15. We Pick Our Games Of the Year for the Decade 2000-2009! | Games Over Plastic  image

15. We Pick Our Games Of the Year for the Decade 2000-2009! | Games Over Plastic

E15 · Games Over Plastic
40 Plays1 month ago

The boys are back again to pick our Game of the Year choices this time for the decade of 2000-2009! Some amazing classic games launched in this decade and we break it all down. Who do you guys think had the best list? What were your favorite games?

Video version available at: http://www.youtube.com/@gamesoverplastic


00:00:00 Show begins

00:06:45  Write In: Mac and Cheese

00:12:00- Mystic Pillars

00:15:48:50- Call of Duty World War II

00:19:35:25- Super Mario World

00:21:25- South Park Stick of Truth

00:33:08- The Witcher III

00:36:20- Fortnite

00:38:05- Metroid Prime

00:38:50- Call of Duty Modern Warfare III

00:41:00 GOTY 2009

00:48:36 GOTY 2008

00:55:15 GOTY 2007

01:03:15 GOTY 2006

01:07:12 GOTY 2005

01:13:58 GOTY 2004

01:20:28 GOTY 2003

01:28:00 GOTY 2002

01:34:47 GOTY 2001

01:41:08 GOTY 2000

Welcome everyone. This is Games Over Plastic episode number 15. As always, I am Midnight back again and I am joined by the two most amazing hosts in the industry with me here. We have the man, the myth, the legend.
the master platinum trophy hunter, he's getting his title back. We'll hear why later. um And the man who's still enjoying his summer, Sean Mason. How you doing, sir? I'm doing great. Yeah, at the time of you, you guys are listening to this it will be exactly two weeks until I returned to school for the first day. So Yeah, summer's flown by and I'm going to miss it. But I'm ready to get back. Actually, I start the week before because of soccer tryouts and all that start. So. Are you say though? A little bit, but you know, all good things must come to an end. It seems like it went by fast, doesn't it? Yeah, it does. Like even for me, I I haven't been off, but it still seems like it went quick. Yeah, it goes by quick, but I'm i'm excited to start getting a getting paychecks again.
Oh, you don't get paid in the summer, huh? No. That's tough. All right. Well, we're happy to have you here, as always. And last but not least, we have the Ginger Ninja. I don't know why I just said that. The man with the buckies in the background. He just left the gym. He's been feeling sick, but he's starting to feel better, I hope. I don't know. He's got a lot going on. Hodge, how you doing, sir?
I'm good. Yeah. I was, um, I was, I'm still like not at a hundred, but I wanted to go to the gym just to see if I could do like a light workout. And I didn't get any lightheadedness while I was there. So that's good. So I'm on the mend, which is good because not being able to work these last or like very briefly working these last few weeks has been very bad on the paycheck or the, the, you know, the bank account. So it's nice that I can hopefully get back to work in full time, make some cash money again. But.
Um, I thought I have actually a friend who was a teacher and they gave him the option to where they can just make more during the school year or kind of slightly less and have it get paid over the summer. And he always does. Yeah. So the way that the way that we do it is you can get more money per paycheck or you can get a lump sum paycheck in June, but then it's like, it's basically like getting like four or five paychecks all at once. And like that that's, that's what I, that's what I took and that's good. But then you realize, you're like, Oh, I have all this money. Yeah. Yeah. And then you're like, Oh,
By the end of the summer, you're like, oh, boy. Yeah. and Calm down. You got to stop those gambling habits. sean Yeah, I know. Yeah. You've been winning money, though. I saw you won some money the other day. I did. Yeah. But I got I got to take a little bit of a break. I got got a little reprimanded the other day.
Too many, too many high state, too many high stakes bets. I only I only post the high stakes ones the the the pie in the sky ones those like ah little ones that I do that I do here now and then yeah I don't post those I Go on. Oh, go ahead. i'm Oh, i'm I'm just gonna say i'm I'm superstitious So I never post my bet until I'm until it's over because if I post it I know it's not gonna hit I didn cant usually to See me the other day. I was like sweating like watching like a regular season game. It's like game seven of the World Series over here. Yeah, I
That's funny. I go on underdog every now and then. and I do those things where you pick like two things. And if they're both, true you win money. And i've I've never hit on one of them. ah The last one I did, it was 10 bucks. um They gave me another one of those where like Angel Reese just had to score one point. So that's a free. That's a givey. um And then, of course, I picked like Rafael Devers. They had a home run or something. These baseball players always screw me over. It's always baseball. It never do the home run. Never do. Never bet the home run. Never bet the home run ball.
Let's do it. If that loser would have hit a home run, I would have made $70. Oh, that loser is the second best third baseman in baseball right now. All right. Well, he didn't hit a home run, though. So I'm mad. Second best third baseman in baseball. Well, tell him to hit a home run for me, Sean. All right. All right. I'm going to call him up right now. I'll walk down to his house because I'm sure he lives around here. There you go.
All right, guys. So welcome, everybody, to the podcast. This is Games Over Plastic, the podcast for the agnostic gamers. No console wars. Just fun in this episode. This is going to be fun. So last week we did the game of the year. We picked our game of the year is from 2010 to 2019. And in this episode, we're going to do the previous decade. So we're going to mix it up. We're going to start at 2009 and we're going to go back to 2000. We're each going to pick the best game of the year in our opinion, and it's going to be a lot of fun. But ah some administrative stuff as always, you can find the podcast on all audio podcast services, Spotify, Apple Music, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Everycast, check us out. If you're listening to the audio version and you want to see the video version, look in the description. There's always a link to go to the YouTube video version.
This video version is available on YouTube at youtube dot.com slash at games over plastic. Just search for games over plastic. You'll find it. And we have cameras and we have amazing graphics designed by Hodge. It's a lot of fun. Like it it updates live. Like you'll see when we're picking our games, there's going to be like a cool little graphical spread where the game art will appear. It's fun. Join us. And when you're over there, leave us a like, leave us a comment, leave us a ah subscription. We appreciate you. So that's enough of that.
Let's go ahead and get started with our only write-in that we got from last week. We'll start there. As i as we mentioned before, we are doing write-ins now occasionally. So if you have something that you want to to have on the show potentially, leave it in the comments on YouTube. That's how we do it. Go on there, write us a question. If we like it or if it's the only question, Astro, ah we may use your question.
This week, we have a kind of a ah throwback question from our defining Duke brethren. Shout out to Kog, who was on the show recently. um Astro Parrot King, our friend, you went to the baseball game with him, Sean, right?
Yeah, and I went with Cog too. Yeah, I was there too. And Sawav, yep. Astro Parrot King, he writes in and he says, food, food is very important. Do you all eat mac and cheese with a spoon or a fork?
Do you like it creamy or baked? Now, for people who don't know, this is a famous question from Defining Duke, an Xbox podcast, which we're big fans of, we love them. um This was a big debate that they had, and apparently Astro wants us to know our take on this. Now, we're not the Dukes, but we do eat some food around here, so we will weigh in. ah Sean Mason, what do you think about mac and cheese, sir?
All right. So I know this is not a popular opinion. And a lot of people already know this who listen to the show. But I only eat cheese on pizza. Like I don't I'm not a big cheat. I'm not a cheese fan. Never have been. So I've eaten mac and cheese probably once in my life. And I was like when I was younger and I don't I don't I probably ate it with a fork. I don't know. um I do make mac and cheese for like I can make it. I i usually bake it in the oven. It's in the baker.
Yeah, but I don't know. i don't Like I said, I only eat cheese on pizza. That's it, though. Like, I don't eat cheese on anything else. Okay. I eat cheese by the block. No, I'm kidding. I love it. I mean, cheese by the block is good. Cheese is just good in general. You could literally just eat some cheese. But ah I love cheese. Like, you don't like it. You got cheeseburger? No, I just have a regular burger. I don't... There's something about cheese. I just don't like cheese. I like it on pizza, and that's like the closest I'll get. But I need to be in the mood for it. Like, I need to be in the mood for it, you know?
Mm hmm. Fair enough. When I get it, if I have chicken parm, it's chicken parm, no cheese. There's breaded chicken. What? Yeah, breaded chicken with sauce. That's disgusting. Okay. Really, you never had it. Really, you you would have it. You wouldn't even know. um The cheese is just so delicious on the chicken parm. I feel like that's an integral part to it. I love that how the cheese melts, especially it gets a little bit well done. You get a little bit of burning crisp on the top. It's delicious.
but to each their own, Sean, to each their own. I'm sure it's good without the cheese. I just think the cheese has something. It's excellent, but chicken tender with sauce. Well, fair enough. What about you, Hodge? What's your mac and cheese takes? Anything?
I hate you for choosing this question because I don't, I don't care. It was the only question we got. I eat, I eat mac and cheese with, I get it. If I go to a restaurant, it's one of the sides and I eat it with whatever the fuck they give me. I don't use the straw. It sucks up the cheese with a straw. It's usually a plastic spork. I don't know. Okay. It uses a spork. There you go. and All right. No. And I don't care. Cleek, creamy. I don't care. It all tastes good. I like cheese. So I'm not like chong, but I don't, I,
I eat the mac and cheese that's provided to me. I don't i don't make mac and cheese ever. It's always, if I go to a barbecue joint and it's a side, that's pretty much the only time I eat it. So yeah, whatever's provided, I don't care. i leave that As you can tell by looking at me, I like food, so I'm not very picky. Me too.
I enjoy some food, too. Yeah. All right. So for me and again, this was our only question. Audience, please leave leave us some questions. I didn't. Maybe I missed it. But Astro, to answer your question, mac and cheese, spoon or a fork, it doesn't matter, dude. I'll literally use whatever I have available that's clean because, you know, sometimes when I haven't done the dishes for a little while, you start to run out of forks or, you know, then you have to grab a spoon and then you got to run the dishwasher. So.
I'll just get it literally doesn't matter. You can eat mac and cheese with a spoon or a fork and it's not going to hinder you in any way. You know what I mean? um And then it's creamy or baked. I think baked is probably better. I do like it when you got kind of like the hardened cheese on the top, but you do want it to be a little creamy underneath, though. I'm sure so. I bet Sean being the master baker that he is, the spreads he makes on. I bet he makes some good ass mac and cheese. Yeah, I bake it in the oven. It's creamy on the bottom. Well, a little ah rough on top. I use bread crumbs on top, too. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I like how Sean makes it. That's what I want. Yeah. it's that's So doing my dad always made it. And so he taught me how to make it.
so My favorite cheese dish is one my aunt, rest in peace, used to make, we just called it Cheesy Taters. It's basic, it was like hash brown with cheese and like crust stuff on it too baked. Yeah, that stuff was crack. And yeah, she made it, she used to always make it. It was like always the side dish everyone went for. So she started making like two dishes per meal and stuff after that. So yeah, rest in peace Aunt Jan. But yeah, she made some amazing cheesy potato dish and it was awesome. Rest in peace.
All right. Well, let's go ahead and segue, boys. That was a fun little side topic, if you will. Thank you, guys. Write in more questions. We appreciate you. Let's go ahead and get into what we are playing. And let's go ahead and start with Sean Mason, because I see he's got a whole plethora of awesome stuff to talk about. And I can't wait to hear. See you guys in 45 minutes. Yeah.
Let's hear it, Sean. Alright, so I'm gonna start off just gonna mention real quick that I got the platinum trophy in ah Trails Through Daybreak, which I already talked about extensively. Amazing game, like unbelievable. Gotta be right there with Rebirth as my game of the year, haven't decided yet.
I've flattened them to Toy Story 2, a great throwback platformer. I talked about that a little bit. i you know It's such an easy game to just you know throw a podcast on and play. i there's no no like you You do unlock cutscenes from like the movie. like You can watch like scenes, but I've seen Toy Story 2 a million times, so I don't really need to watch it again. um And I played this other game called Mystic Pillars.
Now, this is a game that came out in 2020 on Steam, but it was released in 2024, a couple months ago, for PS5. I'm not sure if it's all on, I think it's on Switch as well, and it might be on Xbox, I'm not sure. But it's a puzzle game, and I'm gonna tell you right now, this puzzle game starts off very easy. Very easy.
And then gradually just gets more difficult and difficult. I flew through the first four, there's a hundred levels, flew through the first 14. Like this is easy. Get the 15. I'm sitting there for about 10 minutes. I'm like, all right.
I'm an idiot. I don't know what to do. And then, you know, you you eventually, you know, you put it down, you come back, and you figure it out your first try, and you're like, let's go! And I just gradually worked my way through it. It took me about seven or eight hours to play through the whole game. i didn't I didn't look up one solution to a puzzle.
