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Episode 276 - Josh and M visit InfoWars and image

Episode 276 - Josh and M visit InfoWars and

E297 ยท The Podcasterโ€™s Guide to the Conspiracy
39 Plays4 years ago

Josh and M take a trip to the websites of Alex Jones and David Icke, to see what is happening in the world of swirling conspiracy theories!


Uncovering a Conspiracy through Patreon Donations

Sir, sir, we have the latest intel you requested. Very good. This is the dossier we've been waiting for. Gentlemen, gentle ladies and gentle lizards, we have uncovered not one but two miscreants who are behind the conspiracy. No, no, no, it's true. We're still not entirely sure what the purpose of the conspiracy is and whether we're for it or against it, but we have been able to use our Jenkins, what have we been using? Patreon subscription, sir.
Yes, we've been able to detect the conspirators by their very generous donations. Check page 23, sir. Well, donations, at least. Yes, yes, yes, all donations gratefully received and so on and so on. Now, let me tell you about the dastardly twosome Jenkins discovered. Good work, Jenkins. Thank you, sir.
Jenkins? Yes, sir? Shut up. Anyway, let me tell you about the government infiltrator we found codename Sugar for the Pill. We think they might be the real Bill Shakespeare. Whatever the case, they're working on the inside of the government. Or the opposition, I don't know. But whatever the case, Sugar for the Pill is effectively our own cue. Let's call them P.
So far, we've found compromising photos of them drinking a beer, catching a bus, and worst of all, ordering a soy moccaccino.

The Infiltrator: Sugar for the Pill and Shakespeare

Yes, yes, I know, ominous, isn't it? And then there's this guy. We'll call him Steve, although I believe his enemies call him the Fisher King. These records indicate very weakly that he might be related to King Arthur, or someone called Arthur King. Might be a comma between the two names. Anyway, we're fairly certain he's the real power behind the British government at this time.

The Fisher King and Podcast Theme Transition

No, we can't. We can't work out the endgame for that either. No need for alarm. That's the incoming podcast alarm. To the orchestra pit, we need to get started on that theme music. Jenkins, prepare the aria. Very good, Jenkins. Very good.
The podcaster's guide to the conspiracy, brought to you today by Josh Addison and Dr. M. Denton.

Introducing the Unique Episode of Podcaster's Guide

Hello, you're listening to the Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy. I am Josh Addison. They are Dr. Emdenteth. Together, we are the Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy. I don't think I did that right. We actually meant to be solving crime. Yes. Anyway, it's July.

Exploring Conspiracies from InfoWars and

It's not a news episode, and it's not a Conspiracy Theory Masterpiece Theatre episode. It's just
an episode. And what an episode it promises to be because we're doing something slightly different this week. Yes, we want to just take a bit of a survey of what's going on over at InfoWars and what's going on over at For this episode, we have done absolutely no research whatsoever. We're just going to be logging on to the site, logging on. Look at me, I sound like a bloody
50-year-old when I'm in fact six years away from that. We will be visiting these websites to see what the heck is going on. Now, I don't know how, you kind of keep tabs on these from time to time, do you? From time to time, I don't like going to infowars and I'm not entirely keen on, but I feel that we should probably look in
to see exactly what they're saying.

John Oliver's Take on Conspiracy Theories

And given our general knowledge of conspiracy theories generally, this will either be the best episode of all time, because we'll be confronted with new and novel theories, or the most boring episode we've ever made, we go, well, we've covered that. That's not new. No, that's the same old thing they usually talk about. Where's the content in this? So it either promises to be really good,
or truly awful. It's a binary situation. Yes, it's kind of one of those reaction videos that YouTube's full of. It's going to even react to and Now talking about reaction videos.
I believe that John Oliver did a segment on conspiracy theories on Last Week Tonight. Now, I actually haven't watched Last Week Tonight now for several years. For no particular reason, not because I don't like John Oliver, I don't like the show, I just got out of the habit of watching the episode every week. So I have not watched this episode.
I'm also ever so slightly afraid when celebrities feel they want to talk about conspiracy theories and give advice to people about conspiracy theories. So I haven't watched it quite deliberately. Instead, Josh, I farmed that out to you and you were going to tell me whether I ought to watch it or whether it'll increase my already high level of anxiety at this time.
Yes, well, I mean, I don't think you need to watch it. I don't know. Possibly we should say it wasn't that we, I'm sure I remember several years ago now, we had sort of a run where every time we'd have a topic queued up to talk about one week, it would end up showing up in last week tonight, a couple of days before we recorded.

