Introduction and Welcome
jamie peacock
Okay, welcome to episode three of the Loan Machinists podcast. ah Yeah, so what have you been up to in the last week, John?
2SM Performance
Oh Jamie, what's up, man? Yeah, I've been really busy.
2SM Performance
I've been on a roll tonight, making a two and a half inch thick pair of soft jaws right now. But for the week, really, I've been doing a lot of prototyping.
2SM Performance
I had a couple customers that ordered a custom billet clutch cover for me for CR 125.
2SM Performance
For the models I made it for, um so the bolt pattern, everything is the same.
Prototyping and Customer Service
2SM Performance
But it turns out for the older year models with the steel frame, the the brake pedal was not clearing.
2SM Performance
It was binding up on the the plate. So I had to go back in the middle of everything I'm doing, get my engineer to make a new solid model.
2SM Performance
I repro reprogrammed the solid model and um I just machined off one on it. And I've been in the middle of doing that this week.
jamie peacock
Is that the one you were posting on Instagram on the new machine?
2SM Performance
So it's been, yes, yes.
jamie peacock
Okay, I think it looks pretty sweet.
2SM Performance
Yeah, yeah its it came out really nice. I'm really happy with that new machine, man. So I've been trying to get those out to anodize so I can get on to the magnesium parts and set that up in the other machine. But I've been so busy with that stuff.
2SM Performance
that I haven't had time to set up the magnesium job. And that's where the money's at right now. But our just I'm really big on a customer service.
2SM Performance
I want my customers happy. So I'm just trying to get those revised models out to the customers.
jamie peacock
Yeah, no 100%. Have you changed over your coolant yet?
2SM Performance
I have not yet. i'm I'm debating it now because I've i've heard from several people
2SM Performance
You can run normal coolant. Other sources online say you should just run, you know, oil
Coolant Choices and Manufacturing Efficiency
2SM Performance
only. um I don't think I want making only five parts.
jamie peacock
What coolant were you gonna change to?
jamie peacock
What coolant were you gonna change to?
2SM Performance
um A waterless coolant.
jamie peacock
Okay, so just pure oil.
2SM Performance
Just just oil. Yeah, like you would see on like a Swiss machine or a grinding machine.
jamie peacock
Yeah. Because I know that stuff's quite expensive.
jamie peacock
ah Yeah, because I turned on my lathe this week and it smelled delightful.
2SM Performance
Really? Which one?
jamie peacock
Bertha, Bertha hasn't run since, since December. ah But the coolant has been, has been a little stinky for a while.
jamie peacock
And then I turned it on and I was like, no, not cool. So I got hold of our local guys, I was actually on the taps and patients discord asking about coolant recommendations. Unfortunately, we can't get collichemia, otherwise I would have gone to collichemia.
jamie peacock
I don't really want to go to the products that Blossa offers here. I deal with the agent but they don't have any of the like good general purpose ones and I'm not putting Synergy in my machine. So I ended up getting hold of Flexilube and the the rep actually came through yesterday. So I'm waiting for a quote this morning.
jamie peacock
that I can, they will, yeah, they they've also got someone to take away the old coolant. So for not too much money, I can have the old coolant taken away.
2SM Performance
Yeah, it's important since energy blossom stuff.
2SM Performance
That's the clear stuff, right?
jamie peacock
That's the clear stuff, but I've heard some, I know initially there were some issues. I don't know if it's been resolved and I don't wanna risk it on my machine.
2SM Performance
i've I've heard the same exact thing.
jamie peacock
Yeah, I heard there were rust issues and things like that.
2SM Performance
Yeah, did.
jamie peacock
So these guys, yeah, the rep came through yesterday.
jamie peacock
Like, yeah, the better service than I've ever got from a coolant place because I used to just drive up the road to the coolant place and buy coolants. Never had a rep from what I was using come past. But the FlexiLube guys came past and yeah, hopefully there they will put their their money where their mouth is with their products.
jamie peacock
It's about twice the price of my current coolants. But yeah, and they reckon Biostable and they've got a k clean arc and run through the machine, because that needs to happen like in the next the next couple days, I need to run the cooler the cleaner through, because I've got production to run towards the end of the week and the bar loader is not gonna be happy if the machine stinks.
jamie peacock
And just for context, by bar loader, I mean my wife. Just for anybody who doesn't know that I call my wife the bar loader.
2SM Performance
I love how IMTS when I met you, you introduced her as the bar feeder.
jamie peacock
Yep, 100%. Yeah, she's got, like, we got an order. So we're hoping to get a nice big order from these guys of like 500 assemblies, and they placed to order for 200.
jamie peacock
And only 200 of the assemblies, not all the accompanying parts. I'm like, oh, that's a bit of a bummer. But in reality, we can turn that order out in one day. And it's, yeah, like $1,500 order.
jamie peacock
So worthwhile.
jamie peacock
but dad that's all having processes in place to make it as easy as possible to run repeat work.
2SM Performance
That takes planning, yeah, yeah.
jamie peacock
Yeah, and that that actually leans into our topic of lean.
2SM Performance
We yes, we.
jamie peacock
Yes, because yeah, that so in that case, we've optimized the hell out of the process. We've got our setup sheets in place. um Yeah, like our my implementation, I wouldn't say it's,
jamie peacock
It's purely like we do over produce a little bit, but that's more of a case, ah more of the case just and in case we run into a problem in assembly like we're not over producing like 10x remaking.
jamie peacock
10% spare and then the next batch those 10% or the first 10% on the next batch Just so if we have an assembly issue We not dead in the water if we drop a part and ding it we now not short of a part because that's young that one of my customers then only make enough and Inevitably something happens to one part and then you have to reset up and rerun a single part so while we set up we try and just run one or two extras and then yeah, we've
jamie peacock
and documented everything when it comes to that customer's work. Hopefully we've got a couple more products coming this year from them, but the stuff we do for them now is optimized, set up wise, like everything is, we try and make it as low effort as possible.
2SM Performance
jamie peacock
Yeah, so like the way I, yeah, the way that's it, the way I see Lean is, Lean's great for people with ADHD because it's, you basically trying to make it as simple as possible or as low effort as possible to do something the correct way.
2SM Performance
Definitely least amount of energy. ah
jamie peacock
That's that's my interpretation of Lean. Like obviously you can get really into it with all the other sides of it, like the Toyota Method and not overproducing everything just in time, things like that.
Lean Manufacturing Challenges
jamie peacock
But yeah in the small job shop, that's not really yeah that easy to implement. like I see it as my my tool, like my setups need to be optimized.
jamie peacock
My production, not necessarily because it changes from week to week what we're running. We're not making the same part again and again and again.
2SM Performance
yeah Yeah, you're not using all the same exact tooling and the same holders all the time and same work offset all the time.
jamie peacock
Yeah, well, I kind of am. we'll get into well yeah We'll get into two libraries and work offsets a little later.
jamie peacock
ah But yeah, what is your what is your take on Lean?
2SM Performance
I think it's a great thing. and First getting into it is a little intimidating. But yeah, if you want to fully implement it, that's that's that's a good thing. you know But I just see some holes in it that seem kind of impractical. I've i've watched a lot of jakers and videos. It seemed a little culty to me, but I can see the benefits of it.
jamie peacock
yeah i think i think it gets that that rep you've either got the guys who are really really into it or the guys who are on the fringe and kind of think it looks a little bit like a cult yeah yeah
2SM Performance
Yeah, yeah. um I think it's a good thing, but working in like a ah real job shop, you know, 20 machine shop, doing lots of Econel stuff and stainless stuff on lays and mills, like like you were saying, ordering extra material was just an absolute must.
jamie peacock
yeah yeah yeah i've got ah I've got a customer that I'm always like just put if you need a hundred parts make 101 give the customer 101 if 1% is going to put you out of business you're running entirely too lean
2SM Performance
And I don't care how dialed in your process is, when you're doing that many different types of parts and part numbers that often on that many different machines, you have to order extra material.
jamie peacock
Like you need to put your markups up and then give them an extra pot. Cause guess what? When I deliver 101 of something, I never get a phone call saying, Hey, there was an extra pot, but deliver 99 and you'll get a phone call saying, Hey, we're a apart short.
jamie peacock
So I rather just, yeah.
2SM Performance
Yeah. Or you have that new operator who's loading parts and has their, you know, their wear offset off by two thou or something happened.
2SM Performance
They clamped a the stock and the vice wrong and you have a couple of parts that are bad. And if you don't have enough extra, you got to reorder the material and start all over again just to make a couple more parts.
2SM Performance
And it's really shooting yourself in the foot, man.
jamie peacock
No, definitely.
2SM Performance
I've seen it too many times.
jamie peacock
Like I ran. So those those big cameras and parts that I ran, I ordered one extra of the big plates and then one extra of the two smaller plates. And I used that one big one because when I put the models into Fusion,
jamie peacock
ah use the I selected the the top face asthma to do my joints, to align everything. And I selected on the one part, I selected the top face and I selected the bottom face.
jamie peacock
And their sensors were not exactly aligned. It was off by like probably five thou. And I only noticed that after I'd machined the second side on that part.
jamie peacock
It was only one of the one of the six parts that I had done that on. Luckily I had a spare piece of material and I could run another one. Otherwise it would have been, oh, okay, it looks like we're not invoicing this for another week while I wait for more material.
2SM Performance
Mm hmm. Exactly.
jamie peacock
And yeah I just built that into the cost of the material. When I quoted the job, I quoted four. So like i when I quoted it, I just sent an email off to my material supplies. I'm like, listen, I need this list of material. Whatever the price came back at, I then used that in my quotes and compensated for that. like That spare material is built into my price. If I don't use it, it gets put in my material rack. And when I need it for something else, I've got material on the rack.
2SM Performance
Yeah, that's why I keep a lot of drop, you know, if in case I screw something up and I really need that that invoice to get through to the next week.
jamie peacock
yeah no let's up yeah yeah that's yeah i've got a i've got a crate full of all my alley drops like now i've got a job come through again it's the third time the jobs come through
2SM Performance
And if I'm a part short and I can't get paid because of's that one piece, you know, it's painful.
jamie peacock
I ordered 110 pieces of material last time for 100 pots and I made it out of 100 pots.
Optimizing CNC Processes
jamie peacock
I had leftovers from the previous run.
jamie peacock
I had ordered like 110 and I think I had like five pieces spare from the previous run. This run I'm ordering 100 pots because I've got, I think, 16 pots of spare material.
jamie peacock
So now I'm not gonna buy additional spare material. The process is pretty dialed. I think last time I scrapped one out of 100. and then the rest just ran flawlessly I'm waiting for them to now pay for the order so that I can actually order material because those guys I do nothing until there's money in my account because their accounts department is beyond useless I had spare yeah yeah and now the material yeah
2SM Performance
Yeah, so basically this last time you ran it you You didn't screw up any the first time before you had your process dialed you ordered extra So, you know from here on out if you still you don't have to order extra and if you need it, it's there Yeah, that's good Okay, oh repeat perfect
jamie peacock
So it's all strapped up nicely. It's gonna go on the shelf with a tag for this job, because this job comes around like once or twice a year, and then I'll use them. Yeah, it's a repeat job.
jamie peacock
they I think they said they needed 600 assemblies in total. We're now on 300 assemblies.
