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Does M Remember... David Icke? image

Does M Remember... David Icke?

The Podcasterโ€™s Guide to the Conspiracy
461 Plays20 days ago

We're back! The good news is that M and Josh are in the same country, so can record together in person; the bad news is that this means the usual recording setup isn't available, so the sound quality leaves something to be desired (the wind actually whistling around the building doesn't help either). Nevertheless, it won't stop Josh from making good on his promise to scour more of M's old radio show episodes and throw them back in their face.


New Direction for the Podcast

It's a new year here at the Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy and with it comes a bold new direction. After consultation with our listeners and, crucially, our non-listeners, we have pledged this year to make the Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy a banter-free zone. No more of the time-wasting waffle that serves only to pad out the running time and make us appear as human beings with lives external to the podcast.
The very thought sickened me. As it should. To give you an example of this new policy in action, Dr Dentith, how was your week been? That is irrelevant to the present discussion. Indeed. We're sure you'll find the new podcast's Guide to Conspiracy a lean, efficient information dissemination engine. We'd say we hope you enjoyed, it but our desires are of no consequence. The theme will play now.
The podcaster's guide to the conspiracy brought to you today by Josh Addison and Ian Denton.

Recording Challenges of 2025

Hello and welcome to the podcaster's guide to the conspiracy in 2025, a year that should not exist. It's the year the great doom came upon us all. It's just too high of a year, I don't approve. But anyway, it is what the year is and we are recording in that year. Technically, if you're one of our patrons, you'll know that we've actually recorded a couple of episodes already this year, but the quality was not spectacular and we've sort of saved them to be little filler episodes as and when we need them. So this is off as proper, proper episodes. Although we actually can't guarantee the quality is going to be particularly better for this episode because the best laid plans of mice and men came awry with the discovery that neither of our laptops actually supports an audio in via a headphone jack. And so our plan to use fancy mics to record this episode has somewhat come awry with the fact that we have really bad laptops.
And of course I should point out um that the reason why we're having to do various sorts of of technological jiggery-pokery ah is because it's in the country currently and we are recording it and it's steering deeply at one another right now.
Some would say into the soul, others would say with daggers in their eyes. but Actually, what what a wonderful reality TV show. Not stars in their eyes, daggers in their eyes. Matthew, today we're going to do a really bad impersonation of Stevie Wonder. Oh yes, they've got daggers in their eyes. well and They've got daggers in their eyes. Anyway. Anyway. So it is a new year. You and I are in the same room.
That's why the recording quality might not be great, which seems wrong. It is counterintuitive to think that when we're actually in the same room, our making is going to be worse than when we're in a completely different countries and different time zones. But anyway, so so there you go.

Emergency Content Strategy

That's that's just just laying the ground ground rules, letting you know exactly what is up, and also letting you know why it is a week into February before you're getting your first proper episodes. again Did record some other ones. They're just, if you're not a patron, you haven't heard them yet, but... Yes, they're in the can. Which means you'll only hear them if something goes awry. and They are emergency episodes broadcast, put out into the etherweb, that you know that something has gone very, very bad. and And if we continue as we have started, things probably will go awry. So you'll get to hear them eventually. Yeah, eventually.
ah So, that's our first proper episode, and now I think, I'm pretty sure, in our wrap-up episode at the end of last year, I said one thing I should do is go and listen to more of Em's old radio episodes so I can do another What Does Em Remember episode, given that we've only actually done one, and it was meant to be a new and new segment, a new themed episode.

'What Does Em Remember?' Revival

And so I've done that. I have literally done that thing that I said I probably would do.
And now I'm aware that the last time we did this particular segment there were chuckles and gefors where Josh had got me figuring things or pointing my finger at things or touching things in such a way that did out of context sound suggestive. Now I'm sure that Josh has done nothing similar this time. And he's gone hard-hitting, journalistic, diving into the details, finding a really interesting topic, all from looks of it three, and asking me what I remember about those things, and not using it as a cheap set up to a punchline. Obviously, i would I would never do such a thing, nor would I ever.
I mean, so the latter part of that sentence was a lie, which makes me think the first half of that sentence is a lie as well, because it's a conjunction. And if it's A and B, if the conjunct B is false, A is false by implication as well. Quod orat demonstratum, eps custidae, custiodes. That philosophy podcast is no place for propositional logic. Instead, can you... and yeah We do, yeah. yeah yeah We will do it.
Right. Let's do it. All right, i am I am ready to not laugh at anything I've said in the past at all. Right, so as you as you you did notice from the fact that I've given you a bunch of of clips, like with episode one, episode two, and episode three,