Evaluating Conspiracies: Oliver's Questions

And there was a fair amount of curse you, John Oliver.
Well, there certainly are. Here he is, eating our lunch, stepping on our toes, muscling in on our turf. Taking our woman? Possibly, I don't know. My wife is out of the city at the moment, so who knows? She's out there. Convorting with John Oliver. I assume that's the only rational explanation. No, so the episode itself, I don't think it would
I don't think it would drive you into paroxysms of rage. But there is a bit like, obviously, it's a very pejorative gloss on the term conspiracy theory. I mean, they do make the point, yes, conspiracies do occur, but they're very specifically looking at
the wacky ones, or in particular, I mean, the concern is the conspiracy theories that have the potential to be causing harm in the here and now. So sort of your anti COVID ones, and the sort of the QAnon ones that already seem to be motivating people to kill mob bosses and take guns into pizza places.

Challenges in Discussing Conspiracy Theories

So there was a bit of
They're sort of talking about them to begin with, and they did the sort of, you know, big events require big explanations, and made the point which you've possibly come across, but hadn't occurred to me, the fact that there are very few conspiracy theories around the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, not none, we have talked about some before.
But Reagan conspiracy theories are much less prominent than Kennedy ones, and the only difference seems to be that Kennedy died and Reagan didn't. The actual actions by the conspirators were the same, but because the Kennedy assassination succeeded and had a massive effect on the world, whereas the Reagan assassination attempt failed and didn't actually derail the course of history in any way, it doesn't have the conspiracy theories around it. But
So he sort of talks about it a bit and then gets to this, so what should you do about it? And he offers three questions that he suggests a person might ask if they're thinking about whether or not a conspiracy theory is worth believing in, which reminded me of the wonderful world of thinking for yourself with you and Joseph Barboza.

Analyzing and InfoWars Content

many years ago on the Media 7 program where you had your four questions. I actually went back and looked at, found the clip of that, although when reading it, I see you were more talking about not conspiracy theories in particular, more just sort of authorities, scientific sound bites in the news and knowing how you should critically evaluate those. So not exactly the same, but anyway.
So he finishes with these three questions. The first one is, is there a rational non-conspiracy explanation? And by way of an example, sort of talked about how people would show up maps of 5G tower installations overlaid with maps of COVID outbreaks and showing the correlation and then sort of saying, okay, so you could say that it's
the 5G is causing code or you could look at pretty much any map of things that show where there are lots of people and they all point to the same thing. So it's probably the explanation is simply that all of these are things that go where the people are and the maps merely showing you where the people are. The next one which kind of brushes up against
the things you and Josie talked about is, has this been held up to scrutiny by experts? And going back to your points, you had a few things to say about
so-called experts. Just because they're an expert, is the argument actually good? Are they an appropriate expert in a relevant field? Which sort of goes into that a little bit. He talks about the the plandemic documentary and the, I forget her name, but the woman who's sort of at the center of that, who claims to be an expert but is somewhat iffy. Then the last one,
The last question here I think is possibly where your blood pressure may have risen a little bit. Because the final question he thinks you should ask before endorsing a conspiracy theory is how plausible is this conspiracy as a practical matter? Which is certainly fair, but it
it leads into the whole conspiracies become less possible, the more people are involved thing and particular that study, which I'm sure we've mentioned, but we've never really looked into, you know, the one where they sort of tried to came up with a mathematical equation for how long it is a conspiracy is likely to endure before being discovered based on the number of people involved in it, showing that the moon landing conspiracies would have broken down in 3.68 years and so on and so forth.
Yes, I'm well aware of that study and I've criticized it in print. Yeah, so I mean, he does sort of, which, I mean, I can see it's an attractive thing to say, you know, being able to sort of put numbers on to give some sort of quantitative analysis of how implausible a conspiracy theory is. I can see why it's an attractive thing to want to be able to say that. But yes. Yeah, it often ignores the actual structure of conspiracies.
But he does interestingly actually bring up a surprise birthday party as, if not an example, then certainly an analogy of a conspiracy theory, saying how it's in anyone who's tried to keep a surprise birthday party secret knows that someone's always going to tell Roxanne. Damn Roxanne.
Rock fans! I mean, as a piece of entertainment by a non-academic sort of, you know, lay person to a lay audience, I thought it was fine. But I mean, you could certainly pick a bunch of technical holes in it if you were of a mind to.
I'm actually quite curious to know where they got the surprise party stuff from, given it's mostly talked about in the philosophical literature. And maybe that means one of the researchers at last week tonight has actually had a look at some of that literature. Maybe, maybe our