um Which is good. I highly suggest that because if you like, I don't know if you're playing a puzzle game, there's a what's the point of like playing if you're going to look up the answers like this? It's like I don't do it if I'm like, if I'm stuck on it for like an hour, I'm not going to just sit there and add hours to my game. But if it's like sitting there, I'm going to try and do it. But they're like you. It reminds me of the game, The Witness. There was a couple of puzzles I did look up because I was so stuck because that's a really tough. I loved. I love The Witness. It was it was a great game. Yeah, I feel like
I feel like if you're playing a game where there is just a puzzle as like a little side element It's not the core focus of the game And you're getting annoyed and you're struggling and you just want to continue the quest or the story looking it up is fine But if you're playing a game where the the whole point of the game is puzzles Then why are you looking it up? Don't even play the game if you're gonna just look it up, you know this This is like the entire game is just puzzles. There's a little story to it. It's just about like you're this traveler and you come across this like ancient Egyptian village and you're just trying to uncover like the past or like what happened there and you run into people but like it's honestly it's just a puzzle game it is a lot of fun I did get the platinum trophy for my second playthrough which is you have to beat the game with only using well only basically failing 50 times 50 times or fewer which I failed like a million times my first time I used the guide for the second time just because I just wanted to get through it and it took me like I don't know 45 minutes I just follow the YouTube video watching it
I shout out to PlayStation trophies. Those guys are awesome. Not shout out to PlayStation stars, by the way. Did you guys get that damn email? Yeah. I mean, I don't think it's that big of a deal. I mean, it's not an email. I don't know. But I didn't. I don't care. I don't want to have to log in and do crap. You know what I mean?
Anyway, sorry, go ahead. ah anyway we' sorry got buy and I got in the platinum in that. It was great. Really good puzzle game. Again, if you're going to play it, I highly suggest playing it without a guide. like That's the best way to do it. um Yeah, really good game. And then I also played another game called Call of Duty World War II.
i was you know I came back from um you know Pearl Harbor, from Hawaii, and I said, you know what, I'm in ah but a little bit of a World War II mood, so I decided to boot up Call of Duty World War II, which I had never played before, ever, and I decided to play through the campaign on Veteran.
Um, beat it on veteran, got my butt kicked a lot. I'm like, wow. But you can like slowly feel yourself getting better. And it's great because you're like, you're like, ah, you start out and you're like dead in like two shots and you're like, Oh, what am I going to do? No way I'm going to get past this. And then you kind of like, you figure out like little spots to go to. Like I pick off this guy. I got to pick off that guy. I got to pick off this guy. And then you gradually, you know, make your way up. And I really liked it. I thought the level design was awesome. I thought the story was really good. You know, intra intriguing characters.
like You have like a little party of five, you're basically falling around the whole time. um And one of them ends up getting captured, and you end up having to try to like rescue them. But it's pretty cool. It's World War II, but it takes place mostly. It's 1944 or 1945, so like the end of the war. There's a level where you infiltrate like a German... like um basis of this French woman and I like your undercover ah it was it was awesome like you're going through and just trying to like figure out you're trying to find a certain guy so you have like a code message you have to say and when you say the code message they'll either respond and be like oh yeah I know like they'll you know they'll give you a response to they'd be like what are you talking about
You're suspicious! And they have the German accent, so it's like pretty funny. But I really liked the game. It was fun. I played the road on veteran. Like I said, I got all the collectibles. I even dove into the multiplayer because there's a couple multiplayer trophies. I grabbed them. So the only trophies I have left are the Nazi zombies trophies.
I'm gonna tell you like you're gonna get the platinum. I'm gonna try these are ridiculous though like Insane like the stuff you have to do for the zombies platinum and like I paired up with some guy online and meet him We're trying to do it and we just be like we we got really close we couldn't do it So I have like six trophies left and it's all nazi zombies related. So I'm like pretty stoked for it I was like, I was getting good. I was in the first person. I'm like, what is this first person shooter Sean? Whoa Very different than the JRPGs I'm usually playing. it Yeah. um It was a lot of fun though. um and I enjoyed it. Like I said, I'm still gonna go back to it. Zombies is really fun. like I've only played it a couple times before this. and Wow, it is it is a blast getting that mystery box and trying to figure out what weapon you're gonna get. And then you get a battle up and you're like, no! What a waste of points. But yeah, did you guys ever play World War II?
I skipped that one. I was born out on Call of Duty at the time, and I wasn't hearing great things about the multiplayer, and I just kind of skipped it. I might have played it like for an hour or two, um but nothing crazy, you know? Yeah, I'd fallen off of Call of Duty by then, so I didn't I didn't care. And it was I heard it. That's like the first one, I think, from Sledgehammer. And I just. Huh.
I have no idea. It is from sledgehammer. It's not their first one. Oh, yeah. The first one wasn't an advanced advanced warfare jet packs. Yeah. By by that point, I remember I was debating getting it because they finally went back from the advanced warfare, infinite warfare, like futuristic crap. And I was excited to go back to World War Two. But when it came out, I just I couldn't be bothered.
So I never played. it I love it. I absolutely love it. I thought the campaign was great. I'm like, I don't know why people complain about these games, you know? When it's at the game pass, I'll probably jump in it because I know all the Call of Duty's will eventually make their way to game pass. So at that point, I probably will. Well, I suggest the campaign. It it was a good time and veteran was fun. And like I got it. It got me to a shooter mood. I'm like, oh, this is good.
So I got that, and then I also played through Super Mario World, because I've been in my little Mario kick. And this game's just amazing. I don't know, there's much more I can say. Yeah, I don't think there's much more I can say about how good this game is. I played through it a million times, but I booted up the Switch, did it on the Nintendo Online, you know, the expansion pass, played through it, just an amazing game.
My favorite 2D Mario game of all time. World designs. Untouched. Best play. Feels so good to play. 3 is my favorite. Yeah, that's fine. 3 and World are both great. I just think World is just... It took everything 3 did and i think it just made a I think it just did everything better. like but The World map is just so cool. I remember looking at the World map as a kid and just staring at it and being like,
ah This looks so like I just want to explore this whole land and it's just so cool But yeah, I love the cape power-up is one of my favorite power-ups of all time in Mario Just running with the cape and going straight up a wall or flying getting like get making the cape go like um Like you're floating through the air just hovering. I love it. So yeah Super Mario World also introduced one of the first I mean there was a Yoshi was introduced before it was like the first Real game where Yoshi was like a 2d platformer. So and I love Yoshi so Yeah, Yoshi was introduced, I think, in the Super Nintendo one, right? Land or World? No, that is Super Nintendo, Super Mario World. No, Yoshi's Cookie. Oh, that's when you were playing, OK. Yeah, Yoshi's Cookie was the first Yoshi game. OK, sorry, it's hard to keep track of all these Mario's. Yeah, Yoshi's Cookie is like a puzzle game. It's a really bad puzzle game. Galaxy is 3D, right? Yes, it was 2007. Yeah. I know everyone loves that one. That was Wii, yeah.
It's my least favorite 3D Mario. Really? Yeah. OK. Too much waggle. A lot of people love that one. Much waggle. Waggle, waggle. Yeah, they're all about those motion controls. Yeah. All right, Sean, I'm excited to hear you talk about another game when you're ready. All right, no, I am ready unless you guys want to make some comments on Super Mario World, the greatest 2D Mario game of all time.
I mean, I remember I played that with my aunt back in the day. I used to go over to my aunt's and she would babysit me and we would play that. We'd have the control. Like an aunt, like like a little aunt. No, my as in like my brother, my father's. I know about his life is based on his life. Yeah. Grounded the video game. Shout out obsidian. have obsidian roller back and forth. Yes. Speaking of obsidian. Well, hodge first of all, Mario, anything? No, you're fine. Move on.
but to ruin the segway that's great yeah right i'm kidding um i was playing i decided you guys we had talked about it before in previous episodes but i just started to boot up south park stick of truth as someone who's never seen south park this is a very interesting game like um The humor is interesting. A lot of fart jokes, like the whole magic system is all farts. Okay, so I'm gonna say this. There are some audio issues I'm noticing with the game too. like Characters will come in during a cutscene, and you'll i have the I have the subtitles on, and they won't say the first word of the subtitle.
Like I'll say like hello my I know it will just start like right right away and that you can see them mouthing it but it did the audio doesn't come out I just noticed that this is I'm gonna start off with a a couple negatives I have that's it the audio and then the turn based combat it's it's good not really um Responsive to buttons like sometimes the buttons are not as responsive as like other turn-based games like I'm like I'm used to it It's a little laggy the turn base like the button prompts, but again I don't think you're playing this for the turn-based combat you're playing it for like the writing and the humor But other than that those are like my two only like gripes with it
So so far on that the end of the game, I know I am just from like my trophy progression. I I just finished the k the Canada part. First of all, what's up with the Canadian people? It's like an eight bit world. And why are they all like, why are they like, why are they like, why do they look so like horribly animated compared to everyone else?
I wasn't going to spoil that part, because getting to Canada is the funniest part of the entire game. But since you said it, it's because Canada is a backwards-ass country that hasn't come to the 21st century yet, which is why it's like old-school, eight-day game. I walked in there, and I'm like, what is this? I'm like, am I playing like Final Fantasy 1 with the the map? And you're walking around, and you go up to the port, and you go in the little boat and but float across.
on south park South Park's always making fun in Canada, and it's so funny. And I think I remember in that game, don't you pull up to the wall, and the dude's yelling at you from the wall like, hey, guy, you can't come in here, buddy. You need a passport. You need a passport. So I went over there. because I explored the whole map first, and I got up there, and like you need a passport. So like I was trying like for a while to try to get a passport, and then I'm like, there's no way. like it's It's definitely part of the main story. So then I stopped doing that. But yeah, I just finished the Canada part. um Actually, I'm actually past that. I just infiltrated. um
I went inside, I think his name's Mr. Slave, but is that his name? Like I went inside of him. Yeah, that's like, ah yeah're you're trying to like perform an abortion on him, but it's like, you're trying to get like a probe out of him. The whole thing is like bizarre. I did get a trophy for summoning Mr. Slave inside Mr. Slave though, which is kind of funny. Some of the summons are like, like you can summon like a literal piece of coop.
Mr. Hankey? Mr. Hankey. Oh, that's isnt okay. That whole side quest is weird you to find as kids. Yeah, the humor is just like... cornlay As someone who's never watched it before, I'm like, I see all these different characters. I'm like, these are definitely making references to episodes. They have to be. Like, there's a lobster I saved. I saved some lobster by, like, I farted and blew up, like, a boulder. And there was, like, a lobster. And, yeah like, I saved him. He gave me lobster armor.
Yeah, and I got a trophy for siding with a lobster friend people. Yeah the crap. I don't maybe it's crap I don't really know but I am enjoying it The writing is there are parts that I am laughing other parts. I'm like, yeah, that's not really that funny But I can see why people would like it um As far as characters go not a bit. I don't like Cartman Cartman's not my not my fan I like Kyle better. I like Kyle. I did side with the elves. I sided with the elves at that one point you can choose. It really doesn't matter which side you pick, but I sided with the elves. I like using Kyle. I like using Stan in combat. Stan's pretty cool. With his blade he can like slash and hit multiple enemies.
um Overall, it's a good game. I like how you can you can dress up your character and like it it affects like all your different stats like a Very typical RPG, but like they're all like very unique like like the CIA armor oh yeah yeah Oh, yeah, you have to infiltrate a fake Taco Bell. That was pretty funny, too Oh, and it is so 2014 like you're making Facebook friends and like the elves are talking about Twitter and the humans are talking about fate it's just like like this is so it's such a piece of like it It just takes me back to that time period. um Overall, the map design is awesome. like I love running around South Park and just like running around all the different areas. It's like a side scroll. It's like your side scroll and you can go up and down, too. It reminds me of like Paper Mario, like the way you explore that. um I like just going around and rummaging through like all like the different drawers and trying to find like different things. I've done every side quest so far. I'm collecting the little Pokemon creatures, too. Pokemon, yeah.
