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USA Election Donald Trump/Kamala Harris (Featuring Political Strategist Amul Madan) | Deshaun Watson NFL Football Future | Pete Rose & MLB Hall of Fame? image

USA Election Donald Trump/Kamala Harris (Featuring Political Strategist Amul Madan) | Deshaun Watson NFL Football Future | Pete Rose & MLB Hall of Fame?

Ball & Buds Sports + Entertainment
29 Plays4 months ago

USA Presidential Election Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris ft. Political Strategist Amul Madan

From "Mind of the Professor" #4 ft. Omar 'The Professor' Fonseca (X @ MVPSMB)


Other Show Topics:

MLB #mlb Pete Rose Baseball #baseball Hall of Fame Debate

NFL #nfl Deshaun Watson/Cleveland Browns Football #football 

Future USA #usa Presidential Election Facts (Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris)  

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Introduction and Episode Preview

toe, release the flow created by this mic pro. Life cameras get low.
and you have no need to know You can't prepare now get ready for the show
Yo, yo, yo, what up? What up? What up, friends? How are we doing today? You know who it is. Omar the Professor Fonseca here with another int installment of Mind of the Professor. Yes.
you get an in-depth look into not only my mind, but the way that I like to see things through the world, my lens, seeing things from both sides of the perspective. And today that is going to entail a lot because one of our subjects will be the election. And no, I'm not looking to sway anyone's vote. And neither do I think there should be any undecided voters at this point.
uh if you are well i don't know what to tell you but what i do come to do is give you the facts from both sides of the aisle for you to take that for which you will that will be coming up at the end so make sure you look forward to that and you already know if you're subscribed to ball and buds b a l l a n d b u d s on youtube or instagram you will see these videos or if you follow me on facebook Shout out if you're in the Bottom Line Sports Group watching us there.

Pete Rose and MLB Controversies

If not, make sure you join the Bottom Line Sports Facebook Group for all the good sports content we will be on tomorrow night before all the election coverage at 8pm.
Eastern. So make sure you look out for that as well. Look out for Clubber D the combat GM myself in our next combat sports special. But for now, this is the mind of the professor. That's what you tuned in for. You see the topics on the bottom bar. First, we're going to dive into a little bit of MLB Uh, rest in peace to pete rose. We're going to talk pete rose and his candidacy for the hall of fame We will also talk, uh, deshan watson the now injured prayers up for deshan watson's injury, uh in his nfl future And what the browns can do in this situation we're going to dive into all of it and then lastly we are going to talk about the election and again
I'm not coming here to sway any votes or give you even my opinion. I am just here to give you the facts as Always so again. Thank you for tuning in make sure you're subscribed at Ball and Buzz shout out to everyone who is tuned in I see people are piling in so thank you. Thank you. Thank you for coming in We are on instagram youtube and facebook again. So first of all, let's start off I know the uh, um Recently, we had a death right with the MLB. Pete Rose, the hit king from baseball, actually ah recently passed away at age 83. He was a 17-time All-Star. He was the league's all-time hitter with 4,256 hits over a 24-season career. But he was banned for gambling.
He bet on his own team while he was the manager of the Cincinnati Reds. He ah bet on his own team, which is illegal in pretty much every sport, but especially Major League Baseball. Major League Baseball then ah Well, the Hall of Fame, which is its its own separate entity, but, you know, they work hand in hand, made it ineligible for anyone on the and MLB's banned list to be ah inducted to the Hall of Fame. Pete Rose was then never inducted to the Hall of Fame. Well, when you have the person who has the most hits ever in your league not inducted to the Hall of Fame, that brings a little bit of a side eye. You know what I mean? Little side eye action to what you're actually doing.
So let's dive in a little further into this and see if Pete Rose actually Deserves or deserves not to be in the Hall of Fame and then after that we will jump into Deshaun Watson's future and how we Are taking the facts of both sides of his not only sexual assault cases, but what his football future will be So again, thank you all for being tuned in baseball's Hall of Fame's mission statement includes this I quote to preserve the sports history, honor excellence within the game, and make a connection between generations of people who enjoy baseball.
Well, we know that the steroid error, for instance, was one of the most fun errors to watch in baseball. Obviously tainted with the use of performance-enhancing drugs, um the likes of the godfather of steroids, my favorite baseball player of all time, Jose Conseco. So I know this subject very intimately. Shout out, Jose. And then also, what about Barry Bonds and Roger Clement?
These are two of the greatest players in MLB baseball history, also not in the Hall of Fame due to their connection to steroids. So, different ways you can be excluded from the Hall of Fame. Now, let's talk about the Hall itself. Since posting an all-time high revenue of $24 million back in 2016-17, the most recent available statement, a two years later in 2019,
saw their revenue fall almost my half to 14 billion dollars. Some say that the time can be attributed to the non-profit of refusal to accept some of the bigger yet fainted names and stars of the game, and surely Pete Rose would agree. Pete Rose, before he died, all he wanted, he wanted nothing more to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
The stats would tell you that he deserved to be inducted into the Hall of Fame. But because of the spurious allegations tied to his gambling when he was active, he was, again, banned from that. This has been a law running in August, and it first happened on August 24, 1989.
nine um Since then, he rose his applied role while he was alive, applied multiple times to be reinstated and be let in the Hall of Fame. Every commissioner, including now Commissioner Rob Manford, denied his application.
and ah and So a lot of people, after his death, are now calling for him to be inducted, saying it was a lifetime ban, and lifetime indicates that you would only be banned for the time that you're alive and not posthumously. Posthumously. Excuse me. Jeez.
ah So, how do we need to look at this? Well, we need to look at this, as you know, this is why you come here for the fact, you come here for the research nuance, you come here for both sides. So, thinking about this, shout out Canteen, my brother, I appreciate you, Bottom Line Sports. So, looking at this from both sides, looking at look at this from the MLB side.
One MLB rule is that if athletes are caught betting on games in which the better has a so-called duty to perform, meaning they're actually involved in the game, manager, player, ah team, ah bat boy, ah team, water water, not water boy, watch man, the guy that watches the clothes, things like that.
ah Recently, there was an MLB player Rafael Marcano from the San Francisco Giants who got banned for placing 387 bets, totaling over $150,000, betting on games involving his own ah team. ah This is exactly what Pete Rose had done as well. Now, cheating in baseball goes back a long time, as we know, all the way back to the 1919 Black Sox
This has been a rule for a long time and there is not really a difference between player, coach, you're not allowed to do it at all. And even though game fixing wasn't even illegal back in 1919, it was obviously still frowned upon as they were banned ah from you know ah the sport. All the players were banned from the sport, including Shoeless Joe Jackson, someone, a well-known name.
but MLB and gambling has been intertwined for a long time as well. Even when, if you I didn't know this until I was actually researching this this case or my ah you you know this debate, Willie Mays and Mickey Mantle were both shortly banned.
and then later reinstated from baseball for taking PR jobs with casinos. That blew my mind but you know they were just trying to be like you know kind of like OJ was for Hertz you know just a pitch man things like that a little PR with public relations job with them but that was a no-no and they were I did not know that those two, two of the greatest of all time were even banned for that little bit. But you've got to look at it like that. Because nowadays, look at it. They're intertwined everywhere. Fandule, DraftKings, ESPN Bet, Caesars, whatever you want, right? they These leagues and these gambling entities are intertwined because everybody's making money hand over fist off of the gambling that is being done. So do we need to take a separate different look at it now?
that the circumstances have changed, some would tell you so. I would be one of those people that think things need to be at least re-examined. But when it comes to Pete Rose, it gets a lot deeper than that. Pete Rose is a lot more difficult of a subject to um and just say, hey, let's let him in, even though his he's he's passed away, because of things that happened when he was still alive.
The first and ah most most minor in my eyes is that he lied about it. For the first 14 years after he was Banned for the first 14 year he denied it. He said it didn't happen. He said he didn't do it ah So and again in my eyes that the the least of the things that he did incorrectly But still really big to try to lie about it When you're trying to get back into the Hall of Fame and ah applying for it You should have at least admitted it by then but there's also something else
ah Back in 2017, Pete Rose was charged with sexual misconduct. Back then, he had engaged in a relationship in 1973, a sexual relationship with a woman identified as Jane Doe because she was underage. She was 14 and or 15. Now,
Aside from the fact that that's freaking disgusting just to begin with when you're a grown-ass man And you're a famous is baseball player man. You can't get you just can't go get a regular woman. like Come on, man. Anyways He admitted to having sex with her ah But he said he thought she was 16. Ohio's age of consent again Besides the fact it's disgusting, ah this happened. um And he tried to deny having sex with her outside of Ohio as if that made it any better. Anyways, that's where things start to get a little dicey as you see. Now, we may be looking at other sides of his character and saying, well, does he belong in the Hall of Fame where other standards of excellence need to be also debated? I know it is a Hall of Fame. I know it is where you put people for your statistics, but
Let's be honest, a lot of times, most of the time, character is also taken into account, you know, as it is within the presidential election, which again, stay tuned. We're going to give you all the facts on the election here in a couple minutes. um But just like in the election, right?
There is no difference as to how you have to look at things. You have to take everything with a conscious eye examining exactly what's in front of you. And a lot of times there's skeletons in the closet that are hidden that you have to dig up in order to say, okay, well, is this really okay? So anyways, moving on, let's move forward to August 7th of 2022. A statue of limitations had expired. Pete Rose is at a Phillies event, Philadelphia Phillies outside of about five years after they had already had to cancel plans to honor him after these allegations came out.
a ah the philadelphia inquires alex coffee who was it who is a woman asked him about these allegations uh he answered with no i'm not here to talk quote no i'm not here to talk about that dot dot dot because it was a longer quote it was 55 years ago comma babe good lord help me lord help me Sir, if there's a woman asking you about sexual misconduct charges or allegations against you at an event where they're trying to honor you while you are also trying to get put into the Hall of Fame and applying multiple times, maybe you want to leave out the babe, okay? Also,

