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Episode 153: Paddington the Planeswalking Bear image

Episode 153: Paddington the Planeswalking Bear

E153 · Goblin Lore Podcast
463 Plays2 years ago

Hello, Podwalkers, and welcome back to another episode of the Goblin Lore Podcast!  You may have noticed Paddington Bear has been cropping up across the multiverse lately. We sat down with the creator of these amazing arts to ask the important questions. Like WHY PADDINGTON BEAR?

Again we would like to state that Black Lives Matter

We also are proud to have partnered with Grinding Coffee Co a black, LGBT+ affiliated and owned, coffee business that is aimed at providing coffee to gamers. You can read more about their mission here. You can use our partner code for discounted coffee!


If you’re thinking about suicide or just need someone to talk to right now, you can get support from any of the resources below.


You can find the hosts on Twitter: Hobbes Q. at @HobbesQ, and Alex Newman at @Mel_Chronicler. Send questions, comments, thoughts, hopes, and dreams to @GoblinLorePod on Twitter.

Opening and closing music by Wintergatan (@wintergatan). Logo art by Steven Raffael (@SteveRaffle).

Goblin Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast, and a part of their growing Vorthos content – as well as Magic content of all kinds. Check them out at


Reunion and Updates

Hello Podwalkers and welcome back to the first episode in quite a while that is both Alex and I. So I was sitting down thinking about this Alex was just the end of the nature of June, kind of just as busy as that had been and just, you know, me coming off of Richmond, you coming off of Fourth Street, having to push episodes, we have not actually sat down and recorded together in almost a month. Wow. Yeah, you're right. Yeah.
Yeah, so we have an episode in the books that's going to be bank that is going to be coming out in a couple of weeks. That is going to be just you again that was recorded last

Upcoming Episode and Partnership

week. So I mean, we are we're literally sitting on almost a month, which is a pretty long time for us. So hi, how are you doing? No, I know. Like usual, but less tired. That's it's a good going in the good trend. We're trending in the right direction in the right direction. That's a less awkward way of saying it. Yeah. Yeah.
Well, welcome back, everyone. So we are into July now. We want to make sure that we're throwing out our shout out to the Grinding Coffee Company to start us off because we just love to work with them. We have another charity event coming up. So this is always a good time to be able to mention the Grinding Coffee Company.

Charity Event Announcement

We are going to be partnering with a community of cardboard.
Our friend Michelle and dev so doodles I don't remember her full Twitter handle right now But I am been working with them to bring an event for the National abortion Federation This is a reproductive rights organization. This is the one that people have seen Olivia and Elias and this past weekend
Veggie Wagon have all been raising money for this organization. And as we said on kind of our fourth anniversary, reproductive rights are something that we strongly believe in and support.

Personal Story: Roe vs. Wade

My wife is an OBGYN and we were in the mountains the day that the official announcement came out about Roe versus Wade. And I mean, just knowing what the magic community is and what they have done,
My wife literally looked at me and said, is there something the Magic community can do? And I was like, well, we got charity events. I mean, it's that hard part of what can we do. It feels like that a lot of time.
The National Abortion Federation is actually a group that helps people be able to have the access, both helping providers and then also people that need those services. So that'll be coming at the end of the month. And we actually have already raised $1,300 by auctioning off two signed Gaia's Cradles, which was just, yeah, they just showed up in the mail.
So yeah, somebody just sent them to me. So Grinding Coffee Company will be donating. And so I thought it would be a good time to mention them.

Guest Introduction: Jeffrey Palmer

But we're going to be talking today with a friend of ours, a local Minnesotan, actually, which is why it's kind of surprising that you have not been on the show.
And so that is Jeffrey Palmer who I alluded to and then just kind of like threw it over to you without saying anything. Yeah. There was a light illusion and I was like waiting for like at least a light fanfare. Usually trumpets, a band kind of comes up, but no, we'll just jump right into it. Hello. I think didn't we have this before Alex that we discovered that I actually can accidentally click on things that sound like music. Let's see. We do have.
Yeah, baby! That's really something. Oh yeah, we'll throw a little bit of this in too, so... Is this what you were looking for? Yeah, a little lifetime, afternoon drama, movie of the week kind of situation. Okay, there. Well, see, you know, I need to add more. Wait, this actually seems better. Let's listen. Oh, there you go. Yeah.
Paddington's yeah, no padding twins. Come on. That was literally the putting twins was sitting right out

Minnesota Sports Humor

there. Is that a football reference? I don't follow sports Okay, well
We apologize already. We will be shifting focus for today's episode. In Minnesota, I've come up here and the first thing somebody said to me, I'm not kidding, was like, all our sports team sucks. So I just said, okay, I'll just tune out immediately. Wow, that is really, really unfair to our WNBA team.
The WNBA team, yeah, is incredible. Let's let's don't. Yeah, absolutely. We actually do have one winning team. Yeah. Yeah. They're the champions. But yeah, Minnesota, it's it's a land of many good things, but some not so great. So we'll just leave it at that.

Meet the Hosts

Well, before we get too deep into the woods, let's do some introductions as I awkwardly were throwing things around. So I will introduce myself first. I am HobbsQ. My pronouns are he, him. I can be found on Twitter at HobbsQ. So Alex, since you have talked and in case people have not heard of the show before, in case Jeffrey's throngs of people that will be discovering the show, we need to introduce you.
Well, absolutely. So at first, I guess, welcome to all of, you know, Jeffrey's fans who are coming to our show. We appreciate you listening. Hopefully you enjoy and find some other content here. So as opposite, I'm Alex, Alex, and I'm found on Twitter at Mel underscore chronicler. And my pronouns are he him.

