14. We Pick the GOTY for Each Year From 2010-2019! | Our Games Of the Year | Games Over Plastic image

14. We Pick the GOTY for Each Year From 2010-2019! | Our Games Of the Year | Games Over Plastic

E14 · Games Over Plastic
42 Plays1 month ago

In this fun episode we get together to pick our Games Of the Year for each year from 2010-2019! We also take our first ever write in question and get into the usual what we are playing. It was  a fun episode. We thank you for your support!

Video and Graphics version available at: http://www.youtube.com/@gamesoverplastic 


00:00:00 Show Start

00:05:10 Write in

00:10:40 Witcher 3 Finally!

00:14:17 College Football 25

00:15:05 Links Awakening

00:18:18 Astro's Playroom

00:19:02 Sackboy a Big Adventure

00:22:40 Sea of Thieves

00:26:20 Trails through Daybreak

00:28:50 Metroid Prime

00:30:48 Mario 3

00:32:20 Smash Brothers Ultimate

00:34:45 Game Of The Year Picks 2010-2019!

00:35:21 Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

00:38:00 Alan Wake

00:40:00 Fallout: New Vegas

00:42:02 Trails in the Sky

00:44:34 Portal 2

00:46:00 Skyrim

00:47:54 New Super Mario Bros U

00:49:45 Spec Ops the Line

00:52:13 Mass Effect 3

00:53:20 Tales of Xillia

00:55:35 The Last of Us

00:57:20 BioShock Infinite

00:59:03 Shovel Knight

01:01:03 Titanfall

01:03:03 Dragon Age Inquisition

01:05:03 Batman Arkham Knight

01:08:15 Rise of the Tomb Raider

01:10:30 Black Ops 3

01:13:15 Uncharted 4

01:17:00 Persona 5

01:19:25 Xenoblade Chronicles II

01:21:50 Horizon Zero Dawn

01:25:30 Wolfenstein II New Colossus

01:26:48 Ni nu Kuni 2

01:29:45 God of War

01:32:15 Assassins Creed Odyssey

01:35:01 Trails of Cold Steel III

01:38:00 Death Stranding 

Welcome, everybody. This is Games Over Plastic, episode number 14. I am midnight, back again with the two most amazing, best fellow host in the industry. As always, I am joined by the man, the myth, the legend, the master of weebery, and the man who is unfortunately, in his mind, back in the the continental United States, no longer in Hawaii, Sean Mason. How we doing, sir?
I'm doing great. Yeah, back in good old Massachusetts, very different than Hawaii. You know, it's always it's always it's always funny when you're you're on vacation, you come back, it's always good to come back. But at the same time, you're like, I don't want to leave vacation. But, you know, I like being home. But at the same time, I'm like, dang, I wish I was still on vacation. But I'm back, I'm ready to go. I got a month left and then school starts and back at it. But yeah, happy to be here.
No doubt. Yeah. Enjoy that month. Get some good gaming in or something. That's what I'd be doing. All right. And then last but not least, we have Hodge, the lord of the cliff bars, the air conditioning repairman. He was sick, I think, but he's he's feeling better now, hopefully. How you doing, sir?
I'm feeling a little better, but still not great. Yesterday I was, so I, I'm new to my job, obviously. And so I didn't have much PTO, so I had to burn it all on this week. And then, uh, I had to take one unpaid day off and then Friday, yesterday I was like, I need to make money. So I went to work and I made it like halfway through my first job and I started getting dizzy. So I'm like, I call my boss. I'm like, I have to go home. I can't almost passed out while I was working. So.
Yeah, I'm feeling a little better. I think I got that like long call fucking COVID or whatever it's called where my mom had it and I told her all my symptoms. She goes, that's exactly what I had. And I had it for two months. I'm like, Oh my God, I better not have this for two months.
So, yeah, I'm hoping get it leaves, especially since my job is I have to exert myself a lot. So if I can't function, I don't get paid and I can't work. So if I was thinking I was like, that's the kind of reason I miss working on a computer, because I used to just if I was sick, I'd still work because I'm just sitting at a desk anyway. So.
The only time I ever took off when I was actually working from home was when I was I was so sick. This is actually like right a couple months before covid. So I don't know if I had it and and just didn't know it. But I was like bad ridden. I couldn't sit up without wanting to throw up. So that's the only time I didn't work from home when I was sick. But yeah, hopefully, hopefully I kick it soon because your boy needs to get paid. I mean, these work so.
Yeah, well, hopefully you feel better soon. Hopefully. we are We are back with a very special episode today. This is going to be a lot of fun. First of all, we are going to be debuting our first ever write in to the show. We mentioned this before. We teased it. If you guys want to have write ins, you just go on YouTube. but Go on to the youtube dot.com slash at games over plastic. Just search for it.
If you're on the audio service, like I always say, there's a link to the video. Leave a comment if you have a great question, Kat. I'm recording a podcast. Sorry, everyone. Very professional. And we will maybe use your write-in. So in addition to that, we are going to be going over our games of the year.
each of our game of the year from 2010 to 2019. So that's ah that's a decade right there. So that is gonna be awesome. So that's gonna be really fun. But as always guys, games over plastic. You can find us on audio services, Spotify, Apple, Overcast, Pocket Cast, Everycast. And then also we are on YouTube as I just mentioned. So leave us likes, subscribe if you're not already. And yeah.
Let's go ahead and start off the episode with the write-in, shall we? And Sean, you're the English major. Why don't you read the write-in for us? I i just wanted to read this one because this one comes from a good friend of mine, Broderick Fleming. He's a really, really nice guy. He's a very inspirational man.
He's gone through a lot, but he's come out on top and i'm really happy that he enjoys our podcast so Uh for his uh, he first he had a comment i'm just not i'm not gonna read the whole comment I'm just gonna you know Briefly summarize it. He said he said he was a big ps gamer and he really liked he enjoyed our last episode He uh got a kick out of me cursing of the first ever curse from uh, sean mason on the episode Uh and midnight he wants to play a game of college football with you. So i'm down. day I'm hey Broderick i'm totally down my uh My gamertag is midnight space and S send me a message and we'll ah we'll get it in. All right. All right. and Let's get to his right. And he goes, what's your guy's favorite bad game? One, you know, just sucks. Yet you are somehow entertained playing. One thought I had one I thought of was brutal force on the OG Xbox. It was a squad based shooter that was just terrible. Yet I always find myself going back to it. So he got first of all, I've never even heard of this brutal force game.
Any of you guys? No. No. Just shows how bad it was. Must be really bad, yeah. Yeah. I only know good games. Yeah, I only play good games. Sorry. No, yeah we are actually going to do an episode on our bad games we loved.
um in the future but ah just name a couple name a quick short game that i loved when that is really bad for my child was nick tune's party blast this game got a one point seven on ign i didn't know it was that bad to i looked it up like probably like ten years ago it was a pc game i got it at a scholastics book fair in two thousand and one five years old. um Basically, it's a party game where you run around as Nicktoons, so he can be like Tommy Pickle. it Tommy and Angelica were characters. Invader Zim was a character. CatDog was the host of the of this game, yeah. And like i there was just a bunch of minigames, but like I didn't realize how broken the game the controls were. I used to play with WASD.
um And like shift was jump and then my best one of my really good friends would play on the other half of the keyboard using the arrows We used to play multiplayer like that people in the same keyboard. Oh my god The minigames were like horrific like it was like a food fight game. There was like a Splatoon light game where you have like these like packs on your back and you shoot each other with like slime It was it it was it was a trip. It was very fun. But yeah, I split all the time turns out it sucked and OK, OK. I thought of one. I actually did think of one. I was struggling at first. Like we mentioned, we are this is going to be a topic. um But I do have one. And it is Rise, Son of Rome, ah Xbox One launch game. This is a 60 metacritic. um For some reason, there are you know a lot of people who really didn't like this game. um But also, it does have a strong cult following. And I'm in that cult following. I think the game was awesome. I thought the story was really good. I thought the graphics were awesome.
And yeah, it was a quick time, a quick time event simulator. Um, and it wasn't super long either. I think it was like 10 hours or so, but man, it was a good like six or seven. It was really short. It was a good time though. Was it worth a full $60? I don't remember what they sold it for. Probably not, but it was an awesome game. I really enjoyed it. And, uh, yeah, that's my bad game. I guess rise son of Rome.
Great. That one will that one will probably be on my list when we do that episode, because I do love that game, too. But you did make I was going to do a different game, but I'm going to do instead, I'm going to do Order 1886 because I actually love that game. It was another one. It was just gorgeous. It was a tech demo. It was also a bit of a QTE sim. It was, yeah, just kind of that tech demo launch game or not launch, but early on PS4 game and I love the story is so good, just like Rise. It's a great story. The game plays all right, but it's a beautiful game with an awesome story. Let it left it open for a sequel that we're never going to get since actually just recently that studio shut down. Was it Meta owned them or something and they shut them down? Mm hmm. Yeah. So that sucks. But, yeah, Orton, Order 1886, I think it's a it's a very underrated game. It's it's it's not amazing by any stretch, but it's better than how people treat it.
ah So that's that's probably mine. But yeah, I never never played that one because it was treated so poorly. I was like, Oh, ah yeah that one's it's legit like five hours. I'd suggest playing it some day. It's yeah it's like how blade to.
Yeah, it's funny. It's funny because it's like ah it has like a camera around the chapters. I'll say 13 or something. But some chapters are literally just cut scenes like that. So you only play you only play like 80 percent of the chapters. Some of them are just cut scenes. So it's but it's a really cool story. And I definitely suggest you play. I'll add it to the 60 game backlog for you. It's really just if you need a quick one day game, like if you just want to crank through a game in a day, it's it's worth it. OK.
It's funny how those two games are like intrinsically linked because they're both like the graphical showcases that have a cult following, but we're poo pooed by a lot of the communities and and the critics, but, uh, all right. yeah So that was our write-in. Thank you to Broderick Fleming, 9 0 9 7 on YouTube. He's awesome. He's always supporting the show and we appreciate you. And like I said, I'm a hundred percent down. Get some college football in, send me a message. I'm not the best, but we'll have fun.
all right Let's keep it moving, shall we, guys? Let's go ahead and get into what we are playing as we like to do. And I'll go ahead and start this off to keep the order down, to keep the order opposite of what we're going to do for our games of the year for no reason at all, because I'm autistic. But no. So what I'm playing, I am finally playing Chris in Australia. Shout out to you, sir. This is for you. I'm finally sitting down to play the Witcher 3.
This is like everybody's game of the year, probably for 2015. Well, maybe we'll find out my co-host. Who knows? But I never played it. Well, I never beat it. I actually tried to play this game three times and dropped it three times. so For whatever reason, I got distracted. I'm like, this is too much. um But this time I am I am dedicated and I am resolute that I am going to beat the game this time. I'm sticking with it. I'm going to beat the whole game. I have to do it for Chris. We made a bet.
Not really a bet. I'm going to beat the Witcher 3. He's going to beat Mass Effect 3 finally. um So we're going to right these wrongs. So that's what I'm playing now. I'm having a lot of fun. I haven't got to play it as much as I would like because I'm still playing my live service games, X Defiant and college football. And they take, you know, these live service games take so much time. They they just rob you of your time. um But I've played it a decent bit. I'm going to play it more this weekend. So that's what I'm playing, the Witcher 3. Have you guys played that at all?
either of you i tried to play it six times and i've dropped it every single time you got the furthest i got in i got the furthest i got into it was four hours and then i'm like i'm not feeling i don't i don't like the calm i don't like the combat i don't think it's like it's it feels janky and clunky to me The combat I'm getting used to. It's a little tough. Yeah, I i dropped it twice. I haven't been able to get into it. So I just I'm sure it's great. But I just see the Project Red Games apparently just don't speak to me because I dropped Cyberpunk also. So Cyberpunk was awesome. I know. yeah yeah back Well, now that they updated it again, like because I played it at launch and then I played it again when ah and i dropped I just dropped it because I just had other stuff to do when it first came out. I didn't have the technical difficulties everyone else had.
Yeah. And then when they updated it, I went into it again. And actually, that's when I started getting bugs, which is funny. But now that the that Phantom Liberty and like they kind of redid the progression and all that kind of stuff, I might give it another try because it the the world in that game is fucking cool. Like that city, the Liberty City or whatever that is the most.
