keeping your body well fed and able to adapt when you come back as well. um Yeah, I mean, I think, I think definitely right, because you're in, you're in a microgravity environment. And so your, your muscles are doing, I guess, less work than they are and on Earth, if that's the right way to phrase it, I don't know. But, but essentially, obviously, on Earth, you are fighting, not fighting against, but you're working against gravity. And you have this weightlessness sensation in space So astronauts tend to lose a lot of muscle mass. But muscle mass is obviously a lot denser than um fat, for example. So you're losing a lot more weight in space. And so it's really important to make sure that an astronaut's diet, um overall well-being, health is maintained in space. Because as you say, when they come back down, um you could be experiencing some very funny symptoms like feeling like jelly because