Yeah, Jim Pokemon. um I already know I missed one though. like I missed a collect a collectible one because I did look up. i was like how many like I'm like i'm ah close to the end of the game and I'm missing like two of them. And there was one and went in an area where you get abducted by aliens at some point and you you can't go back to them but I missed one there. So I'm going to have to redo that. But it doesn't matter. What's up with Kenny? what's up with kenny What do you mean? What about Canada? He doesn't speak? just went yeah because He wears a jacket that muffles his voice so you can't understand what he's saying.
Okay, and what's up with his family? They're poor. poor Yeah, they're more than poor. just white yeah Yeah, they're poor. yeah that the wow was interesting Oh, and then you had, you know, you had the black kid, they called him token. like What's up with that? That is not right. They changed his name, but his name at the start of the show was token black because he was the token black kid. That's why his name is token. Okay.
But then later on in South Park, like a season or two ago, they, they changed it to that. He's actually named after Jr or Tolkien. So his name is actually called left off not token. Yeah, there you go. But yeah, one thing about South Park is that they, there's no prisoners. They make fun of everybody equally. There's no, it's not political in any way. They make fun of the right. They make fun of the left. They make it a fun of all the celebrities and it's just savage. And it's like, yeah, I killed Al Gore. Yeah. Cause he's looking for Amber big.
Yeah, the whole thing is really, I'm like, as someone who's, like I said, as someone who's never seen South Park, it is such an interesting experience. i'm like It's good. And I do like the characters. They are, interesting you know, it's made me kind of intrigued to kind of want to want to boot up an episode of South Park and just watch it. It's a good show. If you have to if you have to watch any episode, watch the chin Pokemon episode from season three. It is one of the funniest episodes of television I've ever seen in my life. It just makes fun of how ridiculous Pokemon is. And it's hysterical.
Okay, I'll watch that. it's It's a good show. If you really get into this, there is a sequel you could play later. Yeah, i'm gonna I think I will. I think I will play the sequel. I think I will. Like I said, I am enjoying it. It is fun. And um it's like a cozy or not. I don't know. It's like a cozy RPG, but like it's fun. It's not it difficult. No, I'm playing on the hardest difficulty and it's not difficult at all. Yeah.
um But yeah, I like that. Like I said, Kyle's pretty cool. Like, I don't like Cartman. I like Stan. I like butters. I like Cartman. He's the he's the but he's the guy he's funny. He's the comic relief and evil guy. I like butters. Butters is kind of. cool Butters is hilarious. Yeah. But yeah, ah the parents are pretty funny in the game, too. Oh, Randy. All the parents dead. They're pretty funny. um But yeah, so South Park's the truth. i'm I'm really enjoying it. So I'm glad I am playing it.
Yeah. yeah hilarious Hodge. Hodge, any thoughts on South Park? Oh, it's one of my favorite, like ah RPGs of all time. I was crying like like, especially when you get to Canada and it turns eight, but I was absolutely not like I could not, but I'm like, Oh my God. That first, when you first meet the guy at the border, I'm like, why is he's like, why does he look like so different? And then I realized there's a kid they call maple leaf or they call something like maple leaf kid or something. And he's just like the Canadian people. Like he's animated the same way, even though he lives in America.
Yeah, their heads, their heads split in half and they talk. Yeah. that Yeah, that's isn't. Is it still brother or Kyle? Kyle or Ike? He's ah adopted. He's Canadian. Oh, that's OK. So Ike is is his brother. OK. Yeah. Yeah. It's interesting. Yeah. But yeah, yeah so.
Arguably, in my opinion, arguably Obsidian's best game, The Stick of Truth. It's up there with Fallout New Vegas. It's it's an awesome game. Hilarious story. um The Fractured Butthole is not made by Obsidian. It's made by another studio. it's not I don't think it's as good. Instead of doing like a medieval fantasy take, it's more like superheroes. um And instead of like traditional turn-based, they kind of do like a Mario vs. Rabbits kind of like tactical. But it is still good. And it's still funny. yeah yeah it's It's yeah, it's still good. I preferred the turn base to it, but there are people who prefer that like XCOM or whatever type gameplay. And so if you like that, you'll enjoy it. But the first one that I do enjoy more because of they RPG part and I prefer kind of their fantasy jokes over the because at that point it was already oversaturated in the Marvel universe. So it's just like I don't need another superhero game. And so at the time, but it is still and the and the ah the title players, the fractured butthole.
And you might enjoy the humor a little more because you'll just be more familiar with the characters by the time you get to the second game. yeah Some of the stuff will be repeat. Last thing I'm going to say, I do like the overworld music when you're walking around. It's like... I don't know. I just like it. It's fun. It's good. Really enjoying it. god i glad i Glad I decided to play it. It's my second favorite South Park game of all time behind South Park Chef's Love Shack from PlayStation 1 and N64.
Wow, I never played that one. Oh, it's like it's basically Mario Party, but South Park. It's it's hysterical. Rest of the day, they kind of wrote him off. Yeah. Yeah, it's crap now because obviously it's an old game and it, you know, it aged like milk. But at the time, especially when I was like nine years old and I wasn't supposed to be watching South Park, me and my friends would play it all the time. And we were always dying laughing at it. We thought it was so cool because we had a rated M video game.
All right. So there we go. Sean, are you satisfied with your? right hand I am. I am. That's a good list. South Park, the Stick of Truth, Call of Duty, World War II, Super Mario World. And you got three platinums, Weebory, Daybreak, Toy Story 2, and Mystic Pillars. Good job, Sean. Are you going to platinum South Park? Yeah, I am. Yeah, definitely. Nice. So that one collectible that you missed isn't going to screw you?
I'll go back. I'll just I'll replay. cause I have to replay it again anyway to get the platinum because there's like certain stuff like you have to you have to beat certain bosses like equipped with like certain um like like skins or whatever. I guess that's what you call it. And um I didn't know that at the time. So ah next time i'll I'm going to play through it. I'll make multiple save files and just do that. But yeah, it's it's good.
There you go. All right. So let me go ahead and get into what I'm playing real quick. It will be short and then we'll hand it off to Hodge. So what I'm playing, there's two games. First of all, I'm just going to briefly mention College Football 25. Shout out to this game. I dropped it. I uninstalled it from my from my Xbox. I think it is a good game.
But it's just, ah it's too sweaty for me. I was playing online. I think I'm kind of trash, first of all. I'm not very good. I haven't played a football game really since Madden 16. So it's been a long time. um And it's just like when I tried to play online, I was doing really good. Like I was winning. I won like seven games in a row. And then I think they promoted me up a tier. And then I just started getting my ass kicked. And I'm playing like all these sweats who obviously have like some kind of ebook and like strategy. And they're like exploiting ah the dumb AI.
And I was just like, man, I'm not really enjoying this. And I have too many other games to get to, um like the next game I'm about to talk to. So I ended up just uninstalling college football. It's a good game. I'm not going to hate on it. I mean, the presentation, the graphics, all this stuff is good. It's just I wanted to focus on my single player stuff. So that's college football 25. Then we have the Adventures of Geralt.
The Witcher 3, that's what I'm playing. I mentioned this I think before. I love this game so far. I'm pretty, I don't know how far I am. I'm like level 17 or 18. No, I'm level 19, excuse me. I'm level 19. I'm in the second zone. I'm in the city of Novigrad. I've been doing all kinds of stuff. I finally got to hook up with Triss. Triss is awesome. I love her. She's a great character.
Very good looking too. The combat is so fun. I thought the combat sucked at first, but it turned out I sucked. I just had to get like some better weapons and equipment and get better. Because now I'm having a lot of fun with the dodge and the parry and dismembering people and then using your signs smartly, applying the oils correctly, like depending on who you're fighting. But yeah, it's it's just an awesome game, an awesome world, some great story. You get to make choices. um I'm having a great time. I'm definitely not going to drop it this time.
Even if I didn't have a bet, I still wouldn't drop it this time. It's got me hooked finally. um This game is fantastic. I can see why it was a lot of people's game of the year for 2015. I think it's going to be my game of the year for 2015 when it all is said and done. um But I'm going to beat this game. I'm going to beat both the DLCs, too. There's Blood and Wine, which everybody says is amazing. And then there's ah the other one, whatever it is, the blue one, i like Song or something. I don't remember.
I just know the banner was blue. um Yeah, so that's what I'm playing. College football 25 got uninstalled, but it's OK. And the Witcher 3 is absolutely incredible. Cool. All right. If you guys have any thoughts, I don't think so. Probably not. We've been over it. But Hodge, you're up next.
Okay. Yeah. I would really quickly with yours. Yeah. I'm still not going to play Witcher three, but I, with college football, I, yeah, I haven't gone back to it. So I understand that feeling, but it college football is back as of today when we're recording. So Oh yeah, for everyone who's excited about that. I'm still waiting two weeks for the NFL to start. but but nor go but But my games, I'll start just really quickly. Fortnite has a new season. I played a couple rounds of it. It's fucking terrible. It's just the entire season. It's literally just Marvel is the season this this time. like It used to be Like for a while it was like there'd be one IP that they'd like add to the battle pass or something where it's just you know like one season the this this special skin was Geralt or Geralt or Geralt or however you say his name.
And so like, that was kind of cool. It's like you work up to get that, but they still have their own skins. And now it's, it's just straight up. Everything is Marvel. I'm like, you've lost your identity. You're just a Marvel game now. Like Disney bought your soul basically for this season. And then they add a bunch of fucking superpowers to your arsenal, which makes everything OP and the guns basically become worthless at that point. So it's just.
It's bad. It's a terrible seat. And it's coming off on an already mediocre season of having the cars that you turn into basically twisted metal cars. And it's just like, all right, Fortnite is just kind of losing its identity now. Because like the thing I loved about it was back in the day, there was a superhero season. But like the island turned into basically everything was like a movie set. So it was like,
You know, they're shooting movies and they had their own superhero skins in the battle pass and everything. And it was really cool because it was its own thing. It was a Fortnite superhero season. But now it's just Marvel. And it's like, all right, you've given up on trying to do your own thing. And you're just letting IPs come in and sell your game, basically. And so it's just kind of I'm just kind of over it. So until maybe next season will be good. But as of right now, I'm just done with Fortnite. I can't I'm not doing this stupid superpower bullshit, but Anyway, moving on, I'm still playing Metroid Prime. I haven't beaten it yet. I just got the Ice Cannon, so I'm like two-thirds of the way through or something, maybe three-quarters. I can't remember. I've been a little busy, so I haven't played too much of it, but it is still a great game. I'm enjoying it. It's definitely one that I understand why people are so passionate about 4 coming out soon, because it definitely does seem like... I mean...
It's so and it's not as good of a first person shooter as others, but it's a first person shooter, Metroidvania. So it's kind of really cool, you know, kind of see a doorway. You can't go through a year in the power and you come back to it later. And so it's a it's a really like fun game and I'm enjoying it, but.
That's really off to say about that, but and then since black ops 6 is coming out soon ah And modern warfare 3 was added to battle ah game game pass I started playing modern warfare 3 online just to kind of get back into the call of duty mode and I'm enjoying the hell out of this game for the most part there are some stupid Things add like there are boots that basically make you silent and fast So people are just sprinting around and they just added a spear as a weapon to the game So people are just sprinting around silently stabbing people with spears. I'm like, this isn't Call of Duty I can't stand this crap and there's all this, you know, the sweats who are always constantly drop-shotting and stuff It's just like I just miss old Call of Duty when it was pretty simple the gameplay was simple the battle path or like