David Icke's Evolving Narrative

I am drawing on three of your episodes. Actually, sorry, I should, given that we've only done this once before, I should maybe do a a proper introduction again.
What this show is about is, back in the midst of time... Segment, not show. Unless we're pivoting the entire podcast to things I've done in the past, you want to embarrass me. This particular one. Okay, this episode, the episode. So back in the midst of time, before we were doing this podcast, Ian had a radio segment on BFM, the radio station at Auckland University. And we basically did this sort of thing over the end of about 15 minutes.
Segment. And some would say more efficiently. Well, you could you could say that indeed. ah So, given the the earliest that we played back to 2009, we thought, I think an interesting thing if I go, because we probably have some memory of doing all of these. I mean, you say some memory, but they actually the chances are numb. Well, that's what we're here to find out. I haven't listened to every segment you've ever recorded. So, what I've done is gone to inside that URL,
is ah we um of nearly every episode. There are five which I was never able to capture the recordings of and unfortunately the server that they used to sit upon from whence they could be streamed no longer exists. yeah ah so So almost all of them are there. So what I've done is I've gone through and listened to some episodes and now I'm going to quiz Em on exactly how much they remember of these episodes. So the the the the the segment is called Does N Remember? I guarantee you remember the topic of these episodes because all three of them are about the same topic. Oh dear. So so if I don't remember the first, I'm really, really screwed with the second episode. Can you think of a a topic you would have talked about on your conspiracy radio show that you would have bothered going into three times over the course of a couple of years?
Well, I mean, of course it will. basically two eras of the show, the dentist files and conspiracy corner. I can imagine, I may have done North Head on one and the other. So I imagine that could be something I could have looked at at least twice. Or if you're going to something which is somatic, we could be dealing with American presidencies or something about the ah recurrent feature of the Obama regime. Three times.
three times i think it's the only thing you talked about in three different episodes wow i'm i'm i'm drawing a blank here it is none other than mr david ike oh so whos who we've discussed on this podcast three times so obviously david ike if we're going to do the mold of things that i've talked about conspiracy theory wise in an audio medium david ike is the most commonly recurrent figure in my media career. Interesting. and so um sort of i like basically first yeah and actually and so no no one because of course i I went to two of the talks during the tenure of the David Icke. No, that's not the way. I went to two David Icke talks during the tenure of doing both Conspiracy Corner and Data Files.
I only saw one, but anyway, we're getting ahead of ourselves, but yes, three three episodes on David. because Because of course, because why not? There's always something you're going to have to say about David. There's always something there to remind you. So I was looking through the list and so I actually, okay, there's three David Ike episodes. Well, we could make ah we could make a segment out of that. Maybe,

