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NFL & College Football Playoff Projections + USA HUD Homelessness Report + World News Azerbaijan/South Korea Plane Crashes; Egypt Malaria FREE + Entertainment Netflix & ESPN Ratings image

NFL & College Football Playoff Projections + USA HUD Homelessness Report + World News Azerbaijan/South Korea Plane Crashes; Egypt Malaria FREE + Entertainment Netflix & ESPN Ratings

Ball & Buds Sports + Entertainment
29 Plays2 months ago

🔥The Professor's Semanalmente #10 (News, Entertainment, Sports)

Featuring Omar "The Professor" Fonseca @BALLandBUDS💯

TOPICS:  RIP Greg Gumbel & Jimmy Carter!

USA News: HUD 2024 Homelessness Report + United States National Debt

World News: South Korean & Azerbaijan Plane Crashes

Egypt Declared Malaria Free by WHO

Space News: James Webb Telescope + Vera C. Rubin Observatory

Entertainment: Netflix NFL vs ESPN NBA Ratings

Sports: Pro + College Sports Power Rankings

NFL Playoff Picture & College Football Playoff Picks/Projections

#entertainment #news #popculture #worldnews #usanews #politics

#sports #nfl #mlb #nba #basketball #football #baseball #cfb #CFP


Introduction and Holiday Greetings

to toe, release the flow created by this mic pro. Life's camera, get low.
and you have no need to know You can't prepare now get ready for the show or
Yo, what up,

New Year's Eve Plans and Social Engagement

friends? I am yours truly, Omar, the Professor Fonseca, here with another weekly installment of the Professor's Seminole Method.
We're hoping y'all had happy holidays, whatever you celebrate, whether that be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Bodhi Day, Diwali, a happy Festivus for the rest of us, and and a happy New Year's to everybody. So I hope everybody has something fun playing. I will be at the Gaylord National Harbor tomorrow night with Clubber D the Kombat G ah for Big Night Out DC. We will be there with all of our DJ friends, sign some autographs while we're out there, all that good stuff. We'll be out there with our our boys BB and DD, they ain't putting no governments out here today.
Big ball and and dick dick should know who they are. We about to have a fun time tomorrow So shout out to them again.

Tributes to Influential Figures

Make sure you subscribe to ball and bust b-a-l-l-a-n-d B UDS and let's kick this bad boy off Sand a rest in power out to a couple of ah A couple of people in our history here in this world who have made an impact. First of all, rest in power to Jimmy Carter, former president of the United States. He died at 100 years old. Not many of us
ah get to live till 100. He was elected president. He was the 39th president, excuse me, elected in 1976 after defeating the ah president, Gerald Ford, who was the sitting president. He served one term until 1981 when he was replaced by Ronald Reagan. ah He was the longest living president in history as well. Him and his wife held the longest, Roselyn held the longest Uh record for first couple marriage, um, he did a lot of things. First of all, he was in the Navy working on a first class of nuclear submarines. He had other accomplishments in office, such as the Panama free Panama now, like excuse me.
treaties, the improving of U.S. relations with China, as well as programs and initiatives under the new Department of Energy and Education. He established the Carter Center after his presidency, which is huge into humanitarianism and huge into helping all over the world. ah But as the president, he also He also faced his fair share of crises, including the Iran hostage crisis, decreased energy production and inflation, and overwhelmingly lost to Ronald Reagan ah when he came up for his
presidential election, but nonetheless Carter was no no doubt an amazing person. He tried to give back to the world with his philanthropic and public service efforts, including eradic ah his efforts to eradicate guinea guinea, excuse me, worm disease. He was the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize recipient for decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, advance democracy and human rights and promote economic and social development. So a rest in power to former president Jimmy Carter and also a rest in power to Greg Gumbel.
age 78, Greg Gumbel, a lifetime ah achievement award winner, a very respected in the media field ah you know field that I am in as broadcaster. He had a career that spanned over 50 years. If you've watched any sort of a sporting event. He has probably covered it, including Super Bowl March Madness. He was the anchor for ESPN Sports Center. He was a studio host for NBC Sports. So many other amazing things that he did in his lifetime in terms of ah media and journalism. And so a huge shout out and rest in power to him and Jimmy Carter as well.

Homelessness in the US: Causes and Solutions

ah Moving on into some United ah States news, ah well, further news in the United States, the homeless or the Housing and Urban Development Department of the United States, also known as the HUD, released their homelessness report for 2024.
or ah The report states that homelessness in the United States has reached its highest level this year since the federal government began keeping records ah roughly two decades ago.
So nearly, and this is what was dropped something there. This is what was documented in a single night in January. And what they do is because I actually work with homeless organizations in Nashville, they do a yearly census and when they send teams out on one day in January to canvas all of the city and the outlying parts.
um And to get a count of how much homelessness there is in in the United States. And obviously, this is just estimated. And I'll tell you why I say that because they said it was nearly seven hundred and seventy two thousand people that experienced homelessness on this single night in January, which was up 18% from the last count in 2023. This is obviously according to federal tallies taken all over across the nation.
But the report went on to say that it was a cript attributed to various factors including high rent, the end of pandemic era protections, and an influx of migrants that have overwhelmed shelters in cities like Chicago, New York City, and Denver. um Now, obviously all of those things seem to be quite uh, obvious in terms of why, uh, homelessness would be increased. Uh, but as you all know, I am not here to, I am very solutions oriented. I am not here to want to, uh, harp more on the, the problem of homelessness itself, which is a huge problem in which I will go further into on my new mind of the professor.
ah Coming in the new year. I was gonna do it before the end of the year, but I didn't want to end the year on a bad note um so I decided that I would ah I would just do it after the New Year's but anyways There's obviously a lot of problems that and things that extend into homelessness and that cause homelessness, the mental health epidemic probably being the number one out of all of that.

