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2. Rockets and Spaceports

S1 E2 · ECHO 9
46 Plays3 months ago

How do you get to outer space? Launch Systems Engineer Humza Sohail  joins Harvey and Anisha on ECHO 9 to chat rockets, spaceports and zero gravity McDonald's 🚀🍔


Welcome to Echo 9

not really Welcome back to Echo 9. I am here in low earth orbit with my lovely co-host, Anisha. Hey, Anish. Hello. How are you? I'm very, very good. Thank you. And I'm particularly excited because, oh, what's that I hear? I think we've got somebody in the airlock. Oh, that's exciting. Who have we got this week? I'm going to add some post-production noises here.
I was going to make it like a creaking door open sound. like Maybe not on the space station, Hamza. Yeah, I think our space station is supposed to be more high tech than... Oh, right. So it's like a whoosh. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. That's what I was thinking. That's

Meet Hamza: A Journey from London to Space

what I was thinking. So welcome, Hamza, to Echo 9. Hi, thanks for having me. Whoa, it feels really weird to be here. Nice setup you guys have.
Thank you, I'm glad you think so. ah Where have you come from today? Oh, I launched from North East London, from ah IgA actually. From from where? IgA? Yeah, that's the postcard.
Yeah we don't have those, we don't have those up here so um yeah we're trying to detach ourselves from the norms. So Hamza welcome on board, um welcome up here floating around, please don't bump into anything in the studio, lots of expensive equipment. and i I thought maybe it'd be a good idea to understand who are you and and what are you doing here?
um I mean, I don't think I'm qualified to be here, but I'll give you a bit of a background. It's always been a dream of mine to come into space. This is why I got into the space industry in the first place. um I'm a systems engineer in the launch industry.

Understanding Systems Engineering

When you say you're a systems engineer, what does what does that actually mean?
ah Systems Engineering has like a ah bit of a ah broad outlook on an entire project. We yeah we basically advertise ourselves as ah experts in bringing a project to life ah all the way to its end of life. So we just have a broad overlook of any project really. We break things down into like little systems and make sure that they work together.
No, I think systems engineering is definitely one of my one of my favorites. it's It's definitely the one that I had the most um most fun in my career doing because you get to think about things at quite a high level, but also you're thinking about how you put all the little pieces together. And ah and then you have to make sure that they actually fit. So it's it's like a nice high level engineering type area that actually is quite thought provoking and sometimes quite difficult because you're filling the gaps in the full lifecycle of a product. Yeah, I like to describe it as like jack of all trades, master of none. I would agree with that. Okay, and that's specifically, in your case for launch vehicles,

