C2 Fallen ☁︎Dancing and Dissociation☁︎ Episode 13 image

C2 Fallen ☁︎Dancing and Dissociation☁︎ Episode 13

Dice Drop
38 Plays4 days ago

Let's start the party, and just watch it go on and on and on all night long. 

Intro & Outro music is by @TaighArtemis

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where we left off. like So this was like, we're going to a rave, motherfuckers. And Murphy was trying any which way to get out of it. And then Murphy's situationship, Garak, was like, are you coming to this rave? And Murphy said,
how dare you do this to me?" And I said, no, it was in my notes. And then I very violently held up my notes and was like, look, and we were laughing about it for five minutes. And we got in. um You got in into the rave via underground cave system with a NPC that did not want to be Ina's friend.
um And where we fully left off was you guys entering said rave. So let's get into that. When you guys enter, it's a thrum of bopping music, colorful rainbow lights everywhere, the obvious DJ at the front, or I guess like at the back of the cave would be considered the back of the cave, with giant holographic crystals coming from all around it.
The entire place is basically filled to the brim with mortals of all shapes, sizes, and ancestries.
Solas immediately turns around, runs at you and goes, I'll see you back here in like two hours. Bye. And goes off and runs into the middle of the party. So Solas ditched us.
Yeah, it seems like it. Can't say I'm thrilled. And this is mine. Ina knows how to have the fun now. And Garak will show up at some point. Whee!
I just legitimately thought of, like, if I turned to Murphy and was like, you want to leave? You don't want to kill us?
Yeah, actually, I just remembered I have stuff in the dryer. I've got to go back.
I literally thought about it's like just a little funsy. Oopsie. Okay. Murphy's phone rings and it takes two hours. There are waitresses walking around with complimentary drinks on there.
trays and everything as well. Are they, I'm assuming, alcoholic? They have non-alcoholic and alcoholic because they don't assume everybody wants to drink. That's fair. I'll probably just ask the waitress, like, which one is non-alcoholic and then take that one. Yeah, she gives you that one. um It's kind of like, and and the thing is about the drinks is you can't tell, like, who's drinking the non-alcoholic and who's drinking the alcoholic. They make it so it's like,
anybody could be drinking anything. And that's so nobody feels weird. So the non-alcoholic is just sort of more like a strawberry lime made situation.
And it's in like a quartz glass. ah Kyle, just to double check, you have the Izmin goggles, right? The Discovery goggles? I gave them to you? I think so, yeah.
Okay, I'm just taking them out of my inventory. I don't think you brought them with you here. No, I'm not sure. I would have left them back. i would ah I just wanted to make sure that they were listed in someone's inventory before I took them off of mine, because I know I gave them to Kyle. Okay, Ina has a weird secret mission that she wants to accomplish. Of course, yes. so play ah but no so but ena you know like the What? like,
I guess she's like starting because, again, like I did put some stuff into her intelligence. So now she's one percent more intelligent. than she was before. Her intelligence is now no longer a zero, it's a one. oh yeah And so this of rave was called The Under, right? Yeah. So she has a under key that is red. She is going to try to find a door that this key would work with. That is her secret mission going through this rave.
She is mission mentality. she She is now smarter. She wants to get shit done. She wants to to herself. So that one percent for like this is like what 10 in a section or whatever. So yeah so now she's 10 percent smarter. So now it's she's getting there. Wait did we level up?
No. Oh. Wait, did I ever level up from the last level? Kyle, I don't know if you did. All I'm saying is that because Ina was doing a lot of intelligence checks, it made sense for her to do an intelligence upgrade. No, that makes sense. What level are we supposed to be right now? Yeah, Murphy's just going to take the drink and like sip it, but like be very slow about it, you know?
Yep. And then they're just gonna find a nice corner to sit in and like watch, people watch. ah You do get a message on your phone that is from Garak that's asking where you're at. I just, I turn around, I take a photo of the exact corner that I'm in and then I send it to him. The immediate response back is just a thumbs up and a heart. No, yeah, okay.
I will find this nervous fucker. Ina now seeing that Murphy and Solas have left her as a person is walking by which ring she then takes one, chugs it like a, if it's like champagne glass, whatever, she like throws it back, slams it on the ground and she's like, let's do this thing. Now I have to ask, did Ina take the alcoholic or now an alcoholic one? She grabbed whichever one was passing by her first. She doesn't know the fucking difference. And plus she's got the fucking constitution of a,
One through three, it was non-alcoholic. Four through six was alcoholic. It was non-alcoholic. How great, so she's gonna like be like, that oh, I lost Dina's voice, fuck. um It has been like three weeks.
Say, like, a-na and start there. Airport? I'm not going to the airport. There you go. There you go. All I did nothing. And then she grabs enough like she grabs like a whole bunch of them from that exact same tray and just starts pregnant. But he's like's like, excuse me. i'm I'm sorry. Are you looking for ones particularly?
I'm looking for the alcohol, all of these, and then throws another one back, throws another one on the ground. I'm shy, and then throws another one back on the ground. She goes, those are the non-alcoholic ones here. And she gives you um a cup that has a little vial in it. Thanks. And then she throws it back, and then throws that one on the ground. Do you throw back the little vial, too? Yeah. She throws back, like, literally everything that she's being given. OK.
That is how Dina was raised. Dina throws it back and then throws it back. Get out, baby. Just seeing Dina, like, aggressively twerking. Just twerks her way. Just twerks her way to freedom. Four, one. Okay. Great. um Let me do this to see how Oh, that's what I wanted to do. So weird. Oh, I guess my dice got chipped. Can you give me a perception check? A perception check. It's straight perception. It's not hearing. OK. Well, I got a six on my dragon die. Now that I'm using these really cool dice, it's very easy for me to tell which one's my dragon dice, which one are not.
Six plus four is 10, plus two is 12, plus one is 13, just straight perception. Great, okay. After you take that drink, um as soon as you're done knocking it back, when you bring your head down from knocking back that drink, you see sort of like,
A very familiar shaped shadow just go into the group of people. new horror movie. The. but The. Person shadow that you're following is malls.
I'm going to be sneaky.
Okay. Can you give me, can you give me a dexterity and if you have anything in stealth through dexterity? Nope. and Children of Alcindor are not sneaky.
That was an unintentional roll, but I'll keep it.
look behind.
He looks behind his back immediately. It's like he almost feels your presence and he like, you two lock eyes. And instead of doing what you think he's gonna do, he just goes, Ina. Ina runs up in typical children of Alcindor fashion, not doing it in like an aggressive way, but like the child of Alcindor way and fucking headbutts him.
Just don't shoot. All right, give me a fighting. I'm loving fighting. Would I add my street fighter feet to this? Sure. Okay, sweet. I think Murphy, while you're doing this, is just gonna be in the corner and like there are people watching. They have a good vantage point. You see these two giant ass people. These just these two giant ass people. Yeah, they're gonna see you do this and they're just gonna wince a little bit and then sip their drink.
Okay, so I got a six, a four, which is 10, a four, which is 14, plus two equals 16 plus three equals 19. Wonderful. They got a very bad roll, so they just took it. He just goes, uh, Anna, why?
Also, why are you here? Why are you here?
