13. Ranking PlayStation's Best Games and IPs | Games Over Plastic image

13. Ranking PlayStation's Best Games and IPs | Games Over Plastic

E13 · Games Over Plastic
44 Plays2 months ago

Aloha, In this episode Sean is on vacation in Hawaii but still managed to join us to rank our favorite PlayStation games of all time! We each rank our favorites PlayStation games and IPs from 5 to 1! All of the biggest ones are touched on. Enjoy and thank you as always for the support!

Video version available at: http://www.youtube.com/@gamesoverplastic 


00:00:00 Intro

00:01:10 Show starts

00:03:51 Sean Does Hawaii

00:10:05 Flintlock

00:12:19 TMNT Splintered Fate

00:15:15 College Football 25

00:22:30 XDefiant and Diablo 4

00:23:35 Trails Through Daybreak

00:25:05 Metroid Prime 

00:30:04 Super Mario Brothers

00:33:00 Top 5 PlayStation Games!

00:34:00 Resistance 

00:38:57 Infamous

00:45:00 Ghost of Tsushima

00:48:40 Little Big Planet/Sackboy

00:53:00 Marvel's Spider-Man

00:58:25 The Last of Us

00:58:45 Uncharted

00:59:25 Horizon

01:04:48 MLB The Show

01:07:50 Jak and Daxter

01:09:00 The Last of Us

01:15:25 God of War

01:19:00 Ghost of Tsushima 

01:24:23 Uncharted

01:28:28 Final Thoughts

Welcome, everybody. This is Games Over Plastic episode number 13 of Baker's Dozen. I think that's like a really old saying. Isn't that 13? I think it is. It is 13, yeah. Yeah. We are back again for a very special episode. As always, I am Midnight. I am joined by my two lovely co-hosts here. We have the man who's living in paradise right now. He's on vacation, but he's still here to record for the show because priorities are important. Sean Mason, hawaii Hawaii's own. How you doing, sir? Great. Yeah. I'm living life, living in paradise right now. Yeah. It's pretty amazing here. Like I don't want to leave. I still have basically another week. So I'm pretty excited. Eating a lot of fish.
and would fish from fish from like when you're on the water is just the best it you cannot everything is so I've had so much um fish I've had so much fresh fruit the pineapple here is insane. Oh, really? Yeah, it's so good here. Nice. Nice. Yeah, I'm pretty sure like the dole the dole owns like a giant island and stuff. Yeah, where they grow pineapples. Yeah, man, you got all the freshest of pineapples and seafood out there, huh? Oh yeah, it's phenomenal here. Everything's so good here. Gosh, it's gorgeous.
One of my favorite movies is Disney movies is set in Hawaii. We love Stitch, yeah. It's ah and it's not on the island, though. I love that movie. Nice, nice. And of course, we have, last but not least, we have the man who's fixing air conditioners all day and playing games a little bit at night. yeah He does graphics. He does music. He does it all. Hodge, how you doing, sir? I'm doing good. Excited to be here. I was staying in my brother's house for the last month because him and his wife are on vacation. So this morning I was moving all my crap back over to my other brother's house. So I was I got here and I was I didn't have like a shirt on. I was just sitting here like getting ready, just sweating my ass off. But now I'm ready. But I'm going to go to the gym after this. So I didn't shower anyway. So doesn't matter. Also,
a A, the health is wealth, defining Duke shirt, which was designed by, who who designed that? John Mason did. John Mason, King of Graf. Definitely, yeah. Definitely, ah definitely, definitely did that. Yeah, you had to do it, rep rep our buddy Kog. Yeah, if I- And Maddie, but he has him on here, so. If I designed a shirt like that, it'd be like stick figures. I'd buy it. so So Sean, if you want to, tell us a little bit what you've been getting up to in Hawaii. How are things out there? huh Make us jealous. Pretty amazing. um Just hanging out by the pool, hanging out by the beach. The beach is literally down like like a minute walk right from the hotel. and Going back and forth between the beach and the pool, there's this awesome place right on the beach. It's called Steak Shack.
right and literally you just buy like you can buy like a bowl of steak i had it yesterday it was so good and okay i've had so much rice too here they like this so much rice and it's like remember at school like they serve it in like the ice cream scoop like the ice cream scoop rice it's like that here but it's like they they do it on like it's designed like that it is so good i've had so much fish like i said oh my gosh um went to pearl harbor that was pretty cool very moving. We were there for hours. I went on to the USS Missouri, which is like one of the battleships there. And that was in Pearl. That was like during World War II. And um it was huge. i went I got to go throughout the entire boat. That was pretty cool. Swam with sharks yesterday. That was awesome. um It was really rough. Like the the ocean was really rough because it was like raining kind of, but like not
It was raining when we got like way out in the ocean, but not like where we are here. And the water was really rough that like one of the people on the boat got sick. It was like he couldn't go and he was pretty disappointed. But yeah, we swam with sharks. And it was like there were so many of them was so cool. Like I was like, this is insane. And ice cream. And then, yeah, I've been getting ice cream every night. Ice cream here is ridiculous. The food here is insane. The food here is insane. The fruit is. to die for because it's like the Dole Plantation is like down the street. It's awesome. Yeah, i a lot of Dragon Ball references. I can't pronounce half the street names here. It's pretty awesome. have let an idea if i know right I'm reading menus at restaurants, and I'm like, i can't pronoun I don't even know what I'm saying here. Everyone's really friendly, though. Went to Diamond Head, which is like a giant mountain. Hiked that. That was so cool. Pretty cool. like um
like cool area. Yeah, overall, it's just like it's a great time. I'm actually leaving Oahu today, though. We're going to Maui now, which is going to be awesome. I can't wait because I heard Maui's like sweet. The only thing I'm not a big fan of here is that there are a lot of little kids at this hotel because I guess Oahu is the more it's like the more touristy area. And it's like a lot of families come here. So there's like a lot of little kids and I'm just going to say some of the parenting here is not that great. It's more of like, let your kids do whatever you want. And you know, kids running into me. They're basically getting drunk at the pool probably. Basically. Oh, I've seen a lot of drunk people at the pool. It's quite funny. A couple of ambulance here come here, taking people out because they're so dehydrated. And I'm like, guys, come on. Dang. Oh my god. yeah Have you gone? great time Have you gone for any runs? Like just kind of out in like the somewhat wildernessy areas and like just seen the sun?
I mean, we've just like walked around and stuff. i told Claire told me she didn't want me running, and I said, all right, no running. so But we've been like going on so many walks, and like I said, we went hiking. it We like walked like four miles a couple days ago, just like walking through a beachway park, and it's like this really, really long park right on the beach. It's awesome. We walked that whole thing. That was so cool. Oh my god, I'm just loving it down here. And I can't wait to see Maui because I heard Maui's beautiful. Yeah. I would love to go to Hawaii mostly. It was like the same. I mean, there's many reasons to go to Hawaii over like New York when I went there. But going to the 9-11 Museum in New York was awesome. So I would love to go to see Pearl Harbor at Hawaii. i love I love seeing like the American history stuff like that. So cool. So there's an area at Pearl Harbor that they take you out and it's like where the one of the like the the ship was actually like blown up one of the ships and it's like where people like spread the ashes of like all their loved ones. And when you're out there, it's like there's like no talking like you're not allowed to talk. It's like I'm very these people are some people are like absolutely crying. It's like really powerful and really moving. It was a wonderful experience.
Yeah, it's awesome. All right. do that It's a bucket list item right there. Good stuff. Definitely jealous. Well, in honor of you staying in Paradise and and and being there, I decided that I would join you in Solidary and wear the t-shirt of Paradise, of course. Oh, yeah. Bucky's. I haven't seen one Bucky's here. not No Bucky's here. A lot of ABC stores, though. these These stores called ABC stores, like this big thing in Hawaii. Is it like a convenience store? It's like a convenience store, but they also sell like a bunch, they sell like, they have like a deli in there and like, they sell a bunch of like, it's really weird. I don't know how to explain it, but there's one on like every corner. I feel like I'm in Massachusetts, but like, except it's like Dunkin Donuts in Massachusetts. All right.
Well, there you have it. So Sean's living the dream. Anyways, this is Games Over Plastic, the podcast, which is for the agnostic gamers. No console wars, just fun over here. As always, you can find us on YouTube with full video and graphics glory. Just go to youtube dot.com slash at Games Over Plastic, or just search for Games Over Plastic. You can also find us on audio services everywhere. Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Overcast, Pocketcast, Everycast, like I always say. If you're listening on audio services, check the description. There's always a link that will take you to the video version if you want to see the video glory. If you want to see Sean in his hotel room with the coffee maker back there, just ah you know the ah show never stops with Sean.
But ah yeah, so that's it. This is the podcast. Today's episode, we are going to be getting into our five favorite PlayStation franchise, his favorite PlayStation games, IPs, whatever. We're going to rank them from five to one. So stick around for that. It's going to be a lot of fun. We've done a lot of Xbox coverage and, you know, we love PlayStation too. So we're going to get into that today. um Let's go ahead and start the show, though, shall we? Let's get into what we are playing right now. And let's go ahead and start it off with Hodge. What's been going on with you, sir?
Yeah, so i ah i so I tried playing Flintlock's Siege of Dawn, whichever people who listen know is one of my most anticipated the rest of the year. And I gotta say, not a fan. um It's not a bad game, but the, you know how like cut scenes in Fallout and Starfield and stuff, it's just kind of people standing there talking to each other, but you get to choose the dialogue that said, from you at least. that's like the cutscenes in flintlock but there's no dialogue choices that's just kind of how the cutscenes are and it's so really it they just they don't feel cinematic at all which it's probably a small budget game it's not obviously you know it's not a huge hollywood spectacle kind of game but i was expecting it to be a little more
narrative or action kind of lead cinematics and it's just not just kind of people talking and then the gameplay. It's a souls like kind of gameplay where you have to you know, dodge and all that kind of stuff and it just doesn't play very well. I mean, I'm not a souls like player. So it might just be the fact that I'm not a souls. gamer i that might be it but i've just it doesn't feel smooth to me it just is kind of clunky the graphics don't look how they looked in those trailers on on the series x it's just it's a big disappointment it's not a bad game seeing all these ratings i guess coming out where it's like i think maybe like a 70 on metacritic or something like that it's not bad but it's not great i think that's probably accurate
um I dropped it after about an hour and a half. I'm just it didn't speak to me. I'm bummed because it looked really cool. But yeah, I just it didn't do it for me. I'm just done with it. OK. I haven't played that myself. Yeah, I don't know if you guys heard anything or know anything about it. i've i've heard i've just like I haven't really been following keeping up with gaming news, but from what I've, the brief stuff I've heard is that a lot of people are disappointed with it. Yeah, which I guess, yeah. it's