2SM Performance
Yeah, so I mean...
jamie peacock
but youard than askport The is the little latches I make. I run 20 of them in about an hour. I hit go and I walk away and I come back in an hour and take my 20 parts out and load another ball.
2SM Performance
so the the whole lean thing in an ideal world, in an ideal world, it's great.
jamie peacock
Yeah, it's great.
2SM Performance
It's awesome.
2SM Performance
you're You're doing everything at a higher level with the least amount of resources and the least amount of energy expended. But I mean, from my experience in a practical context, is it just doesn't work like that.
2SM Performance
There has to be, I think, a middle ground between you know lean and practicality.
2SM Performance
I guess that maybe that depends on what kind of machine shop are you. Like, are you strictly production or or you are you a prototyping shop?
jamie peacock
Well, that's... yeah.
2SM Performance
If you're both kind of like I am, there has to be kind of a middle ground there. You know what I mean?
jamie peacock
No, exactly, like that that's the thing. I think it gets it gets this thing where guys are like, you know, it's changed the way we do business, but in their case, they are they are running the same thing every day.
jamie peacock
They've got their 20 or 30 parts that they run, and that's it.
jamie peacock
There's no, sure, there's R and D, but the R and D is for the next product that's gonna be optimized. It's not a large portion of what they what they do.
2SM Performance
jamie peacock
But yeah, that's just my take on it. like i' know I know Pearson noise goes on about people centric lean, so a lot of it also gets a bad rap because a lot of times the it'll come down from like corporate. No, we're now implementing lean.
jamie peacock
and they kind of force it upon their employees and the employees ah revolt. So you've got to make it about the people, not about the process.
jamie peacock
And that that makes sense to me.
2SM Performance
Okay, I'm all for that.
jamie peacock
Like you want to make you, yeah, you're implementing it not because we try to push profits up, we're implementing it because we want your job to be as easy as possible. We want you to get what needs to get done, done with the least amount of effort.
jamie peacock
And then yeah, it makes perfect sense. like I've document setups on recurring jobs, I made a... in ERP in AppSheets, in Google AppSheets. I don't use it that much, but any repeat job, when I initially set up, I'll then add notes and pictures on how the setup is done, so that when the job comes around again, it takes me, yeah, well, the one part I do took me four hours to set up the first time. I'm now running in 15 minutes, because I don't have to think, where did I put that tool holder in the machine, on the gang lathe?
jamie peacock
I have a picture and from that picture I can discern all the clearances that are required.
jamie peacock
I have a list of all the tools. I have any other notes that are required so I can go from machine standing to running parts in 15 minutes instead of four hours.
2SM Performance
Yeah. And if you had somebody else run that job for you, then you don't have all that tribal knowledge in your head, even if you remember all that stuff.
jamie peacock
because the the Yeah.
2SM Performance
If you wanted to have you know your wife help you or somebody else, they wouldn't know where to start.
2SM Performance
But since you're doing that and implementing that, that's a great example of how that could improve your process by the setup sheets.
jamie peacock
No, that's a big thing. Yeah.
jamie peacock
But yeah, that's, getting it out of your head is key. Like it's all good and well.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I need to work on that.
jamie peacock
You keep, yeah, you keep everything in your head, but yeah, I look at it like if I get hit by a bus, I need my business to still be able to run to a certain degree and everything is well enough documented that if something happened and I couldn't run the machines myself,
jamie peacock
with a little bit of effort, I could have my wife set the machines up and run them.
jamie peacock
There'd be a bit of a learning curve, but we could we could get that to work.
2SM Performance
I'm sorry, I just the thought of my wife doing that. It kind of scares me.
jamie peacock
Yeah, yeah. The thing is i've documented I've documented a lot of stuff for that reason. Like even now when my NAS got wiped, I'm not too hot saw about it because most of the stuff is just like the day-to-day stuff I can repost out of Fusion and it's not going to be like I'll have to add a line at the end of the code to bring the table to me for unload.
jamie peacock
Like that doesn't have to be there. It's just a convenience thing. And yeah, like ah that's a bit annoying. And there's some stuff that I've lost for birth and that's really annoying ah because it's got all my, like my bar pulling stuff. But I've got a backup of that on my desktop of that machine. So I can just go and copy the code out of there. It'll take me an hour to get it running again and then I can run production.
jamie peacock
because I had a customer, I had a meeting with the customer yesterday when I went to go drop off shavings. And he was saying they want to place basically an order for the next six months. So they want to say, cool, we want 3,000 of this component within the next six months. Deliver it at your own discretion. Whatever you deliver, we'll pay for. That I can just order material and know every month I'm going to deliver 500 parts and that's the 3,000 parts over the next six months done.
2SM Performance
And that's kinda like a blanket order, right?
jamie peacock
or I can run, yeah.
2SM Performance
They call it a blanket PO.
jamie peacock
Yeah, so they they would want, they would say, okay, cool, we want 3,000 parts over the next six months. ah Can the first order please be at the end of this month, we want 500.
jamie peacock
Then they're holding stock, because, ah yeah, there they're an interesting business model. They're a press shop. They used to do CNC, some CNC work. They had a mill, they had some lades, and they've kind of phased out of that, but they can't drop the customers that they had.
jamie peacock
like the guys kind of rely on them for pots.
Customizing CNC for Client Needs
jamie peacock
So now they're outsourcing all the turning and milling work.
jamie peacock
So i put the price up a little bit. They make their bucks on the end. It's their customer. I just deliver pots. But what tends to happen is they don't know what planning is. And then I'll get a call. Oh shit, we forgot to order these.
jamie peacock
Can I please have X amount of them, but like tomorrow? And then I just burst out laughing. I'm like, that's not how it works guys. so like You need to actually plan your stuff out and hold stock.
jamie peacock
If you want to be the middleman, you need to be the one holding the stock. So they now are going to hold stock like I was there, delivering some Torx bits that are manufactured. I made them in November and December last year. It's the first 500 of them that I've made in like a year. Since I've had the the LK, I haven't made those things. At one stage, I was making a thousand of them a month for about about a year.
jamie peacock
we did a thousand a month on the on the slow yo and then i got an order through and i'm like i really really just don't want to do this on the slow yo so i changed my fixtures up so i could do it on the lk i did 500 of them in a day like it's the lk is bloody fast and then i was running 10 at a time not 30 at a time it does it helps a lot no like
2SM Performance
The 40 grand helps, huh?
2SM Performance
who Who knew?
jamie peacock
Yeah, I had a customer here yesterday they were making some modifications to a jig that I made them. ah the the camera housing pots are made there's the ever so slightest bow in these pots so they want to pull them to the bonding jigs before they glue them to the carbon pots because once they glue them to the carbon pots whatever's twist is there is there forever so they want to pull them flat so they needed an extra like four holes in the pot so I'm like no come through like you plan to come fetch stuff at 11 o'clock yesterday morning I'm like come through
jamie peacock
ah At 11, just make sure you plan to be here for about an hour, and we'll add those extra holes quickly. it took It took me longer to set the job up than to run it, adding four dial holes and four threaded holes to each plate. like I've got the the machine dialed. All the tools are set up. It's super easy. The setup is what Charles taught.
2SM Performance
Yeah, the way how you set up to hold the plate on the table in the machine.
jamie peacock
Yeah, so that I had it all in place, but he arrived an hour early. So I had just finished machining a Tufnell pot for him. And then he arrived.
jamie peacock
I'm like, oh shit, I was literally getting ready to turn the LK on and start setting up the job. So when he arrived, I'll be ready. And then yeah, you arrived. So then I quickly set it up and yeah.
2SM Performance
He's early. Yeah.
jamie peacock
And then I managed to lose the Tufnell pot.
jamie peacock
Like entirely.
2SM Performance
So Jamie, I was meaning to ask you, you were talking about the Bertha and the posts having to hand edit. do Are you still hand editing your posts and have you optimized your post processors?
2SM Performance
So you have the least amount of hand editing and you know you make it so, you know at the At the end of each program, like the table comes toward you and why to bring the part to you. like Do you do any of that stuff?
jamie peacock
I haven't done that on the LK. So the LK, what I did was I set up, I've got a lot of, like a hell of a lot of offsets. I think there's like a hundred work offsets on that machine. So I scrolled to the bottom of the list and I homed the machine and I set my G599 to the front where I want to load and unload.
jamie peacock
Then all I do is like, if I need the machine to come to me, I will
jamie peacock
post the code and then I'll just hand edit G599, G0, X0, Y0 and then the next line G54 to put me back into my normal work coordinates. And I just i add that into my code by hand just because I haven't bothered setting up a pass through or anything on my post.
jamie peacock
because my post does a really shitty job of pass-throughs. I do need to work on it because my, even tool break detection um to run my tool break macro, I can't just pass that through. So I've got a posted as a comments, then I go and ah the comments through my post posts with a semi-colon space, the comments. So I go through and I highlight that and then I just replace it with just the comments. So there's a little bit like very minor hand editing on the LK.
jamie peacock
On Bertha and the M code, there's always going to be hand editing because you I don't want the machine going all the way home to do a tool change. So I don't don't tell it to safe position for tool change. I then will post the code, go in and I'll just edit ma my transitions because it's a gang life.
jamie peacock
like if the tools are long tool it needs to come back 15 millimeters like half an inch before before moving yeah before moving in x if it's a short like a tool that's shorter then it needs to move to the new tool z before i move in x so it's just yeah that's very much hand editing kind of stuff because it's a ganglave and then the mco gets so little new code that i don't bother fixing the post because
2SM Performance
It depends on the part in the tool, yeah.
2SM Performance
I get that.
jamie peacock
it's got programs that run they're loaded they're on the controller they don't get unloaded like i've got a backup of them but they live on the controller they've all been edited to run with their auto feed and auto bar pull and all that stuff which is all hand edited in any way because it's just a sequence of m codes that are added to the machine yeah so like i turn the spindle off then i delay
2SM Performance
Okay. OK, you can't model your ganglaid like the the tools and the holders in CAM and do it that way to where you know it's going to clear.
jamie peacock
It always changes.
jamie peacock
Nah, it always changes. So yeah, the tools never go back exactly where they were. So it's not really worth the time.
2SM Performance
Oh, that's a good point.
jamie peacock
And it also depends because I'll load up five tools and depending on the job, I'll pick which is my master tool.
jamie peacock
So normally it's like, yeah.
2SM Performance
To touch off with, yeah.
jamie peacock
So normally it'll be like tool eight, which is a W and MG insert. um if I'm, yeah, like when I'm initially setting up. And then, 229 is a finishing insert that, I'll adjust that offset, not in relation to the other, like, yeah, there there's a whole thing with lathes, lathes are an acquired taste.
jamie peacock
um Yeah, so like, I will, a lot of my stuff, the the material cost is not high, so I will do it Swiss style, where you just run apart, measure it, and then adjust from there.
2SM Performance
Acquired taste.
2SM Performance
Cool. Cool. Yeah.