Critique of US National Debt and Spending

I i would say if I had to guess, um and I'm pretty sure it is. And again, I'll go i'll go deeper into that ah ah in the in later weeks. But what I'm here, and I want to talk about more, is how can we solve
the problem right because obviously it is a huge problem obviously people are are experiencing mental health issues and other things that are causing them covid was a huge thing ah but this needs to be fixed because the richest country in the world there's no way on god's green earth we should be experiencing homelessness with the national debt that stands at 36.1 trillion we just talked about the congress almost getting shut down last week because they perpetuate this scare tactic year after year to getting the United States people to think that there's gonna be um some sort of shutdown so that we let them continue to Expand the level of debt which now Trump is going in on when it really ah in all true Matter of fact when you get to the bottom of it
That debt ain't never going to be paid off anyway. So really, in all for all intents and purposes, doesn't matter at all. We're not going to pay any of those countries that money back in the long run, because we can just use our power and say we don't have to. We can continue just pay little by little as we go and continue to stack that debt up, because who's really coming?
uh to pay that back off now obviously there are mechanisms and things that go into taxes and the returning of taxes to citizens so yes obviously it goes up and down from year to year but if we really think that we're going to be able to cut all of that it never gonna happen but that being said the fact that we have all that and we can continue to spend money a new round of and again I am on the society on the side of supporting our allies, but a new round of weapons and stuff that are being sent to Ukraine just announced today, 2.15 billion. and Again, I'm all for helping the Ukrainians. I think um the Russian communist system and what they're trying to do there ah to a country that is not theirs and is one of our allies, we have to protect them and we have to do what we said we would do.
But that's a lot of money and a lot of money that could be used to solve homelessness in our own country. So we spend all this money on all these other things when what we really need to be doing is spending money on mental health, cleaning up homelessness and other things within our country. We'll see if Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk can actually do that with this new Doge department.
that they came up with. I mean, I i wish them all the best and hope that they are all able to. um But again, I want to talk about what we could do to help this program, ah to help this problem. Veterans homelessness decreased 8% this year. Awesome. 11% of unsheltered veterans uh, decrease in unsheltered veterans, excuse me. So that's great. So if we're able to do that with the veteran homelessness population, and I've been working with, with that and the veterans affairs and that sort of system for a while, different organizations trying to help the, especially the veterans, because there is the free care for veterans to get off the street. Um, it's not as
complicated, complex processes and systems as it as it is for civilian homeless population. But that being said, let's look at the civilian homeless population before we move on to world news. Dallas in 2021 transformed its homelessness response system with a focus on connecting individuals and families experiencing homelessness to housing. And to do so, they created a street to home initiative, a 30 million prop public Private initiative which strives to cut unsheltered homelessness in half by 2026. This led to a 16% decrease in homelessness in Dallas between 2022 and 2024. Also in Los Angeles.
struggling with a high cost rental market, obviously as California is want to do, the availability of housing for individuals and families experiencing homelessness combined ah federal city and county funds to try to attack the problem. This led to a decrease in homelessness in l LA for the first time in seven years, unsheltered homelessness specifically decreased by 5%. Now, looking into uh uh uh jeez louise where was that uh chester county pennsylvania this is my favorite here several steps they took to decrease homelessness and they had nearly a 60 percent decrease in homelessness since 2019 the efforts have included
prevention case resolution, expansion of housing first, and training programs to get those homelessness in housing, and increase in affordable housing groups, which is a major problem, is transitional housing for the homeless, fair housing education, and prevention efforts specifically um Through mental health workers, ah the expansion of those ah county service and support workers and migrant workers. Amazing job and shout out to Chester County, Pennsylvania. Hopefully we can continue to work at this problem again. I'll talk about this more.
in my mind of the professor coming up here in a couple weeks, but we need to really decrease this program and attack at it and decrease the problem accuse me and attack it from the root causes, which are mainly mental health, transitional housing, um ah rental increases, housing price increases, COVID, ah immigration, and other things.

Technology Challenges and Solutions

Shout out to everybody watching shout out my brother hot take Jake I am dressed to impress brother feel a little spry and good for the New Year's actually if you saw me last week I was looking even more spiffy but uh you my brother I appreciate you watch out for hot take Jake and the sports professor We got some new things in the work and you're gonna see us doing Some really big big things my brother. Let me know if you if I sound good by the way I know yesterday on the bottom line I had some issues with my sound and I'm not sure why because I'm using the same mic the same setup I did nothing different now I did unplug everything and plug it back in so maybe there was a loose connection or something like that Which will happen from time to time, but I want to make sure I sound good So please that anybody let me know ah but hit that like button that laugh button that love button and you know how I like to say as a home decor photo, I'm trying to make sure that we are getting ourselves up in that algorithm, making sure we're getting out out out to all the people and making sure that all of y'all are subscribed at Ball and Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. Again, thank you everybody for tuning in. Let's move into a little bit of world news. Thank you, brother. I appreciate you confirming that. Thank you, thank you.
um mo It's weird that that happened yesterday. I'm very confused as to why that happened when it seems to be ah sounding so well today. But that is apparently the the life of streaming and technology and those things. and yeah yeah y'all know I've always had issues from time to time dealing with internet and other things. And so you know I'm always trying to ah improve and get better. And whenever I've had an issue, like I was telling my mom earlier, I'm always buying new equipment. I'm always doing other things.
You know, but technology will be ah technology. Shout out to my mother as well, watching who texted absolutely nothing as old people are want to do. I don't know how to use technology. I don't know how ah when she knows how clearly because I know I see her do it. ah Anyways, y'all make sure again, y'all subscribe. Moving into world news. ah First of all, some sad news here. Really, ah a couple of horrible incidents happened. First, we'll talk about the one in South Korea.
A commercial airliner operated by Jeju Air, a Boeing 737-800 en route from Bangkok, um was headed towards South Korea's Muon Airport. And what is believed to happen is it's believed to be a bird that had struck the engine. So I didn't even, I mean, I knew that on smaller planes,
that birds could affect engine and flights like that. But I never thought about a huge plane like a like a Boeing being able to be affected by one bird, especially because those planes usually have four engines on them. So that seemed a little weird at first, but apparently it was a bird. ah Unsure if it struck the engine or the cockpit, but very, very sadly, 179 people lost their lives.
Um, so a rest in peace to them, uh, you know, prayers for their families and, um, you know, positivity that they can get through this tough time. The control tower received a made a call from its pilots and five minutes later, the plane reached the runway.