Reptilian Shapeshifters and Pop Culture

will it just retread the stuff that we've talked about on this podcast many times? And as I listened to them, I was interested to see that there are Like given that you're talking about some of this 14 years ago, you talking about David Icke 14 years ago is actually kind of different to us talking about David Icke today. because So this can turn out that I was a really big David Icke booster 14 years ago and become more cynical about him with time? Fortunately no, but the thing basically the things that David Icke was saying that you are reporting on I think have changed over time.
and David Icke is a remarkably inconsistent figure. Yeah, well, this this may well show that. So the first episode I looked at was the episode of The Dentith Files dated on or about to the 6th of October 2009, which is where you introduced your listeners to David Icke the very first time. Now, now you're right. last Last time we had an episode like we we did Does M Remember,
I got you to, I played you a clip and asked you what happened after, immediately after that clip. And the fact that I picked things out made it sound strange and and made and made somewhat the fool of you. Now, I haven't done that at all. Instead, I would like you to play the first clip, episode one clip on after, and instead to tell me what you said directly before that. All right, Josh, I am pressing the button. It's been on clip one, the before bit.
Well, it's large. It's amorphous. It's a lot like a jelly. It's quite gelatinous. You prod it. It wobbles. Sometimes it shifts toward two. Sometimes it shifts away. Lords of inertia are not quite stable stable there. But geographically, it's huge. Geographically, it's huge. not Geographically, it's huge. I think you've always known that. Do you know what directly preceded those words of yours?
David Icke's mind virus is such is that geographically it's enormous, it's gelatinous, something of that particular type? No, actually, this wasn't anything to do with David Icke at all. This was simply you introducing your listeners to the fact that while you had talked about more sort of mundane political conspiracies up until now, and this time you were taking, you you were veering off into different territory. Perhaps if you play the the second of those two clips, things will become more clear.
We're veering off towards Wexville, Arizona. sure Although, of course, actually technically, some people would say that all the conspiracy theories we talk about are actually in Wexville. And actually, it sounds like I'm saying Wex, as in, you know, candle Wex, as opposed to Wack, Wexville, Arizona. What's the what's the yeah geographical nature of Wexville? Well, it's large. It's amorphous. It's a lot like a jelly. It's quite gelatinous. You prod it. It wobbles. Sometimes it shifts toward two. sometimes it So note that I see it sounds slightly posher in those recordings.
No, maybe it's just being in a radio environment. It's true. Being in a radio environment does does make one feel slightly better about the world. So yes, waxville, Arizona. I see that my sense of humor has in no way changed. I'm still tripping up on the same words. So that was there was your that was you setting the stage for a talk about David Icahn. You basically did did everything that you talked about before. you You introduced your listeners to who he is, who he was, the purple jumpsuit,
the various talk of things. um Now, what I found interesting was in the episode, you talk about his his accusations of antisemitism. And we've said this before, but I remember when I first heard about David Icke, it was very much in the talk of antisemitism was very much along the lines of oh David Eyck's stuff is all coded anti-Semitism. When he talks about these shape-shifting lizards who run the world, you know that really that's coded talk for the Jews who run the world and that's him being anti-Semitic like that. And the reply to that was always, no, no, at no. No, David Eyck really does believe in shape-shifting reptiles. And yes, he believes that some of the larger Jewish families are shape-shifting reptiles, but also a bunch of other ones are. And it's not specifically anti-Semitism, but
I didn't know at the time of course that in his earlier books he had talked like explicitly about how what is the business about the the fact that he thought the Holocaust was funded in part by Jewish families so that there were he didn't he didn't say Jews were responsible for the Holocaust but he did say some Jews yes he said that some Jews enabled the Holocaust to occur which is in part part of the long discussion between the Jews in the Middle East versus the European Jews, and the notion that there's even a some kind of rivalry between those two different camps. And so, of course, one of those camps was predating upon the other, which has led to all sorts of weird claims such as senior clerics in Islam helping Hitler, etc., etc.
which aren't just claims exclusive to David Ipe, because you might remember that one Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, was actually making very similar claims of that kind only a few years ago, when he seemed to be downplaying Hitler's role in the Holocaust.
Yes, now this there's there's a lot a lot wrong there, but i didn't I didn't know about that at the time, and yet you did clearly back in 2000. So if I'd listened, if I'd educated myself properly by listening to your broadcast. And as we know, the only way to educate yourself properly is to listen to things that I am saying all the time, 100% of the time,
both past and future. Yeah, because yeah, i remember I remember that stuff that we just talked about the bit being new news to me and when we talked about David Icke much more recently than some of the first times we had talked about it. So it was interesting to hear that coming up much later. Now, um you talk you you you talk as you were about him and everything that he believes um Now, what I found interesting, and it'll be interesting to compare this to a clip from a later episode, but um if you if you get the the next clip from episode one, really, you talk about the the other, who was your host, or your co-host at the