Guest's Creative Projects

Yeah, we call ourselves furries. Uh, that was just something I came up with that has no other connotations. I just thought it went with the bear. And so yeah, we're welcome to the furry community and, um, we, uh, yeah. Oh, introductions. Yes. I'm Jeffrey Palmer.
And I'm at Living Cards MTG on the Twitter and nowhere else. I refuse to engage in any other social media, anything due to Twitter already taking up, you know, an embarrassing too much of my life and TikTok.
Secretly, but I don't do anything there for thank goodness. There's not like a secret Paddington tick box that we're not that we're all missing Unless there's some bootleg stuff happening. It's I've avoided all of it. Yeah, my pronouns are he him and Yeah, I'm very excited to be here on the goblin lower podcast. Thank you so much for having me
You're welcome. So we're going to be talking about the we're going to call it the Paddington project. I love it. Yeah, we'll give it a name since you don't bother to even use a hashtag. No, something I was very quick to to discover as I was attempting to go back and not a yeah, none of it has been done with intent or
I was going to say, well, there seemed to be a little just kind of seat of the pants, I would say, approach. So I actually think that's why I mean, we won't get too deep into the philosophy of the whole thing right off the bat. But I do think that's kind of why it works. You know, it's just sort of this completely innocent thing that is just become part of the zeitgeist to bust out a little bit of a word there.
I've seen some of this art. Innocent is doing a lot of work in that sense. Yeah. Okay. That's fair. Okay. So, Jeffrey Palmer, we're going to be talking about the Paddington Project, but I do kind of to start us off, we usually do kind of a question. So, we will give this to everybody and we're going to start off with you, Alex. Which of the Paddington projects kind of stands out to you?
So that does require us to describe a little bit of what this is if people do not know Jeffrey has been going on What I just was looking 70 something 80 days Just hit 80 of Photoshopping Paddington bear into magic the gathering art
And that's why he's here. That's the only reason we did not want to have him on the show until padding about I have done nothing else Previously to that all of my entire legacy right has been swept into the dustbin And dead-pitched
All the other stuff that I tried to do, you know, that actually I spent epic amounts of time on and beyond that I built. That's all out the window. It doesn't even matter. No, it's the bear. You're the bear day. I forgot to ask this prior to the show. Is this a is this a potty word show or is this not? We are family friendly. I like that. Let's go. Yeah. Yeah. Swept into the dustbin is a good way to say that.
So Alex, let's start us off with you choosing at least one. I'm going to go through one in particular that struck me. These are all fantastic, but I got to go with Paddington and the Ice as my particular one. I'm scrolling through and we have a selection of him here.
all again all of them are great and there's a few are kind of oh that's cool and that's great i mean but this this particular one actually caused me to stop for a moment go ahead and look at it yeah so do you want a little uh a little behind the scenes or kind of the making out just as a quick aside there yeah so that one i again with all these and obviously you know this applies to every single one but um i don't know when they're going to be a hit like i i like
them to varying degrees. Like I'm like, okay, this one I think turned out really well. Um, and it's sort of how people talk about making movies. They're like, you know, well, you know, we thought this was good and then people didn't like it or we weren't sure if this was the right direction and the people really loved it. But thing in the ice was one that I just was like,
This was really quick because actually what I did with this, this is for my Photoshop people out there, but it wasn't difficult. It looks like I spent a lot of time putting the ropes in front of him and really putting him into the ice, but it's just a blending mode. I actually found a little
a setting within Photoshop, I'll try to use layman's term, but within Photoshop you can set your layers that you're working with to different ways of interacting with the colors above them, beneath them, so you can make things much brighter, much darker, and I really just found a nice mode that set him into that ice, so all I did
was go in and and kind of erase the the previous thing in the ice. It kind of pulled it in a little bit so that it did. You couldn't see it. And then I just sort of set padding up to none there and then and then did the blur or the blend rather. And I thought, OK, that's that's pretty cool. And I put it out and that one that one blew up. You know, that's one that I think had over 3000 likes or something. You know, yeah. Take a look at what's going to blow up. And yeah, that one really took off was a big hit with people. Nice. Mm hmm.
So I will go next because I have noticed the theme and I have noticed the theme that this kind of like this one hit me specifically. This this one I'm going to choose. Alex, I think you thought I was probably going to go Goblin Piledriver.
No. Okay. No, I was not either, but I'll come back to it. Okay. So that is really cool. There is a goblin pile driver that was more recent actually, even, and I mean, obviously that's, that's fits along well. The, uh, the, uh, the snarl on Paddington's face really, really sticks out. And then my other runner up for now is I actually have the play mat in front of me of the Foglio sulfur Springs. Oh yeah. It is.
I love. OK, so see, but why I love it more than more than just the fact that it's an art that I've always loved. I love demons and hot tubs. And so Paddington Chilling is that you put the hat on on the demon. Mm hmm. Yeah. People notice that. Yeah.
Paddington's hat made it onto the demon, which. And see, there's a story there, you know, like, OK, look, I'm leaping into my soapbox and I'm like, look, do it. Do imagine that that the bear walked up.
and said, can I get in the soul for a spring with you? And the demon said, he gave me that cool hat, man. And he, you know, so that was the trade. You can come in, but I'm going to wear the hat. And that's, is that what happened? That's what I made up. But you know, that's what I love when I can put a little, a little bit of a, you know, something about more than just that. Yeah.
So, you know, we're already starting to get into process stuff here, which I think we'll be talking about our ones we've liked. So we'll come back because I am actually going with Ishkana. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. I think probably got you the most at least row marks, because that is messed up. Like,
The reason is because it already seems messed up. I hate spiders. That is they don't hate and love, but also, yeah, terrified of them. Yeah, they're terrified. They are great for us. They are great for humanity. Right. Let's make sure we need the spiders. We need the spider. Holy cow. Yeah. Yeah. Like, yes, I am deathly afraid. Like I yes, I have bordering on a phobia legs. Come on. And big and big. It's like excessive. Like what?
What was the point? You know what I mean? It's like, come on. Couldn't we have gone with four legs and not quite so? You know, it's just in every category, too much. It's just movement. And then like you can make the movement. You could spin stuff out of your butt. The other thing, the movement. If they just sat there or maybe like rolled or something. No, they creep. And yeah, yeah, yeah. So you already hit that creepiness factor for you. Oh, yeah.
Then I slow down enough to look at the fact that all the freakin broodlings have Haddington's face also Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm that that is where you go the extra mile and that's You know what I mean? Like that's why this thing has taken off because you could go No, just stick this bear's face on this spider
I say, no, let me sit here and put this bear's face on all the little ones. And then I say, did you notice this? The ones that are on her back all have the red hat.
No, I didn't. I did not. Oh, you got to look closer. So that's as you see now, the story of this is that there's some kind of one spider evolution where they start with the little red cap and then they get a little bit bigger. And then, yeah, yeah, eventually they become like the thing. Mm hmm.
So they lose their hat? Like what do you expect them to get a hat? No, I just put the hat on because I couldn't put the face on because they like didn't really have a face. So I was like, let's just put the hat on there. And then that's what we'll do. I don't know. It's not to me as a genre that I'm going to call phobic panny Paddington. Yeah, we're definitely some where I play with.
things that make people very uncomfortable. But magic cards, we all have to remember that these are magic cards to begin with that are sort of like, oh no, that's happening. Have you seen the art for ad nauseam?
Have you ever seen it? And how many people have told me that I need to do ad nauseam? I'm not saying you should. And I definitely will get to that point at some point. It's such a delicate thing where I'm like, I don't ever want to come out and do a card.
where I put Paddington in a situation that is just, let's see, you're gonna say BS immediately to this, like where I'm like trying to be mean to him intentionally, but, cause I know I put him in the black vice or something like right away, like almost immediately. You hadn't found your voice yet. You hadn't found the direction. It's like, I want Paddington, Paddington to me, see again, and I'm gonna get a little bit more philosophical about this whole thing.
I haven't seen the movies and now I intend to never see them because the character has grown to mean a little something different to me than I think anybody else in the world. It's just this sort of muse that I look at in this immutable form, you know, like that I just sort of pour into these different things. And so it's my chance to like kind of
express some interest or put myself into the card and connect with the art because I love the art about in Magic the Gathering is pretty much why I play the game. I'm friends with most of the artists and as some of you know before all this I used to be known as the animator of the art because I spent all this time doing animations and really that was how I connected with the art.