I don't know. I was bummed, but it's whatever. It's just not the game for me. But the next one that I did that I'm playing that I do really enjoy is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splintered Fate for on the switch. It is it is ah obviously a kid version of Hades because, you know, it's a nickel. It literally says Nickelodeon when you open the game. It's a Nickelodeon game. So obviously for kids. And you could tell it's like It's like baby's first road, like kind of game. it's But it plays just like Hades. It's the same exact kind of ah room by room, you know, random enemy types till you get to the boss, move on to the next area. After the run, you can level yourself up and all that kind of stuff. It's it's the exact same thing as Hades, but with Teenage Mutant Turtles. And it's it's a lot of fun. I'm really enjoying it. It's not obviously as good as Hades. Hades is one of my favorite games of all time.
But it is a very fun game that's holding me over until Hades 2 comes out and so it's definitely worth it I would if you don't want to play it on switch obviously and not Blamey because you have loading screens when it's that whereas I'm sure once this game comes to Xbox and PlayStation It's gonna be very quick into each room because it's really not that complicated of a game. It's a small cartoony kind of game But on switch it is still very fun. It's actually the other than links awakening It's I'm actually playing my switch again, which makes me happy because I haven't played I didn't touch it in a long time. So I forgot how much of a I really enjoy that console other than the fact that it's weak. Obviously, it's nowhere near as powerful as the modern gens. But it's it's I'm really enjoying playing the switch again. I'm also playing Link's Awakening. I didn't put it on my list because I haven't gotten very far because I've been mostly playing like Fortnite in my free time and trying out these other games. A little bit of Gears 3 as well. But
um Yeah, that's ah that that's it with the Teenage Mutant Turtle game. Are you guys do you want to play that game when it comes to others consoles? Are you guys just passing on it? I'm not a big TMNT guy But um, I do have a question on who you're playing as which turtle because I heard they all play very differently I'm playing as Donatello. Oh Don is always been my favorite. He's the purple one with the staff. Yeah, he's always been my favorite. I don't know why, but yeah, I played a little bit as Leonardo, but you can just switch in between runs. You can switch between your character between the turtles. It's it's kind of I'm thinking how you have different weapons in Hades. That's kind of it, but it's turtles instead. You know, but I haven't played a co-op yet, which I'm sad. I want to do that. I was thinking, you know, I'm like I said, I'm not a big turtles guy, but I really liked
What's the, the, is it the one that just came out like two years ago? Shredder's revenge. Shredder's revenge. Shredder's revenge. I really like that. And like I said, I'm not a Shredder. And that like just spoke to me the gameplay. So if the gameplay is really good, I probably, you know, I might play this. And yeah, I really enjoy PlayStation. Yeah. Yeah. That's the thing. I might buy it again when it comes to Xbox or PlayStation, but I really just wanted to play it because I needed my Hades fix. And I'm really enjoying that for that. But Yeah. And then lastly, I'm not going to get too into it because I'm sure may not a have more to say about it, but I've been playing college. I played college football 25. I only played two games because I did the 10 hour.
trial through EA player, whatever it's called. And it's fine. It's it's it it brought me back to playing it back in the day, though, because it plays very much like it. And it is fun. But I just don't have i just don't I don't know. I don't feel like the the drive to play a sports game, playing like Dynasty mode or whatever. So I just played a couple of games. I enjoyed it. If other people ever want to play online or something, I might get the full version to do that. But playing it by myself, I'm like, ah it's the same thing over and over. I don't. It's fine. But yeah, that's all I have to say about that until midnight goes. But yeah, that's all I'm playing. Midnight, before you take off and talk about how great College Football 25 is, I do have a little funny story as I was sitting by the pool yesterday.
three guys, they were, I think there was like a bachelor party going on and these three guys were just going off about how much, how addicted to college football they were, that they brought, one guy brought his PlayStation here and they were playing it in the hotel room and they were talking about it and one guy was so inspired by Hawaii that he's like, i he goes, I'm gonna start, ah i'm I'm taking over the University of Hawaii, I'm doing it and it was like so, just like listen to that was so funny. I'm just like sitting there, I'm like, that's awesome. That is funny. Yeah, I know a lot of people have talked about wanting to pick Hawaii in dynasty mode and rebuild them because they're like, I think they're like a one star program on there. So it's like the challenge. Oh, yeah. So that would be cool.
All right, yeah, so let me get into my games here. And of course, my first game is also college football 25. So as you guys know, this I've said many times, this was like my most anticipated game for the year. um Super excited when this game, you know, a lot of nostalgia playing it as ah as a kid and, you know, and in the late 90s and the early 2000s and stuff, I was playing this all the time. And so you know I've been playing college football 25 a bit. um I did a dynasty mode. Of course, I picked Ohio State first, even though it's that's easy mode and it's kind of lame. But that's my team, so got to do it. Won the national championship with them. That was cool. um And I played a couple games. like I played against my brother. I played against ah Skywalker. we played We faced off. We played two games. So shout out to Skywalker. That was fun.
um It's it's cool, but I have to say I'm not loving it as much as I was hoping and thought and thinking that I would um I think that the nostalgia ah Was a lot stronger than the reality um like this is it that was a different era back then you know like we didn't even really have smartphones barely back then you know what I mean, so it's like playing a dynasty all the time and doing all the recruiting and stuff was like our main source of entertainment back then but now there's like entertainment everywhere you look so it's like it's just not gripping me as much so there's there's two reasons why i'm not feeling college football as much as i thought i would the first reason is that i saw i'm bad like i've been i've been throwing like
Lots of interceptions. Like I'm making terrible reads. I'm throwing interceptions. I've been struggling a little bit. I played against my brother two games. He intercepted me seven times in the two games. like It was so pathetic. I actually beat him the second game somehow though, even though I threw three picks. I still won. I'm Peyton Manning, rookie rookie year Peyton Manning right there. Yeah, so I'm I'm bad. ah But to be fair, I haven't played enough to get good. Like I've barely played so. um But the second reason why I haven't played that much is I've just been so addicted to Diablo 4. Like I can't put that game down and I'll talk about that briefly here in a bit, but.
Staying on college football, it is it is a great game. like The gameplay is really good. The graphics are amazing. The presentation, it's got most of what you want there. like The dynasty mode's deep. The recruiting is awesome. um The ultimate team is BS, as always, dude. I got in the ultimate team. Of course. Dude, I don't understand. like When you play and MLB The Show, that game is so, when you play Diamond Dynasty on there, which is like their ultimate team, it is so free to play friendly. like They just give you cards. like It's so easy to get these 99 overall like boss cards. You just play the game, and you get all these rewards. It's awesome. When I'm playing um ultimate team on college football, it's like, they just want me to spend money. I'm like, how am I supposed to get a better team? How am I supposed to get packs? How am I supposed to get cards? like I don't know.
It's kind of lame. But ah yeah, anyways, that's college football 25. I'm not done with it. Yeah, really quickly before you move on to the next game, i I will say that is one thing I do love about the game is the presentation, which we knew was going to be awesome. Like my first game, ah I like the Iowa Hawkeyes. I'm not like a diehard college football fan, so I don't really have ah an allegiance, but I just I lived in Iowa. So I enjoy that. I've seen the Hawkeye logo everywhere. So I just played as the Hawkeyes and I did a home game against Wisconsin and it was cool because it shows the wave they do the wave to the the Children's Hospital like and just the attention to everything is so cool. But yeah, the gameplay is just it's just yeah, I it's something I could hop in and play a game here and there but it's nothing I'm going to play like it's not going to be my go to only game I play kind of thing.
That stinks. That kind of stinks to here. But now maybe it's just that, maybe we just all, maybe just outgrown sports. You know what I mean? You know how was like sometimes it's like back when we were younger, it was just like, that's all we had. Well, yeah, because it was it was a different outcome every time. Like you could replay a narrative game over and over like we did as kids. yeah But it was the same game every time. But with college football, it's you had a new season every time. And it was different every time you played it. So it was something to keep you going back to. But yeah, it's just. There's so many games now, I don't want to dedicate my time to just playing a sports game. So but the people who do the the very casual gamers who like didn't the series zest sell a shit ton because of this game. Yeah, that people were buying ah it to play on series. s So like that's really cool that people are getting back into like there are those casual gamers who that's like cotton mat and madden like that's all they play. And so them having that NCAA game to play is really cool. So in yeah for me general. Yeah.
No, I would say in general, I think we're going to see console sales for the month of July across the board just be insane just because of this game. Oh, yeah. Oh, for sure. It's a system seller for sure. Yeah, definitely. And I want to point out I'm not done with this game. I'm not dropping it. I just haven't played it that much because, like I said, I'm bad and I'm addicted to Diablo. Like I can't stop playing Diablo. So when I eventually get done and put Diablo down, I'll probably have more time to play college football. I want to get better. I want to play more games and actually, you know, figure out the schemes and how to read the defense more. I want to do a dynasty with one of these scrub teams to kind of build them up. That'll be more of a challenge and more fun.
So I'm not done. I just haven't played it as much. And like I said, the nostalgia was stronger than the reality is is so far, my impression. But it is a good game. It's by no means bad. So that's college football 25. And let me just very briefly get into the other two games I'm playing, because I've already talked to them about multiple times. So I'm still playing ex-defiant, been playing it a ton, played it last night with my boy Deebo, DLB. We've been grinding for weapon camos. We've been having a good time. I love that game. um I'm going to play that a lot. so But I'm gonna keep it moving because I've talked about it enough. And then Diablo 4, this game is my addiction. This game I'm gonna talk about slightly longer because I'm so in love and so addicted with this game. It is like crack, dude. It's like heroin.