Deshaun Watson Case Analysis

maybe you don't want to say it's 55 years ago and dismiss it like it's nothing.
Just my opinion, but those two things probably did not help his case. Then his autobiography, finally coming out and saying that he did it.
ah But then filing false in false income returns in 1990 move on to 2002 We had a secret meeting with Commissioner Bud Seelig in a Milwaukee hotel to try to get put back in the Hall of Fame ah but then not only not even a About ah a week later. I believe it was he followed with an appearance at a Las Vegas sports book my man Talk about getting, talk about chipping over your own feet. You know what I mean? Like if you're trying to get in, try to, why are you going to go at a sports book? It couldn't have been anywhere else, a sports book. When you're trying to get in from being banned from, see, so there's many, there's many other sides to this story and many bad looks that he had that are also contributing to him not being admitted to the Hall of Fame. So,
facts say are, can he get in in the future? A lot of baseball writers think he should get in now. The only way now that he can get in would either be the classic era committee, which are 16 living hall of famers, executive historians, writers um that would have to elect him. um By the way, they have an election act. They just announced the candidates today for this year. ah Luis Teant, which is one of my favorite players, he was included. ah Dave Parker,
Tommy John, so the person they named the surgery after he's getting inducted, Dick Allen, and Steve Garvey of the Dodgers. May he rest in peace. They're all going to be elected. Could that happen in the future? Right now I would say no, because the same voters that have been keeping them out are these same voters that are still intertwined.
ah That is the older generation as the newer younger generation comes in and the younger younger voters who may even be um ah more likely to let the steroid era players in, we may see these bigger names that were really, really good start to get in. Because again, these players are Hall of Famers. Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, both Hall of Famers before they even started taking steroids.
So does that mean they deserve to be in again? It depends on how you feel about the the amount the amount of grievance that is caused by whatever the issue is that they did betting versus steroids and what happened So again, I'm not here to I'm just here to give the facts and present both sides so you can make your own decision but In my eyes, he is not gonna get elected right now, or inducted right now to the Hall of Fame. He could down the line, as I mentioned, when the viewers get in, and probably will eventually, once the older viewers ah die out and the younger viewers come in. That sounded bad, I didn't wanna use that word, but for lack of a better word. um And Manford has kept passing on the buck to the Hall of Fame, so he's not gonna do anything. And he said Rose hasn't proven enough anyways to deserve that.
So again, is he going to get in? Not now possibly later. If it were me, would I let him in? I believe if you've given him a lifetime ban and he dies, I believe after that, like, come on, man. Let bygones be bygones. He is the the the best hitter of all time. So if you're with me personally, I have changed my stance. I used to say, no, I wouldn't let him in, but now that he's passed away, I i do agree. And I think he should.
ah be let in, but then you open up a little waterway, like where else are you going to go? Are you going to start letting the steroid era players in? I personally am not opposed to it. um There's been a lot of things we've done, they've done in Major League history, like when they not allowed the Negro Leaguers to play or the black ah Spanish players to play, which inflated a lot of the Caucasian and white player statistics. So Again, stives to everything. I would personally let him in now posthumously, posthumously, excuse me, but I would not have before because before he died, he did break the rules and he broke the rules betting on his own team. He knew what he did. He continued to deny it and then continued to trip over his own feet by making bad decisions, making himself in the league look worse. So before I wouldn't have, but now that he's passed, I would.
All right. Thank you all for tuning in. Again, make sure you are subscribed at Ball and Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-T-S. Right now, we get into a little bit more of a sensitive topic. We are going to talk D. Sean Watson and you know everything that has gone on on in his career uh with the sexual assault charges and what the Cleveland Browns and the NFL can do to get out of uh this situation this light is really getting in my eyes so let me turn that down a second my ring light thank you thank you all right so um again let's talk about Deshaun Watson here uh what are the what are the the facts of this case well first of all
As we know, Deshawn Watson has been accused of sexual misconduct by 24 women since 2021.
What is the background on this? Well, this is the background. Deshawn Watson booked massages and massage appointments with 66 women in 17 months, the investigation uncovered. Now, for a professional athlete, you may say, that's not really that many. I may need a massage every day.
Some other people may say, well, the team has masseuses. Why would you need to go get your own private masseuses? No matter how you look at it, I'm just giving you the background. The Houston Texans, though, this is where if issues start to come in. The Houston Texans helped arrange for those massages and on some occasions had the therapists sign NDAs. Why is the team getting involved with the quarterback and having therapists sign NDAs? Hmm.
Little odd, right? Little weird there. Why are you having people sign NDAs on behalf of your quarterback if he's just getting a massage? Anyways, moving on. Just a little weird. Each of the 24 accusers accused sexual misconduct and had a similar ma malfeasances within their allegations. ah Each time, Watson pressuring them into some form of clearly unwanted sexual misconduct, sexual assault sometimes, um but definitely sexual contact. Watson, for his part, has denied all allegations and two grand juries the declined, excuse me, to bring criminal charges. Oh, I just bit the shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, Oh, that was bad. I just had dental work done last week. They told me to be careful. ah Oh, that's going to pain me. Anyways, by the end of 2022,
Watson and the Texans, ah his former franchise, paid at least 30 women to settle the suits that they you know brought against him.
What happened after that? Well, we know the Texans asked for multiple first round draft picks and actually got them from the Cleveland Browns who decided to give up three first round picks, three other picks and a 230 million five year fully guaranteed contract to a man under investigation and allegations from 24 women.
What then happened? Judge Sue Robinson, who presided over the case for the NFL, suspended quarterback Deshawn Watson for six games. The NFL not wanting to look bad after they completely bumbled and completely screwed up the Ray Rice situation after Ray Rice brutally knocked his girlfriend out in the elevator and the NFL had the nerve to give him only two games. So regardless of the fact that that's absolutely ridiculous, they were trying to make up
or they're not looking so good, their you know how their profile was looking in public. So they wanted a year ban. They ended up coming to an agreement that it would be 11 games due to the fact that Judge Sue Robinson said, and I quote,
or not, I quote, I'm paraphrasing the quote rather, Watson's behavior was predatory and amounted to sexual assault. Robinson stressed that while there was no violence involved in the assaults, that the unwanted sexual ah um that the unwanted sexual ah conduct and sometimes of assault still occurred. What she is not, what was she in the league completely fail to acknowledge in this sort of case and in this sort of adjudication is the fact that any type of unwanted sexual assault contact, ah anything even further than that, worse than that,
can really, is not is violence. It's violence against a person's body, it's violence against a person's mind, their mental health, right? And so they're not taking these other things into account. um i I was in agreement that it should have at least been a year. I mean, jeez Louise, at least a year. um Anyways, 11 games, $5 million dollar fine had to go under undergo professional behavioral evaluation and into a treatment program, while also the Browns and the NFL were required to give a million each to fund efforts to prevent sexual assault and misconduct.
Brown's owner, Jimmy Haslam, the one who signed Deshaun Watson to the fully guaranteed deal, said that he would still make the deal despite all the fallout and even continued to defend Deshaun Watson's character. There's one thing to make mistakes There's a second thing to double down on your mistakes. And then there's a third thing to completely and utterly be ridiculous and go overboard in your defense of a situation that any human being can see is wrong. We all make mistakes. I've done plenty of wrong things in my life
just gotta to take ah responsibility and admit that you did it. There's really nothing else to that. So the Browns' decision was indefensible then. It's really still indefensible now. It really wasn't gonna matter in terms of, you know, football, how well he played. How well did he have to play to make that trade acceptable to you I pose to the viewer if you'd like to comment please go ahead and I'll throw some of those comments up on the screen ah but what kind of performance would have led you to accept the fact that you're paying somebody so much money and bringing him on to his team when he has all this baggage that is not just baggage but really really really serious baggage does he have to be an MVP does he have to win a Super Bowl and Does he just have to take you to the playoffs or does he have to be Deshaun Watson who now
Let's be honest, the fans, as shown by booing and cheering when he was injured on the field and yelling you know very gross things, ah they were ready for it to end before he tore his Achilles. And I'm sure the team was as well. Let's look at some stats real quick. Watson's EPA has expected points added per play or per pass play, excuse me.
ranked 590th out of 592 quarterbacks to play the first six games of a season without gaining 300 yards or exceeding 18 points, which he did not do at all. He had five touchdowns and three interceptions. It was a horrible statistical standard by anyone's measures. So it doesn't help when he's already playing bad and yet you're doubling down on that and you're then running him back out there when he's not even benefiting your football team.
You weren't going to win a Super Bowl with them. So now you're stuck with this albatross of a contract with a guy who also has tons of sexual misconduct charges. And he still, by the way, yes, he settled all those suits with a lot of those women.
And yes, 23 out of 24 of the suits that had actually gone to court have been dropped. That does not, as you know, ah make you innocent, in at least in the eye of the public. Now, in the court of law in the United States, you are innocent until proven guilty, as we know. But in the court of public opinion, that's far, far from the case. ah So,
um they are in it They are stuck between a rock and a hard place as I mean. And that didn't, you know what, let's keep moving on. I apologize that I said that. ah What level, or I'm sorry, excuse me. um Again, they've they've defended his his his ah his character. He completely, again, denied all this stuff. They said they did their due diligence. What that was, I don't know. Did they just say, hey, Deshaun, did you do it? No. Okay, cool. Let's go ahead and sign them to all.
Whatever. What does matter is unless Watson medically retires, which you better believe he's not gonna do, you would have to be the stupidest person ever in the world to medically retire and forfeit all of that guaranteed money. If not, the Browns are going to still have two years and 92 million remaining, plus the void years worth 27 million in total.
Watson is dying in 10 across his three seasons now, they will get some insurance because they did at least ah um um Pay for insurance for medical in case something happened injury wise so they will get a prorated portion of that paid back to them for the injury this year, but Watson's contract is 1.65 million per game per game So even after restructuring his contract before this season Listen to this y'all if he is released or traded this offseason Before june 1st his cut would be a whopping 172 million dollars If they waited till after
June 1st, it would be $118 million. dollars Less, still not great, pretty untenable for any even sports franchise that is making millions upon millions upon millions of dollars. So, um you know, at least they, you know, at least they, they filed for insurance because while I was doing my research on, on this subject,
I found out that the Jets did not ensure old ass Aaron Rodgers, and so they had to foot the whole bill, no pun intended, foot the whole bill for Aaron Rodgers for four plays last season. Jets, I don't know how you could be so stupid, but considering where you're at now and how your franchise has been run, and yes, that comes from a Raiders fan, Jets just keep loving to do this to themselves.
um So, yeah. Odds are, at some point, the Browns are going to have to eat that, right? They're going to have to eat a major dead salary cap charge to move on from the Sean Watson. How large of a cut are they going to take? Again, they're going to have to at some point.
ah You might as well rip the band-aid off like the steep like the steel Broncos excuse me did with Russell Wilson last year with the $85 million dollars dead cap hit that he had.
so The problem being, if the Browns actually took either one of those huge cap hits, it would be very hard for them to roster an entire team of players even on minimum salaries. So they may even have to wait until after 2025 when they have a $99 million dollars cap charge.
then would they try to bring him back? In my eyes, he's way too toxic at this point. For any team, even the Browns, even though you paid him all that money, I don't think any team, even the Browns, can bring him back. Do I put it out of the realm of exit? No, not at all. Not at all.
I don't put anything out of the realm of any NFL or billionaires realm of possibilities, including the Browns. So they could bring them back. But I think he's really toxic. I think his career is done. And so if you're looking at all of the facts of this case, in my eyes, I believe his career is done and I believe it should be done.
and I should just go back and talk about the reaction of the fans. This was a huge tipping point on online and on social media. A lot of people were either on obviously both sides either they were upset at people that were booing him and cheering the injury or others that were obviously on the well he deserved it train.
I don't agree with any anyone's um injury, demise or anything like that being cheered or being celebrated. I don't agree with that. ah We all again ah do bad things, do wrong things. I can't even say a mistake because in this case it's not a mistake when you do it multiple times to multiple women. So I'm not going to call it a mistake and try to his excuse his actions. It is disgusting and reprehensible. ah But, not but. There is no but. It's reprehensible.
In the case of Deshaun Watson, it just wouldn't make sense to bring him back with all of that baggage that he still has and the still fact that there are still lawsuits out there pending. Again, I don't think he should have been cheered. That being said, I also think that we need to take into account the feelings of the women that were hurt in this situation, the feelings of the multiple women that were abused in this situation. We should be more focused on how their feelings are and and and how we should be supporting them to get better their mental health, what their bodily health, whatever.
instead of being worried about House Deshaun Watson Fields. Yes, I pray for him that he gets better because again, I don't want anybody to get injured. I've broken my leg last year. It sucks. So I don't wish that on anyone, even my worst enemy. But at the same time, I personally am more worried about the people he hurt than him himself being hurt.
Thank you again, everybody, for tuning in. Make sure you are subscribed at Ball and Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. um Thank you for everybody coming in. My boy, Amul, yes, thank you. My brother, we have ah known each other since five, five years old, six years old. So shout out to my brother, Amul. He says Watson is done in the league. He thinks I do agree, my friend.
um The guaranteed money cannot ah be voided unless he medically retires. Any other way, they're going to have to eat a massive cap charge.
um Jake from the Final Say podcast. Shout out my brother Jake from The Bottom Line Sports. Again, make sure you check us out tomorrow night, 8 p.m. Eastern. Join the but ah the Facebook group at The Bottom Line Sports or make sure you're subscribed at Ball and Buds. ah Yes, they can. They can trade Watson. But as I mentioned, he's so toxic. Who really wants to take that on? I personally wouldn't. um i We get it. The Browns did at one point.
But for another team to come up come after that and make the same mistake, yeah I just can't see it.