2SM Performance
Uh, when I first got my last machine, my first sharp, I, uh, I was, I didn't know exactly how the controller worked and what it liked, what it didn't like.
2SM Performance
And for a while I was messing with the the G 90 and the G 91 because I can't figure out why I would post a program. I would run it through the machine and it would move an incremental.
2SM Performance
I'm like, man, why the heck is it keep moving an incremental? I put the G 90 in there. I don't know why it's doing that. and then i the The drip feed controller, the little drip feeder unit had some old programs that had ran on the machine before when I bought the machine.
jamie peacock
yeah yeah yeah
2SM Performance
I was looking through them and I noticed that all of them, the G90 and the G54 had to be on the same line.
2SM Performance
I don't know why this old fan of controller like that, but that's what it was. And I put G54 and G90 on the same line. Worked just fine. I was like, okay. But from then on, there on out, I was using, you know, a generic panic post on Fusion and I was still having to hand edit every program, every tool change, you know, G90, G54 on the same line.
jamie peacock
yeah that's that's when you're going to change your post. yeah
2SM Performance
And I remember one night I was running some kill switch holders for a customer and it was late. I was really tired and I wanted to get them out the next day and I had to make some changes to the program to fix something or something. And I forgot to hand edit one of them.
2SM Performance
And I had just got a brand new vice.
2SM Performance
And I'll tell you what, Jamie, that spindle came right down on that vice in the corner of it.
2SM Performance
I wasn't paying attention. I forgot to put the G54 and G90 on the same line when I hand edited it.
jamie peacock
yep yes that will make you yeah no i will
2SM Performance
And it it woke me up. it was It was really fun. But to make a long story short,
2SM Performance
um i Didn't want that to happen again, obviously. And I was talking to Jarrett Morgan at Paulson Solutions, and he actually made me a custom post and where he put in everything that I had wanted on it. I'm like, yeah, at the right before the M30 on each program, I want the table to come to Y0 so I can load and unload the parts. I want the G54 and the G90 on the same line, blah, blah, blah, all the stuff I wanted. And he was able to do it, and man it helped so much.
jamie peacock
Yeah. Yeah, no, so I did i did post edits. Well, yeah, I crashed my customers lathe because we were posting with the generic Siemens turning post.
2SM Performance
made a huge difference.
jamie peacock
And for some reason, it would send the lathe to Z zero X zero at the end of the program. And I was there. It was like the third day we were running the machine.
jamie peacock
We were just trying to figure out what it wanted. And I was just going through and deleting these lines of code because they weren't necessary. And we I'd been on such since six in the second hours drive from me.
jamie peacock
I'd been there since six in the morning. um This was not coming up on six in the evening. trying to find fine tune this one part, we dialing it in, lost run for the day, and I forgot to delete that line of code. And I'm talking to them back to the machine, like it's been running fine all day, it'll be okay.
jamie peacock
and the machine finishes and just slams the tool into the center of the chuck because the the job was set up that the face of the chuck was or the the face of the chuck jaws was the ZZERO because they were running now they're running a bunch of different jobs that was the easiest way for me to program it that they never have to mess with offsets and slammed into the yeah twenty it was one inch bar and machine just came slammed into this one inch bar right at the chuck
2SM Performance
Zero, zero, yeah.
2SM Performance
Just the reference point, yeah.
jamie peacock
And yeah, then I edited their post. But yeah, I've been editing posts for a long time. I edited the post for ah the Sister Slovio and for the Lennox CNC Laids.
jamie peacock
because I discovered if you don't constrain the smoothing tolerance, the smoothing tolerance is like half an inch. So what would happen is the, it would machine a pocket, yeah, no, it would machine a pocket, come up and start rapid-ing before it was clear of the job.
2SM Performance
Oh my gosh, that's terrible.
jamie peacock
So every now and again, I would see like a little mark and I'm like, what the hell is going on here? And then the one day I saw it, it was rapid-ing up, hadn't achieved position yet and started going sideways. And then I added and I gave it a ah half a thou tolerance and then that problem went away.
jamie peacock
So now now I have a post that is adds a.01 and then the
2SM Performance
Some kind of lathe code.
jamie peacock
I got all my lathe code and also my mill code.
jamie peacock
I know it's still on the mill and then I just by default added it to the lathe. Then the lathe code by default didn't add the offset. So because it's a gang lathe, I need to, I don't call like on normally on a lathe, you call T.
jamie peacock
ah 202 for instance for 2 2 2 on a for nuclei in my case I just called 2 2 but then it doesn't always load the offsets so I had to add a line in that would add G 43 H 2 so it would always pull the offsets in Otherwise, yeah, it gets a bit confused.
jamie peacock
So I added that i edited Yeah on your mills
2SM Performance
Yeah, I got to do that too on my fanic controller. You got to have the H number in there on the mill.
jamie peacock
Yeah, on the mill you've got to do it on the lathes, it's not always necessary.
jamie peacock
um And then with the LK, I used the default Siemens post and I put a brand new end mill in, I was doing a job, I was slotting some aluminium.
jamie peacock
and run it nice and run it at like 20% rapid. It's cool, runs 100%. Switch the rapid up for the second port and instantly weld an enamel, like a skirt weld an enamel into the port.
jamie peacock
So I stop, retract, I'm like weird, made my feeds were a little bit high.
2SM Performance
Amen, it happens.
jamie peacock
So I dropped my feed rate, but left the rapid at 100%. Put a brand new enamel in, hit go, same thing. Turns out the coolant was only turning on when the machine came down to the the clearance plate.
jamie peacock
and the coolant took a second or two to turn on. So the machine would wrap it down, be an inch and a half into the cutter ready, and there's no coolant. So I then went and edited my post that when it does the tool change, it then turns on the coolant before coming down in Z.
jamie peacock
That way by the time it comes down in Z, the coolant is already flowing.
2SM Performance
yeah it's it's yeah it's really, really important.
jamie peacock
But yeah, I like small things.
2SM Performance
like I didn't ever realize how important a post processor was.
2SM Performance
you know you You think of you know your tool library and the way you're loading parts and you're workholding everything to be more efficient, but since I've started working as a programmer,
2SM Performance
at the last place I worked at, especially with a guy that worked in the medical machining industry that came to work there. And he was teaching me a lot about it. He had a lot of experience.
2SM Performance
And a post processor is just so important to running an efficiently ran shop.
jamie peacock
No, having that dialed in is, like I have a very high degree of trust in my post processor.
2SM Performance
It's just, it's really important.
jamie peacock
I will post code to my NAS, load it and hit go. Like if I'm if i'm machining a apart and I need to open up this ball, I'll go there, adjust the stock to leave repost, walk to the machine, load code, hit go. My link between the PC, the NAS and the machine is very, well, I've got a high degree of trust in it.
2SM Performance
Wait, wait, wait. I got to stop you right there.
2SM Performance
Are you, are you reposting programs just for stock to lead? You're not using like aware comp.
jamie peacock
Nah, I don't really use wear comps.
jamie peacock
I use wear comp on one job.
jamie peacock
No, no, screw that shit, I use it on one job. um like Most of the work I do, it doesn't need to be super duper accurate. Like if it's within fourth hour, it's good enough.
jamie peacock
And yeah, if it, yeah, no, no, that's by design.
jamie peacock
Like a lot of the stuff that I'm involved with, I have quite a large say in the design and the tolerances required. And a lot of the mole stuff, like if I can get away with it having a big tolerance, it has a big tolerance.
2SM Performance
It's less stress. I get you.
jamie peacock
Yeah, no, if it doesn't need to be held to a foul or less, don't hold it to a foul or less.
2SM Performance
I get you.
jamie peacock
Like if it has a tolerance, use the tolerance. I use Wear Comp on one job. It's the only time I've used it is making the talk spits. I used to use it on the Slo-Yo because I had the...
2SM Performance
yeah You're just talking about that job.
jamie peacock
Yeah, so I used to um comp out the ball mill that was doing the actual torques pattern because it would wear out over about a hundred parts and start wearing. So then I used to have code with different offsets and then I figured out how to do wear comp on that machine.
jamie peacock
on Linux CNC so that I could have one piece of code that would run, I
Tool Management and File Transfer
jamie peacock
would just run it. Oh, it doesn't fit. Okay, run the finishing code and adjust the tool diameter. And then I got that working on the LK as well when I ran those last time. But otherwise I generally don't run where comp.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I hear you. Like when I first started programming, I was just changing the stock to leave and posting out again and running it again.
2SM Performance
But when I worked at command manufacturing, like we're doing a lot of like, you know, semiconductor parts and Inconel 718, he treated like really close tolerances, you know, they have a CMM and the programmer there use wear comp.
jamie peacock
Yeah, then you've got to...
2SM Performance
And for like the longest time, you know i would I knew how to adjust it and get my parts to the tolerance there at my day job.
2SM Performance
And I would go home, and I was still doing the stock to leave. I'm like, how is he programming that in there? And then I was messing around with it one day.
2SM Performance
And then I saw a compensation type dropdown menu on the tool path tab.
2SM Performance
And I saw where. And I said, I think that's it. And as soon as I figured that out, it was like revelatory for me.
jamie peacock
namecha No, 100% I use it on one job.
2SM Performance
Yeah, Game Changer.
jamie peacock
um It's not part of my normal workflow because a lot of the stuff I do, it doesn't matter. like it really yeah no like Most of the stuff has got a tooth out tolerance that I deal with.
2SM Performance
You don't need to, I get it.
jamie peacock
and tooth out tolerance, generally speaking, you can just, you cut it and it's there. Like you don't even have to measure it. Like with a good machine, you good machine, clean collets, you'll be right there.
jamie peacock
If I have to walk a size in, I then walk it in with a kuzma process between the PC and the Siemens controller is so effortless, it's just go repost the code and run it.
2SM Performance
That's cool. you know You're not like me where you have to like put it on a thumb drive, take it out of your PC tower, walk to the shop, stick it in the jet theater.
jamie peacock
ah did that I did that for a whole day. No, no, I did that for one day, and then I figured out how to connect the Siemens controller to the NAS.
2SM Performance
Oh Jamie, you need to teach me. I need to learn your ways.
jamie peacock
The only machine but only new machine that actually uses a thumb drive is the EMCO, and that's because I was too lazy to run an ethernet cable there.
jamie peacock
and all that, it runs the same programs again and again. So like it's got I think 20 or so programs on the on the desktop of the controller and I just load them in when I need them.
2SM Performance
So the NAS is just basically a data server.
jamie peacock
Yeah, just the network attached storage server.
2SM Performance
i need I need to get on that.
jamie peacock
Yeah, I know dude, it's it's the way to go.
2SM Performance
So behind with the times. Yeah, that's a lean thing right there.
jamie peacock
Yeah, no, the thing is, the thing is that you've got to have a controller that supports it. Like I don't think the Phoenix would support it by default.
2SM Performance
I don't think it does either. That's why I stress about it.
jamie peacock
Yeah. And I don't think that little that little transfer box does, I don't know if the little transfer box does support it.
2SM Performance
I don't even think about it.
2SM Performance
It might.
jamie peacock
What are those things called?
