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126: KIDS VERSION - Deliverance image

126: KIDS VERSION - Deliverance

S7 E126 · Normal Goes A Long Way
56 Plays25 days ago

Today we will learn about the amazing life of Moses.  Listen with your kids as we learn about God watching over him from the time he was a tiny baby.  In this part of God's Big Story, God shows up for his people in powerful, jaw-dropping ways!

Want to keep talking?  Here are some ideas:

*Ask: How did God watch over his people?  (He sent Moses to lead them out of Egypt) (ages 2-4)

*Ask: How does God watch over you? In the bathtub, see if they can part the water.  Talk about God's amazing power to do just that!  (ages 5-9)

*Watch The Prince of Egypt. Talk about what it must have been like to see those miracles in person.  (ages 10-12)

One last thing!  This week, Miss April asked, "How does it feel to know God is watching over you?".  Send in your kid's answer by texting a voice memo to 636-280-5433 and they could be featured in next week's episode!  *By sending in a voice memo, you’re providing consent for your minor’s voice to be on the podcast*

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Introduction to God's Story

The following podcast is a Jill Devine Media production. We're just normal kids learning about God's big story. Welcome to normal goes a long way. For kids. Hello, families.

How Does God Care for Us?

I'm Miss April, and I'm so happy to have you back. Last week, the question was asked, how does God take care of you? Here's what you told us. He helps me get through stuff when I'm scared. Keeping me safe. He lets me be safe, and like he takes care of me.
I love your answers. God is so good to us. I am so thankful for the people that God has put in my life to help me grow and to remind me of God's goodness. I also really love all the delicious food God put on this earth.

Insights into Ancient Egypt

Today we'll hear some interesting facts about the country Egypt.
It's time for Shafu Pass. I am Miles. I'm in third grade and I am nine. Long ago in Egypt, people believed that cats had magical powers. Egyptians had a special way of writing. They used pictures called hieroglyphs. Egyptians invented lots of things like paper, ink, toothpaste, and clocks.
Egypt was a very interesting place. Super cool buildings. Have you ever heard of the pyramids? They had fun fashion, awesome inventions. Some really amazing things happened there.

The Early Life of Moses

But something that you need to know is that Egypt was a terrible place for God's people, the Israelites.
The ruler of Egypt was called Pharaoh and he was angry that God's people were growing and growing in number. There were so many Israelites. Pharaoh made these people work very, very hard and he made some really unfair rules for them too. One of the worst rules was that he would not allow them to keep their baby boys.
One Israelite mother was so desperate to save her baby, she bundled her little baby up in a basket and set the basket in the river. This was a very brave thing to do, and she really had to trust God.
The baby's big sister Miriam watched the baby from the edge of the river to make sure that her little brother was safe. Incredibly, this idea worked. Pharaoh had a daughter and she spotted this basket floating down the river. She rescued the little baby boy, named him Moses, and raised him as her own son.
God kept that little baby boy in the river safe and he continued to be with him as he grew up. Isn't it amazing to think about God watching over you as a teeny tiny baby? God's love for you has been there from the very beginning.

Moses vs. Pharaoh: The Plagues

The next part of the story that I want to tell you happened to Moses when he was a grown-up.
One day he was looking after sheep when he spotted a bush that was covered in fire, but it wasn't burning up. A bush on fire, but it wasn't burning up? What in the world? Out of the bush came God's voice. He said, Moses, I have seen how terribly Pharaoh has treated my people, the Israelites.
I have seen their tears and I have heard their cries. Moses, I want you to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go. Friends, Moses did what God told him to do. He went straight to Pharaoh and said, let God's people go.
Well Pharaoh said no. Because of that no, God made many bad things happen in Egypt. God made all the water in the land turn to blood. Pharaoh still would not let God's people go. God sent frogs that filled up houses. Can you imagine your own house filled to the ceiling with frogs? Gross!
Pharaoh still would not change his mind. God sent swarms of bugs so massive that the people couldn't even see through the air. God sent terrible storms that took every leaf off of every tree that people had never seen storms this awful. Pharaoh refused to let God's people go. Bugs were sent to eat up all the plants, animals got super sick, people got super sick, and some people died. It was awful for the people of Egypt.
Pharaoh eventually realized that God was in charge. He was no match for this God who obviously had so much power. He finally let God's people leave Egypt.

The Miracle of the Red Sea

Wow. Moses by himself could never convince mean Pharaoh to let God's people leave. But God worked powerfully through Moses to make it happen.
You might think at this point in the story that God's people would throw a party and be so happy because their terrible days in Egypt are over. But not so fast. As Moses was leading the people away from Egypt, Pharaoh changed his mind. He sent his army charging across the desert to go and capture the Israelites and force them to go back to Egypt.
The Israelite families were standing in front of the Red Sea, trembling in fear. Moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas, kids and babies. The only thing in front of them was water. How could they possibly get away from the Egyptian army? Moses shouted to the people, don't be afraid. The Lord will fight for you. Be calm and watch what God will do.
Moses raised his staff, which was like a walking stick, and a powerful wind made the water pile up into huge walls, leaving a dry path for the Israelite families to walk to the other side of the sea. God provided a way for these families to make it to safety.
When the Egyptian army reached the sea, the walls of water crashed down. God's people were safe on the other side.

Reflections on God's Protection

Have you ever been to the beach? Have you stood at the edge of a swimming pool? Can you imagine water piling up into walls and leaving a path right down the middle?
If this happened to you, you would never forget it, right? Only God can do something so amazing. I imagine that God's people went from so scared to absolutely amazed to hearts overflowing with thankfulness. I imagine that they were tremendously grateful to have a loving God who was always watching out for them, a God who would save them. So let's get to the point. God watched over Moses and his people. God watches over me too. Today with your family, I want you to answer this question. How does it make you feel knowing that God is always watching over you? If you want to tell us what your family talked about, you can go to the show notes at, where we tell you how to send in a voice memo. You could even be featured on a future episode of this podcast. Don't forget, God loves you with a great big love.