And those were very well received, thank you very much. But also they took a tremendous amount of time and I could not do them every single day or even, you know, now that as Hobbs, we were talking about having two small children. Yeah, I can't do them, you know, even every month or so. It's very seldom. So the Paddington was a way to kind of like reconnect with something that I could do with the art on the daily. But then bringing it all back to connect with Ishkinah,
I love horror. I am a horror movie person. And you know, as we were spiders are so scary, but of course, arachnophobia, one of my favorite ones. And so any time that I can skew towards the more disturbing art, like I want to, as long as it's a good mix, like let's put Paddington on the horse, being the knight, being the hero.
And then the next day we'll put him as a drooling, slavering spider and just try to scare the pants off everyone. You know, that's, that's the juxtaposition. And that's, I think what keeps it fresh. And so it's, you don't never let them know your next move, you know, draw the kiddies in with the cute Paddington bear. I just, I can't, cause I don't want to get bored. I want this to go on for a while. I mean, I have no idea how long it's going to go on for.
The thing I do that something that Alex and I say about the podcast. Yeah, it's been four years to go Beyond a day, you know, do you guys what do you want to hear the the origin story? I mean, I don't know what you have planned next but we have something planned first. Oh, you're already you're railing us I won't jump this that is very inappropriate on this. We don't care for
We don't have it. Goblins are very well known for staying on task, never deviating or getting distracted. I haven't been asked the single goblin lore question yet. And I've been on here for 19 minutes and 50 seconds. It's almost embarrassing for you guys at this point. We just assumed you didn't know anything about goblins.
That's a terrible thing to say. I know a lot about goblins. Red is my favorite tribe in Magic the Gathering. Well, that's because in typical, as Alex was saying, goblin fashion, we still haven't even gotten your answer to the question, which would then allow us to do other things. I forgot what it was. Yeah, continue. What was the question?
So I mean, and this is unfair to you. It's easier for Alex and I. Oh, yeah. What's the one for me? Yeah. What's what's the one? No, it's day two. It's the it's the one that started everything. It's the really peaked. OK, already got you immediately. Well, no, it's just because that was that was the moment. Now, I'm not I don't want to, you know, toot my own horn, but I had gone viral before and to the to some tune and, you know, I had had had made content that really connected with people.
But that's the second day where Paddington's got his arms, his hands on his hips, and he's looking at the black skull and spine of the surgical extraction rising out with just sort of a little bit of a kind of a look on his face. To see that that took off like it did, that was a feeling
You know, and again, we said we're going to do the origin story. So I'll say I'll save the full details. But that was special. And that one, that was what started it. That was what that was how it took off. So, yeah, that that'll always be my favorite. I won't.
You know, I don't see myself topping that personally, but I try every day. That's what I try to do. You know, as you said, it was such a striking, you know, kind of did day one. Yeah. We're going to hear the origin story. Didn't you come out literally with once again, one of those creepy art factors and juxtaposed with with Paddington at that point. And exactly. Yeah. We'll have to save it for the origin story because I'll tell you, I'll tell you exactly how it went moment by moment.
Great, great. I think that's kind of interesting, and maybe notable too, just as talking about creating content and things, because you said you didn't know how long this was going to happen. Right, right. And I just think about us with the podcast, as Hobbs mentioned earlier, we just hit our four year anniversary recently, and it's like early on. Congratulations. Thank you.
Early on, Hobbs and I both actually weren't planning to be permanent hosts of the show. And so for us, it was that first episode we came on and it was like, oh, well, this is a thing we can do. And then, so we started, you know, the second episode, the third episode as we started to do that early content. That's what... And someday somebody might actually listen to it, you know, like just... Yeah, that's our hope. One day someone may discover this and actually put it on for two minutes and say, hey.
we saw your follower count and yeah oh yeah that's definitely oh my goodness yeah no we'll we'll get you some love fusho i love lifting up anybody who's doing especially you know not to get serious on you guys but to your reproductive rights we are we are 100 in the fight as well and uh i don't know if you noticed i i'm not going to take pattington in and
to be overtly, you know, like take stance one way or another. But when I come out and say things like, hey, the theme for this week is going to be fight. I want people to go, oh, maybe he is also talking about other things going in the world, you know, and I'm going to be on the sly with this and that. But yeah, we're we're in it. And definitely, definitely right there with you guys on that. Awesome. For sure.
okay let's take us through this this project so the reason i so you mentioned the movies and that's where these images are coming from right however this is really kind of a personal thing for me because long before the movies pattington is a very beloved english british character that's where it came from for me as well yeah the love so i my grandmother's from england and i actually upstairs have a like
a pattington bear oh that's wonderful that has a copyright date on the tag of like 1978 okay like so i grew up with pattington i grew up with cartoons i grew up with the books i grew up going to i mean i have been to pattington station i've taken my wife i have gone so like when i saw this series
It really like had this whole other, why is somebody ruining my childhood? Oh, okay. Oh, sorry. Awkward. Alex, how's it going? Yeah, but were you immediately able to be like, okay, he's trying to do something here that's maybe a little bit cooler. Are you still just like plotting my demise?
Well, this is what this episode is for. Okay. Gotcha. To decide. But you said there is an origin story. Paddington has been beloved for many, many years. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. The number one question is simply why Paddington? Why? Why? Yeah. Okay. It's a simple question. It's a simple question with a very
A bit of an answer. You know, hey, we got to fill some time on the old podcast. We can't just sit around talking about how tired Alex is and all that good stuff. We could, but I'll give you we do that. Yeah. So surprise, surprise, a meme. I did not come up with the idea of putting Paddington into other things.
And I doubt that the person who is doing it or originated it for me, at least the first time I saw it, came up with it either, but maybe they did. And who knows? There is another person out there in the Twitterverse with 200,000 followers or probably more at this point. And I actually think they're overseas somewhere because they mostly post when I'm sleeping. So I have to check it in the morning. But they post Paddington.
into movies and TV, and they only do Paddington as he is. So it is Paddington Bear, not shapeshifted, not in, you know, other forms. It's just the Paddington Bear, as you know him from either the books, the TV show or the movies in a movie or TV scene. And then this sort of like, oh, that's cool. And they're, you know, staggering popular. They're really fun. They're really good.
He's clearly a master and I've actually messaged with him and thank goodness he approves of what I'm doing and actually he requested the progenitus one, which was awesome. So he's a magic player? Well, he played it when he was a kid. He said, hey, I played magic when I was a kid. I love what you're doing. Can you do progenitus? And I said,
maybe that's once really weird. And then I thought, oh no, it's absolutely perfect. We'll just do three-headed Paddington. It was huge. Everybody loved it. So it was like, great job, guy. I wish he had retweeted it to his 200,000 followers and I would be even bigger. He was very, very happy. He thought it was cool. He's likely listening to this.
Right. Yeah, exactly. But what happened was I love to meme. I love I'm a huge fan of memes because anything that makes us feel more connected. This is my meme philosophy is good. So we are as a society, especially lately about as we're disconnected all over the place. But memes are like common threads, a really good meme, in my opinion. And I have been allowed to have a strong one because I've tapped into it.
for, you know, not a living, but for great success is that that a meme is something that people from any walk of life can kind of say, okay, there's something that I sort of know of, or I know that person or something, something is humorous or resonates with me. And, you know, they can be bound by community like the Paddington's are, you know, mostly magic related, but
You know, a good a good meme is a good meme. And that's so I love I love memes. And so I just thought, well, I'll meme I'll mean this guy and I'll do one day of I photoshopped Paddington into a magic card.
And so I thought, I do, I always try to not think, you know, as soon as you start thinking about a meme, then you've lost it. You have to, it has to be off the top of your head. And so I thought, okay, I'll, I'll do a, I photoshop Paddington into a magic card until I don't. And he, his is, I photoshop Paddington into a movie or TV show until I forget. So I just said until I don't off-handedly not knowing that that would people be like, please never don't, you know, like, and it's become this whole,
whole thing with people, you know, like, please don't don't ever don't, you know, I just offhandedly said until I don't. So, you know, long may I never don't is what we're all hoping. But I thought it was just going to be OK, I'll put this out. And it did. You know, I like to say a meme is successful. You know, if it if it gets a little bit of traction, I think it had about 75 likes or something like that. And I thought, OK, that's kind of cool.
