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Brain Fog and Deep Thoughts: Exploring Memory and Anxiety

E159 · Unsolicited Perspectives
27 Plays5 months ago

Prepare for a candid episode of "Unsolicited Perspectives" as Bruce Anthony discusses his struggles with memory issues, brain fog, and anxiety. In this special installment from his Patreon series "Talkin Straight Ish," Bruce reveals the daily challenges these conditions create, from forgetting names to battling distractions. He shares relatable anecdotes that illustrate how anxiety has influenced his experiences during key moments. 

Bruce also examines the link between deep thought and mental fog, addressing broader societal issues like political perspectives and the need for understanding before action. With a blend of humor and sincerity, he offers an unfiltered look into his thought processes, making this episode essential for anyone intrigued by the complexities of modern life. Don't miss this engaging and relatable conversation! #MemoryAndAnxiety #deepthoughts #brainfog #men

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Thank you for tuning into Unsolicited Perspectives with Bruce Anthony. Let's continue the conversation in the comments and remember, stay engaged, stay informed, and always keep an open mind. See you in the next episode! 


00:00 Welcome to Unsolicited Perspectives

00:32 Special Episode Announcement

00:54 Celebrating Birthdays with Special Shows

01:25 Talking Straight Ish: Brain Fog and Memory

02:39 Memes with Bruce: A New Segment

04:04 Personal Anecdotes and Memory Issues

07:05 Anxiety and Its Impact

14:20 Deep Thoughts and Conversations

16:09 Political Discussions and Opinions

20:13 Challenges in Communication and Comprehension

36:13 Closing Remarks and Patreon Promotion

37:09 Final Thank You and Farewell

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Introduction to 'Unsolicited Perspectives'

Welcome. First of all, welcome. This is Unsolicited Perspectives. I'm your host, Bruce Anthony, here to lead the conversation in important events and topics in the shape of the face of society. Join the conversation to follow us wherever
So like I said, I'm gonna be giving you guys a special show today.

Celebration Plans and Patreon Content

My sister is in Panama celebrating her 40th birthday. And because of that, I'm gonna give you guys two show to celebrate her birthday and my past birthday last month. We'll give you guys two shows from our Patreon page. That's patreon backslash us listed perspectives. It's gonna be talking straight ish with me. And then on Tuesday,
The next show will be one of the after hours uncensored show with my sis. So this show was released in March. I'm talking about brain fog and memory and people thinking, I want to tell all my parents out there, personal parental discretion is advised because there's some cussing. This is our uncensored page. Once again, you can get our shows.
Talking Straight-ish and After Hours Uncensored for $5 for After Hours Uncensored, $5 for Talking Straight-ish, or $9 for both shows on our page, patreon backslash our solicit perspectives. But enjoy the show.
are Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to a another episode of Talkin' Straight. It's with me, Bruce Anthony. That's Talkin' Straight Shit, where I spit the real about my personal life. Give y'all more insight into what's going on with me.

Forgetting Topics and New Meme Segment

I don't know where this show is going to go today. I gotta be real honest. I had a topic and completely forgot because I didn't write it down.
And you know, I'm typically having an overarching theme of something I'm going to talk about and and go all over the place and then bring it back at the end with the point. And that's not going to be the case with this episode, because I really fucking forgot what I was going to talk about. And I just saw a meme on Instagram because we're doing a whole segment now of memes with Bruce. That's not actually the title of the segment. I have a title written somewhere, but like I can't remember it right now. And and and I'm going to get into ah why I think all of this is funny. But anyway, this new segment is going to be on the main show and it it means with Bruce. and And if you follow my personal page, you know that my personality
is really, really comes out in memes. I post memes all the time on my personal page through my stories so that they disappear. Cause I don't want to, and I don't want everybody to know exactly what I'm thinking. If you catch it, you catch it. If you miss it, you miss it. So we're going to be exploring that on the show, but as I'm getting ready to start the show,
A meme pops up and there's this guy laying in the bed on his phone. It's nighttime because it the the light is shining on his face. And the memes headline is, what the fuck was I about to Google? And that resonated with me so much. Case of point, forgot the title of the segment that I'm gonna be shooting at some point within the next couple of days. And I came up with it literally today and completely forgot What the hell the title