Father sent me down for he told me I'd figure it out. And I'm guessing, I'm guessing this, I'm guessing this is how I'd figure it out actually, because like you're here, why are you here? How'd you get here? Well, here's the thing, it was a little weird, so...
sin into to because I imagine they do not say like, she wouldn't say dad. Like even though Matt Morris casually said dad, I don't think, you know, would casually say dad. Morris has that just like demeanor.
what was it called again? The party votes out there. The the gathering. During the gather, he told me that if things were about to go down, that I needed to go to Should Ina, like, would Ina remember this? This was like, what, like three weeks ago? I'm gonna say, yeah, I'm gonna say there was a lot of trauma involved, so you remember a lot of what happened up to how you got here. So then she says, uh, because I don't think, like, I think, uh, so she would say, uh, so then he told me that I needed to go to my Mortem for some reason, and then
when things were just kind of cool and then Ania came up and then Ania said hey we need to come on over and we need to go do this other stuff and then also my brother and my sister and then hold on let me I don't remember the name let me flip Gemma and another one. Gemma the other one. Gemma and the other one that doesn't fucking matter. Am I the one that Jackson's but I don't? No, it wasn't one of the Jacksons. That's fucking last campaign notes. We covet the Jacksons here.
uh dorian dorian dorian uh uh so then jimma and dorian were also like hey so then they take me to this weird place were you thrown into a hole i mean i wasn't thrown into the hole i dived into it i was
irresponsibly at, uh, I was irresponsibly not in the place I was supposed to be, but I was the only way to get down. So I figured somebody would forgive me. So what I did was I crept in to, uh, Robanthesis every we are ah and um everyone was just like this hole and I was just like oh it's a hole and then I just went down the hole and then I ended up in that pink ocean which was very warm for the seasonal it was very nice um and ah i i now I'm here but you know I have something to tell you
Okay. He grabs both of Ina's very broad, very strong shoulder. He goes, I think I'm in love. So then Ina then like does like, you know, like on top, like shoulder, like on top, hands on top of their shoulders while their hands are still on her shoulders. We're looking like predator handshake almost. We're looking sibling, who's like weird love.
I have not, but I have shown them what I was capable of because I gave them a tiny axe.
That's right. And then, ah you know, is about to reach for the bag of tiny axes and goes, Murphy has the bag of tiny axes. You took my Well, it's not my fault. You just decided to leave axes around instead of just going up to a map.
They were my markers. Father has always told us to make sure we have markers so we know where we are and where we are going. Ina blanks for a second and goes, No, I was just told to go look at a map.
Okay, centennial. And then as she finishes saying that, she goes, Mars, in case you didn't know, I've recently come into my book smarts.
I feel 10% more intelligent. that's great um yeah but father sent me here because i needed to find something for him because he was going he's crazy up there right now but there's like a rampage going he says there's an uprising happening so he needs this one item now all the items here but like where is this item anyways i don't know i've been here for maybe a week and there's a lot that goes on just It's a lot. It's a lot. You can't really, and we're like in the middle of people like trying to dance. yeah. Imagine being like pumped around a whole lot. Oh yeah, no it's fun. It's amusing. It's it's great. So Ian goes, but it's just like this. My one friend Solis decided that she wanted to come to a rave and me and Murphy, did you know that Murphy was here?
Which one's Murphy? Murphy is supposedly going to end up being Robantis' sire, which is me. So Murphy is one of the plants. Yes, one of the plant people. One of the yes. One of the plants. Camera cuts over to Murphy just looking at it around nervously. Garak, Garak, Garak touches your shoulder and goes, ah! I flinch a little and I'm like, oh, oh, god. three And then as they're like, as.
she ah No, I'm not okay. I hate being in groups like this. Makes me nervous. Makes me wish I did drink sometimes, but like I don't like alcohol. This doesn't taste like alcohol. Just tastes like glitter. It's kind of fun. I'm good. I think I'll stick with with ah my current drink. But thank you. No problem. If you feel like changing, just let me know. I don't know why I'm talking so hard. don't know why Mara sounds an awful lot Garak. Sorry. If you your mind, just let me know.
Yeah, I probably won't, but thanks. All right, nope, nope, no problem. All right, back to Morrison. I feel like as Ina mentions Murphy and is like talking about Murphy, and then she's like, all right, and then turns to where she saw Murphy and is like waving and is like yelling across the room, I found my brother. And and all honestly, it's just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, like just constant rave music. So Murphy can't hear anything, and she's just an idiot. Yeah, Murphy's not even looking in your direction right now. He goes, anywho, ah what are you looking for? Because I'm looking for some things in order to get back. OK, so I'm looking for what is in like a fancy language called the
Kultrum Ilum Stelae, or and ah more like, you know, unsmart people terms, um the knife of the stars. That is what I am looking for, yes. Okay.
Okay, so he's looking for the knife of the stars. Would Ina know anything about that?
ena That was the first time Ina has ever heard about that. And to be fair, Mars doesn't really know the backstory. He just knows he has to find it.
Well, my one good friend Solis is very book smart and might know about this. Plus, I have a very good friend named Pippin, who's very good and is also one of the children of Esme and she knows practically everything. Oh, and you said Solis, can we talk to Solis? Keep in mind, he does not know.
Yeah, she's a tiny bunny person, so it's a little hard to try to find her next mess. You say tiny bunny person, and can you give me a perception on Mars? I feel like this is going to go from 0 to 100 real quick. All right, she got a 4, a 4, a 9 perception, so it's solid 10. Let's see.
Okay. He got a nine. So he looks at you and you say that. And he's just like, what what is what does she look like? And you can see his ears start turning like bright red. That's why you're looking like that. Instantly, Ina's mood has changed.
I just, so Remember how I said I was enough? Yes. The little tiny axe I gave out was to a girl that had like facial features of an elf, but like had the bunny ears, and her hair kind of looked like Paz. Kind of looked like Paz, and she was small, and ah couldn't I looked at her, and I was just like, oh oh god, I need to show I'm capable right now. And so I gave her, I gave her the tiny axe, and then I ran away because I got scared.
Okay, and Solas told us about the Tiny X, know how Ina's going to react to this. I feel like I know. I feel like it's like bullshit giggling little sister behavior. I'm going to be so frail with you. ah No, I think Ina's taking it in the opposite direction. I think Ina doesn't like this. Oh, no.
Anna's got the hots for him. No, that was Murphy. That's my brother! That's my brother! I completely forgot. Yeah, Mars is a child of Alcindor.
love love blooms wherever love blooms. Okay, okay, okay, okay. We're not kissing cousins here. We're not. We're not kissing kissing siblings. No way. Welcome to the Cousin Kissing, Cousin Kissing podcast. And... need you to go back into the early beginnings of evolution Where we made kissing cousin joke with the ah let's start it over shall we? oh jesus
cor Okay, I Think in as a little turned off by this I think it like was like I think Ina, like we've said that Ina is the younger sibling to Mars, right? By only a few years. So Ina instantly becomes cold. And it's just like, oh, all right, then. Let's see. Let's see. Mars is just as socially smart as, oh, okay.
Okay, Mars got a 14 on like figuring out your entire vibe. And Mars just goes, what did I do? I've done something wrong. Let's see, you've fallen in love, and then she kind of like pushes him a little bit with my best friend.
She's your best friend. They know just as so like to not like does the whole hand flip to get the hands off her and she goes, yes, I know who exactly whose soul this is. And then puts a finger in his face and goes, I don't think I quite like you trying to get with my best friend.
You know, I won't be so, so honest with you. I gave her a tiny ax and I ran away because I was scared. So, but I am in love with her. Yes. You didn't even know her name, Maas. Like I, it is like, now she's like ramping it up. you don You know, it was like love at first. I didn't need to know her name.
um I mean, I read some contraband books from Paz's domain that ah were of the romance variety and I'm gonna say that's not 100% true. yeah They are hidden in my room underneath my bed, do not tell dad.
ah and You know, instantly it's like, you know what? I have my own mission. If you want to find your so-called love of your life, you could go find your tiny bunny person by yourself. And she marches away. I love you. And then angrily you hear her stomping and she's like, I love you too. And then stomps away.
Dina's pissed. Do you go looking for solace at all or no? No, I go looking for a secret red door. There is no red door. I go looking for a door that needs a key. There is no door, it's a key. Angel goes and finds something to do. Alright Murphy, let's go to eat. It's cool.