And it came to day two. So then it was day two, and I was just going to do these to start my day at work, you know, and thinking, um, cause I make TV commercials for a living and I sort of, it's some creativity involved. So I like to kind of warm my mind up. And, um, and I thought, well, should I do day two or is it, is that so stupid? Does anybody, you know, like nobody's going to care that it's day two, first of all, not know again, this is the very beginning of this. And I just thinking.
Oh, okay. What if I, what if I go, he's doing all these movies, TV shows, but what if I find the most disturbing magic card I can possibly think of and put it, Paddington into it. Now I have a connection to this surgical extraction because I've, I played with it over the years. I actually took, uh, a gremlin from aether revolt and I had it pop out. I animated it popping out of the surgical.
And as though the gremlin itself was was ripping that guy's spine out. The one of the cutest creatures in magic history who's not getting enough love, the humble gremlin with the nose and everything. Humble. Yeah, yeah. It pops out of the guy's back. And so I thought, OK, that's the one we'll do surgical extraction. So I OK, grab that. I'm telling you, Photoshop is so I couldn't do it without modern Photoshop because I don't have a ton of time to spend every day grab, you know,
grab the layers, make a little layer thing of it, put Paddington in there nicely behind it, color correct everything. I do care tremendously about making everything look as natural as it can be. That's the reason people love these, because they don't stick out. You look at it and as obvious as Paddington is, he should never stick out. He should look like Paddington was always in the card, always in the scene. The art was always Paddington. Yeah, it makes sense.
You know, as I said over the years, I like making content that maybe goes viral. I like posting on, I used to post on Reddit until I decided it was, you know, forget about that. It's just absolute scumbaggery, but I like to see the, the updates and I like the likes and you know, it's, I'll admit it's a little bit addictive when that sort, when something pops off and you really see it start to tick up. So usually what I'll do is I'll post around noon and then I'll go eat lunch.
So I do that and post it.
So I posted it up day two and I, and usually I'll close it and then go eat lunch before I could close it, you know, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, couple of likes. And I was like, whoa. Cause Twitter will actually in real time, it'll start showing you your life. So I said, whoa. So I kind of sat there and watched it for a second. I retweet a couple of retweets comment and thinking, whoa, this is the fastest I've ever seen something I put up being engaged with. So I close it down.
go off, do my thing. I check it in about 15 minutes. It has 300 likes or something. All these comments, people saying we're here for the series, we love it. The follows start coming in. By the next day, it was at 9,000 likes. And over the tail of it, it kind of reached over 9,000.
and just hundreds of people followed me and all saying, we are here for the series. So I went, oh, okay, so this is a thing. This is something that I'm gonna be doing. I immediately embraced it. It was never like a moment where I was like,
I'm not going to do day three because I had gotten somebody to look at my dumb photoshops and that's like always a dream of mine. I have been photoshopping people for literally ever. I told the story of photoshopping myself onto Vin Diesel's body.
as a kid and sending it to my parents who showed my grandma and my grandma going, wow, Jeffrey's been working out for me. This is the greatest thing of all time. Yeah. Yeah. So it was just an immediate like.
Yes, you know, okay. So cool. So like day three is really dumb. It's, you know, it's just, uh, Paddington being eaten. Day four is a little better day five. I was really proud of Paddington's riding on a horse and it really looks like he's riding on the horse. And it's like, that's really cool. Day six is dumb. They kind of meander around in quality, but like it, it
It took me a minute to really find my footing, but every single day people were going, this one's my favorite. I love the series, hundreds of people following me. And, uh, and I just thought, okay, I'm on to it. You know, I'm onto something. Uh, and, and it's always just been about a way to connect with people. So that's, that's where, that's how it all started. And that's how it's continued for 80 days, which is insane to say. Yeah.
Well, it's kind of wild. It actually feels like it's been longer. I don't know. Right. Yeah. It's always been here. Yeah. Like I've always been a thing that has been going on, you know, until I, you mentioned early on, um, like your complete, your, your complete backstory, your complete back catalog, your stuff. Like if people don't know you were, you know, you were employed to do card animation. I mean, this was, this was actually your, your job. Yep. Yep. Yep. I did that. And I.
I mean, I've been working behind the scenes of some of your favorite magic creators forever. And I'm actually working on a career, you know, whatever, since 2015. A little retrospective, because I want to put it out not again, not to toot my own horn is a little bit. I won't lie. But I just want to say, like, look, I did all this stuff. You probably saw stuff that I was doing beforehand.
But I never saw myself as a content creator. You know what I mean? I just never I never wanted to be because you guys always amaze me like doing doing a regular podcast, doing all this stuff. I just felt like I could never commit. So I was always like, let me do your let me do your intro. Yeah. Right. Alex, like you said, right. Yeah. Like when this started, Alex and I were kind of like, we can't commit.
We can't commit. Yeah. That's what we both told. We didn't know that the other one had said that, but that's what we both told Joe, who kind of helped start things for folks who aren't familiar with the start of our cast. The history. Yeah. Yeah. And here we are four years later. We're still doing it. Still doing it. Still doing it. It's awesome. Because it does, right? It does feel like if you say that, you have to commit.
And you were doing it you were doing it for for people you were you had a lot of shows, but you didn't have yeah, I Guess not your own voice. Yeah, I never did my own thing and I never every time I thought like
I could make the best looking deck text. But then I thought, I just don't care. I don't have the passion for that side of it. So I was always content to be the guy who was behind the scenes. And I still am. People will message me and they'll go, hey, can you do my logo?
And if I have time, I'm like, yeah, I'll do you a real, a real simple thing. And then sometimes still big channels out of the blue, you know, are people who are really, really on the up and up, like we'll say, Hey, uh, you know, um, like MTG, but I just did his amazing play mat animation. And that was a big project that I, that I kind of don't take that much anymore, but he's a friend. He's become a dad friend. Well, he's also, he's a goblin.
Yeah, he's a goblin and he's making awesome content. Right, right, right. So, yeah. You know, and if the prof wants me to do something that's like a community college, I generally don't turn him down because he'll.
He'll give me whatever cash cashola that I want, you know, and it's nice to have a little bit a little bit on hand, you know, a little bit of fun money here and there. But yeah, I always did the behind the scenes stuff and I never saw that. So now I go on shows.
People have been having me on podcasts and I've been kind of touring around talking about this stuff. Everybody keeps having to remind me, you're a content creator, cut it out. You are making content and that's what you're doing now. Well, I was giving you a hard time about the intentionality piece to it because it was an organic growth. You didn't put a hashtag on it.
No, yeah prior to this I was giving you a Giving you crap because I wanted to go back and look at all of them and right, you know You're like, oh, you know like they're on my co-fi which is a way that you could support Jeff right if you'd like to Not really because he hates it But at the same time, you know, like you had them collected there, but it was like 40 out of date like this is yeah it it is that
piece to you that I'm guessing there still is that gap between considering yourself a content creator and and the fact that you are one. Yeah, yeah, there's no there's no part of me that's going, I want to wake up and have Paddington be something that I'm that I must do, you know, like as part of as part of to support
myself or something or, you know, like, I think Sam's the Ristic Studies has got to get out there and say, I mean, kind of make those videos, bro. And I'm like, no, I'm making I'm going to keep it in the realm of I want to I'm going to make Paddington because I want to because I feel like the moment that I have to it's going to show and people are going to go, hmm, what's going on? Like, you know, like some something won't be quite right with it. So I've decided, yeah, I decided
With Paddington, I'm not gonna do any more. I'm never gonna make it something that people need to support for any reason, other than they absolutely wanna send me some tips. And I'm gonna get my Ko-Fi updated, because that's coming very soon. There'll be a regular place for that. And just to go look, and people can go look. And if you tip me something, it's gonna be just, I'm gonna buy a box. Whenever it fills up,
I'm going to like buy a box. And I opened a box on stream the other day and about eight or nine people showed up and watched it. And I kind of did a little AMA. That was so much fun. So that's what we're going to do with it. It's never going to be something or we'll do something. A charity will partner with you guys. And I'll, you know, I'll give a big chunk away or something like that. It's never going to be a thing where I'm like.
Okay, so send me I'm sitting here in my bikini in a bathtub and if you don't send me money I'm not making the Paddington's anymore Pretty cool life actually I would be cool. Yeah, actually as I said that I thought okay just Pivot, we're gonna be in the bath. We're gonna get the hot tub in the basement tomorrow, and I'll I'll be yeah by Tuesday It kind of reminds me so