The Mechanics of Launch Vehicles

what do you call them? Just rockets? Yeah, we kind of call them, we just call them launch vehicles, they can be called rockets.
so So what is a launch vehicle made up of? you know What are the components of that? And then how does it actually work? ah There's a few components to um a launch vehicle. You have it's obviously the propulsion system or makes it move. you know It'll be a rocket engine or a motor that will give the thrust to lift off of the ground. And obviously you'll have the propellants, the fuel, the oxidizer. You need ah something to hold it all together. So the structural components,
comms, so guidance and control, um something to tell it where to go and something to communicate with it. um You'll have the payload. um That's what the launch vehicle is carrying into space. um Obviously, it wouldn't make much sense to just launch a vehicle without the payload. So arguably, one of the most important bits. And I guess just to round it off, it's just split up into different stages.
So if I was to compare your launch vehicle to like a toy car, you know, like electric car that you put batteries in, batteries is the the power, the propulsion, right? yeah Then you're talking about um the the payload. So the brain, so I guess for for my little car, it could be the lights on the front or the seats inside. And then so how would you relate? The payload will probably be the people really that isn't in the car. Yeah, it's what you're carrying. It's the most ah protective cargo, right? Everything else is just disposable. Payload is the big important thing inside that you're carrying. So you mentioned the stages of the rocket. How does it actually work? How did it work when you launched from North London this morning together? What happened to each stage? And then how did you know when the launch was like done? you know when when When is the like, okay, we've launched, we're good we're we're good now.
Yeah, that's that's a really interesting question actually, because the question of like, is it done now is something that we always like argue about when we're talking about launch. yeah Because it's like, ah what what marks the done bit? Is it when you're in orbit and nothing's happening anymore? Or is it when the launch vehicle is out of we what we call like the um safety clear zone? you know So it's not going to come back and hit us on the head.
So so what what are the stages of launch? like how did you have when you When you left London this morning, what happened to the launch vehicle basically? How did those stages come away? Yeah, so okay so the launch vehicle, if we're talking about a vertical launch, then the launch vehicle is on the tower. I sat right on the the top of the the launch vehicle in ah where the payload's supposed to be. And let's say this was a two-stage rocket.
So what I mean by that is that there's two stages that will fall off while I'm in flight to get me into space. So countdown begins, you know, we get to one ignition, the rocket, um, the engines fire off. Um, you can see the massive plume coming out of the flame trench. It gets enough momentum to start lifting off the mechanical arms, detach, you get a shot into the atmosphere, getting faster and faster.
As soon as the fuel in the first stage runs out, stage one detaches and falls right back down. So that's a really important um part of it. We need to know where it's going to fall down. Is it going to be safe? It's usually done in the middle of the ocean, international waters. So we don't really need to worry about it. If there's a worry, yeah then someone will just go and get it and bring it back. But usually it just breaks up into pieces. So we're like, you know what that is?
as a low risk activity, we can leave it there. and that That first stage as it comes away, i mean that's usually ah the biggest part of the rocket, right? You're usually left with a much smaller rocket after that. Yeah, yeah yeah exactly. exactly why Why is that? Why do you have so much in stage one? Well, it's we have to carry a lot of fuel and you want to share a lot of weight, right? So the more weight you shed, the easier it is for you to get up to that speed. and It's really in the initial, I don't know. I don't want to give you an exact number about the first like 45 seconds where it's the tough bit. So you'd need the most fuel, the most power that you've got during the flight is within those first 30, 45 seconds. And that's because the atmosphere's thickest there? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the atmosphere's thickest. The gravity force is the strongest, close to the center of the Earth.
All right, I've derailed you, sorry. but that's So that's that's stage one. Stage one's gone? Yeah, stage one's gone, stage one's flying down. So where whereabouts are you now that we're talking, we're going to start stage two? It varies, I guess. um I'd still be what you'd call the upper atmosphere of Earth. We're not in space yet. All right. The second stage fires off, gives you the last push. You've stopped going up.
Let's say and you've started to go around the Earth a little bit now, and the the second stage will drop. So that's another question, because it's not even near where you launched

