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20 Minute Banter Morgan Saint and Carley Ridersleeve image

20 Minute Banter Morgan Saint and Carley Ridersleeve

Sticky Jazz
41 Plays6 months ago

Crashing into the dream pop world Morgan Saint just released her single "Blazing", it is the kind of music you would hear in the "Chill Room" at the club.  

I got to banter with her, and her wife Carley Ridersleeve about this collaboration, and the new single of Carley's called "Bad Things". I have been a fan of Carley for years, and this is my 3rd interview with her. 

Enjoy the music, and the banter, there are some beautiful voices in this episode.

Morgan Saint  Instagram    Carley Ridersleeve  Instagram

#morgansaint #carleyridersleeve #carastor #lesbiansingers 


Introduction by hosts and opinions

Hey, I'm Bridget Parkin and you're listening to Sticky Jazz. The opinions expressed on the show are truly those of Jeremy Hinks and Sticky Jazz podcast and do not necessarily reflect those of anyone else on this planet.

Banter on new releases with Morgan and Carly

Good day everybody. Welcome to a Sticky Jazz 20 minute banter with Morgan Saint and Carly Ryder-Sleeve.
Morgan has just released a single called Blazing and Carly did backup on that and Carly has been on my show and in Instinct interviews before so this is pretty cool doing the covering the both of them at the same time for this and I'll also throw some Carly single in here too and I hope everybody has a good time listening to this one because I adore the snot out of these women.

Meeting Morgan and previous interviews with Carly

I was waiting, I was waiting
Well, Morgan, nice to finally meet you. like This is just 20-minute banter here. I've had Carly on my show once, and I've interviewed her for Instinct, so this is a double whammy for Carly here because she's in bulk now at this point, but Morgan, glad to ah glad to you know meet you. and I've heard about you through Carly, so it's very cool. Yeah.
Yeah. I've done big fan of Carly's work. I have been for about five years. So it's amazing. Oh, yeah I love it. Yeah. I love the new direction that it's been going in as well. So, all right, let's just kick this off. So we have 20 minute banter here. I have.
Morgan Saint and Carly Ryder sleeve. We'll just be talking about Morgan's got some new work coming out. So hi everybody, how you doing? How are you doing? Good, how are you?

Morgan's art and fashion journey

Well, I was excited about it. Your publicist sent me the single over Gosh, a couple of weeks ago and loved it and did a feature on it, but it had to keep chasing down our web guide to say, Hey, can we, you know, so glad we finally got that up and published for you. The nice little review of the piece. yeah thank yeah Thank you so much. So, uh, let's see Morgan just.
I don't know if Carly explained, I'm a Gonzo journalist. So the conversation is usually my experience with your music. All right. That's, that's how I, you know, if, if it affected me and it, and it it it got me in some way, I'm, that's how I'm going to talk about it. Uh, that's how I asked my questions, but real quick, when were you at Parsons? I saw that you, uh, you got your degree there from Parsons.
Yeah. Oh gosh. I'm not even sure of the dates, but I did go to Parsons and I loved it. Are you familiar with the school? I am. I know the, uh, one of the fashion back up time. I'm like, when did I don't even know, but I did go there and I loved it.
So there's Keenan Duffy. He's one of the fashion ah instructors there. ah He's a great guy. i've had I've had him on my show. he's He's an amazing guy. But yeah, he teaches fashion there and at Polymota over in Italy. So I just thought maybe you'd have known him if you were.
You might remember the guy. I wish. He sounds like a cool person. um I didn't go for fashion, but I wish sometimes I did. But yeah, i don't know I'm not familiar with the name, but. You did illustration. Yeah, I did. I did illustration. But I dabble. I love fashion, so. OK, I'm not any good at fashion. I'm like completely the wrong guy. I'm colorblind,

