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Blooming Where You Are Planted (Jeremiah 17:7-8) image

Blooming Where You Are Planted (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

FBC CTX Growing in Grace Podcast
15 Plays4 months ago

Jeremiah 17 begins with a confrontation of Judah over the seriousness of their sin in the eyes of God by comparing it to something engraved with the point of a diamond. Their sin was also serious in terms of the drastic consequences they would soon encounter for their poor choices, namely exile “in a land that you do not know”.

So, how were they to live in exile in Babylon? Should they trust in man, or trust in the Lord? God gave the prophet Jeremiah two striking and contrasting images to motivate them to trust in Him rather than to trust in the flesh. If they lived by trusting in mankind, then they would be like a dried-up shrub bush in the desert. If they chose to trust in the Lord, then they would be more like a flourishing tree planted by water.

The Lord is outlining how true believers in any age, living in any place, under any circumstances can enjoy the goodness of the Lord and bloom where He has planted them at a particular time. Since Jeremiah’s ministry was from 627-582 BC, he would experience the turmoil of life in Judah just prior to the Babylonian exile. Jerusalem fell in 586 BC. God’s words through the prophet can enlighten and guide us in accessing the abundant life available through Christ.

1. Favor in Christ: “Blessed is the man…”

2. Faith in Christ: “…who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.”

3. Fountain in Christ: “…He is like a tree planted by water…”

4. Fertilization through Christ: “…that sends out its roots by the stream…”

5. Fearless because of Christ: “…does not fear when heat comes…is not anxious in the year of drought…”

6. Flourishing in Christ: “…for its leaves remain green…”

7. Fruitful through Christ: “…for it does not cease to bear fruit.”


Growing in Grace Devotions and Inspirations  
Hosted by Pastor Victor Morrison  
First Baptist Church
1700 Milam Street
Columbus, TX, USA 78934


Introduction and Welcome

Welcome to Growing in Grace with Pastor Victor Morrison. This is a ministry of First Baptist Church located at 1700 Milam Street, Columbus, Texas. We are praying that God will bless you as you listen to this message. If you would like additional information on worship times and ministries at FBC Columbus, you can find out more at our website, And now take your copy of God's timeless word as Pastor Victor gives today's message.

Trust in God vs. Trust in Man

Welcome to Growing in Grace. Today, I want to share two verses with you from the book of Jeremiah. It's found in Jeremiah 17, verses 7 and 8, only those two verses. If you were to look into Jeremiah 17, verses 1 through 4, you would see that the Lord was confronting Judah over the seriousness of their sin in his eyes.
and the consequences of their sin, which was going to be exiled in Babylon in a land, he says, that they did not know. So how were they going to live in that land of Babylon? I'm sure there were going to be lots of adjustments and so forth. And so the next thing Jeremiah contrasts is the man who trusts in mankind, or the flesh, with the man who trusts in the Lord.
And so the location was about to be harsh and miserable. It was going to be in Babylon. They weren't going to be at home in Jerusalem anymore. And so verses 7 and 8 provide, I think, this secret to abundant living regardless of external circumstances.
I believe it is possible to bloom where you're planted, no matter what the circumstances, no matter where the location, no matter what the circumstances, if we will just remember where our trust goes. If you trust in the internal resources available in Christ, then that's where things begin to change.

Blessings and Faith in Christ

Let me read read these two verses to you. Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord.
Whose trust is the Lord? He is like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit." Don't you want to experience that that level of abundant life, abundant living, ah it where you are, I believe it's possible. So many times we focus on the external circumstances and we think, well, I can't be happy today. I can't have peace today. I can't be strong today. But I think these verses tell us, wait a minute,
if we will ask God for that and trust Him for that, it can make all the difference. So let's just unpack this passage that is before us. You know, in the verses previous to this passage, verses 5 and 6, He contrasts the man who trusts in flesh, the man who's going to say, I can handle this, I know what to do.
He says, you know what, that guy's not going to be like a luxurious tree that's planted by water. He's going to be like an old shrub bush that's dry and out in the desert. It's in a parched area. Nothing's going to be happening over there. So let's see, what can we do to see the Lord refreshing others through us? Not so much on the outside, but on the inside. Let's look at it together.
First, I want you to notice the favor that I think is available in Christ. You know, he starts out this