like i just constantly playing it like i'm constantly running dungeons i'm constantly going into the pit trying to go deeper into the pit i'm trying to find better gear because i have i'm trying to build like the suit of gear that i want but i'm missing multiple pieces like you got to find a chest piece that has plus to golem damage because i'm playing a necromancer you got this big ass golem i'm trying to find like an amulet that has plus hellbent commander and stuff so it's like Just running these dungeons while listening to music and podcasts is so fun. um And I'm just having a great time. I could talk about this game for like 20 minutes, but because this is like the fourth episode I've talked about, I'm just going to leave it there. Diablo 4 is amazing. That's what I'm playing. Let's keep it moving. and Sean Mason. What have you been playing, my friend?
All right, so before I left, I was really hoping I could have finished Trails through Daybreak, but I'm like close to the end of the game. I know I am. I'm in chapter five and I know there's five chapters plus a like a like ah an epilogue and I'm close to it. the game is so good that I'm like talking to every like I said I'm talking to every NPC getting really deep into it and some of these quests these side quests I'm like oh my I cannot believe the depth that Neon Falcom has gone in like just like writing some of these quests and the the main story there was a huge twist and I did not see it coming and I audibly was like oh my I couldn't get over it I had to stop playing and like decompress what was the twist you want to spoil it here for all the weebs
ah Yeah, an asteroid comes and everyone dies. It's crazy. Oh, that's crazy. Yeah, I know. And then Thanos comes down and snaps his fingers. It's back again. yes I'm just kidding. By the way, no spoilers. Sorry. Go ahead. Continue. um Yeah I know I'm absolutely loving the game. um I am going to talk about it more next episode because I'll be i'll be done with it by then. So I am going to move on because there is something that I did make a promise to some people that I would play. And I played it on my flight. I played Metroid Prime. I played it for 10 straight hours. Just sat there and played Metroid Prime. I did not beat it. I came close to the end but I needed to put it down because I was like I need to take a little break. It is. freaking phenomenal. I know, I literally sat there for 10 hours at this point. Some people were staring at me like, what is this guy doing?
It is phenomenal. I cannot believe that I slept on this game. You can see the quality of the Nintendo game. The way they tutorialize how you're supposed to use your power-ups by they throw you in a room and it's like, defeat this boss, you get this power-up. And then to get out of the room, you have to use the power-up. It is the classic Metroidvania. You get this upgrade and then go back and do other stuff. I am loving this game. it almost like I'm almost sort of reminded of Halo too when I'm playing it. like
Not Halo 2, but Halo as well. Like, I'm playing, like, this is the enemy design. Like, I'm like, I'm looking like, this is so Halo. um The gameplay is super smooth. I love going into the Morph Ball of Samus and just rolling around. And um you can drop, like, little mini bombs and, like, do, like, ah like a bounce-off. It is so cool. And the bosses are awesome. There's a lot of different, like, just mini bosses. and You can scan all the different enemies, too. Like, I'm obsessed with that because I'm, like, i'm like trying to 100% the scan documentary, the documents. The environments are really cool. The game is gorgeous on the Switch too, which is awesome, and it runs super well. like It's not chugging at all, which I was a little um worried about because my sister said she she encountered some chugging compared to the GameCube version. um But I didn't play the GameCube version, so maybe I was just like, oh, this is what it is. um Overall, I'm really digging this game. um It's funny because like the plot at first, like you're kind of just thrown it into it and I'm like, what is going on?
But then the more you get into it, like you can you get like codec entries you can read. It's really cool too, because it's first person, but you can see like Samus's face like reflected on the visor, which is like awesome. um Like I said, I'm digging it, and um it's gotten me very interested in Metroid. I really want to play all these games now, and so I'm hoping 2 and 3 come to Switch before 4, because I would like i love to be able to play that. But yeah, it's pretty awesome. Like I said, I'm about 10 hours in and I heard the game's about 12 hours, so I will probably finish it on my way home. I just really haven't been able to play it.
um But yeah, that's Metroid Prime. um Spoiler alert, I didn't tell you guys, but I'm thinking, well not spoiler alert, I don't know why I said spoiler, but i I'm thinking me and our friend Birdo, we might do a DLC episode on Metroid Prime, because I know he adores Metroid and we talked about it a little bit, so if you guys are okay with that, me and him are just going to do a deep dive on Metroid Prime. Of course, I was actually going to say that I want to play Metroid Prime and I was going to shout out Berto because I know it's his favorite game of all time. So I'm telling you it is so good. Like, well, now that I'm in my so wow now that I'm in my switch revival, I might have to do it.
It was so, like, my sister was jealous because, like I said, it's her favorite game of all time that she took out her switch in the middle of the flight and started playing it. She beat it in, like, six hours. But she just speedran through it. And I'm like, wow, you're already done? She's like, yeah. She knows where everything is, though. There are points I'm getting lost, though. And it was funny because I was on the plane. So I'm like, I don't have access to just look stuff up. So I'm like, what do I have to do? It brought me back to my childhood. It was fun. It's a good time. And then my other, yep. So I actually have a random. I want to sidebar slightly. Of course, Metroid Prime, I don't want to switch. So unfortunately, I can't join you. But Hodge, if yeah that's something you're going to play, maybe you should try to play that and you could join that that DLC. Yeah, or what them I was thinking that. Yeah. Yeah. If i what I do, I will. Yeah. But this is what I wanted to ask you. I wanted a slightly sidebar if it I can, because when you mentioned Hodge, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Splintered Fate, I didn't really get a chance. You kind of just went into the next game. um You mentioned that that game was like Hades.
And I've never, is that like a Metroidvania? I haven't played Hades either. I'm, I'm ignorant. they're like like a robot like It's the way you start at the, where every, you start your run and when you die, you go back to the start and you like level up and then you keep dying. You're like slightly stronger each run. Yeah. Okay. Cause yeah, when you're going through the run, you can pick up like, uh, different, I don't know, like just you pick up different, like. merchant currency like cover that currency and so when you die, you still have that currency and you just use it to buy an upgrade at the end of each run. And so yeah, that's what they you do in both Hades and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I think I think Hades is very similar to Rogue Legacy. Okay. Yeah, like these terms like rogue like and Metroidvania are like kind of like
Kind of weird to be like I'm not an expert on those, but that does sound kind of cool. I might actually check out that Ninja Turtles game when it comes to PlayStation or Xbox. Yeah, it's really it's really fun or play Hades because Hades is better, but or just play or play in Rogue legacy or dead cells. Hades might be better, but I like I like the turtles, though. I grew up with turtles. Oh, that's fair. then Yeah, you'd you'd probably. Well, then if you love it, then you can move on to Hades from there. but There we go. Yeah. Um, but the, uh, uh, I forgot what I was going to say. Nevermind. Let's move on. All right. My bad. I sideboard Sean. Mason, you have one more game, right? Yeah. One more game. Um, I was super bored one day when we were not super bored, but we were here and I was just waiting for everyone to get up. So I threw on the and NES like online, like app on the switch, played through super Mario bros. I beat the game without dying. It was awesome. Like every level, no warp zone beat the game without dying. It was great. Just a little throwback. we' throw back yeah i love richal
Yeah, i I love it. So it's so you guys you guys know about the incident the infinite life glitch in that game? It's not a glitch. It's not a glitch. It's like a design. Is it where you get the shell caught on the thing? Yeah, and that was just deliberately put in there. Oh, was it? OK. Yeah, I just remember doing that as a kid and I was like, I'm breaking the game. Look at all these lives. It's great. Yeah. No, I just decided to play through it with that and i I got through it without dying. I hit like World 8 2 and I'm like, I haven't died yet. So then I just like started getting nervous and then I'm like, I'm going to do this. that great There you have it. So I'm a professional gamer. It only took me like 20 minutes. It's so easy.
That's hilarious because I have a video on my channel, Shameless Plug, on Midnight DT. But of me playing Mario like on the Wii U, like Super Mario Brothers U. And I was so bad at that game because I hadn't played a Mario game in like 12 years, 15 years or something. but Dude, I was dying left and right and I was raging. It was a funny video because i was it was the worst gameplay you've ever seen and I was like raging in the video. It was pretty funny. um It's called MLG Mario. uh mlg for like major league gaming you know yeah anyway all right sean are you satisfied with your games of course all right let's go ahead and segue then into our main topic of discussion own shall we this is gonna be fun and by the way guys if you're still listening shameless plug time thank you by the way uh please leave us a like rating on youtube drop a comment down there um speaking of comments here you guys talk about something real quick and fill the air
Um, yeah, talk about PlayStation. Have you tried surfing, Sean in Hawaii? Um, not yet, but I am going to soon, but I've seen so many people like getting surfing lessons and trying and it looks f freaking awesome. I can't wait. Yeah. It looks difficult. I'm also I'm also like really inspired just being here to like go back and try Pokemon Sun and Moon. And I know that was the one that killed me for Pokemon. But like I'm here and like I want to play Pokemon Sun and Moon. What were the like the like the royal like the pet like Persona 5 Royale? Like what was the those versions of the Pokemon Sun and Moon? It was like all like the authories Ultra and Ultra Moon.
Yeah. i Okay. Yeah. I actually, I played ultra moon. That was my first Pokemon game since silver that I played. But when I bought a three DS, like, I don't know how many years ago and I played ultra moon and I actually really loved it. I don't know why people hate on it. Huh? Sorry. Keep talking. Oh, but yeah, I, I really liked it, but I guess I, you know, I hadn't played all of them in between silver and that. So I don't, I can't judge based on that, but I really liked ultra moon when I played it. I thought it was a lot of fun. Yeah, no, but like because like there's like the I know in like Sun and Moon like they like the Tapu Coco or whatever like they have like all these like like these crazy like Pokemon that have like these Hawaiian names and like I'm like seeing these Hawaiian names like I want to play Sun and Moon. My sister's like you should do it because my sister's still like love and love love Pokemon. So um it was funny. They have like there's a lot of Pokemon merchandise here, too. Like a lot. Oh, sorry. I feel like I'm in like Japan. I'm in like Japan light.