So, Garak is just like, I know this isn't like your entire like cup of tea or anything, but it just sounded fun. And ah if you did, we can like go somewhere else if you want to.
I mean, I'm here with two other people, a couple of friends, and I would feel bad just kind of like dess deserting them, you know? Like at the same time, I'm getting pretty overstimulated. I might actually have something because I was worried about this if you were going to be here. And he takes out little earplugs and he takes them out of the little case and then puts them in Murph's ears.
immediately you just see like not full relief because there's still like it's not just mumbled yeah it's not just the auditory overstimulation it's the visual overstimulation too so like that's at least one section down you know yeah one one type of overstimulation down so like hold he like holds up finger and Murphy just like looks more relaxed and holds up a hold up a thumb is like, yeah, I like this. Okay. I wanted you to be a little bit more comfortable. Um, I know at the shooting range were a little bit like flinchier with the loud noises too. So yeah, it's just, I'm not used to loud noises. And you know, where I grew up, it's very, it's not super loud. You just hear like, I grew up in nature pretty much. And like, you don't hear a lot of these loud noises. So
Is that enough? No, like I'm thinking of like noises that are like animals and I'm like, ah, yes, birds. Yeah, occasionally you would hear that. the What's that owl that screeches really loud? I think it's the bard owl or something like that. Probably. It just sounds like a person dying. It's just like laying down in nature. And then all of a sudden you just hear an owl screech super loud and Murphy's like sound asleep.
Can one of you, or both of you, because you both had the drinks, give me a constitution.
Okay. Oh boy. I rolled a six of one and then a two. So that's a 10 total. I got a five, a five and a three. So that's 13 plus three is 16. Okay.
um Murph. You feel after even like so you put the earplugs in, you're assuming this is because of the earplugs. A sense of you actually want to be here. This is actually OK now. You're fine with being here. Oh, OK.
In fact, partying sounds like it would be a good time.
Me as the player wants to fight this so hard. But I didn't roll well. You know, because you're on a mission to find a fucking door, that's all you're on right now. So I think it's the I think it's just the sheer I'm pissed off energy. Yeah. i had the jumpmping around Would you forget?
ah No, I forgot that I had the thing I think I have some things that I can like reroll that with but it's too late now I'll just deal with it What do you mean you get to reroll? Don't we have like a reroll mechanic or something like that? I'm still learning this. I don't know about that shit. I homebrewed if you guys wanted to use ah Dragon Dice or Stunt Dice like that you've earned. If you want to spend one of those for a reroll, you can, but that depends on if you want to spend it on that.
ah Yeah, and I have not been keeping track of that. Yeah, and that's something you should have. So I don't know how many dragon dice you have. So that was all you did. I'm just going to say zero for now and to start currently have 10. I probably have like somewhere between five and 10, but like I'm just going to start at zero and start new on um that. OK, there you go. You need to actually start keeping track of those, I've told you to keep track of them very much all the time now. I know. OK, so yeah, if you feel like I would really like to reroll that and you want to use a stunt dice, you guys are allowed to do that. That is something we homeroge in this. OK. So Solas is out dancing in the middle of the
um in the middle of the dance party. um She does look over her shoulder and sees Ina just like stomping around. She goes, now, and now. um So she sort of like crowds her way through and she goes, Ina! I don't want to talk right now, especially to you! Ina turns.
Have you seen me? Duh. I've seen you. I've seen you every day. I live with you. And I'm gorgeous. This shouldn't be any surprise, also although um weird. I don't think I ever met your brother.
The tiny axe, soulless, and then she grabs onto her shoulders and shakes her a little bit. The tiny axe! Okay, you're gonna make my tits fall out of this leather armor that you made me. No, I specifically made it so those bad boys are strapped down.
um um The tiny axe, yes, of course. It was cute. I didn't know anything about it. you need't they He just gave it to me and then walked away. I i don't know.
Well, he's in love with you and didn't even know your name until about two minutes ago That's a new record for me I think ian I don't want Ina to be upset with Solas, but Solas isn't digging this seriously. And I think he was getting more pissed. Solas doesn't take anything seriously. I know. wants to take this seriously because this is like a big deal. And she's like, you live I think Ina like, flatly after you roll this, we'll see what happens.
Let's see how much she adds to perception.
She rolled a 10. Okay. I don't know. I feel like her anger is very visible. i would say I would say I would, me as a player, I think it would be very obvious that okay I think as long as she didn't roll like a nat one, you know what I mean? Solus looks, unless it was like three ones. um
Solus looks and goes, wait, you're actually like really mad. Yes, of course I'm mad about this. I didn't do anything though. No, the problem with it is, is
I don't know what to say to help with this. I need you to take this all seriously! I didn't do anything! He gets super close to Solas' face and goes, my brother has never been in love with anybody and this is a very serious situation. You need to take this seriously!
like How do you want me to take it seriously? What can
It's just the episode where yell everything guys, I'm so sorry.
Oh god, my face hurts.
I am like, I forgot that this was an audio medium for a second. I am smiling and I am like talk to myself for those of you. Oh my God. My face hurts. I think at this point, Ina is so, would she be allowed to come back into the rave if she left it?
Or is it like a year one and done? Um, give me another, give me another constant is not, was it a constitution? I had you guys roll. Yeah. For the drink. Yep.
a Okay. That's a five, a five, a two. So that's 12 plus three, uh, 15. So one less. Um,
Suddenly you realize that you actually might get more angry if you leave and come back. So maybe you'll actually calm down if you stay here. Kyle, I don't like this. I don't either. This is like a banshee situation or like what do you call? I feel like this is a pixie situation. Pixie or like siren, maybe. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh. Uh huh.
Okay, ah so Ina is about to like go to the door and then she feels a pull to like turn herself around and she goes, well, I didn't like that. Turns around, tries to go to the door again.
um No, you should definitely stay here and party and have a good time and start dancing with everybody else. and butina take it Can make an intelligence track?
Yeah, this one 1% guys. All right dice. I just bought you from Gen Con. You've been doing okay so far. I started got it um get up now. I wish I bought dice from Gen Con. Okay.
Okay. Not bad. Okay. Okay. That's a six. That's a three. Nine. That's a two. 11. Plus one. 12.
Those drinks make you feel really funny. Maybe you should have another one. Ooh, actually, that's not a bad idea. and her face's gonna Murphy's start thinking like like, yeah, maybe I should like stay and hang out and like have fun. But then they're gonna be like, hold on. That's not how I normally think.
Can I do like the constitution? um give me a murphy give me Murphy, give me an intelligence. Don't give me a constitution. Okay. she should feel like Do you think my focus and evaluation would help out here? Yeah, actually.
Yeah, because I'm evaluating the situation. you're yeah I was going to say you're evaluating the situation. I think yeah well i just got two stun points. I think, well, Murphy is yeah you rolled two sixes in a row. You need one six on your stunt dice. I don't know. that's you at Roll 20 says I got two stun points for that. so Yeah, but we're doing it differently. Remember? Every six you get is a stun point.
um ah Yeah, every six on every six that you get on your stunt dice, you get a stunt point. And the stunt dice on roll 20 is the black one. Yes. Yes. Okay, cool. So I should just go back and look through my rules. Yeah, that's a 12. But while Murphy is doing that, I feel like Ina is angry enough to where like her, um like it's keeping her brain clear. I'm guessing that's the situation here. So now she's immediately gonna go try to find Murph, like all of her friends and we're gonna get the fuck out of here.