Morgan's song 'Blazing' and Carly's role in it

all that. So OK, so new song, Blazing, right?
Congratulations, it was it was a it was a great song just upfront Carly was that your vocal I heard in the background on that one. Probably, I think on each other's songs right now, we all have, we both have vocals that are doing backing vocals. Yeah. And ad-libs. Sprinkling each other's voices. Kind of like little... Yeah. Well, I was listening to it and I was like, okay, if Carly did the art direction for this, if that sounds like her voice, I could, you know, it stood out. I was glad to hear that because, you know, I always loved your your music there. So congratulations that you're doing this kind of work together, that you're sprinkling in each other's work. um
So lets let's just, okay, you did the art direction for the video. Well, we actually do it together. um bri again Morgan is the most incredible stylist on the planet. um So you styled yourself and then I shot the video, I guess. We directed it together and then we worked with someone to make the kind of cool CGI. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Cause the CGI was the well just the way that your legs were in that and how you were so you looked like a fawn I was like that was an unsettling image there everyone says you look like a fawn how how your legs were I was like whoa that's yeah are we pulling up narnia here what's going on yeah I like that it's a cool comparison yeah I'll take you kind of remind me of a deer too I got it
Okay. Little creature like I suppose. So so how how did, so that was CGI to do that. Did you try and make it look, did you want to make make it look that way? I guess you did. Cause that was the final product, but. Yeah. I'm always into things that make you think, you know, like, I don't know. I mean, I enjoy things that sort of, yeah, make people stop and say,
What is that? Why'd they do that? Like, I think that's what makes it interesting, you know? Yeah. So I think we're always aiming for a little of that. Yeah, we are. And our visuals and even in the music too. Yeah, I go. I look, Carly's visuals and in her pre-work, the work before this, loved them. I loved her work. I love her vision, all that. So I was like, oh okay, this is great. I'm just trying to see where they're going with it.
So let's see, the lyrics, big white house with windows to the ceiling, inside we were bleeding, sweeping up our feelings, wasn't too long before we were burning, always drew the curtains away, no one saw us hurting.

Exploring themes in Morgan's music

Okay, that's that's heavy. Yeah. um What's that? I'm saying that was a good lyric, Morgan Rowe. That was a great lyric, yes, it was.
you What was going on? what What steered that? I mean, because it's it's a dancey... Okay, now back up here. I got in an argument with it with someone about this song. I'm like, this is a dance song that I play at a club in the chill room. You know? It is, yeah. Right? I said that's where I'd be putting it next to delirium and the the trippy dreamy stuff in the and in in the chill room at the club. And they were like, I wouldn't that no, that's not a dance song. I'm like, no, it is that you know, but so there's that that I was getting from it. But then
The subject matter was pretty intense. Gonna talk about that for a second. Yeah. Well, I like, I like the chill room in the club. I feel like when I'm in the club, not that I'm normally in the club, but if I were to be in the club, I would be in the chill room. So it totally makes sense with my vibe. But, um, so I'm glad that you picked up on that because I actually, in all this whole album that I'm making with Carly, I think like our intention has been like a little bit of a club undertone actually, but in a way that it's not so on the nose. You know what I mean? So it's cool that you picked up on that.
Yeah, I'm glad you did too. it's like and And this song is not like the most of that vibe, but I think it's a little bit. It's a little... It's a little bit. I feel like our world that Morgan's album is living in is kind of like lightly beachy at the club, but like on the beach. So kind of oceany pill, but a little dancey. There's like a sunset, like yeah like just past the sunset, like that dusk vibe. Really what the video is. Yeah. And the blue lights, but blue lights for the children, man. Yeah. Yeah.
Cool. I liked that. um But in terms of the lyrics, yeah, it's a little heavy. I mean, I was writing about a past experience um that I had gone through in ah in a past relationship um that really was not working. And so that was the inspo behind this song and the lyrics. OK. But I was right on the chill room. All right. I got that one. OK.
Cause like, no, that like this, the, the discussion came up. It's like, that's not dancing. I'm like, that is totally chill room dance music right there. That's where you'd be out there with. like one dove and all this, you know, the Dot Allison massive attack kind of sound. that's Yeah. Yeah, that's cool. that That would be the room where your music would be played, where this song would be anyway. That's good company. Yeah, yeah they're a good company. Yes. Okay. So actually, since I'm going to want a copy of this record as soon as I can hear it. So I know it's coming out.
in a couple of weeks, but I'm like dying to hear this one. So if, if it's as good, if the rest of it's as good as these songs here, I'm, I'm, you know, looking forward to it. So let's see on your song. Did you lose your heart? Okay. Again, the visuals there were great. um Almost like where you're paralyzed, almost like trying to look dead or paralyzed.
but let's see, I want you to know that I cry for you every single day that I'm not with you, but you're cold to the touch, no color left to your face. This is kind of morbid here. um And there's a lot of anxiety in this, right? And then am I too late? I want to know that I die for you, spend my whole life to make it up to you, but you're cold to the touch, no color left on your face. This is like,
I just talk about that. I mean, it was heavy. The the visuals are beautiful. The music was great. I'm like, man, rip my, rip my heart out here.