Election Insights and Political Discussion

Amul watching can still play in the CFL, which is probably where he's going to end up or the XFL. Although if I were The Rock, hey, shout out my boy. um've I haven't seen you in a hot minute, but we need to catch up, have some of that Terra Mana.
ah yeah or The Rock could bring him in, but I don't think The Rock is that stupid because The Rock is a smart businessman as well. ah Thank you, Jake. Yes. Appreciate that. Oh, is that is that one? Okay. Okay. i love ah a I love the content from all three of y'all. Gentlemen, the final six. Oh, they got a logo. Look, y'all got a logo. That is awesome. I was going to tell you, Jake, that you need a logo. It's a good job, my brother. I like it. That's a cool looking logo, too. I like that.
Amul, if Watson goes, if I were the Browns, I'd sign cap. I don't think that's going to happen. Again, they've already put themselves in a bad position. If they bring back Kaepernick, who already has heat with pretty much all the owners in the league, because remember, all the owners in the league are white billionaires. And as I've said on multiple podcasts before, those white billionaire owners, I can guarantee you probably 75% of them are racist.
at least a little bit. That's just how they were brought up. That was just the time period they grew up in. I'm not excusing it, but it is what it is. I don't think they're going to bring him him in, and I think they would be very upset with the Haslams if they did.
um Hey, my brother, I'm coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. By the way, we're buying the DMV. I'll be home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I said, I shot it at Bruce. We should go to Topgolf and play some mini golf this year. Let's get a mini golf out and go on my brother. All right. Oh, also thank you for your advice. I sped up there and got really fast. I appreciate you for calming me down.
bringing me back to life my brother but I'm always trying to speak the truth this show is all about facts and research and you're about to find out because we are doing politics yes sir politics right now we are going to get into the facts of the election tomorrow is election day and again As I said at the top of the program, I am not here to sway you. I am not here to tell you who to vote for. Excuse me, I just dropped my microphone. Let me get my lavalier back on.
I'm not here to sway your vote. And at this point, again, if there are any undecided voters out there, I don't know what you're waiting on. It's it's it's the last day. what are you What are you really waiting on at this point? So I'm not trying to sway anybody. I'm just here to give you facts from both sides. sides. Yeah, I'm actually going to give a poll update from today. So everybody will be tuned in for that. Hey, my brother, if you really want to come on, you are the person that I know that knows politics best. I would love if you would come on right now. Let me know. I will drop you the link in Instagram. So please let me know.
um But until if he does want to come in, that'd be awesome. Until then, we'll go ahead and get this started. What we're going to talk about here first is just to clear up a lot of things. Tomorrow, y'all, we will not just be choosing our next president. We will also be deciding on which party controls the ah powerful legislative chamber chambers as both the Senate and the House of Representatives will have a lot of change going on, which will have huge consequences for not only our economic and foreign policies, but other policies next year and beyond. no No incoming president has taken office without their party's control of the House or Senate since George w H.W. Bush, the older Bush, in 1989.
You should not count the towers So ah Okay, cool. I'm gonna send the link over your way a you all are in for a treat. Y'all you are in for a treat a mole He is deeply deeply deeply in politics and He is going to come on and join us to talk politics. So that is going to be amazing actually um Jump over to facebook. I'm gonna send it in facebook instead because instagram is actually streaming the program right now So it won't let me send you a message. So i'm gonna send it on facebook. But anyways y'all are in for a treat
i don't I don't know a person, there's not a person in my life that I know more that knows politics than a mole. He has been doing politics his whole life. That's what he studied in college. He has run for office in places before as well. So you are in for a treat. All right.
So again, no incoming president is not has taken office without their party's control, which helps them to do what? To pass laws, to get things through the House and the Senate. When you have divided chambers, it makes things harder to pass because then the other side will block laws from being passed, which we have seen plenty and plenty of times before. um So there are a lot of a lot of things at stake here, the state of democracy.
The stake of our nation is at bay control of congress fate of trillions of dollars including trump's 2000 donald trump's former president donald trump to let me give him his proper respect 2017 tax cuts are expiring next year trump wants to make those cuts permanent while Kamala Harris would like to raise taxes on the wealthy Americans and corporations. You know those Trump tax cuts because they were heavily maligned for being a tax cut for the rich, helping his buddies and other people, all the lobbyists and all the people that make money off of these politicians and things like that, all the super PACs and other things that our other entities excuse me that are making money.
so in terms of the little man if those cuts do not expire and and the tax cuts continue on well that continues to mean that the rich people are making hand over foot money off of the little people all off of the smaller people which honestly in my eyes has been going on for way too long in this country i understand this country is a capitalist country and i'm not aside from every anybody making the old green Greenback gala, you know what I mean? Go out and make your money. If you have an idea, if you have a business and you go out and you make the money, more power to you. We are a capitalist society. But at the same time, if you are that rich, you should have to pay your fair share, which is more than other people in order to support the nation that you're making so much money off of. I'm gonna ask Amul that question when he arrives, because I don't know how other people feel about that, but that's just how I feel. Anyways, where we stand right now,
the Democrats um currently control the Senate but they will face an uphill climb to retain that chamber on election day and what happened was there was a Democrat wave year where a lot of yeah of Republicans have retired so a lot of Democrats took over positions in red states that are going to be probably going back to the Republican side of the aisle. The House is now controlled by the Republicans, the GOP. That is a toss up right now and could come down to the tightly contested districts in California and New York. And with that, oh, we have the treat. Amul Madan, my friend from way back in the day. How's it going, buddy? Welcome. What's going on, my brother? How are you doing? on
I'm doing all right. How are you? Good. Pull your camera down a little bit so the beautiful people can see that whole face of yours. There we go. I'm bearded now. We've moved into the fall and winter phase of our lives. Oh, yeah. I see a little bit of gray growing in the front there. That's wisdom, man. That's wisdom. Can't call her it. Can't call her it.
You can't you can't Oh Dion says a boy is the man shout out clever deep You should jump on to we could talk we could all just talk politics for a little bit Hey, he knows he can jump on whenever I'm on. Um, so if you want, let me know clever. Uh, so Man, I'm so glad you came on because politics I know is your thing. ah You have been deeply involved in politics for as long as I've known you, which has been since we're knee high to a grasshopper. So yeah first of all, let me ask you, um ah before we get into the actual race and the facts behind all the the different conspiracies and different claims ah that are happening just now,
I had mentioned and I believe knowing you as well as I do that you're going to agree with me. Trump's tax cuts are set to expire the ones that he enacted in 2017, which were much maligned for being a tax cut for the wealthy.
Right as you know, this is a capitalist society, which I completely support as an entrepreneur I am all about making their money But I also believe that people and especially the wealthy need to pay their fair share Which is more in order to support the country that they make their money off of how do you feel about that sentiment? I I agree with you I do Um, okay, his taxes are expiring that's cool. What's that? Yeah i don't I don't think that ah he's going to win tomorrow. I think that Kamala has a shot. And before I go further, I just want to say this. um I'm going to backtrack for a second. I know your viewers may not like it, but I have to do this. No, we've got all the time for a meeting. All the time on the show. Love the show.
I do think you don't talk a whole lot about the commanders, but that's probably because you don't want to bring up the nickname. That's fine. That's OK. Did you do the interview I did with DC Commander's insider, same teacher? I did we did. I was just messing with you. Nor the Red Sox, but that's a whole different, you know, can of words that we can talk about. Apparently you're a national fan anyways. We're going to talk about that. I am. I am a fan of both. You could be a fan of one team in each league, I think.
um I'm gonna do the Trump dance, I'm gonna do the Trump dance for that one. No, please don't, please don't, please don't, don't, don't do that. Don't, yeah, no, your your your dad's watching this probably.
um So pivoting back to ah pivoting back to politics for a second, I, you know, it's worth giving Kamala a shot, I think, because She was the VP. Yeah, it's a second in command. Biden was in office. And I kind of agree with her that it's not all going to be the same. I think that Now, let me push it back for a second, because there's an interview that's going around very popular here in these last few days, which shows her and being asked by the news reporter if she would change anything that Joe Biden did. She said she would not. But as we know, there were multiple things done incorrectly, including the worst of that Afghanistan pull out. Right, right. That's just posturing. I think she'll get us out of Afghanistan. I think that she'll, well,
children, you know, knock Bibi up against the wall. I mean that metaphorically, not actually. But like, sure, you know, knock some sense into him. It's what I mean by that. And try to resolve this Israel and Gaza situation, which if you think about it, and the young viewers who might need to to go on to YouTube, do it when you're not watching this show, by the way. ah But ah we were in college, Omar and I,
back in 2000 and 2001 and 2002. So you were in college. Well, yeah. But um back then we had the same issues with Israel and and Palestine back then. There were, you know, so many protests. And I understand the issues and where are the issues. But at some point they have to be resolved. How they're resolved.