Struggles with Memory and Anxiety

is. And I will say age is a motherfucker because I forget stuff right and left at one point because I did have COVID. I thought I had COVID fog brain because it's like really hard to gather around my thoughts.
And I was talking to a friend of mine and she was saying how she has trouble in the morning, kind of like gathering herself together. And I said, I don't make any important decisions until noon because I've messed up transferring monies throughout account and paying bills and responding back to people and setting appointments and all that other stuff.
before noon because I wasn't cognitive, cognitively aware yet that cognitively cognate does sound like y'all know what I'm trying to say. Speech impediment. But I wasn't like 100% like I'm 100% on top of my job.
But anything else I can not focus in or do. Before noon, it's like I'm an old car and the battery has got to warm up and it just takes a little while for my mental battery to to to really kind of warm up. And I'm notorious.
for going to the grocery store, forgetting to write a list, saying I remember it, because I'm i'm walking out the door and I know exactly what I need to do when I need to get at the grocery store. The grocery store is a block away. It takes me five minutes to walk to the grocery store. Every fucking time I leave that grocery store without a list, I always forget something.
Always. And my memory is just horrible. You could tell me your name from me meeting you, and I will forget it within seconds. People tell me stuff all the time. Like, hey, I got this going on. Hey, I got this going on. If I don't make a mental note to remember it, or if it doesn't like strike me as something not important. Important isn't the right word. If it doesn't strike me as something pertinent,
Like i'm i' I'm not going to retain it. There are a lot of times where I ask my clients and I ask them the same question on Thursdays and the same question. I ask them the same question in the last session of the week and the same question on the first session of the week. It is, what do you have planned for the weekend? And then when we come back, how was your weekend? And there are times where people tell me, Hey, I'm leaving town this weekend. Oh, okay.
And then I come back and I asked them, Hey, how was your weekend? Completely forgetting that they told me that they were leaving town. I will walk into a room to go get something to go do something. And as soon as I step foot in that room, completely forget why I walked in there. I would say it would be early dementia, but I've tested my memory to try to try and see if something like that is developing and it isn't.
Which is just a part of it anxiety, right? Like I'm somebody who suffers from anxiety. You know, credit my ex-wife for pointing this out. I have severe anxiety, which causes me to not sleep well sometimes, which causes me to forget a lot of things, which kind of causes me to sometimes walk around in a fog.
If you guys watch the show when I have guests on or my sister, and I've gotten a lot better at this, but there are times where I zone all the way out and sometimes I retain the information, sometimes I don't. If somebody says something real interesting and I didn't do a follow-up question,
i I faded out and that's that's happened to me like before. I had really had a really difficult time in college with those Tuesday, Thursday classes because they were like an hour and 15 minutes when most of the classes like on Monday, and Wednesday, and Friday were like 50 minutes. I would have an incredible time focusing.
I had a difficult time focusing in in those

Impact of Anxiety on Performance

classes. I was 50 minutes. And for somebody who has a degree in history to not be able to focus during lectures, I just i could not do it. I just zone out. And it could be during anything. like I could be watching TV and just zone out. And I'm like, wait wait a minute. What the hell just happened? Happens when I'm reading books. It's kind of the reason why I don't like reading books.
Because i had to reread so many pages cuz i just zone out and don't remember what i read like i've read them. I went through the pages i read them was on down don't remember what i read.
A lot of it I don't think has to do with age. Like I said, a lot of it I think has to do with my anxieties. Some of this new stuff is absolute age. The anxiety issue has always been there because I don't remember a lot in my past. My brother, sister, mom, and dad, even my boys will will bring up stories. Hey, you remember when this happened or this happened? And I'll have absolutely no recollection of it. I was there. I experienced it.
no recollection of it. And it's really crazy, like my boy, I played on the basketball team with him. And he's like, you remember this game on this play? We was up by this net. And it it was big games and big plays. And I just absolutely don't remember. But my anxiety was always extremely high during basketball games.
I used to get cotton mouth and my legs would, my feet would feel like cement and I never understood what it was. And it was fucking anxiety, like test anxiety. I still have test anxiety. I don't even take tests anymore. But if I had to take a test, I would study, I would prepare diligently and thoroughly. I would open up whatever booklet or webpage to take the test.
The very first question, if I don't know that answer immediately, whole test is shot. Like, I'm gonna go through... and It's not a panic attack, although I have had those. and I'm going to go through a panic, and all the knowledge that I had is just gonna evaporate. So that's that's that's weird. It's not weird. it's It is what it is. It's anxiety.
So that's a little, little known thing. I know I've talked about it before on the main show, but yeah, I suffer from severe anxiety and I forget stuff all the time. Like the main topic that I had an idea, I was unable to sleep per usual. And I had to come up with a really interesting topic to talk about. It was, you know, it was a singular topic that I was going to talk all around and then hit the landing at the end. I've already done the full episode in my head. I'd programmed out the outline in my head and I was set and ready to go. Hopefully, if you know, if I remember it, I'll film another episode and y'all will just get a bonus episode. I didn't write it down and I knew, I knew as I was formulating it in my head, I should write this down. But I was like,
It was the middle of the night. I was tired. I was tossing and turning because I couldn't sleep. And as I was trying to rest, the idea of the episode was was coming to me. And I should have just rolled over to my phone, but I'm tired. I'm trying to get myself to go to sleep. Like, I'm physically tired. I am exhausted. I don't know if you guys are paying attention, but you see these bags up under my eyes?
I am a little burnt out, extremely tired and in need of a vacation.