Morgan and Carly's relationship insights

ah or Give me a little piece of that. What's, what was going on? Well, I really, it was about you. It's about Carly, really. Um, Oh, if it's too personal beyond my okay comfort book, it's all good. But we were friends for a really long time prior to dating and we have really, I mean, you could tell this part of the story.
I mean, in a really condensed version, we were best friends and like we kind of mutually developed feelings for each other, but we were with other people and we kind of had expressed to each other that we had feelings, but then I started pulling away because like we both weren't ready, I think, to be with each other yet. And that was about that moment where maybe I was pulling away. Yeah. Right? That's a really condensed version. That's exactly true. Yeah.
Okay, so well, because I remember when I talked to you last time, Carly, you told me about a whirlwind of a relationship that was are pretty taxing on you. And then I said, but I think it was a for and then and I said, But did you have a happy ending? And you said, Absolutely. Yes. Now it's great. Yeah, that was our dynamic. I think like sometimes is this your happy ending.
Yeah, this is it. oh I love the story. I already love it. Great. Yeah. and Okay. Yeah. it happy and It was just like a tornado of emotions. And we're both artists. So it was like really dramatic. yeah Yeah, which is fine. But now we're together. So it's like dramatic. Yeah, that's true. So when did you two get married, actually? Um, two years ago. Yeah, two years ago. Okay. In September. Yeah, so almost two years ago. Yeah.
Well, absolutely congratulations, by the way. man It's been three years since we talked, Carly. So no, congrats to both of you. I know two years late, but ah really I got involved. I met Carly that first time, absolutely thrilled that she had the the, she had a family that supported her and just, Oh, Hey, that's great. You know, I thought that was like one of the best things I showcased that part of the interview back then.
And now to see where you guys are now, both happy and married like this, and collaborating on some wonderful stuff. So again, in my notes, I just saw, yeah, it's not a couple of weeks, it's coming out in a few months, not weeks. Yeah, but you have another song coming

Carly's upcoming single 'Bad Thing'

out in a couple weeks. I do, I have another song in like a month, so soon. And what's that one called, so we can look forward to that.
Oh, undecided. I'm deciding today which step the next song is going to be. Well, one of us wants to hear that. If it's as good as this stuff, I'm dying for that. so it's on I feel like it's just going to keep getting better. I feel like the next two options even better. Yeah. I mean, yeah you know we got to warm the room up, like you said. like We're warming the club up, and we're we might hit the dance floor at some point. OK. OK.
yeah But so, um all right, and Carly, you've got a new single coming out shortly. Bad thing. Oh, yeah, that comes out in on Friday. Yeah, did you hear it? I have, yes. No, okay, no, this is just, okay. but I know, it's complicated. I love your perspective on it, it's great. Well, no, okay, so back when I was bounty hunting, I used a lot of handcuffs.
so And I see the picture there, Carly. I never had to use that money on anybody. So I'm assuming that was symbolic in the photograph there. Oh, yeah, it was just totally, you know, it's about is it a metaphor? Yeah, it's a metaphor. for Yeah. Okay, because you were also you also had the handcuffs there in the video for blazing there, Morgan. Yeah, I did. I'm like, you guys like, hearing I mean, like, I got a you' like what are they they got a couple of pair left with a bulletproof vest, if you want, you know, it's
called you because we were hunting on eBay looking for those. It was really stressful to be in that many pairs. I was like screaming. if i' and i really i I'm I'm sorry to bring that up, but it's all no it's fine. But then Morgan dropped the keys in the grass and we were like hunting around. That was very funny. The good thing to know is that a lot of handcuffs have the same. They do. So yeah thats not all of them. Not all of them, but that helped.
Probably half of them did, yeah. But yeah, we we like sprinkling in those little Easter eggs. Easter eggs for people too. Totally, yes. And I was gonna say, because you you both had that as a theme in the visuals here for your singles. So let's see. Carly, wipe up your tears when you were young. I made you my everything. You never gave me anything. Karma doesn't miss a thing. Those are some classic Carly lyrics. good Great to hear them.
ah give Give us a little fluff on that. I mean, I think that we wrote this really. It was like sometimes a song is about one exact situation. and Sometimes it's about a couple. And this was about a couple different things that I kind of molded together into one song, just like different aspects of like romantic relationships I've had, different like even work relationships that I've had, just like when someone's treating you badly and you're kind of like in a karma mood. I guess. Karma doesn't miss a thing. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, next question then, this would be like for me, I would love it.