i'm i' i I can't speak for the campaign. I can't speak for Vice President Harris, at least not this cycle. So we'll just have to see where she goes with, you know, the policies that she enacts. I do you think that her tax cuts will favor the middle class a little bit more. And yeah, okay, if you make, say,
E1 Musk money, then sure, you're gonna have to pay your fair share of taxes. But you know, that's just the I guess the price you pay for for making a lot of money in this country. Yeah, yeah. And so let's go back to something you said. ah Just a couple. Oh, you know what? Do you have headphones by chance? I'm here to echo on your end. I can I can find headphones. I don't have headphones on me. Go get my headphones real quick.
Yeah, if you wouldn't mind because there's echo i'll be back All right, so uh, just to let you all know this comes from the council on foreign relations Uh websites of the council on foreign relations and this breaks down each candidate's foreign policy and their policy on other um sorts of uh of other subjects and topics that are important in this election. So this is what they have for each candidate on Israel, Gaza, and the Middle East. As we know, the Middle East has been used to command global attention and post challenges for us as um the Hamas, the Hezbollah, the Houthi, rebel group, all of these different terrorist groups are fighting for different territories and different countries
and are dragging a lot of innocent civilians from all of these different countries into their conflict which is destroying a lot of innocent lives and causing a whole bunch of conflict which can obviously bring more pressure onto us as we are allies of Israel. now Moa was just mentioning that there are certain cases that each a candidate is going to have. So this is each candidate's a very short synopsis. Again, Council of Foreign Relations, CFR, comes directly from here. ah In Donald Trump's case, Trump's approach to the Middle East has been defined for strong support for Israel and Saudi Arabia and a confrontational stance towards Iran.
he backed away from his long-standing bipartisan consensus by saying he wasn't interested in a separate Palestinian state. Kamala Harris supports a ceasefire and hostage release deal in the war between Israel and Hamas, and she calls for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. um As a senator, she endorsed the Iran iran nuclear deal and voted for restrictions on arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
So, ah that being said, right, that gives us a little more context into how each ah candidate feels about that that's subject. But as you mentioned, it's very important and it has always been an issue with the United States because of how important of an ally Israel is. Now, you're not, again, on this on this show, you come to get facts, you come to get research nuance. I'm not here to influence your opinion.
I would tell you to do what Amul said, go to YouTube, watch the history of this because it's much deeper and you probably don't even know the right history. This goes back way to the freaking Empire days. um So go get go go go get informed on this subject from someone better than us to. But I do not have a solution either. um Because my solution would be a two state solution, which, you know, the countries obviously do not agree with. Amul, pick up from here. What are your thoughts so far?
Oh, I can't hear you. Are you muted? Yep, you're muted. Can you hear me now? Yep, you got Okay, um, I was gonna say I hate referencing the West Wing like this. You know, it's one of my favorite shows of all time. It's, I think it's season six. There is an episode or where they're talking about this very thing, where they're trying to get Israel and Palestine to sit down and talk through a two state solution. So aside from YouTube, which I know there's a lot of things that are fake here in college,
take history classes, read a poem about what's going on. It'd be a library there, right? It'd be a library. if If your SGA isn't like, I'm going to do a parting shot to VCU's SGA. If you're if your SGA isn't like VCU's and trying to you know get out of like the first, like kill First Amendment rights, which they were trying to do a couple years back,
ah then, you know, just sit on a couple of other meetings, you are allowed to do that. So that you can at least learn from a local level and a collegiate level what their, you know, what the conflict is about and how there are possible avenues for just resolution. ah But it's, it's a tough it's ah it's It's a tough discussion to have. So let's let's let's move this a little broader then. and yeah yeah Because Israel is our ally, Ukraine is our ally, but a lot of people, have and especially on the GOP conservative side, but ah but a lot of liberals as well, have started to want to decrease the odds of of money and supplies we're giving to Ukraine. And at some point that fatigue is gonna start to happen in Israel as well. So how much longer can we pretend to be everybody's hero? How much longer can we, can we and maybe not pretend, maybe pretend is the wrong word. Maybe we still are the world's protector. um I don't think other countries see us that way though.
I don't think we are. I don't think where we we are where we were when we graduated high school. I don't think we are where we were when you were off the military and I was in college at all. How long can we keep doing this? I ask myself that same question every state of the union. Every state of the union. I don't know. ah Ideally, um as long as Congress keeps funding it. As we know, coming up in tomorrow's election, we're still going to have a divided Congress. I think Hakeem Jeffries is up for speakership. If the Dems win the Senate and the House will remain Republican, if everything remains, you know, as is, you know, if if things go as Alan Lightman wants them to, in which case, don't look up the presidential, unless you, you know, if you follow, if you are a GOP,
um And even if you're not, even if you're done, vote. And I will say that. Go vote. I'm not going to tell you who to vote for. I'm not going to tell you, you know, I think at this point, pros and cons have been laid out on both sides. And, you know, you already know who you're voting for. If you're still undecided. That's crazy. Flip a coin. yeah I want to tell you you're still undecided. That's wild. Take a side.
do something. um it's It's easier than picking, ah but I hate making this reference, it's easier than picking health insurance during an open enrollment. Very hard. I'm so sorry.
No, i worked i worked I worked at a Medicare company doing marketing for ah for about a year and a half, so I know exactly what you're talking about. Just to clear something up that we mentioned earlier, ah the tax cuts, the Trump tax cuts that would expire, the the one um a gene and the ones that Harris would enact, the Wall Street Journal notes is a gap of $2.3 trillion. That's a lot of money. Up or down? Up or down? Well, down. Yeah, yeah, it would be less. Down, okay.
Yeah. When would she be? oh but w the The journal usually wins conservative in election years, so I'm surprised they made that. Well, sweat is right now, let's get into that. forty More than 48% of the total number of people who voted in the 2020 election have already casted their ballot.
Early voting is all the rage after Donald Trump told his supporters last time not to vote early to go to the polls. It turns out that conservatives are actually leading the way um they are so overall in early voting wow while the women demographic is higher than the men. Right. And you know who's leading in early exit polls in terms of, yeah, it's Harris.
uh at the moment so i know she's up and out so uh vote tomorrow uh first round of exits is at 11 a.m so you know make a plan vote if you are in line at like right when you're full and right in your uh your area of voting your voting booth uh closes then uh stay in line don't leave right right because yeah great on your vote to make out yeah
i They cannot kick you out how can take you up they They can't you kick you out at all. So your vote counts whether you you I'll give you this not many people know this so Okay, say you yeah you voted. Did you vote no more already? Or did you do are you gonna vote to tomorrow? Absolutely Okay So you can actually track your ballot Once it goes in, they let you know what your ballot number is so that you can track your ballot to see when it's counted. You can certify on your own that you don't need people from Georgia or Nebraska to help catch your ballot. Sorry, I had to. I looked at Georgia for a year. So I sort of know what it's like in this
I think this election cycle, they're gonna go purple, at least in Atlanta. So it's because of what Kemp's doing, but that's a whole other ball of wax that we can get into later. Would that be an increase that Trump has popularity-wise with the black men now?
yeah Yes and no. So Kemp passed a lot of rules and regulations for their courts to basically Governor Bryant. Yeah, Jerry Mander, like the different polling places where you could go vote. And it it so that it was harder. Plus, he expelled a lot of people from ah voter rolls as well. So he just made it tougher. You had to go and not register, which if you haven't registered, um John Oliver did it, you know, and um I say that because he voted last time.
think I think I've watched his episode over the weekend and he is doing the same thing this time around. But um you can rinse your day off. So I will say, but I'm, I'm excited. We're going to see how things go. um I think early, well,
Earlier, I said that we were up by eight. If you and I had talked back in August, I would have been like, yeah, she's up by eight. And we'll see how how things go. Let's be excited. Now I think she's up by two.
so So this is what I have just yeah just to clear this up. So obviously there are margins of error on both sides so this could swing at one or two points either way. But final polls released this morning by the New York Times Deanna College Morning Console, Resmutation, ABC News, Atlas Intel, and NBC News show a neck and neck picture when broken down by swing states looking at morning console final survey shows that Harris has a two-point lead nationally but is a ahead of Harris in North Carolina and Georgia by two points and ahead by one point ah but j tied in Arizona. that That'll change. Would that go red or will that go blue?
That's leaning red right now. I prefer if if that goes red, then Nevada has to go blue. And tied in pitch light. That'll probably because of what happened this weekend, or even before this weekend with the um with the comic that made some racist comments. I think that's. Yeah.
yeah Yeah, yeah Me my people and I are not very happy about that So not that it's going to make a difference because again probably at this point ah Most people have either voted or have decided on who they're going to do but I did see it I did see a youtube video earlier where they were interviewing um Trump voters and asking them if this would, who are Puerto Rican, and asking if this would have changed their opinion. and And, you know, there are still, there are still a lot of, ah you know, as we call them, T.O. to Thomas's that will. ah but You know want to be more Caucasian than their heritage suggests and so forth They're still voting for ah Trump, but that being said let's get this all in out in the open that those were some comments at that Comedian has and look I am all one for free speech for comedians if he had said that in a Netflix special I would have had no problem with it whatsoever actually
