How brands grow | Byron Sharp [S02, #24] image
Marketing with Vani
How brands grow | Byron Sharp [S02, #24]
2.5k Plays
10 months ago

Byron Sharp, a Professor of Marketing Science and director of the Ehrenberg Bass Institute, is a leading authority in the field of marketing. His book "How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know" is the modern Bible of marketing and tackles fundamental concepts that marketers often mess up. This episode is a crash course in marketing principles that are relevant to today's business growth. Listen on!

👉 Listen to the podcast to learn about:-

➡️ Why are light buyers important?

➡️ Price promotions don’t get you new consumers

➡️ Loyalty programs have weak effect on loyalty

➡️ Why advertising need not be persuasive

Click here to read the text version of the episode.

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This show is sponsored by CherryPeachPlum Growth Consultancy. 🍒 CherryPeachPlum is a marketing-focused business consultancy that delivers business results. Get in touch via to get marketing solutions that work in the real world.