Sorry, it's no I i was gonna you're basically what you're saying. It's one of the most realistic like and most alive feelings settings I've ever been in. It's so cool. But the game like I remember the second time I tried playing I was just walking on the street and the cops just started shooting at me. I'm like, what the fuck is this? like Why are they attacking me out of nowhere? So I just kind of And that's that's weird because they don't usually shoot at you much. Like that was something people complained about. So I don't know if you got like a weird glitch or something happened. Yeah, something. So I just fell off. But now that they kind of updated again and they kind of finalized the game in a way, I might go back and try it again eventually. But and yeah, but Witcher three got had to go off on a tangent about cyberpunk. But Witcher three, yeah, I fell off. It's I just didn't stick with me. I couldn't do it. Like I said, it takes a lot for me to get into a fantasy game. So it yeah it didn't land for me.
Yeah. I hope one day we'll keep it moving. I don't want to sidebar, but I hope one day you do go back to cyberpunk because it is one of the most immersive games I've ever played. Like the way they utilize the first person with the motion capture that they did and like the natural movements. It really, if you're in the right mindset, it really immerses you in the world. You almost feel like you're really V and you're really in cyberpunk. like like you'll get in the car, like in the passenger seat and the person will get in the driver's seat, they'll adjust the mirror, they'll put on their seat belt, they'll look over, they'll start talking to you. It's just really super immersive and it's just like I'm i'm there and I love it but let's keep it moving. We don't want to sidebar too much. yeah um
The last game, I'm just going to be brief here. so ah College football 25 I'm playing. I mentioned this last week. um I said I wasn't feeling it too much. I'm feeling it more now. I'm starting to get better. And I've actually, I have to apologize to EA because I so i slandered them last episode. And I said that they're not free to play friendly. They kind of are. I've actually been playing ultimate team. And I'm shocked to say I have no money spent. And I have a team that's like really good, like 81 overall, um which right now the highest overalls in the game. like Individual players are like 89 So like I have a lot of like I have a couple eighty eights eighty sevens eighty six eighty five players like loaded for free Like they're just giving out packs as you level up um And so it's not too bad, but college football. That's what I'm playing. We'll keep it moving Hodge
What are you playing, sir? Yeah, so I finished Zelda Link's Awakening. That's the Switch version of it. I adored that game. I went and I found everything. I got all 50 seashells and it like I was obsessed with this and I was kind of one of those words. Like when it ended, I was like, I kind of don't want it to end. I wanted to get.
So now I'm really, really stoked for Echoes of Wisdom because that game I'm more of a puzzler person than like the open world Metroidvania kind of person. So I'm very excited to just do all these puzzles as as ah Zelda and whatnot. So I'm super excited. But yeah, I loved I loved every moment of this game. And if you have a switch, you should play this game. I understand why it was so beloved when it came out. It's Yeah, it's it's so cool. I love it. But I do actually really love the Metroidvania thing. I'm just not as into it as puzzles. So like seeing something you're like there's a boulder blocking this one. What is going on? And then later, you you know, you find the power to be able to lift boulders and stuff like that. And like, oh, OK. So it's like one of those things where you're constantly going back and unlocking stuff that you couldn't unlock before. And
Yeah, it was a and it's like we said before, it is a beautiful game. I mean, it's it's on the switch to my frame rates dropped randomly a lot just because it's just not a good system. But the game itself, it's it's awesome. I loved it. Hodge, did you ever play Oracle of Ages? Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages on Gameboy?
No, I never played it in boys all game. Okay, it's basically it's made by the same people who made the original links awakening It's it's all puzzle-based. It's literally because there was two games There's Oracle of Ages and Oracle season seasons was more combat based ages was more puzzle-based and it took take everything from awakening and just like I want like we all hope there would be a remake of ages and seasons, but like, yeah, it was awesome. It's all I would highly suggest it. I know it's a game boy. It's a game boy color game, but yeah, like I'm I'm such a like a odd Zelda fan because I only ever played the first two that were on n NES as a kid because I had an n NES. So I was able to play those was never very good at them, but they were fun. And then I never had an N64. So I didn't play Ocarina of Time until I think 2015.
16 or 16 on 3DS. That's the first time I played Ocarina and Majora's Mask, which I wasn't huge on, but I know it's beloved. And if I ever figured out, I'll go back to it because I just kept losing the time loop. but it was and I don't like game with timers. And then I played obviously Breath of the Wild because that game is amazing. But I haven't played Tears of the Kingdom. I haven't played any of the ah like the Game Boy games or a lot of the SNES games. This is the first time I played.
So I'm like, I'm kind of on a little bit of a Zelda kick where I'm like, I need to play Tears of the Kingdom next and then try and go see what else is maybe on like the expansion passes on Switch. Oh, Link to the Past. Oh, Link to the Past. That's the other one I've heard a lot about. So I definitely will have to try that one out too. But yeah, I love this game. And if you have a Switch, you should definitely play it if you haven't already.
Yeah, you want to hear my Zoda history? Here's my Zoda history. I have beaten Ocarina of Time, and it was amazing. One of the best games ever. Oh, yeah. And then the other Zoda games that I've beaten are... There are none. So, there we go.
That's my history was crazy. Yeah, crazy, crazy. But yeah, moving on. I'm also playing or I briefly hopped back into Astros playroom because ah they added like the little secret ah bots and they added a couple of trophies for it. So I was like, I already have the platinum for the game. But since they added five trophies, I'm like, I'll go back in and get them. But.
Two of them aren't unlockable yet. They'll be unlocked soon because they have they haven't released it. They're like releasing one character at a time. There's four of them. And then you get a fifth trophy for unlocking all four of them. So I have three of them now. But I wanted to because obviously Astro is coming out in less than a month. And I'm super excited for that. I preordered that controller. I'm not a controller collector, but that one I loved. So I had to get it. Yeah.
And then so I also hopped into that. And I also played it just because I was waiting for Sackboy to download because I had I didn't have it download on my PlayStation, which is the other game I'm playing. Sackboy, a big adventure. Everyone is definitely right that I was missing out not playing this yet, because the only thing I don't like about the game is some of the designs of characters are really weird. Like they make Tim Burton look normal kind of thing like.
uh so the the little offset designs is kind of off-putting to me but i do love that it's also like the tiny kin thing of like you're in a small area of actual stuff like things are built from felt and all this and you're like or you're like running around on you know paint cans or something like just random household things so it's like you're really this little little sack boy guy running around in a real world. And it's such a cool look for that part of it. And the gameplay is awesome. It's so innovative on all like the like it's not just a basic platform or where every level you're just trying to jump to different areas to finish. Like you get a boomerang to collect stuff or open things you get like,
just all these different little powers and it's such it is such a good platformer that i'm pissed at myself that i didn't play it earlier but i'm loving it and it's just getting me all some more hyped for astro to come out next month it's one of the best platformers of all time it is really freaking good i couldn't believe i want to play the co-op parts because i know there's co-op levels and stuff i played the game entirely in co-op and oh yeah Unbelievable. Yeah, the only thing I didn't do in co-op was the last the final knitted knight challenge by my call I I kept going way in front of them and there they kept on my there's knitted knight challenges way to get to the last one How much the last one is ridiculous? Yeah, I have gold on I've only beaten six of the 15 so far So I've but I've gold on all of them. So I'm gonna try and the last one is insane Also, what do you think of vex the villain vex? He's a weird design
Yeah, but I like it. It it it reminded me of like Spyro, the Spyro villains, like kind of a ripto type villain. I really, I really like it. And yeah, it's I didn't expect it to really have a story. I mean, obviously it would. It's a game, but because little big planet, the other games, it felt like you're just kind of beating little levels and there wasn't really much to the game, but or like the story. But this one, yeah, there's a little story. It's like and it's the same thing of Spyro of the villain comes in, captures all the dragons. But this time it's all the Sackboy people and so you're just the little sack boy guy trying to save everyone and yeah it's an adorable game other than the weird looking characters but uh yeah it's a it is a very very good platformer and i'm loving every second of it dude the way they incorporate the music into the levels is oh my god that it brought me back to playing rayman when he used to everything's in beat and then obviously high fire rush was everything was in beat but
Yeah, it really brought me back to the brave man levels where you'd be uptown funk level. The up yeah level that blew my mind. I could not. I was like, oh my God. Yeah, so it's it's really I love that kind of stuff where where they make that's why I love if I rush because I love it where it's like to the beat, like everything in the levels just bouncing to the beat of the song that's playing. It's so cool. Yeah.
I'm loving this game. So I'm, and thankfully it's not that long. I looked it up, like the completionist, they say it's like 30 hours. I'm like, all right. So if I want to 100% of this game, it's only going to take me 30 hours. I'm okay with that. And just beating the story. I think it was like 10 hours and I'm over halfway through and I haven't played it. The platinum is a little bit more than just getting a hundred percent, by the way. Is it? yeah's Yeah. I'll have to look at, ill I haven't looked at the, tro I don't like looking at trophies when I'm playing something through the first time. Cause I don't want to see a spoiler.
on accident, so I haven't looked at the trophies yet. But ah once I beat the like story that I'll go back, look at the the trophies and then go back and try and get everything else, because yeah, this is definitely a game I'm probably going to want to play unless there's one that's just impossible that I'm never going to beat. But I don't think that's the case since it is a kid's game. But yeah, yeah. So as you guys know, I'm not the platformer guy. So yeah, it will probably not shock you to find out that I haven't played either of those games, sadly, I have nothing to say. But I was a little surprised when I saw you play in this other game last night, Hodge, because i I didn't expect you to be on this game.
I know I hopped in, so my last game I've been playing, I just started it yesterday, ah is Sea of Thieves. I actually played it back during season two and season three very briefly, but that was before they had ah private servers. ah So remember I remember I started really getting into it with my brother when they had the Pirates of the Caribbean season because I was like, oh, this is so cool. They're bringing Jack Sparrow to Sea of Thieves.
And we were having a lot of fun. And then during a mission, this this it was just me and my brother. So we're two guys on a little small ship. And this quad, this squad of four just comes up and blows us out of the water. I'm like, I don't want to do this. I don't want to get destroyed and get sent to hell or whatever every day or David Jones Locker every time I'm trying to do something. So ah we actually did play on a on a live server yesterday. And it was fine. We actually found one guy. He was by himself. We could have killed him, robbed him, but we just danced with him for like 10 minutes.
It was a lot of fun. But yeah, it's it's a really like it's insane how complex this game is. Like you have to do every little thing on the ship. You have to patch it if you get shot and get the water out of the basement. Like it's so fun. I'm enjoy i'm like, this is exactly what I was hoping for the game. But yeah other than which it was, I just didn't like getting killed by randos. So the fact I was playing this morning with my brother in a private server and it's fun. We just did a couple of missions and We're just having fun sailing around the seas, being pirates. And yeah, it's a really enjoyable game. And now that it has live service, if anyone wants to, it's just hopping with friends and just sail to sail the seas. It's a whole lot of fun. I'm loving it. Yeah. Sean, you played this at all. Sea of Thieves, I've never played it, no.
It's crazy how the longevity that this game has because i remember yeah I remember five or six years ago, I was working at Staples. I was a sales manager there. And I remember talking to our our store our a store assistant manager. He loved that game. He was always playing Sea of Thieves.
um And I remember talking to him about the streamer summit the big streamer He was playing Sea of Thieves um and I was watching his clips. They were really funny how he was trolling people He was like talking like on their ship Like to where like they couldn't see where he was or didn't know he was there and then he was like making weird Voices and trolling them and people were like what the hell is going on? like it was just really funny um But that was like five or six years ago and this game is still flying high and just really thriving so that's really cool and I I played it for of the show. Ben Smith, big fan of the game also.
Yeah, people people like Ben get super sweaty out there, man, out there doing like complex maneuvers, jumping and flipping and doing all kinds of stuff. Yeah. But yeah, I played it i super briefly with my brother, like super briefly. I'm talking about like a couple of hours and it was cool. We got a couple of treasures and stuff, but we moved on. Yeah. But yeah, yeah, it's going to be it's it's not a game. I'm going to go in and just sail around on my own. It's just kind of went because my brother was playing with his two buddies. So I was like, yeah they need a fourth. So I downloaded it and hopped in with him and just had a lot of fun.