I mean while it's offensive to the people, ah to myself and the people of my island and Puerto Rico and while the watermelon joke was offensive to black people and all the other jokes he made about the Palestinians and Mexicans and all of these, all of these jokes were horrendous and and just not in good taste or in very poor taste. But if they had been done on a Netflix special, cool, I'm all for it, man, whatever, free speech, you're getting paid for that, you'll not do whatever you want.
but To do it at a political rally and then not even taking into account that you're hurting the person that you're trying to boost up, it just seems like a really bad look. As an entrepreneur, let me ask you this. As an entrepreneur, if you were undecided, if you put yourself in the shoes of a linear countryman who are also undecided ah or who is undecided, do you think this would sway you one way or another?
given what he said like would he would it sway you towards him or would you be like nah fam i'm dead but i don't need that anymore yeah i mean not only has it swayed a lot of people i mean again yeah ah it didn't affect me but i talk i've talked to many Puerto Ricans including all the people in my family who are all still living on the island And they've talked to many people and the majority of Puerto Ricans have completely written off Trump. Most of them, to be honest, didn't really care for him before, after his stunt, after Hurricane Maria. um right So, you know, no no matter what Trump says that he's the best with all groups and everyone likes him. In Puerto Rico, the the words the words on the grounds speak a lot differently as to them.
Embracing Trump at all and now this Definitely pushed a lot of more people over the edge to Kamala Harris's side now again There's gonna be your outliers and your your your other pieces of crap that we have in every race and every hair But I mean if you're asking me that's a pretty big and stupid comment to say that and especially in a in a diaspora of of New York and and Pennsylvania the states which have big huge Puerto Rican communities Absolutely. And to say nothing of, I believe there's also the sizable Puerto Rican ah contingent in Miami as well, right? So like, you know, down there where most of them, everyone leans red, you know, it's it's possible they also could have been worked up. I know that he hasn't said very much about Indians, but I know that a small majority, a small majority,
Small minority, this is what happens when you catch my dad. But a small minority, because of his business acumen, because it were a side with him. I don't, because you know you know me since we were kids, you know what side I lean as it is, but I try to be effective about this now that I'm out of the whole political, I mean, I'm in it, but I'm not in it, I'm retired. um That's my official position, I'm retired. But, you know, it's it's hard for me to side with that, to get on board with that, given what happened during his last, like, when he was president, those four years, and just, it was it was awful.
um No one, 9-11 changed. I'm gonna go back. 9-11 changed the way we treat people of color in this country. And to an extent. And it got pushed, you know, almost further, just it wasn't as um i It wasn't as kind. It wasn't as just welcoming. There were a lot of people who chose to leave. You know, I had friends who were like, all right, I'm just going to find another country. Or I'm going to, you know, they happen to be working for a company that had a European office. So they were going to work in Europe. But, you know, I just, I don't know, I can't get on board.
so you know, I can't get on board with that. Like he had his time, in my view, it's over. But if he, I can't control what's going on in the mind. So just go vote. I'll say that. And so um you said earlier, you said earlier that you believe that Kamala is going to win. Now, obviously I know which way you lean. ah yeah ah But ah Now knowing the polls and knowing how close things are now, and I can't believe there's 2% undecided voters. That's ridiculous. But anyways, whatever. yeah ah Now that you know how close it is, are you going to stick with your prediction here on this show? Oh, yeah. Oh, of course I am. Of course ah um I I don't agree. I think that Trump's going to win. i You are not the first friend that I
said that. Yeah, I don't want to like either. I mean, I pretty much don't want to go back to you. You know me. I'm an independent. I don't like politicians. You know, I think most popular yeah but you are literally the only politician I trust. like you want I don't even know. I don't like I don't like the the the the politicians. I think they're liars cheaters, sealers, all that stuff. Scumbags.
um But there are necessary evil as well in society. from Speaking from experience a little bit because I was on campaigns in undergrad. I was on campaigns post-grad. It wasn't bad in the early days. I'll say that.
We could talk. I lean left, but I had a lot of friends across the aisle. We used to break bread. We used to drink over at the Hawk and Dove. And, you know, it was fabulous. Now you don't drink at the Hawk and Dove as much. Things changed in 2016. And I don't know from a GOP standpoint how much he's done at the party.
And you know because you should you have you have to have balance if you have too much of a good thing then you know inevitably either place it or you know, there's always gonna be something to fight for and I Agree with where Harris is gonna try to take the country but you know, how is the GOP going to come back because it's a point he's gotta retire and In four years, he's 78 now. In four years, he's 82. Is he gonna run again? You know, and if he doesn't run again, who's gonna take a spot? What's the bench look like? And are they willing to go back to the way things used to be in John McCain's time? Or, I mean, I'm not gonna reference, you know... Well, I'm not gonna reference the Bush years. But, um...
you know what I mean, in simpler times where you could actually talk across the aisle and you could have proper conversations conversation and you know you can agree and disagree and that's okay. Then you would go back to talking about, you know, why Yanis maybe deserves another ring if you can get, you know, the right amount of people around it or something. I don't know. Yanis should get another, but that's a different story for a different time. That's a different topic.
But, or why Pete Rose should be in the Hall of Fame. God rest his soul. But, ah you know, I just, I don't know. I think that, I think it's harder now. I think it's harder now. And when it gets to this point, you wanna know what's gonna happen next, how things are gonna know shake out. You're in Nashville, so I'm here.
And they've boarded up every, like all, like all near the White House. Everything is over. Go to You can see pictures of this. And it's anticipation of if something were to, you know, if 45 wins, I still call them 45. If 45 wins, you know, what will happen?
um I remember January 6th. I live in Arlington now so they had to board up the apartment complex that I I had to tell the project that I was on I had to hop off for my safety right now. ah So you have to sort of be prepared for for everything that's going to come from Things are different do you think that I mean we are in a different time where there's the discourse is obviously more you know violent uh, the the the divisiveness has increased and and yes, that is I mean, there's no doubt about it. A lot of it is attributed to uh, you know, donald trump and the rhetoric that he spews as well. Uh, that's a lot of times it's funny because I
I will say this, and I hate that I feel this way, not because of of of me as a voter, but just because the type of person Trump is. I mentioned earlier within yeah in the Pete Rose thing, it was also about his character. um Regardless if I even agreed with Trump's policies or not, the fact is that he's just a very despicable human being.
like he's agenistic, he's sexist, he's racist, he doesn't care about anybody but himself. He doesn't even like his own family. I mean, his wife doesn't even talk to him. I found out his wife calls him POTUS in text messages, which is very weird. um So like, POTUS means President of the United States, so he's still using that. I can't even talk about my real name, wife. Anyways, but I say all that to say that He's not a person in my eyes that represents someone that should be leading any country whatsoever. But regardless of that, a lot of people don't feel that way. A lot of people like his voice, yeah a lot of people like his aggressiveness and his tendencies. But it was it's funny because I watch every single Trump rally. I find him, he's a wrestling heel.
that's That's what he is. He is Hulk Hogan, you know and that's why he that's why he brings him on, because Hulk is just doing what what what he and that's what he does. He is just a wrestling heel. He's out there doing his promos at rallies. So I watch pretty much every Trump rally that I can still to this day, yeah because like I find him hilarious. like I will laugh for three hours while he just watches me on. But it was funny, because I turned into the first one yesterday. I had three rallies yesterday. I watched two of them. I missed the middle one. okay But i too right when I tuned in for the first one, I came in about five minutes after it started and I was like, all right, let's see what he's talking about. I bet he's talking about, about the you know, whatever the Democrats were. So right when I get on, the first two words that I hear are stupid people. And I'm just like, oh my God, like.
I don't want my I don't want my president calling anyone else stupid and it was like the first word I heard when I tuned in and then he put on a video about Kamala mentioning his name and it was a cut together spliced video of Kamala saying Donald Trump Donald Trump Donald Trump And he's not he's not even aware to the fact that he's literally been talking about her for the past 15 minutes. And I'm just like, OK, I don't know what's happening yet. Are we in some sort of like, you know, quick what was though was that old show called? Oh, man. It's not an old show. Black Maris still exists. Black Maris still exists. I'm thinking similar to that, but it was way back in the day. The thing is on the wing.
but they and thing yeah The The thing is is on the wig. You know what I'm talking about. Come on. Help me. Oh, no. It's on the tip of my tongue. If you know this and you're in the chat, type it out. Please tell me what's the name of this show. It's from, like, the 70s. Oh, my God. I thought you were thinking of... That's going to upset me so much.
two thousand and one space odyssey i thought that's what It's similar to that, but that's not what I'm talking about either. I'm talking about the one where they have the different episodes, that different things happen. Oh, if it was from the 70s. Oh, we never, we never watched that. It's fine. Okay. Anyways, it doesn't matter. I'm going to, it's going to come back to me. I'm going to remember it. I'm going to remember it because the episode.
is they were on a plane and it was like a gremlin on the wing and the guy was like inside and he's like sweating and it was a whole episode about just like this being scared on a plane sort of thing and it was that type of show. Mission impossible? No, that's not it. What are you talking about? It was a sci-fi show. for You still call people fool? Come on, man. Oh, you're damn right I called people fool. Anyways, before we get you out of here, what do