Need for Vacation and Podcasting Concerns

I was talking to somebody recently. I haven't been on a real vacation, not a trip, not a trip because I've done trips, but even a trip. I haven't been on a trip in two years.
But I haven't been on a vacation, a real vacation in seven, it'll be eight years in September. So this year I'm planning a trip to New Orleans. I want to go next month. um I need to stop at Kranz and go ahead and buy my tickets. And I would like to go on a vacation. I want to go to Hawaii.
We will see how that turns out. Cause you know, Hawaii is mad expensive. Maybe I could go overseas, but I still need to guess what I still haven't done. Update my damn, I renew my damn passport. Like my bestie has been telling me for a full year to do. So yeah, that's another thing. I just completely forget about it. And.
Yeah, I'll just completely forget about it and and not do it. Sorry, I lost my train of thought there because the program is telling me something. I might be running out of space. I don't know why I'd be running out of space for this software program that that I record all these episodes for. That could be a major problem because I'm recording a bunch of episodes. but But anyway, yeah, so hopefully I will remember what the hell I was going to talk about, that I had this whole thing planned. but I don't know. Hopefully it will come back to me. And when it does, I promise you guys I will write it down. But yeah, my memory is just so really, really bad. I don't know if y'all are having trouble with it. Like I seriously, my brother said he had COVID brain fog. And I was like, do do I have that too? Because it's really tough for me to focus. It's actually, that's a lie. I've gotten better.
When I get rest, it's not so difficult for me to focus and I'm still quick with it. And this is what I mean by that. When people say something, I pick up on it really quickly because like I said, I, you know, I'm a trainer and I talk to people all day long.
And I really pick up on stuff when people say ignorant shit, but like I know i I still have all my faculties there because, and and I'm not getting so old because I will still pick up on things that people say that are ignorant as shit. Case in point.
I hung out with a long time friend of mine. He moved, he and his family moved down to Richmond. So I have not seen him in person in probably two years. He was in town. He was like, you want to grab drinks? I did the rare thing that I don't normally do. And that's went out during the week to go see my friend that I haven't seen in