Yeah, you are. You are. Yeah. Japan adjacent. All right. Thanks, guys, for filling in the air. um I was going to mention that you know when I was talking about YouTube, leave a comment down below. And if you have questions and write ins for the show, leave that. And that's why I was doing the segue, because I was going to pull up to see if we wanted to do a write in. But we're going to do it next week. We'll do it next week, because I wasn't prepared. But I do want to give a shout out to Monster Pontes, because he had a write in, which we will probably use next week or something. So. Ricky's a good dude. Good dude. All right, so let's go ahead and get into our main topic of discussion. Like I was saying, we're going to be ranking our favorite PlayStation games of all time. PlayStation owned IPS, PlayStation, just PlayStation games from five to one. And we're going to go ahead and start it off with Sean. If you want to go ahead and give us your number five, sir.
All right, this is gonna be a shocker for you guys. My number five is the Resistance franchise. um i And I know, first person shooter, that's very different for me. um I adore Resistance. ah Resistance Fall of Man got it, launched a PlayStation. My dad got it, I remember. And me and him played through Co-op like that weekend and we devoured the game. And that was like one of my first real first person shooters. um It's very dated now to go back and play Fall of Man on PS3. it was like you like click R3 to like to like scope in but it's like you don't hold it down you just like it's like held there and then you have to click it again to undo it it is very dated it's like so like that like ps2 era shooter even though it was on ps3 yeah
I love the story of Resistance, like absolutely adore it. It's so cool. It's like the alternate history where World War II didn't happen because the Chimera came down and they took over like the humans. Huge improvement in risk Resistance 2, like Resistance 2 took a huge step forward. I really, Resistance 2 is my favorite of the three. um And it takes place in the United States, which is so cool. I'll never forget, like, the iconic shot from, like, the promo. Like, they're in the Bay Area, and you can see, like, the the Golden Gate Bridge, and there's just, like, ships flying over it. And it's, like, on that that image is, like, instilled in my head. And the the game got a huge graphics overhaul, like, going into Resistance 2. It was so cool. And then um the main character's named Nathan Hale, which is so funny, because it's, like, a like ah like a revolutionary war hero named Nathan Hale. Yep, Nathan Hale, yeah.
Yeah, um the game is so cool and it's so isolated because you're basically running around like basically by yourself the entire time because it's like not like everyone else gets wiped out, but you're like a chosen one. Like you're not going to get killed. It's a really great if you haven't played Resistance, like the the the story modes are great. um Unfortunately, I like never really got to play the online. i My only memory of playing online was Resistance 2 on New Year's Eve, 2008. Right when the ball struck midnight, I was playing online. I don't know why, we just were. Me and my buddy Donny, there was a snowstorm in New England that day. And then Resistance 3, I really like, too. You don't play as Nathan Hale, though. um You play as another character named Joseph Capelli, who's like a side character in Resistance 2. And it's really cool. I'm not gonna get into why you don't play as Nathan Hale.
um you If you play Resistance 2, you'll know why. But yeah, the Resistance trilogy, by far, is like my one of my favorite first-person shooting franchises of all time. It was my favorite, then I played Halo, and I was like, wow, Halo is a lot better than this. But Resistance is still really good, and I really hope Sony returns to Resistance. like I would love that. Especially when Insomniac does those like weird tweets for the tweet, or hey, it's for they tweet out like this Resistance artwork, and I'm like, this is such a tease. And then they tweet out a two-day later, we're not working on any Resistance games. But yeah, Resistance, the Resistance franchise. Do you guys have any like... Hodge, have you played Resistance, right?
I tried the first one. I played it for a couple hours, but I gave up on it because it wasn't because I love that setting and idea of a World War II versus aliens. Like that is so cool, which is why I picked it up. But at that point, I'd already played like Call of Duty four and Halo. And like so the the shoot, it it just felt so shit to me. Like the gameplay just didn't feel good. And so I'm like, I can't do it because I don't like this gameplay. But that's I. It's very. few like if they Yeah, I feel like if they ever remastered it and kind of did a like a control remap kind of thing with modern controls, then I would love to play that because it like I said, that setting is so cool. Like I would love to play that. But yeah, that gameplay, I just I couldn't do it. So I felt the enemy design, the enemy design is so cool. Some of the enemy what they call the chimera, the chimera. And the later you go, like there's like the enemies get crazier and crazier. If they could just rerelease one and give it two controls, I think it'd be perfect.
because two has a much better control Yeah, I would love to play those games. but Yeah, they they should do that. They should release them. I briefly played on PS3. I played Resistance Fall of Man a little bit. um I didn't get super deep into it, though. I just dabbled a little bit. And I was like, oh, this is cool, you know shooting some aliens. I was like, this is a pretty good game. um But I never got super heavy into it. I was mostly on the 360 in that generation, playing like Gears and Halo and stuff. But ah it was cool. It was a competent shooter with a cool setting, like you said. All right. So that was resistance. Let me go ahead and move on. Oh, go ahead. One last thing. Shout out to the bullseye. That's but my favorite weapon from the game. Love it. but Yeah, go on. OK. So let me move on to my number five. My number five is going to be Infamous, the infamous series from Sucker Punch, the best developer that PlayStation owns. I love Infamous, although I am kind of a ah
kind of a fraud, kind of a poser, I don't know, because I've only played one infamous game, actually. And it was the one that everybody doesn't like that much. I played infamous second son on the PlayStation 4. And I really liked it. I was like, this is an awesome game, dude. ah It's cool going around Seattle. You got your little concrete power. You got your neon light power. There was another power, too, which for some reason, I can't remember what it was. Do you remember, Sean? and They have the flame power, of the fire. Oh, OK. You start with you start with that one. yeah Yeah, I liked the concrete and the neon were my favorite ones. The neon was so cool. The traversal with the neon was so cool. And and actually more frauding from midnight. I didn't play the expansion, the first light or whatever. Oh, I heard it was good, though. So good. First light. It's my favorite infamous. It's so good.
Really? Okay. I'll have to go back and play that sometime. I'll add that to the, uh, the 60 game backlog list there. Um, but yeah, infamous, that's going to be my number five game just because I love sucker punch. I really enjoyed that game a lot. I thought the story was awesome. Um, I thought the characters were awesome, even though it was, it was named Nelson or whatever. dellson wrote wilson around He was kind of, he was kind of a lame a little bit, but I still liked him though. Like his story was cool. You know, they're being persecuted. It was, it was great. I really enjoyed that game. Shout out to infamous, the the traversal, the city, the story, the combat, did the combat with all the powers was a lot of fun. And I really would love to see a new infamous game. um I know of course, Sucker Punch is busy making Ghost of Tsushima 2, which I can't wait for. That game's going to be awesome.
But after that, I wouldn't be mad if they made another infamous game. I wouldn't be mad at all personally. What do you guys think? You got any infamous thoughts? I freaking love Infamous. um It just missed my list. It was like, it was right on the edge. I almost put it on over resistance, but, uh, Infamous 1 and 2 in particular, Cole McGrath is the man. Oh my gosh. I fell in love with him back when I played Infamous in 2007. Like, I, like, to the point where I wanted a t-shirt, like an Infamous t-shirt, so bad. And this is, like, before, like, you could just get, like, shirts basically, like, with anything.
And like I remember going online and like trying to find like make find like a custom t-shirt maker and trying to make one. And then I like i put it together, and it was $300. I was like, oh, I can't do that. um I'm 11 years old. I can't do that. um But yeah, I know. You'll go on midnight. No, you go. I was gonna say if they ever bring infamous one and two natively to PlayStation not streaming because I've tried to play it streaming wise and was not good. ah You should definitely play it and infamous one.
it is the lighting is so off and you really don't notice it until you play like infamous two and second son how much better the lighting is the lighting is so weird and infamous one because I went back and played it and I it was so janky and bizarre to me you know it reminded me like you know GTA four like that lighting and GTA four it was very similar to that yeah It's funny, you took the words right out of my mouth, because that's what I was about to say, that it's hard to go back and play those games because they were PS3 games. And of course, PlayStation, for some reason, still has not figured out how to do backwards compatibility on PlayStation 3, despite the fact that they made the damn system. um They can't figure out how to emulate it. So that does make it hard. We never got to remaster. Yeah, why didn't they remaster? um It's funny because I actually own Infamous 1 and maybe Infamous 2, because if you remember when they had the great PlayStation hack,
They gave out free games as like an apology and the free game that they gave out was infamous or maybe I picked infamous Yeah, no, yeah, they gave out a dual pipe. They gave out a dual pack. You got one and two Yeah, so I own them but it's like I can't play them really because they're not backwards compatible on the ps4 or ps5 Which is super lame and I don't want to stream it like you said All right, Hodge you have any infamous thoughts and then get into your number five. Yeah, I actually only played the first infamous. ah I actually I own Second Son because I think it was a PlayStation Plus game. And so I i definitely have it in my library. It's a good game. But um yeah, I do want to play it. It's just one that it was on my backlog and then just kind of. Yeah, I played the first one and I just I wanted to play the second one. I actually remember when they announced the second one, they completely changed how Cole looked because no one liked him in the first one.
But then there was so much backlash with how much they changed him that they changed him back. And so that's kind of what I remember about Infamous 2. But yeah, I do want to play them. The first one, I loved it. I loved that game. It was so much fun. The only thing that kind of sucks about it is it had the the illusion of choice, where it's like you had the good ending or the bad ending. But then they had to canonize one for the sequel. So it kind of got rid of that choice. ah But other than that, yeah, I loved that first one. I would love to play the second one. And it's Second Son Adventure.
And we're back. We had some technical difficulties. Robot. Robot Hodge broke in and took over. He busted in like the Kool-Aid man. But we were talking about you were giving us a little bit more thoughts about infamous Hodge and then you were going to give us your number five. Yeah, I'll just of I'll just kind of summarize what I said just in case I don't know what what made it what didn't. um I basically I love the first one. I'd love to play the second one. I'll get to it. And the third third one ish two point five, whatever the new protagonist. I definitely want to play them eventually, but yeah like we said, it has to be native to PS5 now so so I can actually want to play it. but