Um, Alex and I have talked about this for us and for our show that, you know, part of this is we, we, we don't have to do this. Um, you know, and I think that that is, it is a different type of content in it. So it can be hard. I don't know, Alex, for you, for me, it can be hard to think even still as ourselves as content creators, because content is, is secondary for a lot of what we do. Yeah.
I mean, hell, a lot of what we've been doing the last two years is using this as a way for you and I to stay in contact because otherwise. So this was a great way to. Isn't that the best about magic? Yeah.
So, you know, thinking of that, right, you know, like, Jeffrey, this is a different kind of role for you. I mean, it's not in the sense of like, you're still doing it because you want to. I want to talk a little bit about kind of the series itself in the sense of you started out and I think unless I am, well, horribly misremembering, which with my depression happens way more than I would like to admit.
Uh, I'm as scatterbrained as they come. They used to call me the absent minded professor. Like that was literally said to my face by teachers. Don't worry. It was just, I seem to remember you mentioning that like at some point early on, you know, I've seen some, some people asking you questions about like, it was kind of just Paddington, almost like the movie idea Paddington was in there.
Right. Oh, oh, you're bringing me up such a great point. Yes. Yes. Continue. So what you're going for. Yeah, I hope so. Good. Then we're on. But you you talk about like it was it was the initial getting Paddington in the background. He was still part of the art, but it didn't look like that versus Paddington did become much more ingrained. Oh, yeah. Scene of the art. And that's a pretty big decision to make and like a pretty big shift.
Yes, that's so that's so critical. And that saved it for me because I would I know I would have gotten bored of just sticking Paddington into. So and as you mentioned, Michael, I pull it up because I can you can actually see when the change happens. So it starts around. So like and this is it's quick, like around the 20th day I put in I had Paddington in as the cryptic command.
character. That's really, really sweet. Then I got didn't day 21. I have Paddington cosplay as a Johnny, you know, where I really just replaced the head because thank goodness the rest of them was already furry and we didn't have to bother with that too much.
Um, on day 22, I had Paddington as himself basically, but as Perferos. And that, that was really well received. So I was starting to see that people were like, we like Paddington sort of playing as the, as the characters. And then we go through a few more Paddington kind of goes back and forth, back and forth. On day 27, I Photoshopped Paddington bear into.
Niv-Mizzet. As Niv-Mizzet with the full color correction with the veins in the head with the red face the full deal and I love Niv-Mizzet. I put Snoop Dogg into Niv-Mizzet and I called it Niv-Mizzle for Schizzle Dizzle. That's something you can if you google that you'll find it and it's great.
But that was the moment where I was like, OK, Paddington has got to start moving beyond just being pending. And I go back and forth as you as you look on between Paddington still kind of being himself, but also starting to shift into characters. If you look at day 35, where I did Paddington, massive Paddington with Liliana.
That one was is a lot of people still tell me that's the favorite because I think it's because it's such a such a scene, such a mood. It's Liliana just sort of gripping on to Paddington's gigantic claw. And I'll admit, I took a bear paw.
a real bear paw because I couldn't find one that I liked and and I took a real a real bear paw and then I took Paddington's claw like actual claws so they wouldn't be terrifying you know grizzly bear claws and I put them on that the way I make these has gotten absolutely bonkers they're every single one if you look at the most recent ones there's about four or five pieces of different Paddington's in
in every single one. So like the, you know, the face, so we're like, I'll drive her like we can pull up even pile driver. That's the face of one. The hand is one. But sometimes it gets absolutely bonkers because I'll just I'll just pull in
I need an arm, I need a hand, I need the chest, and I need the head. And sometimes that could be every single one of those pieces will be from a different image that I've captured of Paddington. And at this point, I have this massive library that I built myself of Photoshop Paddington's that I can pull from.
That was another question I kind of had, but at this point it was like, is the government going to come through a search on your Google? Oh, if they did, how many times I've Googled Louis Scott Vargas, I would already have gone to jail. So that's fine. So it's fine at this point. Like, Patty is not sending off alarm bells comparatively. Well, the FBI agent who's watching my computer, it's probably the one that like,
fouled up a job horribly. You know, like they they were they were on the mission and then like the train blew up and everyone died. They're like, OK, that's it. You're on the Paddington guy. Go and watch him, you know, do his stupid photo shops and make sure he doesn't step out of line. And that's what I just imagine. But no, I think I think I'm OK. Yeah. As long as I don't sell shirts or anything like that, then we bet we'll be OK.
I wish, right? I was very appreciative of what you were saying. Sorry, I was just going to relate related to that. That's a common thing in like the writing community. I actually was just recently at a local writing convention. Oh, wonderful.
craft of writing a convention in June here. And so there's on a Discord server with a bunch of folks there, and that's actually just one of the channels. It's just their recent Google searches, just to... Can they talk about how, you know, sort of the... Don't you Google the dumbest stuff, yeah. Yeah, like... You have to really be careful, because you can just innocently go like, how to bomb a, you know, building, and you're like, oh, it was for writing. Wait a minute. Oh, no.
yeah especially when you're doing fiction you're doing any sort of creative project project where you need to like do some research and dig and there's going to be a bunch of innocuous things but then there's going to be a bunch of things that without the proper context seem less than yeah yeah a hundred percent yeah that's so funny no that's cool i i
One of my true dreams, and I am slowly working on it, is to be a screenwriter. So I am right there with you on the writing front. I took that in college and I slowly, very, very slowly hack away at screenplays in my spare time that I don't have.
Who knows some day? So I just want to give people advice too. If you're ever just trying to figure out like rules for your Google searches, most things have 38 rules. So just Google rule 38 of Paddington Bear, for instance. And you'll you'll you'll be able to get all the information you need. Yeah. Yeah. Mm hmm. That's a know your meme, kids. I was trying to. I'm sorry. You do need to meme. Yeah. Don't let your memes be dreams and get out there and make some meme content. No.
Yeah. If the Paddington's have taught us anything, and this is more serious aside just since you mentioned it, if you are thinking about trying to make some kind of content, you absolutely just have to do it because
I had, I did all this stuff that I thought was going to be popular for years and it was, but not to this level. And it was just so random house. I found, found something that struck a chord. So if you want to try and find your own little voice and some people don't, and absolutely I want to talk to those people, that's okay too. You don't have to be out there and try to be.
you know the person who's leading the conversation or are making the content that everybody loves you could just be a good person i follow a lot of people who have almost no followers because they just are a positive every time they comment something is positive i'm all about
be positive stop don't don't uh you know turn turn the the machine that's just kind of a lot of negativity especially in gaming communities just be positive but if you do want to try something you might as well because you never know one thing you try might just get you 11 000 twitter followers it it could absolutely be
you know, any little thing. I like I love this guy, Keith, you probably talked to him. He makes cutouts of the magic cards and does the little 3D things and not just cards. Yeah. Have you seen his working wheel of sun and moon?
no but i bet it's incredible but that's what he literally has he has a wheel of sun and moon that literally turned like the sundial in the art turns yeah it's a thing he has it as a box and the art like turns in it isn't that cool yeah keep this keep this amazing and then just put it out there i just i love it put it you could just put things into the world
And then if they didn't exist before, you made it and now it's out there. And maybe you'll find somebody else who goes, Hey, I like that. And I relate to that. And maybe a whole bunch of people, or maybe not, but you know, it's like, at least you're doing something and adding, adding to the conversation. Cause we all need more positivity and we all need more art in the world right now, or, you know, and we need more memes, obviously.
It's my little soapbox on content creation because I truly believe just try it, you know, just just do something. It's fun. It's really fun. Yeah, absolutely. And don't be afraid to just make something for yourself. You don't have to worry if is this going to go over. I mean, and maybe you want some stuff and there's nothing wrong with that. But if like for myself, I just started doing the podcast because I enjoy it.
Yeah, you didn't get a degree in podcast duration. You know, you just went out and you just, hey, let's make a podcast. It's great. So I have quite, I'm going to bring up some specific arts because I need to talk about kind of the, the, the gamut here of textures and I know we're not doing, we're not doing the, you know, as you said, there are a lot of probably most people, probably lay people, but we've had a lot of artists on the show and obviously what you're doing is clearly art.
