a protective space that allows you to release whatever isn't serving you and then fills that space with a nurturing energy that facilitates self healing.
When used in meditation, black sunstone is said to open and activate the solar plexus chakra, which aids in manifesting intentions and desires. It also is believed to bring joy, lightheartedness, and optimism into one's life. Nice. Oh, I got that one in this mokite jasmine. Oh, I do like the white deposits on that. It's very cool.
And this one called to me too, it says, is a nurturing stone that supports and sustains during times of stress. It brings peace and the feeling of fullness. Mochite helps us with decision making, specifically
when we are having a difficult time. So I have been having a difficult time. I mean, if mythology is anything right now, it's just... Oh my goodness. So I really feel like they've both since
welcoming these into my life. I keep them underneath my computer. I'm at my computer a lot for work. I really feel like it's helping me be like more focused and more optimistic and helping you making decisions as well because I've been making so many decisions. Learning business stuff and all kinds of stuff like family stuff going
So I really feel like these came into my life exactly what I needed them. Nice. The universe is always providing, always providing. I do want to bug you guys a little bit about the eclipse. So we'll talk about that in a little bit and what we're thinking about that. But I want to share with you guys my favorite item of the year.
This is, it's a tarot deck of mushrooms called Midnight Magic. And it's actually my most favorite tarot deck at the moment. It actually just goes into, because I want to learn about mushrooms, I want to learn about foraging and stuff like that. So it kind of gives you the name of the mushroom. It's educational. Yes. So if you can check out. Yes. It is a very cool, very cool
very educational type of tarot deck. And it's, I love the artwork. I love the artwork. It's very ethereal, the cardstock because I am a cardstock freak. Yeah, for sure. It is nice and sturdy, not too thick, which makes for nice handling. And it's just a really, and it's black, it's all black, and then all the drawings, you know. It's beautiful. It is gorgeous, and you know,
I was, yeah, and I was really proud of myself. I was like, damn, that's a good find. I'm going to learn about some mushrooms. I'm also going to read my tarot and make sure. And you know, it's always nice to have something that's like earthy like this. I feel like this deck is very connected to earth, very connected to the ground, very connected to nature. So if there's anything in particular that I know I want to ask in regards to mother nature and speaking to me, I know she will use this as a conduit to get me any kind of info.
that she needs to. So, very excited about that. I love the educational aspect to it as well. I'm horrible at memorizing things. I am a resource girly, even when I'm teaching and I'm asked questions by students, I'm like, let's use our resources. Where did we see that information? Let's go look at where we saw that information.
get the information straight from where we got it initially. So I love it when we can incorporate the things that we love like notebooks and tarot cards with also learning.
Yeah, I love to study. Study is one of the, it's really the biggest part of my practice. Yeah. Study of things, the study of astrology. I'm currently diving into, I've been sitting bone throwing for the past like year and just really diving into the different types of
um areas that actually did phone throwing as it's home of divination and how they defer between each other it's been really interesting and that's uh i love pen and paper i love notebooks um my office is a mess because it's chaos incarnate but it's like constructive educational chaos because i know where everything is and i know where all my pens and paper clips are it's silly but i hear you i'm taking a picture
Yes, I'm a big, big, big advocate for learning. And in all of the things that I do, you know, you're constantly learning. And that's my whole play. Everything, every person, every interaction is either a lesson or a blessing. Something you can learn from it, every, you know, positive or negative. There's always something, so you never stop learning. But then to have those resources when you're able to incorporate it into your practice,
as an easy reference because our brains yeah we only use a small amount of our brains and there's ways that you can activate more parts of your brain there's ways that you can um you know restore memory and stuff but we only can store so much here right
And I'm one of those, one of those people that sometimes if they have to learn something new, something old. This is why I have three and four Book of Shadows because I need to write down information as a studious researcher in me. I need to have it written down somewhere and all of my notebooks are all categorized in between year and like timeframe and stuff like that. I am very methodical in the way I kind of do my research and it's, it's, it's the studious
And speaking of academia, let's talk a little bit about astrology. It's been banana lately. It's been crazy with everything that's going on. The eclipse is actually tomorrow.
Damn the man save the Empire. Hey, yeah, right baby Empire get out of that movie is top five for me. Any day, any other day. This has to come on.
It's a sexy sun. It's a sexy place. You're like, oh, it's sexy, but you can't see how sexy I am. You can't see how sexy I am.
Have you guys heard anything about using the solar and the solar eclipse power and what you should

