124 Plays
10 months ago

This is You're Not Watching That...the podcast where I'm finally catching up with all those films I should have seen, but my parents wouldn't let me!!

Welcome to episode number 11, of Season 1, where I’m about to watch film 2 of a franchise before I’ve seen the first one

If you like demonic killer hands, chainsaws, crazed taxidermy, stop motion ghouls, nice trapdoors, the woods and more chainsaws, then this is the film for you

A year before the utter shite that was Bloodsport, Sam Raimi made the sequel to his 1981 comedy horror classic Evil Dead….and due to the insistant but devoted online trolling from Sir Elliot the Subliminal Psycho….we watched Evil Dead 2

So chop off your hand, strap on a chainsaw in it’s place, load that sawn off shotgun and let’s get grooooovy. And we’re off!!
