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C2 Fallen ☁︎Screaming, Crying, Throwing Up ☁︎ Episode 9 image

C2 Fallen ☁︎Screaming, Crying, Throwing Up ☁︎ Episode 9

Dice Drop
74 Plays6 months ago

Into the tunnels under one of the Ismene's libraries in the city of Arona! It's time to start this journey into getting these demigods back to the Citadel! Check out the map here

Intro & Outro music is by @TaighArtemis

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Introduction and Setting the Scene

Hi, welcome back to Daystrop. I'm Allie, I will be your game goddess today.
Hi, I'm Zoe and I will be playing Aida. I'm Kyle, I'm playing Murphy. Last time,
last time where we left off, I put you guys in some fun-ass tunnels. you ah went to one You went to the libraries of Izmin where you met the not nice librarian who just like was so over you guys and was just like, you know what, go into the tunnels, lose yourself in them, die in them. I don't really give a shit.
and That was sort of where I left you guys off, was in the secret tunnels.

Exploring the Mysterious Tunnels

so um Where, where yeah through the libraries, um where you guys are now is kind of like in this little marble area of the actual ah of the actual like start of the tunnels. There are three tunnels, one to the left, one to the right, one in the middle. And um this entire place is made of like this white marble. So it's just like this very light, ethereal atmosphere. Can one of you give me perception? And if you have a perception seeing, then please use that.
I do not have a perception scene. Don't we have tokens in Roll20 so that we can move people? Is that a thing? Yeah, but I want you guys to be like actual, like, I want you guys to tell me like what you guys are actually like doing and where you're going. If you just go, I go here, that's not going to be great for. OK, so I'm just rolling a basic perception because I don't have perception seeing. ah That's OK. I have perception hearing. I'm going to hear shit before you get it. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. And I can't see for shit right now. I got all twos. So two plus two plus two was six plus one is seven.

Encountering the Inscription Riddle

15. Amazing. So Murphy does. ah So the walls are illuminated with like lanterns. um You can't tell what kind of like light is illuminating in them because it doesn't look like a normal flame. But you can tell that there's like light in it. And over one well under one of the lamps, you see an inscription that is written into the wall.
Okay. Do you want to go over and read it? So within the wall it says, so you have heard one riddle, so on to the next. For I am very impressed. Though you have more challenges you must pass to find a piece of the Scottish past. For Yes, I'm going to drop it into the Discord. But now I need to fucking restart over so I can do it. I'm so sorry. How dare you? I'm so sorry. Go on ahead. Go on ahead, Ally. Do the thing. Cut all that out. No, don't cut it out. It's funny. We need content.
okay So you have heard one riddle, so on to the next. For I am very impressed. through Though you have more challenges, you must pass from this piece of this goddess, pass. See, now I'm all fucked up. I was doing so well. For i'm like where I am the goddess of discovery, I have seen things far i've seen things far and wide. Now you must find this part of me into the eye.
Into the eye. Okay. So you have heard of one riddle, so on to the next, where I'm very impressed. So is this written or this is? It's an inscription. It's an inscription. Okay.

Choosing Paths and Avoiding Traps

So though you have more challenges, you must pass to find a piece of this class is past where I am the goddess of discovery. I've seen things far and wide. Now you must find this part of me into the eye. Okay.
okay So, into the eye. So, as we are looking, we don't see any statues, right? No, you only see these three tunnels and none of them are lit up. Okay, so, guys, I've seen things far and wide. So, Kyle, how are we going to solve this? I don't know, I'm bad at riddles. Okay.
So we also have to keep the lookout for traps because remember the things about the rigs. Yeah, I mean, I'm more deck space. So I think I can keep a good eye out for those.
for I'm the goddess of discovery. I have seen things far and wide. Now you must find this part of me into the eye." Okay, so we have to still... I'm not sure, but what tunnel do you think we should at least consider going down? I've been thinking about this since last week. I think we go up.
go up so like the tunnel. So friends, Ali is going to be putting the map on where we are. So as we're looking at the map that we can currently see, we are in the bottom left hand corner where this lovely white marble is. And so there's a tunnel that kind of goes up But in a diagonal towards the right, there is a tunnel directly towards the right that kind of slants down. And then in the very bottom, there's a tunnel that also goes to the right. I have a feeling that maybe those two tunnels converge, but it might go slant down and then even out. But those two tunnels might converge.
I mean, I kind of want to explore the whole place because that's how gamer instinct is. I want to find all the good things I want to explore. wing so So you won't know where the inscription is. Yes, it's between the left tunnel in the middle tunnel. OK, I described what the tunnels look like. So it's like I'm going to draw here. So it's like right here. Yes, exactly. OK, perfect.
okay Okay, between the eye. Okay, so Kyle says he would like to go into the way that I was describing it. Kyle would like to go into the tunnel that is directly in front of us that goes up. That's what he wants. So the last one?
Yes, the left one, the one that goes up and slants it diagonal to the right. Okay, now just keep in mind there is a chance for all three, because their solace is still there, all three of you guys can take one tunnel. Do we want to do that, Kyle? Do we want to split the party? No, splitting the party as well. That's why I was thinking and I was like, it's too goddamn early in this yeah party. It's my favorite shit.
and' because you want tell us I don't trust you. I mean, either way, I think Kyle and I have agreed we would like to explore the whole fucking map. Okay. At least that's my instinct. oh I want to explore. So you guys go into the ah most left tunnel. Yes. Okay.
We go up the tunnel with Murphy and the lead. ah Okay. gri tono I'm gonna do a seeing check to see if I notice any traps. Okay, that's smart. That's okay with you. Yep. Okay. No traps. That's a 15.
Good job, Murphy. Again. Yay. You notice when you first start going toward that most left tunnel that there is a shiny little line on the like floor of it um that looks almost like a tripwire. Oh, OK. Can I?
see Do I have anything that I can use to like- You have your gun. I do. He has a gun. I want to kill the to shoot the trap. I was about to say like, ah is there anything we could like throw at like, is there any rocks around that we can like just throw at it? If it's a line on the ground, then we just step over it.
Yeah, but what if there's something that sets it off like a pressure plate afterwards? That would be dumb. I know how people think, Kyle. That's the shit I would pull. I'm so happy. Do I see a pressure plate with the 15? No, you just see that cute little sparkly ah string that looks like it's just like barely off the floor. Is there a decently heavy rock next to me?
you Just roll 3d6 for me and we'll see it's gonna be a luck check. I don't know If there's a rock well 12 is there rock I mean there's a medium sized rock. I wouldn't say it's big I would say it's like you okay I'm gonna hold the rock above right in front of ah fuck what's the that's the show Are you like throwing it are you like hovering over it with the rock I Hovering over it with the rock. Okay my god, and then I'm gonna go Kyle give me a Dex check because you're covering right over it like a dummy
That's a 17. Great. You immediately see it coming, you duck. You got rid of there. you that there was There was a very, I made it exact like the exact, like how much you had to do on this page. um When you duck out of it, when I say it, I mean like three very sharp arrows that were coming towards your head. Yeah. Lovely. Is that trip wire still there? I mean, he it it was tripped, so.
So it's okay, yeah. Well, no, I didn't throw the rock on the trip wire. Because it's fucking magical, Kyle. I threw it in front of the trip wire. It's a magic thing. To see if there would be a pressure plate. There wasn't a pressure plate, but you did trigger the fucking trap. You crossed the boundary of the trap. That's why I wanted you to also throw it, but I was like, you know what? Let him go off, gang.
so So... We got to be careful of everything now. OK, great. Perfect. Excellent. OK, I'm going to write down in my notes Murphy almost impales himself. Impales themselves? Impales herself? I don't know. I'm feeling feminine today. Today? All right. So we're heading up the tunnel, looking out for traps. Yes. So as you guys go