Deep Dive into David Icke's Conspiracy Themes

work is being influential after all. We can, we can assume I'm sure.
So there we go, that's the little bit of introductory stuff ripped from today's headlines. Shall we dive into David Icke and Alex Jones? We've got a little bit of admin to do first. I feel that basically one of us should look at Alex Jones and the other should look at David Icke.
Now, it seems unfair to just assign someone Alex Jones. Conversely, it seems really unfair to assign someone David Icke. So what I've done is I have written down a number and you are going to guess whether it's even or odd.
I see. If you guess correctly, you choose which site you take. If you guess incorrectly, your wife and children will be absolutely fine and I will choose which site I go to, thus leaving you with the remainder. So I've written down this number.
And I'm going to hold it up here. There's also other writing on the other side, but that's completely irrelevant. And you are now going to guess whether it's even or odd. And then I will reveal it, thus showing I'm not cheating. And we'll work out who decides which website to go to. So is it even or is it odd?
Well, this is too simple. All I need to do is deduce from what I know about you. Are you the sort of person who had put an odd or an even number on a piece of paper? Now, I know you're in Hamilton, and Hamilton is peopled entirely by venereal diseases. And Venerea and I kind of keep this up. Even. Correct. Okay, I actually I want to go David Eich.
Fair enough. Fair enough. Then I will go Alex Jones. So after the chime, we shall join you with a discussion about what's going on at and So join us after this incredibly short break.
Okay, this is it live as it happens, completely unscripted. So I'll start, shall I? I'm looking at The first thing I see is a slightly disturbing picture of Boris Johnson in a quite fetching cerulean blue face mask holding up a pint in a bar that I have no idea how he intends to drink, given that he's wearing a face mask. But the caption is, tell them to shove it.
Let's say, tell them to shove it or it will just get worse and worse. Davidykes.connect a videocast. Please circulate to beat censorship. Well, I don't actually want to start clicking on videos or we'll be here all night. So I'm going to skip past the videos and just look at the articles. And you were talking about, is this going to be new stuff or is it going to be depressingly familiar? So far I'm seeing depressing familiarity. We have 5G induces coronaviruses.

Infowars Political Themes and Misinformation

a new study, Models Millimeter Wave Influence on DNA. As far as I'm aware, there is none. That's the whole point about it. It's non-ionizing radiation. That's what that means. But frankly, it's long and detailed and has lots of quotes.
but claims that the final thoughts are, this research is another crucial piece of the puzzle. We've known for a while that artificial EMF is causing great harm to us. We've also known for a while that 5G is extremely dangerous in many ways, including hijacking our sweet duct antennae,
bombarding us with pulsed waves, more damaging than continuous wave radiation, amplifying DNA damage via VGCCs, and that is promoting deep EMF penetration and having mutagenic and carcinogenic effects being emitted from a phased race truck that has been used for crowd dispersal. This research is more evidence that we've been deliberately poisoned and that tales of space jumping bat viruses from China are a red hearing. So, I mean, I would like to know more about how sweet duct antennae
antennae, but so far so 5G causes coronavirus. I should look through the titles of the top videos on the page. Compulsory mask wearing is calculated psychological war on the population, the evidence.
Um, fraud Trump says he would absolutely take COVID vaccine and urges the public to wear masks brackets global agenda. He's playing his supporters like a stringed instrument. We are victims of the greatest crime in history. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Surely, surely if you're going to talk about Trump playing an instrument, you want to make some kind of pun on trumpet. He's blowing them.
So, I mean, it is interesting, I guess, to see he is completely anti-establishment. I would have been interested to actually see what the what the site was saying a couple of months ago when Trump was was very much anti-Covid. Although I suppose since David Eike is heavy on the beat of the of the elite pedophiles and the Jeffrey Epstein's and Trump's connections to Epstein have always been fairly clear. I'm guessing he would be fairly consistently anti-Trump, but I just don't know.
Well, once you continue to look at, let me tell you about some groundbreaking, world-shattering news from infowars, because according to one of their lead stories, Joe Biden, now criminal suspect in Ukraine investigation.
Is that you? Well, let's find out. This is by Riggs Jones. This is Alex Jones' son,