Hydrotropism and Spiritual Nourishment

passage by saying, blessed is the man. He's talking about God's favor, God's grace. Where do we receive God's blessing?
You know, Ephesians 1, 3 through 4 tells us that we are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, but where do we find that? Well, it's found in Christ. He's blessed us in Christ. Listen, whenever God blesses somebody,
Nobody can take that away. External circumstances can't remove the joy or that peace that you have in Christ. As a matter of fact, even in the Old Testament in another book of the Bible called Numbers, there was this interesting character named Balaam.
And Balaam was hired by the king of the Moabites. His name was Balak. And Balak hired Balaam and said, what I want you to do is I want you to curse those Israelis that are coming through my area over here. I want you to curse them.
He said, no problem. But you know what happens? If you were to read about it in Numbers 23, you would discover what Balaam discovered and what he discovered is the devil can't curse what God has blessed. Man can't undo the joy that we have in Christ. So it's not something that's up to man.
You know, 1 John 4, 4 seems like such a simple truth, but it's very foundational. It's very transformed transformational

Anxiety and Worldly Needs

when it says in 1 John 4, 4, greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. There's more in there than I think we've ever really tapped. And so all I'm saying is whenever we trust our lives to Christ, I think we're blessed. I think we're highly favored.
because not because of what we have done, let me make that clear, but it's because of Christ's perfect sacrifice. That's why the Lord says, you know what, I'm going to bless you, not because of you, but I'm going to bless you because of my son and what you are trusting him to do, which leads me to the second principle. Let's move on in this passage. It goes on to say, blessed is the man

Faith and Abundant Living

who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.
You know, the first principle was related to some who are blessed. Some people are blessed and some people are not blessed. It all depends on what they've done with Jesus Christ. But the principle that we're going to look at secondly is, why? Or how are they blessed? Where is the place of blessing? It tells us already right here. It says, in the Lord.
The one who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. That's the one who's blessed. You see, that's the key that unlocks his blessings. Faith, faith in the Lord, trust in the Lord. Two times it uses that word trust. Trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. Do you know that the words in Christ in Him, in whom, and so those kind of little phrases there, they're found across the New Testament 146 times. You know why? Because I think it's so important that we put our trust in Christ in what He's done for us. It doesn't matter if you're in the New Testament or the Old Testament. I believe that they both emphasize the importance of trust and faith.
I believe that cursing or blessing, they definitely are related to this. No wonder the writer of Hebrews says in Hebrews 11.6 that you know faith is essential. As a matter of fact, without faith, we can't please God. But whenever we place our faith in Him, there's something pivotal that happens in our life. He says He rewards those who div diligently seek Him.
You know, if you think about it, when you got saved, did you trust God? Would you have been saved if you had refused to trust God? Was God just going to do it automatically, without your trust, without faith? No. You know, that's why I believe that salvation is available to all, but it's only accessible through faith in Christ.
That's what Ephesians 2, 8 and 9 is trying to tell us that not by works that we've done, no, no, no, it's the work that He has done. That's where we place our faith in Christ. So the first principle that we see here

Spiritual Nourishment through Christ

for abundant living is to get in that favor that's found in Christ, to be blessed in Him. But the other thing is in order to get there, we have to trust him. We have to put our faith in him. We can't put our faith in our own works, our own good works, let's say. But then once we do, he says, you know what I would compare you to? If you put your faith in my son, the Lord Jesus Christ, then that man, that woman is going to be like, here comes a metaphor, a tree planted by water. You know, Jesus was talking to a woman at at a well in John 4.
And in John 4.14, he told her, you know, you're going to have to keep coming back to this well, because if you drink only of the water from this well, you'll have to come back over and over again. But he said, I can give people water.
that is so satisfying, they'll never have to come back to this well. He said, I'm gonna place within that person a spring of water, welling up to eternal life. The same kind of thing is mentioned in Revelation 21.6, where the Lord says to the thirsty, I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. That's because Jesus already paid it all.
Even in Jeremiah a little bit later, in Jeremiah 31, 12, he says, their life will be like a watered garden and they shall languish no more. What did you like for your daily living? I mean, every day to be compared to like a watered garden where you're not languishing, you're not thirsting for more, looking for more in something that the world has to offer,
Earlier in Jeremiah chapter 2 and verse 13, Jeremiah, or the Lord through him, had to confront the people again over two evils. And here's what he said in Jeremiah 2.13. He said, the two evils are these. One, you forsaken me, the fountain of living waters. But the second evil you've done is you've been digging out, you've been hewing out cisterns for yourselves,
broken cisterns that can hold no water. It's not working for them. Do you see what he's saying? Even the prophet Isaiah was given a glimpse of what's available in Christ. In Isaiah 12.3, where he says, with joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation.
You see, there is a fountain in Christ