2SM Performance
It's called a DNC drip feed module. say
jamie peacock
I know I looked into them.
2SM Performance
Look up Titan CNC drip feed unit.
jamie peacock
I know you can get ones that will push over the network. It's a network attached.
2SM Performance
Yeah, when I look at it, I don't think there's ethernet for on the side of it.
2SM Performance
No, just USB and RS232C. Let's go into my machine, obviously.
jamie peacock
Okay, that's that's unfortunate. I know there is um You can get a flash drive that is, or you can get a, the other words are hard this morning. You can get a memory card that shows up on your, on your, on your Wi-Fi as a storage device and you can literally just dump stuff to it.
2SM Performance
oh Like oh like the PMCI i a um card that goes in the front of the fan up controller.
jamie peacock
No, no, so basically it would be like a camera memory card that shows up as a network drive.
2SM Performance
Oh like those old memory sticks that go in the digital cameras.
jamie peacock
Yeah. Yeah. They show up as a network drive, I think.
jamie peacock
Just give me a second. Okay, so I found an interesting thing that may work on your on your setup there. ah It is called a ah flash 8 gigabyte wireless SDHC memory card. So it's basically a wireless memory card you put in your camera and then you can connect to your network. And I think it shows up on your network as a wireless or as like a network drive.
jamie peacock
I would be, okay, they're not expensive. and This one's $15. And then you'd need an adapter.
2SM Performance
Well, how do I connect it to the fan and controller?
jamie peacock
With your DNS, so what it would be is your your little DNC box.
jamie peacock
You would then, you'd still go into your DNC box, but you would access the files on this drive. You wouldn't have to move your flash drive back and forth. This would stay plugged in.
2SM Performance
I could just leave a USB in there that's connected to a wireless network.
2SM Performance
Oh my gosh.
jamie peacock
ah Think I think it'll work. It'll probably be about $20 to test but then you're not carrying a flash drive back and forth Yeah, this this is a South African website, but it'll yeah, it'll get you It'll get you in the door kind of and figure out what you need So
2SM Performance
Oh. Yeah, you got to send me that that Amazon link like yesterday.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I don't even know why I would think about that because the lean you're trying to minimize like unnecessary steps and movement this whole time i've I've been doing that.
jamie peacock
yeah in this case it Yeah, in this case, it also means that your ah your code is always on that device. Like you don't have to, you don't have to, and because also things are designed to only plug and unplug a certain number of times.
2SM Performance
Oh for sure. The ports get worn out.
jamie peacock
So yeah, so leave it plugged in and you don't have to really worry about it.
2SM Performance
The pins get worn out.
2SM Performance
That's awesome. So I just have one plugged into my computer that connects with the one on the drip box.
jamie peacock
Well, you would you would just plug, so you would plug one in the drip box and you would access it over your network.
jamie peacock
So over your wifi, you would access it.
jamie peacock
So it would show up, but you would probably have to set it up to show up as a network storage device, but that's not particularly difficult to do.
jamie peacock
yeah it's odd yeah i'd seen that i'm sure I'm sure I've seen someone's done this before.
2SM Performance
Yeah, that would be ideal.
jamie peacock
Like, I'm pretty sure I've seen this done somewhere. I just can't remember where.
2SM Performance
Yeah, thes the older fanic controllers, I love them because they're so you know customizable and capable, but there's some downsides like you know connectivity, user friendliness, and the biggest one, memory.
jamie peacock
Yeah, that that was the biggest thing for me was memory on those.
2SM Performance
Yeah, it's it's brutal.
jamie peacock
I used to have one with 64 kilobots of memory. So it was like you would make a high speed toolpath and then you would go and start adding smoothing until the file was like 45 kilobots on the PC, like how big the the actual entire program would be.
2SM Performance
Oh yeah, I do the same thing. I keep upping my smoothing tolerance until the file is small enough.
2SM Performance
Yeah, i've I've had to do that many a times.
jamie peacock
Yeah, and so I never used to drip feed. I used to just transfer the program into memory, because we had some issues with drip feeding. I used to use an old laptop to do so.
2SM Performance
Yeah, memory is way better though because you can actually use op stop and go back to different tools when it's running on a memory when you drip feed.
2SM Performance
I haven't figured out how to do that.
jamie peacock
Yeah, don't I don't think you can.
jamie peacock
um Yeah, the drip block, yeah. Well, I loaded a program with those molds that I was doing.
2SM Performance
I mean, you can op stop, but you can't stop a tool and go back to another one is what I'm saying.
2SM Performance
For anyone that's listening.
jamie peacock
On the Siemens controller, I loaded a program that was like 47 megabytes.
2SM Performance
Holy what is that like a 1000 step over the whole plate?
jamie peacock
Loaded into machine memory. ah No, no, it was like a six style step, yeah, six style step over.
2SM Performance
Oh, that's not bad.
jamie peacock
But the plate was, the plate was a footbar like,
2SM Performance
Yeah, a lot of surface inch.
jamie peacock
eight inches, it wasn't small and it was a, yeah, it was a whole weird, so I had a roughing, a roughing post that was at about 20,000 step over and then I had a finish that was at 6,000 step over.
jamie peacock
Yeah, the oaks are super, super happy with those molds I made. I've got another set coming in now in the next week or two for them.
2SM Performance
Man, I love it when customers are happy. That's the best feeling, isn't it?
jamie peacock
Yeah, no, like I was chatting, so I was chatting to my my friend who does all the design work for these guys, and he was saying, I just won't tell you, but they are super impressed with your work. Like they they won't go to you saying, yo, your work's great, but they are super impressed. Like things just fit. And like that job, i was on I must have spent about two or three hours on the phone with the guy who designed the part. I'm like, hey, there's a problem here. Your whole size is wrong.
jamie peacock
and then we would go through and like I look at it I've got the full assembly as well so I'm doing I'm looking at it from where how these things must go together and making sure that all their tolerancing is correct ah that's one of the reasons yeah
2SM Performance
Yeah, engineer to machine is communication is key.
jamie peacock
And that's that's the thing, like he's an industrial designer, not an engineer. So like he missed a tolerance on the one thing. um I was going to machine the mating components and I'm like, hang on, let me just double check. The one had a 8-thal clearance and the other one had a no-thal clearance.
jamie peacock
So then I'm like, hey, Rog, we need to update this. So then I updated my model, then sat on the phone with him while he updated his version of the model, that our version's tied up again, because I would like to not have to reprogram this the next time it comes around.
2SM Performance
Yeah, no doubt clearance. That's almost an interference fit, right?
jamie peacock
Yeah, no, it was, and yeah, it was gonna be bad.
2SM Performance
That's like insane.
jamie peacock
And then you're caught some things where, yeah, caught some things where the holes were the wrong size and trying to figure out like the one the one hole through the side is, so from where you can access it. It's M5 for about eight millimeters and then it goes to M4.
2SM Performance
That's like EDM stuff.
jamie peacock
I'm like, what the hell's going on here? Have a look at the assembly. Oh no, you can only fit an M, so it's drilled, so you drill out of your tapping size for M4, chase it to the depth of the M5, thread mill M5, and then run a tap through by hand to tap the M4 at the bottom.
2SM Performance
Is it tapered?
jamie peacock
But the reason is you can only get enough clearance if you use a M4 bolt on the inside of the thing, and the outside, they wanna use M5 because they want a bit of extra strength.
2SM Performance
Oh, they want to use a different bolt on each side of the plate.
jamie peacock
yeah yeah i'm looking at this i'm like what drugs are you people on and then the one the one part was modeled for m4 and the other was modeled for m5 so i'm like hang on have a look at the assembly okay this plate has clearance holes for m4 this plate is clearance holes for m5 and then update the models then sit with him and get his models back up to date because like all these small things like if if you're the designer
2SM Performance
OK, I get that.
2SM Performance
That's weird.
2SM Performance
The clearance holes, is for clarification, that's like the counterbore for the bolt to slide in before it starts threading, right?
jamie peacock
or just just no no just the hole through the through the part that's mating.
2SM Performance
Just to clear.
jamie peacock
So i like that was a 4.5 millimeter, yeah, or a 5.5 millimeter hole, yeah, for the shank of the bolt.
2SM Performance
Yeah. Okay. that That's what I mean. Yeah. For the shank. Okay. Yeah.
jamie peacock
Yeah, I agree, we sat quite for quite a long time just picking up all these little things. like If you're the designer, you don't see these things because you've designed it. you've got You don't think you're gonna make a mistake, so you don't see the mistakes that you make.
2SM Performance
Yeah, you're just designing the part for what you want it to do, but you're not paying complete attention on how to execute that and make it exist.
jamie peacock
Like, it's very, yeah, it's, yeah. it is There is a ah saying for it, I can't remember what it is, confirmation bias, I think, where you think you, like, you design the thing, you can't see the mistakes you've made.
jamie peacock
Like, you can't see them, as far as you're concerned, there are no mistakes.
jamie peacock
Meanwhile, you've made a whole bunch of cock-ups and you've got to, you've got to try and, yeah, that's the second set of eyes. That's why the second set of eyes is critical.
2SM Performance
Yeah, peer peer reviewing. It's very important.
jamie peacock
Yeah, no, exactly.
2SM Performance
Yeah, so.
jamie peacock
And that's one of the reasons this work gets sent to me because if this was sent out to another shop, they would have taken the parts individually. Whatever was modeled is what they machined.
jamie peacock
Whereas in my case, I look at it, I wanna understand where it's going so that I know what tolerances I need to hold firstly. And then also, what are the actual requirements? Because yeah, people draw things wanting it perfect when in reality, they can get away with a hell of a tolerance.
2SM Performance
So speaking of where it's going, where did you want to lead our listeners to learn more about our podcast?
jamie peacock
Ah, good point. So, ah yeah, if you guys want to support the podcast, you can hit up either of our websites. So, Amana is jspecengineering, So, ah links are in the description. On there we've got ah some products that we make. We've got the Framelock utility knife. Gen 1 and Gen 2 are available on there now. And then hopefully soon there will be pallets available there, but or pallet system, but we'll get to that. And then, ah yeah, John, where where can I find your stuff?
2SM Performance
You can find my company at, or my YouTube channel, 2smperformance, or on Instagram, 2sm underscore performance, or my personal page at Two-Struck Mafia.
jamie peacock
All those links are in the description of the podcast as well, so you don't have to try and type them in. And then also please give us a review on Spotify or give us a thumbs up on YouTube to try and promote the podcast a bit so we can get it in front of some more people. Okay, cool. One of the other things that's in our podcast document here is talking about tool libraries.
jamie peacock
Can you tell me what you do for your tool library, your naming scheme, how you load things in and out? I'm quite curious too to hear what your what your system is.
2SM Performance
Okay, it's a pretty archaic system. It's kind of just evolved with time as I've made more and more parts and made parts for different customers in different companies.
2SM Performance
I have, of course, like a main tool library, which has like
jamie peacock
Okay. So your core tools effectively.
2SM Performance
my core tools effectively like every tool it's every tool I've ever ran on a job just about but every time I run a chamfer it's like tool seven you know and I've always had my tool five as like my finishing half inch in middle and then my tool six is my
2SM Performance
path roughingend mill So it's pretty much like the tool numbers are correlated with like the type of tool they are.