Diverse Conspiracies on David Icke's Site

who is now inheriting the mantle of Infowars from his father. And unfortunately, it's a video report, so it doesn't really tell us much. It's just Joe Biden is under fire, and the heat just got turned up, Riggs Jones reports. Unfortunately,
The so all the text is former vice president Joe Biden is now criminal suspect in Ukraine in a case involving his son Hunter and Beresima Holdings a major Ukrainian net natural gas producer now I'm going to see
whether there is actually any mention of this outside of info wards whatsoever, or whether it's simply going to be Rex Jones reiterating things that have already been investigated and shown to be false in the past. So Hunter Biden, Birosema, and see what's the latest news.
I mean, there is six days ago.
who's news from CNN claiming that Russia is making a disinformation campaign once again about Hunter Biden. So it looks like it is the same old story, but it's being waged basically in preparation for the election. So not really much of a story there whatsoever. Something doesn't sound crazy.
However, I do also have exciting... Oh, and here we go. It's another video. Dr. Warren's new COVID-19 vaccine is untested and will alter your DNA. And this is by one Dr. Kerry Majid, an internal medicine specialist who claims that the COVID-19 vaccine could be, let's face that, could be a Trojan horse to patent humans as it will change your DNA.
And if you buy now on their Christmas sale, you'll get double Patriot points because apparently this video is more of an avenue to get people to buy Alex Jones's products than is an attempt to inform people about things. Are any of these stories actually going to be? No, that's another video. Connecticut State finds 90 false positives out of 144 coronavirus tests administered in mid-June.
Many of those who received the false test were nursing home contacts and this is actually a written story. Which is basically noting that the Department of Public Health in Connecticut has discovered that one of its state laboratories had a flawed testing system.
which doesn't really suggest anything other than the fact that someone mucked up and apparently this is now evidence that COVID-19 isn't a real virus. So basically, the Department of Public Health and Missing that they've got a testing problem in Connecticut is now evidence that COVID-19 is not real.

Controversial 5G and COVID-19 Study

Well, let's jump back to David Icke then. So I'd gone through the titles of the video ones, the lead text articles on the front page. The first one is about the fact that a central witness, now this is actually interesting for all of
all the claims of antisemitism that get leveled against David Icke. So this article is about the fact that a central witness in the Jeffrey Epstein investigation, a woman named Maria Farmer, claims that she may have been motivated by the antisemitic attitude she has long harbored to falsely accuse prominent Jews of sexual misconduct.
and lists a whole bunch of anti-Semitic stuff this Maria Farmer woman has said. And so it's interesting, it's...
It's very anti-semitism, this article talking about how the nonsense that she's saying sounds like it could have come directly from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other classic anti-semitic forgeries and screeds, but all of this more come from the bigoted brain and malicious mouth of Maria Farmer and the quotes they have are all about
Jewish DNA being different, all the Jewish people I meet are pedophiles that run the world economy and so on and so forth. So that's an interesting development.
We have an article which claims that Lead Stories, which is an organization that does Facebook for fact-checking, is in fact a, quote, partisan smear factory packed with CNN alumni. And that actually just links off to who's Is that the Rush Russia Today? That is Russia Today, yes.
an article from the end basically saying that yes, the supposed fact checkers are actually highly partisan and ties to the CNN and the Democratic Party. And then the other main one on the front page that isn't a video is called The Great Reset Fraud.
The image for it is a picture of Prince Charles with the words, cult operative promotes cult agenda, what's synchronicity on him. And frankly, I've no idea what this thing's talking about. Just a guy saying, oh, it's by Gareth Ike. Is that a son? It is indeed. It turns out that David Ike and Alex Jones are producing legacies. Okay, so
doesn't actually say but, but one is pretty much implied. My personal experience has led me to the conclusion that we have only failed to achieve this paradigm as a species due to the stubborn and cultural influence of oligarchism which has managed to stubbornly sink its claws parasitically onto its host for a few too many generations, corrupting and perverting everything that dominates. It seems like there's not really anything going on there. He says the world is not good because we're controlled by these elite types.
Eich Jr. says,
We need a great reset of capitalism.
So good for him, I guess. Well, meanwhile, over at Alex Jones, we have Pelosi calls COVID-19 Trump virus. So this article starts with House Speaker and insufferable harpy, Nancy Pelosi, referred to COVID-19 as the Trump virus during an interview Tuesday blaming the president for making the coronavirus pandemic, and they put in scare quotes,
worse to the reporting on an interview that Nancy Pelosi did with Wolf Blitzer where their theory very angry that Pelosi is referring to COVID-19 as the Trump virus because later on in the article