Trusting God's Provision

that will satisfy your soul. I believe that's what he was referring to when he was talking about this abundant life. But going back to our text here, he says, he's like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream, sends out its roots by the stream.
You know, I got to thinking about that and I thought, you know, I've heard that before, that a tree's roots can actually look for water. Does that really happen? Let me tell you, I read an article that was published by the University of Frankfurt, and or ah a university in Frankfurt, and they published the findings back in 2020. So this is a bit dated, but not too bad. But the article proves and documents that through that university's use of high resolution 3D microscopes, they discover the reality that plants and trees use their roots
to search for water. Isn't that something? They said that the main root of a tree digs downward, trying to find water underneath it, right? but But there's these lateral roots that explore the soil on all sides. But get this, this was in the article. It said, it appears to us that that a tree in these roots somehow, they don't know how it happens, somehow those roots know where the water is found. And that's why they start growing in the direction of where the water is found. And it's called hydrotropism. I thought to myself, I never heard that in my life. Of course, I am from Tennessee, so cut me some slack.
But you know, I mean, haven't you learned this before in science class somewhere along the way? That true tree roots absorb nutrients and minerals from the soil. It assists the tree in growing. It assists the tree in remaining stable and secure. Here's my point.
Don't you know that God also has made your soul and my soul, where our souls long for the living water? That's what he's trying to say to the woman in John 4, the woman at the well. You see, the fertilization that we need for life, that water, that living water that we're looking for,
It comes through Christ. That's exactly where it's found. And I wanted to share that with you so badly today. And that's why I want you to know you just need to get your soul pointed in the direction of Jesus Christ and your soul and the Holy Spirit will take over the rest. It's amazing. But I want to go to the fifth principle because it does say here in Jeremiah chapter 17 and verse eight,
He is like a tree planted by water that sends out its roots by the stream and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green and is not anxious in the year of drought.
You know, I thought there's a fifth principle about those who are in Christ. They're fearless, fearless because of Christ. You know, it's no wonder that Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 6, 31 to 33, he said, look, man, don't spend your life anxious. Don't spend your life worrying all over all the small stuff that you need. And why did he tell them that?
He said, because your heavenly Father knows that you need them, you seek God first and all the other things are gonna be added to you. Wow, I just thought that was so amazing that right here in this passage, talking about how the Lord entrusting in him can make somebody like a tree that's planted by water that sends out its roots, it also says, you're not gonna be afraid.
You're not gonna be afraid of what the future holds and so forth. You know, it's interesting how he gives two parallel statements, both saying the same thing, only with different words. Let me read them to you again. This guy, this lady that has put their faith and trust in Christ, they do not fear when heat comes. They are not anxious in the year of drought. I love that.
You know, it kind of reminds me of