The Future of UK Space Launches

from. It'll drop somewhere um on the other side of the Earth. Once that drops, then that's it. you You should be in space, you should be in orbit. You'll start feeling anti like um-zero gravity, and you start drifting into space.
I've done it many times. so um seasoned Seasoned, that's right. And then you made your way to our wonderful air log. Yeah, yeah. Then we just we make sure, I mean, that's, it's a tough thing to do as well. You need to match your speeds, you need to make sure you kind of like, you intercept, I guess. Yeah. It's a lot of math that go goes behind it, really. Got it. It sounds complicated. It sounds like you need, you need so many people to make this work.
There are, there are. It's just, it's because it's so, i do I don't want to use the word delicate, but just everything needs to be right. And there's just a lot of things that could go wrong. So a lot of people need to be checking on those things constantly. And when it goes wrong, things explode, right? Yeah. And we've seen that are a lot of things, yeah um in the especially in the so the space industry, the launch industry,
Things go wrong all the time. I think a quicker side, I guess, um apart from launching today from North London, have have you ever seen a rocket take off? No, no, I personally haven't, no. The first vertical launch is happening in the UK next summer.
um And that's from Sutherland Spaceport, which is still in development. They've built most of it by the first launch. It's a test launch that's happening next summer. That's exciting, though. I would love to to see a launch. Yeah. Oh, yeah. The potential to see one. and Did you say Sunderland? Sutherland. Sutherland. Is that Scotland? Yeah, that's Scotland. Yes, Sunderland. My geography is not a great word. It's not Scotland, is it?
No, Sunderland in Newcastle. Okay, yeah. What's the Scottish one called? Sutherland, with a T-H. Sutherland. Oh, yeah, so I did, I thought that, yeah, that's one I was thinking of. Yeah. is that This is some Saxevord. Yes, that's, yes. That's in Scotland, isn't it? Yeah, that is in Scotland. So that's a different space where it's not too far from Sutherland, but Saxevord is on the um the islands. um shetland The Shetland Islands, that's the Shetland Islands. But Sutherland is the north coast. So so there's there's a few launch companies looking to to come from UK soil, right? Yeah. yeah what's What's driving that? Why are so many people wanting to launch from the UK? I mean, right now, it's just the the two of them, but they're in constant competition with each other. So they're both fighting for their launch licenses. So there's, ah again, so
you know, we have a few regulations. So they're trying to get their launch license before they actually do anything. I guess there's, um, Scotland has a, well, the North coast of Scotland is a, is a good area for launch for polar orbits. A lot of countries are in this kind of like space race. It's not only the U S this time, it's the way of the future. I guess people want to bring business into their country. I mean, it's a great business because a lot of people are launching. Um, but my, it's a funny question. My wife always asks me, he's like, what,
But what do people launch? what are What are they doing? Okay, yeah, you can launch, but then what are you actually launching? But um yeah, it's just anything now, comms or comms happen um through satellites in space. It's just a very important space exploration. It's such a big thing. A lot of people want that capability.
Yeah, that's really that's really interesting actually. So what what size of ah satellite or spacecraft could you put in a UK launcher? So right now the UK is ah focused on small small satellites. So um I don't know, arguably UK is the global leader in small satellite manufacturing. Yeah, around London especially, like ah there's loads of small satellite companies because things are just bought off the shelf now.
And yeah, it's big, small satellites are big. You can have a satellite the size of, I don't know, that can fit in my hand, right? Maybe a bit bigger. So there's a massive manufacturing boom, especially in the UK for small satellites. And that's what the UK is trying to um satisfy that need to launch. And then, you know, no, we don't need to um go somewhere else outside of the UK to launch these satellites that are being manufactured in the UK, keeping everything in house.
And so if I wanted to send up a really big satellite or I wanted to send up the whole of Echo 9 in one piece, how could I do that? There isn't how big Echo 9 is, like from the looks of it.
It's pretty big. It's modular. The central area. The first module. It's big though. You know, like three floors. All the bells and whistles. Yeah. I thought I saw a McDonald's there as well when I was booking. Yeah, we have a welcoming McDonald's in the airlock. She makes me flip the burgers. Yeah, I do. I was going to say, yeah, who's the employee? AI.
Well, yeah, I wish we have a robot. We're going to introduce them in the next episode. Oh, right. Yeah. You need that. i'd be That's awesome. So I guess it would require these sort of next generation heavy launches. Is that what they're called? Yeah.

