Long story short, Elko would snap at Strider, because Strider wanted to play, Elko didn't, and Strider's way of playing is very rough, and he's twice his size. And then when Elko would snap, Strider would snap back, and Strider would not end it, like and it would like we'd have to physically separate them. And it became very clear that Elko did not want to play you with Strider, but Strider didn't take the hint, and they would like go at it, and at one point, like Elko wasn't bleeding, but it was like a very solid bite that would have made me, and I was like, all right, that the they're not interacting. to get like they're not going It was always when they went outside to pee together. Inside, they were fine. But a dog that he grew up with and was raised with and played with for years, they were fighting really hard. And then I was like, okay, well, he can't hang out with other dogs now, like unsupervised or without a muscle on. And I would take him,