Tragic Plane Crashes and Investigations

as it was coming into land, the landing gear failed to deploy and it landed with no tires and just skid and ran into a wall and then exploded at the embankment. So it's very sad. Obviously it's going to take weeks for them to analyze the black boxes, ah which are things that they have on airplanes that will give more context to what happened when planes crashed. It has all the communications and all the you know satellite information or long latitude longitude and all that stuff but it usually takes weeks to come back um after uh being analyzed so very horrible especially for a country that's already dealing with a lot with the impeachment of their president yousu yore to update you on that we talked about that a couple weeks ago they they have now appointed finance minister and deputy prime minister choice song mock
who will take over as the country's next acting president. After, get this, the National Assembly voted to impeach the previous acting president. So they've already now gone into their second acting president after the original one, Yun Sukyu, was impeached. The other one, the first acting president, Han Duk. So ah they impeached him after two weeks for refusing to fill three vacant high court seats that would be needed to rule on the impeachment of the former president. So obviously, as you can tell, this is a case of a neutral party or maybe even an ally or the same party ah ah that this lawmaker had been promoted from to acting president because he refused to fill those seats. Because if that's your own party and you get
you get put up to acting president, you're going to fill those seats just like ah like a lot Donald Trump did when he filled the Supreme Court with the three seats. You're going to do that. If it's your party, it only makes sense logically. So the fact that he didn't do that gives us clues that he's probably of a ally or neutral party and didn't want to do that. And now his he's been booted and they will be bringing in the new acting president.
Moving on to another horrible plane crash in Azerbaijan, we have a passenger jet that has crashed in Kazakhstan, killing all 38 on board.
um ah or Sorry, killing 38 on board, I apologize. um But at least 29 people did survive. But all of those people were unfortunately injured. So again, prayers to the family of those who lost their loved ones.
obviously, rest in peace to those that they lost. um And some here were survived while on the one that we had just talked about before, only two people survived in that South Korean crash. So very horrible here that ah that two plane crashes happened. This one, a little more subterfuge, a little more deceptiveness, a little more chicanery.
Possibly involved with a great word for a i'm not going to do that joke right now, because this is a serious subject, so I will keep on task. um ah But apparently what happened here.
So the aircraft, a Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer 190 was traveling from the country's capital city of Baku to Granzi in Russia on Wednesday when it had to reverse course. The aircraft traveled over the Caspian Sea ah attempting to land in Akkow, Kazakhstan, but ah before it could get there, it had to reverse course and start trying to fly towards Russia. Well, as it went into Russia, it made multiple attempts, two attempts, to land at Gronsy, the airport there. Apparently, after the second time, the airport
ah the pilot, excuse me, was given an op, added additional airports to land at, which for some reason he did not choose to or did not and tried to, or maybe he didn't get the message or whatever it was, but tried to land again.
So the aviation chief of Azerbaijan did not say if it was actually Russia, but they said they suspected physical or technical interference. Analysts do suggest that they believe it was a missile from Russia's air defense system. What was happening that a missile would go off?
well There had been Ukrainian drone attack attacks in the region, and Russia was defending. and That's why they told them not to land at that airport, as there were drones and missiles that could go off at any point in time. Again, we don't know why the pilot continued to try to land there.
ah but Apparently the the analysts believe that this could be Russian missiles which shot down this Commercial plane which would be a very very horrible horrible thing if that's the case um Putin Vladimir Putin the Russian president came out and apologized But would not actually say whether it was due to Russia or not But the fact that he apologized led some sort of freedoms to the fact That ah you know, he's saying at least it happened in Russian airspace
So again, this is a little more on the foggy side of things, a little more of a smoky picture here that we're going to have to see

Public Health Milestones

what happened. But apparently, um people that survived the plane crash and sustained injuries said that they heard noises and felt foreign particles penetrating the cabin as they were going down so crazy crazy story here again Russia says they it was well they they won't say if it was or not them while you know the the Azerbaijan will not
directly accused because obviously Russia has a much bigger army and can then go out and do to Ukraine what they um could do to Azerbaijan even worse, but also their allies. So we'll see what happens here. We'll keep you updated as always. And then finally in world news, Egypt. This is a crazy great news.
Malaria has been declared extinct in Egypt. Yes, I repeat, Egypt has been declared malaria free by the WHO, by the World Health Organization.
That's crazy. Even in their announcement, the WHO director general said after 100 years of anti-mosquito efforts that the disease that plagued the pharaohs, he says, now belongs to history.
um They are the third country in the eastern Mediterranean region following UAE and Morocco to get a clean bill of health and so salute to them out there and hopefully we can extend this to that whole region in any way.
Um, where there is malaria at this point, obviously that can turn into other things like dengue fever. Uh, I was in Puerto Rico recently visiting visiting the family and they had some reports of African, uh, mosquitoes, dengue fever mosquitoes coming over to Puerto Rico. So again,
but ah problem anywhere is a problem everywhere. It can start somewhere as you saw with COVID with the with the the bat coronavirus coming from Wuhan in China, coming and spreading around the world. Things like this happened. Now they're talking about the bird flu. There's been 66 cases I read today reported that the United States of bird flu. So y'all be careful out there. Again, um don't you don't need to probably go back to COVID wearing a mask and all that, but please make sure you're being safe, washing your hands, things like that.
too many times do I see y'all nasty mofos and yeah, I'm gonna call some people out right now. Some of y'all nasty mofos. I ain't gonna call nobody's name, but I live in Nashville and this happens a lot more with with certain populations that may or may not live near that city. I see a lot of people that go into the bathroom and don't wash their hands.
I wash my damn hands every time I use the bathroom at home, much less. And now this goes back to my days as a bartender server. I'm so used to washing my hands. I wash my hands all the time still. But so I get regular people don't necessarily have that training, but I'm sorry. If you're using the MOFO bathroom, I swear if you don't wash your hands and I see you walking out without washing your hands, you're getting called out. You will get called out all the time.
Well, I say, way to go, great job not washing your hands and people will turn around and come back or they'll walk away very embarrassed.
I see some people got the damn audacity to drop a deuce and come out like they ain't just drop a deuce and walk out without washing their hands. No, no, completely and utterly unacceptable. And if you do it, you should be ashamed of yourself And your parents obviously gave you no home training. And you're disgusting.