ah the um Like I like actually hopped into cod for it and added on here just for like a day and It was so funny because to upgrade your guns. It was headshots kills. That's all that's all you did you got your camos from doing headshots and kills and That was it. So So I mean I'm enjoying it and I'm I'm probably gonna fall off it especially after seeing some of that gameplay of black ops 6 of how sweaty that Omni movement is. I'm just like I'm not gonna enjoy this But I'm just but I'm just playing it actually yesterday even though I'm not very good I was at the top of the leaderboard in every single game yesterday. So I was like, okay, maybe I'm okay at this game
but But yeah, it's a yeah, it's it's fine. It's Call of Duty. It's the same old same old. But I wish it. I wish they go back to the very simplistic ways of modern warfare and modern warfare, too, because that those games were just perfect first person shooters. They were so good. But yeah. Yeah. Black Ops one. Yeah. And Black Ops. Yeah. That's just the golden age of Call of Duty. It was so good in the late 2000s, early 2010s. Like that era of Call of Duty's will never be topped, but I don't know, maybe Black Ops 6 will be fun. We'll find out in about a week when the beta goes live. But yeah, that's all I'm playing, really, pretty much. OK, right on. So that concludes what we are playing. A great many great games, a great discussion. Let's go ahead and segue into our main topic of discussion. As I mentioned before, leave a like, by the way. Subscribe if you're listening.
shameless plug, I gotta do it, gotta do it. um Game of the year, 2009 to 2000. We're gonna go midnight, Hodge. Sean is gonna be the order by random draw. um And we're gonna go ahead and get it started.
I guess with me, 2009, you guys ready to do this? Oh yeah, um um I'm looking forward to this. This is going to be a shocker for you guys. You guys never would have seen this game coming. 2009 for midnight, a little game from a small studio called Bioware. And that game is Dragon Age Origins.
Of course, I love it. Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games of all time, not just 2009 when we did our overall list. It was in my top three, top four, I forget. um I love that game. The RPG elements in that game are peak. The story is incredible.
You get, like I said before, you get to choose like eight different origin stories. You play like a little hour long segment where you get to see where you're coming up and make some choices. And then that story defines like how people interact with you and react to you in the world. um We're not going to go super in-depth with these because we have a lot of games to go on. So I'm not going to keep bloviating here. Is that the right word, Sean? I think so. Yes, it is.
Yes, sir. English major. um But I just love this game. It's so good. Dude, it's so good. And shout out to Morrigan, the hot goth, which um definitely the best chick in the series to romance. Dragon Age Origins, my game of the year for 2009. And shout out Dragon Age 4, the veil guard coming this year, will be the game of the year. Some would say Origins is the last good Dragon Age game.
ah Some people would be stupid if they said that. i'm just But just not so it is the best one though. I agree with that part. So that's my pick, boys. Let's go ahead and move on to Hodge.
This was a very difficult year to choose because there was a lot of good games that came out this year. um I'll kind of do the honorable mentions after Sean goes just we can go over a couple extras that up. But I'm going to go with Uncharted 2 because it is one of the best first party Sony games of all time, this just the starting of where you're on that train, you climb up and then it flashes back to kind of where you were. It's just a great way to open a game and i it improved on the first game substantially, especially in terms of gameplay. The plot was great. You just you get to you get to meet Chloe and just kind of like, oh, what happened with ah what's her face? Kristen Stewart looking girl. I'm forgetting her name right now for some reason, but
Yeah, it was just a step up. It's the best game in the Uncharted series, in my opinion. Elena, Elena's the name. Elena, yeah, Elena, sorry. It's been a while, sorry. It's been a while since I played the game, so I need to do that again. Anyway, so it won so many Game of the Year awards, which is not surprising because it is such a phenomenal game.
so Yeah, i think it's the I think it's the best of the series. But it's close with four, I think, is probably my second favorite. And they're very, very close to being kind of tied for my favorite. But Uncharted 2 is probably my favorite of the series. So it's my favorite of 2009. All right. Very good. Awesome game. All right. Sean?
All right, um my 2009 game, I almost picked Uncharted 2. It was close, but it's going to be a little surprising. Pokemon Platinum. It's my favorite Pokemon game of all time. Absolutely love this Pokemon game. I'll never forget. It came out in the US s in March. I remember getting it and I remember I had baseball practice the next morning at 6am. I remember I stayed up all night playing it and i was just playing it and I was grinding through and I got to where the 5th badge area is.
And I remember my dad was like, all right, he came in our room to wake me up. It was like 5.30 in the morning, and I was still up. And he just looked at me and was like, you're in for a tough practice, buddy. And I remember getting there, and we had to run. And I was like, dead, absolutely dead. But all I could think about was going back to play Pokemon Platinum. Second I got home, fell asleep right away, and then just booted up and kept playing. And I played that game so much in 2009.
Constantly replaying it, constantly trading my team over to Diamond or for Pearl, whichever one um I wanted to trade to, and then restarting the game and playing it again. It saved Generation 4 for me of Pokémon, because Generation 4 was notorious for being very slow compared to Generation 3, but then Platinum, like, they sped up the game. I love the Pokémon of Gen 4. Like, absolutely shout out to Chimchar. Chimchar is the man.
I absolutely love them. It's my favorite three starters of all time. Piplup, like the selection of the overall quality of them. Chimchar, Piplup, and Turtwig. Absolutely love them. Just some of the great Pokemon designs. And I think it's one of the last, well, Gen 5 is really good too. But it's one of the really, really good stories in Pokemon Platinum. So yeah, Pokemon Platinum. If you're gonna play a Pokemon game, highly suggest Pokemon Platinum. So good. So underrated. Awesome game. Pokemon Platinum.
I never played that one. I fell off the second generation, though. So so good. Yeah. like one po Yeah. But really quickly, before we move on to 2008, I just want to shout out this game. was This year was so good. Arkham Asylum, Assassin's Creed 2, Brutal Legend, Prototype, Modern Warfare 2, Infamous and the most underrated game of all time. The Saboteur came out all that year. And so that is a banger, banger. You know what else came out in 2009?
and I really liked I didn't play in 2009. I played in 2021. Well a little wars. Oh Yeah, a little worse came out there year too. I haven't I still haven't played it. I'm not a strategy gamer I don't like RTS is but yeah, but now I did do the saboteur It's I don't know how well it aged but it's it's my it's GTA in like war-torn Paris. It's so cool. It's it's awesome. It's so good.
And last two shout outs last two shout outs we sports resort great game and the Sims three awesome games Yeah, and it wasn't the set. I think saboteurs the last game from pandemic games. I believe I could be wrong, but yeah, it was phenomenal game. But anyway, yeah, I'm trying to choose my favorite. But anyway, let's move on. 2008. You guys. Yeah, you guys are like Pokemon experts. You're like, yeah, I like Gen two versus Gen three and Gen four. And I'm just over here like, I don't know what the hell the gens are. I only played X and Y. X and Y was the only one I played and I liked it a lot. I thought it was good. Yeah. Sean's given me the look like you, Ethan. How dare you? It's all right. Bring up this filth. The third worst generation.
Which generation is that? That was the 3DS. This is Gen 6. Gen 6, OK. All right, well, shout out to Pokemon. um When I finally get that Switch 2, maybe I'll play ah some kind of Pokemon game on there. No, you will not. Those games are horrific. Yeah, the Switch ones are all terrible. but Do they have ah any of the old ones on there? No. Like Virtual Console? No. Sadly, no. Nintendo, what the hell are you doing? What is Wii? Virtual Console? I don't have Virtual Console anymore.
Nintendo shaking my head. All right, boys, let's keep it moving. My next game is another game that I'm like a broken record, man. It's like the same games. But this one here is, of course, Fable 2.
I'm gonna put, I love Fable 2, it's my game of the year for 2008. This is, of course, shout out to Fable coming next year from ah Playground Games, which looks amazing. This was the best of the original trilogy, in my opinion. Fable 2 was so good. um I recently saw a video from a YouTuber that I like, Mortisimal Gaming or something, where he did a review of Fable 2 recently, and he loved it, of course.
It's just so good. The story is incredible um how you get to interact with the world. You can have a real estate empire. You can have multiple wives. You can be good. You can be evil. You can save people. You can kill them. It's just awesome. I love Fable too. The humor is great, that dark British humor. You get a dog. You get a best boy ah that you get to roam with and you can pet the dog and and he helps you find treasure and he fights and it's great.
So shout out to Fable to my pick for two thousand and eight. Claire would agree with you. There we go. Shout out to Claire. Great taste. All right. Hodge. Two thousand eight. um I wanted I was really close to picking Dead Space, but I would have been cheating because I never played the original. I only played the remake last year or earlier this year, actually. So I'm not I didn't pick Dead Space for that reason. So instead, I'm actually going to go with Call of Duty World at War.
because the the story the campaign is fine and the the multiplayer was actually really fun i think it's underrated but this is the one that introduced us to nazi zombies which is the original map is i liked it because it was simple they they're still fun the later on ones they are really fun but the original one where you're just Four dudes locked in this building, and you just have to keep, you know, post, like, fencing up the walls because the zombies are coming. It was so innovative, and it called they called it Nazi zombies. I feel like they're afraid to use the word Nazi now, so they just called them zombies now, but ah you're just shooting these Nazi zombies as they're trying to get you. and Bro, I got ray gun, which is the greatest thing.
and the world so um Really, it's this is just my favorite because the amount of time I put and it was a follow-up to modern warfare 1 Which was we we're also high on that one from the year before So it was just this was the I'm up till 2 a.m. On the weekends, you you know, obviously considered during school weeks or whatever but every weekend it was like we're up till 2 a.m. Killing zombies and it was just I like the peak Xbox 360 multiplayer era. And so I just love this game for that. So um I just screw it. It's my game of the year for 2008.
Love it. That's awesome. Yeah. Yes. Shout out to World at War. That's a great pick. um I have never been a Zombies fan. I'm not really into that. But I did love World at War's multiplayer. And it was the first time the best killstreak, my favorite killstreak of all time, the dogs. They were so deadly. If you saw a dog coming, you're screwed. Yeah.
Dude, the yeah, the dogs are awesome. That was I love i loved that multiplayer. I i play obviously for still my fair, but we played the hell out of World at War Two and that one was. Yeah, that was awesome. Yeah. All right. So Sean, you're up.
Alright, 2008 was a really difficult year for me. I i came really close to choosing Grand Theft Auto 4, came really close to choosing Metal Gear Solid 4, but ultimately I had to go with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. um I adore Super Smash Bros. as I've talked about, and Brawl, like the build up to Brawl was just as fun as playing the game.
like I remember they had this thing called the Smash Brothers Dojo and waking up every day they would post like a little new thing about the game and like one day you you might you might wake up when it would it posted every day at 6am eastern one morning you might wake up and check and it might be like they might reveal a whole character like oh my gosh Lucas is in the game from What is this, Mother 3? What is that? And you go look up Mother 3. Or you might just get a little screenshot of an item. Like, look, this item's in the game. And you're like, oh, I waited. So you didn't know what you were getting. And it was so, like, the buildup was awesome. And then they introduced this whole campaign, the subspace emissary. I'll never forget when they announced that. And I was like,
What is going to be a campaign in this game? And it's co-op? And you can use your GameCube controller? You don't have to rely on the Wiimote and doing all the, you know, the Wiimotion and all that crap. So I, like, I could not, like, I just couldn't believe it. And then they introduced Snake and Sonic in the game.
and just the overall game was awesome and I know a lot of people like they they ranked Brawls like they're at least or the second to least favorite behind well 64 is usually the least favorite but Brawls usually because they introduced like tripping and it's not it's not melee but I had so much fun playing Brawls like I put thousands of hours into this game on Wii I absolutely adored this game like um You can create profiles for like multiplayer Like you like you name your person and they keep track of how many kills you have like who your main character is Me and my friends we maxed out the kill count for each like like it can only go up to nine nine nine nine nine It was like nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine kills. We maxed them out to like three different profiles So they just stopped keeping track of them. We played it so much. It was such a good game. Absolutely love this game.
I remember playing it in a college. I never had a Wii, so it's great sixth grade right yeah I was in. I was I mean, it came out the year before I went to college, but in college, one of my buddies on my floor had a Wii and we'd play it and then.