2SM Performance
So it's it's just how it's evolved. And then if I have to add new tools and model them and assign them speeds and feeds for a part,
2SM Performance
I just do that as needed and then I always end up going in the main folder, the main library. and Then of course, each part will have its own library of like what's been used.
2SM Performance
and If I'm working on a similar part, but a new revision, I'll just open the old part file and those those tools will just pop up. I have a lot of work to do on it.
jamie peacock
and cut well That's not as bad as the stuff I do, but ah yeah, we'll we'll get to that now.
2SM Performance
I haven't really taken the time to refine it.
jamie peacock
Okay, and then ah your your machine, your tool changer, do you have to number your tools one through 20? Or can you have funny numbers in your tool changer?
2SM Performance
No, I can't. It's one through 10, which is what I worked with for a really long time, which will teach you how to make really efficient programs and get out of as many uses out of each tool as possible, which I think made me more of an efficient programmer.
jamie peacock
Okay. Yeah.
2SM Performance
But the new machine that I just bought holds 16 tools. So it it feels like a whole new world. I'm really happy about that.
jamie peacock
Yeah, that's 16.
2SM Performance
just The six more tools is amazing.
jamie peacock
16 isn't enough. It still isn't enough, but yeah, I get what you say. ah Compared to 10, it's a lot more.
2SM Performance
Yeah, yeah, at the last place that works, we had a VF for a brand new one that had like 51 tools in a carousel. And half the time we were doing so many different parts and prototypes throughout the day, we didn't even know what.
2SM Performance
tool holders were up inside of that thing.
2SM Performance
And we didn't we definitely didn't use them all. yeah We just hadn't taken the time yet because it's still a new shop. We're developing our process.
2SM Performance
But yeah, 50 tools was nice. And I think we used the last tool in that carousel as the probe.
2SM Performance
So anytime we needed to call up the probe, it was like tool 51 or 50 or something like that.
jamie peacock
Yeah. Okay, that's similar similar to what I do. So, okay, so my ma tooling setup, I've got 16 tool positions in my turret, and then as far as far as I can tell, I have infinite tool numbers on the Siemens controller.
jamie peacock
I don't actually know, I can't find any documentation to tell me how many I can have, but I haven't run into the limit yet.
2SM Performance
Very cool.
jamie peacock
Also my naming convention on the Siemens, I can call a tool whatever I want. I can literally name my tool Jeff and ask for Jeff and Jeff will get loaded into the into the spindle.
jamie peacock
ah The Siemens allows you to do, yeah you got, I think it it's 32 ASCII characters.
2SM Performance
That's so cool.
jamie peacock
that you can use to name your tool. In my case, I name with just numbers. So my tools, for instance, mark mar I've got my core libraries. Let me not knock my microphone.
jamie peacock
Tool 1 is my chamfer mill and NC spotting drill. Tool 2 is a 6mm end mill. Tool 3 is a 4mm. Tool 4 is a 3mm because some idiot named named those.
jamie peacock
Tool 5 is my 10mm rougher. And then we get into my drills. 6 is a 2.5mm, 7 is a 3.2mm, 8 is a 4.2mm, 9 is a 10mm.
jamie peacock
So it's like all my standard drilling sizes for for tapping.
2SM Performance
Oh, dang, you drill a lot of holes.
jamie peacock
And then it gets up to Yeah, I do.
jamie peacock
And I like to keep it all set up that whenever I need one, I just load it in. and Then I've got like 269 is my face smell. 216 is always my probe. It lives in pocket 16. It's always there.
jamie peacock
It's non-optional.
jamie peacock
It lives in the machine. And then I've got a rack on the front of my machine that can take like 60 tools. So between the 16 that are in the machine and the 27 that are currently outside the machine, I think of those, there's like four or five that are not set up yet.
jamie peacock
But I've got two tags.
2SM Performance
Empty holders.
jamie peacock
your empty holders or like I don't use them so it's missing a pool stud or stuff like that ah there's one tool that isn't set up so my tool tags if I put it upside down the tool is not set up yet so like if I change out an enamel and it goes in the rack the tool tag will go upside down that when I load it in the machine I know I need to now touch off this tool if the tool tags the right way up it's touched off and loaded in the controller I can slap it in whichever pockets, go to my offsets page, tell the machine that whatever tool is in whichever pockets, and it loads the offsets automatically.
2SM Performance
So it's already touched off from the tool setter.
jamie peacock
It's, yeah.
2SM Performance
It has a number assigned to it. You don't have to take time to touch it off.
2SM Performance
you It's already known.
jamie peacock
Yeah, so for anything that is, is like I keep, so I keep from M3 to M4.
jamie peacock
12. I don't have m12 threadmill but m3 to m10 threadmills live setup. They set up, they tagged. If I need them, I put them in the machine and I load them. I load the offset.
jamie peacock
The drills for all of those are all set up and live in holders. And then my core tools are set up, like today I've got to go break down my mar core tools because I want to switch over to running steel. So then I just use the holder, put put a six millimeter steel handle. And then instead of being tool two, it'll be tool four, four oh two. Because all my steel tools are in the 400 series, same number, but with a four in front of them basically. So instead of tool two, it's now for ah tool four oh two. That way if I do have it them both set up, I can swap them in and out easily.
2SM Performance
But do you have to retouch it off since you're swapping tooling?
jamie peacock
So yeah, then I'll have to read, yeah, if I'm swapping the end mill, then I'll retouch off. But the next little while I'm planning on buying small tool holders that I can leave my, yeah, that I can leave my core, yeah, my core steel tools and my core aluminum tools set up at all times and just swap them in and out as I need to.
2SM Performance
Yeah. but yeah I was just going to say that. Yeah. Have some steel tooling tool holders.
2SM Performance
Yeah, it just takes money.
jamie peacock
Cause like now I've got to go bought it.
jamie peacock
Yeah, it costs lots of money.
2SM Performance
And that's why I really want to get that silver CNC toolsetter and a probe that Possum has in his sharp in
Probing Solutions for CNC Machines
2SM Performance
my machine, because I can't wait for the day where I'm not having to touch off every tool on top of my stock with a one, two, three block every time I set up.
jamie peacock
Oh no, that's hard.
2SM Performance
It's just, it's killer, dude.
jamie peacock
Yeah, I got a killer deal.
2SM Performance
It's killer.
jamie peacock
killer deal on a TC27R, the Renishaw tool seller. I effectively got it for free because it was broken.
2SM Performance
Ooh, that's nice.
jamie peacock
I then stripped it and ran it through the ultrasonic cleaner. Had to make a seal. Renishaw will not sell you the seal that goes on the little kinematic coupling.
2SM Performance
Do you print it?
jamie peacock
They're like, if it's broken, send it to us, we we will repair it. Like they will not sell it to you. My mate works for the embedded agent. They're like, no, if it's damaged, you need to send it to us. My mate sends them a picture. There's the probe laid out. I've stripped the entire thing. And they're like, ah okay, they don't sell that. So then I made a mold and made a silicon seal. So I made up a mold, had my mates injected for me, and then made a replacement seal for the for the probe.
2SM Performance
Wow, you had it injection molded.
jamie peacock
Well, no, just silicon. So he mixed up two-part silicon and injected it with a syringe into my mold.
2SM Performance
Oh, OK. OK.
jamie peacock
Took a few attempts to get it right, but yeah, this was a horse one. So Scotch brats at the horse branding off and re-anodized the mounts, because I don't want horse stuff in my machine.
2SM Performance
Yeah, don't don't change your machine.
jamie peacock
Yeah, but you if you're looking for a toolsetter, yeah, they're not they're not expensive.
2SM Performance
Don't do it.
jamie peacock
I was looking at one, the other night, I actually found a probe the other night for, sorry, I'll do the maths now. I really need to get my Imperializer sorted out for $400.
2SM Performance
That is not bad.
jamie peacock
Not at all.
2SM Performance
This is not bad at all.
jamie peacock
um Obviously, like integration is where, why they cost so much.
2SM Performance
Yeah, getting it to work with your controllers, that that's the tricky part.
jamie peacock
that's the That's the tricky bit. You've got to get your hands on all those macros and get the integration done. That's the the hard part on that.
2SM Performance
jamie peacock
But you said your machine has a skip signal.
2SM Performance
It does. It does have a skip signal output or input, whatever. Yeah, I looked in the manual.
jamie peacock
You've got to just... Oh, that's nice because the manual
2SM Performance
Both of them do. Yeah. Yeah.
jamie peacock
ah The manual for the Siemens controller drives me mad. like I'm trying to figure out exactly where the wiring is. I know where I've got to connect my probes, but I want to know what else needs to be connected. Do I need to have an amplifier or do I need to have some other stuff to disable the probe? I can't find that information anywhere.
jamie peacock
So I've asked the, I spoke to the agents yesterday.
jamie peacock
I'm like, Hey, I need to know how much, uh, yeah, the, the local, well, the Gaza bought the machine from a phone.
2SM Performance
Can you call Siemens?
jamie peacock
The guy i went to high school with yesterday and we caught up and then I'm like, Hey, we got some problems. ah Firstly, I need to know how much a license to enable fourth axis on this machine is gonna cost me. I need to know how to interface what's said fourth axis, like what is the options or what are the options for interface? Can I use step direction? Do I need to use like an EtherCAT servo? Do I need to feed back the encoded positions? Like what is actually required? Because I know they do integrate a fourth onto these machines. And then I was asking for the integration documents for the probing as well, because I know where to hook it up.
jamie peacock
i know which connectors to connect it to i just want to know what is actually required to uh yeah to make it work like what yeah because you meant to have a renish or there's a little renish or box you meant to have that will enable and disable the probe and do all those things so you can
2SM Performance
Yeah, that's tricky. Even with a fan, it gets hard to do.
jamie peacock
you can sell the probe to turn off at the end of the cycle. And then when it loads into the spindle, you can sell it to turn back on kind of thing. So that you don't just drain the batteries. um But yeah, to get them to install it is not a cheap endeavor. So to have them to buy the probe from Reni Shaw for my machine is about $5,000.
2SM Performance
Just just to get the probe in your hands physically not integrate it with the machine or any of that just to get the physical probe is five grand.
jamie peacock
Yeah. Yeah. That's if I buy, no. That's if I buy an OMP40, which is the the original one that all the horse cars use and everyone uses.
2SM Performance
Is that is that the one that comes on all the houses?
jamie peacock
Yeah, they get a such a good deal.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I have to use that one.
jamie peacock
Like they get such a good deal on those things.
2SM Performance
Oh my gosh, man, when I first start use the probe at my last job, I just i was like, I've been going this long without a probe. Like this is like life changing stuff.
jamie peacock
So I ran, yeah, it's convenient.
2SM Performance
ah think Oh my gosh. In the interface for Haas, like the VPS system that Haas has, the virtual programming or virtual probing system, the visual probing system.
jamie peacock
Your visual, your visual programming.
2SM Performance
Yeah, it is so easy and so great. I think it's better than the Renishaw one that comes on Fanuc.