ah But yeah, other than that, ah great, great, great pick. My number five. I do recommend if you ever have the time to play Second Son since you do own that ah because it its it's really good. It's underrated. I don't know why people hate on it. Yeah, i'll I'll definitely get around to it eventually. But my number five is I was very torn between two ah because I was either going to do The Last of Us or Ghost of Tsushima. But as a franchise I only like half of The Last of Us so I'm gonna go with Ghost of Tsushima as my number five because it's even though it's only one game it's it's 100 awesome so I'm gonna choose that. um I just this game I remember when it was like announced it was um everyone was worried about it because they were you know hyping up Last of Us part two and they weren't really talking about Ghost of Tsushima so everyone was worried it was gonna suck and then it came out and just
blew everyone away. And I remember playing it. ah Like, i I think I played it. I played the PS five. root Oh, no, I played it on PS four and then I bought PS five. So I play Iki Island. But ah ah the the game is just it's Assassin's Creed done right, basically like I like Assassin's Creed for for the most part. But Ghost of Tsushima is the best Assassin's Creed game. It is it plays like It's so good. The stealth is awesome. It's just the action and the picking your stance to fight the certain to enemy types and all. It's so much fun. And it's like the it's a beautiful game is the biggest part of it. The that world is gorgeous. And so I just I could I love this game and I cannot wait for number two to come out. But yeah, I go. Tsushima is number five for me.
All right. um So Ghost of Tsushima, I'll quickly get into it briefly, and then I'll pass it to Sean, because he's going to be up next. Ghost of Tsushima, for anyone who knows me on Discord, you might know that I do hype up this game quite a bit. So I have to say that I think that is an excellent pick hodge. I love this game. And spoiler alert, I might be talking about that one a little bit later. So Sean, give us your thoughts on Ghost and and then your number four, sir. I really like Ghost, really good. It took me a while to get into it because I tried to play it right after I played 2.0 to 2.0 Last of Us 2. And like I wasn't in the mood for it right after that. So like I remember I started it and I'm like, not in the mood for this. And I played it a year later and I absolutely adored it. Haji were right. The game is might be like one of the best looking games on PS4. Couldn't believe the combat is super smooth. I really liked just going into like bandit camps and just going in and just like
trying to do it stealthy and then he gets far you're like screw it I'm gonna go all in now and just take everybody out um yeah I really enjoyed it the one thing I wish that they continued from like um infamous was like the choice that like if it if you did it stealthy like you got like a you got like a reputation of being like not honor like It really didn't matter if you did it stealthy or if you did it like just go all out. It was cool and I know they they had the ending choice but like I don't know if that's really the difference. Wasn't it originally supposed to be way more decision heavy and then they just kind of ditched it? When they originally announced it. Because it was either a ninja or a samurai kind of thing. Yeah. When they originally announced they were alluding to that but then they kind of like backtracked on it like in like a series of tweets.
But yeah it is what it is. It's still a really great game. It was not on my list. but What is on your list? What is on your list? All right. Number four, I'm sure I'm going to be the only one with this game on my list. It is LittleBigPlanet slash Sackboy. So like that, like the whole like Sackboy friend. I love LittleBigPlanet. I know it's. LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 were like peak LittleBigPlanet. I remember spending so many hours just playing created levels from other people, looking up like like these crazy levels. I remember like Ultimate Ninja Warrior had just come out in the United States and people were making like Ninja Warrior levels.
and me and my friends would try to go through and play them and it'd be like races and it was so much fun. I was so bad at creating levels like I tried to create levels and it was so like I was so bad at it. ah The costume design and sac and like LittleBigPlanet and Sackboy Big Adventure is insane. I remember they released a Metal Gear Solid 4 pack and you could dress your Sackboy with a snake. that was so cool. They had so many like tie-in costumes and overall it was just such a fun like little game. I loved playing with me and my friends and play it almost every weekend we would just play through co-op and the music in LittleBigPlanet just hits like something like I still listen to the soundtrack of all three games and then um I'm not including LittleBigPlanet 3. I don't acknowledge that game because that game is not good. It is an insult to LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2 but Sackboy's Big Adventure
better than Astrobot. I'm sorry, it is. It's better than Astrobot. It is, like, the platforming in that game is ridiculous. To 100% that game, it it takes a lot of skill. One of my favorite platinum trophies I've ever got is Sackboy's Big Adventure. They have these, like, knit-and-knight trials that you have to go through, and, like, some of them are ridiculous. The level design is awesome. And, like I said, the soundtrack of those games, like, for Sackboy's Big Adventure, they have Toxic by Britney Spears. It's the soundtrack of one level. It's, like, the the music of one level. They have, um, let's, they have like, Just Dance by, um, is that? Who sings that? So, Just Dance. Oh no, it's Let's Dance. Yeah, oh my god. David Bowie. And like, that's the song. They have, um, Uptown Funk. is ah like guess It's so, the way they design it with the level, like,
that certain things happen at a level and it like coincides with the beat. It's just such a great, I love and i love the character of Sackboy. I wish he was bigger, I wish it really hit off, but it seems like Astrobot's the way they're going. But yeah, it's a little big planet slash Sackboy's big adventure, that whole IP. Any history, I don't know. I know that's like a very deep cut. All right. Hodge, any thoughts on that? I loved the first one. I played the crap out of it when I got my PS3 back in the day. I really loved it. I just never got two or three. I don't know why. I just never bought one. Two is phenomenal. Two is phenomenal. Yeah, I'm sure it is. And then Sackboy, I do own that game. And I know I've said, I'm pretty sure I've said it on here before. I need to play that because I love platformers. And I've heard it's awesome. So actually, I'm going to try and
put that to the front of the backlog soon, because I really, I do need, especially with Astrobot coming out, I want to just get into a platformer kick. So I might have to play a little bit before. It is so good. It is so good. Because I really want to. be that accurate Yeah, i but I do agree with you that it's such a shame that he seems like such a good mascot for a console. So it is crazy that Sackboy, like he kind of was on the PS3 era. I guess they did have Sackboy on a lot of stuff. But yeah, yeah I kind of died when PS4 came out. and Was there even a game on PS4? LittleBigPlanet 3. Yeah. Oh, OK. That's probably why I didn't play that one, because there's so many better games. It wasn't good. It's not on PS4. Hodge, you said you played it a lot. Did you slap people a sec, boy? Now you can do the flat motion. Me and my friends would do that all the time. I didn't play it online that much, but I did. I do remember that from playing it briefly online. Yeah. It's such a great IP. I wish it was treated a little better than
kind of where it's at now, but yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I unfortunately don't have any history with little big planet or sack boy. You know, I'm not a huge platformer guy. I'm also not super creative. I think you can create like levels and stuff in some of those games. I don't do that. I'm pretty stupid. So, ah um, I don't have any history with those games, but obviously those are very popular. Um, media molecule, of course, they may come up later on my list. One of their games might be near a dream but my list. We'll see dreams. Yeah. But, uh, Yeah, let me go ahead and get into my number four now. And this one is slightly cheating, because I don't know that PlayStation owns this IP. But this game is undeniably a PlayStation game. And it is going to be Marvel's Spider-Man, the whole series. All three games, love them. The original, like 2016 or whatever, beat the shit out of that game, when you loved it. 2018, thank you for correcting me, Sean. That game was awesome. Miles Morales, the little PS5 game, really enjoyed that game. I thought the story was great, although it was short.
Had fun traversing the city, using little lightning powers and stuff. Fun game, fun experience. um And then, of course, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 came out recently. Was it last year or something? twenty eight wass It was the second game ever that I got the Platinum trophy for. My second ever Platinum, I got Marvel's Spider-Man 2. It wasn't a very hard one. um And yeah, it was just fun, man. Great stories, great combat, great traversal, good graphics in New York. You know, they got the ray trace reflections on the windows and stuff.
It's just good, man. It's a good it's a solid game. um you know I'm not a huge superhero fan, honestly. I'm a little bit burnt out on it. But these are fun experiences and fun games. And they're also, they don't demand too much of your time, which I respect. um you know You can get the whole platinum usually in like 25-ish hours in these games. um And it's ah it's a good time. You beat it. You beat up some villains. You enjoy a story. You get a platinum if you want. And then you move on with your life. And I enjoy that. So Marvel's Spider-Man. Shout out to that whole series. That's my number four. um Sean, any thoughts on that? Yeah, I love the spiderman series ah Spider Spider-Man is my favorite Marvel superhero. So I was all in when they announced this game, when they announced it back in, when they first, they might have first announced it in 2016. I loved 2018. I loved Miles Morales. I adored that game. like I really, really enjoyed that. And I'm looking forward to the future of the franchise if they make more of like,
a game centered on Miles. Spider-Man 2 I really liked. I actually like it more than the first one. I know that's not a popular opinion. But yeah, that's such a great pick. The traversal in that game is phenomenal. And all the different suits are so cool to just go around. um But yeah, I love it. Hodge, what about you? uh firstly it was i'm pretty sure it was announced in 2016 because that was that epic ps uh playstation e3 showcase that just blew every other showcase i was still like the most epic one of all time yeah it was really that like god of war resident evil seven i remember i remember just my mind being blown that entire showcase but
Yeah, I remember. Sorry. I remember because Xbox went first and they had a really good conference. And I was like, oh, shit, it's on now. PlayStation is going to have a hard time topping it. PlayStation fucking destroyed it like that. yeah That showcase was the best they've probably ever done. Sorry. Go ahead. Oh, yeah, it was. It was amazing. But i yeah, I love these games. Well, I haven't played two yet, actually. I played the first one right when it came out. I platinum did. I played Miles Morales when it came out. I platinum did. And then I i before Spider-Man 2 came out, I replayed the first one. I think it was unemployed at the time. So that's I was able to just kick. I was just able to go through it. And I plant them the remaster of the first one in preparation for two. And then I didn't play two and it came out. I still need to. I'm going to try and do that sooner than later because I do really want to play it, even though I heard, yeah, it's not as good as the first one. But if you like it more than, you know, who knows, it might be ah it's definitely probably worth it. It's just I've heard the ending and I'm like a kind of dumb, but whatever.