Judicial and Electoral System Debate

you call from the electoral college? This is a pretty big um
issue on both sides of the aisle. ah Some people would like to abolish the electoral college, but other people don't because they adhere to what the founding fathers wanted to do, which was protect the rural vote from getting overrun by the urban vote, which would happen. I mean, I think that i think that's pretty obvious and logical that that would be the next step to happen. So do you agree or do you think we should keep the electoral college?
oh We can, but I don't really see a real need for it anymore. So all I do is take things down. I mean, I will say this, like, and I'm sorry, I'm not answering that question first, but like a lot of things, you know, we don't, we we don't use calculators anymore to do math. We use our phones, you know, we don't, um, you know, our body clocks are aligned to standard time.
daylight savings. Is there a real need for the electoral college? Maybe, maybe not. Like, you know, I think we could easily, what do you think? Do you think we should abolish it? Or do you think we should keep it? Where do you, we're not standing on this. Cause you're like a state throw away at this point. where This whole thing is a state throw away from MSNBC at this point. We could both jump on. What is it? We could both jump on. If you wanted to.
I'm kidding when I say that we're not doing that. But um yeah, I'm kidding. We're not really not doing that. Nor are we on NPR today. That's a whole segment. but But what do you think? Should we do the electrical club college or should we just, you know, should we keep it or should we abolish it?
Well, I mean, let's look at both sides of this. The reason for eliminating it would be that multiple presidents have lost the the popular vote, but still not been inducted, instilled as president because of the Electoral College. The other side or that yes the other side of that being ah that the urban centers which clearly have much the majority of the population of each state would logically again just looking at things inherently and logically they would overrun the vote of the vote and those two constituencies are quite kind different and I can tell you
Because if you come to Nashville, the dichotomy of being here in ah in inside of the city center of Nashville and how diverse that is and juxtaposing that with going 15 minutes south outside the city and possibly having to avoid being lynched because my name is Omar and I'm Brown.
So like i I see it every day. I hear it every day. I hear racism all the time here. o yeah But I still feel like those people need to be represented and respected as well. oh yeah they should be that elev but over be And I feel like if you take that away, there is no protection for that. And I feel like the Democratic candidate would probably win the majority of the time, which just wouldn't be right.
They would. I mean, I'm fine with keeping the electoral college. i I'm in favor of increasing Supreme Court signs. We can talk about that. No, no, no. no trick So please and hold on real quick. Yes. Thank you, Club of D. Thank you, Dion.
twilight jo twilight jo is um thank you thank you thank you de thank you other ah no see this is what happens to a you forty plus year olds together we're just trying to things out I love it. I love it. No, but you know a lot about the Supreme Court because again, this is what you studied as a and and Ginsburg met him both Yeah, so go ahead. What are your thoughts on the Supreme Court? There are a lot of people that want to um ah ah What is the word I'm trying to look for Shit sometimes No, they want to abolish the what is it called the term limits Well term limits definitely need to be in there needs to be term limits. I completely think
there should be term limits. like you can You shouldn't be a Supreme Court Justice for more than 20 years. I'm sorry. at this point At this point, yes. The size of the court, was that what you were thinking of? Yeah, I think that's what I was thinking of. Allow me to take you on a quick history lesson. oh yeah ah And this is the part where normally, if you guys have already been bored by this conversation, sleeve it on, fall asleep, come back in about five minutes, we'll be good. And make sure you're like right now so we can get promoted out there while we- Yeah, like, don't forget to like, subscribe, you know, hit Omar up in the DMs and tell him about you love the Mets.
but So historically speaking, The court was six, I believe, at first, way back when. And then they got it up to nine. They increased the court size to nine. And I would be in favor of them increasing the court size to 12. Even if it was on a limited basis, maybe 50 years, rest of our life for the rest of at least of our lifetimes, and you know for the my niece's lifetimes too, perhaps,
But I think that that would be a good idea. It also depends on who's in power. We already know that Clarence Thomas is probably going to resign if 45 comes in power again. He sort of tipped his hand with it a couple of times he refused to take John Oliver's $2 million dollars bus ah retirement fund or retirement I remember that at 20. Yeah, which is great. i And so, you know, the court's going to lean further right than it was in my day. It's a reason why we as a society work better or when the court is balanced. It was gutted when when
ah Sorry, forgive me. I was gutted when, you know, it ended up being where the Dobbs decision came down and, you know, there go abortion rights, you know, and it's the end of Roe v. Wade. Because that had been around for ages. Now, that's it. I'm very respectful of the court. I understand what their function is as a body.
as a governing body. Well, not really a governing body, but as a legal body. And it would be nice if the court was balanced again. I'll say that. So what happens if it's balanced, who makes the deciding vote? Because right now, the reason it's unbalanced, as far as I understand it. Chief Justice. OK. Yeah, it would be Justice Roberts.
And I also have to ask you this because I know she was one of your idols, RBG. Ginsburg, yeah, I met her on a few occasions. Right. Awesome, awesome lady by all accounts. I don't think she was did a lot for women. But that being said, there are a lot of people on the Democratic side that were upset that she did not retire before she died, thus letting Trump ah be allowed to install multiple right wing leaning jurors. How do you feel about that? I'm fine with it.
I'm okay that, as some of my friends have said privately to me, that she stayed too long to prepare because I'm the type of person that if you love what you do, you know, it's on a job. I love what I do professionally. So it's not, but I don't view it as a job. Love what you do, you're having fun. And she was clearly having fun. She, it was different after Scalia passed away because Scalia and her were you know, they fought a lot. And it was so fun, because outside of the court, they were legitimately friends. They would go on vacations with each other. And it was just awesome. You don't see that. Right. And so, um you know, the reason I want the court to be expanded, maybe three, if Harris comes into power, if Harris gets elected, is that way it might be a little bit more balanced. So you have the voices of
ah conservatism and liberalism, you know, duking it out and, you know, putting together ah dissents that are just chef's kiss. Read some of so i my the And even but Jackson as well, read some of hers. And read some of the conservative ones too.
yeah But just to say so to buy or the first Puerto Rican. Yes. Yes. And also Kentucky Brown Jackson, and the first black female. <unk> So, you know, the reason I say read some of the conservative designs too, it's because at least they have the it gives you a window into their mind, you may disagree with it. And that's fine. I more than likely to disagree with it as well. But at least you have a view into the other side.
It's a lot better than being ill-informed. It's a lot better than saying, okay, well, I'm just going to look at just one side and and that's it. you know I'm not going to look at both sides of the issue and figure out for myself who's right.
Yeah, and I mean, that's why everybody comes to this program. They come to get both sides of the coin. They know I am the yin and the yin personified, and they know that I would give them all facts if you want research. So, you know, we appreciate this. You just say you're the yin and the yang personified. I'm balanced. I am yin and yang personified. I am both. I am the water and the wine.
Right. Okay. All right. let you know what you know what let's let's just balance read but leave this this i power back have you move this one yet oh me told I have, I have told that story before. So a mall is actually the one that I went to it. If you've watched me on the bottom line sports, watch us tomorrow night. Shameless plug at the bottom line sports on YouTube and Facebook. We'd be on tomorrow night at 8 PM Eastern. But on that show, before I was told the story of red are back.
and how he passed away and um aye this is the man that, that, that, that joined me. We skipped school and went to red R box. We skipped high school, went to red R box. Uh, uh, beautiful. No, no, no, we were in high school. We skipped yeah we were in high school. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. And we skipped to go to his funeral. We got to meet Kevin, Kevin McHale, Robert Parris was there. I was upset that Larry Bird wasn't there, but I got to meet some other players. And we almost, if we, if we were not such good people and if we were not such such, yeah, we met Danny Ainge. But if we were not such good people, if we were not such respectful and polite people, we were invited over to the Aroback household at Georgetown afterwards. And we were going to crash the park. And we didn't go. Yes, we were. This is a true story. So the story as I heard on the
I mean, surely, do we know what go know um what class we skipped? But what period it was. But I remember, sir as the story goes, real quick, is that I was driving and heard that it was open to everybody. And I call you up. And I'm like, hey, we should go to this. And you're like, OK, cool.
Like, all right, as the kids say now, but you know, like, yeah, yeah. I'm, I'm hip to, to wow. Yeah. That's so great there, buddy.
out very Damn. don tell Tell me you're, tell me you're over 40 without telling me you're over 40, sir. Well, I am definitely not a jet X. So I'm calling and I'm like, Hey, like,
Let's go. He says back, let's go. And so we get ready for this thing. And I'm, I think I was picking you up and yeah you done also yeah or yeah. And so on the way there, we hear that it's closed and it's a closed ceremony. We're already like 80% of the way in. We're pulling it basically. Um,
So yeah, that's that's true. that That is true. We were very respectful. Yes, there were paparazzi on the wall. And here was ah we did actually get to meet John Thompson, which is a highlight of mine. A highlight. Right. John Thompson. Yeah, we did. And I'm also bearing the biggest lead of all. Oh, boy. We got to shovel dirt on red. Yes, we did. Which is a tradition.
Jewish ceremony, right, where people are able to come through the line and shovel, shovel dirt on red, our backs grave. That will forever be one of the most honorable moments of my life. And, and it wasn't, you know, we we went with no ill will, no malice, any disrespect whatsoever. But it was, yeah, it was phenomenal.
um Obviously, we wished him well. You know, we rest in peace. We knew who he was. My dad was a huge Celtics fan when he was alive. You know, you've seen Omar's behind the scenes from him being at the finals. So, you know, you know that he's a big Celtics fan. And I'm a decent Celtics fan. Not as big as he is, though.
because you keep going back to your Washington teams. That's right. you made a brilliant I don't really have an NBA team that I read for anymore. I really don't. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I don't really have an NBA. I root for players now. I don't root for the Wizards.
but you know
So before we get over then, because this was an amazing conversation, I really appreciate you coming in and informing our viewers, giving them more perspective from your expertise on the alert politics.
um i please have ah Yeah, please go vote. I'd love to have you on again after maybe in the next couple we can talk this again ah But before we get you out of here, let's get some of your let's get some of your sports thoughts first of all okay are Your thoughts on and I know we both love this as most makes us pop But the Yankees getting demolished in the World Series as a Red Sox fan and a Mets fan We love that. What are your thoughts on the World Series and the Dodgers? So so I don't think ah you as big of it they but Oh my god. Yeah, I had tickets for the lecture. I had bought yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah this was karma for me. I'm not a huge Yankee fan. He's not a huge Yankee fan ah but this was karma for me because The Dodgers winning like they wanted it more and I'm sorry Freddie Freeman like de has Demolishing all his all their hopes and dreams and
I'm sorry, suck it. Now, I say this to somebody who has now checked off Yankee Stadium. Yes, it's a beautiful park. Yes, it's it's a wonderful place to catch a game if you're rooting for the other team