Promoting Autonomy Against Conspiracies

time? That would have been Jose Barbosa. Right. Well, he asks you, ah so what what can we do about this? What does David Eich say we can do about this? And so if you play the next clip, this is you,
saying what David Icke says we can do about this whole shape-shifting reptilians running the world. He has actually written a book on health in the global conspiracy. Most of it is about being autonomous, are reporting on things factually, being aware of media bias,
ah listening to sources of authority, which all seem like fairly commonsensical things, but of course his sources of authority are don't trust officials, don't trust governments, don't trust scientists, that don't trust anyone who's a qualified expert because they're part of the global consciousness, which is Luciferian consciousness. So he wants independent people like us in our non-reptilian garb are to challenge authority at every step. And that's the only way we can actually break free.
non-riptilian garb But i I found that interesting because that seemed quite sort of prosaic compared to, and we'll see this in in a minute, but these days he when he talks about what you can do about it, it's a lot more sort of sort of sort of lightness of love and love and just spreading the good vibes in hand, whereas that was interesting to hear. You're talking about him in 2009 and nine it seems to be a lot more be informed, don't trust authority.
style of things. I mean the thing we have to remember about David Icke is that he was a journalist, albeit a sports journalist, but still a journalist, trained by the BBC. And in 2009 David Icke has kind of gone through the height of one part of his popularity and is actually a long way off from the kind of popularity he's going to gain during the COVID-19 initial stages of the pandemic. So in 2009, he's a character who was known for having weird views about alien shape-shifting reptiles, but there's no particular focus on canceling his talks overseas or telling people that he's a bad man. He's simply someone who goes around
He gives talk, sometimes he talks about crystal healing, sometimes he talks about alien shapeshifting reptiles. And so there's not much much pressure on David Icke to change his messaging. And so I think in this stage and of his career, he's going, well, look, if I just give people what I take to be the facts, and they think through things critically, they'll change their minds.
As there's more media focus on what David Icke is saying and a renewed interest in the kind of crypto anti-Semitism he engages in, I think he then realizes that he can't just do the based upon the facts because the facts are being disputed. People are saying he's not being factual at all. And then he goes down the much more quasi-mystical route of well positivity. Admittedly, he's not a particularly positive person because he's always talking about groups of people that we should fear as being alien shape-shifting reptiles but otherwise we should love all human beings apart from those alien shape-shifting reptiles