ah But yeah, it's it if they're playing, it'll be a game I hop in and sail the seas with them. But it's not going to be something I'm like obsessively playing like I was with Helldivers or how I still do a Fortnite and that kind of stuff. But yeah, I'm loving it. It's a good game. But yeah, let's move on to the games. So that's the games that you're playing? All right. Yeah. Yeah, as you said, let's move on to Sean. I smell some weeberry on the horizon. What's going on with you, Sean? So I finished Trails through Daybreak.
amazing game it's my new favorite trails game so it's my it's now it's my third favorite game of all time now it it over now better than red Better than Reverie better than Azure. Yeah it Unbelievable the way that this game just develops the characters is you can see the Progress that neon Falcom has made throughout their like games and like they've gotten so much better at developing characters in a in a shorter timeframe than you know over the course of a whole trilogy like the way that they evolve and my third favorite game of all time now like the main character van and some of the other characters like on yes and fairy and aaron throughout the entire game is insane also shout out my new favorite overall favorite character in the entire trails franchise judas lannister is in this game she is one she's hilarious two she's Awesome in combat and three. She has a great backstory like really really cool backstory When you get to chapter 5 like there's a full-on like freakin battle royale going on in Like and then like a labyrinth like you're not and ah and like there's like multiple teams. It's so cool. It's awesome. The end of the game is wild like very much peak trails I
so can i just say Yeah, can I just say I just I just looked up this Judith Lannister? Yeah, you probably yeah, there there's another reason to be a fan of her too. Oh my gosh. yeah You probably got the scene in chapter four. She's looking quite good, I must say. yeah Something that happens in chapter four. But no, she's she's awesome. I'm not going to spoil what her true identity is, even though it's pretty much spoiled right away. um But ah yeah, the game's awesome. I just unbelievable. Like I said, I'm two trophies away from the platinum right now. So I'll probably get it maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.
um Yeah, I already played through it twice. I played through it on nightmare mode. Nightmare mode is like you carry over your level and everything. So like I could like speed through the games really easy. um But yeah, that's trails through daybreak. Unbelievable game. And like I said, the more I played it, the more I realized there's no way you can just jump into this game and play it. Zero chance. There's especially when you get to the end and they make references like a lot of references and some characters come back. Yeah, I can't wait for the sequel next year. Let's go. I know how I just dying to play this game.
yeah's The only thing I can think of that's my thing Next up on my list we have Metroid Prime like I said last time I like I told you guys I played it for like 20 straight and 22 10 straight hours on the plane and just like was like whoa my gosh like I need a break I Had a couple hours left. I finished it up on the plane ride home um great game like I said last week or two weeks ago I can't believe I slept on this game so much I what I did realize though is I am really bad at the game like I'm a like it's a it's it's so much more of a shooter than I realized and like I kept when I got to the end of the game I kept dying and dying especially at the end boss
Oh my gosh, I probably died like 15 or 16 times to the point my sister was sitting next to me on the plane. And that's her favorite game of all time. And she looked at me and said, do you want me to beat it for you? And I go, no, but you can't do that. um but Yeah.
um Yeah, she was she was getting aggravated because I was like bad. So then she like I said, like last week, she booted up Metroid prom in her switch and like beat it in like four hours. So, oh, that's great. That's so funny because I was I i play Fortnite a lot with Berto, who's the buddy of ours who's going to do this podcast. And we we were I was waiting for him to get on one time and he's like, yeah, hold on. I'm on the final boss of Metroid. I'll be on in like 20 minutes. And he texted me after five because never mind, just beat it.
um like Jesus yeah it's definitely one of those games where like if you know what you're doing like you can easily be the game I love the different power-up so like just going in the morph ball and riding moving around to Samus and that morph ball is so I get feels so good and then dropping like um grenade essentially grenades they're like samus bombs and you can like morph ball jump your way up to like different things nintendo did said they did such a good job with level design and area design to make you use the power-ups you earn overall i really love the game i want to get much more into it in the spoiler cast like we said um but yeah it's metroid prime
um After that, I was feeling some Mario Bros. So after I finished Metroid Prime on the plane, I booted up Mario 3 and just decided to run through the game. A warpless run. Did it in about 40 minutes. It was pretty awesome. I love Mario 3. One of my favorite Mario games. Not my favorite, but one of my favorite.
um game just is one of the one of the perfect games out there is mario 3 it's like one of the only perfect games out there absolutely love it the one downside is i wish it could be luigi in it playing single player wish you just switched to luigi but overall it's a great game uh it was actually really fun because when i was playing it um my dad that's my dad's favorite game one of his favorite games of all time is mario 3 so after i played it he took my switch and played through it and he's like oh i gotta play through it now because you played through it Yeah, I it's that's one of those that I remember was back, you know, in the Internet days where or pre Internet days where you'd be on the on the playground telling people like the secrets in games and stuff. The war whistle. Yeah. Finding all like or just like sitting there crouching on a block and it puts you down behind the level and you're like just knowing all those old three. Yeah. World one. three yeah
Yeah, awesome the the level the the area design in this game is awesome Like I love like the big ah the the big world where all the enemies are huge and you're tiny Like I love that they even they even echo back to that in Mario 64 and one of the levels where everyone's huge It's just overall it's a great game. I mean if you don't know Mario 3 is a great game at this point. i'm i'm shocked Fantastic. And then finally, I was bored on the last five hours of our plane ride. Me and my sister booted up Smash Brothers Ultimate and just played for five hours with each other. Just me and her just going back and we played two. We played a couple of 99 level match, 99 live matches. That was fun. Um, yeah, that was full. We, like, we, Smash is like one of my favorite franchises. So it was so much fun just going into Smash and just playing it and just reminded me of how much I love Smash Brothers and like,
It got to the point where I'm like, I kind of started looking up some local tournaments around here, and I'm like, I think I'm going to get back into this. I'd be a little out of my prime, Smash Bros Prime, but I think I can still do it. Shout out to, I was rocking Wolf, Wolf's one of my favorite characters, also Toon Link, Young Link, Dark Samus, and Wolf.
ah Yoshi to I like Yoshi more in the older games. But yeah, just Smash Bros is so much fun like I adore it and I would love to just get like a Like a weekly Smash Bros like night with people. I know the online is terrible, but I wish it I don't know Smash Bros is great Yeah, I remember I loved it because the main story mode you started as Kirby and Kirby's my main so I just you're supposed to unlock people and play with new people as you do it and I just play as Kirby the and Yeah, it's funny because in urban in this the story mode in Brawl as well, you can start as Kirby as well in Brawl. And that's definitely a Sakurai created Kirby. That's definitely why. Yeah. And you can see like that the menu, the menus of Smash Brothers are taken directly from Kirby era like after Kirby era is like Brawl Smash Four and we and um Ultimate the menu designs are taken right from Kirby era. It's so funny. It's awesome. Yeah. All right. Good stuff. Are you satisfied, John?
I mean, with the games I've played, yeah. Satisfied with life? I don't know, maybe. You're probably going through a little bit of a depression now that A breaks over, you know? I mean, I'm just... I am a little sad. I know, I'm... Don't worry, you'll hear about it in a little bit.
Oh, OK, OK. All right. So that is the games that we are playing right now. I want to take a quick second to say thank you, guys, if you're listening. Don't forget to leave a like, leave a comment if you have write ins, and subscribe if you haven't already. All right.
We're going to move in to our main topic of discussion. own We, as I mentioned earlier, and we're back. Okay. Some administrative fun stuff went down. You guys missed out. Hodge was breaking out the guitar. He actually was. I'm not kidding. It was awesome. He was playing some riffs, man. You want to play something for us? No, I'm just kidding. Maybe another time. That'll be on the, that's on the OnlyFans too. There you go. ah Yeah.
All right, guys. So we are going to get into our games of the year. Now, originally, the game of the year, I was going to do 2011 to 2020. But my two co-hosts didn't want to hear me gush about Ghost of Tsushima anymore. Yeah, that's exactly. And we changed it to 2010 to 2019. So that's what we're doing. We're all going to go over our games of the year from 2010 through 2019. And we are going to get it started with Sean Mason. 2010, take it away, sir.
Alright, 2010, this was immediately a very difficult decision for me. It came down to two games, and I ultimately decided, oof, one of my favorite series of all time. Kingdom Hearts, Birth by Sleep, the PSP edition. I remember when this game got announced in like 2008, I was so intrigued, because they just showed like these three characters, Ven, Terra,
and Aqua and I had like no idea who they were and I was so like like why does this character look like Roxas ultimately this game is awesome one of like this is one that Kingdom Hearts like really like stepped up the entire game is dark like the other games like the endings were dark but this game like the entire thing was just From the get-go, Dark, there's three different campaigns. ah When you go back and play it, though, it's definitely a PSP game, like a lot of like, oh, you're in this area, then there's a loading cutscene. Oh, yeah there's only like, the worlds are very like, shallow. But overall, it was great. It was like a prequel to the original Kingdom Hearts, and it really started kind of the crazy story that is Kingdom Hearts.
um But it's it's integral to the entire Kingdom Hearts series. Like if you could only play one Kingdom Hearts game, I would actually say play Birth by Sleep because it kind of sets up everything else. And also I absolutely love Ven, Ventus, Ven, whatever you want to call him. Vanitas kind of freaked me out, the villain like one of the villains that used to freak me out when I was younger. Again, I was for 13 14 when this game came out um yeah overall Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep great game also some pretty cool worlds get to go to finally Neverland but it's like actually on like um Peter Pan's like actual like plant homeland not just the ship and um Captain Hook also you get to go to Lululemon Stitch just in space though which is really cool speaking of Lululemon Stitch you guys see Stitched live-action
Yeah, it actually looks like Stitch. I think it looks cool. I think it looked awesome. Just a little excited about it. I hope it's good. Lilo and Stitch is one of the most underrated Disney movies of all time, so I really hope they do it justice. But yeah, it actually looks like Stitch, which makes me happy. Yeah, that's why I was pumped he was in the Birth by Sleep world. He's a great partner. ah But yeah, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, the other game I was considering was Fallout New Vegas. What would Birth by Sleep sell?
I actually, before the show, before we started recording, I said, I already know Sean's 2010. And I was right. It was Birth by Sleep. Yeah, I figured. I figured. It was tough. It was tough, though. It was this in Fallout New Vegas were really, really close for me. Yeah. There were definitely some tough choices, for sure. I had similar stuff. But Hodge, you're up now, 2010.
2010 should come notice to be no surprise to anyone who knows me, but it is Alan Wake. I fucking love this game. It is one of my favorite games of all time. ah It is such a cool like Stephen King, Twin Peaks, Thriller, Moot thing. The gameplay, I understand when people say it's kind of repetitive. You just kind of aim the flashlight at people, then shoot them once the darkness is gone. Like I get that. But the story is so fucking cool. I love this game. Remedy has never missed for me. I love every single game I've played by them. ah So this game is right up there. It is one of my favorites of all time. And yeah, I just I adore everything about this game. i'm like ah and I like it more than Alan week to.
It's really tough because they're both very different games. ah the The second one, it's obviously graphically way better. ah the The story is very cool, but it's a little more confusing than the first one, and it did. I love it. I'm not shit talking when I say this, but it does the thing that I always complain about, where s sequels, they just expand it so much that it kind of makes it just gets confusing.