Good luck. So Zoe, do you remember that scene in perfect Percy Jackson at the casino? Yep. Oh, You fucker.
um Motherless fuck. Okay, Ina's immediately gonna do like overtime. She's looking for her friends.
um Garak's just like talking to you endlessly, by the way, Murph. Like you know while you're like spacing out, kind of disassociating, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on. So Garak is still next to you.
I feel like I'm like looking in Garak's direction, but I'm looking past him. I get that. Yeah. Yeah. Like through. Yeah. And then I'm just kind of like absent mindedly nodding and like, you know, responding to prompts, but not really like fully responding to them. Okay. Garak does go. Hey, do you want to go and dance?
Uh, what? Oh, what? Sorry, I'm like miles away right now. No, no, no, you're fine. You're fine. What? I feel like Southern southern and whatever Ina's accent is, they're like but not close. Fucking me up. Fucking me up. It's like it it's only one of us going to have this accent at a time.
That's a good thing. I don't have that accent. Next campaign. How would be fucked? You are want to go in dance?
um Apparently not. Someone really fucked near you. It happens on a regular basis.
I was about to say, we haven't had any like people come out near us in a bit. They're just all over. It's all over. I'm just like thinking. I'm like, oh, I haven't heard the people buy in a little bit like the firefighters and the ambulance from where I live.
Yeah, um Murphy's gonna be like, yeah, um hold on, give me a sec. I got brain fog real bad right now. I don't know if it's the drink or life. Yeah, no problem. Okay, can Ina roll a searching check to find her friends? Yeah, roll a searching check. But remember, you just push Solace away. So Solace is like, kind of staying away from Ina right now. Okay, it's okay. um Ina, second thought, if she can't find her friends, she's gonna wanna do a roll for a fire alarm.
Fire alarm in a cave. I can tell you right now, there is no fire alarm that you can see here. Well, then she's going to do a... That's actually against Fire Code. I'm going to have to report this place. You see, there's like a dude, there's like a dude that walks into the club who, you know, is searching around the club and is like, huh, this place looks fun. Let's hang out here. And then as he's searching around, he says, hmm, this place isn't up to Fire Code. We have to leave.
and then him and his group leave. I'm totally canoning that, that's Canada. Okay, so I rolled two sixes, that's a 12, plus two, 14, plus two, 16, plus one, 17, for searching.
I know. Ina's on it. You immediately see Murph still kind of in their corner. They kind of moved and shifted a little bit, but you can also tell that they look like they're dissociating. the Dogs are barking.
Not my feet, my actual dogs. are bar um I just long day of farming.
listening, my nickname is Pee Paw Scoot
Not me. One thing I do want to say is that Murphy is like slowly walking like, or like not walking, but like... Slowly getting up. sweet That's okay, she can cut out her own audio. Yeah right.
Shut the fuck up. um No, Murphy is like slowly inching, like just not not not fast at all, but like inching towards the sort of more dancing area.
Okay, cool. They're so dissociated and they're in a fog. Were you just looking for Murphy or are you also looking for Solace? I was looking for all of my friends. I'm at the entrance, so I'm looking.
So you notice Solas kind of like in the back toward the DJ stand, but you can look at and you see her and you can tell she's not having fun anymore. OK, she's just sort of sitting there and I spot my giant ass brother.
Yeah, they're on the other side of the rave. OK. OK, OK, OK. Uh. how quickly would I be able to get to Mars?
um with Takes about three months. you ah Actually, it takes 20 seconds. um damn Okay, so not that far from me. Funny, guys, this is a serious situation. Jesus. Sorry, kid. Pee-paw scoot's getting hot down now. um It would take you around like five to six minutes to like get through all of the crowd. um However, you hear the DJ go, this comes straight from the Mancardi Isles, and a beat drops, and as the beat drops, everything turns this sort of blue-pink iridescent color, and a puff of smoke comes out.
and I need everybody to give me a constitution. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I was about to say, like, it has to be the drinks and something else. That's why, because I've only had one drink. If I use a dragon guy, do I reroll the whole yeah set? port Okay, so I'm using one. I'm using one because I did not roll well and I am not fucking this roll up. What was it? Constitution, you said? Yes. And I can't use my swimming for this, right?
No. No. Boy, my head is swimming right now. Oh, shit. That's a stunt point. Five. I rolled a five, a four and a six on the stunt dice. So for a total of 16 with my Constitution modifier. OK, I rolled a five, a four, a four. So that's nine. 13 plus three, 16.
ah Okay. Hey, we both got the same number. ah Someone's got the same number, too. Whoa. It was meant to be. Do I know who didn't get the same number? Mars. Derek. Oh, I didn't roll for Derek, actually. Uh-oh. Yeah, Mars. Okay. Uh... Uh, Derek and Mars might be might be a little bit glassy-eyed right now. Okay. It's okay, Murphy. Will, like, firemen carry them out?
So this is what Edith's gonna do. She sees the smoke, right? So what she's gonna fucking do is she is, and I'm so sad to say this, ah she is, wait, no, is there a, there's servers walking around, right? Oh yeah, they have all of the drinks and- Are they where you eat, friends?
No, they're wearing slinky little okay sw sparkly dresses. um Okay. Oh, fuck. I don't want to have to do this, but I'm going to have to. Okay. Ina takes out and I have it written down from her secret compartment in her junk food that she made for herself.
she takes out her sword and cuts open her jumpsuit a little bit so that she has like, now it's not like full length jumpsuit, it's now short jumpsuit. So she's cutting off the legs of her jumpsuit. okay Like she's making like a little like cut and then rips it off. And she's like, I don't want to have to do this. And then she does it anyway. And she makes herself a little like mask to put over her face.
okay And now she's going to, I think she's gonna run to Murphy first.
And then she immediately is like, I'm sorry, I have to do this. And then she tackles him and then like ties the mask around his case. the makeshift mask around. Well, we wish we could have done to people in COVID-19. That's what she does. she mask She ties the mask around their face. okay And she's like, I need you to not breathe in so deeply. And then she's like, are you with me, Murphy? And then she does like the little like.
to his face, like but up up up up like not full of slaps. You see that Murphy's eyes are like a little foggy, but not like fully. And they're like dissociating, but not, you know, to the point where they don't know what's happening. I need you to get back and get out of here. And then she's. listens and some substance says that yeah They're going to like slowly nod because they're still kind of dissociating, but they understood what you said. And they're going to grab Garak's hand and just like start yanking.
Okay, ah she now is gonna go run over to Mars. I would imagine to make a mask, it would take one half of one pant leg, right? Yeah, but Mars has a big head. Yeah.
So head empty golden retriever vibes. So this is what she's gonna do. baby phoebe Hi her. Oh, she up there. This is her favorite spot when mama's playing games. um She's gonna sit and chill. That's what she gonna do. Look at her.
on her little perch, and then she's going to like tiny loaf. I was going to say, is she like making the baby is the biscuits right now? she's See, she's made herself tiny loaf. And then eventually she like took her little paws and underneath the purse. I need to make sure I don't move much. um Just move your chair and she goes flying. I mean, no, she's pretty good. Like her balance is pretty awesome, actually. Oh, my God. i' Sorry, I have to derail this for a second. Somebody carpeted their bathroom.
How did they do that? That's gross. I don't know. Hold on. Let me see if I can. Ew. Ew. Oh, that's probably from like the 70s. Jesus, you got to rake your carpet. That's probably from like the 70s. Yeah, that's gross. And they kept it. Why would they keep it? Oh, I'd burn the house down.
That would be the first thing to go. OK, so she's now going to run over to Mars and then do the same thing. Mars's eyes are completely glassed over, kind of has like a pink hue to it. And he goes. Did you hear what they said, Ina? Sorry. Did you hear what they said, Ina?
punches the shit out of him and goes, wake up. And just punches him. Give me your fighting. And since I moved for Phoebe. This is just the episode where I scream, guys. I'm so sorry. That's fine.