Deeper into the Tunnels and Magical Traps

up the tunnel, I am off my fog area.
um You guys just like see like that the little tunnel just keeps getting farther and farther in. um I need both of you to... I need both of you to give me um a perception and Solas will also be doing a perception. Basic perception? Yep, just basic. Yeah, since we don't have seeing.
I want to do a hearing perception. I want to see if I can hear shit. Okay. Do I do a hearing or a seeing or just regular? You can do seeing. You can do regular. You can do whatever feels right. I perceive nothing. I got a three. I got a four. That's a seven plus one. That's an eight plus one. That's a nine. If I'm doing a hearing, that's an 11.
11, you can hear a very subtle like echo going through all of this, so you can tell that it's a very long, long way around.
okay Okay. All right. I guess we're still moving forward. Do you see any traps, Murphy? Oh, I rolled a 16.
Uh, from right now, you don't see any traps. It's pretty clear. OK, we keep going forward, I guess.
OK. Oh, boy. What do you guys want to do? i guess I mean, there's literally nothing else to do than keep moving forward. Roll for traps!
I don't know why, but Ena, like, I feel like Eno is just casually taking a rock and throwing it every couple of feet, like picking up the rock, throwing it again, picking up the rock, throwing it again, like just that same motion. She's nervous. Murph, you're in front, right?
Yes. Are you going to tell people when there's something weird happening or are you just like, huh? Yeah. Well, listen, I don't. Murphy's sometimes cynical. I have to ask. Sometimes, but like not all the time, not when their life is at stake. um We're only level two, Allie. Yeah. Come on, man. So there is a pressure plate you notice on the floor. It has like a glimmer to it. OK.
I don't have any way to dispel any anything magical. No, but we have a magic person with us.
Solas is like looking at her nails. What? I look at Solas and I'm like, you cant can you get rid of that? I feel like a part of this, like Ina is looking and then Murphy is like, can you get rid of that? And then Ina goes, he's the glittering plane and goes, oh, trap, trap, I spot a trap. See, book smarts. Oh, I also need to make it so clear, just so you guys understand where Solas is at right now. Solas can see up to 20 yards in darkness without a light source, and she just hasn't said shit.
That's because Solas is an asshole. You guys have been tripping a little bit and not really knowing what's next and she's just been casually walking. I was about to say, I don't know. Can elves in this universe see in the back? Yes, that's where. Okay. Okay, so then we should also be able to see because I'm a dailish elf. Okay, cool. Then you're fine.
um so Solas is going to activate her arcana awareness. ah She can attune her sense of flow of arcane power for a minute. She can sense the act of magic within 10 yards. She goes, there's nothing magical here.
Hmm. So then and then she point ana points at the the shiny square plate. Then what do you call that glitter?
Mm hmm. I throw a rock at it. ah You throw, do you do you throw the rock directly at or are you going to do what Murphy did and? No, throw the rock directly at it. I'm not leaning over that shit. I saw what happened to Murphy. I'm not trying to get myself shot with arrows. anne nete ah and A net from the top of the cavern immediately falls down. Can I pick up my rock? Yeah.
Okay, good. We have like backpacks and stuff, right? ah Filled with whatever. I don't think we bought that. I think Solas. I think Solas has like a messenger bag. I feel like that would be like Solas' style. But we haven't bought anything for ourselves other than a sword and a gun. A gun! No! A white bag!
Can I take the net and like fold it up and put it in? I was about to say the net might come in handy. That would be something that we would take. The net has sort of like a gold shimmer to it. It has weights at the bottom of it so it can entrap people. Ooh. Ooh. What if this is like a magical item, Murph?
What if this is a magical item, Kyle? I'm talking in regular words, so I gotta talk to you as regular Princeton. I don't know, Zoe. What if it is a magical item? That'd be so cool now! Okay. This isn't gonna be a roleplay-heavy episode. No, I mean, we're li ah ah we're nervous. Like, I i feel like Ina is on guard. She doesn't want to talk.
Yeah, and Murph is focused on like seeing what they can see. Mm hmm. Like we're focused right now. This is all that Ali wants us to be. And then she's like, fuck no content.
All right, we're moving forward. We've decided we could do a talk show podcast. I feel like this is good enough content. Hey, what's this? ah I was gonna say, what's this little gap here, Allie, that you didn't bother to unfold? Okay, so we're still looking for an eye, right? I see things far and wide. You must find this part of me into the eye. Okay, we're still looking for the eye thing. Well, we don't know if it's an eye that we're looking for. It just says into the eye as if like we're going into the eye to look for whatever.