AI Surveillance and Political Narratives

reference to COVID-19 as a Trump virus belies its true foreign origins, which President Trump calls attention to by referring to it as the Chinese virus. So basically, Trump's allowed to give COVID-19 another name, but Nancy Pelosi is not.
Right, well, now it's interesting actually, as I was sort of looking through here all the latest articles, the featured articles, and then as I was reading them I looked up and at the top there's a little bar, so I'm on the featured news tab, but David Eich's website has featured news, world news, UK news, US news, EU news,
And then a final topic, which is called nature of reality. Oh, I kind of feel like looking at to see what they've got under the nature of reality. Well, they're mostly articles as well. There's a couple of one video about the great forgetting what David Ike has been talking about for decades. And now we enter the great remembering. There's one about child sex trafficking, galactic federation and reincarnation.
That headline took a swerve, I have to say. But mostly their articles. So let's have a look. First one, Indigenous elders share stories about star people living inside the earth. So it's a summary of Cherokee and Choctaw people
talking, oh no so this professor is Cherokee slash Choctaw and has been researching the quote star people and collecting encounters between them and native Indians for many years. So Clayton is that this is um star people or possibly moon people who live inside the earth who are First Nations people in America have apparently um
had lots of contact with this. One of the people being spoken to apparently lives near a military base. And when the interviewer asked them, has anyone asked them about UFOs? He replied, one of my niece's boys used to work at the base about 10 years ago.
They employed about 100 civilians at the time. He said that one morning when he went to work and the base was closed. They told the workers to go home. When he reported for work the following day, one of his friends who was stationed there told him a UFO had landed the previous night. He said there was a place up there where the UFOs go underground. His nephew said it was guarded night and day. No one was allowed near the site, but he said his friend who has a high security clearance told him about it. He went on to explain how he thinks it's a place where the aliens and the military collaborate and where the aliens can go underground freely without us regular people seeing them.
So there you go, not just aliens, but underground aliens from the centre of the Earth. The best kind of underground aliens. Although, frankly, I prefer my cannibal humanoid underground dwellers, truth be told. Well, in a perfect world, yes. What's Alex Jones got for us? Well, so here's a headline. Communist Chinese propaganda video claims Covid was weaponised to beat Trump.
Now, that headline somewhat suggests the bioweapon hypothesis that COVID-19 was generated in China as an attack against the West. Would you agree?
It certainly sounds like that. Or if not an attack specifically to kill people, then an attack to make Trump look bad by getting his people infected, yes. Now, actually, it turns out that China Global Television Network, which is a Chinese state-run news outlet coming out of Beijing, has a video up which basically claims that COVID-19 is a test that populist leaders like Boris Johnson and President Trump have failed