Okay. Okay. So like, I don't know what to do right now. She's like, I don't know what's happening. Okay, plus 217 plus 320. I punched the shell of my brother.
Your bars go, uh, know what? I know you're upset about your friend, but like
Okay. Um, do do you know where Solas is? Are you? she ah then She starts kicking them. And she's like, I need you to get Murphy and get that boyfriend out of here. Okay, okay, okay. Ina's in protective sister mode. Protective sister mode engaged.
Okay, Ina now runs over to Solas. Because I feel like she's going to have the worst out of all of them. And I have just one mask left and that's on my face. um You get over to Solus and you can see her eyes are perfectly unglassy. They are. They are fully. She is fine. She she this this girly pop has had so much substances in her system that this is doing absolutely jack shit.
um She's just like, she's just on the corner just like kind of puffy eyed and just like sitting away from everybody. Okay, so this is what Ina is going to do so that she can save not only her friends, but everyone else in this fucking cave. She is going to take her sword and she is going to fucking attack the DJ booth.
I would break the ah if I can interject, I would break the either the speakers or the fog machines. Yeah, which are like whatever the smoke was coming out of. She said, Ali said earlier, it was coming out of the D.J. booth. Well, the D.J. said this comes straight from the McCarty Isles and then smoke ah just appeared. You know, you didn't see where it came out of. You just saw it happen.
ah Okay, so then Ina is going to, I feel like Ina's doing so much.
Ina is going to, she's gonna do a searching check and she's gonna try to see where that, ah that then they're smoking out of. Okay, Murph, we're going to push over to you while Ina's doing that? Probably not. Hmm.
um While you're starting to head toward the exit with Garak, suddenly a green spotlight gets placed on you and they say, hey, where's this guy going? I heard they were from ah the Citadel oh yeah and they are a child of Robanthes. How'd you get down here, dog? And everyone goes,
and everyone is looking at you and they're just like and they go dance dance dance dance dance and they start forming a full circle around you and pulling you into the middle yeah Murphy's definitely gonna freeze And if like, you know, Garak or, you know, or anybody is paying attention, they'll see that they're like, they're gonna start like, kind of lightly sweating, and they're gonna start breathing faster. Like breathing hard. They're basically gonna start having a panic attack. Oh no! Masato! Masato!
Do I need to roll anything or just leave it? I would say give me a willpower or a constitution. To try to avoid the... Yep. Yeah, because constitution is going to be the best choice there.
Well, that's a five, a six, and a one on the stunt, so 13 total. Plus one for Constitution. You can do this, Barbie.
You are ah sort of getting to the point of non-verbal, but you definitely are able to hold off the full panic attack. Okay. So I'm like shutting down, but not, you know,
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, I do that in real life. ah ah
Okay, yeah, that's that's what Murphy's doing right now. They're not really making any attempts to escape. It's kind of like there's there's fight and flight, but then there's freeze and freeze is where Murphy's at right now. okay okay okay Also, I love Phoebe just in the background staring at you. ye This is the personality of my cat 24-7, always lurking.
Murphy's somewhat similar too. She just lobes and then she'll like lurk and then sometimes I'll like turn and she does terrify me sometimes because I don't see her half the time.
OK, so camera. Yeah, i one enter you're extremely out of focus. I think your internet's going going down a bit. learny and No, I just had too many things up at once. Give me a second bandwidth. I was I was looking at something. There we go. Is it better? No, no. Well, I'm also using my shitty camera. I'm not using my good camera. That was perfect before. Well,
Um, let me see if I can first quit this. Oh, that's why it was not responding. Okay. Um, so As you get pulled into the middle Uh, you lose sight of Garak, like immediately. Like you, you, you lose everything. You are just in the middle and they go, you you notice a lot of these people have that pink last over eyes and they're like, hey, come hang out with us. Yeah. Murphy's just going to be like looking around like fast, trying to find anybody that they know.
but, like, failing because of the... do You do see some people with, like, um the leaf pins that show that they are followers of romantic. Do their eyes look glassy? Yeah, they're not good. Okay.
I think they're just going to try and, like... Hold on, let me see if I have anything. I don't like this.
Okay, so clearly our next place to go is the McCarty Isles. We get it, Allie. We get it. Interesting. Okay, so I think what I'm going to use is, so everybody's crowding me right now, right? Like there's barely any room around me. I mean, there's room around you. It's like they kind of made the the mosh pit. You are in the center of said mosh pit. They're just rolling around you.
OK, is there a way for me to like kind of try to stealth away? ah Not in this instance. No. OK. Hmm.
I think Murphy's just going to try and like elbow their way out or like maybe in some since dexterity is my best stat, I'm going to try and like I don't know.
Maybe like start jumping over people and like using using their shoulders and top of their head as like drop to the floor and crawl between their legs. it's I'm in ah the middle of a circle and the circles open. So. OK. So I think Murphy's going to try to start like using people as like footholds and try to like. For lack of a better description, round nerve yeah, but like run on top of the crowd.
you know Okay, that's fine. ah Give me a, I guess, Dex roll. I get a plus four to this. Oh, here's open. Ha ha. I rolled a five, a three and a five with my plus four that adds up to a 17.
Okay, you very easily start playing leapfrog around these people. um You do see Ina near the DJ booth um while you're doing this. I will say Murphy is tunnel visioned. They don't notice anybody that they know they're just tunnel visioning out towards the door and then yeah. Okay, so you're headed toward the door.
Yeah, they don't care about anything around them except for ways to escape right now. And they're still like, you know, their vision is still a little blurry. They're still breathing hard. They're still like pre-panic attack. OK. You know, what are you up to? OK, so I rolled for the searching and then I rolled the pass.
um So I rolled four and a four, which is eight and a two, which is 10. Then I do my plus searching, which is 12 plus one 13. So not the bats. And what were you searching for? Remind me. Sorry. Trying to figure out where the smoke's coming from, because if I can't smash the DJ booth, I got to smash wherever this smoke's coming out of. Um.
You're looking toward the DJ booth and you're not seeing anything that would have emitted the smoke. Like you're not seeing like speaker systems. You're not seeing anything that could have held the smoke. OK. Do I get the call? Are you thinking the same thing? I am that it's the DJ itself.
I don't think so. I think it's like, cause we're in a cave. So I think it's like something further back, you know? Or like maybe something is controlling the DJ. Are we at like the farthest part in the cave? Or is there stuff behind this area? No, it's like an enclosed cave. So Murph is headed toward where you guys entered and you're toward the back, toward the DJ. It's like a circle. And there's nothing behind him. Other than like the rest of the stage.
Okay. Do you think it was something under the stage? It's either under the stage or... The stage is a slab of like elevated rock. Okay, so it's nothing there. I feel like it's the DJ booth.
I think, yeah, I mean, given that information, it probably is. Okay, so Ina is gonna yell at Solas and be like, hit it. She's gonna smash it. Just taking her sword down onto it.
And you know what? I'm going to use some of these stunts I have. Murphy went flight. After freeze and you're just full on fight. I'm going to use. Well, this is the situation. We don't know if it was another situation, what you know it do. Yeah, it's going to use the mighty blow. And since my sword is a two handed weapon, I can use the mighty blow stunt for one standpoint instead of the usual two. OK.
So if I hit it, I get to add an extra 1d6 of damage. So I'm going to roll to hit it.
And then roll a plus five to this bad boy. And then I think I already have that added in for no, because I don't have. Yeah, that makes sense. I don't have the extra.
Two-handed weapons yet because we're not far enough in and I didn't feel like it was
okay so I got a six I got a four which is ten and I got another four which is 14 plus 5 19 Okay So once you destroy the DJ booth, every like all the music stops, but you look at the DJ and the DJ looks at you and they just go. Oh, man, that was like my entire thing. Oh, shoot. No, he looks at you in a.