Interpreting the Riddle and Magical Discoveries

So I'm feeling we're going to have to find a lot of clues. Last episode, just letting you guys know if you guys were taking notes anything. last Well, there's the sextant and you would have to a sextant. Hold on. Let me Google a photo of a sextant.
because I'm pretty sure a sextant has an eyepiece. Yes, a sextant does have an eyepiece. So maybe we're looking for something that'll eventually have a sextant or something and we'll be able to look through it. And then there was, then we have the owl, the chrysanthemum, owls have eyes, owl chrysanthemum sextant, and what was the other one?
Okay, so I have a feeling we're gonna have to either look into a sextant Kyle, because you can't look into No, no, like we haven't seen a sextant or anything yet. But the sextant led us to that but it says I have see think now you must look into this part of me into the eye. You can look through a sextant and I I mean, there's like an eye of a needle the needle might mean the compass
but we don't have a compass and we haven't seen anything like a compass, a chrysanthemum, I don't know if anything like that, and then maybe an owl because owls have eyes, but we haven't seen anything that looks like an owl. I think we just keep going and then see like- I'm gonna say we keep going forward. Yeah. Okey dokey. Cause then we'll be able to actually like see, um,
like what's happening or like well we'll be able to see what pops up and then be able to react. So you know while you guys are going up, you notice that the tunnels are getting wider and it's actually sort of like moving itself into like this more like crystal cavern where The rocks are like glowing in like this bronzy light and all of the crystals in here are like jade in like clear chords and You're in a cave, so you would expect it to have like wet cave smell, but it actually kind of more smells like sage and rosemary.
Do these crystals look like the crystals from that table? Um, some of them do, but not all of them. There's some like aquamarine and sea glass like in there also.
Do you guys want to check for traps? There are no, I will say there are no traps in this area. There are no traps in this area. Now, when you guys go up into like the more open area, because I'm going to guess that's where you guys are going to go next. Yeah, you know, and we now look into it more. There's now two directions. There's one that's going up still, and there's one that's headed more down. Do you feel like if we head down, it's going to lead to those other two tunnels, Kyle? I feel like there's a possibility for it. So I think in the interest of just like exploring more to go up.
Okay, um, before we do, I would like to, cause I feel like Ina, like with that blacksmithing kind of shit, she's interested in the crystals and to see if she like recognizes them and maybe asks, well, it's like, have you seen these crystals before? But I want you in the crystal weapon later.
That's what I was thinking. I want to investigate the crystals. That'd be cool. um They are, from what you can tell, charged up, pure quartz, aquamarine. um There are, there is sea glass that is in the, like, actual, like, areas which sea glass is in. The cobblestones are actually up above.
um when you guys are like walking through Arona, it's like part of like the actual like infrastructure is like sea glass within the actual cobblestones. There's also some sea glass in the buildings too. So it's not like uncommon for you guys to see sea glass down here.
And by the way, I'm saying this because people are just like, Ali, sea glass is just polluted glass that ends up in the sea and then like is tumbled around, which makes sea glass. Sea glass in this universe is actually um naturally made by the sea. It's kind of almost like a pink salt deposit that's good that gets created and then rounded off to become its own stone. Sweet. Okay. I would like to see if I can take a couple of chunks of these crystals.
Um, sure. With what? Are you doing that with your new weapon?
See, this is why I wish we like bought stuff before. Like, I would have loved for like blacksmithing tools. Ina decided I figured out the thing, so I'm going to go full force there, so.
Mm hmm. I know. But she was excited, man. I would imagine she's going to try to use her hands to see if that'll work. And then if anything, she'll like. She knows how to get here. Would she be able to get back if that is fine? Unsure. Unsure. Oh, OK. ah So I guess I'll just use some strength.
ah to check and see if I can just like yoink some off, like, you know, like the parts at the top where like you can just, yup. Okay, so straight, strength roll. like That is pretty good. And I got a stunt point, so I can add that to my stunt points. I now have four stunt points.
Okay. I got two sixes, a one. So that's a 12 plus one. That's 13 plus three 16.
Okay. Uh, you can get like the littlest chunk off because the tunnel is like won mostly made of like clay and hard walk rock. So it's like a softer part of clay where you're able to like pull a little clear quartz off. It's not like a big one.
Okay. ah I would like to try to get as many of those like little ones that I can get from all the different crystals that are available, if that's okay. I'm sorry, what did you want to do? I was doing something. Try to get more from other deposits, if that is okay. Yeah, you can totally try. You're using the crystal to try and get more office.
I mean, I'm going to try to do the strength thing. We can keep it the same role unless you want me to roll for more. But i would if that doesn't work, then I will use the other. um I would ask you to roll strength again. OK. OK. Gotcha. Boom. OK. I got a four. A four. That's an eight. Plus one is a nine. Plus three is a 12. So that's not working. I think she will try to use the courts to jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.
This quartz is pretty strong, right? Yeah, quartz is pretty strong. Okay. So, so she sees that you, I guess, seeing that the strength isn't doing anything, she'll take the quartz and dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, I guess seeing that the strength isn't doing anything, she'll take the quartz and dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk, dunk,
