Plus, if you're struggling right now and you don't share this with your friends or partner, you're also destroying those relationships.
In this Micro-Dose episode, you’ll learn:
This episode is all about asking for help! Please be sure to tag me @garethpickering on Instagram and share this episode with your community to spread the word if you or someone you know has benefited from this content! I love to hear about all your experiences. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes in order to receive a free meditation to reclaim your power. Just screenshot it before submitting it and email it to my team at, and I will see you in the next episode.
If you enjoyed this episode, make sure you also check out Episode #56 Love, Life & Leadership - Lessons for Success with Toni Versic.
“We’re magnificent, and we’re broken” - Tom Hirons.
An integrated leader recognises that we all have inner work to do. So, these new-paradigm leaders seek out people, processes, and places that support them in recognising and integrating their blind spots.
Each month, Fathers Sons Brothers host the King's Circle, a two-hour transformational leadership training experience. It’s a men-only space where visionaries gather to learn tools and frameworks that make them better communicators and more integrated leaders.
When you regularly invest in this type of training:
All growth after puberty is optional and the men who attend our circle have a growth mindset like you.
We support each other in becoming the new paradigm of courageous leaders we've been waiting for.