Advancements in Space Exploration

Moving on, that's my that's my tip of the day today. Let's make sure we keep our hands watch for the safety of everybody. That's all. That's all.
All right, y'all, make sure you're subscribed to Ballin' Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S. This is the professor at Seminole. I am your host, Omar. The professor, Fonseca, please make sure you hit that like, laugh, or love button so we can increase in that algorithm. Please, thank you very much. If you're watching this right now, I would really appreciate you hitting that like button. Also, ah make sure that you are subscribed for all of our videos. now we will move into uh oh actually you know what let's go into space news i want to do a little bit of space news here so last week we talked about the nasa solar probe that was going to be the first human made object to get as close to the sun as 3.8 million miles which if you watched last week you're like
Yeah, that's a lot of miles. But even at that point, it was going to have 1600 degree temperatures from the sun, even though it was 3.8 million miles away. Well, I am proud to announce, especially because NASA having a satellite there in College Park where I went to school at the University of Maryland. The 1500 pound solar probe Parker successfully came within 3.8 million miles of the sun and its same status transmitted a beacon signal back to Earth
ah which again marks a significant milestone in NASA's mission to study the sun's corona and solar wind. We will expect more data in the coming coming ah weeks and I will always keep you updated. Other space news, the James Webb telescope detects the most distant spiral galaxy to date.
formed here this y'all roughly 1 billion years ago after the Big Bang Holy Canoles Jeez Louise Wowzers. That's crazy. They have now detected a galaxy 1 billion years from the past and get this even better There is a new observatory being built in Chile, ah the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, named after the famous trailblazing astronomer Vera C. Rubin, who discovered the evidence for dark matter, which is the substance that binds all the galaxies together that we know nothing about.
They are building a new $473 million dollar observatory way up in the hills. It's going to have the biggest or largest digital camera ever constructed. It's going to use a five um was it a fiveile ah now five my five-meter wide camera or mirror to then blast off all of the signals to be able to see all over the universe. It's going to be crazy. They're going to be able to put together a 10 year time lapse of the universe. Wow. So imagine we'll be able to see lapses of different times going all the way back in history.
of the universe and we'll be able to start finding out all the things we don't know about dark matter and black holes and all that stuff. Now, scientists will start to be able to find out because of this new awesome ah technology, digital camera and observatory, the Barra C Rubin Observatory. a Shout out to my my middle name um in