And, um, yeah, yeah, you should go back and listen. Everybody from Titus to Jeff Laubenstein. Oh, I love Titus. Yeah. Titus is our first artist ever on the show. I'll tell you 10 seconds aside on Titus. Yes, please.
he's a he's a friend i haven't talked to him in a while because he's taken a twitter break or whatever but um he when i when i i lost my job at channel fireball not due to performance thank goodness but the pandemic and it's hit everybody and um you know they they ended up having to close whole businesses and stuff so it just happened but that had never happened to me in my life so i was sort of feeling like completely in this free fall
And I posted on Twitter and I said, hey, you know, I'm going to be looking for work and whatever. And Titus immediately messaged me and he said, hey, let's get on. Let's get on a chat. And he so Zoom Zoom called me and we had talked a few times before I animated some of this stuff and we had kind of a report going. But he could tell like I was kind of spinning and he was the first person to go, OK,
You have to take stock in who you are and what you he's like sitting me down. He's like you you are somebody who can create things that people will care about and
You know, let's be honest that people will pay for. So you're going to be fine. You're going to be fine. I'm suddenly talking to this guy from the Netherlands at like 10 o'clock in the morning. And he's just telling me like, Jeffrey, you're going to be okay. And he was, he was right. I'm fine. I mean, one of the things we've talked about is he's been one of the people that is most, I think talked about intentionality. Yeah.
For me personally, like I talked about this, I think on our fourth year anniversary, you know, he's building to look at like my photography, which is my art piece. Like that's the one thing I do.
And I sat down and had a conversation at one point about intentionality and just what was the purpose on what I was doing because for a long time, I mean what I was doing was just taking whatever I liked, right? But I didn't really think about things. Like that was fine. But like Kim and I had a conversation about intentionality. And I will say that like what I am taking photos of now just…
I am seeing it different even before I decide to take it, which means I'm engaging with it. You know, I went on a trip recently to the mountains and, you know, capturing things with a camera is one of my ways to stay mindful and engaged. And I found myself doing that in a way I hadn't before. So, yeah. But for you and your art, you've run kind of the gamut and I want to talk about, I want to highlight three pieces in particular. Let's do it. We made you four.
Okay. We're going to start with, um, we're going to start with, uh, day 44, where you basically have Paddington in horizontal. I don't know if this is the first saga that you had done. So it's like, go back through fully.
Uh, this was kind of the, this is the Elspeth nightmare. It's the only saga that I've done. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Um, so we have this, right? Like this was a very, I mean, the sagas themselves are known because of being a different style of art, right? The horizontal, but this is kind of meant to be more like that Greek style, right? So you have that you, you, you kind of then come at us with, you know, braids, cabal, million, minion, taking the eyes, giving it that.
the first woman that I did. Yeah, Paddington. Oh, wow. I did not actually female. Uh huh. And then you did back to back day shortly after kind of both of those. It was actually very, very close together. I know you may be able to tell where I'm going with this, but no idea, but I'm very excited.
Stasis and time walk. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. So you went from, you know, on day 44 doing Paddington in this first Elspeth one, a braids first one. Well, Oh yeah. And then making it fit. Right. Like, yeah. Right. And then you, I mean, the, the level of what you would have to do for your Paddington's for time walk and stasis, unless I am 100 stasis more than anything else.
The amount of time and effort it did. Why? It just spoke to me and I love a challenge. Like the best part about these for me is the challenge.
I get so mad at myself if I find one and I just stick his head on there because I'm like, how boring is that? Like don't just cut the guy's head off and put Paddington's head on there and call it good. I need to take the more expressive artistic ones and adapt them because like in the case, especially of Stasis, it just paid off to such a degree. It was like that one blew people away.
And I do these and I've done, this is the secret, I do these and I've done everything that I've ever made so I can be the first person to sit back and go,
Wow, that is dope. You know what I mean? All the animations I've ever done. I only did them because I wanted to be the first person to hit play and sit back and go, wow, that's really cool. And I like that I could be an artist and I know artists have a tough time looking at their own work, but I only do things so I can sit back and go, this is really sweet. So yeah, if I don't do that, I feel like, oh, this is, you know, okay, it's just another, I kind of failed.
But if I if I can sit back and go there's something I really loved about it or or I absolutely love the whole thing like stasis. I'll give you another example on day 73 I did this one where I don't even remember the card but Paddington is this giant burning thing.
running, chasing down a goblin. Sorry. Whoa. Wow. You actually, you know, yeah. Day 73. I tried this piece about three times and I could not get the damn colors. Sorry, I hope the D word will have to bleep if it's not. That's OK. No, no, no. I couldn't get the colors to fit because I'm so very intentional, like you mentioned about about trying to absolutely make it look like
the artists who made the card painted Paddington into the scene. I don't ever want you to sit there and go, it's like a sticker, the sticker effect, like where you just, I just stuck it on there and then called it good. Um, and, and so I actually ended up having to go into After Effects and do some, because After Effects is my other love that doing the motion graphics and I ended up doing half the color work in
After Effects to make it just so and then brought it back to photo. It was more than I had ever done for one. All just so I could really try to get it to look just perfect. And it's only because I want to sit back and go, wow.
And so that was the same thing with stasis I I actually I'll tell you the secret sauce behind stasis What I did was I took all the I took the texture of stasis, which is this wonderful? Painted you know painterly painted texture and I made myself a clean plate of it So I made I took I photoshopped very carefully out
everything so I just had this solid color and then what I did was I masked out all the pieces of Paddington sitting there and then I went through it color matched but using my texture each piece so that it had the texture of the stasis but fit the color of the Paddington solid solid colors and yeah it took a long time but then at the end of the day you sit back and look at the thing together and it's like
One of the ones, I think she only did a few, or maybe even one, but yeah. Oh, not Mark. Sorry, she's related to Richard Garfield, if I were right. Okay, there you go. Yeah, absolutely. It's Anne for something like that. But she was like a painter. She was an actual painter. Yeah. I mean, like, Paddington has no face. This is one that I think
that looks like
This one stood out even amongst like this stuff. And I mean, I mean, obviously enough to resonate with, with proxy guy, making you my dear, my dear Josh. Yeah. Yeah. Proxy guy. He's a, he's a true friend through thick and thin. And, uh, he just sent me that completely out of the blue. I have, I'm holding it right now. Uh, it's, I have it on my desk. I look at it all the time. It's fantastic. The work that he does.
is legendary. Um, but yeah, I'm just, here's the thing. Some of these, I have to tread the line of like, I want to make something quick so I don't think about it too much. So it has that kind of spontaneous feel. But when I know I'm onto something, it's like, I'm going to put in a little extra time to make this one really sweet because, uh, I mean, who was it, uh, uh, Hideo Kojima or something who said a good, a good game.
is good forever, but a bad game is bad forever. I can't remember the exact quote, but it's like, once you put it out there, it's out there and you can't change it. It's a quote that's attributed to Miyamoto. Miyamoto, there you go. From Nintendo. Yeah, it's something like a delayed game. It's eventually good. Yeah.
Bad game released early is always bad. It's always bad. Yeah. Something along those lines. I mean, and I have there's not many, but I have some Paddington's that I just I didn't feel they were up to the quality that I was looking for. And there have been a few mornings where I'm like scrambling a little bit. I'm like, I'll put in I don't I don't let myself put in a ton of time. You know, these take about a half an hour total. But I'll get 20 minutes into something and I'll go.
This is not working. And actually, sometimes those where I stick with it have ended up being the best ones, but sometimes they just really are not working. And it's maybe once a fortnight where I really just have to go.
Okay. You know, and sometimes I'll put them up as bonus Paddington's. I actually, I actually had one of the, I had a bonus pulled up. I had the, the dark ritual. Oh, I know. I just put his little face in there and people were like, it's wonderful. I love it. I'm like, but his hands, it is. Right. Well, that's once again, you know, like knowing what it is that you're looking for for yourself more than just, you can put something out there that's probably going to be popular.
Yeah. Sorry, Alex. Well, and that's the thing about content sometimes too. It's, you know, all the little details of it a lot closer than anyone else is going to see it often. It's, I hear it a lot with like musicians. We'll talk about being on stage. Sometimes if you know, you hit the wrong note, you keep going because a lot of people might not even notice.
No, they won't know. Yeah. I mean, actually that you make an excellent point. And I remember my first job, which was where I learned how everything not to do in business in one go. But I remember taking something that I had made in to show my boss and he's like, Oh yeah. Okay, cool. And I said, but, but look at this part, but look where this little thing happens. And he looked at me dead in the eye and he goes, Jeffrey.