ah But the gameplay is amazing. like like I knew I would love the first one going into it because the last game they made before that was Sunset Overdrive, which is an amazing game that everyone should play Xbox One exclusive. um And so I've always loved insomniac ah they you know, they made Either they made or helped like with Spyro back in the day like they yeah they made Spyro they were yeah Yeah, I knew cuz I always remembered seeing that insomniac logo when it was loading. But ah yes, it's which spires are some of my favorite so insomniac is one of the best studios just out there in general and so yeah, I love the spider-man games and I I definitely do want to play two, but the first in Miles Morales are two of their, some of the PlayStation's best games just in general. So yeah, definitely, definitely agree with that. Even though they don't own the IP, they own the studio that made it and it's exclusive. So we definitely count it. Spyro would have, Spyro, yeah, Spyro is great. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So is that, that's your thoughts on Spider-Man? You satisfied there?
Yeah. All right. So real quick, guys, we're going to call an audible here because Sean, as we know, Sean's in Hawaii. He's on vacation. um Unfortunately, he has an obligation that's coming up right now. He has he has to go. So what we're going to do real quick, we're going to let Sean take the stage here. He's going to give us his three, three, two and one. And then he's going to have to depart and Hodge and I will bring it home with our list. So and Sean, if you want to talk about Spider-Man, if you want and then get in your three, two, one. So it's all you. Yeah, I know. I'll i'll do my three, two, one. ah Yeah, sorry. We're going on like a helicopter tour, so. OK. And we have to. I didn't realize. So the tour is at 830, but we have to leave like in like a couple of like 15 minutes because we have to get there early and do all this other stuff. So I apologize about that.
Alright, so I'm just gonna go through my 3-2-1. My number three is the Last of Us franchise. I'll briefly say I absolutely love Last of Us 1. I like two more. I know that's gonna be a little controversial. I do like two. Excited to go see where they go with three if they do make a three, which they will. Obviously they already announced it. um My number two is Uncharted, so I got that back-to-back Naughty Dog action right there. Uncharted is absolutely amazing. Oh my gosh, all the games just are so good, and four is my absolute favorite. There's a moment in four that I blew my mind early in the game, like when you're ah doing something fun as Drake and Elena.
um even Even Golden Abyss, I know it's on the Vita and it's probably one of the weaker ones, but even Golden Abyss was really good. ah the First one was great too. And then finally my number one, how people are gonna be aggravated with me with this one, is the Horizon franchise. oh a Gosh, I love Zero Dawn, I love Forbidden West. Forbidden West I think is... the best looking PS5 game I've ever played. I love the gameplay. I know people don't like Aloy. she thinks They think she's annoying. I like her a lot. I like a lot of the characters in Uncharted. I like the world. The story is batshit crazy. Wow, I just swore. Wow, it's the first time I've ever sworn. oh
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm not a big swear. I don't really swear. um But it is absolutely insane. Like where it went, I had no like it could completely blew my mind. Rest in peace, Lance Reddick, because um his character in that game, silence is awesome. So I'm going to be interested to see how they do it in three because they're definitely going to make a three because they need to wrap up the story. But yeah, I love her as and I can't wait for it. I love that they added a tribute for him in Forbidden West like that. Oh, yeah, they dance on it. I love that. That was one of his last performances was that game. Yeah, I love that. they do
Okay, I'm really surprised that Horizon was your number one because that oh I'm just not a huge I knew I had a feeling it would be because I know you love Forbidden West I fell off of it, but it was open world burnout So I do want to go back to it because I played the first one right again right before the second one came out I screwed myself by doing that because then I got that open world burnout and so I never finished to But and do yeah, a lot of people a lot of people give horizon flack because like the story is so like Convoluted and like you have to read all these like dire like entry logs to get the full story But I like I adore doing that stuff So my biggest complaint with for but forbidden West wasn't the gameplay the gameplay is amazing but the and the graphics obviously missing it's the fact that the What's this little little scanner called again? silent ah The um
Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, focus. but Yeah, focus the focus. so Yeah. Yeah. the I hated it because she was kind of like the Jesus character in the first one because she had the focus like and like two other people had it. And so it was like this mystical thing. But then in the second one, she basically has a bag of them just handing them out to everyone. I'm like, OK, it doesn't mean anything anymore because now everyone has a focus and can see the stuff that only she could see in the first game. So It kind of ruined that the the whole mythos of it for me, but I did enjoy ah what I did play a Forbidden West. I just need to get back to it when I'm not completely burnt out on open worlds. All right. Sorry.
So yeah, so there we go. Let's go ahead and recap here. So for Sean Mason, Mr. Hawaii, we have his number five was resistance. Number four was little big planet. Number three, the last of us. Number two, uncharted and number one, horizon. I think that's a very solid list. Sean, I know you have to go. Let me go ahead and give you the floor. Any final thoughts that you have for episode number 13 games over plastic. Mr. Hawaii, There are no weed games on my list. Oh wow, I didn't even think about that. Yeah, very different. No JRPGs, no weed games.
PlayStation usually outsources their weebery, right? They don't yeah have a lot of first party weebery. Yeah. um But yeah, so thanks for having me, guys. I'm really enjoying my time. I can't wait for next episode where I'm able but to join you guys fully. But yeah, um have a great rest of the episode. All right. All right. Do me a favor. Send me a picture of you in the helicopter or something. And I'll use that for your webcam for the rest of the episode. OK. All right. I will. All right. Have fun, sir. Thanks, man. All right, guys. So getting back into the episode proper. Unfortunately, Sean had to go, as you all just heard. We love Sean. He's in Hawaii. He's living his best life. Hawaii. Hawaii. So Hodge, let's get back to the normal episode. We're going to go back and forth and round out our list. We are at number four, sir. OK. What is your number four? My number four is Jack and Daxter, actually.
um the the original jack and daxter is one of my favorite it's a platformer obviously so that's right up my alley but i loved the first one the second one and third one both improved by adding like the third one like car and gun play and shit so it got really wild but the uh the first one has always been my favorite because it's just a straight platformer so obviously with it being for me that's exactly what i want but Two and three definitely were amazing. They improved on, uh, a lot of stuff. They just became less platformy and more kind of actiony. So I didn't like them as much as the original. It's the same with, uh, actually, nevermind. This one's going to be on my list, so I don't want to ruin that. But, uh, yeah, so I do a Jack and Daxter. It's just, it was like a classic, uh, PS2 mascot kind of thing. And I just, I really loved them back in the day. So yeah, Jack and Daxter.
All right, Jack index are good pick. I have never played it, believe it or not. um I don't even know. I'm not even is that a platform or I'm not familiar at all. The first one is a platform or the second. I mean, all three are technically platformers. It's just two and three focus less on the platforming around and they have a lot more action in the game. So that's why a lot of people like two and three more. I'm. really more into the platformer part. So that's why I like the first one the most. But it's a trilogy that I don't know of anyone who doesn't like those games. They're really, really good. OK. All right. Fair enough. So that's ah that's number four, Jack and Daxter. Good pick. All right. My number three pick now we're moving on is going to be MLB The Show.
This is a series that I have played a lot of and that I have a strong love and affinity for. um Played a ton of it back in the day on PS3 and PS4. I would dabble in. I think I paid played like 9, 12, 14. But then I got super heavy into it, as I've mentioned before, with MLB The Show 19. Um, I played that one a ton. I got really hooked into the diamond dynasty mode, like I mentioned earlier, which is like ultimate team, but it's free to play. Like I said, you don't, I never spend any money in, uh, in diamond dynasty, not really. Um, and you just get a full team of 99s. Like you just play the game. They have like a little battle pass as you're playing and you're just getting, unlocking tons of free 99 cards. Um, they have like this conquest mode, which is kind of like the game risk or whatever, where you take over the map.
um And at the end of that you get like an ultra boss card or something that's super sweet They have these moments where you can get free cards like they just give you free cards left and right So you can have a lot of fun um I enjoy that. Also the road to the show mode is pretty fun where like you start in the minor leagues and you make your player and then you like you play up and you make it all the way up to the bigs. That's always a lot of fun. And then the online stuff is fun to playing against people. I had a lot of games, full nine inning games online, and some epic comebacks, some extra inning games.
Um, I threw a perfect game and MLB the show 14. I have a gold trophy, gold trophy to prove it. Um, so that was super cool. Uh, for those that don't know a perfect game is literally just that you can't walk anybody. You can't allow a hit. You can't hit anybody with a pitch. You would just have to get 27 up, 27 down. Basically all outs are strikeouts. So. Good stuff like that. um So, yeah, that's my number three and MLB the show. Anything any thoughts on that one? um I only played it briefly. I don't remember which year it was, whichever one, the the first one that came to Xbox. It was at 19 19. Yeah, I played that for a bit. I've I've i' ah used I'm like kind of a lapsed baseball fan. I used to be a pretty big Cubs fan. I it funny enough, I actually fell off the year they won this the but World Series. I didn't even I fell asleep during the last game that they won. So I was
you know I'm not a good fan for missing their historic win, but I'm more of a Bears fan, so I don't... really care but ah it was ah yeah it's it's a fun game and it's a really good sim baseball sim like I get why people love this this ah franchise and why the MLB said fuck you bring it to other consoles or else you were gonna lose you're gonna lose our lose lose the rights so it's it's a really cool game it's just not one that i I really played like I said I'm kind of a last sports gamer also I think Chell was really the last one I was super into so