And yeah, it's like really floppy golden curls and like hate his headphones are on, he like puts them on his neck and goes, and children of Alzheimer's never have any fun, do you?
I, because I'm still pissed, I march up to this bozo and I poke him in the chest and I go, it's not very nice when you force people to do things they don't want to do. And I'm like getting up in their personal space. He extends his hand and goes, I'm Tate, child of Hatton. How are you? Of course you are. And I don't know if, you know,
Hmm, I don't think he was gonna take hand because I feel like this is a trick. but Me as the player think this is a trick. Um, he realizes that he is not going to take his hand. and he goes All right. Um, I don't know what kind of magic you got all stored up in that hand.
I just want people to have a good time. Yes, and you know what? When you force people to do things they don't want to do, it ends up not being a fun time. To be fair, they all came here against their will. I sent an invitation. Yes, but here's the thing. I was just allowing there to be a little bit more chillaxing in the air. Not really chillax. If everyone's having a panic attack, he looks over at Murphy who's going full sprint to the front. In the middle of having a panic attack. I turn back around to Tate and I go, ah, you are not my friend. And then she sucker punches him in the face. Oh, okay. And then she runs towards her real friend Murphy.
So you're not even taking Solas. No, I like to grab Solas's hands and I'm yanking her. I'm like, Buffy, I'm so sorry, I left you alone. And she's running after her. You know that Solas is not talking to you when you yank her out. That's fine. I'm getting her out of here. Can you do me a favor and try to find Garak too? Yeah, wasn't Garak with you though?
No, gary got forced away I am full on tunnel vision trying to get out. I did. I do not care about other people right now. so Okay. ah So I as I'm running towards ah Murphy, I am doing big Herbo things and I'm like shoving people out of the way and I'm like back up.
My friend Muffy needs space and then she's like back up like shoulder checking people out of the way. She's like, make a path, bitch. I'm coming. A lot of a lot of people look like they are are like in a hungover haze right now. I don't care about your current hungover state. My friend Muffy's having a panic attack.
I'm so full of myself right now.
You get to Murphy rather easily if you're shoulder checking people. Okay. And I would say like if you if you reach Murphy, they're probably like close to the door, if not like pushing on the door to leave. her And then so what I do is because you know, knows exactly what to do in this situation, guys, trust me, 100% effective. She knows what to do.
I'm not joking or joshing around with this. I know it sounds like I am, but Ina knows what to do. So she goes, Hey, there, Murphy, and she's talking in a very quiet voice. She goes, Hi, Murphy, I'm trying to get the people to move away. But can you do me a solid and sit on the ground, please? Murphy is still like pushing on the door and not listening to a word you're saying.
And er she's gonna go, okay, I'm going to try to help you do some grounding techniques because this happened an awful lot with my brother, Mars, before Mars was actually Mars. So this is what we're gonna do. What we're gonna do is we're going to take a deep breath in, if you can hear me, and we're going to breathe in the roses. And she's like breathing.
Like, and she's counting one, two, three, and then think of some happy thoughts, like, Garak, out, two, three, and then as she's like saying Garak, she's like looking at Solas, like, I wanna, I don't know if it's like a communication role that she would need to do that with, but like, go find Garak.
is like the meaning of her saying, Garak. Sola silently gives you her flask and goes, it's full of water and just like walks away from you. It's probably like the dentist tone you have heard from Sola. Okay, so then she goes and then Ina then like like nods a little thank you and she goes, I'm just putting some water here on the floor, my good friends.
Murphy and then she puts the water like right by and she goes okay, and we're gonna do our breathing in and then this time We're not going to think of the same thing as before you're now going to think about something that you can physically say Murphy is gonna like in a very quiet voice just like not even look anywhere different, but they're just gonna say like the light OK, and then as you're breathing out, I want you to find one other thing that you can see. Murphy's going to take a deep breath out and they're going to like point at your ripped up pants.
ah and my jump point no no And they're not they're not they're not going to say it. They're not going to say anything. They're just going to point. Okay, now as you're breathing in and as she's doing this, like it's like going through like sight, smell, touch, taste here, like all those things until Murphy is calm.
What's Solace doing? Solace is coming back holding Garak's hand. Garak has um pink sunglasses on that are in the shape of hearts that she put on him because he was having a headache because of all the lights being turned on. And she just like puts him in but in front of Murph and goes, ta-da. Is this your boyfriend, Garak? I haven't met him yet. Murphy's going to like slowly nod.
Um, you know, leans in close, but not too close and goes, they're very cute. Again, Murphy's going to slowly nod. They're still staring forward. They're not really saying anything, but yeah. Murphy, would you like to go outside now? They're going to, they're going to open the door and leave. Okay. Garak follows. Um, and when he catches up, he does hold your hand, Murph, as you guys are walking out.
Murphy's going to squeeze and potentially break the hand. And he's like, that's OK. I have healing potions. Whatever. Speaking of which, I need one anyways. This hangover is a bitch.
um Yeah, Murphy's just going to continue being, you know, nonverbal. They're they're gonna like, you know, acknowledge and nod and all of that stuff. But do you think we could go and get some pretzels?
Is Ina talking to solace? I think she's talking to the group. I imagine we're all walking out now. But I feel like Ina also goes and gets her brother.
Oh, as soon as you guys get out, Sola starts walking to her apartment. She's not even looking at you, Ina. She's actually really mad that you yelled at her.
okay So what she's going to do- I thought it was funny. Soulus did not think it was funny because it was yeah not her fault. I know. So then, you know, then goes, okay, so this is not how I wanted to introduce you two together, but Murphy, this is my brother, Mars. And Mars is like, oh. Mars is like, I didn't even drink. This is crazy. I have the worst hangover right now.
oh Yes, try to go find the Pretzel Cartman. I'm pretty sure he's in the middle of what we like to call franchising because of how much money we give him. Please take care of him. I need to go talk to my good friend Solas real quick.
ah Mars like looks over to where Solas is walking and then goes, I'm too scared to even attempt to talk to that right now. Yeah, you're not allowed to talk to her right now. Leave her out loud. And then she runs after Solas. Solas!
Oh, she's ignoring you. She does not. She's like continually walking away. Well, I have the running constitution. I can easily catch up to this bitch. That's fair. Okay, so I run up and then I finally like catch up. So what's Murphy doing?
Murphy's like slowly coming out of it. They're like more acknowledging whatever Garak and... I just really want Murphy and Marr's content. So you're holding Solas' flask that has water in it and it's in the shape of a pink heart. I just need you to know that. So Garak is wearing Solas' hot pink sunglasses are in shape of hearts and you're holding her hot pink waterfall.
That's perfect. Pink Pony Club. Honestly. He's going to like look at Carrick and basically say like, sorry, sorry, sorry about that. It's a bit embarrassing. There was ah a little bit of a stressful situation. I have no idea what happened. Yeah, it was ah I think the person controlling everything I wanted to like put a spotlight on me for some reason. And that literally and figuratively happened. No, what were you talking? but What are you talking about? When we were in there, you probably were too. You know, I was I was in a daze. It almost got me. But the the smoke had something in it that made you all dissociate and not realize what's happening.
Well, it's OK. I don't really remember all that, and I definitely know I didn't drink that much, but OK. All right. I don't it's not that I don't believe you because that's rude, but like, um yeah, I don't remember that. No, it's OK. You were you were gone. There was nothing I could do to break you out of it. OK, sorry again.
um We're just going to like hug Garak really tight. We'll just go to a nice calm cafe next time. That's what your favorite place. The one, the paninis, right? Yeah, I like that. Maybe we can go to like, I don't know, maybe we can go camping sometime too, you know? Oh, I like camping. Camping's fun. Works for me. But yeah, I mean, if you could stick around for a bit, that'd be good. Yeah, I'll stay right here. I don't have anything going on.