You are the only person who is ever going to notice that or know that it exists. And I was like, that is such a harsh thing to say, but also such a true thing. So it's like, if you are going to make something
that maybe is not, nobody else is going to notice. It's still worth it to do it because that you, you put a little piece of yourself in it and that gives it meaning. You know what I mean? It's like, especially with art, it's like, if you're debating about whether or not to spend the extra moment, even knowing that nobody else may notice it, just do it because it's like that way you look at it and you go,
Oh, I did that. You know, like I'm looking at Stasis right now and I remember I actually took a little brush and I, I painted all the way around it just to try and emulate the little edge of the thing to give it a little extra brush strokes in there. And you can't really tell that that happened, but I remember doing that. And that's something that.
That's something that makes it cool. Every time I see it, I'm like, I remember sitting there and, uh, and doing that piece and that makes me happy. So two, two things I've kind of had in terms of questions and when it comes to looking at recognition or just kind of response to this. I appreciate the, uh, Jeff, the, the, the Jeffrey intentional tagging, at least of the Paddington account.
Yeah, have they have they responded at any point? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. And they actually don't really even acknowledge the guy who does believe me, I have looked many times, but no, they've never even they've never liked anything. I think it's some kind of corporate something. But but the the guy who's doing the the art.
Who's doing the movies and TV rather excuse me not the art? He He doesn't really even get very much interaction with him. Okay. I was just curious The second have any of the artists that you've have you had any interactions with the artist that you've absolutely yeah well I know a lot of them that are active on Twitter anyway and
And all we're going to ask is it been negative or positive? What are we going to say? I'm sorry. I mean, well, yeah, like what what the range has been. I mean, it could be a range, but 100, 100 percent. And actually, I can say something that I'm very, very proud of. I have messed with a lot of people's art. I have I have animated probably close to 100 pieces of art. And I have taken these Paddington's and done all this type of stuff.
And I have never once had an artist come to me and say, Hey, I hate what you did here. This looks terrible. Or you, you, you negatively impacted my art. I have not, you know, I've had stuff where I wondered, you know, like that I haven't heard from anybody. Um, but most.
people who message me or even acknowledge it, it's all been positive. And to the point of, I've had several artists, people go, hey, when are you going to do mine? Like, what's going on? I had Aaron Miller, you know, he goes, when do I get to Paddington? I said, hey, buddy, hold on. All right. Whoa. Hey, while we're on this topic, if you really were out there thinking of cards to do,
And you really wanted to make two people, three people happy. A few groups of people. Alex, where do you think I'm going with this? Alex? I am just waiting. I made great anticipation to see where you're going. Where I'm going with this. Aaron Miller has done a lot of good goblins, but more importantly, we had a preview card last year and it was Aaron Miller. Yay.
It was, you see a pair of goblins, which to me is still, you know, like obviously I'm meaning full bias to me, one of the most thoughtful in terms of giving of a preview card.
to literally give the podcast with two goblin hosts. You see a pair of goblins. Well, that's cool. That's also Aaron Miller art and Aaron sent us ahead of doing the preview because we actually got it in enough time to do a full episode on it. Oh, that's awesome. And he sent us the high res art for it. And it's great art, but it just made me think if you want to make two groups happy. Bookmarked.
We'll put it into consideration. Isn't that great? Yeah, and I'll have to really mess with it because we'll have to get those black eyes and those teeth in there. Wow. Yeah, I like Aaron a lot. We've interacted in a few grand prix over the years. I actually beat his tushy in a little game of magic one time.
That was fun. Just to bring it full circle, we did the proxy guy's cube at a hotel and I played Aaron and won. That's awesome. That's a sweet looking card. You see a pair of goblins. His art has such a chunky texture to it that I love.
very, um, almost geometric, you know, like the way he builds out his stuff. Um, and he always puts all the details in some artists just go.
I'll just do the foreground. I used to get the high resolution art for a lot of things, because if I would do any official projects, and once you zoom in, you're like, whoa, card size, it looks fine. But when you zoom in, Aaron cares about the whole scene and every part of it. I like that. We can tell when we got the art. We ended up talking about the art in the background even more than the foreground in some ways.
Yeah, it looks like the, uh, the, uh, what do you think has happened in the wizards telling the, the elf to double shot the poor guy or stay his hand? Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah. That's, we were talking about that and like in the high res. Yeah. You could really tell how much detail Aaron put into it, into, into just all the characters. I mean, yeah. Love it.
I mean, the real reason we wanted to have you on was this project is like a fun, like you said, this is something that's like, it started, you had to make a decision. I'm going to give you crap continually about your intentionality when it came to marketing.
when you marketed it in general forever. If you start being nice to me, I'll be suspicious now. But I mean, the intentionality that you put into right growing this, something that you that you do feel you can continue and you're not going to just keep doing because you have to at this point.
I know. And I've worked in social media for years now. And I mean, I know all the hashtags and the whodunnits. And I mean, I know how to do all that. And somehow, almost in defiance of all that, this has been so successful. So it was like, I think I think it's just something that is so
I hesitate to use the word pure, but it's like people just don't see any motive in it at all. And there isn't one, which is, I hope that's coming across. There's just no, there are no motive. My buddy messaged me and he was like,
I'm not throwing Ant out of the bus, don't worry about it. But he said, hey, why don't you Photoshop an art for my card game and make it Paddington. And I said, I'll give you a retweet buddy, I'm going to take care of you. But I'm never going to put something that seems like I could possibly be selling something into a Paddington.
because that just that takes away from it. That's that ruins it. So people have responded to Jeffrey is just doing this because he wants to and because he can. That's it. And I think that's why it's been successful in spite of not being properly marketed social media projects. So, yep. What are you going to do?
So we went this long without asking you any goblin lore. So now is your opportunity. Give us your top three legendary goblins. Oh boy. Okay. Yep. And we need to know one for card mechanic, one for card art and one for story.
Uh, okay. Well, I almost want to start literal zero preparation because you made a remark at the beginning of the show about not asking you a goblin lawyer. So, okay. Top three. So the first one was top three goblin cards. Top three goblin legends, but one has to be for the art, one for the card itself and one for the, um, story.
Oh, now suddenly I'm like, I'm like, uh, yeah, freaking out. Okay. The art is going to be, uh, no, the, I can do it. I can do it. Uh, the art's going to be Pachal Mont. Oh, yeah.
Um, and I'm just pulling that up because I just want to look at it. Charlotte Monne sticks out because it's sort of not a, uh, not a traditional looking goblin. I mean, like it is, but it's like, I just love the tone of it. It's a much darker green looking thing.
Um, and I was looking at the artists. I thought I knew them, but it's, uh, even M M Munson who also did it. So even also did, um, they did a version of gamble, uh, art that has the Ixalan Godland on there too. Okay. Yeah. So, um, yeah, so that that's. Yeah. And, and interestingly, they they've done art for, uh, they did arcades.
Okay, they're newer but I mean they've done some they've done some big pretty large pieces or some big fantastic Number two is one for the cards abilities or mechanics Yeah, so I will say goblin rabble master not because it's the most powerful card but because I
When I came back to the game in 2015 and I said, you know, I kind of was like, well, is red still good? Because I had played, you know, as a kid, I had played in middle school and then I took this massive break and actually got back into it.
And it was like, is, is red still like a card, a color that people play? And they're like, no, no, it's like the, it's called red deck wins. Like that's just a thing. And I'm like, Oh, okay. What do I do? And they're like, play goblin rabble master and just win. I was like, Oh, okay, great. Uh, so yeah, until seagreno came out, I was like, yeah, goblin rabble master. This is what I want to do with my life.
Yep, yep, not notably not a legend. So, oh, not a legend. You're right. Oh, no. Well, we'll have to say, um, well, that's great. Well, that's Crico then. No, well, that's fair. We'll do a Crico pivot. So similar.
Yeah. OK, that's that's also which Cranko I mean, are we talking? Are we talking old krink the krinko tap? Not the not the silly one who's like the one that actually gets played in modern stuff where you tap and make as many goblins. Yeah. OK. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The Karl Kupinski art. Yeah. Yeah. Karl Kupinski. Whoa. She just got an artist proof of this finally. Oh, yeah. Fantastic.
And goblin rabble master has Svetlyn Villanath, who's one of my another one who's like just killing it with the texture. All beautiful, beautiful, chunky looking art that I like. All right. What's the last one? The last one was story or lore. Oh, yeah. It has to be a legend.