Philosophical Banter and Humor

who may or may not be Jewish. So just just keep that clip in mind, we'll be referring back to it later.
Um but so so that was that was all right this sounds like a legal uh deposition okay so so keeping that clip in mind we'll be uh we'll be coming back to that and like when i show that completely inconsistent your answer is Professor Denton. Ah there's a bit of that as well. Is that just wind? It is just the wind. Curious bit of wind.
So that's that's kind of that that's it for the first episode. It was but it was just ah it was an introduction to David Icke and contained pretty much everything you would expect from an episode introducing people to David Icke. Including gelatinous borders and non-reptilian garb. So that was that was it for the Dientith files, but you um took touched on David Icke twice more in the conspiracy corner. So if you move ahead a couple of years now to April 2011,
Ah, they'll be the Zach and Ethan years, I think. ah So and yeah another episode about David Eichmann, a particular particular aspect of David Eichmann's views, which are possibly um summed up in the first clip that I've chosen. So if you can play, now this time I have a clip, a before and after clip, rather than ask you to say what came after or what came before. In this one, crucial bits of the clip are censored out. I'd like you to tell me what's missing
from the from the clip that you're about to play episode two clip one before george bush was fingered actually all of the executive branch of the american government under bush uh was fingered and donald rumsfeld the littleian process what's not my fault if you see if you keep saying it i'll keep getting you on it so i i so i doesn't know to again because because you got me the figure saying i just convict must at that point so let me just ah play that again and see if i can
treat it seriously with a jew seriousness seriousness re requires George Bush was fingered. Actually, all of the executive branch of the American government under Bush was fingered and Donald Rumsfeld. So I'm saying fingered by Dave and Ike, but it's almost as if there's not enough space in that last bit to buy Ike. If I can give you a clue, it's not fingered by, it's fingered Ed's.
Alien shape-shifting reptiles. Alien shape-shifting reptiles. But I'm saying it's even reptilians? Reptilians. Yeah, reptilians. Yeah, okay. All right. So this episode was the Reptilians episode. This is where you specifically talk, not not David Icke in general, but Icke and his belief that there are these shape-shifting reptiloids secretly running the show. um Now, you you started out right near the beginning by noting the connection to, or the the similarity to V.
into pointing out that the V miniseries came out a little bit before David Eichstar. I sort of interject here, they're making a new V miniseries. I don't see an audio drama made by Big Finish, the people who do all the Doctor Who audio dramas, and increasingly every audio drama in the world, because Big Finish keep buying up the rights to dead shows and making audio dramas. Apparently they record a new audio drama every day.
or at least five days a week. So yes, they're making a V miniseries set in the UK this time. They're very happy. I never watched the new miniseries, but I gather it it got cancelled after one season and didn't resolve anything.
and But if I think of about it, you got cancelled midway through season one, so they didn't even get a season one cliffhanger resolution. ah But yeah, so you talked about that and gave the analogy. I don't you don't that think you brought up the Stargate analogy, but you mentioned the X-Files as being something that people talk about. Oh, that's the show exists to um make people not believe, you know, when they encounter the stuff for real, they'll think, oh, it's just it's just that TV show, you're getting confused or whatever.
ah bringing up the term predictive programming as being if something that Alex Jones used to say a lot. Did he originate the term? No, I think it will predict. I think even Bill Cooper was talking about it back in the day.
Yes, so you talk about V and the idea that that it that yeah the idea that's David Eicher is ripping off V a little bit and then the response to that from his supporters say, oh no, no, it's predictive programming. They put that there so that when when someone like Eicher comes along telling the truth about the reptiloids, people will say, oh, he's just ripping that off from from having watched V.
um Now the reason why you were talking about that at that particular time, I don't suppose you can remember what could have prompted you to have been talking about retilience in 2011? Is it going to be the John Key vet thing? No.
Oh, because I mean, because John Key didn't have that. So for listeners who don't know anything about New Zealand politics, which will be a good deep proportion of the listeners, someone actually did send in an official information access request to the New Zealand government asking, and this was a person who doesn't believe in the alien shapeshifting reptile hypothesis. They were just pulling a prank. Could John Key prove he wasn't a member of an alien shapeshifting race? Yeah.
And so John Key gave a press conference where he said he'd been to a vet and the vet had a short term that is not a lizard, something which I actually think might have been a case of the Prime Minister lying to the people of New Zealand, and that I think John Key took this as a joke and made a joking answer, which means he actually may not have fulfilled the requirements of the official information access request. But of course, it may be the case that John Key literally did go to a vet to prove, i'm but it just seems like one of those things I can't see John Key actually going to a vet and saying, am I a lizard or not?
So I was wondering whether that was the... It could have been, but it was not in that case. But so I think we can all agree that lying about having gone to the vet is definitely the worst thing John Key ever did in his term as Prime Minister. Yes, apart from the pulling of people's hair and all the other things he did which are bad. yeah Anyway, that was the same thing. yeah You're on the right line. it was ah um There was an interview at the time of Donald Rumsfeld It was an American radio show. They had Louis C.K., a guy who went on to, I guess, you do lots of good things and be a perfectly wonderful person post-2011. No, no, I mean, he just disappeared. Just disappeared. yeah That's what happened to Louis C.K., directly after this interview, probably. Yeah. They definitely didn't win a Grammy recently, thus upsetting the entire world by giving someone an award who turned out to be a terrible human being who's never really apologized for things he did.
Anyway, in 2011, when everybody thought Chuck Lewis UK was just Andy, he was a guest on a radio segment where they... Now, it was a bit of a weird sort of a snafu where Donald Rumsfeld called in for the show. I think there was... It was like a mistake or something. He thought they wanted an interview, but they weren't expecting it. But then he called into the show.
And they were talking to them about stuff. And then one of the things they said was, you know, what do you say to people who like, you know, there are people out there who think you're you're ah you're actually a secret lizard. you like You're like a lizard person. What do you say to that?
And he didn't deny it, was the thing. i won' i want you You play the whole clip in that episode, but I'm not going to have a clip of the clip because it's actually quite a long scene, because the point of it was, they ask him, are you a lizard? And he doesn't actually say, no, of course, I'm not ashamed to think what three things people believe. He just goes off into some weird tangent about um talking to someone who came up to him at a restaurant and had a chat with him and talked about stuff.
and gives just this sort of generic, a very much a politician response of just, of pointless waffle that doesn't actually mean anything and doesn't answer the question at all. So throughout the rest of the, the the the that interview, Louis CK is in the background showing up, are you a lizard? Are you a lizard to Donald? A constantly challenging Donald Rumsfeld to deny on radio that he is in fact a shapeshifting lizard and he never denied it.
Well I think that's just case closed on Donald Rumsfeld lizard person, which of course is the worst thing he could possibly be and not near the other things he did. Exactly. Now so so that was that was interesting and a bit of fun but what interested me about this episode, again on the theme of Ike's changing beliefs maybe, I'm not sure, during this episode when you're talking to your co-hosts about David Icke and what he believes about rectoids and so on. You actually say in this episode that it isn't clear that Icke actually believes this literally, that it could just be a metaphor for how these people who run the world, the people in power, they they're just not like us. They're just a different kind of person. um and and so and And so at the time in 2011, you were saying, it isn't it 100% certain whether or not he really believes this literally? Do you think that's still the case?
I think, subsequently, the fact that he has denied the figurative nature or figurative interpretation of his work indicates that He at least claims to now sincerely believe in the existence of alien chep-shifting reptiles. I think it's possible to look at his earlier work and go it could be metaphorical, but I think now he would absolutely staunchly deny a metaphorical reading of his work. And maybe that's also true of his past work. Maybe I was simply trying to be too charitable to David Icke back in Yes, and um but but it is an interesting on that, if it were to be just metaphor, like I was just saying, that these politicians and stuff, they're not like us, the Donald Rumsfeld that does kind of support that because he's asked a fairly ah feeling blunt, non-ambiguous question that could very easily be laughed off, and yet instead of responding like a human being, he responds like a politician with a long, waffling speech about nothing that