Sports Streaming Successes and Challenges

Chile. So up in the mountains of Chile. ah Shout out to our Chilean fans.
out there and shout out to all our fans of ball and buzz again if you're watching hit that like button all right moving on into uh entertainment news so uh this past weekend or this past week excuse me netflix tried to take on the huge huge task of a christmas day nfl double header if you watched netflix's Mike Tyson versus Jake Paul fight a few months ago. You'll remember all the streaming issues issues they had, and especially the a little ostentatious, a little ostentatious. ah What a great word for a Puerto Rican on a live TV show. Shout out my brother, Conan. I hope you are getting well. Blessings in your health, my brother.
Remember when they had the little screen that stopped on Mike Tyson's naked buttocks? They didn't have those problems this time around, but they also report that they did have the most streamed NFL game in US history.
24.3 million viewers for the Ravens versus Texans and 24.1 million for about the same little less for the Chiefs Steelers, which was not um well, they both weren't honestly great games. They were both blowouts. So I'm really surprised that the viewership that's obviously top line viewership. That's obviously not the whole time. I'm sure it dropped off once the blowout started to occur. But either way,
huge for Netflix to say um because that's a lot of audience that they prove now they can they can hold. In other entertainment news, the NFL has 13 of the top 15 TV shows in 2024, as they normally do. It's just crazy. Football is the most watched and loved thing in America as it continues to be. There were two other shows only in the top 15 that actually had ah viewership even close to that. And it was a show called Fire Country, which I've never even heard about, and Next Top Chef. And both of those were after runs um and had to lead in
of an AFC Championship game and the Thanksgiving game. So they only had their ratings because of football because then they lost all that viewership in subsequent episodes.
episode So even in entertainment, NFL seems to football seems to always rue ah the day. um So pretty pretty crazy there. But anyways, ah the NFL did go up against NBA in ratings. The NBA, which it used to be their day, Christmas, has now gotten that taken away from them. But they put up in an awesome showing, even though they were own they were they were on ESPN and ABC.
and not necessarily on streaming. They did average 5.25 million viewers, which was up from 84% from a year ago. So really great news for them. Lakers win over the Warriors was the most watched game at 7.76.
million. um This is really good for them because there's been a lot of talk of the NBA's decline in their TV ratings. And I'm going to talk about this in my mind and the professor too. This will be my sports topic that will kind of be ratings, but there's a few things that go into this.
um and And the NFL is just one of them. The NFL taking away their stake of Christmas Day does not help them at all. Although we know usually after Christmas Day, after football ends Martin Luther King Day holiday where they have another slate of five games, the NBA really kicks into high gear before the playoffs and the championships.
Cool, all right. Well, thank you all again, as always, for tuning in. We are gonna move into ah from our entertainment portion into our sports portion of the program. So make sure you're subscribed to Ball and Buds, B-A-L-L-A-N-D-B-U-D-S, and hit that like button, that heart button, that laugh button. If you're watching right now, I'd really appreciate you hitting that for us.
um So YouTube and Instagram can go ahead and hit that out to everybody else. Let's move into some sports. ah First of all, um let's go ahead and talk about our our rankings. We usually do our power rankings for every week. So we're gonna go ahead and get into our men's and women's college basketball rankings. So as always, I'm gonna start with our, or not as always, but I has been doing, I said has been,
ah It's like that meme of the cat. Can I has a cheeseburger? Even though I don't like cats, but I do remember that meme because it was very funny. Not that I don't like cats. I shouldn't say that before we get some hate on this program. It's not that I don't like cats. I am allergic to cats. I am very allergic to cats. So I just don't like to be around cats. Now, will I say that the majority of people that I have owned known to own a cat have complained about their cat a lot more than the dog owners have complained about their cats. Yeah, yeah, that's that's a true state. That's a true state. Now, again, I'm not here to say dogs are better than cats as they are. um I'm a former dog owner. i can I'm not allergic to dogs. But from what I hear from my fellow animal lovers and cat owners,
is that cats just don't really care about their own. Very standoffish. Obviously, that's not 100% of times. Don't send in your hate mail. Obviously, that's not 100% of times. There are times when they're loving. But for the most part, and I and ah had a a friend, a roommate that I lived with that had a cat that pretty much just wanted to stay away from everybody, including them. So this was confirmed in my own eyes. But anyway, I don't know where I got off on that track.
or that but random diatribe but anyways not that I don't like that I'm just allergic but anyways moving on women's college basketball kind of no clue how I even got there uh women's college basketball rankings number one yes my lady Bruins UCLA lady Bruins still on top at the number one spot 13 and oh undefeated South Carolina Lady Gamecock coming in at 12 wins one loss at number three the Notre Dame at 11 wins two losses at number four FUSC at 12 wins one losses we don't like no Trojan condoms on this program and at number five although we do love Juju Watkins
she is a beast shout out Juju Watkins if play for any other team I would love you even more and I still love you because you're an awesome basketball player but I cannot support the team you play for. Moving on to number five the Texas Lady Longhorns at 13 wins one loss and shouting out my alma mater the Lady Maryland excuse me, the Maryland Lady Terrapins undefeated at as well at 12 wins and 13 losses. Moving on to your men's college basketball rankings. Undefeated Tennessee volunteers still at number one, 12 wins, zero losses. Auburn at number two, 11 wins, one loss. Iowa State at number three, 10 wins and one loss. Duke Blue Devils at number four, 10 wins and two losses.
And at number five, Alabama at 11 wins and two losses. Now, if you are an avid watcher of the professor's STEM in all.
a You will know that last week I said the SEC is ruling men's college basketball with three of the top five teams. Well, they also now have Florida at number six, so they have four of the top six college basketball teams in the SEC after they already rule college football. um It seems like the NBA, the SEC has a lot of obviously strong College teams, they're out there putting on good, strong performances in college. Shout out to the South Eastern Conference. Moving on to the NHL, the National Hockey League, our, wow.
Our rankings for the week. Excuse me the Winnipeg Jets are at number 125 wins 10 losses one draw at number two the Vegas Golden Knights 23 wins eight losses three draws at number three here in the DMV the Washington Capitals at 23 wins nine losses two draws by the way Alex Ovechkin just had goal number uh, what was it 800 and 50 last night I believe someone can correct me on that I think I might have that off by a little bit because Gretzky's is 879 or something like that and he's now 29 away so Alex Ovechkin is still on a tear coming back from injury we'll see if he can break that record of the great one Wayne Gretzky this year at number four the New Jersey Devils 23 wins 11 losses three draws and then at number five you're defending champion Florida Panthers at 22 wins
12 losses and two draws. Moving on to the NBA, the National Basketball Association. um You know, last week we talked about how the Cavaliers took the number one spot from the Oklahoma City Thunder. They are holding strong at 27 wins or losses at the aforementioned Oklahoma City Thunder.
at number two with 26 wins and five losses. Number three, my Celtics have been upended. It is now the New York Knickerbocker. Up seven spots in the NBA power rankings. They are 22 and 10. And then my Celtics dropped three spots to the number four ranking, 23 and nine losses. And then finally the Memphis Grizzlies at number five.
with 22 and 11 losses.