Goblin Card Discussion

It can't be a legend. Can I pivot? Yeah, you can pivot. Yeah, I mean, I'm interesting to hear who. Story wise, I'm interested to see who you're going to pivot to. That's not a legend.
It's not even a goblin card. It's a card that depicts a goblin. And I don't remember what it is. So you're going to have to tell me what it is. I'm just going to fail in all counts. And I don't care. Well, I just meant a goblin character, a goblin character that you like for magic because of the story. I think it's it's the one. It's the one you could sack him to deal one damage to anything. It's the one that says the flavor text is I got it. I got it. I had the box falling off.
I love that card because I always loved and that's a story that what more are you gonna get like that's a story to me because I
I just imagine that one just, you know, that's such a quintessential goblin thing to do is to go leaping off of the ship to your doom to do some kind of thing. So like, I feel like goblins that have more of a story than that, it's like, come on, then you're pushing it. That's a goblin story.
Throw yourself, load yourself into the goblin charbelcher and go for

Mock Fanatic Card Analysis

it. To be fair, Alex, I don't think we've talked about this before because it hasn't really come up.
It does kind of look like Mark Fnatic is jumping off of the weather light, right? It doesn't mean the weather light. That's what I was going to say. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, why? Why? You know, just the mind reels like and I love also that he does have it like he's got the little he has the powder keg. He definitely has the powder keg or whatever it was supposed to be. You know, maybe it's a jar of Nutella or something, but yeah, he's got it. And yet we all know that
That's it, you know. That's from tempets. That might have been the weather at one point when the weather light was fighting Predator.
That's I was wondering, like, that was like the area of the story. I was just trying to figure out what the random mock fanatic was and would have been what was is one of those sets where you could actually use the art from the cards to storyboard the set. Right. The story of the set. And that's why I was trying to figure. OK, so I I'm going to bring up mock fanatic just as we're here because I have a rant that I've always wanted to kind of be able to put somewhere. And why else do we have this show? If not to give Alex and I places to also put mini rants.
Yeah, but mock fanatic, the flavor of modified fanatic actually to me was, uh, so it was the card, one of the cards, probably the most prominent card that people think of when they talk about, uh, damage on the stack going away. That's another reason mock fanatic was used to take out two twos or X twos. It was used to deal an extra damage. However, the very like nature of being a fanatic.
is that like you are going to push yourself through those limits, even past the point of like, you know, death or beyond. Like you've been damaged and you're still going to keep going. So I always thought that it was not like a good illustration of, you know, like why, well, why shouldn't we have damage on the stack? Mock fanatic, I think makes the case of why we should. Yeah. In that specific case. Yeah. That was really fun to get Alex. Did I upset your like Malthus heart there?

DCI Promos and Flavor Text

No, I'm too distracted by the fact that there were two DCI promos for this. One that had different art than the other. What distracted me is that both of those DCI promos have a quote from Moby Dick is the flavor text. What? Wow. Oh, man. I did not know this. And I wonder if that was an intentional thing because there is a
a Mind Stone promo that has a Descartes line that is just confounds me. Not only did they have Renee Descartes line, but it's also not the one line that every person knows of his and doesn't necessarily know who we came from. But the therefore I am. It's not that it's a different mind. What's amazing is the mock fanatic is as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart shell upon it. So
Herman Melville actually writing about goblins, who knew?
So I wonder if that was just a thing they did at that time. I think that's pretty well known at this point. It's been studied. Yeah. Oh, these DCI promos had real world quotes. Cause that was the thing early, early in magic that they stopped doing. Yeah. And then apparently decided to do for a little while. I thought this was a one off of that. I didn't realize there were more of these promos that had real world quotes from. So you actually, Jeffrey completely passed the test by pivoting us.
to now looking at the flavor text of DCI promos when we asked you about lore for Goblet. Great, great guest. 1210 would invite back is what how that ends. Yeah, absolutely.

Conclusion and Social Media

And that's our show for today. You can find the host on Twitter. HotzQ can be found at HotzQ. And Alex Duman can be found at Send any questions, comments, thoughts, hopes, and dreams to at goblinmoorpod on Twitter or email us at goblinmoorpodcast at
If you want to support your friendly neighborhood gospel, the cast can be found at Opening and closing music by Vindergarten, who can be found on twitter at Vindergarten, or online at Logo art by Steven Raffaeo, who can be found on twitter at Steve Raffaeo.
Goblin Lore is proud to be presented by Hipsters of the Coast as part of their growing Vorthos content as well as magic content of all kinds. Check them out on Twitter at hipstersmtg or online at Thank you all for listening and remember goblins like snowflakes are only dangerous in numbers.