My friend, my ah not friends with him anymore, but in college when we were friends, he ah he was really good with the Pokemon trainer. I don't know why, but he was like unstoppable with that character. It was crazy. Dude, you have no idea how much I lost my mind when they announced Pokemon trainer as a character because it was a school day and I remember going in and running up to my friend because I was like, this is like peak Pokemon for me. And I'm running up and being like,
Did you see it? And he's like, yeah, we'll go on Turner. I'm looking freaked out. My teacher's probably like, what I'm probably like, now I probably look back and be like, I would have been like, what's wrong with these kids? I still would think that, yeah. Great. All right. It's awesome. Right on. I have nothing to say for Smash Brothers because I've never played it, sadly. um That's a blind spot for me. Very popular pick. But a lot of people love Smash.
All right, let's go ahead and keep it moving here. So we have 2007 and my game of the year for 2007 is surprisingly not Halo 3 and not Mass Effect. Shout out to those two masterpiece games, but it is Call of Duty for modern warfare.
the previous the game just before Hodge's 2008 pick, World of War. Modern Warfare was the game that really revolutionized the console shooter for me. I don't know. Well, maybe that's, I mean, Halo was out there. I think it maybe that's a weird thing to say, but I think it is the one that revolutionized online multiplayer shooters like that game. Yeah.
All right. Yeah, it's just it was so good. Like it was so approachable. um It was new, but user friendly. You didn't have to land six headshots to kill somebody. It just took a couple of bullets. It had kill streaks, of course, getting that UAV getting the what was it? Was it a missile strike? Air strike. The air strike. The air strike was a seven. What was the five? No, air strike was five. Seven was the helicopter.
Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah you're you're right. Okay. So yeah, and and also the pro tip in that was to when you get the the helicopter with your seven kill streak to not call it in until you die, because once you die, you call in the helicopter, those kills would count towards your streak and you could earn another streak quicker.
Yeah, which they took out after all after the next call duty because people realized how much of a cheek Yeah Yeah, that that game was awesome shout out call of duty for modern warfare I played thousands of hours on that with my brother my boy Daniel and everyone else Such a great game such a great experience just playing with the boys on the 360 in the party chat Just just having a great time. Those are some of the best years of my life playing those games That was when call of duty was great Like you said, it was simple and it was fun. So that's my pick. Cod for modern warfare. Hodge. I was close. I was close to picking Cod for because it is my favorite multiplayer game of all time. Like I said, I just played it over the weekend and I.
or just the other night, just for a little bit. And it's still as fun a spot as ever, but only if you look at the player count, like the most played one is team death mattress, like 300 people active in it. So it's really not much of a pool to pull from to play that game anymore. But it is still just as fun as ever. But I love that game. It's my favorite yeah multiplayer game of all time, one of my favorites of all time. But this year I have to go with my all time favorite game is Bioshock. This game,
It's like I said, Rapture is the greatest setting in video game history. I can't. There's no like Columbia's as close, you know, second, but there's no other and like, you know, even Liberty City in Cyberpunk is up there. But Rapture is just it's a character that the storytelling or the um What's it called? Like the the environmental storytelling is perfect everywhere you go. Like you'll open up just a random room and there's a guy who has like a suicide note next to him or something. There's the the voice recording to say kind of what's happening in his life. And it's just this, it's just so awesome. And then obviously the gameplay of you switch between guns and the plasmids, the big daddies are just terrifying. And that you, whenever you hear the little girl talk and you're like, oh God, there's a big daddy nearby.
And you just get so scared. The splicers are scary as shit. I remember I think I've told the story before, but it's like it's the reason why I love Game Pass because it's almost like a demo in a way you can play games to see if you like them. And so I miss demos because when I bought my 360 in 2007, I went home and downloaded the Bioshock demo because I heard it was good. And, you know, like this sort just from the start where the plane goes down, you're in the ocean, you go to the lighthouse and then you just get that reveal of rapture when you're down in the submarine.
It's just, it was, I had goosebumps playing it. And then you get to the end of the demo where he traps you in the room and he, Andrew Ryan's talking to you like, who are you? Who sent you? And then it cuts away. And I'm like, I bought it like the next day. I was like, Oh my God, this game's amazing. And it's just, I, it's like a perfect storytelling, environmental storytelling, or even plot, like the twists that come that you don't even expect there to be a twist. But so I'm sorry if anyone hasn't played it, I'm spoiling that. but It's it's unbelievable. I love this game. It's perfect. It's my favorite game of all time. And yeah, definitely the 2007 was impossible to choose with Halo 3, Cod 4, Rock Band, God of War 2. It was such a great year. Amazing year. Yeah. but biohar Like we can honestly do an episode on 2007 and we might have. and Yeah, we can. And it's but yeah, I love it. It's my favorite game of all time. So yeah, Bioshock.
Great pick. Yeah, great, really good pick. I echo everything you said. One of my favorite games, too. Great year, great game. Yeah, it was really it was really tough pick between that and Cod Force. So I'm happy you picked Cod Force. We got to talk about it a little bit, but there we go. It's great. here we go and Anyway, Sean, 2007. 2007, some say the greatest game year of all time. Others, not so much. For me, my pick for 2007.
Dragon Ball Z, Budokites, and Kaichi 3. Everyone knew this was coming, I'm sure. um No, but this is this is my favorite game from 07. 07, I know everyone like loves this year. There are a lot of good games. We had mentioned Halo 3, Bioshock, Cod 4, Warhawk. Come on, guys, Warhawk. This one's Creed. The first one wasn't so beloved.
But yeah, Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2.3 is like one of the best fighting games of all time in terms of from Dragon Ball perspective, not from like a mechanics perspective. The amount of characters in this game is ridiculous. You know, there's like 300 characters to choose from. We're finally getting the sequel this year in Sparking Zero. yeah Yeah, so I'm pretty excited. I've been waiting for this since this game came out. I still go back to this game and play it all the time. It's on a PS2. Just the amount of just like customization you have with the amount of fights you can do. You play a cell game. You can do so much. You go through the Dragon Ball story, but they add the GT content in there. They have the Dragon Ball content. They have what if scenarios. Me and my friends used to make up our own scenarios. Like Team Gohan came back from like the cell games era and went to the future and is now fighting with like
Gohan like a adult Gohan and like Goku I don't know we made like we made up our own scenarios and just the amount of hours I put into this game was a man like I'll never forget having a sleepover and Waking up at like 3 a.m. And I rolled over I fell asleep at like 11 I rolled over to go you're still up. He was yeah, my friend goes Yeah, I'm stop playing Dragon Ball Z. I'm like, all right I fell back asleep woke up three hours later. He was asleep. I booted up started playing Dragon Ball Z again and Yeah, just an amazing game. I adore this the Tenkaichi series. I was really sad to see it like go away when it kind of went to like you know the PS3 360 era. um But I'm happy that's coming back. I can't wait. My only concern is I hope that they don't... I would hope that they have all the characters from this game in it and more from you know Super.
But I'm just so excited. ah This is a great game. Highly suggest it. I know. 2007 is a great year. And I think this game that no one even remembers came out in 2007. I'm sorry. It's a great game, though. OK, you're muted. Oh, I was just getting. Yeah, I've always preferred the original Budokai over Budokai Tengaichi. I liked the simple side, just side by side fighting rather than the kind of open world fighting.
I'm excited for Sparking Zero, but the Tenkaichi games never really spoke to me as much as the original ones. So good. So good. All right. Good stuff, Sean. Let's go ahead and keep it moving. We're going to move on to 2006. And this one will also be another one that comes as no surprise because it is a year that one of my favorite games of all time came out. And of course, I'm talking about Todd Howard, The Elder Scrolls IV, Oblivion. Fantastic game. Beautiful, massive open world.
almost unseen at that time to have a world so expansive and so much you could do in it. Awesome story, awesome characters. As always, you have the Fighters Guild, the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood. You have the the main story. You have the exploration where you can go off and be like, oh, what's in this cave? And you find like a cool treasure and a little boss at the end. and It's just a great time.
Elder Scrolls is one of my favorite series of all time. So I had to absolutely as soon as I saw Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, I just stopped reading. I was like, this is it. Nothing's stopping this this year. I love this game. So that is my pick. Short and sweet because I've talked about it before. Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. Hodge.
Yeah, my uh, I never played oblivion. So I don't have anything to add to that but my uh, my favorite from this year is might be surprising to people i'm not sure but um, it is guitar hero two uh, I Loved these games actually. I mean guitar three is my favorite guitar hero game or metallica. Those are both really good Metallica. Yeah, those ones are both good, but the guitar heroes too Huh? I never played the Smith one. i started I was going to say the Beatles, but that was rock band, wasn't it? um Yeah, it was. Yeah, that was right. That was good, too. Anyway, carry on. um But yeah, this one, I believe it was the first one that came out on the next gen. I could be wrong. No, it was play it was PlayStation 2. Never mind. Oh, and 360. So I guess it was crossed down a little bit.
But yeah, this one, I just I remember playing this one with my friends all the time. It was one of those like before rock band. It was like the get together and just take turns playing songs kind of thing. And me being someone who obviously is obsessed in music. I just had so much fun with this one. The soundtrack was so it's just a banger soundtrack.
um But yeah, I don't have too much to say about it. I just it was I kind of missed the days of the plastic guitar and rock band sets. It was always such a fun party game, a party thing to do. So Guitar Hero 2. Also, that I was really torn, though, between this and actually, I mean, Gears working out this year, but I'm not I didn't pick that one. But my other this and the Godfather game, these these are two games that came out this year. The Godfather is actually my favorite, like GTA type game, actually second favorite. But It's because ah a different one actually. Yeah. Anyway, ah yes, but sorry or two I have to go that's probably my favorite that came out this year because I put definitely the most time into that one and I adored it Yeah right on Yeah, those those are fun. I enjoyed those of course great party game go over to see family, you know break out the guitar hero Yeah, so on
Take it away. All right. I think this is pretty obvious. Hodge probably knows Kingdom Hearts 2. I've said so much about this game. It's my second favorite game of all time. So I'm just going to leave it there. Kingdom Hearts 2. One of the greatest franchises ever is Kingdom Hearts. And Kingdom Hearts 2 is the peak of that series. So moving on. Kingdom Hearts 2. Great game. That's it. Short and sweet. OK. I've said so much about it already.
I'm an idiot. I I had I thought of this game is 2005 cuz I forgot didn't come out to us. Yeah you forgot Yeah, I was thinking of it as 2005 so I guess really that probably be my favorite 2006 also, but I was just I'll stick with guitar hero for some diversity sake screw it But are you go yeah, cuz I was I literally was thinking of it as 2005 But I forgot it didn't come out till in America till the next year. So that's my bad right there But yeah All right, boys. Good stuff. Are you guys ready to be surprised? No, 2005. Now, I've made jokes how sometimes I can be a broken record because I have these games that I just love so vehemently with all of my heart and soul that I they just I have to pick them when they come up. Right. So sometimes you're going to hear me talk about Dragon Age and Fable and freaking Bioware a lot. Right.
But I'm not always a broken record sometimes I go outside the box and I got some pics that might surprise you starting with 2005 I bet you guys didn't see this one coming my favorite game from 2005 was a need for speed most wanted This game came out. I'm not a massive need for speed guy. I don't play a lot of the need for speed, but this game was so phenomenal. Like the way it was set up was like at the start of the game, like you lose your car and you have to start from the bottom. They give you like ah a beater, like a hoopty, right?
And they have the most wanted list. it's like I think it's like ten nine or 10 guys, right? And you have to like win a couple races and then you get to challenge the guy at nine number nine or 10. And when you beat that guy in the race, you get to take his car and you can upgrade it and stuff. And then you win a couple races. You also have to evade the police and stuff. There's like a police chase in between each section.
Um, and then you get to challenge the eight, nine guy and the eight guy and the seven guy. And there's like these boss fight races. And it was so good. It was open world city. You could drive around. The music was banging in this game. Um,