like Kingdom Hearts 1 is a straight up story. It ends, I mean there's a cliffhanger obviously, but it's a one-off kind of story and then they continue it and make it confusing as hell. Alan Wake 2, they did the same where in control it's like, guess what? The thing that happened in Alan Wake, it's actually ah like a thing that happens everywhere. It's not like the one-off kind of thing of the mystery of Cauldron Lake anymore. It's like, oh, this is an apparition that happens multiple times and there's a Department of Control that takes care of it. and it's like I mean, i I like what they're doing. But at the same time, it's like I kind of liked the fact it was just kind of the creepy thing of like this writer got absorbed by the darkness. And there's another writer coming in to try and defeat it for him. And it's it's such a cool premise that it sucks that they so they I love them both for very different reasons. They're like right there with each other. I can't really say if I like one more than the other because I adore them both so much. But yeah.
All right. OK, right on. So good stuff. My number, my 2010, excuse me. This is also a very tough decision because by all rights, it probably should be Mass Effect 2 because I think I might have Mass Effect 2 honestly rated higher than this game. But that's not what I went with because I just really love this other game so much um and it's so unique and maybe Mass Effect will appear elsewhere on my list.
So I actually went with Sean's runner-up, Fallout New Vegas. I love this game so much. Shout out Obsidian, one of my favorite developers. Wait, you like Obsidian? I love Obsidian. Western RPG? Western RPG? It's crazy. I know it's shocking. It's shocking. What? It is shocking. But you guys will be shocked to see that there's probably a lot of the same developers and games on here. But anyway.
I am who I am. Fallout New Vegas was just an incredible game with incredible choice and consequence and stories. Shout out to Caesar and his Legion. Awesome. Love how they're out there terrorizing the wasteland. It's good stuff. um But yeah, Fallout New Vegas is incredible. I could go on and talk about this game for two hours, but I will spare you guys. We've been over it before.
Just an awesome game. You can play it multiple times. The story, the world. There's nothing bad about this game, in my opinion. It is awesome. That's my 2010 Fallout New Vegas. Before we move on to 2011, I want you guys gave on a real legend. So I really want to quickly say that God, War three and Red Dead Redemption were also released that year, which are both great games. But yeah, I went with that one week.
Midnight. Walking into Caesar's camp and just seeing all the crucifixes with people hanging on the crosses. Yeah. Gosh, I'll never forget that. I like freaked out as a kid. Who did you side with, Sean? The first time I ever played Caesar. First time. I did too. I did too. I've done them all. You're like the evil guy. Yeah. I've done them all. But first time was Caesar. And I used to walk around the house. Because you know how all the NPCs would be like, hey, Caesar. Hey. True to Kaiser. Yeah. They would all say that. I used to walk around the houses doing that.
My pants just get so mad at me. so funny this is one i really I need to play this one. I'd never have. And I've heard nothing but good things. Like the people say it's the best follow up game. And I liked the other ones. So my this is even better than it's my second favorite. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I need it. I like for I like for a little bit more, but that's because it takes place in Boston. We'll match. Oh, there you go. Yeah. All right.
Let's keep it moving, shall we? 2011. 2011, we're starting out. The start of the Legend of Heroes Trails games with Trails in the Sky, the first game. um Yeah, absolutely. the One of the greatest franchises of all time, it starts right here. This came out on, so I'm doing US releases because it originally came out on in 2004 in Japan, but it didn't come out in the US s till 2011 on the PSP, Trails in the Sky.
It's like one of the cozier games of the Trails series. like It's very heartwarming. You start out as Estelle and Joshua. and They're trying to be bracers, which is like kind of like... It's kind of like a police officer, but they also have police officers in this universe. They're a little bit different than police officers, but they like they're just trying to pick up these ragtag tasks going around La Beryl. Overall, it's a great game. Really cozy. like i Anytime I see like a picture of it, like I just get...
I'm filled with just joy. It takes me back to the... I played this when it came out and it was one of the last PSP games I really like dove deep into. um Yeah, Estelle's a great character. I've grown to like her a lot more, especially when she appears in later games. I like Joshua a lot. Really interesting backstory with Joshua because he's adopted and you find out a lot more about his backstory as the the the Sky trilogy goes on. But yeah, it's the start of the Legend of Heroes. I've gone on about the trails game so much so yeah trails in the sky so weird my first two games are psp games that is that is weird it is is every single year just going to be a different trails game sean we'll see uh no it's not um probably could i i mean i i mean you'll see
I actually forgot to say, when you're talking about Birth by Sleep, I never played it on PSP. I didn't play it until it came to the the collection, because it was back. I had a PSP, but I obviously was young, so I couldn't buy games on my own, really. It was just kind of what I was given. So I never played Crisis Core or Birth by Sleep when I had the PSP, and it made me sad. dude But I've played them since, so it's OK. Midnight release Birth by Sleep right here. There you go. There you go. Midnight releases for PSP games. What? Yup. Or something else? Oh, OK.
All right. My 2011 game is Portal two, one of the greatest games of all time. It's hysterical. It's a hilarious game. And it's one of those games that uses environmental storytelling. It's like it's a peak version of it where you. So Portal two, you're in basically aperture after it had crumbled. And so you're going around and like you can sneak around like there's an achievement for if you go down this one way and you find like a ship from a different game i think it's from half life or something and then you find a portrait. Of a lady and glad i was just like why is she so familiar and you've basically find out that the owner of aperture turned his wife into glad house and it's like this sorry if that's a spoiler but the games you know thirteen years old you should. have played wow How dare you.
Um, but, and then also, as I said, I'm a puzzler. So I love the, like, how do I, where do I have to place these portals to get out of this room thing? And it's, it's a, it is a perfect game. I don't think there's a single person who's ever played it. So they didn't like it because it is straight up one of the most like perfect games ever made. And, uh, my other choice, actually I'm not even going to say what my other choice would have been because I'm going to assume it might be all on one of your lists. So, uh, yeah, let's move on to Sean. What's your 20 or, uh, sorry, uh, midnight you're 20, 11.
Unless you want to talk. You'll never guess. You'll never guess what my 2011 is. um It's going to be a very small game, indie game, actually. um This game came out of nowhere. Nobody saw this coming. And it, of course, is the Elder Scrolls five Skyrim. Very small indie project that not a lot of people have played, but I highly recommend it. You guys go out there, Todd Howard, the goat.
I can't believe they never remastered it. It's crazy. Didn't really think that they would release it on other systems and yeah and great stuff. Yeah. Yeah. They should do that. They could make more money if they re-release it. but yeah and I can't believe they've just they moved on right away to the next game. I know. It's crazy. It's insane. They actually did that.
yeah Well, they haven't come back to Elder Scrolls yet is what I mean. But they will soon. Well, in like four years, four or five years. But Skyrim is incredible, as I know, but my two co-hosts shamefully do not know. But they will. They have to be this year. That was the agreement. They promised Sir Lockmort that they would. So they will, I'm sure. um Skyrim.
beat it. No beat it was the promise. We'll go back and listen. um Or I think it was you had to at least pay 50 hours or something. It was a lot. Anyway, Skyrim is incredible. Okay, it's so good. The world is beautiful. You can explore every inch it's It's just the the pinnacle of, oh, what's over there? I'm going to go explore. Oh, what's over there? I'm going to go explore. There's all these awesome stories. ah The main story is good. Then you have the Civil War story, which is also good. And then you have the faction stories, which are incredible as well. You can join the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, the Fighters Guild, whatever. It's awesome. I mean, it's Skyrim. What do I need to say? You guys know it's awesome. Even you guys haven't played it. You still know it's awesome.
I remember that this game one game of the year and I was so mad because I wanted Arkham City to win because that game is so fucking good. But but then I played Portal 2 and that's even better. But ah actually, the other game that I had honorably mentioned that was my second place game from this year was Uncharted 3. But then I realized Sean had already gone and he was on his list. So I should have just said that. But yeah, Uncharted 3 also came out the year. It's awesome. There you go. All right. So that was 2011 boys. eleven Now we're moving on to 2012. Sean.
Alright, 2012, I think this is arguably probably one of the weaker years of of these years, but my game of the year for 2012 was New Super Mario Bros. U, a launch game for the Wii U. I got it the day it came out. I loved my Wii U. Oh yeah, Wii U. I know, but New Super Mario Bros. U is the best New Super Mario Bros. game.
And it's a shame that a lot of people were like done with New Super Mario Bros. They were so sick of it because Nintendo just kept pouring out that New Super Mario Bros. art style. um But this game of all the New Super Mario Bros. games that has the best level design, a lot of different variety, a lot of the older New Super Mario Bros. games,
It's funny, a lot of the older, new Super Mario Bros. games had like they relied on the same level design and the same backgrounds a lot where you really went into diversity in terms of theming each world. You had like you had a desert world, obviously of your desert world, be of your ice world, but there's also like dessert themed worlds, your underwater world. There's a lot of secrets in this game. You can play as four characters, get Mario, Luigi and the two Toads.
but also introduceed nabit one of the most
Interesting Nintendo characters of all time. I would like to say but yeah, there's a lot of secrets in this game It also gave us a new super Luigi Bros U which was in the year of the Luigi um Which made it basically gave you an entirely new levels and they made them even like even more difficult And you only had a hundred seconds to beat them overall this game rocks love new Super Mario Bros U Highly encourage you to play it on switch now because it was released on switch Okay, right on hodge Yeah, you were right. This isn't a very like it's crazy because there's a bunch of games I could choose from but yeah, this is probably the weakest of the decade in terms of game releases because there's not one that's like a Straight masterpiece. It's just really good games that came out this year um but kind of honor but I'm gonna go with spec ops the line because This game is one of the most underrated and underappreciated games that's basically ever been released the story of this is it's like
It's insane how haunting the story of this game is because you're basically these soldiers going into a war-torn city. And I'm not even going to spoil anything, but basically it's a mindfuck of what this game is. It just plays with your mind and you don't know what you're seeing kind of thing. and it's it's it It was such an over like overlooked game I don't know not many people played this game, but it is really fucking good and people should play it It's not that long. The story is insane um But yeah, it's I don't have it. Did you either of you ever play spec off the line? I
never played No, but I wanted to because I heard that like all the choices and stuff are really cool. Yeah, it's it's it's an incredible game. It's very Overlooked but the other games I was kind of I was very torn between Dishonored in this because Dishonored is such a fantastic game and the darkness, too I actually really love that game the darkness games I wish they'd come back with that one but you know, it was kind of a week year because I remember IGN gate game of the year to journey and I'm like Okay, that game's fine. I don't understand why people are like obsessed with it. It's just kind of fine. But yeah, that's mine to spec ups the line.
All right. Good stuff. Good games. um I just have to, I have to apologize to 2012 from my co-host. I don't know what they're talking about. They're saying this is a bad year. This is an amazing year in my opinion. Let me just let rattle off a couple of the games that came out in 2012, which were incredible. You had Telltale's Walking Dead, Persona 4 Golden, one of the best Wii games ever.
um Let's see here. Mass Effect 3 Journey. Fire Emblem Awakening, one of the best games of all time. Borderlands 2, which amazing movie just came out, right? Far Cry 3, the best Far Cry by far, an amazing game. ah Anyway, I could go on and on. This was a good year. Black Ops 2, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 came out in 2012.
This was a good year for gaming. I don't know what they're talking about, but anyways, respectfully disagree. My game of the year, as you might've guessed, is Mass Effect 3, because it was my number one game of all time. How could it not be my game of the year for 2012? Mass Effect 3, the best Mass Effect game. Mass Effect is incredible. The choices, the consequences. I love those things. How it all comes together. Trails and the trails in the sky, Trails in Reverie style. These games all come together.
It carries over from game one, two, and three. And then you have this culmination of all your choices. And yes, the original ending was a little bit of a letdown, but they fixed that with a patch. They did the extended cut, which made it quite better. And just overall, there was so many powerful moments. There was literal literal tears dropped at times um when some of these characters had super powerful moments and potential deaths and sacrifices. And it was just awesome. So that's my game of 2012.