NFL Playoff Picture and Dynamics

Now, we move into NFL and college football before we end for the evening. Show the NFL. I am going to go ahead and like last week, I want to bring up and present to you those the NFL playoff picture.
and what that actually looks like right now. So you can see, as we have this up here in the AFC, and in the NFC, there are both one playoff spot available. You can see with my nice, handy, huge purple cursor here on the screen. um I made it big because I'm not old, but for some reason my mouse doesn't like likes to act up from time to time. So I got to give it a little joke. Anyways.
In the AFC, you got the Chiefs at 15 and one straight domination in the AFC. Bills number two, Ravens at number three. So again, these two top spots are solidified. The Chiefs will get the bye here.
um and the Bills will be at the number two, Steve. The Ravens at number three, Texans number four, Steelers five, Chargers six. Okay, now let's look at who is in the hunch here. We still have after a wild week of games, the Broncos, the Dolphins, and the Bengals. So what happened?
If you remember on Saturday, there was an amazing game between the Broncos and the Bengals. Bengals won in overtime at the last minute after a back-and-forth game. They beat the Broncos to hold out hopes for making the playoffs. The Dolphins also were able to win minus two a ton of Ayaloa, which now means that the Dolphins and the Bengals have a chance this week if they win to get into the playoffs. But the Denver Broncos still control their destiny and if they can beat the Kansas City Chiefs this weekend which should be resting all their players or at least Patrick Mahomes with all the injuries that he's had thus far they should be resting their players we'll see if they will as obviously the Broncos are a huge rival of theirs
um If they don't win the Broncos, believe me, Chiefs Nation as a Raiders fan and also a fellow hater of hot takes Jake Broncos. If the Chiefs, the Chiefs would love to knock out the Broncos.
Let me just put it that way. um Would they love to do it at the behest of their other foe, the Bengals? I don't know, ah but it's awesome. Moving on to the NFC, we have our Vikings at number one, 14 and two, ah Eagles at number two, um Rams at number three, Lions at five, Commanders at six, Packers at seven.
Now, what you're going to say is Omar, we skipped a number there. We skipped number four. And yes, that is true. We did skip number four. And I'm going to tell you why we had a crazy.
crazy race going on and I'm going to show you who's in the hunt here the Buccaneers and the Falcons you'll remember the Buccaneers last week blew a game that they shouldn't have they would have won they would be in the playoffs right now unfortunately they did not and so they still have to win against the Panthers this weekend in order to get into the playoffs should be a good an easy win but the Panthers have been a much harder team to beat lately um you know in the in the past four weeks as Bryce Young has stepped up this game the Falcons in order to get in obviously they need the Buccaneers to lose and whatever team does get in again Buccaneers win they're in Falcons with a win and a Bucks loss will go into number four but also what I would like to point out is there is a huge game this week between the Lions
and the Vikings. You can see the Vikings have a 14 and 2 record.

Exclusive New Year's Eve Promotions

The Lions have a 13 and 2 record. Huge divisional foes here. Last week of the season, winner takes the number one spot and the bye. Whoo!
Detroit with all the injuries they've had and a little bit of low at the end of the season, desperately needs this victory and the bye. This is going to be one of the best and most hard fought games we have seen in a long, long time. I am truly looking forward to what that is going to offer us this weekend. So o that's going to be a great, great game. Thank you again for y'all tuning in. There's a lot of y'all out there watching. I really appreciate it. Again, I am Omar the professor from SECA. This is the professor's seminar.
um Go ahead and hit that like button for me. Please get us out there so ball and buds can be spread to the masses. We've got a lot of new shows in the work ah to add to this in our other lineup of shows. I'll be ah announcing a little bit more of that here and about.
10 minutes or so as we end this episode. um Let's get into our college basketball. That'll be pretty much the last thing we're going to do today. um I'll have a final message for you and then we'll get out of here for the New Year's. Get you to all of those awesome New Year's festivities. I again will be joined by Clubber D, the Combat G, Ball and Buds. Yes, we will be out at the Gaylord in Oxen Hill at the National Harbor Resort Convention Center for Big Night DC. We will be out there signing autographs and the like for all of our fans. So if you are a fan of Ball and Buds and you want to see us
in person go ahead and buy those tickets for the big night out DC at the Gaylord Opryland free promotion. They don't I don't know. I shouldn't say they don't deserve it. They've always shown me an awesome time of this. book This will be my fifth time going um in the past. I don't know like 15 years or so since I started going and it's really awesome. I always have a great time.