Future tour possibilities with Morgan and Carly

And I would go pretty much anywhere to see it a tour with both of you on the bill.
or not yeah Yeah, you would love to do that one day once you know, we got the ball rolling and a good speed. Yeah, live shows in the making or gotta wait till the album releases. Well, simply in the making but ah we're always just thinking ahead but definitely want to we both want to play shows and tour with this new Yeah, I think more so after or during the release of the fuller bodies of work. I think the next couple months are, I mean, you never know. i don't know we actually we have a have a lot although We have a lot of visuals to make and music to still finish up, so we'll see. and When the timing's right, it'll happen. Yeah. Well, because I just throwing this out there, one of us would love to see you guys on stage, okay? Yeah. I can just imagine how fun you guys are live. i just That would be yeah that' great.
Yeah. No, that's a goal of ours for sure. Okay. So I'm just, okay. Good, good thing to be waiting on. there ah pretty well I'm in Salt Lake City, Utah. Oh cool. That's awesome. I like Lake City. You've been in Salt Lake a couple of times. Yeah. Right? Yeah. That's a really cool. and What's so cool right now there? What's that? Cool right now? There?
What? I didn't hear that part. What are you asking? Is it cold there right now? I don't think so. Yeah. It was 58 degrees this morning when I woke up. No. Okay. Yeah. But it's, it's like, it was 102 last week. So the 58 to wake up to is really pleasant. Yeah, I would imagine. Wow. That's a big fluctuation. Well, we'll try. Oh, I would love that. I come to Salt Lake, man. I know the perfect venue you guys would play at and Yeah, i'd I'd get it all out on the streets for everybody to come and see you. I know I'm totally the selfish bastard because I just want to see you guys play live. um You know. No, that would be really would love it too. Yeah. So, okay. So nothing official, but possible tour in the works. Yeah. Okay. What was the, I had one last question here and
No, it looked like I got that one. It was the fawn, when you talked about parsley. And so okay, I'm gonna open with

Episode conclusion and credits

blazing. I'm gonna just open this piece with blazing. And is it okay that I close out with bad things for you two ladies? Yeah, sounds great. So this is just to let everybody's appetite for the upcoming full release. But I loved it. And I wish you guys all the success. And again, looking forward to the to both releases here. So high fives and actually good to finally meet you. let You know, Carly, we've talked on the phone plenty, but I know I have never seen you on the camera. I'm just the same bald guy with a goatee, you know, so.
I love it. So all right. I'm gonna just we'll be playing this out here is bad things by Carly riders leave and everybody take care. Be good to each other. Let music do awesome in your lives. And thank you Carly and Morgan so much for that quick little conversation there. I hope everybody Enjoys the music. Special thanks to Barry Andrews, the Shriekback, for letting us use the theme and title of Sticky Jazz. And this is Bad Things by Carly Ryder-Sleeve, and look for the releases in the next few months.