It was just a lot of fun. The police chases were a lot of fun, um where you could like you had to evade them, and there was a whole bunch of destruction and chaos. um The boss fight races were so good, the cars, the music. It actually had a pretty decent story with like a kind of almost twist ending. Dude, it was a great game. And like I said, I'm not a big mass ah not a big need for speed guy. like I don't play all the games. I haven't played.
any of the new ones, but this game was freaking awesome. Shout out Need for Speed Most Wanted, my pick for 2005. Did either of you guys play this at all? I've never played a Need for Speed game. That's really interesting. I'm shocked by this pick. I'm surprised this is the racing game you picked because there's another racing game that came out that year, Midnight Club 3, Double Edition, which is a great game. I didn't pick that, but that's a great game. It's named after me. Rockstar. Shout out to Rockstar.
i don't remember if I played this one, I did play some of the need for speeds, but they're all every racing game has been the same to me. I don't really think anything about them. I just room for them. Go fast, win race. So that's why this one was so cool because they had the you had to make your way up the most wanted list and that those boss races and then you get their cars and the cars were awesome. Yeah. Yeah, I can't. I couldn't i don't remember because I did. I remember You know, when I was a kid, get having a PlayStation two, I was just playing the games that were handed to me, basically. So I i probably did cause this. I do when you said it instantly. I remember the box art because it's it's just a very memorable box art for some reason. So I do remember it. So I probably did own it. I probably remember just looking at it all the time in my own basement or whatever. But yeah, it's I do remember the need for speed games were like known as the favorites for a lot of people.
um But yeah, that's not what I picked. What I did pick is since I'm dumb and forgot that Kingdom Hearts two was actually 2006, I'm going to go God of War because God of War is one of my favorite games of all time. As we've discussed, it was on my top 10 list. ah The first one I loved it. It was a very, very basic, but yeah um intriguing revenge story of the man who was about to lose a battle. And he said, Aries, if you help me win this battle, you know,
I'm yours forever and Ares does that and tricks him into doing some bad shit that he doesn't like so he says alright screw it I'm gonna kill the God of War and the whole game is just trying to get to him to kill him and it's it's just a amazing the gameplay was revolutionary at the time other than the quick time events which I hate but that's what God of War is known for at this point and but this story it was just and the gameplay was so much fun it was revolutionary at the time and I love it. Got a war. Great game. All right. Did you want to throw a bar or two at Kingdom Hearts two quickly since you? No, it's it's one of my favorite. a whole episode We did a whole episode on Kingdom Hearts. Yeah, it's you did that's right I love it. I do love Kingdom Hearts, too. But it's yeah, since I fucked up, I'm just going to kill the games I went with. All right. Shame. Shame. No, that's my bad. I forgot about the um split releases.
um All right my 2005 game of the year. Oh, by the way God of War. I really need to play the original like God of War 2005 for me Mario and Luigi partners in time the second ever Mario and Luigi RPG game um This game is fantastic It was an early early DS game like one of the one of the earliest DS games that came out um I absolutely love this game. The writing in the Mario and Luigi games is hilarious and each game just kind of gets better and better. They like they get more comfortable with the writing. um I remember getting this game and just audibly laughing all the time. You know, nine-year-old me sitting there like so funny. My high-pitched voice. um It's great. It actually took took place in the Mushroom Kingdom, which the first Mario and Luigi game didn't, which
It was a little controversial at the time. um This one actually does. It's so cool because um you get to control both Mario and Luigi, but then there's like sections where you control baby Mario and baby Luigi who come.
who get transported here from back in time. And it's like just the whole mechanics really cool. And like the turn-based combat, you can do moves like ah like a power move with Baby Mario and Mario combined, and Baby Luigi and Luigi combined, or vice versa. And just traversing the world using Mario and Luigi, certain power-ups you can get.
um the turn-based combat is really it's turn-based but it's just like action prompts and button prompts you have to press and it's like a really fun game it's really difficult too it was like a kid i really straight it took me like two years to beat this game but yeah i love this game if if you haven't played a mario and luigi game of all the games i would suggest playing this one first to be honest i would love if they re-released this on switch would absolutely love that But yeah, it's a great game, and they did a really good good job using like the um but touchscreen mechanics for this game. like You know, early DS, they tried to like you know shape in the touchscreen all the time, but they did a really good job with this game. Yeah, Mario and Luigi, partners in time. OK.
All right. are Good stuff. Yeah. Nothing to say on that one, but I'm sure you haven't played it. You haven't played it. That's crazy. I never thought you I thought I heard a Nintendo fan midnight. I know. I played it. yeah You know, it is crazy. All right, guys, let's go ahead and move into 2004. She and my pick or my pick for 2004 is going to be a little game from Rockstar.
Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas. This game was awesome. I really loved like the old 90s, like hip hop, you know, gang gang war setting that they had going on there. Those vibes, driving around the city, super awesome. The story, the characters were great. Just getting into a lot of fun tra traversing the open world, picking up hookers, killing people.
I'm just doing all kinds of crazy stuff. It's Grand Theft Auto. You know what it's about. That game was fantastic. um Of course, one of the best, one of the great memes of all time, where you got CJ walking down and he's like, oh shit, here we go again. San Andreas. And the hot coffee mod too. That was a big, big drama. Almost got it banned. It had some really good bang people or whatever.
Yeah, one of the developers had like some mode where you could bang people and people found out how to get into that mode and then they got in a lot of trouble. They almost got an adults only rating. So um yeah, so San Andreas awesome game. That is my pick for 2004.
Any thoughts? I've never played that era of GTA games. I've only played four on. I do. I'm tends to go, you know, before I booted up South Park Stick of Truth, I almost booted up San Andreas and said I'm going to play through San Andreas, but I chose South Park. Well, South Park's awesome. So good pick. Yeah, I've never been a.
GTA fan i ah three was the only one I've ever cared about or played and liked because it was like the first open world game and I thought it was really cool that you could go through this giant map even though now it's tiny comparatively but um yeah I've never I've never been a GTA fan people Most people know that about me. I'm like the only person in the world who hasn't played GTA 5. So so good i' I'm sure it is. I just I don't care. ah Red Dead Redemption has always been my favorite Rockstar game. It's the only one I.
played through all the way through it and really loved. So yeah, it's i'm I'm sure it's good, it's just not for me. But I'm also too nice of a person. I always like treating video game characters really well. And so the fact that you're playing as a criminal who steals cars, I just felt bad for the non-existent person that I'm stealing from.
I don't know but um my for 2004 this was a very difficult choice because I was very torn between Halo 2 and the one I'm going with which is Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 because as I've said this is one of my this was on my top 10 of all time I loved this game it the open world kind of flying to where you have to go fight someone thing was cool you could find secrets to where you unlock Broly or the Super Saiyan 4 Transformation or Omega Shenron and it was just this really cool Advancement on the two because I didn't like Budokai 2 where you're on the little board game, but I know a lot of people yeah Yeah, I know a lot of people don't like that one But I always really loved it and then the first one obviously it's just kind of the cutscenes go through the you know
the story. first one doesn't hold up yeah it's It's not as good. But I did play, I did buy the HD remaster on 360 and play them again because I did love them that much. but And it was only one in three, which I was kind of sad. They didn't have two included, but Budokai three, it was cool because it was one of those. It was like the first one that had the a huge roster of characters, like Everyone from that era was playable on it, basically, and they had GT characters hidden in there and stuff like that. So it was really cool. I loved it. Obviously, Halo 2 is kind of the choice that a lot of people would say, no, because Halo 2 is an amazing game. It's just Budokai 3. I didn't have an Xbox as a kid, the OG one. So Budokai 3 was the game I played all the time because I did have a PS2. So I got to pick Budokai 3 over Halo 2, but they're both obviously amazing games.
And Jack 3, which is great. But Buddha guy 3 is amazing. Great. I love it. I gonna forget like unlocking Omega Shenron and like freaking out because you're like, what is like what? This is possible. Or just like unlocking Oob and being like, this is great. I remember just playing that that story mode and just flying around looking for Dragon Balls. a Hold on. Yeah. because You get the dragon radar. plus your whole it's like that um Oh my gosh, one of those other sleepovers I had, we fell asleep once and the Dragon Raider was going off the whole time. And you know when you're like in a hazy sleep and you can kind of hear stuff? I remember just hearing the
And I'm like, oh my god, someone turn the PS2 off. and um Yeah, that was fun. I had loved playing through the game. I remember playing through Yamshis and being like, yeah, I'm Yamshis. I'm so cool. And being like, Yamshis, you're trash. Yeah. you're off And just doing the tournaments where you just go with the bracket. I love that game so much. it's Yeah, me too. Yeah, it's a great game. Yeah. All right, what about you, Sean? What's your favorite of the year?
All right, 2004, this is an easy pick for me. It's Paper Mario, The Thousand Year Door. It's one of my favorite games of all time. It was on my top 10 list. This is like, the of all the Mario RPG games, well, I have back-to-back Mario RPG games. is real ah Of all the Mario RPG games, this is the best one of all time. this is like The writing for Paper Mario is fantastic, and all the Mario RPG games in general, but the writing in this one is absolutely outstanding.
The partners in this game are just so memorable. like I love them all so much. You get a little Yoshi riding around. A little Yoshi is so much fun. You get to name it too, and the color is different depending on like what you do in the game. The chapters are great. like There's so much. like There's not one bad chapter in this game. People think chapter two was like the worst, and it's still considered like a really good chapter. Shout out to Duke List, chapter four Duke List. I absolutely love that.
concept of a boss where he's he basically steals a letter and like you're supposed to type it out. You're supposed to guess his name. But on the keyboard, you cannot type in a certain letter because it's like not there on the keyboard. You have to you have to go in the world and find that letter to get it back on the keyboard. It's such a cool. It's such a cool concept. Is this one that was remastered?
Yeah, was re it was remade, remade, not remaster, remade for Switch. I played it back in January. Yeah, it's it's an amazing game. um I adore it. Like absolutely like just fantastic game. The combat is great. Took everything regular Paper Mario had and just opted to like the nth degree. And it's a shame that it's like the last real Paper Mario game we had, like turn based true RPG.
um And shout out to the last boss. This game is so broken that if you play a certain way, you can like beat the last boss in like one turn. It's great. I love it. Speedrunner's dream. Yeah. Paper Mario with a thousand year door. Nice.
All right. Good stuff. I do want to take an opportunity real quick to let you guys know in the audience. um Let us know in the comment section who you think has the best list when we're done with everything. Who had the best list? Was it Sean? Was it Hodge? Was it me? Of course it was. um And let us know also your list if you want. We'd love to see that. Some people did that on the last video and that was really cool seeing some lists, some great games. And most people picked me.
I don't know that that's actually accurate, but ah anyway, let's go ahead and move on now to 2003. That was a long time ago, huh? My pick for 2003 is another game that I have talked about before. This is one of my favorite games of literally all time. Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic from Bioware. This game is being remade right now. It's in a bit of a turmoil, but I'm gonna believe and hope that it is gonna come out. And if this remake comes out, guys, if you've never played this game, you have to play the remake because this is one of the best stories
ever. And it is so good. I'm not going to say anything else. I don't want to spoil anything. The characters and the story is absolutely freaking incredible. The choice and consequence, of course, is there and is great. And it's just an awesome Star Wars experience. You get to roll around, become a Jedi, make your lightsaber, fuck some people up. And it's just awesome. So shout out to Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic. My pick for 2003. I don't need to say anything else about it because I've said it before.
