And two, on the output side, they could produce higher value outputs because it would be virgin quality material, right? You're taking it back down to the monomer, the chemical building blocks, and so you can purify them and make, you know, polymers that are just equivalent to ah to brand new ones. Whereas with mechanical recycling, you ah you can improve the quality of it, but there's inevitably some degree of of degradation. And I think basically for paralysis in particular, it hasn't worked out as, ah you know, there's big challenges on both of those ends. Yeah, that's right. Like the one of the things that people, it's funny because people were saying this in the comments, right? They were saying, Oh, well, you know, like paralysis, you can take mixed waste, you can know, you can do 80% polyolefin waste and you can have like PET in there and all this stuff. And I was like,