Mass Effect 3. When you were listing off all the games that came out this year and you had Mass Effect 3 in that list, I was like, oh, he's not going to pick it because I thought it was going to be an honorable mention. And I was like, is he going with Halo 4 for his game? Oh, yeah. Halo 4 came out that year, too. d and a And Assassin's Creed 3, which a lot of people do like, but it was kind of. That was a good year, you guys. I didn't say it was a bad year. I said it was the weakest of the decade.
All right, fair enough. wait it's ah It's an opinion. We'll disagree. yeah ah Let us move on to 2013, shall we? Sean Mason. All right, 2013. I've mentioned this game before when we did our um top 10 games of all time. at This is not Trails, but Tales of Exilia. So Tales, not Trails, but Tales. Another JRPG series that I really like. um Exilia is my favorite Tales game of all time It holds a special place mainly because I was falling off the Tales series and this one kind of brought me back I didn't like the pre a couple of the previous entries and this one really just drew me in I love Absolutely love ah the main character Jude Mathis. He's an awesome character. He's a really cool backstory immediately just I can like at the time I just
I saw myself and him when I was playing. He's immediately, he's very soft-spoken, looks out for others, and I really just connected with him, so that really just made me like really enjoy this game. Overall, the combat system in this game is awesome. It took what the Tales series had been implemented before and just kind of upgraded it to the ninth to the nth degree. Story is amazing, and it's one of the only Tales games with a sequel, which is Exilia II, which comes out ah came out the following year.
um But yeah, Exilia is awesome. I hope that the rumor of the possible remaster of the game is true. That would be awesome because this game is criminally underrated and it's stuck on the PS3 and a lot of people didn't play it because it was right at the end of the PS3's life cycle. But yeah, Exilia, Tales of Exilia.
Oh, God, it's a PS3 game. All right. Yeah, it came out i was late at the end. I was just thinking maybe that's something I'll go back and play sometime because I've never played Tales, but I can't play it if it's on the PS3 because so to get to get their act together is yeah it came out in um August of 2013. So it's like right at the end of the PS3.
I've heard a lot of people say that burst area was really good. It's kind of dark. i' i' know I'm not the biggest burst area fan. OK. All right. But that's a good pick, though. I feel like even though I haven't played it, I have heard that that one is really good for many, many people. So hodge.
Yeah, my ah Game of the Year 2013. It was very tough, actually, even though the game I'm picking is one of my favorite games of all time. It was still tough because there's another game that was released this year that was amazing. But my Game of the Year is going to be The Last of Us. um It's one of the one of the best stories ever told in a video game. The gameplay, it's it's good. It's not great. it's it's you know It's a little slow at times. It's not perfect. but ah the the The acting in this game and the story and just the emotional beats are so strong that it is truly one of the best games of all time despite the fact that the sequel did not live up to its expectations for me, but the other game I the other game i was thinking of for this year was Bioshock Infinite because I love that game, but Last of Us, it's it's justs just so good. I've talked about it a lot on the show, but yeah, Last of Us is definitely my game of the year for 2013.
So good. So good. So good for sure. Good pick. So I also had a very strong Dilemma Hodge this year. I was debating. There were three games that I was really highly, highly ranking ranking on. And I was really debating in my head between The Last of Us and GTA 5. Grand Theft Auto 5 also came out in this year.
and was incredible. um As you can see by the fact that they're milking it still to this day and people are still playing it crazy. um But and I was like, man, I don't know which is better, which is better, which is better, which is better, which is better. And I couldn't figure it out. And I was getting pissed off because I literally couldn't make a choice. And then I said, you know what?
effort I'm not picking either of them. I'm picking the third game that I like probably arguably just as much as those two because I didn't want to make a decision. I copped out and I picked Bioshock Infinite. That's my game of the year for 2013, Bioshock Infinite. Is it better than those other two games? I don't know, but it's it's about equal. I mean, it's an awesome game. I love it. I love that world. I think it was called Columbia, right? The Floating City. yeah It was just so colorful. um The characters were awesome. The story, the ending, um the gun play. It was an awesome game. Was it as good as the original one in Rapture? I don't know, but it was amazing. So that's going to be my pick, Bioshock Infinite. Very sad that we didn't get another Bioshock. I mean, that was 2013. That was 11 years ago. Well, we have them coming, but I don't know if anyone will play it because it's not.
It's not from the same creators or studio, but, um, Bioshock infinite. I love it because like Rapture is the best setting in any video game ever. I'm going to always stand by that. It is the coolest setting ever made. Uh, but Bioshock infinite is so cool because you get up to Columbia when it's still like functioning. It's still, you walk in, there's like the city of people going to shops and concerts and whatever, and that the markets and everything.
And as the game progresses, it falls apart. And it's so cool just seeing it kind of crumble under its own, you know, under its own weight or whatever. And it's it is such an insane, like, I understand that people have the argument of is infinite or Bioshock won the best game in that series, because they're both so good. Obviously, Bioshock is, I think I rated it my number one game of all time. It's definitely up there. If not,
Um, but, uh, yeah, but infinite is, it's so, it's such a close second to bio shock for me, but it's just the last of us is so good that I had to put it above it, but I'll shock if it is amazing game, amazing choice for sure. Yeah. And GTA five is amazing too. Like, so that's, this was a very strong year and it was hard to make those choices. And and Sean had a good one too, uh, for the weaves out there, but definitely a strong weebry pick. All right, boys, let's move on to 2014. Shall we do it?
Alright, my pick for 2014 is another game on my top 10 list of all time, and that is Shovel Knight. Absolutely adore this game. I bought this game so many times. I bought it on 3DS, Wii U, PS4, Vita, PS5, physical versions. It's so good.
um This is a quintessential platformer. like it looks like a Again, it looks like it'd run on the n NES, but it really can't with all the stuff they're doing. You can see the inspiration of all the and NES games they took from, like Super Mario Bros. 3 with the overworld, DuckTales, Zelda II. The boss design is awesome, very Mega Man-esque, where you have all the different nights and you're trying to get like there's like different power-ups in each stage that you can use to like help you defeat the knights shout out to propeller knight propeller knight is my favorite boss he's one of the last bosses you can fight i remember the first time doing it i thought it was so difficult and now i like to just speed run this game and beat it in like 30 minutes it's so good absolutely no this game if this game came out when i was like really little and they had toys for it i would have been all over this getting all those knight toys propeller knight king knight mole knight black knight polar knight it's so good um
Yeah, absolutely love it. And then all the DLCs, too, they added were all free if you bought the game. So it was great. King Knight's DLC was great. They'll look hard game with it. But, yeah, Shovel Knight, awesome game. One of the best platformers of all time. And I know I've said that for a few games now, but, yeah, one of the best platformers of all time right there. Shovel Knight. Dude, Shovel Knight came out in 2014. Yep. 2014 is still not out. Yes. 2014 for the Wii U and then 2015 for everything else. All right. Hodge.
My game of 2014 I It's actually my third favorite game that was released this year, but the two above it are the Halo Master Chief Collection and the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 remix. So those are just collections. so I'm not going to count them. It's not that that's our rule. That's just my personal. I'm not going to count them. So my favorite game of 2014 is Titanfall. I was one of the I was one of the few who just adored this game. I know a lot of people were upset. There was no campaign in the campaign. There was a campaign, but it was just online matches that were kind of half-assed with the
little cutscene at the start of like, hey, we're landing at this building, go win. And like, that's all it was. Like, it was such a terrible campaign that no one should have paid attention to. But the gameplay, it's Respawn, who made Call of Duty 4, another one of my favorite games of all time, or the people who were at Infinity Ward now at Respawn. And they've never missed. Every game they've made has been amazing. ah And the movement in this game was revolutionary, being able to just get up and run on the walls. Like Call of Duty tried copying it right after with Advanced Warfare and it fucking was terrible. no No one was like, this isn't Call of Duty, don't put don't put this crap in here, it's terrible.
But ah the it worked in Titanfall, you run in the wall and then when you call on a Titan and you just go beast mode on people in the Titans and they have a Titan fight. It is such an amazing shooter. I love this game so much. And so it was definitely my favorite of the year. It was I was also kind of close with South Park Stick of Truth also came out this year, which is a fantastic game. But Titanfall, I was I saw needs to play. Yeah, he does.
i I but Titanfall, I was obsessed with this game. It's probably like my second or third most played like online game of all time. I was and I was because I was also one. I'm not the best gamer in the world, but I was really good at Titanfall. So I really enjoyed it for that reason also. But yeah, Titanfall my game in 2014 for sure.
All right. And I think that that's a great pick because I also enjoyed that game quite a bit. um But my pick, surprisingly, I'm sure, was the actual game of the year from 2014 at the Keeley's anyway. And that is Dragon Age Inquisition. um Of course, I literally can not effing wait for Dragon Age for this year.
But the previous Dragon Age was all the way back 10 years ago, Inquisition. And it was a great game. Was it as good as the first Dragon Age Origins? No, but it was still great. um I think the only flaw that this game had that I think maybe ah might have drove a couple of people away was that opening area, the Hinterlands, was just so bloated. There's just so much crap to do there. And the game doesn't do a great job of pushing you out of it into the main story.
They kind of let you like meander and and linger in there for a long time. And some people kind of just got bored in the Interlands and didn't continue the story. And that's on them, but that's also potentially poor development. But the game is incredible. There's all these different worlds. There's great stories. There's, of course, choice and consequence, right? Broken record. But that's in there. And I just really enjoy this game a lot.
It's amazing. Bioware is amazing. And Bioware is back. Baby Dragon Age 4 Game of the Year 2024. I hope so, because if that game fails, they're fucked. It's not going to fail. Yeah, after Andromeda, like if they have two in a row that are bombs, they're they're done. But yeah yeah, I hope it's good. I hope everyone loves it. Yeah, i've I've heard good things. I've heard good things from people who have played it um that I think people are thinking Dragon Age 4 is actually like they're going to hit. Like people are saying like this is a good one. I hope they're right.
Yeah, we need it really quick. Another game for 2014. I need to shout out is Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor. That game was awesome. ah Dude, I love that game, but I also hate it at the same time because I love the the system, the andssis system, but yeah the maybe this is my fault or I don't know what I was doing wrong or maybe there's a difficulty setting.
But the problem I had with that game every time I tried to get into it is I would just get mobbed Like I would just have so many enemies coming at me And literally like four of them would have their own cutscenes like named nemesis enemies would be attacking me at once and i'm like What the f is going on like you're supposed to only fight one at a time I think I fought two at a time a couple times, but yeah, you shouldn't have four I've had I've had like three maybe four like it's crazy Yeah, I think the souls players would just say get good Yeah, well, get good. Screw the souls players. I'm kidding. All right, guys. Let's move to 2015, shall we? All right. 2015 my game of the year for 2015. This was another tough year for me was Batman Arkham Knight. I adore the Arkham series, all of them. And I think Knight is
the best of them. I know a lot of people got gave it flack for the Batmobile combat, but you actually weren't. They didn't force you into the Batmobile a lot. Like, if you only wanted to do the Batmobile for the story content, that's all you had to do. Like, you didn't have to run around the world driving around the Batmobile. You could still go around the world as Batman, you know, gliding around. I adored this game. I got the pla- This is one of my most difficult Platinum trophies I ever got.
um It's an amazing game. I did 100% of all the DLC including like the predator maps they released. The story is awesome. It was a little... um It kind of like it was a little like easy to figure out where they were going with the story like who the main villain really was I just overall I liked this game the Arkham games are great and Knight just took everything that city did and made it even better and I Highly recommend this game. It's still like if you play it today It's still it looks like it came out like in the last couple of years It looks gorgeous and it's so sad that we will never get a true next Arkham game because you know I