So I guess if I'll, since I'm using the quartz now, would that be a new roll plus whatever? No, ah with the quartz, I rolled a six for like a piece of jade and some sea glass. So you're able to get like a medium chunk of that off.
Okay, and I can't get anything else after like inspecting all the other deposits, like nothing else seems like it'll come off easily. No, those seem like the easiest ones to like get off. Okay, so hold on, making more notes, because I forget sometimes to take the notes. Now, in cavern. That's fine, I forget all the time to take notes. Kyle, you don't take notes.
but As we're investigating in this area, you said there was like a sage smell. Is there anything we can see in here that would be causing the sage smell?
You notice there's like little herbs and stuff that are growing around, which is a little bit odd, seeing as there is no real sun or anything that would show like this is an inhabitable environment.
I have, I imagine I'm wearing my leathers, which means I'm wearing my pants. And I'm pretty sure I have pockets. The way you said that was very like Victorian. I'm wearing my leathers. I made it so clear.
ring I've ah made it so clear that I i will watch your guys' money and spending, but I will not be accountable of what is in your inventory and pockets. That shit's just animal crossing to me. Just throw it in there. There could be a windmill in there and I'd be like dope.
like i don't No, I was trying to figure out like I was thinking of like what I would be wearing. Obviously, she's not wearing like her nice dress outfit because that got ruined from the fight. So she's wearing the only other clothes that she has right now, which are her leathers, which means she has her pants on. So she's wearing the leathers. I'm sorry. She's putting the other way. She's putting that stuff in her. I've been reading fourth wing. Leave me the fuck alone. Where does Ashley have
Where exactly were you pulling that deposit from, can I ask? Like what part of this like kind of open cavern area? mean Is it, is it, is in like the curve or like the upper curve or like one of the walls? I'm extraordinarily ignoring Kyle. I imagine like she's somewhere like, I guess it would be like, because I guess she was maybe like on the first roll when she got the courts, she was going around and testing like, ooh, is this gonna come off easily? No, is this gonna come off easily? So I would imagine she is, I'm gonna draw,
I imagine she's like worked her way around kind of, and maybe she's like right here, i which, oh oh God, that went too big. But she's like up in that northern part of this tunnel. So you're more... I guess she's like along the wall. She's not dead in the center yet. So you're like more right here because you the ah the only deposits are like on the walls. You can't just like be in the middle of the cavern.
No, like I guess she was like working her way around the walls until she was able to get one and then she used the course to get some others. So because you're around the walls, did you travel around the walls or did you just stay in that one area?
I think because we came up like this, right? I think she just followed along the wall until she stopped and found the quartz. And then she used the quartz to get some sea glass and the aquamarine you said, right?
Got a chunk. And so she's putting this stuff into her pockets. That's why I was trying to explain that what she was wearing so that she can put it in her pockets. And now she's gonna investigate the herbs because even though Ina's a dummy, she knows this isn't normal. So she is going to investigate the herbs.
Did you roll for anything? Because I've been busy doing shit. um I've been busy making your lives hell. So quartz, aquamarine and sea glass, right? Yeah, you can give me an intelligence on the ah herbs.
OK, sorry, I was just writing that down. Intelligence. God, that's a plus zero. So this is a straight roll. but Okay, not bad. I mean, it makes sense. She's not big into herbs. I got all threes, so so a nine total. Oh, weird. These herbs just seem to be growing in this cave. I don't know. Okay, so she is now going to call the bookie lady, the book person, and then she's like, hey Hey, Ina. I thought you meant like literally call and I'm like, do we have cell service down here? No.
and now And she's like, can you come look at some of these herbs? They're weird. Okay. yeah And Solas sort of like bends down and like looks at the earth. I don't know much about plants, but I know that plants need sunlight and there's no sunlight in here. So that makes it weird.
Um, Solas looks down at the sage and rosemary and just sort of rubs them in her fingers. And when she pulls her fingers away, she goes, hmm. And she has a little bit of salt deposits on her hands that were from the ocean. And she goes, huh. And ah then goes and like looks around and looks above her. And when she looks above her, you guys notice the sea glass that were in the cobblestones are now actually like looking through
the little like areas of the cobblestones where it's showing like different lights whenever like a cloud moves over the sun or whenever so it like sort of shines down and solace goes that might do it but it also might just be like this is a god's tomb and like fuck all the rules so I don't know. Yeah, I think that one seems more real. Did she like Sage? Like, did this is the Gossip Discovery? Like, the is she like into like how that smells? It doesn't sound her sheet. So I guess we can make it up, Murphy. I feel like I'm going to have to do like an intelligence check or something like that to see if I remember. Yeah, because you've been to everywhere else.
Yeah, I mean, you also haven't spent that much time with Izmin because remember Izmin and a lot of Izmin's wayfinders are like kind of assholes. True. right to our All roll. Okay. Roll, baby, roll. That's a 10.
I mean, excited you remember whenever you went to the libraries, it kind of had like a hint of like a sage smell. So it might just be like a scent that she likes. But you also know she really likes the smell of like seawater and stuff, which probably has to do with like the sea glass and like salt deposits and everything. Do you think we should take some of the herbs, Murphy? I don't think it would hurt.
Oh, and then she starts harvesting them and putting them in her pockets.