Yeah, it's a good choice. But yeah, it's not it's not one that I ah play too much of. Yeah. But my number three is this is the one I was alluding to while I saw my jagged extra is Sly Cooper. um I. I love stealth games. Splinter Cell is some of it's one of the best series like out there. And so when they made like a kind of a cartoony, like more upbeat one, I loved the first one. It's again with like with Jakob Daxter. It's my favorite one. I love the original because it's a straight just level by level stealth game. It's very linear. Whereas in the second one, you have like a hub world. And I'm like, why why is there a hub? Like, I don't want to do this. ah But then
Honestly, I actually fell off after I know I did play three also. They I know they made like a the fourth one, I think, or something like they made some weird. I can't remember what it was. But ah yeah, the first one has always been my favorite. So even just that one, I guess I'm being hypocritical as I left Last of Us off my list because I only like half of it, whereas like Cooper Allen. like about half of it, but whatever. I don't care. The first one I love so much actually just bought it on PlayStation because it was like 10 bucks and they brought it to PS5. So I'm going to play that soon. And I'm very excited to do that. But yeah, I don't know. I just love I'm a platformer whore. So I just love the first one so much that I had to put on the list, even though I yeah, I left off last to us for the same reason, but whatever. Yeah. Do you have any experience with the slide games?
All right. Actually, surprisingly, probably not surprisingly, I don't I haven't played Sly Cooper either, ah which is, you know, it is, it originally was a sucker punch game. And you know, I love sucker punch. So you might have thought that I would have played that. But that was like 2002 to 2005. I think they made Sly Cooper. So that was just so long ago, like it was a whole different world. Yeah. But yeah, I know people love Sly Cooper. um I just never played it. Maybe that's something one of these days, if it's available. um Maybe I'll go back and write that wrong. Oh, yeah. They just brought PS5. They it was like 10 bucks or whatever. OK.
yeah All right, so that's a good one. Let me go ahead and get into my number two pick then. My number two pick is one that we just mentioned that you don't have on your list. Don't worry, I put it on my list. And it is the last of us, of course, and I'm putting the last of us on there solely for number one. And the DLC that came with that because I enjoyed both quite a bit Matt the Last of Us won to me as ah as a 10 out of 10 Masterpiece game. Yeah, i absolutely loved it. It was so good that game alone justified owning a ps3 damn near um It was so great such an amazing story such an amazing world fun traversal fun combat I enjoyed the crafting mechanics to picking up the stuff and you know, you know getting your little shanks and stuff like that That was cool
Uh, it was a great game. I even enjoyed the little DLC with Ellie and, uh, and, and the girl that, you know, what right before when, uh, when the girl turned and then she realized that she was, well, that's kind of spoilers anyway. I'm not gonna, I'm gonna go too crazy. Um, but yeah, that was a great game. I really enjoyed the last of us one. Um, I did not actually play the last of us two yet. Um, because I was excited about the last of us two, but then as you might recall, um, I forgot to put a timestamp on here. Professional podcasting here. Sorry. um I should have done that. It's okay. so like I was really excited about the lessons too, but then as you might recall, um there was a huge leak and everybody found out about a very big key event that happened that people didn't enjoy. um so That happened and I was like, oh
that kind of took away my excitement. And I ended up just kind of watching like kind of a play through and I saw the end of the game and I was like, Oh, this ending is kind of trash too. I don't like this ending. What are they doing? And then people were complaining that they made you play as as Abby. And it's like, I don't want to play as Abby. That's what other people were saying. um So they were complaining about that. And there was just all this negative drama around it. And I was like, You know what? I'm not going to play it. I'm not going to play it, but I actually do want to write that wrong. I have the game um and I plan on playing it sometime. It's on the backlog. I want to go back and actually play it and give it a fair shake, um even though I know what's kind of going to happen. There's definitely things that I won't know because I didn't see the entire play through.
Yeah, it's I love like I agree. The first one is a 10 out of 10. I bought it on PS3. I bought it again on PS4 and I bought it on PS5, even though I waited for on sale for PS5 because launching it at 70 without the online is bullshit. um So I did I waited for that one to be on sale just out of principle. But ah I love the first one. I even love the show other than there's a few episodes that aren't very good. I it's It's perfect. I there's nothing I have. I have no complaints about the first game. But the second one, I just didn't like it. It was way too long. ah You basically play 10 hours as Ellie, then 10 hours as Abby, and then five hours is after you all the shit that goes on in Seattle between the two. And it's just I just didn't like it. It was paced poorly. The story tried being so.
Sean's gonna hate me for this. The story tried being so up its own ass ah and like, oh, this is a why revenge is bad. I'm like, yeah, I fucking get it. I don't, I don't need 25 hours to tell me that revenge is bad. Like I didn't even care that the major thing that happened early in the game happened. I didn't care. I thought that was a cool device. Like it's I don't even want to even refer to it if no one's played it. So I don't want to spoil it. But I thought it was a cool moment. It it was like a Game of Thrones type moment where it's like, well, so stuff can happen. So I really enjoyed that part of the game, actually. But then, yeah, when you play 10 Hours is Abby, it's the best, the best um ah reference to it that I saw on Twitter when it came out was like, ah
Last of Us 2 is basically like if you had to play john or if you had to watch John Wick from the perspective of the guy who killed his dog. It's like, yeah, I don't get I don't give a shit about the guy who killed his dog. I i want him to die. And so I don't care about Abby and I don't want to play as Abby. ah She sucks. She's a terrible character. I don't even find her ah sympathetic. I don't care about any of the characters she lives with. I don't care about any of them. I don't like them. I don't want to play as them. and i get that some people are like i'm team abby she was in the right for this i'm like no she fucking wasn't she sucks and so i just don't there's a lot of moments in the last of us part two that are great there it's a it plays very well it's a beautiful game like i have no complaints about any of that it's the story i don't care about it i
Like when I ah initially finished it, I was like, it's like a six out of 10. And over time I've thought about the bad and it has decreased in score because I only think about the bad. I do actually want to replay it. Now that's remastered. I'll pay the 10 bucks for the upgrade fee. I don't care. Uh, and I do want to play it again to see if I do have a different perspective on it this time, but where I'm at now, I just, I didn't like it, but I will play it again to see if I'm like, you know what? I was a little harsh on it. Or if I'm like, no, I wasn't harsh enough on it. Like when I rewatched Iron Man 3 and I fucking hated it even more. Yeah. But yeah. So yeah. i But the first one, perfect. So I understand why it would be on both your lists. so I'll barely miss my list. It's the first. It's a perfect. I love the first one so much.
All right. What's your number two? Maybe it's something I've played. I hope mine. too Yes. I'm sure you have. If you haven't, I'd be very surprised ah is God of War. I love this series. It's the first one is still my favorite. We talked about it when we did our 10 favorite games of all time with Locke. The first one is my favorite. It's just a very basic revenge story of this guy got fucked over by his employer. And so he go he's just going on a revenge tour after what he made him do. And so I love it. It's it's amazing. The two and three are great. Love them. 2018 is my second favorite God of War game. That game is so fucking good. I love it so much. This like the one shot story kind of thing and just learning about like Atreus is it's such a cool story about why he's there with Atreus and what he's doing and like
It's I love it. It's a it's a great game. Valhalla was good. It was just a little too long and it kind of dragged on. It just it missed a little bit. There was a lot of great about it. But the first one I felt was more impactful than Valhalla. And but overall, it's an amazing series. There's no bad game, even the Vita or PSP games I enjoyed. Like I enjoy it just overall. It's a great series. I it's some games are worse than others, but there's not a bad game. in this series is what I mean. But yeah, what do you think about God of War? Yeah, God of War is obviously a great game. I think it won Game of the Year, didn't it? In 2018? Probably. I don't think so. but probably um My history with God of War is limited, but I did play, of course, the 2018 PlayStation 4 God of War. I beat that game and I did enjoy it.
Quite a bit. It was a great story. The combat was a lot of fun. um I had a couple minor gripes with it like ah like the weird RPG elements that they tried to add with like the armor system and stuff was honestly kind of confusing to me. Like I'm looking at the armor and I'm like, is this good? Like, does this make my character better or worse? Like I honestly can't even tell. Like didn't really need all that. But it was fun to combat. It was ah an awesome story. The graphics were also quite good um on that game, I believe. um And I was. Pretty excited about playing God of War Ragnarok, the sequel, but...
I didn't play Ragnarok. What's funny? I bought the game. I bought it and preordered it because I was game sharing with a friend. So I mostly bought it so that he could play it. I've told the story before, um but I didn't play Ragnarok because I heard that it was longer and that there was a lot of puzzles. And those were actually my two gripes that I had with the first game. I thought that though it ran slightly long at the end there. Like I was ready for it to end and they're like, no, we got to do more mountain climbing. And I was like, damn it. um And I hate the puzzles so I didn't play Ragnarok, but that's a good pick um that 2018 game is is fuck is freaking awesome So great pick God of War one of these days. I will probably play Ragnarok um Are they making a third game? I wonder we think
Well, with how the I'm not go obviously going to spoil the ending, but with how it ends, they could, but they could also leave it as is. It's one of those things where it is open, but it and where it is there. But I'm sure they will, because with how successful these first two or I'm sure they're going to keep it going. I would be curious about where they take it, but I would be OK if they left it as is to. But also I want, after he's done the Greek gods and he's done the Norse gods, I want him to fight Jesus next. That'd be hilarious. Yeah. He should go to Israel and fight Jesus and stuff. That'd be great. All right. So that was your number two pick, God of War. Let me go ahead and get into my number one pick.
This is gonna be a shocker, guys. Nobody's gonna be able to guess that Midnight would have this. This is his number one pick. It's not a game that I talk about all the time. But my number one pick is going to be Ghost of Tsushima, Sucker Punch Productions, the best PlayStation exclusive of all time, bar none. I don't care what anyone else says. You're wrong. No. I love this game. Ghost of Tsushima is f freaking amazing. What can you say about this game? It's absolutely beautiful. The world that they created, um the way they did the navigation with the wind, and you can see all the flower petals through the colors, through the pinks, the purples, the whites, the reds, the oranges. It's just so colorful. It's so beautiful. You got the snow biome at the top.