Content Saturation in Conspiracy Theories

for the sheer fact that they've failed to do anything adequate to control the pandemic. So the video itself doesn't actually say that COVID-19 is a weapon. It simply says that certain leaders around the world have failed to react to the pandemic appropriately, and thus they've failed the test of being good leaders. Now, of course, obviously, this is a piece of propaganda
designed to show that China's response to COVID-19 is appropriate. But at the same time, it definitely doesn't show that COVID-19 is a weapon. And also it is true that populist leaders like your Viktor Orban, your Boris Johnson, and your Donald Trump really have failed the test of being able to control a pandemic. Okay.
I've got a couple of stories still from the Nature of Reality section up. Would you like to hear about the global expansion of AI surveillance? Would you like to hear about two children suing Google for allegedly collecting students' biometric data? Or would you like to hear about woman shares what her experience was like inside of the MKUltra program? Ooh, I want the first and the last, please.
Okay, we'll start with the global expansion of AI surveillance. I should point out that the hero image for this paper is a sort of a birth of man type thing with sort of a robot hand touching a human hand and the caption artificial intelligence summoning the demon.
So I don't actually think it's that sexy, really. It's simply saying artificial intelligence technology is rapidly proliferating around the world. It does talking about slightly worrying things, the onset of deep fake videos that blur the line between truth and falsehood. Fair enough. Also advanced algorithms that can beat the best players in the world and multiplayer poker.
And so it's basically just kind of talking about AI is all over the place, possibly even in places where you would not expect AI surveillance technology. So I assume all your facial recognition and all of that stuff. China is a major driver of AI surveillance worldwide, talking about Huawei, Hikvision, Dahua, and ZTE.
companies being full of that sort of stuff. China, China, China, China, China. Liberal democracies are major users of AI surveillance. Unfortunately, for all the summoning the demon hype at the start, it's basically just saying countries are using AI a lot more and are using AI surveillance a lot more. Indeed, I see this
paper that was originally taken from the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website, who sound like one of your think tank types. Yes, by using the word Carnegie there, they seem to be trading on something they're probably not.
You're probably right to be less interested in the two children suing Google for allegedly biometric data. It's a story from CNET. Apparently two children are suing Google for collecting their biometric data, including face templates and voice prints.
Although again, this one is accompanied by a picture saying the Google Monster must be broken up before there's no freedom left with a picture of Sully from Monsters, Inc. with with with Google circles in his eyes and the big Google going raw and holding a holding a medicine bottle of vitamin D3.
I don't know what's going on there. But yes, okay, Woman Cheers, what her experience was like inside of the MKUltra program. So a bit of background, what MKUltra was, designed to make people do things they wouldn't normally do while under mind control, blah, blah, blah. Basically says you can find this out from CIA's Electronic Reading Room. Talks about
There was apparently recently a history channel, the history channel, he had a program called America's War on Drugs, which had a bit of stuff about that. I, okay, I'm not, I'm not seeing anything about a woman giving her experiences of what it was like in the MK Ultra program. Are you saying you've just been hit with a clickbait headline? Um, like, I kind of think I have.
Scandalous. David Eich. Okay, there's a video. Right. There's a video. Oh, no. Okay. No, there's one. Right. So this was, it's seeming most of these articles have been taken from other websites. So what I was reading on the David Eich site was sort of a bit of a summary. And when I click through to the actual link, there is a fear, there's actually quite a lot more. Dr. Colin A. Ross, he's been talking to them.
So Dr. Ross is talking about, along with a woman called Kathy O'Brien, I suppose. Okay, let's just back up here. It's one of those things where you start reading a sentence and it goes in a slightly different direction. We have a quote from Dr. Ross saying, I'm going to base what I have to say here on the motto of one of the great law enforcement officers of all time, which is Sergeant Joe Friday. And his motto was, just the facts, man, just the facts.
So what I'm going to give you is just the facts, a little quick synopsis of absolutely documented, objective, real history of CIA military mind control experimentation. This for sure is just a declassified tiny tip of the iceberg, but it's definitely fact and it's definitely stranger than fiction. The sentence which caused me to pause was... This quote above comes from Dr Ross, giving a lecture alongside Kathy O'Brien, a supposed MK ultra-viction...
M.K. Ultra victim, and Roseanne Barr, a famous Hollywood actress and director who once said M.K. rules in Hollywood. Was not expecting that. So apparently Roseanne Barr and Kathy O'Brien have been touring, giving talks.
Apparently, when you see some entertainers such as Miley Cyrus giving certain performances, it's not really them, but an alter personality which exists inside of them that is triggered before the performance they are hypnotized. That's why Roseanne Barr apparently said MK Ultra rules in Hollywood, because the stars you see performing are actually under mind control, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, UFOs, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
stuff being done to people shortly after birth, doing horrible experiments on babies. Yeah, it actually goes in all sorts of different directions that I was really not expecting. Not a lot of detail, just MKUltra is bad and they do horrible experiments and control people's minds.
Interesting. So I've just gone down a bit of a rabbit hole because one of the headlines on is 5G induces coronavirus shocking scientific study. There's a video attached to it.
So this is concerning an article called 5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells, which is published in the Journal of Biological Regulators and Homeostatic Agents, which does turn out to be a real journal. I've been checking on various websites to make sure it does actually exist and isn't some kind of made up scam journal.