Sports Highlights and Personal Stories

and the other team is good. But as the Cubs were, but they lost. Anyway, minor point. But para oh i'm I think that, what do I think? I think that, oh, wow. Okay. I'm going to say something on here that I,
And for those that, I mean, if you allow me to pitch Instagram, I can. My Instagram handle, I I made two Instagrams, but I'll give you my first one for the time being. Emadon23, and you'll find a bunch of photography on there that I do now, and a bit of a storyteller. Still very much an agilist, so it's tied into what I do professionally. ah And then there's a separate photography.
one that I'm starting up as well, but I I think that On that on one of my stories. I said that the audience would be the Yankees for the World Series They would be World Series champions and that soda and I know you might ask me for this But soda would sign at the next now. I'm the type of I've become a waiting seer I want to see if that actually happens Because we get too excited about things that are going to happen in our lives, and then they don't have it. It's sort of the way that society works now. So I'd rather wait and see if someone signs with the Nationals. If he does, they got a good core. They need some pitching. I know I will not help them anymore. But they need to do something. So so i mean I will say that.
I've heard that rumor and I've heard that the that the Nationals really want him ah back and I've heard that he would want to play with the Nationals again. But the Nationals are too young and they're not really in the point where they're going to win a championship in the next few years. theyre They're two, three years away. They're fine. It doesn't make sense to get that money now, especially when you already won a World Series with him.
Yeah, but come on, it wouldn't be cool. They wouldn't let him go in the first place. Y'all should have just gave him all the money then. We tried to. He didn't want it. We gave him 50 years, 440 million. Hey, sometimes you got to make it 10 years, 440 million. No, he wants 700. He wants the Top Show Haze deal. Look it up. He wants the Top Show Haze deal. And Show Haze deal has got a bunch of different interests.
All right, which today's value would only be 460 million, just to make sure everybody knows, his $700 million dollar contract deferred to today's money is 460 million. So that's what Soto would be looking to be, which we think he will, 500, 550 million is that top line number they're saying. So, ah what about, oh, go ahead. I was just gonna say, for those wondering, um who we are gonna watch this later, ah that was Omar doing his best to roam out.
for those that are onway unaware Jerome Powell is the head of the Fed Reserve. So in this case though, when he talks, stocks won't plummet or rise as it were. But sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off Wanda, make that Jerome Powell crack when I could. Oh, you're good. This is great. so But what do what are your thoughts then on your Washington commanders? Jayden Daniels is the rookie of the year by far. So this is this is one of those things where I can say I remember high school. I remember how awesome things were.
ah i I'm reserving how I feel right now because I've been alive so many times. The so Washington I guess we're sure um And I know got a lot of you got I know you got it. I know I think you're still friends with pain, but like and he was on earlier, but like They're I know you've got a lot of other commander fans I would prefer they call him a different nickname, but whatever what they're called Just because I know it's gonna look bad and like if I ever get the game again, it's just gonna look bad
I love that Jane Daniels is going to be our future. I'm scared because I don't want him to turn into RB3. We need to fortify that OI. And if we don't have big beefy guys up front, we're not going to be able to do anything. And I'm sorry, like, um I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. Usually around here, BC metro area.
The calendar turns from September to October. It's hockey season. um This year, the commanders are pushing it back further and further. Even though hockey season has started, and I love my cats, but um I really have a good feeling about the commanders. Whether they'll hit 10 games, whether they'll hit 12, whether they're gonna be the first, I know they're first in our division right now.
I know they're going to. Yeah, I don't know. I'd rather be surprised because I am tired of saying, hey, they're going to go, I don't know, what is it, 17 games ah um now? They're going to go, I don't know, 14 and three or something like that. You know, I mean, I don't want to say that because Deno Jensen. I don't want to, you know, be like Karen Rogers coming on like Pat McAfee show and just spouting stuff.
you know, at the end of the day, isn't gonna happen. I mean, I'll say this, Aaron Rodgers, real quick. He was good once, he was. Don't draft him in fantasy. Whatever you do, don't draft him in fantasy. I had a friend who dropped him in fantasy, dropped him after E2 last year, and then this year, it's like, why did I draft him again? Why did he draft him again? Because he wanted him. But, you know, I think the commanders,
I have a good future ahead. You just need to drop them. I think we've got, from a front office perspective, I think we have the right people there. The worry is that they're going to be one in buns or tunes in duns. But I hope that Dan Quinn sticks around for a while. Yeah, I think Dan Quinn was the right hire coach. I think you're right. The main ah kind of the main concern is that the worst might happen and he might end up like RG3 with a horrible injury. but The best concern is that he does win rookie in the year and continues ah to carry you on forward. ah You did mention- I don't want him to. I don't want him to carry me, carry me forward. I want a balanced attack. So I want a balanced attack because otherwise we rely on him too much. Like how much, how much weight does he have to still put on? Like, right you know, I would say put on at least 50 more pounds. Like he needs to add a little bit. Yeah, sorry. yeah
no you're good I just wanted to ask real quick, you did mention the captain. Do you think Alex Fetchkin breaks the great one doing his record? Yes, absolutely. Not this one, right? paid Probably next year. Probably next year. This year, if he goes on a tear, like this year, if he decides to wind the clock by five, 10 years, you know, lose the gray and, you know, is all of a sudden coming out.
But he's definitely gonna play ah he breaks it though. Is that like the stance he's taking? I think that's what's gonna happen Yeah, I think he's gonna play until he breaks it um I think he's gonna play at least another two years. There's been talk that he's gonna go to the ah the Russian leagues. I think the KHL but I hope that doesn't happen. I hope he doesn't turn me on Because a lot your beer yogurt, I don't want him to do that like I You're still in your prime. So, like, at least play out the contract. And then, you know, yeah, might as well. I mean, I feel bad for Backstrom, because Backstrom's injured. Oh, she's injured. You know, it's it's it's been tough. and We're in this weird spot where we've got a young core that still needs some mature, a lot like the commanders, a lot like the nuns. And, you know, I just
you know, and we believe that hit. So we've got a, it's a balance. It's a, it's a Supreme Court goddess, as you might say. Hey, you know, I hear it. Well, hey, thank you so much. I am so glad.
Everybody tuned in today. If you did you tuned in for a treat ah My dear old friend a mole who I've known since we were children five years old. He is a dollar in Politics in in all of the things that go into Supreme Court and stuff like that. So we are honored to have Photography produced today. bunch of stuff Actually. Yeah, go ahead and plug your account again. I believe it was a Madonna
Yeah, A-M-A-D-A-N 23. I am a photographer. I have started shooting a lot of Milky Way. I took a class earlier this this year, and classes actually, and aye my professor Tom said, you if you take one Milky Way picture, you will want to take more. I have not wanted to stop taking Milky Way photos. Like, you and I can talk about this outside of this, but my God, just being out there and a dark side part. And you know yes, were there people are in front of us? Yes, there were. Were they drunk? Absolutely. It was hysterical, but it made for a great shot. So it made for a great capture.
Yeah, I mean, you definitely get with Bruce because he's actually trying to become a photographer now, too. So he's been doing videos and and pictures to definitely talk to him. um I love it. I love the ah Milky Way. I only saw one Milky Way on your timeline. um And I mean this with all reverence and respect. But there was a Spider-Man on there. And I think her name was Gwen. And she is with the black black suit that looked like the Milky Way. It's Donnie. Yeah.
That was an amazing picture. So shout out to her. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, she's ah one of the models I shot at or I took pictures with at the Halloween portrait meet. I can plug that if you don't mind. Portrait meet D.C. I shoot with that. All yeah oh photographers are welcome to join us if you're in the D.C. Metra area or if you're coming out outside of the D.C. Metra area. Don't come for one meet. Come stay a while, you know, because that would just be a lot of expenses for you. But it was nice to join you.
And it was, uh, say hello to your mom and your dad for me. And, uh, when I, when I, when I get home, absolutely stay out of trouble, please. Cause I know how you are. yeah with it party And you have, yeah. All right. Get out of here. I ended up in four weeks when I let her say, thank you, mom.
All right. Well, that was my brother, Amul Madan. Thank you for joining us. That was awesome. Again, hey, everybody, hit that like button. We're not done yet. I got a couple more things I want to touch on. Obviously, that was a long conversation about politics that we had, things like that. So there are some stuff still that I had beforehand.
that I still want to wrap up with so give me about 10 more minutes here and we will wrap it up but please make sure you're subscribed at ball and buds b a l l a n d b u d s make sure you subscribe at youtube and follow on instagram we are trying to evolve and boost up those channels um so please make sure you like hit that like button right now right now hit it hit it Shout out to everybody that has tuned in so far.