2SM Performance
I mean, it is just awesome.
jamie peacock
ah Yeah, the Renish or Fanuk ones are like super, super potato. So yeah, I found ah ah found a wireless probe, it's called the GP-800.
jamie peacock
That's, what did I say, it was $400. Wireless, wireless probe.
2SM Performance
jamie peacock
And then toolsetter, there is the, where is it?
jamie peacock
I was looking at it. So I don't know what the shipping to use is gonna be. I know what the shipping to me looks like. So WP-600, it's basically a replacement for a TS27R.
jamie peacock
It's a replacement for a Renishaw. That is $250.
2SM Performance
So they're saying it's like, in a it's ah an equivalent to the Renaissance.
2SM Performance
Is that what they're trying to say?
jamie peacock
It's a replacement for it, is the way they put it.
2SM Performance
a The Chinese very, very, it's the team move version.
jamie peacock
Pretty much. Although I must say the stuff of AliExpress is not too bad.
2SM Performance
You love that website, Jamie.
jamie peacock
The thing is, yeah I can't get off the stuff from a reputable seller, so I get it from these guys.
2SM Performance
I get it. Totally get it.
jamie peacock
So I've got a TS27R on my machine that just goes to a little Arduino box that beeps when I trigger it. And that works. I touch all my tools against that. That's a ah known position. So like I'll touch everything off against that.
2SM Performance
So when it beeps, it stays there.
2SM Performance
And then you just change your offset, your work offset on your controller.
jamie peacock
So I jog down manually till it beeps. So I'll jog down, it'll beep, I'll jog back up, drop to half thou increments, jog down till it beeps, and then I'll, on my machine, you just go, ah there's a tool length setting thing, you go, tool length, set tool length, manually set, done.
jamie peacock
Set for the spin the machine, at the tool that's in the spindle.
jamie peacock
So you can manually you can manually set it.
2SM Performance
So it's basically like a digital edge finder kind of that beats.
jamie peacock
effectively, but it lives on the table and is waterproof, so I don't have to um ah don't have to ever deal with it.
jamie peacock
like It just lives there.
2SM Performance
That's cool.
jamie peacock
So that i sent you I sent you a link to the toolsetter. The toolsetter, you would put it on your machine.
2SM Performance
Very cool.
jamie peacock
You could probably write a macro to do it, or you could manually use it. plug But if you've got the skip signal, you may as well use the skip signal.
2SM Performance
yeah Yeah, speaking of the those the lean topic, learning macros is just seems so key to having an efficiently ran shop and like operation.
2SM Performance
I don't care if you're doing prototyping, production, whatever. If you learn macros really well, you can go really far in this industry and it's still new to me.
jamie peacock
yes yeah you can make your machine do yeah you can make it do all sorts of fun stuff
2SM Performance
Yeah. Yeah, you can make your machine do all kinds of fun stuff that make any kind of setup or process easier. I recently brought, I bought a big, very boring macro book about FANUC and macros and it's like super in depth and I'm still struggling to learn it all.
2SM Performance
But I mean, I've already learned so much reading it and reading through it. I'm like, man, I wish I knew this earlier because it's just once you learn it, it it takes you a lot farther than you could think of ever going.
jamie peacock
Yeah, I've brute forced my way into that with Linux CNC a while ago. And yeah it it does it makes a huge difference, ah knowing how how to get what you want out of it.
jamie peacock
Like, there's, yeah there's a lot you can do.
jamie peacock
I made serial engraving programs, I've done all sorts of fun stuff with this.
2SM Performance
What was that?
2SM Performance
What was it, a subroutine or something that you incurred at confounded?
jamie peacock
Yeah, so I made so it's actually just this one long G code file and then you in the beginning you set a macro variable so when the program or sorry the program looks at a macro variable so you go into MDR and you set the variable to what you want your serial number to be and then the program looks at that serial number breaks it out into the four digits.
jamie peacock
So it breaks out the first digit, the second digit, the third digit, and the the fourth digit, and then runs code appropriately. So you output, for every digit, you output zero through nine.
jamie peacock
And you put it under a certain thing. So basically it's an if statement. If said variable, yeah, if said variable equals the number, it runs that piece of code.
2SM Performance
If this then that, if this then that, yeah.
jamie peacock
So it takes a few hours to get set up, but once it's set up, it's set up.
jamie peacock
You only have to set it up once.
jamie peacock
So it's, yeah, that I got that working.
2SM Performance
Yeah, that's beautiful.
jamie peacock
Kurt was like, oh, it's a lot easier than he thought. So I gave him the code and he's been running a version of it since. He's made a lot of changes, but that's what he engraves all his pens with.
2SM Performance
who Very cool.
jamie peacock
Yeah, so I'm glad he's using it like that took me three or four hours to to get right and then courtesy of AJ I could actually use it because that's one thing I will say for the Instagram community like the Oaks are super helpful. AJ posted a thing one night kind of as like a throwaway comment about rotating your your work offsets in Linux CNC or in path pilots and I saw it there and I saved it to my save things on Instagram and then I wrote that macro and I posted all the code and the job wouldn't fit in that orientation.
jamie peacock
So I had to rotate the job using work offset rotation in Linux CNC to be able to run it.
2SM Performance
What is that, like XY mirror?
jamie peacock
um Yeah, or X, Y rotation. So, yeah, so basically I rotated the job 90 degrees.
2SM Performance
jamie peacock
So my X became, yeah. Yeah, so my X became my Y and my Y became my X. But you can also do it at 45 degrees. You can do it at all different different angles.
2SM Performance
90, okay, 90 degrees, got it.
2SM Performance
So you don't have to actually change the program. You can just tell the controller, rotate it 90 degrees and it will automatically make all the calculations.
jamie peacock
Yeah. That is you.
jamie peacock
Yeah, it makes it all, it built it's built in, yeah.
jamie peacock
Really, really powerful, ah but kind of like super random.
2SM Performance
Very powerful.
jamie peacock
Like he e mentioned it as a throwaway comment. Like it was it was a throwaway comment, like may maybe this will help somebody somewhere down the line.
2SM Performance
That's super nerdy stuff. That's deep.
jamie peacock
And yeah, it helped someone down the line.
2SM Performance
for sure.
jamie peacock
Yeah, like, yeah.
2SM Performance
Like I didn't even know that was possible. That's kind of, is that like a work plane macro?
2SM Performance
No, no, not really.
jamie peacock
no it's i hangon let me let me look it up quick let him on c c g code me quickly look it up and then so I don't know if you you've obviously been watching my stories this week because you like to creep on me on Instagram did you see my spindle gripper
2SM Performance
Just work offset rotate, I guess is what you would call it.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I saw your gimbal automation spindle gripper.
jamie peacock
Yes, I actually was chatting to the guys from Gimble this week. And they were like, yeah, they like all this stuff they're seeing me do, they did and it never left their workshop. Like they tried a lot of the stuff I'm doing and it obviously didn't work so they never, it never became products. But like they're saying on the, so they've got a podcast, ah Michael from Gimbels on a podcast. And he was saying, the guy, the one man guy, one man band in a shop making a gripper, go for it. You're not the customer who's gonna buy from them. Like they understand that I'm probably never gonna buy one of their products because I can make it for the same or for less.
jamie peacock
Whereas you get guys, yeah, it might get to the point that I'm like, okay, screw it, I just need it, let me buy it. But at the moment, I'm not at that point.
2SM Performance
You have more time than money than the other way around.
jamie peacock
i Yeah, pretty much. lock And then also Pearson was saying, Pearson on their podcast was saying that guys want to build their own vacuum table.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I get it.
jamie peacock
And he's like, listen, yeah. you want you need this job to guard in a week's time why are you going to spend five days making a vacuum table we have it in stock we're really good at making vacuum tables you're really good at making pots stick to what you're good at like i know it's it's somewhat expensive but just buy the thing and you can work like yeah it's
2SM Performance
That's a great point.
jamie peacock
Yeah, it's one of those things where it's point of diminishing returns. And if you're a guy doing it as a hobby, then sure, no problem. Spend three days making something instead of buying it. But when when you've got the ordering, you need to just get the work out, then it's time to just pay for it and get the work out.
2SM Performance
Yeah, way more worth it. Because in that in that time that you would have spent making it, you could have put out X amount of products if you just bought it.
2SM Performance
And it would actually be more worthwhile. You would save more money just buying it.
jamie peacock
That's exactly it.
2SM Performance
And you'd have a better product.
jamie peacock
So my main thing with that is living in sunny South Africa, the shipping on everything is the same price as the bloody product.
jamie peacock
So if I try like, anod for instance, anodizing dyes, anodizing dyes are, call it $10 a bottle, $115 shipping.
2SM Performance
What do we always say, Jimmy?
jamie peacock
So I normally
2SM Performance
What do we always say, because Africa?
jamie peacock
Because of Africa,
Logistics Challenges in Africa
jamie peacock
yeah. If you wanted to arrive, you're gonna pay out of your nose for it.
jamie peacock
That's just, it is what it is living in Africa. If I order from AliExpress, I've started ordering with the actual postal service again, because like if it's small items, if it's a $10 or $20 thing and I'm like, okay, if it never arrives, I'm not gonna be entirely heartbroken.
jamie peacock
So let me just let me just order it and if it arrives, it arrives. But if it's something I need, I actually want to arrive, then it's $50 shipping every single time.
jamie peacock
And it's just, it is, yeah, it is what it is.
2SM Performance
Yeah, you got to make a choice. I get it.
jamie peacock
Ordinate rotate.
2SM Performance
this is This is keeping Jamie's DIY spirit alive.
jamie peacock
Well, that's the thing, like the the gimbal g gripper is, I think it's like $1,500, which really, for what it is, is not bad. It comes with all the integration stuff that they do, which is where the, that is where the value add is. On their stuff, you're not you're not getting your value add from the the components they're selling you. You're getting the value add from all the all the R and D that they've done and having all those macros and things ready to go.
2SM Performance
The integration.
jamie peacock
that's where yeah that's where they are making well not making the money but that's where their value proposition is which is yeah yeah well the R and&D like thing is you buy a system from them like you want to borrow their uh one of their port loading systems
2SM Performance
What is that? The intellectual property or the research and development they put in?
jamie peacock
ah where you put the material on the table, it loads it into their grip flip grip station. All those macros are done for Haas, for a bunch of different controllers. So you're paying for all those macros, not necessarily for the hardware.
jamie peacock
Like the hardware cost on that is a small amount of what they're selling it for.
2SM Performance
For sure.
jamie peacock
They're selling you the solution.
jamie peacock
And that's fair enough. Like I've got no problem with that. like that is that's their value add just like for me my value add is we we don't just make what you send us a drawing of we actually look at what you're doing and we try and assist you and prevents prevents issues like that is where our value add is as a customer or as a as a supplier, it's not just we're trying to make your part exactly to the drawing. We want to understand where it's going and try and optimize and prevent issues because, yeah, issues come up a lot.
2SM Performance
That's where the engineering comes in in your business name.
jamie peacock
Yeah, no, that's it. like we the The initial slogan was, your special is our standard because so we do all the weird shit.