Yeah, it's great. You get to run around as Ray. It's awesome. Yeah, Ray Skywalker. Yeah. No. Great. That is and it was way before Ray. Yeah, thank god. Before the acolyte.
God, a game that show got canceled. No, what a shame. I don't know. All six people are so upset. Um, I actually know I never played this one. It's like one of my bet bigger gaming sins, which is why I'm hoping that this remake does come out because I do want to play it. But if it doesn't, then I i do own it. I'm pretty sure I think it was a game with gold while ago or something like that. So I'm pretty sure I do own both Co tours and I definitely I need to play them. But um but my choice for 2003 is a game not a lot of people have really played. But I was obsessed with it was Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy.
I loved this game. I mean, I've always loved all like the Dark Forces and the Jedi Knight games and stuff. They're all great. But this one, it had a mode called Siege Mode, which is basically like the battlefront of you kind of have to break through the defenses to get to the end of the thing. And I played it obsessively. There was a Hoth level. There's one where you're at the Jedi Temple and everyone plays as a Jedi. That one was awesome. It was just I was. up And this was kind of back in the early days of online computer gaming, like So it was very, you know, ancient, basically. But it was so much fun. I put so much time into this game. And then I also knew how to put the cheat. You could like pull up the coding or whatever. And you could put cheat modes and you put God mode in and just go through maskering everyone.
And, uh, in single player, not multiplayer. Cause I'm not a cheater like that, but it was, I loved this game. It was so awesome. So, I mean, obviously many better games probably came out that year. Like I love Jack to Simpsons hit and run is one of, is actually my favorite GTA type game of all time. Since I it's Simpsons hit run. It's great game. Yeah.
And then ah the Lord of the Rings Return of the King game was also amazing from that year. Unbelievable. Unbelievable game. It was best movie tie-in game of all time by far. It was so good. ah But yeah, Jedi Academy was one I obsessively played that year. So that's that's my game of the year for 2003.
Yeah, shout out to, that's a good pick. Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy. I believe on a previous episode, I mentioned my little story about Midnight Small D energy when I was playing Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast on that one. And I used to go in the private service ah servers and I was an admin and i would I would try to convince people to attack me and then I would turn into an admin and kick their ass and like time them out and stuff.
Yeah, basically Reddit mods before Reddit mods. dude That's not that's not tiny d-eng energy. That's no energy. Yeah, it was pretty lame. It was pretty lame, but I had I had fun, though. Yeah. What can I say? Sean, you're up. You got back to back Star Wars games. I'm going to surprise you with another Star Wars game now. i'm ki Oh.
The year of the Star Wars Star Wars Rogue Squadron three rebels for now. I never boy that game My game is one of the greatest Games of all time. It's called the legend of Zelda the Wind Waker This game Huge hugely controversial at the time due to the art style, but that's why it is aged Beautifully this game is beautiful to look at the story is fantastic and the Wind Waker I like love The even though it's like looks like Kitty and Charmy This is like um one of the more darker Zelda stories Especially the end scene if you know how this game ends the way that spoiler link kills Ganon in this game you know I know right link kills Ganon the way that scene of him killing Ganon is probably the
Most adult things Link has ever done so in like the terms of like killing someone, it's pretty pretty crazy. I love the world of Zelda, I mean of Wind Waker. All the dungeons in this game are really cool, like really interestingly designed. like The first one, the Forsaken Fortress, you you get stranded there without a sword and you have to sneak around without getting caught you're like hiding in barrels and everything like that. and ah just so such a cool design and this was almost like semi-open world that you could float around the entire ocean and go to any island you wanted at first and it was so cool and i remember seeing it for the first time and instantly falling in love with it and i remember running around my backyard pretending to be toon link god i love this game uh wind waker is amazing and it's like if you it's so ashamed that it's stranded on
gamecube and the Wii U because the Wii U version that came out in 2014 is so good but like nobody played it because it was on Wii U unless you owned a Wii U like I did um it was so good and I really would love for them to come out with this on switch or switch 2 like this game is criminally underrated great Zelda game
Yeah, I've heard I've heard it's really good, but I was the people who well, I never owned a GameCube firstly, but I was also one of those people who just didn't think it looked very good. Like as an adult, I can kind of I can I'm more into the the artsy look of it. But as a kid, I was like, and because, you know, I had known about Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I was like, I like that art style, not this cartoon. Dude, there's a there's a part in this game, like a little side thing that you can do where you go into an auction house and it is auctioning off stuff. And you're like to link in the background is holding up. You're like, you're just like, press, press the a button to like hold up to your little um little sign. It is so much. Oh, my God. I adore this game. The music is fantastic in this game, too. Aren't they remaking that? No, I thought. ah No, no, remastering it. No.
What the hell? I thought I saw something. All right. I'm on drugs. All right. Good stuff, Sean. Shall we move on? Rhyming. Rhyming accidentally. 2002. What a great year it was. My pick from 2002. This is the game that I'm actually going to recommend to my co-host, Hodge, because he mentioned that he never really played any of the older Grand Theft Auto games at all. um This Grand Theft Auto game is my personal favorite. It's phenomenal. And of course I'm talking about Grand Theft Auto Vice City. This takes place in the 80s in Miami. You're walking around in like the freaking Hawaiian shirts. um It's got the Miami Vice vibes.
It's got amazing soundtrack. It's all 80s bangers, dude. just is Just amazing soundtrack as you're driving around the city. Great story. Just an awesome but small little open world that you can be down there in Miami. um I love this game. I think this is a game that you might like Hodge, especially if you can get into some 80s vibes. um That's my pick, GTA Vice City. I love this game so much. Like I said, it is by far by far actually my favorite GTA game of all time.
Yeah, that's fine. I know a lot. Oh, sorry. You go. No, I'll just say my only memory about Vice City is my cousin who was 12 at the time we were over his house and we were in his room and he was playing the game. It just came out. He was playing Vice City and he looks at me and goes, do not tell your mom.
was That's my only memory of my city. That's funny Yeah, it was one my brother owned and I know he played it and really loved it But it I just yeah, like I said, I could never get a grant of I mean maybe isn't it maybe you know me at 33 I might enjoyed a little more but as a kid I was like I don't care about because obviously as a kid who gives a shit about like Miami scenes and all that kind of crap So I might enjoy it now But I know to those releases ever get like patched and fixed or do they still I think they did get fixed I'm pretty sure they got fixed
Are you talking about the remasters? Yeah, that came out and think they are been horrible. I think they're at least better now. And Vice City was the best of the three at launch as far as performance. Yeah, I know this is a lot of people's favorite, at least until like five came out. I know if Vice City was when everyone was like, this is the best Grand Theft Auto game, so.
Yeah, I may enjoy it and maybe one day, but and thankfully this is back in the day when games weren't 100 hours long, so I would be able to actually beat it pretty quickly. Thank you. Yeah, it's probably like 20 hours ish. Yeah, if I had to guess back when 20 hours was a long game. Yeah, but yeah, I miss what yours mine is going to be no surprise. It is Kingdom Hearts.
moary yeah one of my favorite games of all time. I don't need to go into it. for ah just It's a great story about light versus dark. It has all my favorite you know Disney movies from growing up in it. so It's always been a game that's meant a lot to me. Obviously, I have a freaking key blade tattooed on my forearm. so i I love Kingdom Hearts. This game will forever be one of my favorites games of all time. and it it was I mean, it wasn't tough, obviously, to pick Kingdom Hearts, but with Sly Cooper and Jedi Outcast coming out that year, those were also games I really loved. Especially, I still need to play the first Sly Cooper. I bought it on PlayStation just recently. I need to go through and play it again. But, ah yeah, Kingdom Hearts is no surprise, my favorite game from that year.
Good stuff. Yeah. Yeah. I just want to say shout out to, um, real quick shout out to our OnlyFans. If you want to see photos and videos of Hodges other tattoos, make sure you visit OnlyFans.com slash games over plastic. So, all right. Sean. All right. This is a really, it was really tough for me. Um, 2002, obviously Hodge had Kingdom Hearts there and this is, uh, came down to a really tough decision, but Ultimately, I went with Super Mario Sunshine. um i over this I was going back and forth between this and Kingdom new Hearts, but I went with Sunshine. Sunshine, i got two weeks after it came out literally two weeks after I got my GameCube in 2002. This is my favorite 3D Mario game.
I have i've basically memorized like this game's layout. I know exactly where everything is. like I know how to get all the shines. I know where all the blue coins are. And people who know this game, like they know the blue coins are very tedious to get. And some of them are like, well, I would just randomly spray this pot to get a blue coin. And like i I just know that.
um um I can still like have i could still like hum the songs in my head, I can still picture running around that world, just running around with floods squirting all like the ah goop around the Fino island. it's It's based off Hawaii, which I really like now, because I'm in the Hawaiian mood. um The tropical theme of Mario is so... Usually you get like one featured world that's like tropical, but like it's The whole game is just tropical vods. This is an amusement park world, which is really cool. like And all the all the different so the shine sprites you're trying to rescue are based off of amusement park rides. They introduced Yoshi, the first 3D Mario game where you can play as Yoshi, like play on Yoshi, which is really cool. They introduced Bowser Jr. and Shadow Mario. I absolutely adore this game, and so many people have like problems with it. and You can tell it's totally rushed because Nintendo was trying to get it out because Vancube didn't have many games.
and so they cut some content and there's some stuff that's like so glitchy and janky but it the mechanic like the game just controls so much better than mario 64 is huge improvement um shout out to the piantas they introduced they're introducing this game and there's just so many memorable things the episode eight of the um Of the beach level, you have to it's called the watermelon contest. You have to like bring this giant watermelon down from like the top of the level all the way down to the bottom without hitting anything or it'll explode. Just so much fun. I love this game. um Super Mario Sunshine, great game. Play it, please, now.
Yeah, actually, I played it when they came out that collection. of Yeah. Yeah, that collection a little bit. And I really liked it. It's not obviously my game of the year, but it was a really fun because I remember it was one of those that was pretty divisive when that one came out to a lot of people didn't like it. But it's hard because it was a follow up tomorrow. Sixty four. And everyone was like, oh, this is not Mario 64. It's like, well, that's what Nintendo does. They they make different things.
Yeah, but I did enjoy I didn't beat it, but I did play it a bunch and I did enjoy what I played of it. It's one I should probably go back to eventually. But yeah, it was I had fallen off my switch pretty hard. So I played all three of them. Mario games pretty briefly. I beat 64 that I kind of briefly did Sunshine and Galaxy and then kind of fell off both of them. But yeah. Good game right on.
Yeah. um Of course, I didn't own a GameCube, sadly. I love absolutely love Mario 64, though. um So this was the follow up to that. I'm sure it was great, too. Obviously heard great things about it. 2001. Let's go. Let's keep it moving. So my pick for 2001 is sad year. Why was it sad, Sean? 2001. Sad year. Come on.
Oh, 911? Yeah, of course. two We're not we're not gonna worry about that, though. We're talking about video games. So in 2001, a video Yeah, everyone remembers where they were when that happened. But rest in peace to all those people. But 2001, something more positive happened. And that was the release of a little game.
Called Dark Age of Camelot and I've talked about it before. This is my favorite MMORPG of all time. Massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Big game playing with hundreds to thousands of people. The PvP was awesome. There was all these different classes. Three different regions that you could pick up ah pick that had all different classes and they were all kind of fighting each other.
Um, and it was just awesome. I'm not going to go into too much depth about it because you guys haven't played it and I've already talked about it, but Dark Age of Camelot was an awesome role-playing game that I spent thousands of hours playing with my best friend, Henry. We had a blast in there. It was so good. That's my pick. Dark Age of Camelot.
