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How to Avoid Being Killed in a Warzone
How to Avoid Being Killed in a Warzone

On this episode, we discuss combat reporting, warzones, and how to survive them with Rosie Garthwaite. Rosie is an executive producer at BBC World Service's Investigations Unit, and is currently based in London making documentaries and interactives about the Middle East and North Africa. She founded Mediadante, producing the Emmy-nominated, “The Workers Cup”, that premiered on the opening night of Sundance 2017. In 2023 she exec produced “Under Poisoned Skies” that helped secure a pledge to reduce gas flaring emissions from the Iraqi government and won the RTS for best international documentary of the year. The International Emmy-award winning film “Escaping ISIS” she developed was referenced by the UK Prime Minister in a key speech and shown to the U.S. Congress. Prior to this, in 2003 Rosie joined the first English-language newspaper in post-invasion Baghdad, The Baghdad Bulletin, living amongst Iraqis far away from the Green zone. While in Basra freelancing for Reuters, The Times and the BBC she exposed the first British torture case, the death of Baha Moussa while he was in the custody of the British army. In 2006, Rosie joined Al Jazeera preparing for the launch of its English language channel and helping to set up the Baghdad bureau - even evacuating it one day after several colleagues were kidnapped. She is a former British army officer and author of the award-winning book How to Avoid Being Killed in a War Zone, published by Bloomsbury in 2011.


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8 months ago

On this episode, we discuss combat reporting, warzones, and how to survive them with Rosie Garthwaite. Rosie is an executive producer at BBC World Service's Investigations Unit, and is currently based in London making documentaries and interactives about the Middle East and North Africa. She founded Mediadante, producing the Emmy-nominated, “The Workers Cup”, that premiered on the opening night of Sundance 2017. In 2023 she exec produced “Under Poisoned Skies” that helped secure a pledge to reduce gas flaring emissions from the Iraqi government and won the RTS for best international documentary of the year. The International Emmy-award winning film “Escaping ISIS” she developed was referenced by the UK Prime Minister in a key speech and shown to the U.S. Congress. Prior to this, in 2003 Rosie joined the first English-language newspaper in post-invasion Baghdad, The Baghdad Bulletin, living amongst Iraqis far away from the Green zone. While in Basra freelancing for Reuters, The Times and the BBC she exposed the first British torture case, the death of Baha Moussa while he was in the custody of the British army. In 2006, Rosie joined Al Jazeera preparing for the launch of its English language channel and helping to set up the Baghdad bureau - even evacuating it one day after several colleagues were kidnapped. She is a former British army officer and author of the award-winning book How to Avoid Being Killed in a War Zone, published by Bloomsbury in 2011.