New Clues and Dangerous Discoveries

So this is like I was going to say, I mean, I was going to say we put them in the backpack, but you know, i have she had like and my made stuffing them into her pockets with her shiny rock. She's like, oh, OK, and then pulls them out and starts putting them and her rocks into the back. OK, you know, all right.
Okay. Can we investigate? We're right here right now, right? So we're right there. I would like to go this way because this way is not really shown yet. I would like to go in that way just to see what this is. For the listeners who are only listening, what is that way?
Okay, so right now as we went up the tunnel that went and north, the northern tunnel that goes up north, and now if you're looking at the map listeners, we're now up in the tunnel. ah In this caverny, circley area where there's two tunnels that branch out, one also going further north and then one that goes directly south on the most eastern side of this area, we're currently in this little curve, which is on the northeastern part But I want to head southwest because the way that we can't see stuff that currently isn't shown and I would like to head in that direction. So on the right side, the left side of the southeastern tunnel, that's where I would like to head.
Sorry, that's why I didn't want to do maps because I was just like y'all are gonna say I want to go this way and You give us some you give anybody a map and they're just gonna be like yeah, let's go this way No, cuz like I explained earlier like the way that the map looked. Oh, so it's just a me It's I guess it continues. Yeah Okay, so I'm guessing like we're seeing around because it's not very light in here. No, can you give me a perception, Ina? Of course. I imagine she's not going super far into it, but just enough to see like what she can physically see. Okay, so a straight perception because she doesn't do sight perception.
Oh, that was a really good roll. Good job, Ina. I got a six, a six and a five. So that's a 12, 17 plus one, 18. So directly to your left, Ina, you notice there's another inscription on the wall, but this one is sort of surrounded in a more like glowing courts and sea glass situation. um And this inscription says, and I will give it to you in the discord, just let me speak it first. No problem. Yes, Zoe. No problem, aren't you, You've gotten this far, so I see. You better lead yourself north to see through my viewpoints.
Hmm. Found the next inscription.
Okay, so I don't see it yet, there we go. You've gotten this far, so I see you had better lead yourself to the north to see through my viewpoints. Okay, I feel like Ally doesn't want us to go and explore other areas, even though I really want to. So I feel like Ina's gonna be like, hey guys, I found an inscription, I'm book spot.
Murphy's gonna read it over and be like, All right, I guess we're going. they I guess we go up. And they're like, can we see like we can't see a whole lot down like I'm guessing we can only see like maybe 20 feet clearly and then maybe an additional like five feet where it's like dark.
I want to explore every part of a map, bro. That's just my gamer instinct. That would take literally the entire like three hours that we have left. I know. But that's just my gamer instinct. I mean, if you want to move down a little bit before we go up, you totally can.
I'm going to leave that decision to Zoe because I don't care either way. You can still split the party and discover the entire map as long as one or two people are looking for where they need to go. But y'all don't want to split the party. So we know we have to go north. I have a feeling like Ina's like I feel like I don't want to like metagame Ina though, because I feel like Ina would want to go north. But me as a player is like, I want to investigate.
So I, do we want to like, even if I walk like further in just to see where it goes and do my rock thing where I'm throwing the rock every little bit or so, or do we want to really do that? Throwing of the rocks, nothing has really come up in this little cavern area. It's making you believe that it is a safe cavern area. Okay.
I kind of want to go down. I feel like Ina's like, I just give me, Give me 10 minutes. I just want to see where this one goes. I feel like what Murphy would do in this situation is Murphy would just be like, all right, you go down, explore, I'll stay here so that, you know, we don't lose our way. I can guide you back. Okay. I can use hearing and I can use echolocations.
You're not a bet. but She clicks for fun. So Ina, you go down? I'm going to head. So for friends who are listening and they see the map, I am now headed. Oh, yeah. So it goes, it just leads off. It now looks like a little comet tail.
Okay, does she see anything interesting or is it just like a dead end? It's like a dead end. and um the In the very dead end, yeah it's just like a wall full of sage and rosemary though. Like that's where a lot of the smell is coming from.
I feel like she calls up because I feel like it's not that far. I feel like it's maybe like a 50 or so odd morphe, right? From there. So I feel like she calls back, I found the mother lode! Should we be worried? I think I'm just going to stay here still. you want mean Okay, and she comes back with two...
Ina comes back in hand with two giant bushels of rosemary and sage. All right, well, if we need to perform a cleansing of a house, I guess we're good to go. but She goes, do you think maybe the token or whatever it is, is going to be something to do with herbs? No, I just think that Izmin might just think they're neat.
um Well, that's lame. And so she then turns to Murphy. Can I explore the other tunnel? You do what you want, but like, you know, we got to go north at some point. Well, yeah, I would like to go north eventually, but I would like to explore a little bit. This is cool. This is the fun, huh? Can we just go up while Ina goes down? i Like, she'll know we're up. I don't like the idea of that getting that separated.
I will just go in a little bit and see where it goes, and then if it doesn't work out, then I'll just head back up. Like Solace's predecessor, she sits on the floor and takes out a granola bar and starts eating it, waiting for Ena to stop.
She then shoves her bundle, her bushels of stuff into there and she is like, this is quite an adventure, and then she heads down. can just see Ina go like immediate like turns into the next tunnel like she's like a speed by.
Mm-hmm. Like she's just so excited. She's fully like Bilbo Baggins. I'm going on an adventure. Like she's enjoying herself. She's doing perception while she goes through. That's cool. This tunnel gets very narrow. It's very different from the other one that you were just in. I'm betting you she can't fit through it, can she? It's very narrow. Because she's a big lady. It's very narrow.
then I feel like she makes it like she's trying to see if she could squeeze her way through and she goes, this one's a little tight, we have to head north now.
Titties and ass definitely get stuck like it's not. Yup. So now Ina comes back and she goes, I couldn't fit because that tunnel is for tiny people. Like me?