2SM Performance
We do all the weird shit. You should just make it that.
jamie peacock
Yeah, we do all the weird shit like oh my, we do so much weird stuff.
2SM Performance
We do all the weird shit.
2SM Performance
So we're coming up on an hour and 15 minutes.
2SM Performance
Do you want to keep going?
jamie peacock
yeah ah Yeah, let's go for another 10 minutes or so and then we'll we'll call it. We seem to be doing hour and a half long podcasts.
2SM Performance
Hell yeah.
jamie peacock
I'm busy getting distracted on the internet though.
jamie peacock
I'm trying to find what that coordinate rotation gcode is so that I can tell you to see if your machine supports it.
2SM Performance
Oh, that AJ showed you? Yeah, yeah.
jamie peacock
Yes, I can't remember what it actually is.
jamie peacock
And I don't know, it is super powerful, um but it's really hard to find.
2SM Performance
And it's powerful though.
2SM Performance
Sounds like it.
2SM Performance
Yeah, very niche.
Troubleshooting CNC Air System
jamie peacock
it's it's a real, real weird one. um Rotate. Yeah, so anyway, I built that little gripper only to discover that
2SM Performance
That's cool though.
jamie peacock
my through spindle purge, through spindle air purge is not working.
2SM Performance
Oh yeah, you mentioned that in your story. Okay, I remember that.
jamie peacock
Yeah, that was a bit annoying.
2SM Performance
Yeah, that's not good.
jamie peacock
So I got all the, yeah, I caught, no, I've got, so I've got air coming through.
2SM Performance
Was it a valve issue or was it a controller issue?
jamie peacock
So I disconnected the valve and just pumped air with the air gun. Cause I wanted to, I don't know how to override the valve currently. So we'll figure that out. That is really a minor, a minor issue.
jamie peacock
ah The issue I ran into is i can I could hear it, so I assumed it was working. Put the spindle gripper in, went with an air gun to trigger it, just disconnected the hose, put the air gun in the hose if it was gonna trigger it, and it doesn't work. So I then took the tool out, did a tool change to no tool, went up, put my hand there to see if I could feel the air blowing through, can't feel anything.
jamie peacock
So I got my wife to come out and help me, got her to blow air through there constantly during a tool change, like at high pressure to try to figure out what the hell's going on. Ended up pulling the covers off, but the access panels are like not even four inch by four inch. They're tiny. So I open up, trying to see what's going in with a torch going on in there with the torch.
jamie peacock
is getting to it, not coming through the spindle though. And there's a block next to the, the nuts of the spindle. And I don't know how it's meant to work. So I don't want to go poke it with a stick until I understand.
jamie peacock
So I've asked the guys at WD Hearn for a manual or to ask around and see if anyone's had a similar issue. It may just be a case of I need to spla spray some WD-40 down the line and then something will come unstuck, but I'm not sure.
2SM Performance
Yeah, it sounds like you have a blockage.
jamie peacock
So I emailed, Yeah, either that or I think there might be a um kind of like the turrets on the lathes where it's got that brass piece that slides back and forth as the turret changes to let coolant through.
jamie peacock
I think it might be something to that effect that's not extending when the air goes on and actually connecting.
2SM Performance
Yeah, you have that. um Turret style Robo drill style tool changer.
2SM Performance
That might have something to do with it, no.
jamie peacock
Well, I had it open, and no, I had it open and there's a block next to the nut and that's where the air's coming out. So I assume it's meant to go from there through the spindle. But I think what's happened is either dirty air and it's caused something that's meant to move to not move or something, so I don't know, something sticky. So I might just spray some WD-40 on it later today and just try and get it to come back to life. But I also don't want to poke it with a stick until I know what's actually happening.
jamie peacock
So i'm waiting for the di yeah I'm waiting for the guys to try and um get me an actual manual for this thing or parts breakdown so I can understand what is happening up there without stripping it.
2SM Performance
smart Smart.
2SM Performance
I mean you don't want to take apart your spindle without knowing how to put it back together.
jamie peacock
because Well, ah if I take it apart I can put it back together. The the big issue I've got now is I can't get to the, so there's three access panels. I can get to two of them. To get to the third one, I need to take off the rail that pushes the tool changer out of the way when the spindle comes down. And if I can avoid messing with my tool changer, I'm gonna avoid it. So I don't wanna pull that off until I know what's actually going on.
2SM Performance
Yeah, exactly.
jamie peacock
So I'm hopefully gonna get feedback today on that and then I can get that working. But I have a plan. If I can't get the ah through spindle air to work, then I'm gonna just build a kinematic coupling and basically go over where the gripper is parked, drop and rotate 60 degrees, take the gripper, load my part, drop the gripper off again.
jamie peacock
Like I can make a plan to work around it. I obviously don't want to. I wanna use it in the spindle.
2SM Performance
Without using the air to actuate it. You can mechanically do it.
jamie peacock
ah Yeah, so then ah I would know, I would have an airline that's attached to the g gripper. So basically I would go to a docking station, pick it up, and then have a solenoid controller, then dock it back again.
2SM Performance
Oh, dedicated.
jamie peacock
But that adds a bit of complication that I don't really want to deal with.
2SM Performance
You don't want an air hose constantly connected, flopping around the inside your machine. yeah
jamie peacock
It's not the end of the world. I've got two of them already. um So it's not it's not the end of the world to have that flopping around in there. I have ways to make it stay out of the way. But ah yeah, if I can have it run through the spindle, that would be first prize.
jamie peacock
And then I'm busy with
Innovations in Automation Projects
jamie peacock
automatic vase project now as well, so that I can actually grab and loosen my grip and loosen my parts automatically so I can load them into a vase.
jamie peacock
but job that's been That's been an interesting few days of development. so It went from trying to build my own pneumatic vase to shoving a very heavily geared stepper motor on one of those little self-centering five-axis vases. One of the cheap Chinese ones just making an actuator for that.
2SM Performance
Can you hear me?
jamie peacock
ah giant and Yeah, I can't. I ended up spending... Well, I can now. I ended up spending the whole of Sunday trying to get the code to work for for the actuator. To no avail.
2SM Performance
My headphones just died.
jamie peacock
Can you hear me?
jamie peacock
Oh, okay. No worries. sir
2SM Performance
Give me a second.
jamie peacock
Okay, so it looks like your headphones last for an hour and like 10 minutes.
jamie peacock
technical difficulties
jamie peacock
like Okay, well, we've got a bit of dead air here. Let me yeah just once again remind you guys to please rate us on Spotify and like us on YouTube so that we can try to get the podcast out to more people. Also, feel free to recommend it to people that may be interested in hearing what's going on in John's and my shop.
jamie peacock
How are you doing there, John? You got your audio issues sorted out yet?
jamie peacock
Okay, there we go, we got John back.
jamie peacock
Some minor technical issues.
2SM Performance
Yeah, it happens.
jamie peacock
So yeah um ah yeah, I spent the whole of Sunday trying to get a little Arduino project to tighten a stepper motor or turn a stepper motor forward with a set number of or set current limits and wait for stall detection so that I know the vise is closed and then When you trigger it, it turns the other way with a higher higher current limit so that it'll always be able to loosen the vase ah for like, opens for like two seconds and then you can take it apart, I'll put a apart and it clamps until it stalls and knows that it's closed.
jamie peacock
Because I've got some motors kicking around that'll give me near-ish 20 newton meters of torque with the current.
2SM Performance
How are you measuring the torque with the voltage in relation?
jamie peacock
So I know what the I know what the motor's current limit is, and I know what the gear ratio is, and I know what its torque is. But I also know that the faster you spin it, the less torque you have.
jamie peacock
So my plan is to tighten it worth at a higher speed so that when it loosens, it has you loosen it slower and you'll have more torque. Just because of the characteristics of a stepper motor.
jamie peacock
So I need to go about 10 millimeters.
2SM Performance
Yeah, they have the most work from zero to very early on.
jamie peacock
Yeah. So I need to go buy a 10 millimeter socket so I can machine it out to fit a eight millimeter shaft and then make some little plates to give this a proper test. Because I also don't need 14 newton meters of camping force. I'm gonna use, because I've already, this is a soft jaw vase, I'm gonna make gripping soft jaws that you drop the bar in and it's got teeth that bar in. So with 10 or 12 newton meters of torque, I'm still gonna have plenty of holding power.
2SM Performance
What are you using a Nemo stepper?
jamie peacock
Slow y'all. Yeah, it's a NEMA 17 with a 50 to 1 gearbox.
2SM Performance
Well, that's a little baby, and but the gearbox helps with that.
jamie peacock
Yeah, so I'm thinking of maybe going 50 to 1.
2SM Performance
What ratio is that?
jamie peacock
I've got a 50 and a 19 that I have. So I'm thinking of maybe changing it to a NEMA 23 and going with a 20 to one gearbox or 10 to one gearbox. Because I only really realistically need about 20 Newton meters of torque, and that should be more than adequate. So I was thinking of making, at the moment the motor sticks out the side, because then I can just direct couple with a socket, but I might look at like making a
Enhancing Machine Setup Efficiency
jamie peacock
and then coupling it with gears or something so that it's a bit smaller footprint and then just using the off-the-shelf ah the little zangdai path self-centering customers yeah because they yeah by the time i get them here they're like 50 60 dollars they're rarely not super expensive
2SM Performance
Yeah, the little centerless self-centering Chinese vices.
jamie peacock
I've got another one that I use. It's also a Chinese one. They're a bit more expensive. They're about $100 of us, but they're a bit bigger and I've got two of those already.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I've been thinking about those little self-centering vices. I've always used like a traditional style current vice.
jamie peacock
So I've, yeah.
2SM Performance
I know AJ just got one for the first time, but um
jamie peacock
Yeah, so I've um've got two four-inch vices and then two of these, it's a 70 by 100, so it can hold up to about three inches, and it's four inches long. I've got two of those at the back of the machine that I do all my op one work in.
jamie peacock
So it's got serrated jaws, I drop the block and tighten it, go to town, and then I put it in soft jaws or into pallets for op two.
2SM Performance
Got it, got it.
jamie peacock
Yeah, and that,
2SM Performance
Yeah, I've been, so sorry, what?
jamie peacock
that was no no That works really well for small parts. You you can't beat it.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I'm tossing around the idea of making like a main sub plate bolted down to the table on my mill. And then having you know interpolated or reamed out precision holes like you know across and along the the plate and then have subplates with the vices already you know mounted on there and and aligned and everything.
jamie peacock
Yeah. but Yeah.
2SM Performance
So whenever I want to do different setups with different types of parts, Part numbers are however many at a time I can just put the so the the sub plates on top drop them in line them up with the pins and then bolt them down Or latch them down or whatever Yeah, it's like a little pallet system with those little vices on it Just a little quick change Basically not like the dishonors plate with all the holes in it all the threaded holes and
jamie peacock
So basically a saw and display. Yeah. So basically putting a saw and display on your machine. Yeah. You would just put a limited number of holes here.
2SM Performance
But there would be a limited number of holes that will will'll fit the different plates in each like pallet.