Challenging Conversations on Politics

a long time. We had some drinks and chatted and I forgot what it's like to talk to somebody who has a different philosophy on politics and not completely different on social issues, but different philosophy on politics and be able to have conversations, intelligent conversations, even though we can disagree and it's still be productive.
ah The reason why I say that's difficult is because very rarely do I get that nowadays. It's like a few people outside of, you know, well, yeah, no, it's only a few people that I deal with on a regular basis that I can actually have those conversations with and like it's productive. A lot of times it is not productive.
I was talking to somebody earlier today about the presidential election. And this person was just like, I just don't like Joe Biden, but I just don't really like Trump. And I was like, OK, that's understandable. I mean.
that a lot of people are going to be you know holding their nose and pressing a lever to vote. I said, OK, but tell me what you don't like about Trump. And they went through the present the the usual stuff, the racism, the bigotry, the misogyny, the lying, the crookedness, et cetera. And I said, OK, well, what don't you like about Joe Biden? And they were just like,
I don't know. I was like, okay, well, ah is it like any one of his particular policies that you don't like? well That was her answer. Well, I was like, okay, so so it's it's not a policy. ah Do you think he's not a good man? Do you think he's not a good father, a good husband, a good family man? so They were like, no, no, it's not that. I just don't like the way he looks. I said, are you fucking kidding me? say I looked at that person and I said, you know, that's not the most intelligent argument. And I know
God, I could come off as so condescending and arrogant and pompous. And it's becoming worse and worse as I get older. And the reason why it's becoming worse and worse as it gets older but as I get older is because I think people are dumber and dumber. I don't know that I'm getting smarter or becoming more intelligent. I just feel like people are just dumber.
it So I will not hesitate to call them out on their idiotic comments or statements or things that just don't make any sense. My my father is really good at showing people where they're thinking is flawed without pushing him to that. He kind of like guides them to that decision. And I do not have that ability. Maybe I used to, I don't have it anymore. Now it's, you know what you said, it's dumb as shit, right?
like yeah and i call I call people all the time and I don't know how they don't get offended. People don't get offended because i they probably think I'm joking. I'm not fucking joking because i know i I know I crack jokes all the time. I know that I'm a fun guy. There's a real serious side to me and and sometimes those lines are blurred and other people's eyes. They're not blurred in my eyes. I know like exactly when I am dead fucking serious and when I am making jokes. And I i might maybe it's it's because I have a grin on my face when I call them stupid or when I say what they said was stupid because I guess I don't call a lot of people stupid. I i am quick to make a comment. That was pretty dumb.
I'm quick to do that. so For instance, today, somebody was telling me a story and they were they were using the adjective in this story. And they were like, you know what I mean when this, this, this, and this? And I was like, I'm having a little trouble understanding what you're saying. And and they were trying to explain it without using that adjective and they couldn't. And I said,
Did you use the right adjective? Because, like, I'm not following you here. And I honestly don't know if that person knew what the adjective was. And that's a little alarming. I don't know about you guys, but you know, noun, verbs, at adverbs, adjectives.
subject predicate in a sentence, you know, I'm not the greatest, my sister's the linguist. I'm not that, but you know, I know a little bit about that stuff. And this person in particular is consistently using big words wrong. He's either, and well, it's a he, he's either not annunciating them or pronouncing them correctly or just using them completely out of the wrong context. And I am quick to look at them and be like,
it's It's a look of slight disgust. He's described it as a look of slight disgust. And oh my God, you can't be this stupid. And it's it's legitimate. it's um really had those I really those questions about them. It's a lot of people that that I have those questions about. So I called this person that was talking to earlier about Joe Biden.
Basically, I said that's not an intelligent way to go about making a decision to vote for the president of the United States. What I wanted to say was that if you're not going to use that vote intelligently, you probably shouldn't have it. And I can't say that. I can't say that as a black man. I can't. I can't take people's votes away. I can't do that. I can't condone that or, you know, but some people, some people have the the ability to make decisions that affect our lives and they are so misguided and ill-informed and and know well, you know what? That's a lot of people out there right now because they don't know how to decipher what's true and what's not true in the news. And I can understand that's getting increasingly hard. There are a lot of times where, you know, I consume the news every day.
I consume the news from variety of different news sources that all kind of get pushed towards me. My algorithm gives me everything, absolutely everything. And I'm thankful for it. But these headlines, like a lot of people do not click on the article of these click bait headlines and they take the the headlines as news.
And it's just like, you know, did you read the article? Well, no, but this is what the headline said. I'm like, God, like news organizations realize that people are lazy as fuck and they're not going to read. And even if they do read the article, they're going to skim. They're probably not going to read it. And they're people's reading comprehension isn't so good. I remember one time one of one of the trainers that I had working for us.
We were getting into an argument. No, it wasn't an argument, it was a debate. And we were getting into a debate of what the proper protocol is to give a client when they have injured themselves. And I said, well, there's two different ways to, there's three different ways to give that protocol, right? First, we need to find out what the injury is.
Is it a chronic injury or is it an acute injury? An acute injury is something that is not common. It doesn't happen repetitively. It could be you pulled something in your neck. You don't normally pull something in your neck. That's what happened that particular day. That's an acute injury. A chronic injury is something that is routinely bothering you like tendonitis in your knee or a tennis elbow, tendonitis in your elbow, something like that, right? If somebody has injured themselves to the point where they're not going to go to the doctor, right?
we' not not go to the doctor where they don't need to go to the doctor or our recommendation isn't it's not as bad as you may think you're just sore you just pulled something and these are the steps you need to take as opposed to if you sprain tore or broke something you need to go to the doctor but the the proper protocol if you have an acute injury is you ice ice it elevate it and if it's really giving you pain you use ibuprofen If it's a chronic injury, you ice, then you head then you add heat, then you add ice again, elevate ibuprofen. The reason why you never put direct heat on an inflammation or injury, pull, something of that nature, is because when the hell do you put out a fire with heat?
You don't add heat to a fire, just aggravates it. You want to cool it off because it's inflamed. So me and her are going back and forth. And I said, you know, this is, this is in your textbook that you studied from. It's in the chapter.
we need to go back to the chapter. So we go back to the chapter and sure enough, what I said was