Conclusion and Prayer for Renewal

the Old Testament biblical hero, Elijah. Elijah the prophet, he was quite the guy. But you know, Elijah the prophet in 1 Kings 17 lived in the day when a ah tremendous drought was sent upon the land. And so at one point, he didn't know how he was going to make it, but the Lord led him to a creek and he got to drink from the creek. And then he had the ravens to bring him bread, bring him meat.
at the beginning of each day, at the end of each day. And then finally, the creek dries up and the ravens don't come anymore. anymore So the Lord says to him, you know what you need to do now? You need to go to the town of Zarephath. I bet he was thinking, oh, okay, I'll go to the town of Zarephath because that's where a really rich person is that's going to take care of me. Nope, that's not right.
Nope, in the wilderness, he hears the Lord say, go to Zarephath because there is a widow. And that widow, I've appointed her to take care of you. And so it's like, whoa, he gets there and this lady is like preparing for her and her son to pass away because of how extensive the drought is. I mean, this was terrible.
and And so Elijah says, you know, if you will take what you have, the little bit of oil, the little bit of flour, put that together, make bread for me, and then let's see what'll happen if you put God first. And so what happened was the Lord provided in a miraculous way.
So anyway, just don't sweat the small stuff. Put your faith and trust in the Lord. But then it goes on to say, for its leaves remain green. Wow, its leaves remain green. You know, what was the context of that statement that its leaves remain green when the heat comes? That's what's right before it. When the heat comes, its leaves remain green. Wow.
Have you ever heard of a flower or a plant called a crocus? Crocus are amazing! You know, they can blossom at high altitudes. They can blossom in dry conditions. They can blossom during severe climate. I mean, they thrive in deserts where life seems unlikely. And in back in ancient Israel, crocuses, they would bloom during the fall or during the dead of winter in rocky desert, dry places.
What would you see? There they'd be with their bright purple or their bright yellow blooms. It's amazing how some of the some of the people that I have seen in my life who just beam with the glory of the Lord, they don't have a lot. It's not the material things that are making them so overflowing and so effervescent.
No, it's the Lord Himself, the Lord on the inside. And so what they're doing is they're going back to the living water and every day they're being refreshed in that fountain.
But there's one more thing, if you're going to hang around Christ, John 15 says, you're going to bear fruit. You're going to bear fruit because the one who abides in him and allows his word to abide in them, hey, they are going to bear much fruit. And that's exactly what Jeremiah 17, 8 ends with, for he does not cease to bear fruit.
You know, Galatians 5, 22 and 23 lists all of this luscious spiritual fruit that only the Holy Spirit can produce in a life. Things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, those are the kind of things. You know, Psalm 1.3 is a lot like Jeremiah 17 verses seven and eight.
But I thought it was interesting how in Psalm 1, verse 3, it says, it yields its fruit in season. And I think that's significant to know the right season. Yeah, wouldn't you say that? But here's the thing that I noticed in Jeremiah 17, 8. It says, for it does not cease to bear fruit. Now, how can that be possible? It does not cease to bear fruit.
You know, there's something that we need to read in Psalm 92, verse 14. I think sometimes maybe senior adults feel like God's done with them. There's nothing left for them. But I just want to remind you what Psalm 92.14 says. It talks about the kind of people who still bear fruit in old age. They are ever, it says, full of sap and green. Can you imagine? I encourage you sometime, if you have a mother, a father, a grandfather, a grandmother, if you'll share Psalm 92 verses 12 through 15 with them, I guarantee it'll bless them. You know, Ezekiel saw a similar vision to one that is found in Revelation 22.
But Ezekiel saw a vision of water flowing from underneath the temple. And what's amazing is, usually at the headwaters, that's where it's the deepest. And then as it goes out, you know it sort of gets more and more shallow as it has to run further and further away. But not this one. No, Ezekiel said, the further he went out, the deeper that water, that river got. But what's interesting is, along the banks of the river,
were these trees on both sides. And it says, the fruit will not fail. The fruit will not fail. Hey, listen, I don't know how old you are. Maybe you're someone still in their teens. Maybe you're in your 20s or 30s. I don't know where you are in your life. But all I know is this, that you stay connected to Jesus Christ. You're never gonna stop bearing fruit. You will always bear fruit for him.
You know, I love what Isaiah the prophet tells us. Isaiah, in Isaiah chapter 35, verses one through 10, he tells us that even in desert places, God can bring rivers. It's amazing that even when it's really dry, he brings in these flowing streams and he can make barren places bloom.
Like can happen, well, let's say in places like southern Arizona, where every 10 years or so, when the desert southwest receives an abundance of winter rains, you know what happens across the Saguaro National Monument? That place that normally is so parched comes alive with life and color and vibrancy and so forth. Hey, listen, the Lord can do that in your life.
Why don't you let him do that in your life? Why don't we go to him right now and let's ask him together. I would love the privilege and the honor of asking God to renew you, to refresh you, to let that fountain just flow, let the river flow in your life and through your life so that others will see Jesus in you. It's all about Christ and staying connected to him. Let's pray together.
Lord, I thank you for those who listen to the Growing in Grace i broadcast. I thank you for them. I pray you would bless them. I pray that even today that you would help if there's something that's plugging up the fountain. I pray it could be removed. I pray that there would be a river, a river that flows, that can only come from Christ, a river that is so incredible that it brings love, that it dried up,
joy that had dried up, peace that had dried up. That Lord, once again, the goodness would begin to flow in my friends' lives. And so bless each one today. ah Draw them near. Help them to do what you said we should do in John 15, to abide, to abide in Christ to abide in the vine so that we'll be full of life, so that we will overflow with you. Thank you so much for those who are around us. Every single day, Lord, I know that there are people that are in our families, there are people in our churches,
There are people at work, people in our neighborhood, people are at school, and they're gonna be touched. They're gonna see Jesus. They're gonna be refreshed because of what you do in and through us. And so Lord, all I can say is help us to be that tree. The tree that looks for that water, finds it, puts the roots down deep in it, and always is green and overflowing with you.
We love you. Thank you so much that we can always be growing in grace. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Well, God bless you. You have a great day.
This is a ministry of First Baptist Church located at 1700 Milan Street, Columbus, Texas.