2SM Performance
The plates would be like little pallets with different fixtures on them, like little vices or like a Mighty Bite, you know, fixture plates designed for a certain part.
2SM Performance
So I can just drop stuff in and out real quick instead of having to like mess with it a lot and
jamie peacock
Yeah, having to clock it every time because I'm on my biggest thing.
2SM Performance
indicate the device jaw, you the other fixed jaw, you have to run an indicator on it, make sure it's straight with the X axis every time it's.
jamie peacock
Yeah, a bit annoying.
2SM Performance
Yeah, yeah, I think if I had some kind of system like that, it would it would help a lot.
jamie peacock
Yeah, I should probably, yeah, I should probably do something similar cause I like to run my two vases that they are in line with each other. So I can put something between them, but that takes, but indicating that it takes a lot longer than I would like.
2SM Performance
Oh, yeah, absolutely. A longer piece of material when you want. Yeah.
jamie peacock
So I should probably just make, thing is like, I will leave one vase in and I'll put i'll take one out to put my lathe chuck in there.
jamie peacock
So it's, no you know my masters my setup is forever changing.
jamie peacock
Like I should probably, you know, yeah. So yeah, I do that. So i made I've got that 80 millimeter riser, the three inch riser on my machine, because I can't reach the table with the tools because it's a drill tap center.
2SM Performance
Oh wow, you I've seen people do that use a lathe truck on their table instead of making like round soft draws.
jamie peacock
So I put an 80 millimeter riser so I can do plate work, and then my vases all just drop onto that. Like my two self-centering vases, they sit at the back. Like they are made of risers, but they have the same height as my four inch vases.
jamie peacock
That way everything's kind of similar plane. that you don't end up having these vases super low and you're working behind another vase.
2SM Performance
yeah Yeah. Yeah. And then you risk hitting your spindle on so on a vice or something when you're working on the other side.
2SM Performance
Yeah. I noticed you have yours kind of to the left, right? And then your tool setters behind that to the right.
jamie peacock
yeah Yeah, so I've got the risers on the left of the machine, then I've got the pallet system and the tool setter on the right of the machine.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I think we had, then you have that little zero point in front of the toolsetter.
jamie peacock
Yeah. Yeah, that that can be a little terrifying when you're running a face small between the tool setter and a vase on that pallet system.
2SM Performance
ah Yeah, you might want to make a riser for that too.
jamie peacock
But so far, so haven't crashed. Well, I i did make a riser, so now it's sitting, ah it sits if I take the pallet off, it's just just below the riser.
jamie peacock
That way it's not chaining in a hole because that was terrifying.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I see those guys on Instagram, they run like a five axis trunnion set up or just a trunnion table.
2SM Performance
And then they run regular fixed vices next to it on the left. I'm like, man, if you if you post out the wrong thing or something happens, you're gonna crash right into that trunnion.
jamie peacock
yeah yeah the nice thing the nice thing with running production is once your code's prove proven out you're running the same code again and again and again like if it didn't crash the first time it isn't going to crash the second time like that's yeah it freaks people out but that is
2SM Performance
That's a bad day.
2SM Performance
Yeah, they do exactly what we tell them to do, Jamie.
jamie peacock
No, exactly, they're really good at following instructions, even if they're bad instructions.
jamie peacock
Yeah, and that's that's something that people don't really understand. Like I've got my one friend, he came through here, we were running parts, I like to mess with him. So I'll run the first part at like 20% rapids, load the second part in, push 100% rapids, turn around, hit go and walk away.
jamie peacock
And he watches the machine come down at 48 meters a minute towards the vase and stopping like a millimeter above it. And he cucks himself every time.
2SM Performance
Oh yeah. Yeah. That drill tap style mill. I think move was fast, huh?
jamie peacock
Yeah, 19,000 inches a minute. No, 1900, 1900.
2SM Performance
1,900 inches per minute. You mean almost 2000.
jamie peacock
Yeah, yeah, I wish it was possible.
2SM Performance
That's yeah. That's mind is like a thousand.
jamie peacock
Yeah, it's it's truly terrifying, yeah.
2SM Performance
So that's almost twice as fast as mine for sure.
jamie peacock
No, no, it's truly, to truly terrifying. But yeah, lots of fun. Anyway, what are your what are your plans for today and this week?
Current Projects and Maintenance Plans
2SM Performance
Technical difficulties.
jamie peacock
No worries.
jamie peacock
Yeah, can you hear me?
2SM Performance
Okay, yeah, let's go through that.
jamie peacock
Yeah, what are you up to today and for the rest of the week?
2SM Performance
Well, for today, um I got last two jobs out to my customer. So i like I said before, I've been working on getting those new prototypes out to the customers for custom fitment.
2SM Performance
Today, I am making a two and a half inch thick of soft set of soft jaws, which are really big. But that's just for the size of the part. I have to use like a I make my own blank soft jaws.
2SM Performance
And I had to use like a three inch length of cut, a half inch in the middle just to make the holes for the jaws, which is pretty interesting.
2SM Performance
And it, you know, it's sticking out there so far. It makes a funny noise when I'm interpolating the holes, and you get all that chatter.
2SM Performance
And my wife was asking me, what is that noise? Is everything okay? I'm like, yeah, it's supposed to make that noise. She's like, you sure?
jamie peacock
yeah That's how you know it's working.
2SM Performance
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it sticks out that far. It's just, there's nothing you can do.
2SM Performance
So yeah, today I am going to be programming the pocket for those soft jaws after I bolt them into the vice. I'm going to put the shim in there, make the custom soft jaws through that part.
2SM Performance
And then once I get the part fitted in there, I'm just going to set my work offset off of one of the bolt holes coming out the other side of the stock with a test indicator, since I don't have a probe.
2SM Performance
And then I'm going to be programming Op 2 for that and running that. And hopefully I can get those done tomorrow. And out for the anodizer and I can get on to the magnesium-huh
jamie peacock
okay okay oh nice yeah i've got to go and uh change one below that's running steel i've got to go make a little wire choppy thingy and then some other bits and bobs out of steel.
jamie peacock
So I've got to go and clean out and change the filters on the back of the machine, the filter cloth in the coolant tray, because it's full of very fine aluminum shavings, because that's what happens when you run ah when you run the dust maker.
jamie peacock
like mom My aluminum rougher makes these tiny shavings, which are great for chip management, but goes straight through the the mesh filter on the back of the machine.
2SM Performance
I have the same problem. I have the same problem.
2SM Performance
My aluminum offers are rated on the, and all the chips are tiny little squares and they always fill up in my coolant tank and I have to scoop them out constantly.
jamie peacock
Yeah, like tiny little shavings.
jamie peacock
So yeah, i've got a I've got that stuff you put under ah under a couch and that works pretty well. Like it it drains a little slowly, but I've got ah got to go take out one.
jamie peacock
So I've got the main the main mesh for catching chips, then below that there's two smaller mesh filters and those I put the the filter cloth in. and then if that overflows it overflows into the tank it's like it's submerged in the tank so then you don't end up with spills so i've got to go change those out because i try and keep my clean aluminum shavings separate from the mixed stuff because i get a lot more for the for the clean alley than i do for the mixed shavings yeah i get like
2SM Performance
Yeah, you got to have it separated. So every time you switch to a steel job, do you clean out your cooling tank?
jamie peacock
Yeah, so I'll clean out my filters and then the steel, I don't mind the steel being mixed with aluminum. I mind when I'm running aluminum, I don't want any steel mixed in with that because it's like three or four times the amount of money I get for the scrap.
jamie peacock
And I took a thousand pounds of scrap through yesterday.
2SM Performance
So today you're going to be cleaning out your your sump tank.
jamie peacock
I'll probably just clean the filter out today, and then I'll pump the sump out probably next week I'm waiting to hear back from the coolant guys Because then I need to do birth this tank first so they I'm waiting for them to get me their cleaning agents I'll put that and I'll run the machine for a day or two with that pump that tank out and then put in the new coolant and Then I'll
2SM Performance
Yeah, Curtis from Milspec was recommending that to me. He said, when you before you change your coolant out, run that cleaner stuff through for a couple of parts, and it makes a huge difference.
jamie peacock
Yeah, so the ya Bertha is really stinky and the coolant's gone like a dark color. So it needs to get out of there now. It's been in there for just on a year now and it's been stinky for 10 months of that year because I didn't clean it properly the last time. So now with Monica, I can suck that thing clean and like, I'll probably spend two or three hours and that machine will be as clean as it's ever been. And then I will put in the new FlexiLube coolant and see see how that goes.
jamie peacock
I'm getting the BioCool CU2 that I'm going to put in there and then we'll see how that works.
jamie peacock
Apparently it smells nice. It's got a mineral oil content. It's got a whole bunch of detergents in it. It's got a whole bunch of cuck in it. The guy reckons it's a really good coolant. So we will see if it is really good or they
2SM Performance
Did they give you a free promotional bucket of it?
jamie peacock
didn't, but they're going to hook me up with another cleaning stuff.
jamie peacock
Like they they've got someone who can take away my old coolant. That's the big thing for me. Is having someone to take the old stuff away that I don't have to ah throw it in a river.
2SM Performance
Yeah, I have a bunch of old coolant buckets filled up with nasty old coolant on the side of my house like.
jamie peacock
That as well. Mine's the same.
jamie peacock
I've got i've got probably By the time um I empty this, it's probably gonna be about 70 gallons worth of coolant that needs to get and out of my place. So they they charge 250 per liter.
jamie peacock
So it's, I've gotta do conversions to liters and gallons. So we're gonna work in liters because it's easier. I don't know, other way around, two point.
jamie peacock
ah 25 divided by 20. So it's about 12 cents per liter to get rid of it. So 60 cents per gallon give or take For them to come and take away the coolant.
2SM Performance
jamie peacock
no no I'm waiting parts arrived today for my imperialism So it's about 60 US cents per gallon to have them take away the coolant No Yeah, it's it is what it is I need it gone like I'm happy to
2SM Performance
That's not bad. Well, it is kind of expensive.
2SM Performance
So what's the steel job and what is it? Were you doing stainless or 10 18 or what are you doing?
jamie peacock
um No, just it's just mild steel and a little little bit of tool steel. I'm making a thing to chop a nice 15kg roll of welding wire into 6mm long pieces.
jamie peacock
so we talks about ah yeah So I'm still trying to get around to finishing that.
2SM Performance
Oh, yeah, we talked about this last episode.
jamie peacock
So I need to work on that today because the guy's coming to fetch it tomorrow.
jamie peacock
So that's going to be the today project. I just had to get some other work out before I could change over to steel.
2SM Performance
Today project.
jamie peacock
And then I need to make some dovetail clamps and some other bits and bobs while um while I'm set up for steel.
jamie peacock
But yeah, anyway, exactly.
2SM Performance
Yeah, take advantage of it while you're set up. You gotta do that. If you're set up for steel, might as well get all that stuff out of the way.
jamie peacock
Yeah, like I said, I've got a list of steel bits and bobs to make, so I'll get all that knocked out this morning.
jamie peacock
But yeah, anyway, I think let's let's call it there for today and let's play the outro.
2SM Performance
Let's do it.