Politicians and Conspiracy Parallels

addresses nothing and doesn't really tell you a thing about it. so
And yet, that seems to be how we've trained politicians to respond to any question now. Well, yes, that's the thing. It's so full of gotchas and the the penalty for changing in one's mind. Although, i do you think you can really change your mind about alien shape-shifting reptile and your sense of identity?
You know, but not in a particular issue. But yeah, so that was interesting. um ah Just to see how talking about Ike's views, if not Ike's views, has changed in the intervening Jesus Christ 14 years. The hell is going on with the passage of time? I don't support it. Yeah, there's there's some kind of weird extension expansion thing. I don't understand how it works, but it's affecting us all. Now, I think I think in that episode, although I didn't make a note of this, but I'm pretty sure, is your building secretly a kettle?
Yes, that's why we're boiling away. yeah um i think I think in this episode, which was April of 2011, you didn't mention David Icke's show. I think you mentioned that he was coming to the country back then, which of course would be foreshadowing for the third. And as far as I'm aware, final time you talked about David Icke on Conspiracy Corner, which is in August.
um So, what's it was there to be a ah clip two for... Oh no, we never played the after. Oh, you never played the after? That's because you you guessed it correctly. Oh, okay. played this quickly i just yeah just see yeah actually got it yeah George Bush was fingered as one of these reptiles. Actually, all of the executive branch of the American government under Bush was fingered as reptiles. And Donald Rumsfeld.
now yeah Now, on one level, I feel like that was the right thing to do. On another level, actually, that really was not necessary, because you're right. I did guess. So, frankly, we just wasted 15 seconds of not just our time, but that is our listeners. How does that make you feel, Josh? How does that make you feel to have wasted 15 seconds of their time and then be wasting another 30 seconds talking about how we've wasted that 15 seconds actually getting close to 45 seconds of wasted time now? Do I feel literally nothing?
Good. ah So yes, this this brings us to the 30th, so August it of 2011, which was your report having gone to David Icke's, your first experience of the David Icke experience. Do I talk about spraining my ankle?
I think you mentioned you mentioned having sprained your ankle, and then the next time you went was was where after I just gave you a head cold. Yes, certainly I almost felt like I was going to die. Yeah, every time I'd seen David Icke, there has been a significant impediment to my lifestyle. So the day before I was due to go see David Icke, I sprained my ankle, my right ankle, the ankle I sprained four times now, just walking down the road.
And it actually completely derailed my trying to get out to... Where's... Rainbow's End is located in which part of Auckland? Manukau City? Derailed my trip out to Manukau City, because I was going to catch public transport out there. But my foot was so immobile, the thought of actually walking to the bus stop, filled with dread, good to catch a taxi from Ponsonby out to Manukau City.
and then spent the entire day and David like talks along eight eight eight hours in length spent the entire day trying to shift around and find a way to not being an excruciating pan. So that aside he did come back with a report on everything he talked about so it's interesting what he what he talked about back in 2011 apparently he was already on about hollow moons and satin slash sat satan Oh yes, and sending the signal to the hollow moon to bounce it back to Earth to create the hologrammatic prison planet in which we live. yeah and So you talked about all the things basically. Did it differ markedly from the next time you went? Yes, actually. There was a lot less moon stuff the second time.
there was, I mean in many respects, the first third to half of a David Icke talk is always going to be pretty similar because he doesn't launch into any of the weird stuff until about hour three or four. The first two or three hours essentially is world history and how politics is really, really bad.
And we can show this by the fact that successive governments have done very bad things over the last two to three hundred years, which shows that the political class are a line influence on society. And only once he said, look, all governments are bad. Does he start going,
And here's the root cause. And so he goes into religion, and then from religion, he goes on to, isn't it interesting there are these common symbols between all the supposedly unrelated world religions? That suggests that there's some common cause there. Thus you get the aliens, the iconic mind, Vahiruses, and all that stuff. And it's that latter stuff, which is the stuff that changes, often due to whatever film he's recently watched.
Yes, yeah, it was quite clear when he saw The Matrix, wasn't it? Oh yes, and then very clear when he saw The Hunger Games. But no, so you talk about a bunch of them. Now one thing that interested me, simply because I don't remember it coming up before, is apparently at that point he talked, he mentioned the fact that we have a structure of our brain that's referred to as the lizard brain. Oh yeah, he's really fixated on the fact we have a lizard brain, a home brain. I don't remember that coming up when we've talked about him before, but yes, making the fact we have a lizard brain.
But there's this reptilian DNA has been seeded, seeded within humanity. It's because David like doesn't and understand lizard brain or hind brain. It's just going, well, look there's a primitive part, part of the brain, which isn't part of the sophisticated human experience. It's kind of a more primitive animal experience. How primitive does it go? Well, just like a lizard. Yeah. Now I see, I see it in the first episode, we had that clip of what does David like say we can do about the state of the world that it's in.