And then Murphy just kind of like leans in and sort of takes a deep breath. He's just holding you. He's just like, it's okay. He's just rubbing your back, but you know everything's good. um He does go like, I do know when you have panic attacks, sometimes ah blood sugar drops. So I do have, and he like takes out of his pocket gummy bears. Do you want some? ah They'll take like a small handful and just start like slowly yeah eating them. Yeah.
just Mars comes over and is like, do you guys see all these pretzels?
Are you just going to crack a smile and be like, Holly, you were the same? Mars goes, I heard they self-chased, so I got five. I didn't know what it meant, but it sounded exciting. I'm going to be so honest. Your sister got 10.
Why is everyone always trying to put us against each other? I'm not trying, I'm just saying, y'all are just saying- No, now I have to buy 11! and
Everybody's just gonna sigh again and... ah Children of Alcindor. Literally the same human. Yup.
Uh, so yeah, Solas is it's just like standing with you in front of her, you know? Okay. So I, yeah, I run up and I stand right in front of her and I go, are you going to talk to me? You you really hurt me because I didn't do anything. I know that. And I understand that it's just that I'm very protective over my brother.
That's fine, but I know nothing about them. They literally just gave me a tiny weapon that had a heart engraved on it and then ran away. What am I supposed to do with that information? You remember when I told you, or I think it was one of your sisters where they were asking about what do you do when you fall in love and how I said that we have to end up going around and we dance so we punch people in the face and do all that kind of stuff? Yeah, but Okay, but here's the thing.
That's their version. Because Mars is a little weird and likes to do the whole tiny X's bit. And again, we don't understand why they like to do the whole tiny X's bit. But the reason why that whole thing was big is because they were declaring their love for you. and That was just cute. I didn't know. Do you want me give it back? I don't want you to give it back. It's a big deal.
Okay, so here's the thing and Ina like sits on the ground. ah You are doing the river. Literally still the same height as Solas. Same height as Solas as she's sitting on the ground.
Because here's the thing, Mars wasn't always Mars. Mars used to be common. And common, it was a big deal for a common to become Mars. And here's the thing, Mars is a very delicate person. And even though everyone thought that it was okay, and Alcindor said that it was okay, some of our siblings were mean towards Mars.
And I ended up being that person who was constantly with Mars and that's why I know how to help Murphy because Mars would constantly have these, I don't know, we would call them attacks of the brain because you couldn't stab yourself and that would hurt. So.
So essentially what it is, is that when I ended up hearing that Moss was in love, I got really excited because I know how serious this is because children of our cinder typically don't end up getting to have that, what is it called in your little smut books?
Sex? We do the fuck all the time. What's the other thing that it's called? If Murphy was there, they would be like, do you? It's towards the end of the book.
Infatuation? hunky-dory and everything's all joyful. Joy ever after. Yes, that. We don't typically get to have that because sometimes we die a little young. That's why Alcindor has a lot of kids. Why he probably has the most kids out of everybody because we're constantly dying all the time, either to each other or some stupid war.
But Mars is different because Mars technically hasn't been in any wars yet and hasn't been interested in fighting other than the tiny exes.
ah Okay, but again I didn't do anything so why do you yell at me? I yelled at you because you weren't taking it seriously Because it's a big deal for a child of Alcindor to actually fall in love with somebody. Okay, but okay, I understand that you know, but Also, you have to realize that I understand it's a big deal and But you shouldn't go after the person that literally did nothing to start it. I know. I was just really upset because I don't know. I think I was more upset with Mars than anything else because I thought that if you and him were to fall in love, then that means he wouldn't be my best friend anymore. If anything, wouldn't I be more of your best friend because I'd be like your sister-in-law? No.
Because then you'd want to spend all your time with Mars. And Murphy has Garak and I don't have really anybody else. Now you're making me sad as the player. I'm so sorry. This is Ina's feelings. Well, to be fair, Murphy just had some big feelings. yeah I mean, I didn't...
I mean, I have all my other friends, but I hear what you and Murphy say sometimes about how they're not really my friends. But you know, I try to make friends with people and that's why I go out on my little adventures all the time. I think your friend at the LARP field is definitely your friend. um I do think that they are absolutely fucking buck wild in love with you. But that's besides the point. Now, it's not love. He hasn't decided that if he wants to date me or anything like that, because he hasn't decided to punch somebody for me. And I don't think I feel like that for him. OK, you know, can I if we're if we're having this conversation, I need to have this conversation with you, ah huh? People down here don't declare their love by punching other people for them or dancing.
Well, I mean, sometimes dancing, but like they would be dancing with you. They wouldn't be dancing for you. That's just stupid.
ah That makes no sense. What's the point of dancing then? Um, it's more of like a
It's more of like an act that you do together to show your partnership to other people. It's kind of like to show off like this is my person. This is my this is my mortal. But that people aren't going to punch other people for you. If I don't know, you'll get flowers. I don't know. I punch people all the time and that seems to work.
I feel like Murphy would also beat someone up for somebody that they cared about. Mm-hmm. Gods just have no idea of how to show their affection. yeah cause like It's hard. It's hard for us to die. Well, other than the kids of Alcindor that just die all the fucking time. Yeah, that's true. Um, but if Mars ever gets, I don't know, guys has a reason to want to talk to me, which I don't know. um It's not like I would just sit there and ignore them. I mean, I've already told you that I thought that they were cute. It's not something that I was just going to ignore. Okay, I'm just asking that if it ends up becoming something serious to please take it seriously and to make sure that you don't make fun of the tawny exes. I think those are cute. They're great for charcuterie.
Yeah, that's definitely why I gave them all to Murphy and Murphy doesn't seem to want to use them. Well, Murphy also hasn't had the opportunity to use them as like a throwing star type thing. Says Chibi Kyle from the ether. Yeah.
But um do we know what that was about inside the rave? Like, do we know what was going on there? Yeah, so I still had somewhat some small intellectuals and then she kind of like, ah like to call my mental facilities.
smartitudes. I'm going to use that from now on. My mental smart attitudes. My mental smart attitudes. So I met the DJ and I punched him in the face because they weren't very nice and they weren't very much of a friend and I told them that they were not going to be my friend. They said that before the whole smoke came out, they said this comes straight from the McCarty Isles.
And then they also somehow knew that both me and Murphy were gods. And then they think that's why Murphy ended up having the panic attack because they singled out Murphy and it caused the whole thing. And then they knew that I was a child of Alcindor. I mean, is there a reason why they would know that? I don't know.
I didn't ask. I just told them that they weren't very nice and that they shouldn't force people to have fun if they don't want to have fun in that moment. And I punched him in the face. OK, not in the romantic way. No, there's no romantic way to do that, you know.
OK, so there was no reason for them to know who you were. Nope. And they had nothing to do with you guys back on the Citadel. Never seen them before in my life. That, you know, can remember. All I know is that the name is Tate and they're a child of Haddon. So they are so they do have something to do with you back on the Citadel. Yeah, but I've never met them before. I've never seen them up on there.
I've never seen them in the ops. Did you get did you hear any information from other people around you or what was. Just the stuff about the McCarthy aisle. I mean, should you know, do like an intelligence check to see if she remembers anything.