because they decided peock study Yeah, oh well, but yeah Arkham Knight fantastic game love it and the different costumes are great I love her around his job Batman animated series suit. I love her around in that suit or the Batman beyond suit. But yeah Arkham Knight the only reason I liked this game, but it's my least favorite of the ah trilogy. I wasn't huge on the tank combat, but and the story was very predictable. You knew who the villain was right from the get go because it was the mystery of who is the the villain. And but yeah, you know, I think it's predictable for people who like understood, but like people who just played Batman Arkham games. I don't know if they knew what it was like. They they might not. Yeah. Or just watch Batman movies.
Yeah, maybe. But yeah, I liked this game a lot, but it was the worst of the trilogy, in my opinion. I mean, i Arkham Asylum was my favorite of the trilogy. Arkham City is a favorite of them. yeah What? It's your least favorite. least favorite of Yeah, I love Asylum, man. That game is so good. I think they progressively get better. Asylum is the only one I played. i ah Most people say City is their favorite, which I understand City is awesome. It is an awesome game. But Arkham Asylum was always my favorite one. but Um, yeah, uh, move on to mine, I guess. Uh, actually I take it back. 2012 wasn't the weakest of the, of it. I think 25th, I think this year is actually the weakest one, but that's only because the games that are beloved from this year, I'm not a fan of. I don't care about bloodborne. I don't care about, uh, dying light.
i love i but i like I loved until Dawn came out this year. My favorite game of this year was another collection, which is Nathan Drake Collection, the Uncharted one. That was actually my game of the year from this year. But since I'm not doing collections, I'm going to go with Halo 5 Guardians. Just kidding. I'm not going with Halo 5 Guardians.
My favorite of the year is actually Rise of the Tomb Raider. That game. Good game was. Yeah, i I actually I don't know why I know like the the everything's woke for great on the Internet. Fucking hates the Tomb Raider trilogy. But the remake, the or like the reboot in twenty eleven was twenty thirteen. i think Twenty thirteen. Yeah, I loved that game. And then this one just improved on it. It was an insanely fun game. ah I don't know why people dislike the the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy. I actually haven't played Shadow.
Or it was called shadow the Tomb Raider. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I never played that one I should get to it I just it came out at a time when I was playing so much other stuff. I just never got around to it was a different developer That's why I didn't play it. It wasn't crystal dynamics. It was like I know someone I forgot that's why I skipped it I was like, it's a different dev. I'm not playing it. Yeah, I forgot about that Yeah, but rise of the Tomb Raider I remember this is back in the day when everyone was so mad because this was when Xbox was at their lowest and like oh my god They paid for exclusivity. I'm like So what? But it's a it's a fantastic game and I really love it. Podge, I'm surprised you you never played Rocket League. No, it's not one I ever got it to, but I actually was like, I probably would like it because I really liked the Red 13 minigame from Rebirth. For some reason, I thought you liked Rocket League a lot. Yeah, I've never played it. I'm sure I would, but I never played it. But then also this year also had Order 1886, which again, I love that game. It's just not game of the year. But yeah, so to Rise of the Tomb Raider, that's my choice for 2015.
Right on, right on. Okay. So for me for 2015, I agree with Hodge. This was the weakest year for me as well. I really struggled to pick a game for 2015, like really struggled. And it's not because there wasn't good games. It was because I didn't play those good games. I can't pick a game for game of the year that I didn't beat.
like The Witcher 3. The Witcher 3 came out in 2015. It's probably the game of the year. I'm playing it now. I'm sure when I beat Witcher 3, it will be the game of the year, but I haven't beat it yet. So I can't pick it yet, right? It just doesn't make sense. So I had to pick a game that I actually played from this year. And it was really tough because I think this was when I was in my live service slavery period where I didn't play like any of these games. So guess what I picked for 2015?
I picked Call of Duty, Call of Duty Black Ops 3, because it was the game that I played a ton from 2015. And it was it was legitimately a good game. Black Ops 3 is by far the best jetpack. God, it was it had jetpacks, but it was pretty grounded. Like, I don't think you were doing much wall running or anything crazy. It was mostly gun on gun. It was just a boost shot pretty much. yeah And it was also semi-slow, so it wasn't like a super advantage to jump in a fight. In fact, it sometimes put you at a disadvantage. um And yeah it was just a fun game. Treyarch, you know, makes or used to make very solid shooters. So Black Ops 3.
is my Asterix game of the year for 2015. But if I'm being honest, it's probably Witcher 3. But I'll let you know when I beat it. Yeah. The other game I forgot to. I didn't beat Fallout 4. Sorry. Sorry. The other the other game I forgot to mention from this year was Ori and the Blind Forest. Amazing, amazing Metroidvania game. Everyone should play that, so especially if you have Xbox, it's on Game Pass.
Yeah, I forgot. fallout Yeah. Fallout 4 was the other big game from that year. And I also didn't beat that one either, Sean. So yeah, I think I didn't beat it either. i loved I loved what I played, but it was one of those games where I got to a story where I wasn't leveled up enough and I was just getting massacred. And I was like, I didn't feel like grinding. So I just kind of dropped it. But I do want to go back and play, especially after watching the show. i might It's kind of reinvigorated my interest in the Fallout universe. So I kind of should go back to it. Or you could play Fallout London.
Dude, apparently it's amazing. Dude, it looks awesome. lovinging It really does. It looks awesome, yeah yeah. And some people have tried to spin that Fallout London being awesome and awesome is some L for Bethesda Game Studios. And I just don't get that. I see this as a massive W for Bethesda Game Studios because they've created an engine and a world and and and ah you know a setting that is so versatile that modders can make an amazing game experience out of it. I think that's a W. like yeah yeah I honestly feel like I don't know Todd Howard, obviously. ah But I feel like if Todd Howard is probably excited that this thing exists. I don't think he's mad. I think this is awesome that somebody is taking his world and his assets and making something great with it. I think he would be into that.
Well, and apparently it's so big that like the Bethesda servers couldn't do it. So like a different server company came in, it's like, we'll host it for free, don't worry. And they're just hosting their server. GOG, right? Something, I can't remember what it was. I saw it on a video and I just, it went in one year out the other. But yeah, it's just so cool that another, but the people are just like, this is awesome, we'll host it for you. Like it's, that's that's a really cool thing. It's GOG, which is CD Project Red. CD Project Red owns the GOG store. Oh really? I didn't know that.
Yeah, good old game store. Yep. CD Projekt Red. Cool. All right. So should we move on, guys? 2016? Yeah, let's do it. Sean Mason. All right. 2016, I'm going with Uncharted 4. It's my favorite Uncharted game. I love it.
I thought at the time I thought it was like the perfect wrap-up to the Nathan Drake story. I think it was perfect what Naughty Dog did with it. They took like the Uncharted 1, 2, and 3 and just kind of elevated it. There's like a little throwbacks to the previous Uncharted games in there that like just give you like that nostalgic feeling. Like, oh, I remember that. Like you pick up like an item. I remember that. I remember when I did this. I thought the um overall scenery and some of like the open like not open world like that, you know, it's something like the bigger open like landscape level areas. Those were awesome. I thought it looks gorgeous on PS4. I remember when it came out in that May of 2016. Remember just absolutely falling in love with it.
blasting through it in like a weekend. Yeah, I adored this game. I thought what it did for Nathan and Elena's story was great. um I thought it was awesome and the ending is just so good. The way it the the way that it just ends with ah and the epilogue. So good. Yeah, Uncharted 4. Awesome.
Yeah, um I'm just gonna go ahead and get into mine because it's also uncharted 4. I adored like I forgot to mention this when we were talking about ah when I bought like my how I said oh I bought my ps3 and uncharted was like for the first time I bought it one of them. I actually didn't buy a ps4 until this game came out and I bought it for this game because I love the trilogy so much and I was like, because I remember I was listening to podcast beyond at the time,
and They were talking about the game and I just had to shut it off. I'm like, I don't want even the most the smallest spoiler I'd want to go into this game completely fresh and so I went on about I actually bought the Nathan Drake Uncharted 4 ps4 like the one that was it's like this light blue with a gold Nathan Drake on it very cool ps4 I actually sold it when I got the ps4 Pro, which I kind of regret doing but I Yeah, I love this game so much. It is a perfect wrap up. The the graphical upgrade from the original trilogy is insane. They did such a good job. Naughty Dog did an amazing job with their graphics on this game. like Even the upgrade from The Last of Us Remastered on PS4 is like it's a huge upgrade from that, which was just two years before. Yeah, overall, it's such a good game. Yeah, the other this and this was such a good year because my favorite of the year is actually Bioshock the collection But again, i'm not doing collections as a thing Um, but yeah, it also had quantum break fantastic game call of duty modern warfare remastered Dishonored 2 I didn't beat it so I couldn't put it on my list because it was glitched when it came out and I got stuck in a level and couldn't Progress, so I just dropped the game. I do need to go back to it because I love the dishonored world titanfall 2
uh great campaign i didn't play the online nearly as much as the first one so i didn't want to rank it up there but yeah it's this was a fantastic year but uncharted 4 was definitely the game of the year for me all right good stuff yeah unfortunately i didn't play uncharted 4 so i couldn't rank it although i would not be surprised if that is the game of the year from what i've seen and heard but This was another year that was kind of a struggle for me. 2015 to 2017, I don't know what I was doing. Apparently, I was just just playing a ton of live services because there was I really struggled with these years picking games that I actually beat. So and this one actually.
I didn't beat this game either, but I'm going to pick it because I put 100 hours into it and I got right up to the end. um And I just had like nothing else to pick. Honestly, like this is kind of like a just save me. This is what I picked. And this is for Sean. This is weebry.
Persona 5 is going to be like for 2016. I didn't beat the game, like I said, but I played. I literally put in like 100 hours. I made it past. I made it past like the the cheeseburger dungeon or whatever. And I think there might have been one after that that I beat, too. I can't remember exactly where I quit. But for I was loving this game so much.
Um, I romanced the hot emo doctor chick. She was awesome. You know, you know, you can't go or the goth doctor chick. She was great. Um, it was the music is i insane in this game. One of the best soundtracks of all time, the art style, the characters. It's just such a good game and I don't know what pulled my attention away from it, but I got away from it. I do want one of these days to go back and maybe play like persona five Royal.
And start over but at the same time starting over and replaying a hundred hours yeah That's tough. Yeah, it's funny that you say that you'd never finish persona 5 because like you're so hyped for a metaphor I Am hyped for metaphor because it's like a medieval type setting and I love medieval You know what I mean? All right. Well, it's a great game. so five It's a great game. Yeah. So that was my kind of cop out pick because I just didn't play crap really from this year. So I had to pick something. I figured 100 hours is enough. The game is freaking awesome, dude. I loved that game. When you said live service, I was expecting you to say Battlefield 1 for some reason. I don't know. if Have you ever been a Battlefield fan or no?
Not a massive Battlefield fan, but I have played a bit of it, obviously. Battlefield 1 is great. I know my ah my nephew loves that game. That one, it was my favorite one since Bad Company. Bad Company, was those those are the best Bad Battlefield games by far. They're hilarious and they're really fun. But Battlefield 1 was really good. It had like the, what's it called, where you have different stories. It's not a one story.
Why am I thinking what that's called? It starts with an A. I don't know. Anyway, it had a bunch of different stories that were really fun. like It was all in different parts of the world during the war. You play as an Australian in one. You play as an African in one. like It was really cool. And so that was a fun game. And didn't don't you like XCOM also? Because XCOM 2. I love XCOM.
Yeah. and that And that well, maybe I should have picked that one, actually. But I think Persona 5 is a better game than XCOM, to be honest with you. Even though I didn't beat it, I played enough to know that. Like it's it's an it's a masterpiece game. It really is. Yeah, for the good. by The music, the story. It's so it's a great game. It's a great game. All right. Let's move on to twenty seventeen. Let's do it. All right. My twenty seventeen game of the year is Mass Effect Andromeda. No kidding. I can't record it.
better Better than advertised. my My brain just started melting. I'm like, wait, what? airly No, it's ah Xenoblade Chronicles 2 again. This is one of my favorite games of all time. Like I talked about it in the top 10 list um Unbelievable JRPG one of the best JRPGs on switch it introduces some of the best characters of the Xenoblade franchise Like I love Rex as a main character a lot of people give him flack, but I love him I love collecting all the different blades Pyra and Mithra are awesome and also