Yes. And then she has a glittery eye. Do you want to go down the other secret tunnel? I mean, I could, but like at what cost? Would you like to investigate the tiny secret tunnel? Do you want me to investigate the tiny tunnel? I would love it. And I would love for you to report your findings in the tiny secret tunnel.
Okay. This is why I think we need to have a pit to do our investigating for us. Did you know that there is a ah canine called, I'm trying to think of the best like fancy, called ah the Dachshund, I'm still calling it the Dachshund, whose entire thing was to go into tunnels and to just find shit. You're making me the Dachshund right now, really? Yes, because you're the only person who's tiny enough. Now,
go investigate that tunnel. So let's be grudgingly gets up from eating granola bar and heads toward the tunnel. Let's see. I feel like Ina is like at the tunnel and she's sitting and she's like If you need any help, just haul her! Okay, Solas rolled very well to get through that like so easily. So I guess she's through it. um Secret tunnel! She's very much not paying attention to what's around her. She's just sort of like, all right, it's a tunnel. It smells really damp. There's no crystals or anything over here. Let me have her roll for a trap. Is there anything cool or shiny beats?
nine and what is her there is my solace huh do do do do care there's just so many character sheets oh my god you have no idea uh do do do do do do perception so the one thing I'm not excited for when it comes to actually like trying to be a DM, to managing all of that. Yeah, it's not fun. i feel like I feel like for me, I would have to have paper ones so that I don't have to like sift through them all. That'd be so fun if we're just sitting here waiting and all we hear is... Listen, that's the kind of person I am. No, I get it. I just...
Like, I am a very tech-savvy person, but when it comes to like specific things, I need to have paper copies for a reason. That's fair. Also, one of the cats gets like a gremlin right now. Is it because they're a gremlin? No. Okay, so you- This one's specifically not a gremlin. You hear a, ow, come from Solas deep in the tunnel.
Oh, you all right, Solace? Do you need any assistance? I have a dagger in my arm. I'm coming, Solace! She starts trying to burrow her way in. I'm coming, buddy!
I know. What is it? ah I make it like five feet in, and she's like smooshed now. She's like, I'm coming, Solas! I'm making my way! Please don't get yourself stuck.
I feel like she's at the point of where if she pushes any further, she could get stuck, but she knows, like, she's trying. That's all that counts, right? That was 11 damage to Solas.
Tell this buddy I'm Yeah, I'm 90% sure you're stuck. No, I'm not! I'm trying to save you! Alright, because her fae heritage, she does... Where are you?
who dooooooooo do do do do Okay, I feel like we need to go north now. 2D6.
Okay, so that's five. Okay, so one, two, three, four, five. Okay, so she actually lost only five damage because of the Fae Heritage. Okay, come back. I don't think it's safe for you to go by yourself anymore. You also need to get out of the hole so she can get out. Yeah. Yeah. That's the plan.
just say um soulless takes the dagger out of her arm and then like wraps it with like a piece of like the skirt that she's wearing she goes I really fucking like this skirt too god damn it um it is solace back to us now solace is like crawling through and she still has the dagger that like was flown at her and she goes I'm keeping this as a souvenir also it looks goddamn cool And it's like I was about to say maybe this could be a good present for someone who likes to throw things and then she's like to murphy salt You know, you can point to me I'm not gonna get offended So this is just like oh, I also enjoy throwing things do not worry
Okay, can I at least look at it to make sure it's definitely something that is worthwhile because I feel like she would know shit about weapons to see if it would she would know if this is like a A good weapon or if this was just like a this is a bland dagger. This dagger is all bronze and it has sort of what looks like deep old elven roots. It also has a aquamarine that's like within the hilt of the actual dagger. um It's.
um Oh my god, it's like almost gunmeddled so it kind of has like a rainbow sheen to it and it's very sharp. Okay, I can read Elvin. What does the Elvin inscription say? um this one This one says for trespassers and true warriors.
And then Eena says that out loud for the trespassers and true warriors. And then she goes, I guess this makes you. And then she hands it, help first. True warrior. Good job. So this goes, uh, trespasser. Yeah, I was going to say more, more, more trespasser than anything else.
ah Well, that's a negative like to think of yourself as but okay, we had no okay as you guys head north the Tunnel becomes kind of like how it was before As you guys go up um The atmosphere does change from like cold cave to almost like It kind of has like the warmth of a fire and underneath your feet, it kind of feels like you guys are on a boat. who So that's like that's not supposed to happen. Like maybe like vertigo. Yeah. Almost like it feels like things are sway. Yeah. I don't think that's supposed to happen in a cave. That's sweet. This feels like some magic shite. I guess I'll do another conception seeing. OK.
yeah That's a 15. I keep rolling 15s today. 15's your lucky number. Apparently. You know, how'd you get here in real life? I can transcend all the universes. Well, then why don't you just go back to the citadel? Because that's too boring and it would make the game end so quickly. That's fair. Murph.
As you go up, what was that roll again? I was not paying attention. We got a 15. Amazing. like As you go up, I'm going to say you guys moved up a little bit farther than how I have it right now.
OK, this might have something to do with if it's a ship, we got to think of rigging. Maybe we can hold on to something to help us with this way. There is another inscription sort of on this wall path that's like leading into this other tunnel to the right of you. It's kind of like right outside of it, just like right here. So the OK, so inscription that leads up or the one that leads to the right? It's an inscription that's like right outside where the one through the to the right is.
OK, so let's read it. I'm going to put it in the discord first. I don't trust you now, Zoe. I literally said nothing. Can't you mute Zoe? No. I said nothing the last time you read. Nothing. yeah because i I said nothing. yeah Some call me cunning, some call me wise, some call me all seeing, but only at night. I am a predator through and through, but you can only hear me when I can see you. What am I? An owl!
It's an owl. Yeah. Oh, shoot. Even and I got that one pretty quick. So when you say owl, suddenly a bunch of lanterns light up throughout and you're suddenly able to see about this much of the actual tunnels where it kind of like goes up and around.