Private vs Government: Space Industry Dynamics

Yeah. That's yeah. So, um, the bigger the rocket is the more capacity fuel capacity is the, yeah, it's called a heavy or I think there's like a super heavy. Yeah. Micro mini small, medium. Yeah.
I love that. I love that. I'm super heavy. So where did those launch from? I think the US has probably the the best ah capability of launch um at the minute. um I know other countries are trying to compete, but obviously there's companies like SpaceX who you know have the funds. ah it's It's these private companies that are really pushing the the the limits on the space industry right now because ah I don't know, um before we were born probably,
um government agencies were leading in it because they had a bit of money and they were, ah you know, something new. But nowadays, they're stepping back in these private companies like SpaceX, like companies in the UK like Skyraura or Orbex. They're basically um ah leading the race. Pushing the bounds. Yeah, yeah yeah no that's too felt really interesting. And America has the most money. So it makes sense that these companies like SpaceX are doing wonders for the space industry.
Cape Canaveral, amazing space for a massive capability, launching heavy rockets. And lots of history, right? That's where the space shuttle used to launch from as well. Yeah, that's where it all all started in the Western world, at least. Yeah. so Okay, so i've I've just built this satellite. Who am I going to? What are the rockets I'm using? What do they look like? I guess the first option, you'd go to someone like SpaceX, well established, and they're cheap,
to get something into space. um You start having communications about okay what are your needs? How big is your payload? What orbit you need to go into? um What's the purpose of you being in orbit?
then yeah, you'd have your pick, he'd have you they'd all be lined up and then you can be like, you know, a magazine of launch vehicles. Like buying a car, but you don't you only use it one sort of thing. Yeah, honestly, I think it's gonna be like that in the future. It's like a car dealership, you go in,
um whata What kind of things do you need? What do you need to launch by? What color do you want? yeah color what color do you want yeah yeah and I mean, people keep saying that the the cost of launch has come down considerably. yeah What has unlocked that? In the beginning, it was the cost associated things that you'd have to find out, right? So especially in the space industry, the cost to launch something was not only the fuel. It was working out and the manpower behind actually getting that operation to work, you know building the spaceport, um ah doing the maths behind it, building the rocket. But now, because it's all available, it is just a matter of, okay, you need to pay for fuel.
and I guess the the reuse element is quite important. You're not just building everything from scratch each time. you can Exactly. yeah Reuse some of that. yeah Sustainability has become like a big thing now, and that's a massive push. and Obviously, a big driver is yeah to bring down the costs. We talked about like you know stages falling down. Obviously, there's ah There's always an option of recovering. you know You go get the stage, so you recover the materials, so you build it not to break up into a million pieces. You build it so that it can be reused, and especially the technologists that SpaceX are doing, the rockets, the launch vehicles that can actually land. You know you don't need to crash land anymore. That's ah it's quite impressive.
Where do you think the future of launch is going to go? you know What are those but are those key drivers? Is it still that we still need to be more sustainable?

Sustainable Space Innovations

um Is it the design? Is it the size? Where do you think where do you think launch is going to go? Yeah, now as it stands now, I think we're at a good place. I don't see launch vehicles. You know how we see in those movies? If any futuristic movie, everything is like Chrome.
everything is like super slick and shiny. But um no, I don't think there's going to be massive changes there. But um yeah, there'll be like local spaceports for sure. More spaceports open up. The rocket design is it pretty much, I don't want to say perfect right now, but it is close to it. um But it's funny you say that because I feel like at the moment I hear about vertical launch, which is what we've mainly talked about, but also horizontal launch, right? Yeah. yeah It seems like a completely different way of of of approaching the problem though, right? Yeah. A lot of spaceports won that horizontal runway as well, just for like landing purposes. So I know that Cornwall did or attempted that horizontal launch
Was it a couple of years ago? Did you guys hear about that? ah Just for people who aren't familiar, Humza, could you explain what a horizontal launch is? Yeah, it's literally it is what the name says. it is It's just instead of a rocket rocket standing upright and launching straight up, um a horizontal launch would need a runway and launch like a plane, pretty much. And how does that work in terms of actually getting to orbit?
It works to the same principle. So like even a a vertical launch will become horizontal at some point. A horizontal launch just starts horizontal. So instead of going up and then start turning around the Earth, you just start horizontal, get up to speed, get up into the atmosphere, and then increase your speed and get into orbit that way. So it's it it's very similar. and Obviously, the just the first first section of launch is is different. but I think that's the way I would like to travel actually. Yeah. yeah I was just thinking, if you're sitting... Space tourism, for sure. If you're sitting and a lot in ready to launch, I think being in a horizontal launch just sounds sounds more comfortable than ah a vertical launch, just being thrown straight up. I could close my eyes and pretend I was, you know, flying. On a plane. Yeah, just just on a plane. We're just, you know, smooth ride, bit of turbulence and we're out of here.
Yeah, honestly, and it's I think it should be a bit cheaper as well, because ah I think the infrastructure is is is a lot easier to manage um compared to a vertical one. And I think um the one that happened at um Cornwall, the idea is that you can fly to, you can kind of piggyback off a horizontal launch at the actual rocket and then launch from wherever on the earth you want to. So you can go to different orbits.
Ah, that would be interesting. So that's so this's the second stage, I guess of ah of a horizontal launch is deploying a rocket from the plane. Yeah, that's exactly what um Cornwall did a few years back. um But yeah, it's it's a plane which is modified to hold this rocket and then you can fly to the designated area and then just launch from there.
Okay. and And so there's a, yeah, I guess you don't need a landing pad or launch pad. launch pad yeah Yeah, exactly. Because you can take your plane anywhere. Yeah, yeah. but Going back to something you said, you said that you expect to see lots of local spaceports.