No, because none of you guys asked anybody anything and you didn't have to do anything and you didn't ask anybody shit. Well, do you think we should go back and ask some people about the things? It's all gone, babe. It's all over. Murphy's not going back in there anyway. It doesn't matter. We had other things to worry about, like pretzels.
ah Well, if anything, we could try to go to the Temple of Han later. um That's probably where Tate went. You know, visibly does not like Tate. I mean, we can totally check, but um I'm kind of partied out for tonight and kind of... I don't like... You you see her actively like getting a little bit upset again and she goes,
You know, there's there's another reason why I'm getting very upset about you yelling at me about something that wasn't really my fault. Uh-huh. And that is I don't know if you've noticed, but I have maybe two other friends and they don't even live around here and you guys. Uh-huh. Not a lot of people like me. Boy, you're very nice.
ah has a lot to do with my personality. It has a lot to do with being half elf, half wild folk has a lot to do with people not particularly enjoying my intelligence has a lot to do with how close my family is to paths due to jealousy. There's a lot of factors that goes into people not liking me or my family. um though we have a They can't really kick us out because we have a very valuable shop in Arona. It's still a thing that we deal with on a daily basis. is
just a lot of shit from a lot of people. So having somebody who I considered a very good friend yell at me for something that, something I didn't do, it just brought me back to a lot of trauma that I've had with people pretending to be my friends and then accusing me of stuff that I didn't do. So if we could not do that again, that would be great.
That's no problem, especially because it's really hard for me to lie. I don't think I could ever lie ever. I did it once and I didn't like it. Okay.
um Um... Also, if anyone's ever mean to you in person, I'll just punch them in the face. Not in the nice way. I think at that point, Murphy, Garak, and Mars are going to walk up. And Murphy's going to be like- Solus looks at Mars and goes, ah, shit. And then Ina stands up and goes, all right, this is my brother, Mars, and this is my good friend, Solus.
Hi, Mars. Thanks for the axe. Had a cute little heart stitched in on it. And Mars goes bright red. He goes, oh, oh, I'm happy you liked it. Actually, I'm very, I'm very happy you like. I'm I'm lost. Hi. She's like. It's nice to meet you. Murphy's going to sort of like they're they're walking very slow and they're like, you know, kind of recuperating from the panic attack. And but they're going to be like. Hey,
This is, uh, uh, this is Garrett. I've been meaning to introduce y'all, but I feel like, you know, we're here, so might as well. Garrett, Garrett raises his hand, his hand. charmer one He has one of the pretzels at Mars.
Murphy also has like a piece of the pretzel. but Yeah. Just kind of like nibbling on it. but But yeah, Murphy's gonna be like, I don't know what y'all are talking about. so I heard the word punch. Let's not. Can we just go home, please? hi Yeah, I was headed there. Garak, are you spending the night? And Garak goes, um well,
How big is your apartment? And she goes, it's a studio. And he goes, I'm going to go back to mine. I will see you guys later. Murphy's going to give Garak like a really big hug and just be like, thank you. And then. Yeah. Yeah. He just goes to me, thank me. And he gives Murphy a kiss on the cheek. And before he walks away, let me know when you get home. He a is like standing there like still in like stand there like this. Like, that's very cute. Yeah, Murphy, before, before Garak leaves, Murphy's gonna be like, just let me know when you get home, okay? Will do. All right.
ah Solas looks at Mars and goes, do you have a place to sleep? And Mars goes, yes, yes, I do. I am sleeping in, I'm i'm sleeping in the park, actually. And she goes, okay. It's actually quite nice. I kind of saw it. You had a nice little leaf pile for your bed. I started making a tree house because I've always wanted one, but I'll soon nevertheless have one.
tree houses. We always saw them from afar from Paz's domain and we could never go and see what it was. Max still cleaning. They just walk into my room. gave me a quarter
the the no the no fair
So this goes, so you're building your own place just in the park area. And he, and he goes, yeah, um, I'm very capable with my hands. And then he realized what he says and he goes, I'm going to go just like sort of sprints away. And she goes, okay.
All right. Are there any like late night food places open right now? There's a bunch of food trucks just like all over. There's a bunch of food trucks all around. Murphy wants something more comforting. So I think what they're going to do is they're going to like I don't I can't think of like a food right now, but like they're going to find one of the food trucks. They're going to just. Is Murphy also vegetarian like Solace's or no? No. Murphy will eat whatever you put in front of them. OK.
but basically like, I think what they're gonna do is they're gonna find a truck that's just like, you know, selling cheap and like, it looks shitty but it probably isn't type food and just buy like something and then start like eating it and just be like, yeah, I need... Oh boy, that's so much better. So let's got cheese fries from one of the vendor cards that she's just sitting on. Murphy steals a fry.
It's like the shittiest cheese. Oh, yeah, it's like it's like that fucking ah gas station nacho cheese. Oh, yeah. It's like the fries are like really good. Oh, yeah. The Velveeta cheese in a can. No, I feel like I feel like gas station cheese is worse than that. It's like the nacho cheese from like but yeah yeah Yeah, that's cheese in a can. No, the nacho cheese has a little bit of spice to it. No, but like that stuff comes in a can. Oh, like rolling alley nacho cheese? Yeah. That stuff comes in like a can. I think it comes in a bag and then it gets put in like the can or like whatever. um But anyway. But Solas just goes.
Sorry for making us go to a shitty rave. Well, you didn't know that it was run by an evil, stupid person named Tate. Murphy's going to like kind of like get in front of Solace and be like, that was not your fault. You wanted to have a good time. And honestly, I was having a good time. I like people watching. I like being off on the side. You know, that's entertaining to me. And that that kind of thing was perfect up until the point where ah Tate was his name. That's that's to the point where like Tate was starting to fuck with everybody, but that's not on you.
They're going to give us a hug. I like going to the second place. That was fun. I honestly like the library. The library was very cool. The library did not like you. Yeah, I really hope I can. You were detained. I had to come save you.
OK, so as the night wraps up. We're all sitting on a curb eating shitty fries and bad food from good from food trucks. And yeah I'm going to make it so real. A lot of food trucks make very good food. This is not one of them. yeah This isn't that one food truck at Gen Con, but it's like I can't believe the chicken from that place. Oh, my God. It wasn't chicken. It wasn't chicken, but it was chicken. Yeah. I think Ina is like eating because again, she's only ever really eating pretzels from a food truck. The first thing she does is do you have any pretzels?
yeah You need protein. but he She's eating. This is a barbecue truck. i And then she looks over and she goes, can I just have the biggest pile of meat that you can give me?
They look over their shoulder. They look over their shoulder. You gotta chill. No, they look over their shoulders and be like, I need a man-eater. And you hear people go, ah!
They just start beating their chest, and they're like, yo! It's two rack of ribs, a smoked turkey leg, and like a pile of pulled pork. Have fun. Can I also get the cheese on it, please?
Hell yeah, you can. You hear that fan? That's like, yeah. That's what we're talking about. Murph and Solas are like sitting there and they're like leaning on each other and having a fun time. and Then as you pan the camera over just like an inch, you see that just going.
was fun. At some point, they got fried Oreos. It's fine. Oh, fuck. I would kill fried Oreos right now.
Hey, hi, hello friends! It's your favorite game goddess here. Yay! Really hope you like that episode. um If you aren't, why not? Just follow us on social media. It's easy. You can follow us on threads on Instagram at diastropod. And if you're still using X, which is unfortunate,
you can follow us there at dice underscore drop if you're like man i really fucking hate social media but i do like discord we have one of those too and you can check it out in the link tree below the games we are playing is a fun little mix of fancy age and dragon age from green ronin If you want to check them out or any other age system games, go to greenroaningstore.com and make sure when you're at checkout, put in our promo code DICEDROP so you can get 10% off your entire order. Our intro-outro music is ah made by the wonderful, the beautiful Taya Artemis. You can check them out in the description below as well. And our next episode will be out October 19th.
And it will be our holiday special featuring critical thinking witches. We are going to be playing kids on brooms. Check it out. See you then friends. Bye. Like fucked up. Yeah. I feel like that's nice. Kyle's nick nickname is P Paul Scoot.
um My name is