Okay. So obviously we need to go up and around, but is it going to be in the cool shape of a fucking owl? Wait, we need to head to the eye of the owl, Kyle. That's where we need to go. We need to go to the eye of the owl. I get that now. This is so cool. Look at us. Okay. i know and i mean So we came up, that looks like the wing, right? That looks like a wing where we came up.
Ali, this is so fucking cool.
It's almost like Ali's really creative. It's almost like Ali knows how to DM. Yeah. Okay, so I would like to investigate. Go away, go away. Thank you. Also, I need to make it clear when those lights torch up and everything, you notice that there are no traps and it's almost like you doing that.
and like We need to follow that direction. It's almost like you saying an owl like disabled all of the traps and everything also. Ooh. In all of the lit up areas or in the entire place? In all of the lit up areas.
So Ina, after seeing this happen, and she's like, oh, look at me, I'm so book smart. You're so book smart, Ina. Wow. OK, so Ina would like to backtrack just a little bit. I feel like when you put this up, you'll put like all of like where the inscriptions are so people can see the way that we went, right? If I remember, yeah.
If you're listening to this, ah so I would like to backtrack just a little bit and go up to where it kind of curls in on itself and see what that area is. So sort of to the right. OK, so like like I would like to go this way and just see what this is. It's like another open cavern that was in what you guys would call like the wing area.
It opens up um this what this area. The floor sort of changes from like the dirt and stone of the tunnel into like almost a bronze area. Ooh.
OK, nothing of note, nothing for me to kind of like see if I can. It's just bronze and what's just bronze looks cool. Do you want to give me a perception? Sure. Eh, not a very good perception roll. I got a five, a one, a one.
A five, a one, a one. So that's a seven plus one, that's an eight. Okay, so you do not notice, you just think it looks cool. I'm like, ooh, it's shiny in here.
I feel like they're just letting Ina go and do her thing. Yeah, I know. So she's just calling back. It's shiny. Uh, Murph, are you going to follow Ina? Yeah, sorry, I was dealing with my cat. She was being annoying. So I'm just right in here, Kyle, and I'm saying it's shiny.
OK, can I do a perception like to the south where we don't have that revealed? Uh, see if I see anything within like where that little curly Q is. Oh, yeah. Just looking down in this direction is where he wants to go. OK, so yeah, right there. He wants to look. So with your seeing, you can see probably to like there. It just looks like a tunnel that just continues down. OK, so I do think we should just go up and around. Yeah.
It's better safe than sorry. Maybe when we find the thing, all of the trips will be turned off and we can explore everything else. So what we do is we head up north, go to, I assume is the crown, like the very tippy top of the owl head. yeah And then we immediately go to the east and we work our way down. And I imagine we're walking, walking, walking, walking, and now we're spiraling upwards.
But we have to do a perception because this area is blacked out. Yes. Yeah, I imagine that's a not safe area.
Why can't I feel like, you know, like goes, oh, there's no lights over in this direction. Murphy, you need to do a perception check. Make sure there's no traps. It's just in the way that it is. baby Yes, I will do a perception check to try to see further ah down. That's a 16 that time.
I'm really good today. Yeah, you can tell that it goes down and that there's this little room that sort of just opens up to the left. Yeah, to the left. We can't see that part. It's this part, Ali, this part, because we came this. Oh, I thought you guys were going down, like down over here. No, no, no, no. We just we wanted to go up and over because we know that's OK. Well, that's just us. It just it makes a fun little curly cue.
Is there anything in that like in that room? Like the big the big area that's like worth noting this area? Yeah, I don't know, like up and where the curl is. It won't let me know. It's just ah it's just like a cavern area that was kind of like the wing. That's what I said. OK, how do I delete? You click on it and then press delete.
or you just have your game goddess to it. All right. So we're in this area now. So I guess we check and see if there's anything cool or of note. That's just the continuation of the cavern.
Okay, so then, okay, so I imagine Kyle looking at the map, the eye is either this bit over here, so the way that we went up, got well we went up, and then down and around, and now we're curly queuing up. So now we're in a place, I'm gonna say what it looks like, it looks almost like a uterus.
um yeah um woman man Pass out womb out womb. It's either this is part that is the oh right half of the uterus looking thing or it's going to be like this little bit right here, but we haven't explored over in that area yet. So I imagine we're going to want to investigate over here on the right and then go over to the left where the tunnel curls down and around. You see what I mean, Kyle?
Okay, so we investigate, or at least Ina investigates, because Ina's invested and Murphy's just here for the ride.
So where are you going? I'm investigating this first part right here, just in case. This is the eye. We can't really tell yet, because we haven't seen the whole owl. I think that's the forehead. Well, I don't know. I want to investigate that area first, though. I think this would be the eye more so.
where This is great content for a podcast, guys. Yeah, I know. I'm at the alley to my name. I don't do maps because this is what happens.
I'm at least explaining. For those of you listening at home, we're like circling spots on the map that are basically like um
we're We're trying to find the eye and we're circling parts on the map that look like the eye. And Zoe, I told you already that that entire area was a cavern like the wing, so I don't know what more information you want from me with that.
Okay. Well, I wasn't sure because it doesn't look like a wing. It looks like a part of the head. No, I said it was like the cavern, like the wing. Okay. What you guys have determined that this little circle around area was the wing. You guys determined. Okay, perfect.
Yeah, but, but's okay, so that's like the way. Okay, so now I guess we investigate that area, don't really see anything, and now we are going over to the left, and now we're going down into the part to where it starts to curl. Okay, so and you go into that room? Yeah. When you go- What we can see. When you- Eden immediately dies.
When you go into that room, there is it's completely bronze. um There is gears and pipes and it almost sounds like steam powered, just like mechanics that are happening within it. And there is a door to the far right. Can I do like an investigation on the door yeah to see if there's anything like that? Yeah.
Let's see. I thought there was like a investigation thing. It might be perception. Yeah, perception seeing, because that's all I'm good for. Roll that for me. That's a 13. On the door, there is a little thing of writing that says You found the eye, but remember, there are two of me.