I was thinking back at it. I was just thinking about on my flight when I wasn't playing 10 hours of Metroid. I was thinking about some of my favorite video game antagonists of all time. And I think Malos from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, who's one of the leaders in command of Torne, who's like the evil group in the game, is one of my favorite antagonists of all time. He is so... Just, he carries the demeanor that when he walks in the room, like, oh my god, like, you know, like, you just get, like, if you walked in the room in real life, you'd be like, you feel all tensed up. Malice is such a cool guy. He's a really powerful boss. The game gets really difficult at the end, but yeah, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was an amazing Switch game. It came out in 2017, so the launch year of the Switch. I put like 250 hours into this game. It's awesome, and they have a whole DLC called the Torna DLC, and it's like a whole other game, basically. Like, 25 hours.
It's great. Dude, 250 hours. I just imagine Hodge literally dying inside when he hears that. Dude. Did you imagine Hodge playing a game that long? No. It's so good. thes The side quests in this game are awesome. Some of them are some of them are like terrible. Like, hey, go get my rock.
And some of them are like really good though. Like, hey um hey, I'm looking for my wife, and then you find out like her his wife actually died 30 years ago, and he's like trying to like accept that she's gone and he can't. It's such a good game. I love it. And not um it's the best. like I wish Pokemon would, I wish like these devs would get Pokemon, because the way that they, this game came out in 2017, and it runs better than Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Just say that.
All right, moving on, Hodge, you're up. A broken windmill runs better than those fucking games. um and This was, I'm actually shocked you did not pick the game that I'm picking for Game of the Year because I know how much you love it. And my Game of the Year is Horizon Zero Dawn. Yeah, no. This game. Yeah, it was it was very close for me, but I had to go with Xenoblade.
Yeah, I adore this game. It was so much like I remember seeing the trailers for it and I was just like, yeah it looks fine. It's like you're a, you know, Amazonian woman fighting robot dinosaurs. I'm like, I don't get what the point of this is like. OK, but then when you play it and find out kind of what's going on and you're figuring out why are there these robot not like it's it's not it's not a surprise when i don't know if it's supposed to be like a surprise that you find out that it's like post-apocalyptic i don't know if it was but it was they they reveal that in like one of the first trailers okay good because i was gonna say i remember that they never really alluded to it but at the same time i was like this like is this supposed to be like a mystery that i'm like what this is the future like i didn't know if that was supposed to be it but because it's it's pretty obvious when you play it but yeah this game it's so it's such a it's a beautiful game especially at the time obviously uh forbidden west is a better looking game obviously it came up next gen and
what not But this game, I've platinumed this one twice, actually. Or no, I didn't platinum, and I beat it a lot. i I did a lot of content, but I didn't get to platinum when I played the first time. But then I platinumed it before Forbidden West came out, which was a mistake, because I burnt myself out on those games. And I never beat Forbidden West, which I need to go back and do, because I know you like it more than this one.
Oh, it's... her Horizon is such... I mean, like I mentioned, it's my favorite PlayStation franchise. it's This was a really tough pick for me. Zero Dawn is amazing, but... Yeah, I love Aloy as a character. she's She's awesome. I love the world of Horizon. I think it's so... like The concept is so cool. and and Reading all of the documents, you get so much backstory. It's so good.
Yeah, see, that's the thing. but And that's why I like this one. like i We talked about it last week, why I like the first one better than the second one, even though I haven't beat the second one, so I can't completely judge it or throw it out, is because in the first one, she was like the chosen one. and she I mean, I won't explain why, ah but she is able to access a bunch of stuff for certain reasons. And then in the second one, they just gave everyone that access, and it just kind of ruined it for me. That does get explained, though. It does get explained.
Oh, does it? OK. Yeah, because it felt like a cop out for it's like in Dragon Ball Z when Goku becomes a legendary Super Saiyan and the next season every single person is a Super Saiyan. It's like, well, then it's not that it's not that special anymore. But yeah, I love this game. But it was really it is was actually really tough because Prey also came out this year and that game is Almost perfect. I love that game so much But yeah, this this was a pretty strong year. I'm looking that kind of the list right now 17 is amazing. You have Mario Odyssey as well. Yeah, mario yeah for the wild breath of the wild Resident Evil 7 fat game of the year, but a great game There was another game for the weaves Sean that I didn't play but near automata Yeah neighborhood but really game finish this year as well yeah it's a great problem and Great great year. It's one of my favorite years
Yeah, but yeah, so horizon zero dawn is my choice for this year. Even though there's a lot, I was really torn between that and pray, but it when I, I didn't play pray until years later. So I'm kind of, I'm just basically letting it win just by I did play it when it came out. So that's why I'm, I'm picking it over it. But yeah. Midnight. What about you for 2017?
Yeah, for 2017, this is about to be the lamest. Most ah people are going to go take a nap during this one because all of those all of those amazing games that you guys talked about, I didn't play like any of them, so I can't pick them. So I had to go ahead and pick a game that I did enjoy, but it's by no means the actual game of the year.
Wolfenstein 2 The New Order or whatever. um That was my game of the year. Yeah, see, I can't even remember the name. Yeah. Yeah. The New Colossus. That was my game of the year for 2017, simply because I didn't play Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey, Nier Automata.
all these other games that you guys just mentioned. I didn't play them. I did play Horizon Zero Dawn, actually. But I think I probably like Wolfenstein better, because I'm just not a huge Horizon fan. Yeah, you're you're more of a shooter kind of guy for that, rather than open adventure. You're you're like the open world RPG, not the open world adventure, I would say.
But i no, i don't I just I didn't like the character in this. and Oh, that's a lot of people don't like a look. But that's actually it's not a bad pick at all. Wolfenstein 2 is an amazing game. I fucking love that. Yeah. Is is to the one where you go to Venus or is that one?
Honestly, I don't remember. I can't remember. But yeah, it's it's it's who's the one with the awesome milkshake scene with the Nazi officer. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Yeah. No, it's a great it's a great choice. Obviously, yeah, you picked it because it's kind of just the fault of what you played. But it's a that's a fantastic game. So I'm not even upset with that pick. But starting with 2018, we're back with games that I actually was gaming again. These these next two years are insane.
Really good. So many great games. Let's move on. Shall we? 2018 Sean Mason. All right. 2018 the weebery continues for Sean Mason here. We got Nino Cooney to Revenant Kingdom. Now um this game is freaking amazing. I adore this game. Unpopular opinion. I like it better than the first one. It takes place in the kingdom of Ding Dong Dell. Yeah, right there. Very, very, very weebery right there. um so it just so cool it's such a cool story where um basically um like the cat family like the
the families basically like they were like emperor Ugh, anthropomorphic cats, they kind of get overthrown by the rats. The rats kind of take over, and your whole job is rallying up other kingdoms to come and help you and take back the throne. It's really cool. There's a human who gets transported from the human world into this world, and he has no idea what's going on. He's like, why am I here? His name's Roland. No, He's a really it's just so cool. cool guy. The combat's awesome. It's not turn It's-based. such a cool story where, um, basically, um, like the cat family, like the, the, the family is basically like, they're like, It's much more action-oriented. And then they have the building your kingdom and upgrading your bases. And then they have a whole...
almost like an XCOM style type of um side game where like you get to like control units and um control them like via it's like top down you control the units and you send them out to like fight other units it's really it's a pretty good game uh i really liked nino kuni too i thought the story was very Heartwarming and it hits it it gets pretty dark at certain times to the party systems really cool a lot of different cool quests Yeah, Nino Kuni to awesome game highly recommend it. It's out on every platform now. So no reason for you not to play it Great. Actually, I think it's on game pass, too. Yeah, I thought about playing it but it's great
The cutscenes are like Studio Ghibli. So he didn't make it. You know, he worked in the first game like he did the cutscenes, but they they look just like him in the second game, too. Yeah. Sean, I know this was a difficult year for you because smash bros, ultimate and octopath will come out that year. yeah but That was really tough because I was deciding between smash brothers ultimate and octopath 2018 2017 for me ultimately 2015 to like basically now has this been banger years. Mm hmm. There's like twenty fifty hours ago like, it's been insane.
I think, what, maybe 2022 is probably the slowest year because I was kind of delayed from COVID. But even then, I love 2022. I can't remember off the top of my head what came out the air, but I just remember there was like a little bit of a lull because of all the COVID delays. I know Xbox had nothing that year, I think. They had tunics. They got tunics that year. yeah yeah It was like, there's no games. But anyways, ah Hodge. Yeah. Yeah, this was like I said, this is a tough one. Like Let's Go Pikachu came out that game. I really love that game. I know a lot of people don't, but it's a remaster of the first one that I like. I love Pokemon Yellow. So having a remaster, I really enjoyed it. And then my favorite of the year is actually, once again, a collection that I'm not going to include is Spyro Reignited trilogy. I those Spyro trilogy is my one of my favorite trilogies of all time, if not my favorite.
So, uh, but yeah, I'm not gonna go with that. I'm actually gonna go with Fallout 76. Um, no, not really. I'm gonna go with God of War. God of War is, uh, it brought us back to a world that I was obsessed with growing up. The first one, like I said, is still my favorite. I love that game so much. Two and three I enjoyed a lot. They were great at the time. And so I still remember in 2016 at that PlayStation conference when you see Atreus outside, you have no idea who he is. He's just outside playing with like a toy or whatever.
and he walks inside and you see Kratos just walk from the shadows and you're just like, what? And then they show a gameplay and instead of it being kind of a top down, just action game, you' you're right behind the PlayStation, typical third person view of you're just right behind them. But the gameplay was so insane, the graphics were unbelievable. It was that one cut game where there's no cuts or to anything. You're just following it in one motion the entire game.
um The plot was amazing. There's that moment. I'm not even going to spoil it. I'm sure everyone who's played it is going to play it or everyone who's going to play it has played it. But there's a moment that's so emotional that I lost my shit when it happened. It was an amazing moment. But yeah, this game, I adore it so much. So it's definitely my favorite ah from 2018. That's non-spiral. Okay.
Yeah, God of War is a great game. I beat it as well. I thoroughly enjoyed that game as well. And I need to play Ragnarok one of these days because I haven't. It's worse than the first one, but not not by much. It's better. It's better than the first one. It's better than the first one. It's longer and has more puzzles. And I don't like those two things. The only only good thing about the fact that you don't like puzzles is Atreus solves it for you within 10 seconds or so. Guys, Hodge just doesn't like sequels. We all understand Hodge doesn't like sequels. I was actually thinking about that. I always prefer in almost every series. I prefer the first one over any of the sequels. And then Sean is always the one that he likes the latest one the most. I just I like that. I like the hater. I like he loves collections. Yeah, he likes collection. Well, hey, you know what? The only sequel is Spyro 2. Yeah. Spyro 2 is the only sequel that I prefer more than the first one.
All right, guys. it's Good games. Good games. I know you too well. I'm up now. Yes, you do. 2018. Well, there was a game that came out in 2018. A little known game that came from Rockstar. Well, I have a plan. And of course, I'm talking about Red Dead Redemption 2.
But screw that, that's not my game of the year. oh who I'm gonna call on Audible. That game was awesome, but the game that I enjoyed the most from 2018 is... but up but boom Why did I make that sound? Because it has nothing to do with it.
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is my game of the year. That's right. I'm not joking. I'm dead serious. Assassin's Creed Odyssey was my game of the year for 2018 because it was freaking amazing. That game is a masterpiece to me. It is a beautiful, scenic open world in ancient Greece.
Filled with turquoise water white sandy beaches islands mythology big statues of Poseidon big statues of Zeus you can go around and play as Sparta versus Frickin Athens and influence that war there was awesome funny side stories like the little Minotaur story Dude, it was just so good. the You get to meet like the first thespian or whatever. There's the Olympics is there. Dude, it's so good. That game is so fun. The weapons getting Poseidon's poison spear, flaming swords, Sparta kicking people off of cliffs and watching them go splat. Dude, that game was incredible. Assassin's Creed Odyssey is my game of the year by of 2018 for sure. wow But also shout out to Red Dead 2. Great game.