Community and Social Engagement

Again, Amul, Dion, Hate, Jake, carl Canteen, Flo, my brother's from the bottom line sports. ah And my brother Joe ah from the ah from the manor crew, I saw he checked in ah to talk about Pete Rose. I missed this earlier, but I wanted to make sure I said it. He says, I feel like they were looking deeper ah to get deeper into the playoffs as years went on and putting time between
ah Pete roses infractions and his success. So shout out. Thank you for that comment. I appreciate that. So yeah, um anyways, let's wrap up the rest of this political talk before I get up out of here because I need to go right now. My Celtics are on. By the way, if you didn't know ball night, there are all NBA teams are playing right now. They're going every 15 minutes, so you'll be able to watch all the teams tonight if you have the league pass like I do. And I also need to go because football is on, but let's tie up a couple of loose ends here before we get out of here.
First of all, y'all, just be careful where you're getting your information. A lot of these news sources are going to lie to you, especially if you're getting your sources or your news straight from YouTube or other people like that, personalities, influencers, people that may not have the expertise that Amul Madan has.
Please pay attention. Please research whatever you're given. Not everything you're told is true. Each side wants to tell the other their base what they want them to believe. And most of the time, there is going to be exaggerations and falsehoods. And a lot of times, there's going to be straight up untruths. So please don't believe everything that you are told and don't let it influence you one way or another. Also, don't be a one ah don't be a one-issue voter.
I say that out of all the love of my heart for the people that I um Go to church with and spend a lot of time with that are older ah They obviously are very much against abortion and vote Republican because of that one issue I'm not saying which way you should vote again I just come to give you the facts But don't be a one voter issue because there are so many other things in your life than just one single issue um Now again that may fit the rest that their Their political choices probably still fit a lot of what they want anyways, but it may not for you. So just be clear what you're looking for and make sure that you are
Investigating each kind candidate doing Proper research not just your own research which a lot of people say they like to do but doing actual research like I've done for this episode um Spending hours and hours going through articles and looking at different websites and stuff like I like I did You're gonna want to make sure that you are properly informed make sure you vote tomorrow as well but no matter what Again, I was a veteran me and my veteran brethren we fought and sacrificed our time and our freedom and our lives For you to do whatever you feel So if you feel like you cannot vote you want to abstain because you do not want to choose the lesser of two evils I support you in that as well But if you want to participate in the democratic process voting is the only uh, well, not the only way obviously you can do lobbying and other things but but the only way that most
ah regular citizens have to participate so again tomorrow get out there remember like Amul said if the polls are going to close stay in line they cannot close until every vote has been taken no matter how late it is my ending thoughts the professors usually i have a positive subject for y'all i Didn't want to do a positive subject and today and today instead I want to give you my thoughts as to us as a nation us as people us as collective the human being race um There is no lesser of of of two evils There is only
what you believe in your mind is best for you as an individual but there is right and there is wrong and you have to make that decision based on what you uh what you decide are your moral principles but what I want to say is that no matter what your principles are no matter what side of the aisle you're on no matter how you may feel or how committed you may be to one party or the other or certain policies or certain politicians as a lot of the MAGA movement is with Donald Trump. All I want to say to each and every one of us is that the only way that we're going to get through this is together. There's been too much divisiveness in the past 10, 15 years and actually since 9-11 as Amul astutely pointed out
um Because there's started to become a racial divide between the Caucasians and the everyone else. And that gap has only increased since then. And unfortunately, we need to bring that back together. I have never known ah To the the ability to be racist to anyone. I love people of all colors. I have friends of every color every race every religion uh agnicity uh gay straight, whatever I have friends of all kinds and I am not going to discriminate against you because of anything And that's what we all need to do To make this world a better place. I'm not saying it's going to be utopia. I'm not i'm not blind i'm not stupid i'm not going to be You know, uh rose colored glasses
But I do know that we need to give back to what Amul was saying, proper discourse between each other, supporting each other and trying to make this world a better place, trying to help our fellow man, trying to bring up those that are less fortunate, um and just being kinder to each other, as Jesus would tell us, to love your neighbor, to love each other. um That's the only way we're gonna get through this. And again, we have to get through it together. Unless you're gonna up and leave the United States, which a lot of people do,
If you're not, we've got to get through this together. Whether you believe something different than I do or not, or you believe the same, we have to do it together. So we need to start putting away the divisiveness. We need to start putting away the hate, the dislike. And we need to start coming together more. We need to start bringing together more that unity that we had when 9-11 actually happened. And we were all brought together against one cause. But the problem is that that cause diverted into treating people um in a way that they shouldn't be treated because of the color of their skin. And I know because I get it all the time. My name is Omar and I have brown brown skin and I'm in the middle of a red state in Nashville. I cannot tell you how many times I've

Closing and Call for Unity

had racial slurs said to me or questions. It happens all the time. All the time. Because my name is Omar and I'm brown. Most people accuse me of being a terrorist. I get it. I'm used to it at this point. It happens.
But I didn't, I served my country in the Air Force very proudly for six years and then worked as government contractor for a long time after that, supporting the efforts of the United States and I love my country. But I love my fellow people too. And that's what again, what we need to do is love each other. On that note, I love you all.
ah love and When I hit my mic, I love you all. Go out and make sure you vote tomorrow if that's what you want to do. If not, sit at home in the couch, drink a beer, puff a joint, whatever you feel like doing. I don't know whatever your advice is. um And we will see you tomorrow on the Bottom Line Sports 8 p.m. Eastern. Make sure you're subscribed at the Bottom Line Sports for that. But more importantly, make sure you're subscribed at Ball and Buds. B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. Subscribe at YouTube. Follow on Instagram.
ah For all of my streaming buddies and everybody that tuned in today. Thank you. I love you. We out. hello
toe to toe, release the flow, created by this mic pro. Life's cameras get low. Action back, back to back, in fact, this monster will grow. Y'all better let with the master plan and you have no need to know you can't prepare now get ready for the show