It's freaking awesome. The story was great. um The combat was phenomenal. Like I loved it. Like you mentioned earlier, how they have the weapon wheel and ah each one kind of correlates. Like you have the the sword stance to take out the sword people. And then there's the shield stance to take out the shield guys. There's the spear stance to take out the spears. And then I think the last one is to take out brutes. Yeah, it's like a heavy, heavy one. Yeah. Yeah. So that was really well done. And it was fun. like You get really good at the combat and it gets fluid. like you You take out a sword dude, and then the next guy that you're about to is a shield. So you switch into your shield stance, and you cut them up with a little combo, the little ch will a three, four strike combo. Dude, it was so fun. I love that game. The characters are awesome. Shout out to Yuna. Yuna is awesome. Best best girl ever.
um She's such a great character and Jin Sakai, the main character is is awesome. even um Even his uncle or whatever, um Lord Shimora is awesome. um oh yeah The choice that you have to make at the end. It's funny, I played this game twice. It was my first ever platinum, my virgin platinum. It was only right for me to give my virginity to the ghost and get that first platinum because I love that game so much. um It's funny. I played them to it, I think. Did you? It's not. It's not a super hard platinum. You just kind of got to clear out the map. I'm pretty. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I did because, yeah, I do like collectathons where it's just finish the map. I love those kinds of items. I think they're fun because it just gives you. It was fun.
Yeah, it was fun. And like all the side content they had was pretty cool. Like I like finding the hot springs, and then he gets in there and he reflects on something that just happened. um You know, I like writing the haikus, um you know, the little bamboo strikes, those were a little difficult at times hitting like, were but they five or six but they're fine. Yeah. Yeah. um The tools of the tools were a lot of fun. Oh, yeah. the cinematics were so great. Like this game is just a masterpiece. um So I beat the game twice. And both times I made the same choice at the end. Oh, really? You would think you would think that maybe I would have made the different choice the second time. But I was just so sure that this is the right choice. And I'm not going to spoil it. um But yeah, I was just so sure that this was the right choice. Well, I'll just say that I chose to spare a certain someone um twice in a row because it just seemed like the right thing to do.
um But yeah, I love that game. The only gripe, if I want to throw a gripe, is that there isn't a lot of agency or choice and consequence, like you mentioned, Hodge. they They have a narrative that they're going to tell, and that's the narrative. Like, you can't really influence it much. And that kind of sucks, but at the same time, I respect it, and I love the story. So that was my number one, Ghost of Tsushima. Go ahead and hit up some thoughts if you want, and then give us your number one. Yeah, um just I mean, obviously I talked about it before, but they actually I don't know if I said this before. This is my thought process of putting it at five was that it is the only one in the series because I do like it more than Jack and Daxter and Sly Cooper. So really, I would probably have it like two or three, but with it only being the only one in the franchise, that's why I put it at five for now.
Yeah, and I'm so excited cuz as we talked about it is so gorgeous I played it on ps4 originally and then I played it I upgraded to the next version so I could play iki island on ps5 and then I went back and played that it was Such a fun DLC. I don't know if you can hear that vacuum of background. Sorry. they Don't worry about it The dog opened the door so there's I can hear the outside world now Um, because I only cracked it. I didn't close it. But anyway, uh, yeah, I love this series. So yeah, I you definitely are obsessed with it for a good reason. It is so good. Uh, I feel like it doesn't get the love it deserves, though. Like, I feel like it's kind of a unsung hero of PlayStation. Like, it doesn't get enough hype, I think. Like, I it's so good. I I don't really have a complaint with it. Really, like, uh,
i The one thing I was I'm sad. I never played legends. I never played that free. I didn't like like rising I do want i I feel like I should at some point before like before two comes out maybe I'll go back and try it or something, but Yeah, I this this series is it. It's so it's so good dude when they announced to finally we know it's coming when they finally announced that at a showcase or whatever I'm just gonna say insert Donald Trump meme right here. I'm gonna come and It's going to be so good. you i might i I might put that little clip in the video. um yes Dude, I can't wait for that game. It's going to be a phenomenal. Yeah, it's it's awesome. But ah yeah, my number one, though, I was actually sad when Sean had this on his list, but then he had to go because I would have loved to talk to him more about it is my favorite franchise of all time is Uncharted. i I there's not I never finished Golden Abyss, which I probably should. The only one I.
Yeah, the only one I don't really like is Lost Legacy just because I don't care about Chloe and Nadine. i I don't care. The gameplay was very fun. The villain was unbelievably forgettable. That's actually my only complaint with Uncharted is most of the villains are really bad or just ah just forgettable villains. ah But the gameplay is so much fun. The the charm of Nate and Sully and even Elena and Chloe, like their charm is so good that they all play off each other perfectly. the The variety of worlds that you go to, like you're up in the mountains in the second one, you're in the desert in the third one, you're at the the pirate area of the fourth one is one of the best settings I've ever seen in a game. And the fourth one is just beautiful because obviously that was the next gen one, whereas the older ones were PS3.
Um, but uncharted one was actually the first game I bought for ps3 when I bought a ps3, it was that and God of war three, because that's why I bought a ps3 was played God of war three. And i I've, I fell in love with it instantly. I bought my ps3 in 2010, I believe. So after I finished the first one, the next like day I think I had it ah next day I beat it one day I went and bought the second one and played it and it blew my mind and then the next year obviously I played three but yeah I I love this series I it's hard to even rank them like they're all so good for different reasons like two and four might be my favorite ones but Yeah, I I love this series and I cannot wait to see what they do with it if they do more with it. But honestly, I kind of with the way for ends, I kind of hope they leave it alone with Nate. I don't want him to come back as like old man, Nate, who's an alcoholic and hates his life and like his daughter has to teach him the ways of life or some bullshit. Like, I just hope if it is, it's just a good I hope it's good is what but Nate is kind of what drives the series. So it's a little here and there, but I'm excited to see what they do with it.
All right, so that was number one for Hodge, Uncharted. um Unfortunately, I don't have a lot to say on this one because this is not a franchise that I really got into much at all. um I missed this franchise for some reason. I did pick up the Uncharted collection remaster. um I have the physical copy. I'm pretty sure I still have it back there. um I started up ah the first Uncharted game and I got not very far. I made it to like that submarine that you find or something, like near the near the beginning. So not far at all. But I don't know. Like I just wasn't vibing with it. You know, it's a little bit dated, and a little bit musty. The first one does have the worst controls. It does get better with two, I would say. It's like that is a that's a lot of people's complaint is they think the first one did I thought it aged fine. But I'm a kind of person where if I played it in the moment, when I go back to it, I don't find anything aged. I find it just how I remember it. But yeah, that's what that's what I hear about the first one that it didn't age as well as the others.
I might actually, one of these days, this might be sacrilegious, but I might actually just skip one and watch a story recap and start number two and play two, three, and four one of these days to try to get caught up. Of course, if you guys know, I have like a backlog of like 70, 80, 100 games. So it's going to be a while, but I would like to get to a Monday. Well, the thing that's nice about him, too, is that the first the fourth one's the longest one and it's like 15 hours. Like they're really short games. So but honestly, it's like a thing of if you woke up a Saturday morning and just threw it on, you'd have it beaten by the end of the day. Like it's it's I love that but because obviously I love shorter games, as I've talked about 100 times, but.
So it is a series like if you ever do want to play them out. Yeah, watching the recap of the first one's fine, I guess. But yeah, playing two through four. Oh, those games are so good. I knew it. I'm sure I have a feeling you'd love them, but maybe not. I don't know. All right. Well, that will do it then. That's our five through one favorite PlayStation games of all time. ah So we went through Sean's earlier just to recap here at the end. We got Sean had Resistance, LittleBigPlanet, The Last of Us, Uncharted, and Horizon.
I had number five was infamous for Marvel's Spider-Man, three MLB The Show, two The Last of Us and one Ghost of Tsushima. And Hodge, your number five through one, you want to give it to us yourself? Go ahead. Yeah, Ghost of Tsushima, Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, God of War and Uncharted. All right. Good list. PlayStation, of course, you know, they are the dominant console besides Nintendo. for a reason. They have great IP. They have great exclusives. There is no denying that these are some great games, some great lists. So shout out to Sony. Shout out to PlayStation. um But yeah, that has been episode number 13 of games over plastic. We're going to go and get up out of here and enjoy our weekend. ah Hodge, any final thoughts as we ride off into the sunset? Really? The only thing is from this episode, I just remembered how many games I still need to play like
I need to play Sackboy. I need to play Spider-Man 2. I need to finish Forbidden West. There's so many games that I need to go back to. And Metroid Prime. I want to play that too. Because, yeah, I would love to do an episode with Sean and Berto. And Infamous Second Son. And Infamous, yeah, there's so many... Oh, man. I need to give my PlayStation more love. It's been a while since I've actually... Yeah, man. Literally, Helldivers is the only thing I've turned it on for. and Fire it up, man. It's right there. Yeah, I got to boot it back up, but I'm in a switch renaissance right now, so i got ah I got to get through that, and then I'll go back to my PlayStation. Leave my Xbox in the dust for a little bit.
There you go. Yeah. Well, there you go. It wouldn't be a good gaming podcast if you didn't walk away with it with a couple of games that you need to play. I'm the same way. I want to maybe check out that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I want to play infamous Lost Light or whatever that DLC was. First last Light, I think. First Light. I don't remember. First or last? I don't remember. Kind of light. I need to play that. And then maybe the Uncharted games. There's lots of stuff. um I didn't mention, by the way, the Icky Island DLC for Ghost was also quite fun. I 100%ed that. It was great. Yeah, I really loved it. But yeah, let me go in. My final thoughts here is just I want to say thank you guys. As always, the listeners, we really appreciate your support, likes, comments, shares, tell a friend, tell a coworker, tell your boss. All right. We appreciate you guys. And that's been it. This has been episode 13. We're going to go ahead and get about it here. Please clap, everybody. please Goodbye. Bye.