Yeah, for anyone, because actually, he was someone that moved around quite a bit when he grew up, right? But anybody who, yeah, I think I think he was putting himself in other people's place who don't kind of grow up or move on when they should. And you're right, it was, you know, the goal to create a single, but for someone who kind of went back to my hometown a little bit too much in my 20s, even just to visit or hang out with the I related, plus, of course, the hangover part, hangover part, but Chris, you had a I actually think, though, the the one thing I would say is that I don't think it's that exceptional, and we're gonna get to another song on this record where he does this, where he is going back historically and talking about a time that is clearly in the past um from a lyrical perspective. Obviously on another record, Richard Manuel was about something happening in the mid 80s, essentially. um So I think there's, I don't think that's necessarily a problem. I do get, again, I get your point, Jeff, that it, again, it's it's a little bit more of ah a,