Exploring Solar Eclipse Energy in Witchcraft

use it for? That's kind of what I want to talk about because I've heard of course, you know, mixed, mixed information. And with that, you should do anything during the eclipse. You should not do anything during the eclipse. So what is your opinion? What do you guys think? It's hard because it depends on what you practice, right?
So I'm a very sun-drawn practitioner, like, yes, and we had, you know, earlier this week kind of briefly talked about that, but like, very, very so much so a sun practitioner versus like a moon practitioner. So the eclipse, when I look at it, is a different type of power. It's still nourishing, it's still amplifying, but you're doing it almost in like, not a negative to where it's like a bad part, but it's just a different type of energy.
So it's just a little bit of a different energy used for different things. So whatever, however it is in practice, that's how that's going to affect it. But with more of the activity of what the sun's been doing on the other hand, that adds in some more things. We've had an increase in sun flares. And we also have had larger magnetic spot on the sun.
that are becoming more prominent. So there's a lot of different things when you're going into solar stuff that goes into contributing to what is the actual energy for the eclipse. There's some who use it as worshiping for a deity. ancient Egyptians would use that as a sign for you to give up for a certain deity. And if you practice in
And thanks to both deities, maybe there isn't an eclipse energy tied to that, depending on what it is. I do like it. It's chaotic. It's not your regular energy. It's more chaotic energy. But like everything else, chaotic energy has a very particular use. It has a very particular energy that you can put towards things that you want to manifest or not manifest, or if you want to call an action. I mean, that for me is really
what I see. I see a call to action with the sun being as powerful as it is and as hot and warm as it is, moving forward, action, rejecting heat, you know. So I'm going to use, I'm going to definitely put out some water and I'm going to put out some oils to charge. And because we were well here in Musco, we'll get a partial solar eclipse. I think if I read correctly, it was between like
12 50 and like 3 p.m And it's supposed to be raining too. So here's the other taker So instead of like you're putting out water to let that rain watch it. Yeah collect every day So absolutely I just put the jar out there put it open let that water collect with that energy coming down and Then I'm gonna start to beat that kind of plan. What can I use that energy? I
I've been actually using water for scrying a lot lately so that might be a good way because I've been practicing scrying a lot in just different types of divinations like flame, gazing,
and stuff like that. So I think that would be good water, good water to scry with, good water to play with. So maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll collect enough to be able to do both a little bit of the ritual and then a little bit of the scrying over here. I love that. I'm super intimidated by the energy of the eclipse. The chaotic energy is really what I spend a lot of time avoiding.
So much of my practice is about bringing peace and bringing healing and manifesting whatever you're trying to manifest. The chaos and the chaotic energy of it is really making me want to shy away from doing a whole lot of anything with it.
I don't want more chaos. I'm intimidated by the chaos. I'm trying to avoid the chaos if there's something that brings peace or protection.
or growth or manifestation that I'm like, yes, I want to know more about that. I want to work with that. And I'm frankly intimidated by anything else to work with it personally. Now, am I excited to learn about it and to see it in action? And am I going to be cheering you on when you're working? Absolutely. But it's not something that I'm
interested in like welcoming right at this point in my practice now maybe you can start with supercharging like yeah being a lunar one before you start with the sun and maybe using that as a supercharger to anything else because it's such potent energy and yes it can be chaotic but i think if you redirect the energy and roll it to what you want to be it can just supercharge
whatever it is that you're putting on too. One thing I was excited about was talking about how the eclipse is really a great time for like new beginnings or supercharging. That's a good word. Like basically that's all I can think of right now. Supercharging the path that you're wanting to go on. Like realizing, figuring out what path you're wanting.
and using that energy to make it happen. And that's definitely something I'm excited about. There's new things that I have in my brain and in the works that I'm planning on starting at the end of the month.
After we get back from our vacation and that is something that I'm so tomorrow I'm going to be teaching When this eclipse is happening So I'll be in a classroom and I don't know if I'm gonna have a window or not But I'm gonna be teaching and we're probably not gonna be if they think if the school does something Like I don't know
So yeah, glasses would be super cool. And I would love that. I just don't know for sure. You never know. But I'm hoping like the last two days, it's been wrong about the weather. It says that it was raining yesterday and today and hasn't rained yet. So I'm hoping that it's going to not rain at all or be cloudy at all. But supposedly in our area, it's going to be. We'll see.
Amazing. Yeah. And I'm at least with the fact that I'll be teaching because that's a way for me to welcome income. I'm really, I'm focusing. I'm getting a lot more focused with you, with my business. And so that's, that's going to be my main goal. It's amazing. I'm excited for you. I'm excited to see where you go. You are, you are amazing and brilliant. And I hope that you're amazing and brilliant.
And I think I'm thinking about the future here. I'm thinking about that. This is going to air after the eclipse already. So it'd be nice for the next time when we meet up, if we can talk about our expectations versus what actually took place, how we felt during that time. Cause I know my anxiety has been much better the last couple of days, but you never know what's going to happen tomorrow. It'd be a big, big day energy. So.
When we meet up again, we'll talk about what happened and how we reacted and how it felt about emotions. I like that. I hear that guy's going to talk about emotions. Oh boy.
This is something that I've kind of been diving into and I hope that you guys will join me in this little adventure I wanted to talk about next week or next time I guess I should say not next week next time about rituals Do you guys have any rituals for new moon and full moon? celebrations and if so
what are those if you're willing to share or if you're willing to like just share a little bit of part of it because I really I'm really trying to design my rituals at this moment redesign them to incorporate several different things and I just kind of I'm curious about what you guys do for those events if I do anything. Yeah. Let's talk about it.

Conclusion and Next Episode Tease

Thank you all so much for joining us. We hope you'll join us again for our next episode, and it will be released in June. That episode will be the second episode of our first season. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for the exact drop date. On Instagram and TikTok, we're listed on theirspeakingofwhich.pod.