The Bronze Room and the 'Eye' Discovery

Okay, so we found one. And I'm going to have Solus roll perception real fast. cute So there has to be a second door somewhere. There is a, um
There is a plate on the floor that Solas goes, huh, to and she steps on it and the plate that she sees, no she notes that it says it has the number one on it. And when she pushes it down, um nothing happens. But you do hear like a clicking noise. We've got to find the other plate.
OK, so if we go out of this room, we know that there's nothing that attaches to it going back up. So then Ina goes, stay here a moment. And then I guess she's going to go and investigate and now go down south and she's going to do some investigating down in that area. So like around there. Yeah. just this Well, she's going out because we're in here right now. This is where we are. She's going to go this way.
What is it? Because we're not over that way. She's going this way. OK. Because that's the only way for us to go.
Just is a giant roundabout circle. Just a giant roundabout circle. OK. So we found one eye. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. OK. So we might have to go. First pile.
We might actually do have to split up Kyle. Okay. Okay. Um, so I think, I think we might have to go, go away, go away. Uh, we might have to go in this direction cause the, I might be like right here. You know what I mean? Like see where that leads first.
Well, yeah, that's where I thought you were going to begin with. Oh, OK, OK, OK, OK. All right. So then let me go on ahead and delete that then. Oh, my God, Phoebe go in this direction. She means going all the way right because she is going because she is assuming that the ah tunnel curls.
So then what I'm saying is backtrack all the way to where we got the next inscription where it talked about the riddle of like, what am I an owl? And then go down the cave, the tunnel that Murphy initially went down just a little bit just to see. And then we didn't go anywhere further. That's what Ina is going to want to do. I love how sarcastically enthusiastic you said what am I an owl right there.
What am I, an owl? An owl! Okay, so Ina's gonna say, all right, stay here, I'm gonna go do some investigating. Will you be safe, Solace? Solace sits on the pressure plate.
I guess I'll go with Ina. Do you wanna come with me or do you wanna guard Solace? Can I do like a... Boy, I'm really good at perception. Can I deliver the perception to see if there's any immediate threats if we leave Solace here? You can tell right now there is no immediate threats. Okay. Solace, if you're cool with it, stay here. I'm going to go with Ian and make sure she doesn't get stuck in a hole. Okie dokie. And she takes out the books that she was reading from earlier today and just starts reading it on the pressure plate.
they just They just look at Solas and they're like, all right, queen. All right, let's go. All right. Peace out. So we backtrack all the way and now we're heading down south.
you You can tell as you guys go on that it is a dead end. All the way down. Okay, so now she's gonna say, like, I guess we go back all the way so we go all the way. Nothing of note along this tunnel. Nothing cool. I think what we do is go all the way back to the beginning and then go down one of these paths. That's what I was about to say. um So we backtrack all the way. I think she gets to the point to where we have that intersection again and Ina yells,
Now if you can hear me, Solace, with your big bunny ears. But we are going to backtrack and pick another new tunnel.
ah Just goes and follows Mercy. What you guys don't see is that Solace totally just put on her AirPods and is now just like listening to music and her reading a book.
She must have very good reception down here. You can download music so you don't have to like...
Hey, hi, hello friends! Thank you so much for listening in on this week's episode of Daystrop Fallen! It's so good to be back home from Jankon. I will say that, oh my god, we are all exhausted, but we had such an amazing time seeing you and being with Green Ronin.
And it was great. Speaking of Green Ronin, that's the system we're playing. We're playing a system from Green Ronin called the Age System. We're doing a mixture of Dragon Age and Fantasy Age. And if you are interested in any of those games, you can walk your cute selves over to and put in our promo code DayStrop to get some money off your next order. Hell yeah. Hell yeah.
If you aren't already, why not? ah If you follow us on social media, you can get all the updates all the time, like what cons we're going to, if ah we're gonna be late on an episode. If something fun is happening, oh my God, you can follow us on on Twitter at dice underscore drop, and you can follow us on Instagram and threads at Dice Drop Pod.
Okay, so ah we'll see you August 24th when our next episode's out. Bye, friends.
No, I've had good poops in the last week. I have good poops all the time. What's that like? What's that like going? Okay, so I'm gonna- Okay, so this is going to sound really weird. I'm going to ask you your consent if but if this is the best like blooper we have, if I could put it in the blooper reel. Sure. I'm going to tell you, I'm not going to get super graphic. I'm not going to like describe what the poop is like because that's just gross. I'm going to describe to you how I know I'm going to have a good poop is when I feel heavy and I'm like, ooh, this is might be a good poop. And so what I do,
I go into my bathroom. and Zoe has a process.
Listen, I have very weird bodily like knowledge. like i know like Just sitting here, I know I'm going to have to pee in like an hour and 20 minutes. I know for a fact because I have weird bodily autonomy in that kind of a way. start I don't know if that's like, I don't know if that's like a neurodivergent thing, but like someone please at me if that is, but like I can tell like, Oh yeah, I'm going to have to go to the bathroom. Like if I'm going to have to poop. I'm going to have to do this. I'm going to have to do that. Like I know for a fact when it's going to happen and usually I'm like 90% correct. But when I go poop and I know it's going to be a good poop, this is what I do. This is my process to ensure I have a good poop. Okay. So I go into my bathroom. I make sure the nightlight is on. I turn off.
I turn off the regular light and I'm just sitting in the darkness with my Himalayan salt lamp nightlight. You're understanding the vibe now. I make sure that the door is closed so that no one can interrupt this time for me.
open up the book that I am reading and I just sit on my throne and read while I poop. Sometimes, sometimes I'll put on ambiance music like nature sounds and just listen to like the crickets chirping or like waves and it is an ethereal experience.