I was actually surprised when you said just kidding. It's not Red Dead or whatever. I was expecting you to go Spider-Man because that was your favorite one of your favorite IPs from out PlayStation. I was a game as well. Yeah, yeah I do. But Spider-Man, I didn't shout it out just because I didn't know if someone was going to say it. But Spider-Man is one of the is an amazing game. I fucking love that game. 2018, what a year. What a year. What a year. I remember 2018. I remember 2018 was like the year that people are like, we haven't had a year this good since like 2007 or whatever, like or maybe 08. I can't remember which one it is, but Yeah, I remember like 2018 was the year that where everyone's like, I can't pick a game of the year because it's so good. But Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I actually, I fell off of it, not because I didn't like it. It's just because I started it right after I beat Origins. So I did the again where I burnt myself out of the world. And so I do want to go back to it because it was a very cool setting. I love, so great I love the Egypt setting and Origins too. But ah yeah, I do want to go back to Odyssey one day, but I just haven't been able to. I'm never i'm never gonna play Valhalla though because it's a thousand hours long. Play asss play as Cassandra is my advice because her voice actor is 10 times better than the dude. I think I did. She killed it. I think I was playing as her before I fell off, but I'll go back to being her again. She's so good. She did so much emotion and and great performance from her. Cool.
Yeah. All right. 2019. I am very interested to see if Hodge and I are going to have the same pick, but we'll have to find out on this one. But we're going to start out with the Lord of Weebery. Will this be another Weeb game, Sean? What's your 2019?
Uh, this was a tough choice for me. Very, very tough choice. It is a weed game, but I will say I did. I came very close to picking the outer worlds, like really, really close. My two. Um, but ultimately I went with trails of cold steel three. Um, another trails game cold steel three really was one of my favorite cold steel games. I was my favorite trails game until I played, um, Azure and then reverie and then daybreak. Um,
Cold Steel 3 basically is like the huge turning point of the series where it gets like where usually the games like the first half of the games are really light-hearted and they get dark in the second half where Trez was Cold Steel 3 is like nope we're going dark the entire time there's a civil war going on um the main character Rean is basically being used by the government and he doesn't want to do what he's doing but he has to or else they're gonna basically I'm not gonna spoil what they're gonna do but they're gonna do something really bad if he if he doesn't do what they're doing and he's trying to do the right thing but at the same time he has that internal conflict in him like I can't do this you learn a lot more about his backstory too which is incredibly dark like a lot like it it alludes to how dark it is and then you can't even imagine how dark it actually is uh you're introduced to a brand new um cast of characters of a class set so there was in the ah in the first two Cold Steel games there was class seven and then there's a new class seven
in Cold Steel 3 and 4 and it and introduces some of my favorite characters. One guy's name is Ash, Ash Carbide. He's an awesome character and if you play Cold Steel 3 and you don't feel for Ash, you're you don't have a heart because of the stuff that he goes through in that game. But yeah, Cold Steel 3 is tremendous and um the soundtrack of Cold Steel 3 just bangs. People think that Cold Steel 3 is widely regarded as the best soundtrack of the Trails series. so Yeah, Cold Steel 3, really, really great game. But again, came down really close between Cold Steel 3 and the Outer Worlds. Also shout out to the remake of Crash Team Racing. Put like 350 hours in that game. I was in the top 100 ranked in the world in that game on online. Yeah, it was one of the only online games I played a ton of. I was in those Crash Online leagues on Discord. That was how I found out what Discord was. Yeah, absolutely adored it. 2019, great year. but What a year. Games are great.
oh Man, I hate, I hate how good these games look and sound, these Trails games, because I really, I want to play them, but it's like, there's so many games and they're so long, it's like, fuck. Dude, the Ash, the Ash, Ash's back. I'm missing out. Everything that goes on with Ash is like, it's so heartbreaking. You're killing me, Sean. I really feel like I'm missing out, man. Damn it. Dude, I'm hoping the sky, the rumor about the sky trilogy getting remade into one game, that'd be, that'd be awesome, because I could see that happening.
All right. Well, how about three games down this? That would be cool. This year was so impossible to pick because I love like there are three tens out of tens that came out this year for me. And so, but I'm going to have to go with death stranding.
ie love I this, will also almost because I had no faith in it. when it was i So as people know, I've never played the Metal Gear. I've tried playing the first one so many times, but it aged like fucking milk, so I can't ah can't do it.
and uh i'm sorry those controls are terrible they're terrible they're so bad they're so bad yeah so i i've tried so many times but so i've never cared about kojima i so when people are like oh he's making his own studio i'm like i okay that's fine and then seeing the trailers for death stranding i was like okay i don't I don't care. But then and then seeing reviews come out that there they were very mixed either people loved it or they thought it was like the most boring piece of shit ever. It's a walking simulator. And I love walking sim. So it's at fits. But this game blew me away. It's like it's not even like
The story is fine. It's not the greatest story in the world. It's the gameplay, of course, is very it is simple. It's it was made very quickly. This game, I'm pretty sure it was ah made. It was announced and then released within four years or something like that. I think it was announced 15. And so this game, I had no faith in it. And it I don't know. like It's one of those games. I've said this before. I don't know if I can like.
recommend it to people because it is such a niche like gameplay style but i just love it there's something about it it just stuck with me for so long i put about 100 hours into this game which i normally don't do with games that aren't online live service games so like i just melted into this game for so long, and I fucking loved it. ah But I was so torn between this Resident Evil two came out this year. Control and Arts, three Kingdom Hearts three, even though it's Dragon Quest 11. Yeah. I'm fucking um Jedi Fallen Order. Plague Tale Innocence came out this year. Oh, Plague Tale. Great game. Yeah. This year was so freaking good. Modern Warfare remake Apex Legends. The division. That one pretty quick. What?
Link's Awakening. like Yeah. this year too Yeah. This game, it was. I know so a lot of people love Sekiro. I'm not a Souls like player, so it's not. I can't pick that one, but it was it was such like it even it shames like even twenty seventeen or twenty eighteen to me like this year was so freaking good. So I got it. But I got it. It was so I was so torn between control and death stranding, but I have to go with death stranding because this game just came out of nowhere for me and I adore it.
It's like the first game I've ever really just went out of my way to buy like t-shirt merch for. I don't have many gaming like merch. I have a PlayStation logo shirt. But I went to the store and I bought like six freaking Death Stranding shirts. I bought the little statue, the ludza, whatever, the mascot statue. So I have all the faith in Kojima now, so I cannot wait for Death Stranding 2. And yeah, i I adore this game so much. But yeah.
Okay. Fantastic pick. Hodge, fantastic pick. um I do want to say to what you were saying, Sean, I want to give a ah hearty shout out to the Black Rock ah because the Outer Worlds was the other game that I was strongly debating. I was like, I really wanted to pick the Outer Worlds because it is a fantastic game. It's so good. It's underrated, I think. um But yeah.
as much as I love BlackRock and as much as I love the Outer Worlds, this game that I'm about to pick is just, in my opinion, objectively and definitively better. It's just a better game. And that is Death Stranding, Hodge, right here, sir, right here, this is my camera.
I love Jeff Stranding. It was so good. It is just, it is just literally a vibe. I know people say that and it's kind of corny, but this game is literally a vibe in a video game. You could, you just get transported to this world and you got these big packages on your back and you're walking through and you have to, you have to like, you know, manage your leaning and stuff and you have to control the package and you have to get it there and you have to you know, watch out for the time fall, watch out for the frickin ghosts or whatever that they were, you know, the, what were they called?
The strandings, whatever. Yeah, camera. playing Anyway, you have to watch out for them. um You know, you got to get your little spray out and spray off the rust. You know, you got to deliver those packages in pristine condition. um And as I've mentioned before, after you make a long, you know, 10, 15 minute trek to your destination and as you hone in on that destination, all of a sudden that music starts hitting it seemss and it's just so scenic and it's just so good.
Yeah, the story is awesome. The characters are awesome. The only thing that I wasn't completely feeling was the little war flashback side things where you had to play through. And I'm just like, Oh, with um this with Mads Mikkelsen's character. Yeah. Yeah. They were just odd. It gave me like weird. It gave me like Pink Floyd vibes for some reason. I don't know why that's it was that came to my mind, but I thought of Pink Floyd like the wall.
For some reason, it's kind of like some LSD stuff going on there. And I wasn't really trying to do that. I wanted to deliver my next package. But ah it was a great game. That's my game of the year for 2019 Death Stranding. I can't wait for Death Stranding 2. I'm also fairly interested for whatever it is that they're working on with ah with Xbox, some kind of narrative horror thing. I'm sure that'll be cool too. I'll play it. um So yeah. Oh, that's it. Also, another amazing game that you're anthem. so
No, yeah dude, I remember seeing the the trailer for that. I thought it looked so cool. And then there were some people was like, that looks really bad. And I'm like, what are you talking about? Iron Man, Iron Man game. Yeah. And I was like, that looks so cool. And then, of course, everyone who said it looked bad was right because it was very bad.
I love Bioware and I was like, OK, this game sucks at launch, but it'll be good. It's going to pull a destiny. It's going to pull a no man's guy when they're going to get good. They were talking about Anthem 2.0. They were hyping it up. And then years later, they were like, nah, yeah, we're canceling. And I was like, you bastard. So I never. really Yeah, it's yeah, it's a shame. But yeah, Death Stranding. Amazing.
Yeah. All right, boys. So that is it. That is our list. 2010 through 2019, our Games of the Year. Some fantastic games and a great discussion was had. um But I think that's pretty much going to do it for us here. Let's go ahead and get to final thoughts, shall we? Let's go ahead and start with you, Hodge. What are your final thoughts? Say goodbye for episode 14. A lot of great games. I don't want to end on a sour note, but and I don't want to get too deep into it, but I just want everyone to keep our friend of the show, Dustin Furman, in their prayers. Some bad stuff happened to him recently, some very bad stuff. I don't want to get into it. You can go to his Twitter and find out about it. It's a horrific thing that happened to him. but ah So just keep our friend Dustin in your prayers. But other than that, great games. And obviously, i don't yeah I don't want to end on a sour note, but I just wanted to say that because he's a good buddy of ours.
It's a fair point. I thought about ringing it up at the start of the show, but I didn't. It's just, it's such a ah horrendous, depressing, horrible thing. Um, and yeah, definitely thoughts and prayers are with Dustin. It's, it's, it's horrible and I feel awful for him. Yeah. So Sean, uh, final thoughts for episode 14, my friend.
Yeah, I know um we're just you know. We're all sending positive vibes to Dustin and Holly and the entire Furman family. um Every day, you know I'm thinking about you guys. It's it's tough. you know It's one of those things that 99% of people are not going to know what you guys go through. And you know we can say we feel bad. and we're like But we honest we don't know how you're feeling. But like you know we're sending our thoughts and prayers to you, like ah like like we all said. But yeah. um Yeah, it's a tough situation. It stinks. But, you know, hopefully things will get better. You know, things will get better. They will get better. not hopeful They will get better. But yeah, just stay strong and keep being awesome. Oh, yeah. Keep being awesome. All right. Did you have any any fun or other final thoughts that you guys had as we move out of this episode? Please clap, by the way. No, I just love the games rule. Yeah. Can we do the other decades down the road? It's going to be fun.
Yeah, we're gonna do some more decades to look wait till we do the 1970s. No Yeah, it's gonna be tough. Who's gonna who's gonna dethrone pong maybe pinballs pinball themed after Vietnam All right, boys. So my final thought is, uh, just games are awesome and I love them. So can't wait for, uh, my final thought is one more time. I'm going to give a shout out to dragon age for dragon age, the veil guard, because it's going to be game of the year for this year. Everybody go out and preorder it. Everybody play it. Thank me later. Bioware is back, baby. Mark Dara is going to save gaming. Not that it needs saving because it's in one of the best places it's ever been, except for all the layoffs.
but from a game perspective, one of the best places it's ever been. But that's been it. This has been episode number 14, games over plastic. We love and appreciate you. Thank you all for your support. Have a great day. Have a great week. Goodbye. Please love. Love you all. I like Planet Mars.