i have no thoughts um My favorite of 2001 I am gonna go with this one even though I didn't own at the time I played it all the time at my friends houses was the original halo combat evolved One of the most defining it's what sold the Xbox basically is the reason why people bought it It's one of the best uh, introductions to kind of the first person shooter genre of all time. It's legendary online mode playing blood Gulch and you know, all the great levels there and whatnot. Um, yeah, even though I didn't own this, it was one of those where anytime a friend was like, Hey, come over or sleep over or whatever. It was like, yes, they have an Xbox. We're going to play halo all night long. Like that's it was so excited because I was a ps2 kid. I don't have an xbox So I always loved any chance I had my cousins had uh, the xboxes They were obsessed with halo and halo 2 when they came outside. I always get to play at their house But yeah halo It was just a legendary game that you know gave us master chief even though halo is not in the greatest spot right now it uh, the original trilogy from bungee is one of the greatest trilogies of all time and it started with halo and
That game is amazing. And also the the fun physics of it, you know, rocket launch, ah grenade jumps and all that jazz. It's just it's all awesome. I love Halo. It's yeah, my game of the year. It was it was tough, though, because also Jack and Daxter came out that year, which I loved and Twisted Metal Black. But Halo is definitely best of 2001, in my opinion.
Awesome pick. Halo's awesome. Love it. I always find it kind of stupid when people are like, Halo's falling off. It's like, dude, it's a 23-year-old series. Like, what do you want? You think people are still going to be so thrilled about a game 23 years later? Yeah. Obviously, interest is going to wane. New games come out, you know? But ah Halo Infinite is still a good game. But yeah, shout out to Halo Combat Evolved. Awesome pick. Sean Mason.
All right, my pick, it's probably gonna be a surprise to not a lot of people. It's my third favorite Final Fantasy game of all time, and it's an amazing game, Final Fantasy X. And I know this is very divisive among people. Some people don't like this game. It's the first 3D, fully voice-active Final Fantasy. This blew my mind as a kid when I saw... I remember seeing my cousin play and just losing. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I thought it was like, graphics will never get better than this.
um And it's still it still looks it's a really pretty game today, but this game just goes like the story is Right there with seven is like really deeply emotional and like I was really connected to these characters um This this game is a lot. I think it's a lot sadder than seven um And it's all about self sacrifice and you know building relationships and growing into yourself and I don't really want to reveal i don't wanna reveal anything about the story because there's a lot of twists and turns in the story um and there's a lot of sacrifice in this game. um But this game is awesome. The sphere grid system to like level up your characters and upgrade them is just unbelievable. It's like one of the best like upgrade systems in JRPGs around. I can't speak more highly of this game and it gave me one of my favorite Final Fantasy characters ever. Hodge, you'll know him because he's from Kingdom Hearts 2.
and from ah yeah yeah Yeah, you find him in the underworld. Yeah, you should see him and in this game. He is insanely good. It's like a party member. And he's so like how he talks in that game, how he's so like mono tone and low. That's how he is in this game. And it's great. And he really grows into himself. And I love it. Shout out to Final Fantasy 10 and shout out to Blitzball in like little minigame. They introduced Blitzball and it's so much fun.
yeah I've never played 10 but that's the only thing I ever think of when someone mentions 10 is that blitz ball thing because I just remember it being like huge for some reason. or tight or ti it um ttus isn A lot of Kingdom Hearts characters were in this game, Tidus, Waka. Waka is like a professional, but Waka and Tidus are professional blitz ball players. They're like celebrities.
Yeah, i even though I hadn't played this game when and when you are on Destiny Islands and all the Final Fantasy X characters that are as kids, on I knew who they were, but I obviously didn't know them that well because I had never played X, but I knew who they were. Show me your staff, brother. Welcome. Awesome. Great game.
All right. Last year. Final Fantasy 10, huh? You know, shout out to this game because friend of the show, Lock Mort, ah this is the game that broke Lock and made him hate Weebz and made him hate famously hate Weebri because he was a Final Fantasy fan until he played 10 and he thought it was absolute trash. And it just completely like burnt, like scorched the earth. Now he's like, he hates Weebri. So shout out to Final Fantasy 10.
Um, I've never played it. Um, the only final fantasies that I've played are seven, seven remake 13 and 16. So, but yeah, um, that game is, it's mostly beloved. Some people hate it, but most, a lot of people love it. So a lot of a revision on it. Yeah. So let's go ahead and move on to our final year. 2000 is going to be a yeah funny bit there. Um,
Conan, shout out to col Conan. um My pick here, this is gonna probably surprise some of you. Definitely not something you would have seen coming. I'm talking about 2K, and I'm talking about NFL, 2K won on the Dreamcast, played this game a ton, played this at work. When I was working at Funco Land with my friend Henry, that was like the pre the precursor to GameStop. GameStop bought them out. We had a Funco Land.
we used to have a Dreamcast on the counter for the for the customers to play but a lot of times it'd be kind of slow in there so we'd be playing some NFL 2k one on the Dreamcast versus each other and stuff on the clock getting that getting that minimum wage five fifteen an hour or whatever it was it was great um That was a great game. The graphics at the time were revolutionary. like It was such a huge step up from like the previous games. like the It was ah polygonal graphics or whatever, but it was like rounded, not square polygonal. So it almost looked realistic. It looked amazing back then. I couldn't believe it. It still looks okay today even. But that game was awesome. Really fun gameplay.
playing as the Steelers as always the best team. And that's my pick NFL 2K one. I'm sure not many people saw that one coming. What say ye and get into your games. I never played an NFL 2K game. I was always mad. And so I don't know. I'd never i related yeah i never played Yeah.
But my game for the year 2000, it's probably not that much of a surprise, but maybe, I don't know. um Because I was torn between two games. They're both my second favorite in their respective um like IP or whatever. Let me guess, ready? Spyro, you're the dragon. Yep. That's the one I went with. I was told on you i was very close. 99. Yeah. Is it? Oh, OK. Yeah.
um Yeah, the I was very close to going with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, but the first one was always my favorite, not because of the gameplay. The gameplay in 2 is phenomenal, but I like the soundtrack for Pro Skater 1 better, so that's why it's always been my favorite one.
But you're the dragon it's my second favorite from that trilogy because obviously riptoes rage is the best one But in you're the dragon you got to play as more characters You got to go into their worlds and do kind of new things and stuff and ah you're the dragon. It's very fun I wish they would make a Spyro 4 but you know, that's not the kind of crappy ones that they made after this one, but Yeah, you're the dragon but definitely my game of 2000
right i know Great game Hodge really my sister loves this game as well. So yeah, I love this game. Yeah What do you like more though Sean? Ripto's Rage is the best Spyro game think you know what's your favorite of two thousand what's your two thousand gave with I thought you were talking about, you know, all right.
um My game of the year from 2000 is another Legend of Zelda game, and that is the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask. um This is one of my favorite and 64 games of all time.
um Yeah, probably my second favorite N64 game of all time. Behind Paper Mario, the first Paper Mario game. um I love Majora's Mask though. like It was so different than anything we've gotten before in like a Zelda game. like You don't fight Ganon in this game. this's a Spoiler, this is one of the games you don't fight Ganon.
And it was so cool, the whole time aspect, like you're on ah you on a clock and you have to slow down time, you have to go back in time. if If you hit the time limit, the moon comes down and basically destroys the world. um It's weird because there's only four dungeons in the game.
but again there's so much to do there's like side quests that are time dependent so you can miss side quests depending on like the time of day like this is one we have to follow a mailman around and you have to like make sure you're at a certain place by the mailman or there's like a date that goes on at one point you have to like interrupt the date um it is so cool and just like putting all the different masks on and like running around as like different creatures in the zelda world was so interesting and i think skull kid as a villain is so creepy and the music of the Zelda games are always good, but the music in this game is awesome. And there's ah and as the day goes on, like the the main hub of the the hub world is like it's called... um
um The hub was town called clock I can't clock down clock down the like the main overworld theme as the day gets later and gets closer to like the end of the world the song gets like faster and faster and it just gets so creepy and like the the NPCs start noticing the moon coming down and I don't know this game was just awesome and it I really really love this game and I really I need to go back to this one because I felt because I just wasn't good at the time timer thing I don't like games with timers like I did have Ted Ted Dead Rising is one of my like backups is from 2006 but I Dropped that game because once you hit a certain time like you lose the truth forever and I was like I don't don't put me on a timer I don't like that, but I know that's the point of this game. It's not just a
redundant timer that's just there for no reason. It's part of the plot. So I do want to I need to go back to this one, but because Ocarina time is one of the greatest games of all time. But this one, I just I never got to finish because I was too frustrated with constantly running out of time.
It's it's really good and you can you can so see that they I can't but they made this game in a year and a half like after ocarina of time I don't think a year and a half to make and They it's they took the engine right from ocarina But it's like it's it's and it introduced the concept of multiple timelines of Zelda here We got like if link never if link traveled back to the past than ocarina This is like that continuation of that timeline. It's so interesting Yeah that's really cool Great stuff, great game. I haven't played it, but I've heard it's great. I don't know why I didn't play this game, because I did play Ocarina of Time, and I loved it. It's a masterpiece. It was a really late 64 game. It's like a really late 64 game. Yeah, that must be. Maybe that's why. Maybe I had moved on to the other consoles, but PS2. Dreamcast. All right. Yeah, guys.
So that's it. That was our games of the year from 2009 to 2000. Real quick for audio listeners who don't have the benefit of the fantastic graphics to look at. um Let's go through and just recite our list quickly. So I'll go first. my I had Dragon Age Origins, Fable 2, Cod for Modern Warfare, Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, Need for Speed Most Wanted, GTA San Andreas, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, ha to GTA Vice City,
Dark Age of Camelot, and then NFL 2K1. Hodge, real quick, what was your list? I had from 2009, 2000, Uncharted 2, Call of Duty World at War, Bioshock, Guitar Hero 2, God of War, Dragon Ball Z, Budokai 3, Star Wars Jedi Knight, Jedi Academy. Stupid name, but great game. ah Kingdom Hearts, Halo Combat Evolved, and Spyro Year of the Dragon. And then Sean, what was your list?
Starting from 09, I had Pokemon Platinum on the Nintendo DS, Super Smash Bros. Brawl on the Nintendo Wii, Dragon Ball Z, Budokai Tenkaichi III on the PS2. This is a different game than Hodges. I know a very similar name, but different game. 2006, Kingdom Hearts 2 on the PS2. 2005, Mario & Luigi Partners in Time on the Nintendo DS.
2004 Paper Mario The Thousand Year Dear on the Nintendo GameCube 2003 The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker on the Nintendo GameCube 2001 Final Fantasy X on the Playstation 2 and finally 2000 The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Mask on the N64 in the year 2000.
All right, boys, it's been a lot of fun. So that's it. That was our list. It's been an awesome episode. Thank you guys for being here. This was episode 15 games over plastic. Please clap, everybody. Let's go around and do our final thoughts. And let's go ahead and start with Sean Mason. Final thoughts for this episode, sir. Great, great games. I'm looking forward to continuing. I can't wait to do the 90s.
Mm-hmm. Gonna be fun. Oh yeah, I can't wait till we get to the 70s. Pong. I know. All right, guys. My final thoughts for this episode are I just want to thank the listeners as always without you guys. We probably wouldn't still be doing this podcast if nobody was listening it. We appreciate your love, the kindness, and support, your likes, your comments. um Keep it up. We appreciate it. Give us some write-ins. um you know We need some more write-ins. Shout out to Astro Parrot King for his. But yeah, these are some great games. Games are awesome.
and just have fun and have a great week and have a great time. That's my final thought. Hodge, sir, your final thoughts for this episode. Never trust a fart. I mean, that's good advice. That's good advice, especially with ah Sean playing South Park. Stick a truth. Lots of fart jokes. Is that all you got, sir? Yeah, I got nothing. It was fun. I love talking about these games, especially going down memory lane of 20 year old games almost at this point. So Yeah, well, over 20 years old. Yeah, over. Yeah, from, yeah, 15 to 20, two years old, 24 years old. Yeah. It's awesome. All right. Well, guys, that's going to do it for us. This has been games over plastic episode number 15. Be great and have a great day. Goodbye, everyone. ah Bye. Bye.