Positivity and Collective Consciousness

um And so in this episode you you brought up the same thing again having talked about everything he'd said about stuck to the world You then said and here's what David Ike says we should do about it So if you play the first clip, let's let's listen to this and see how it compares to back the one that we listened to earlier If we all change our view, we're all able to be positive about the world, realize that actually we shouldn't be constrained by five-cent experience, that we should actually engage and create a higher vibration, then we will break free of the system of control and we will find that the world is plentiful and bountiful, there'll be no resource scarcity, there'll be no climate change, it'll all be good because the only reason why things look bad is because we're told they look bad. If we change our perspective, suddenly things will get better. That's quite the different story. Yes, so he's gone a lot more at the new age, and' all let's all just be awesome to each other.
Had he just s seen Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? i think it is complete So the thing about David Icke's career is that in some parts of the world, he's famous for his advocating new age or spiritual healing things. So in Canada, he's really big on crystals. That seems to be the big thing he does when he's been to care Canada, at least in earlier times.
And he's been to various so-called mystic sites around the world and claimed to have had mystical experiences. Actually, a lot like Alex Jones, the latter-day career of David Icke is filled with revelations from higher powers.
And I think at this particular point in time, and I think this is still largely true now, he's really focused on the notion of a a singular mental gisault.
sculpt the salt And the idea, of if we just think together and we're positive, then that's the way we can take the shackles, the control system away from us. And it's because The Matrix has become such a major part of his view that we think we live in a world which is terrible and bad, but actually it it's about to fall on beautiful Josh. You just need to break through the perception barrier and you too can understand how wonderful the world is outside, even if it is boiling, boiling hot inside. It It would be excellent to each other. and be to It was, yes. Do you know what I mean? George caren much Carlin. George Carlin, bless him. Ah, so.
that was that that was kind That was mostly it. um Again, none none of none of the the meat of what you said in of the episodes are things that we haven't heard before and talked about on this podcast. But it was interesting to see the differences between yeah the the change over time and the differences in the way David Eich talked or the way you talked about how David Eich talked um had changed. but But in that final, in that episode in August of 2011, there was a segment in there that when I listened to it, it shocked me to my very core and gave me pause to reevaluate everything I thought I knew about you. Can you play the last clip from episode three? I guess I can.
any New Zealand celebrities? um Not that I noticed. Pity Weepo is down the deck. Colin Mathera. No, and I mean, there may have been a Dan Count or Richie McCall somewhere in the background, but it was a very darkened venue and my eyesight in dark is not particularly good. so Right.
When talked a bit too about New Zealand celebrities, you unprompted, gave your go-to examples of New Zealand celebrities with Dan Carter and Richie McCord. Who are Dan Carter and Richie McCord off the internet? They're rugby players. They are rugby players. People who play, and what is rugby? It's a sport.
Without even being asked, simply given the prop of New Zealand celebrities, you immediately went for not one but two sporting icons. Are you even Dr. Dentist at all? Were you, and since that episode aired, replaced by a shapeshifting reptilian?
And the dear Dr. Dentith, who we thought we knew is long dead and wandering in a pit somewhere, answer me that question, Dr. Dentith, if that is your real name. but The thing is, I was on a bus one day, and the person sitting down next to me, and they were talking about how the economy is working. And I feel that with the current governmental structure, and the push through particular policy initiatives and reforms, that the idea is that we're going to have a better a society, a more just society, a more prosperous society, one which is economically beneficial to all members of society. So I put it to you that you're asking the wrong question here. You should be focusing on the net benefit of the government's current policies and not engaging in discussions which are just irrelevant to the kind of thing we should be focusing our attention upon.
Well, that's not the sort of thing any human being would say, but it is exactly what a politician would say, so I don't know if that's better or worse. Well, I put it to you that it's the economic policy policy which is in the end tantamount and important.
I can't really argue with that. So, does Em remember? You kind of did. Well, I mean, you can't not from remember David Icke, I suppose. But what did did well what did, did you find it interesting listening to your youthful, hopeful, optimistic voice?
and what it had to say about David, I called those years ago. So mean the common complaint everybody has, whether they're a public speaker or a broadcaster, you can actually never like listening back to your own work, because all you do is you focus on, why did I say it that way? Why did I not say it this way? And so it's interesting hearing the clips and going, ah yeah oh still talk the same way, maybe not as fancy as I did in the past.
still stammer and stutter on particular keywords. But in the end, I feel that I had a grasp on David Ike then, and I have a grasp on David Ike now. Would you say your grasp has evolved over time, or simply because David Ike has evolved over time? Yeah, I think because David Ike is a moving target, my appreciation, if that is the right word to use, of David Ike has shifted with the man himself.
Well, that makes perfect sense.