Communication Challenges and Clickbait

chapter. That wasn't good enough for her. She wanted to research it. And this was somebody who was going to med school, right? And they're arguing with me and I understand that they want to come out as right because they're like, I'm going to med school. I know more about the body than you do. And technically she was right. She knows more about the body than I do, but this particular field,
I'm a master at it, and she is not. So she pulled up some article, and she was like, see, it proves my point. And in the article, it literally said the exact same thing that I told you guys. And I was like, oh my god, you are studying to be a doctor, and you don't have reading comprehension. I don't even understand how that's possible. I said, it's in the article. What I said is exactly in the article. It's right here. No, no, no, that's not what it says.
but mean it's not it's almost ver verbatim it's exactly what the fuck are you talking about the person didn't continue on working with the company anymore because I couldn't trust that they would give the right advice and would open up to ah ah open us up to a liability where we could be sued but it's just like people the people just don't have the ability to read and retain. and And I'll be real honest with you. I had a lawyer send me something because I'm working on something and ah a friend of mine who's a lawyer, write something up for me and send it to me. And I had to read it several times to be able to comprehend it. It was a legal document. So, you know, those are
hard to comprehend sometimes, go ahead and read your iPhone agreement every time they update it. Go ahead, try it. I tried it. It is very complicated and tough to understand. So yes, sometimes things you got to read several times to comprehend them. But news articles, so those are written. News articles are written.
For people that have, I forgot what it was, it's no higher than a seventh or eighth grade education or seventh or eighth grade reading level. It is specifically meant to cater to everybody. Fox News is king of that, right? They write articles, they dumb down the articles so that everybody can comprehend what they're reading, but then they use a trick with their,
video shows, the news anchors, where they use these really big words that sometimes people don't understand the meaning of. Y'all know people out there that use a lot of big words, and you're like, oh, they're really smart. Sometimes they're not. They're using really big words because they're compensating for the fact that they're not smart. They just know some really big words. And a vast vocabulary does this nest does not necessarily mean that you're an intelligent person.
But though the the news anchors would use really big words to come off as smart. Incredible. When in reality, I mean, they got a judge on there. Like, you have to be intelligent to be a judge. I guess. I mean, don't you? I guess I don't know the answer to that question. I really don't know the answer to the question. I would assume that you would have to be intelligent or smart.
to be a judge, but maybe you don't. Maybe they just let anybody be a judge, I guess. I don't know. I don't know the answer to that question. I know they'll let anybody be a Fox News anchor, and I'm not knocking solely them. you know They have the same type of anchors on CNN, MSNBC.
Journalism is really taking a backseat over the last few years because money has filled, has killed the newspaper industry where the true journalists were and put everybody on TV with their personality. And I can tell you as somebody who's nowhere near a personality that's on Fox or NBC or CNN, but somebody that's somewhat of a personality that is on YouTube TV, you know, like TV on that regard. Like if you watch YouTube on your TV, I'm on your TV.
a little bit of a media personality, slight slight personality. they There can be an intoxication of people knowing you and getting traffic. I've almost fallen a victim to it where I've almost started doing, I almost one time, and every now and then I i kind of do it, but it's but it's to do it to Spark dialogue, right? And I believe what I said, I'm not perpetrating a fraud just to get clicks and likes. But sometimes I will put up, you know, clickbait shorts on a YouTube channel, because I know it'll get engagement. But what I'm really doing, if you watch the short, it starts off as clickbaity. Towards the middle of the end, I'm getting to a point that I ah kind of want you to see.
So it's a trick, but it's it's a headline, right? It's a trick to get you to watch the whole thing, to see what my perspective is, my unsolicited perspective. So that's, so maybe, you know, you, you might get something, a perspective of which that you haven't looked at or get reinforced of something that you already believed or get challenged on your belief. That's, that's really all I'm trying to do. I just like, I'm just like people who think, I don't know. I like, I like people that have depth. I was talking to my friend of mine the other day and I was like that very same person that, uh,
said that they didn't they didn't like Biden because of the way he looked. I was talking to another friend of mine who who knows that person, and I was like, yeah, I don't think that person is ever in deep thought.
And they started busting out laughing. and And they was like, what you mean? And I was like, exactly what I said. I don't think that person is ever in deep thought. I don't ever think that person just sits down and is just thinking. I said, do you, uh, I was like, well, maybe, maybe I'm weird or different because I'm in deep thought a lot.