Credibility of Conspiracy Publications and Motivations

And basically it's the claim that 5G radiation is able to manipulate cells and those cells can then be used to construct corona viruses out of them. And apparently it was published on June the 9th 2020. I'm actually trying to see if I can access the university's website to see whether I can find whether this is an actual publication or whether someone has
just made up a journal name and produced a publication that looked like it may have occurred in an academic journal. So whilst I'm doing that, Josh, maybe you might want to find us another exciting little story.
Okay, well I've clicked over to just the world news section. Here's one, Colto and Google search blacklists major conservative websites and new fascist censorship purge. Now this is another, it seems like most of the articles are actually just reposted from other sites. Can you guess what site that article came from complaining about conservative websites being purged faciously from Google? I'm assuming it's the Guardian.
No. Oh, is it? Oh, is it a Marxist journal by some by some chance? No, no, it's a very more of a conservative one. I think that's complaining about its brethren being purged by the fascists. Is it
No, it's complaining about the fact that Breitbart, the day we call it InfoWars Human Events in Red State, all have all been blacklisted on Google. Who's it by? It's Prison Planet. Paul Joseph Watson's version of InfoWars. So yes, it's interesting, bedfellows, the
him and Ike. Shall I do another? Let's go to US News. What does Ike think is happening in America? Seen that one, seen that one. Okay, so apparently the federal coup to overthrow the states and nix the 10th amendment is underway. I don't actually know which one the 10th amendment is. That's not one of the A-list amendments, unfortunately.