Global Spaceport Developments

So so we mentioned um UK spaceports earlier on. Are other countries doing the exact same thing then? Yeah, yeah.
who Whichever country has a strategic area on Earth to launch from, so near the equator, a lot of countries near the equator. I mean, that's why Cape cape Canaveral is pretty much all on the equator. I know Australia and Singapore, there um they've got a kind of booming space industry, um or trying to establish one at least, um India, um and even Oman.
um which I'm currently working with as well, are developing a space port just because they're they're close to the equator. I was going to say, it feels like a very Middle East thing to do, yeah yeah like ah build a space port. And they will come. Exactly. That's exactly their kind of like methodology. They're just like, okay, let's just build it and see what happens.
yeah Oh, I love that. So how does that work? So you build a space, so the country, the country's government decides to invest in building a spaceport. And then you kind of hope that somebody will operate from there. Yeah, it's either the government or a private company with permission of the government who start building and then like, in the process, you do you try to get um launch service providers on board. um So you know, what helps is like if you had like dedicated infrastructure,
for these companies that where they can operate out of. It's like the airspace port. That's what a lot of these companies are doing these days. No, I think it's really exciting. I'm like in my head, again, visual person is, that you know, just imagining all of these space pools around the world, kind of running like a, not, not quite a bus stop, but enabling us to to move around our own universe in such a, such an easy

Dreams of Space Tourism and Colonization

way. I mean, you know, maybe one day we'll get there. So oh yeah definitely, definitely. But, um, yeah, I mean, it's, it's interesting. I want to.
live to the point where it's more than just space tourism and it's like we're going out into space for a reason. ah Making like a moon colony or something. ah Or colony on Mars. or Or people just living in um crafts like ah the Echo 9.
Well, yeah, exactly, exactly. So it's your warming to ah to Echo 9 then? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, well. It's cosy. It is pretty cosy actually. We've been enjoying it up here. I think we've been up here about two weeks now. Oh yeah, it's been a while. And you're our first guest.
That's great. Also, what are you going to do? what i use Do I you leave or can I just stay with you guys now? Yeah, i think I think we've got about 10 more minutes of oxygen left for all of all three of us and then we'll have to shock you out. oh That's a good point. i never I've always been concerned with launch and I've never really you know understood what happens afterwards. People who are on like, I guess it's just, it is a limited ah oxygen supply, are they making their own oxygen or how does that even work? I'm sure where we're you know replenishing our oxygen. Okay. I think it some plants cycles. Yeah. yeah and And I think you do, yeah, you have you have plants. Oh, I don't want to know where the water supply is coming from.
yeah Ours is a top notch. we we get We get bottled Fiji water sent up. Don't tell everyone that. i You guys are living in luxury, for sure. yeah Well, um i think ah I mean, that's everything I've got for you, I think, Hamza. Anisha, do you have any more questions? No, I think that was that was really good. There was loads of great insights. Learned a lot about how launch actually works and and some of the the key things that are happening within the UK as well. So thank you very much for your time, Hamza. I guess, is there any kind of final words for yourself on launch?
ah Yeah, I guess launches and the space industry in general is ever increasing, ever growing. So it's just interesting to know that this point in life, with we're the most technologically advanced that we've ever been, and it's only going up from here. It's really exciting, really fresh, really funky. um And yeah, I encourage everyone to get in the space industry.
ah So do we. It's amazing what opportunities there are in the space industry. And um when did when did you say this launches next year? Next summer, yeah. Next summer up in Sutherland. Yeah, yeah so get your tickets ready. yeah yeah Are they selling tickets? It's like a concert. It was honestly something I suggested.
um by But there were too many security risks for that. I think if they had a live band, a lot more people would turn up. I told them that regardless, I'm going to be up there. I'm going to be at the front row as close as I can be. If you want a live commentary team up in the... Oh, yeah. Oh, I thought a bit. We are more than happy to do it.
We'll be watching from up here, so yeah. Yeah, I'll give you guys a heads up for sure. Well, thank you so much for coming all the way from North London to Echo 9 today. ah Really appreciate it, Hamza. It's been an absolute pleasure. I wish you a pleasant journey back to Earth. Yeah, cheers. And if you could just open the airlock, I'll just be sucked out. Thank you very much. Safe travels on that. See ya. Whoosh.
What did you think of that, Nish?