Deep Thought vs. Ignorance

Like anytime I'm alone, nine times out of 10, I'm in, I'm in deep thought. and less and Unless, unless it's my, even on my Sunday fun day, I have to have something diverting my attention.
to be in deep thought. And even then, I could be watching TV, something that sparked my interest, and then I would just like sit and think about it. And I asked this person, who's actually a professor, so so this person is a thinker, so I guess it was a dumb question. I said, do you yeah are you a person that's in deep thought? And they were like, am I? I'm always in deep thought. I wish sometimes I wasn't in deep thought.
And I said, they did say ignorance is bliss. And there's some people out there living real blissful. And he was like, yes, I wish sometimes I wasn't in deep thought. And then there are times, there are a lot of times I wish I could turn it off. I know this sounds like I'm praising myself or I'm tooting my own horn or something. That's not really what I'm not. I thought everybody was like this. And I know there are a lot of people who are like this.
ah But I'm finding out the older I get there are people that just they don't they they're never in and Deep thought they're kind of walking around and that fog All day long that fog that hits me early in the morning where it becomes tough to concentrate That's when I'm not in deep thought Cause I've been in deep thought all night long. I have crazy dreams. I had, last night I had a dream that I wanted to get with one of my former clients. She's married right now and saw two pictures, but she always been fine. But I would never have crossed the line where she was my client, but she ain't my client no more. Anyway, that's a different tangent for a different day that had just been on my mind all day long. Cause I had to dream about her last night, but yeah, that brain fog that I'm in early in the morning, I guess people just
That's how people like roam through life. And the person I was talking to that talked about, they didn't like Joe Biden. I could just tell this is a person that just, and I didn't deep thought unless they're challenged to, unless they're challenged to think. And there's a lot of times that this person will ask me about my opinion on something. And, you know, I'll,
They know I've got a podcast, they watch the podcast, they're a fan of the podcast. And they know that um ah have I have opinions. I have have strong opinions about certain things. Not so strong that I won't listen, but I have opinions about things that I know about. And if I don't know about it, and it interests me, has interests me, then I'm going to learn about it. And then I'm going to develop opinions based on what I learned.
So I know there's a lot of times where she asked me questions. Damn it. I said who it was. Well, she asked me questions. And I'll say something. She's like, I never thought about that. And I'm like, you know, this this this what I just told you is not really like this new form of thinking or ah or this new idea. It's not really that complicated. Like you just haven't thought about this at all. It's not that you haven't thought about it. You haven't thought that you are or you never thought of it that way. You haven't thought about it at all. And so it was just funny how I have friends who are in deep thought. And I have friends who are just not
And I wonder what that life is like. I guess I have a a little bit of an understanding. It's like being in that fog for me early in the morning, and I'll be real honest. If that was my existence every day, I would fucking hate it because I'm walking around like a damn zombie, and that's not how I want to be. But anyway, ah that wasn't what I wanted to talk about today. Like I said, I completely forgot about what I wanted to talk about today.
because I don't write anything down like I should. And I had this whole great episode. overarching episode or or surrounded by one theme like I typically do and completely fucking forgot about it. But I don't know what to say. I think this was a good episode. I don't know. These episodes are just giving you insight into the way my mind works. And this is how my mind works. I don't know if it's good or bad or what, but it's just me.
And that's just me talking straight-ish. I hope you guys enjoyed that. And that's an example, one of the examples of me doing my show talking straight-ish. It's a stream of consciousness where I just let you guys into my mind way more than I do on the main show because I can be.
like I can cuss. Number one, I could be a little, but you know, I could be a little bit more loose with that show. So once again, you can watch that show on our Patreon page, patreon backslash. I solicit perspectives. It's $5 if you want to just watch talking straight ish.
It's $5 if you want to watch just after hours on Censor. If you want both shows, it's $9, but you can get all of that on our website at patreon backslash about switching perspectives. But I want to thank you for listening. I want to thank you for watching. And until next time, as always, a holler.
our podcast wherever you're listening
Subscribe to our YouTube channel where you can actually watch our video podcast. But the real party is on our Patreon page. After Hours Uncensored and Talking Straight-ish After Hours Uncensored is another show with my sister. And once again, the key word there is uncensored. Those who are exclusively on our Patreon page jump onto our website at for all things us. That's where you can get all of our audio, video, our blogs, and even buy our merch. And if you really feeling generous and want to help us out, you can donate on our donations page. Donations go strictly to improving our software and hardware so we can keep giving you guys good content that you can