College Football Playoffs Preview

ah So shout out to them, but maybe they'll actually let us do a show there a podcast from there one time, um but it's going to be a great time now if you do go Make sure now that you get those VIP tickets, because don't be dusty as cupboardee likes to say, we have VIP tickets. And if you don't got the VIP, I may be able to slide you a couple drinks on the down low.
but we're in We also have different sections. We live different lives, homie. Those sections, the VIP, the haves, and the have-nots, it's like the US. It's like the United States. You got the rich, and you got the 1%, and you got everybody else. ah You got the haves, and you got the have-nots. And just like they separate and segregate themselves,
We do the same at this party. If you ain't VIP and you got nubs, you ain't going to be able to drink with us. We can always come over to the regular side and drink with y'all, but you can't come over to the VIP stuff. No, no, no, no. We can't be just letting any old scallywags coming up in and just
can't even say what would happen if we let y'all into the VIP. Anyways, you know, I just joke around. I love y'all, all of our fans. Let's get into the college football playoffs. Huge games coming up tomorrow um for obviously New Year's Eve and then as well on New Year's Day. It's going to be a great, great next couple of days.
for the college football playoffs and so let's go ahead and uh look at our bracket here first of all so you'll see our bracket this week in the second round we have uh Ohio but or or sorry Oregon hosting uh or sorry not hosting all these games are neutral I apologize but Oregon and Ohio State uh we also have Arizona State versus Texas Georgia versus Notre Dame and Boise State versus Penn State So that is our bracket of our four games, which I'll go into more depth in a second. But you all know, avid watchers of this show, I like to show you all the projections and how the athletic, shout out to the athletic, I subscribe to them and love them. Shout out to them, they give us projections for who they have as the national champions using a specific algorithm for um you things that have happened throughout the season. So
uh in order to win the championship or not in order to but they have the best percentage or probability of winning the championship at 24 for the texas longhorns at number two 22 chance to win the national championship the ohio state buckeyes uh and then at number three the org the organ organ the ha the ohio state would not like if i said the organ Oregon University at number three with a 17 percent chance number four Penn State with a 16 percent chance and then tied for number five in teams Georgia Bulldogs and Notre Dame down there at number 10 or at number five with a 10 percent probability So those are your teams that have the best chance to win the national championship with hot takes Jake's Texas Longhorns having the best chance to win the championship at a one out of every four. So what that means is
They went in and they ran these simulations over and over again. And one out of every four times or 25% of the time, the Texas Longhorns won the national championship. So that's a pretty healthy percentage for hot pig Jake and his Texas Longhorns chances. So let's get get into these games real quick. Tomorrow, we have Penn State versus Boise State. That is our one game of the evening, 7.30 PM.
We have Penn State at Boise State when it's a neutral game in Arizona i at State Farm Stadium there and in Glendale. But Penn State again is the number six ranked team while Boise is the number three ranked team, but a lot of people as you know from watching last week don't like this and is the reason they want receding or as hot tech jig said the choice in your opponent of receding is because Penn State is an 11-point favorite over Boise State in this case a huge favorite and if that's the case you should be
the higher seed. Now, that doesn't matter, really, because all the games are neutral. So higher seed, it's only really more for vain purposes, just to make them feel better, um you know, for aesthetics. But if in the grand scheme of things, it makes no difference.
I did choose SMU over Penn State last week. Penn State made me eat those words. James Franklin, who I have lamented is not able to win a big game. I still don't consider SMU to be a big win for them, but at least they won their first playoff game. They are 11-point favorites here.
I'm again going with the upset and until he wins the damn championship. I'm going with the upset Boise State in a close three-point victory over Penn State. I'm gonna go with Boise State 27 24 No, you know what 30 to 24 Boise State is what I'm gonna do. I don't know why but I'm just feeling a 30 to 24 six point Boise State day All right moving on to our New Year's Day slates our early game at 1 p.m. And
is going to be Texas, the number five ranked Texas. Another example here of what I was just talking about, right? How people are upset that there's not receding, considering that ah Texas is the lower ranked team at number five, even though they have 12 wins, Arizona has 11, and honestly, Texas is the better team.
And as you just saw from our project projections, the ones that are projected to win the national championship every single time. So Texas is a 13 point favorite here over Arizona State. I do believe this line is a lot closer to what I'm seeing. So I am going to go ahead and predict that the Texas Longhorns, I'm going to say 10 points here. I'm not going to go 14, but I will say 10. Let's go with a I'm going to say a 30.
4 to 24 Texas Longhorns victory over Arizona State. Moving on to the 5 o'clock game, ohio the Ohio State Buckeyes, excuse me, had a lot of friends that weren't the Ohio State and they do not like when you don't look, don't add the D to the beginning. So the Ohio State University 11-2. This is a rematch against Oregon from earlier in the year. It was the best game of the season. Oregon won by one point at the last minute. It's gonna be great. This is in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California.
Sorry, my bad, by the way, Texas Arizona State will be played in the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta. Anyways, this game, Ohio State versus Oregon, will be played in the Rose Bowl, where my beloved Bruins play their home games. Ohio State is a two and a half point favorite, even though Oregon won in the regular season. Now, normally, with what I know now, with the whole season going down, I would say yes.
Um, or I would say, no, I would say Oregon is going to win this game. They're undefeated. They were the number one consensus team all year. They're led by a great quarterback, um, uh, an experienced, uh, team, um, a great running back in there as well.
um Danny Dann landing is running a good program up there. They're on the West Coast because they're going to play in California. They only have to travel a short distance versus Ohio State, which has to travel half the country. So normally and under normal circumstances, I would say Oregon is going to win this game.
Not today. I am going with the revenge. Ohio State gets the victory coming back from being beat during the regular season. They win this game by that short margin of a field goal. I am gonna say, let us go with a 30. I'm gonna go 35.
No, you know what? I'm gonna do a two-point game here. 35-33 Ohio State. The Ohio State, excuse me. 35-33. All right, and then moving into our final game.
In the evening, 845 New Year's Day, Notre Dame, the number six, Cyberpunk Notre Dame goes to visit Canteen's Georgia Bulldogs, the number two Georgia Bulldogs. Georgia is a one point favorite. This will be played in the Caesars Superdome in New Orleans, Louisiana. Shout out to Enno, me and my 703 boys had a great time there a couple of years ago for our fantasy ah football draft. But anyways,
um Georgia here is a one point favorite over Notre Dame. I thought they would have been a little bit more of a favor here But the thing we have to remember Carson Beck is out. He is out um And he will have they will have to rely on their backup quarterback to help get them past um Notre Dame Yeah Is it possible? I Sure, it's possible. It's very possible that they could I
they could possibly win this game without their starting quarterback that has basically carried them to championships and to experience playoff wins and so on and so forth you know throughout the throughout the year right this is the quarterback they have leaned on for a long long time so to say that they're gonna get this victory you know
That's very hard for me to do. That's very, very hard for me to do. um I just ah just, I can't see that. I can't see you coming so far.
with an experienced team that relies on one on a on a quarterback position very very um heavily and now you're going to be bringing the backup. Now I will give the backup some credit. His name is Gunnar Stockton. He played well in helping um ah You know ah Georgia to win their last game as he came in in the last and few minutes Once Carson Beck got hurt and helped him You know to to win the game even though Carson Beck did come back to that last play which was pretty heroic some Was that uh, what was that football meal? Damn it. I'm forgetting the football movie with Moxley someone helped me out What do y'all fans help me out? What was the football movie?
Here goes my. Oh, I can't sing that. It's probably going to be copyright if I kept going. I don't want to get in any trouble, so we'll just leave that there. You know what song I'm talking about. But anyways, I got Notre Dame in this one. Normally I again I would go with Georgia, but I'm going to go with the upset here because they are having a backup. I'm going to go with Notre Dame in a close game.
No offense for Georgia. Let's say 20.
2017, so a lower scoring game, 20 to 17 Notre Dame. How do I like that? That's a little low on the score, right? 2320, I'll move it up three points for both teams. 2320 fighting Irish Notre Dame over Georgia. And so obviously if that were to happen, right, then we would be looking forward to moving on to our final four of the playoffs and obviously
Again, with no receding, as we talked about earlier, which is is possibly an issue within these playoffs, we would get the winner of Oregon State and Ohio State. Let me go ahead and ah bring back up that bracket for y'all so y'all can see that again. So you have have a look at what I'm talking about. um But you can see you have Oregon or Ohio State here who would play the winner of Texas and Arizona State. So if you take my two winners, you have Texas and Ohio State playing each other. And then in the other game, if you take my winners,
you'll have Notre Dame and Boise State, which if you take the favorites, you'd have Georgia and and Penn State.