Temporary Setup and Future Plans

And I think it's the perfect thing to go out upon. So, that's the end of an episode. Our first proper, real, honest-to-goodness episode for 2025. Now, I guess we should say now, obviously we are in the same place. I have not gone to Zhuhai, China. Yim has indeed come back to Auckland, New Zealand, but not for very long. No, no. So next week I'm off down to the Waikato.
where I'm taking part in a workshop on conspiracy theories being organized by Joe Yulatowski from the department, sorry, the philosophy program at the University of Waikato, and then next Sunday boarding a plane, flying back to China, start teaching a week from then. Right, and so at that stage our regular recording setup will resume and presumably our regular recording schedule Indeed, indeed. Although it won't be Thursdays, because I'm teaching on Thursday night. So I have to find a different day of the week. One of my boys has an extracurricular activity

Reflecting on American Events

on Thursday nights as well, so we can pick a night. It'll all work out. There's zero ways around it. The calendar is flexible. Because it's made of cardboard a lot of the time.
Well AT&T these days just bits and bytes. That's true also. So we will of course um be recording a patron a bonus episode for our patrons. i mean We will be largely just despairing about what's going on in America. So much has been going on in America. To the point where it's AT&T almost impossible to work out what to talk about because there is so much to talk about. And in the time between us recording this episode editing and getting it up online there will probably have been more that we never even got the chance to talk about.
But that's not a problem right now. That's a problem for a couple of minutes when we start recording and start recording again. Right now, the problem is that I always finish episodes just by saying goodbye. I feel like I need a new catchphrase. So I guess I'm just going to have to workshop some more. So maybe for this episode, I will just close things out by saying, get off my lawn, you punk kids. I'm going to say, Josh, get the fenestrated. Good work. Good work.
Podcaster's Guide to the Conspiracy features Josh Addison and Associate Professor M.R. Extended. Our producers are a mysterious cabal of conspirators known as Tom, Philip, and another who is so mysterious that they remain anonymous. You can contact us electronically via podcastconspiracy at gmail or join our Patreon and get access to our Discord server. Or don't, I'm not your mum.
And remember, it's not the fall that kills you, this time.