The Rise of Local Spaceports

I mean, launch is something that I don't know too much about. I mean, the general general principles, yeah, but I think it's really exciting to hear about where launch is going. And, you know, we talked a bit about how that is going to involve to maybe like this um ah almost like this car dealership type type model where you where you turn up and you say, I want to put this in space. What's the what's the launcher look like, you know, and and have that range of
small to medium to, you know, what was it, super heavy launches, and then have that facility for whatever you want to put in space. So I think that's a very exciting concept. For me, I mean, I think launch is the most exciting part of any mission. I have, you know, tuned in to live streams in the past and watched um rockets go up. And I think it's so fascinating, especially because there's, you know, there's always like a bit of anxiety of like, you know, everything's ready, but everything's resting on this. And, yeah and it could go wrong. and That's always, you know, that and anticipation is always is ah palpable almost.
um Where it's going, having smaller local spaceports, I think is a really interesting like idea. But it really excites me to know that yeah within the UK, we might start to see launches taking place. I might be able to you know get in my car, drive up to Scotland, and watch a rocket actually you know tear up across the sky and put something in orbit. That's a really, really exciting notion.
Exactly. And then do you think they'll get to the point where I could order something on Amazon Prime and get it sent up here for tomorrow? I hope so. would be great. I hope so. I mean, i i am I grew up on the Isle of Wight, as you know. And um when I go home to see my parents, um there's always because you have to get a boat to the Isle of Wight, I'm always horrified that if I need to order something from Amazon, it doesn't come the next day. yeah
There's like always an extra day that it has to do. oh yeah well yeah so Being up here in Echo 9, the lack of Amazon, the wi the the wait for a launch, it's ah it's a bit of a pain. yeah yeah the The more places we're launching from, the the better I can. in ah On a serious note, the better we can, I guess, have those facilities, not for Amazon, but to deposit things, to enable but As you drive the cost of getting to to launch down and as you open up access to space, you're enabling so many more people to come up with solutions and ideas for how to use that environment. And launch is a really crucial part of that, so very exciting, yeah. Yeah, yeah looking forward to seeing where this goes in the UK as well.
um Okay, cool. So i think I think that's probably all we've got time for today. um I better get back to the guitar module because I'm working on a really hard hard piece. What are you up to after this? I i think I'm going to hit the hit the gym. you know it's been a It's been a lazy day for me, so I'm going to do some weights, maybe maybe re rethink the axe throwing proposal, ah rewrite that, submit that to a Ground Control, see what they say. That's cool. Yeah, we'll get that up there. We'll get that up here eventually. And then ah then I'm going to go and look at the chaos in the aquarium. Oh, yes. Yeah. we Yeah. You need to check on those fish. half I tell you. I'm just trying to. I'm hoping that they're OK. I just I just think if I if I don't look at them, they're OK. I don't think it works like that.
Right, well, we wish all of our listeners um thank you for tuning in once again to Echo 9. We wish you all a very pleasant rest of your day, wherever you are down there on that beautiful blue marble. Stay tuned.