Goal Setting for the New Year

But either way, you see how that would play out in the brackets, depending on who wins, what game there. So again, I am projecting projecting the Ohio State, who is actually, I projected as the champion at the beginning of the year, so I'm sticking with that, versus Tot takes, jake takes Texas Longhorns and the Notre Dame Fighting Irish versus Boise State.
um, uh, the Boise of State, uh, Jews Mustangs, excuse me, is who I would project there as the Final Four. That being said, as always, thank you all for tuning in. This is Omar, the Professor Fonseca, and this is my weekly show of our U.S., United States, world news, sports, entertainment, all of that good stuff, my weekly headlines. The Professors um um i
have laugh but But you know, hey, we can always all laugh at ourselves as well, right? Because if you can't laugh at yourself and have fun in this life, then what are you doing, right? we This life is too short. You never know, you know, what's going to happen from one minute to the next.
So as we move into this New Year's and I leave you with my final message, um be well, be kind, love each other, spread that New Year's cheer, tell your friends you love them, make sure you help each other out because you never know again what could happen. And I've lost people throughout the years and especially this year that you know were close to me and You always want to make sure you tell people you love them. You always want to make sure that you tell them ah that you care. And in the New Year season, we all strive to be better. I don't do resolution.
So don't email me asking, oh Omar, what's your resolution? I don't do resolutions. I think resolutions are a waste of time in my eyes ah because they always get broken, not just by me, but by most of you out there. You don't become a criticism or a critic because you break them too. So instead I just set goals. That's what I do. I don't make resolutions. I set goals.
That way if I don't necessarily reach the intended goal but I made the work in progress to reach that goal well at least I can feel proud in my accomplishment and that's really rang through this past year.
I created a course, a social media course for small business owners. I'm trying to improve the Ball and Buzz network and get us out there to more of the masses so that all of our personalities can get into the new stratosphere so we can be seen on mainstream channels so that we can get our our opinions and and and expertise out there. So I've been trying to do that as well.
and I realize that these things are a work in progress. I do realize that we live in a society of what have you done for me lately of um of instant gratification uh and and I am guilty of it at all. I'm guilty ah of of it all but I have a wonderful mother and a wonderful father. Thank you mom who support me every day and to remind me of those things that I need to be reminded so that I don't press ahead of myself that I don't get too overwhelmed that I don't get upset at things that ah that may or may not be happening in the timeline that I may like which believe me I do all the time. um So give yourself the patience and give yourself the
the the the love and the proper support to achieve the goals you want to achieve because in this life i tell you i am a big believer in manifestation and all that stuff if you do believe in it it will come true you can do whatever you put your mind and your heart to um and this year i i resolved to make sure that I am increasing not only my course, but ball and buds with more shows and and trying to, again, get us to where we need to be. that That being said, look for future content coming out. Not only will we continue to do this weekly show, the Professor Seminole Mente, I'll be having a new mind of the professor coming up here in the next few weeks. We'll also have a new banter, roles in bravado.
um Obviously Clubber D the combat G look for the clubbies our 2024 awards special for combat sports We'll give out his m MMA and boxing awards probably do that next week um So as always more shows and then look out for a new project ah from me and iow sports Storyline sports with Detroit Mel and as well hot take Jake and I have a very very special project for everybody involved and just remember like I said um in life, not any not anything at all is um is guaranteed.

Closing Gratitude and Wisdom

And so you want to make sure that, that again, you you try your best to accomplish whatever it is you want to accomplish in this life. One thing I did forget, thank you for the reminder. Who is my pick to win? Thank you, fans. I love you all so much. Who is my pick in the game?
um ah uh last night or tonight i it's it's gonna be a blowout lions uh have to have this game um especially for next week's purposes and they will um 49ers just been a bad year for them feel feel for clubber d and the fans there uh because obviously they dealt with a lot of injuries and other things um they're they're gonna lose this game handily by at least 10 uh possibly 14 Uh there in santa clara. So anyways again as we end off Please if you're watching this before you leave hit that like button hit that love that heart that laugh Whatever help us out get us up in there in the algorithm Make sure you subscribe to ball and budge b-a-l-l-a-n-d-b-u-d-s on youtube share any of our videos share our our channel with other people
that we can get more subscribers up. We just had our 500th video the other day. Follow us on Instagram. We also go live there. We go live on my Facebook page if you want to add me, Omar Fonseca, but again on Instagram as well, at Ballenbuz. And budget I leave you with a poem. um And this is from OutKast, one of the greatest hip-hop groups ah of all time. ah You know, Andre 3000 and Big Boy, you know what I'm saying? The classic ah the classic crew.
um they They had an astute poem from the album Aquimini. Now, if you all remember the album Aquimini, this album was one of my favorite albums of all time in in just music in general. What an amazing album if you weren't You know able able to hear this album definitely go back and listen to outcast a criminal, but they the wise poet Andre 3000 said um And in reference to things not always lasting as I like to say when I'm on the bottom line sports show I'm not here for a long time. I'm here for a good time. And so in that vein Andre 3000 said Even the Sun goes down
Heroes eventually die. Horoscopes often lie. And sometimes why? Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain. And nothing lasts forever. But since I have to close the curtain, it was them and I. The bottom line. So again, Omar for the professor for a second. I thank you for watching. The professor, Seminole Mente, holla, $5,000.