Episode Conclusion and Teaser for Patrons

So this actually appears to be in reaction to the whole Department of Homeland Security.
The 10th Amendment affirms the sovereignty of the states and the citizens, so it's sort of the states' rights one, I guess. But yeah, this is talking about the fact of the Homeland, the Department of Homeland Security people going into cities and the states at the moment and spraying, pepper spraying. Did you see the dude getting beaten with the stick and not flinching at all? No.
No, it's been going around the internet for the last couple of days. Some ex-Navy dude showed up to talk to these guys in Portland and basically wanted to say, you know, you guys swore an oath to the Constitution or whatever it is and you're not, you need to think about what you're doing and uphold your oath and so on. And stands there as this dude runs up and whacks him a good three or more times, just belts him on the arm a couple of times and then once in the leg and the dude just doesn't flinch. He doesn't move a muscle.
and it's not until somebody sprays him with pepper spray that he then backs off, flipping them off the entire time. Turned out he did actually break a bunch of bones in his hand, but most impressive. Him and the naked woman, surely you heard about the naked woman? Oh yeah, with sitting in front of the police, showing everything. Doing yoga and all sorts of other stuff, yeah.
Anyway, it's basically talking about what's been going on in Portland and then other places, and this is the Trump administration. Again, more anti-Trump gloss on things, but basically saying, yes, this is a coup to take over the entire country, and it goes on and on and on and on. In fact, this does actually appear to be a
a homegrown one not linked to from somewhere else. So there you go.
Well, Josh, you mean to know that I've found the journal's homepage and I've found the issue of the journal, this particular paper is meant to appear in and it does not seem to appear in the, ah, except suddenly, but it doesn't seem to appear in the issue it's meant to be in, but actually it seems it's been given the wrong date because indeed,
There is a paper called 5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Sales published in this particular journal. It seems to have a fairly normal set of publications otherwise.
And yes, indeed, there is an abstract here, which ends with 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying constructing virus-like structures such as coronavirus's COVID-19 within cells. So this is indeed a published paper in an academic journal. I should point out it's not a peer-reviewed paper. It's an editorial.
Now, editorials don't tend to have gone through review. They tend to be papers that have been solicited by people in the editorial team. So that's a little curious. I'll be quite interested to see if there's any academic reaction to this particular paper because it does seem just ever so slightly odd.
Now I think we're brushing up against the usual amount of time we spend recording an episode, and I do worry for our respective mental well-beings if we carry on much further down this rabbit hole. Should we do one more? I think so. One more each and we'll call it a day.
Um, so the next one I clicked on in the, in the, I think, you actually know, let's go out of the US. Let's go to the EU. What's going on? I was just going to be a boring thing about how wearing face masks is a global fascist conspiracy. Um, what have we got? COVID, COVID, don't wear masks. Uh, 5G in Denmark. Oh, historic Notre Dame. Okay. We're still going on in Notre Dame.
oh okay apparently there's been also a fire at Nantes 15th century gothic cathedral
And apparently, according to who do they get this from? Sky News, I know the article about the fire is from Sky News, but this particular one from Gareth Eich is suggesting the fact that because we've had two fires in cathedrals within the space of a year, when was Notre Dame Cathedral fire? That was last year. It was, yes.
So apparently, it has a photo of this thing, of this cathedral on fire with the caption, I'm not a Christian or follower of any religion, but there's a war on Christianity. So apparently two fires in cathedrals and that's a war on Christianity, folks. Over to you. Okay, well, we've got
A few bits and bobs here, but I think the one which is probably the most interesting is Biden says he wishes schools would teach about Islamic faith, which info walls is trying to intimate means that Biden wants everyone to become Muslim and subscribe to Sharia law was actually, it turns out the interview that they're linking to is simply Biden going, I think it would be really quite useful if people knew more about Islam.
So once again, it's a case of taking something which seems quite benign and basically putting sinister music over the background. Although the other one, which I would have gone for, is self-help guru Tony Robbins promotes Infowars report on COVID testing scandal. Do you remember Tony Robbins and his endless, endless infomercials back in the 90s? I assume he's still, he's still kicking, is he? He's still
Yeah, apparently he's still being a very successful life coach, but like many influencers in the modern age, he's become a bit of a skeptic of the old thing called science and is now basically sharing a whole bunch of conspiracy theories via his Twitter profile about how maybe COVID-19 isn't quite what it stands up to be.
basically pointing to errors in the testing mechanism to suggest that there's something untoward going on with the official narrative about Covid-19.
Well, there you go. We look at Infowars and so you don't have to. And frankly, I wouldn't recommend that you do. Mostly because it just wasn't... I did not find that particularly illuminating. It's just all anti-COVID. It's all a government scam and also 5G. Also, a frustrating number of articles aren't actually articles at all. They're links to videos. And frankly, I don't have time to watch videos.
know that the whole pivot to video thing's still going on, I guess. Even though we now know the pivot to video was actually disastrous. It was. In fact, it was almost conspiratorial in its own like with Facebook knowingly inflating figures and so on. But we've talked about that in the past. We have indeed. But things we haven't talked about in the past is our exciting patron material
which is coming up just after the break the break being when we end this episode and start recording the next one because we have got some juicy stories for our patrons who are the best people on earth we've got an exciting story about a police union boss who has a QAnon mug in an office he claims is not his own
We've got theories about Russia wanting to steal COVID-19 vaccines. We've got a COVID-19 BMW stuck in an Adelaide airport car park all the way over in Australia. The curious case of Twitter banning QAnon. A music video that's designed to annoy QAnon at the very moment in time. Their account to being banned from social media.
the curious case of Trump and wishing Ghislaine Maxwell well after her arrest, and then a new story by Josh Putter just this evening, sabotage questioned after Chinese activists killed in fiery Tokoroa crash.
Yes, just breaking news. So if you're interested in hearing about any of that and you happen to be one of our patrons, then good news. Just listen to the next patron bonus episode. If you'd like to hear about that and you're not currently a patron, you certainly are quite welcome to become one. You are indeed.
Speaker and searching for the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy. I think, I think that it's safe to say that we're done with this episode. We are indeed. I think we can say the episode is now closed. Our exploration of David Icke and Alex Jones' mental state via their websites is over and done with. I think it might be time to draw this episode to its rightful conclusion.
And of course the rightful conclusion of any episode is me saying goodbye. And me saying toodily pop. Precisely.
You've been listening to the podcast's Guide to the Conspiracy, starring Josh Addison and Dr. M.R. Extended, which is written, researched, recorded and produced by Josh and Em. You can support the podcast by becoming a patron, via its Podbean or Patreon campaigns. And if you need to get in contact with either Josh or Em, you can email them at or check their Twitter accounts, Mikey Fluids and Conspiracism.
And remember, it's just a step to the left.